THE KALJOvixI frVEiNItsu II ivl ho, NA I UKDA Y, A UCt'llS I 190b BOOK THAT WHiL PLEASE NdRTH CAROLINA MASONS. Editor Evening Times: Mncauley in his famous essay has said that "History was philosophy teaching by example." Unfortunate ly what philosophy gains by sound ness and depth, the examples lose by evidences of character! This, however, cannot be said of the little book that has lately come from the press, bearing the modest title of "Beginnings of Freemasonry in North Carolina and Tennessee." Its author, Marshall Delancey Haywood, has won for himself a name for ac curacy of detail that is of itself suf ficient guarantee for the facts, glean- i Tutt'sPilk will save the dyspeptic from many days of misery, and enable him to eat whatever hi wishes. They prevent SICK HEADACHE, cause the food to assimilate and nour ish the body, give keen appetite, Ate I WANTED Boy 1 5 i in in rW n i iWANT ADSf DEVELOP ELESH and solid muscle. ' coated. i m Take No Substitute. Elegantly sugar WEATHER FORECAST. (By the Associated Press.) Washington, Aug. 4. Forecast for , iL - . f , iinniikt i"i luiugiil liiiu bull ed from the tew and poor records 'ulay. Fnir in east, showers in west portion tonight and Sunday; light to fresh to the order at his disposal. It has ever been to us a subject of strange and unmixed astonishment that an order coexistent with civilization it self, should have preserved so few and carelessly kept records of its J north of Lake Superior yesterday has rich and varied history. Numbering j moved somew hat to the east, the pres- ,n its ranks tne urigntest intellects i sure m nonlirastem imtinn of the southeast winds. The area of low pressure which was ONE CENT A WORD. $ No Ad Taken For Less Than 10 Cents. CASH MVST ALWAYS accom pany orders. 1 Watch The Raleigh Ev- j ening Times Grow. handwriting, office A. yeaTS or older Address in own B. C care this NOW ARRIVING. Chase and Hackney Pianos of which there are no better made for the price. Com plete line Organs, Sheet Music, Etc. E. P. Baker, Trade Buildiner. A speculation where your money is safe, and the only uncertainty is the amount of your profit, is hardly a speculation. This is Glen-wood. of all the learned professions men whose best thought and eflrt was freely given to its teachings, it stands alone simply a monument of charily and well doing. We find in the pages of the book before us that in the colcaial and stale history of the order names of historical in terest ,that played a part in the great events of the times. No period of our state's history is unrepresented in the order. Nor is this strange. The true Mason realizes at all times that he stands in his community for law and order, morality and virtue. That to him is committed I lie Al mighty power of example, The book is tilled with the names of men who have left records elsewhere of earn est efforts lo live up to the princt-! pies of the order. Of these the fa miliar name of Cornelius Harnet occurs, and is sufficient guarantee to every student of the state's his tory, of the high class of men, who composed the order. The historian. Francis Xavier Martin, himself member of the Masons and many names of other eminent Masons, to whom was committed the fortunes of the state from earliest colonial days appear; and prove that then, as now, in our own day, that the welfare of North Carolina has al ways hoen committed to men who could count some one or more among their associates who were members of the fraternity. Of the sixteen thousand Masons in the state, there are few. if any. who will not welcome this little hook as a genuine Contribution to Masonic literature. Never before, that we are aware of, has a work been under taken o fits scope; and we cannot too urgently recommend its acquisition upon every lover of Masonry. We have read it with profound Interest, and gladly regard it as a standard authority. WM. J. SAUNDERS; country has fallen, and the eastern high now lies central off the North Carolina coast. The high which was central in the northwest now lies cen tral over North Dakota, and an area of low pressure persists over the south west. There has been but sllnht change in. temperature accompanying these changes in barometer. Hain has fallen in most of the southern states east of the Mississippi river; also at some stations i i the North Atlantic coast, on the lakes, ami in the north ern ltoeky Mountain region eastward to the Mississippi. Till' following heavy precipMat ion, in inches, was re ported during the past 24 hours: chandler, okia., i'.tl'; arid Griffin, cia.', 4.70. The barometric conditions Indi cate fair weather in this vicinity to ll! Khi and Sunday. A. H. THTE8SRN, Section Director. WANTED Agents to sell wrapping paper and bags, a side line; agents covering territory every sixty or ninety days preferred; samples can tie earned in pocKet. .witness. Paper Dep't Tile Kemper Thomas Co., Sta H, Cincinnati, O Everything Wanted in the -b resh Meat line is always obtainable at Schwartz's. His Steaks, Roasts, Lamb and Veal are cut to the Queen's taste. You know what you get when you buy of J. Schwartz. ,'.lf. j J We Give S. H. (EL Go. 'a Green Trade Discount Stamps Free STOCK CLEARING ! WANTED To furnish you a compe tent bookkeeper or stenographer at- once. Southern Employment Association, Tucker Building. EVERY DEPARTMENT INVOLVED. Summer merchandise of all kinds are sharply price pruned. Clean sweep prices are made on all summer stuffs for quick clearance. U MILCH COWS FOR; SALE. S. C. Whltaker. Two miles north of 'town. Raleigh Phone. WANTED Amateur and Profession al Actors. Good salaries, steady positions. Write at once for infoiv niation. American Dramatic Co., Cincinnati, O. AMENDMENT AND CHARTER GRANTED. An amendment to the charter of ihe n .Granite Manufacturing Company of fraternity, jjaw 1;iVl .... (extensive cotton mills) was authorized for the Increase of tlv capital from J.lmi.noo to $7ill,000 today. A. W. Haywood is president. A charter was Issued this morning for the Mlehaei-Ghehii Manufacturing Company of l.lhiRoihton, capital fSO.tiiHb foi the manufacture of furniture. RALEIGH IS Till: CO.MINC TOWN' of the State, and (Jlenwood is the coming portion of Raleigh, no you want a safe investment, with certainty of good profit V A lot in! Glenwood. LOST Yesterday afternoon fleur-de-lis pin. Finder will return to this office for reward. LADIES' TAILORMADE SUITS. This week we venture the assertion there'll not be a tailor made Suit left. There is a fascination about half prices that brings the people out, and justly so, and in i clean sweet) sales little account is taken cf the cost Tail- or-made Coat Suits, as long as they last, and there is not enough to last a day, at such prices Half Price. NICK FRONT ROOM FOH RENT, corner person 41m! Davie streets, No. 227. I WILL DO VOI R PLAIN SEWING. Also bod,gu;its foi" sale. Come to me. Mrs. Devine, loo VY. Jones street. DO VOl NEED KELP OF A X V kind? Apply to the Southern Em ployment Association, Tucker Huilding. ! WANTED Salesmen, straight sal ary and expenses, yearly contract; goods well advertised: experience noi absolutely necessary; estab lished bouse. California Cider & Flavoring Co., l!o 134", St. Louis. Mo. 1 THE TUCHER . BUILDING . PHARMACY WILL BE RALEIGH WILL GROW MORE IX the next four years than in the past ten. Census will confirm this statement.- its greatest growth will b Northwest, Elsewhere It is blocked. Glenwood lies Imme diately Northwest of the city. WANTED- -Several salesmen at one--. Southern Employment As sociation, Tucker Building: has been rendu damages for aright t GLEN WOOD DAMAGES. Settled on Basis of Award of 25,300 Allowed by Commissioners. It is understood that a settlement od In the mat ter of t lie of way of the Raleigh & Pamlico Sound Railway through the property of the Glen wood Land Company. Officers of both companies state that the matter is settled, but the consideration is not mentioned. The agreement, however, is known to be on the basis of the award made by 1 the commissioners who heard the testimony some time ago, Messrs. Briggs. Kerrall and Maynard, and decided that tha railroad was due . the land company $25,295.34. In other wards, it appears that the ! Glenwood Company has agreed to accept that amount and the railroad to pay it. Both sides have Withdrawn their appeals and agree to let the-' award stand. The Glenwood Land Company yes terday paid a 25 per cent, cash divi- ! dend to its stockholders. ! Our Store next to Capitol will be closed. HICKS' GLENWOOD 1 iiing. IS THE REAL. REAL FREE MEDICINE AT HICKS DRUG Store Tuesday. Watch for an nouncement Monday. A HOME IN RALEIGH? Yes, some time if not now. Then secure a corner lot on Olenwood Avenue, seventy-five feet front. Ready when you need it; a profit if you sell. MEN AND GENTLEMEN; I have just receive! the "Swellest" and most fashionable line of woolens that has ever been displayed in this section of "North Carolina City," and I would be move than glad to have you call at my sump tuous offices. ;; 1 ;: ys Kavetteville street, and sit awhile with me. look over my line, and 1 think it quite likely that you will find something that will strike your fancy. After you have chosen the goods from which you want a suit or an overcoat made, then 1, in my intelligent and correct way, take your measure, "write a brief description of your life, etc., send same to the House, and have you a made-to-measure garment, for fit and tailoring is equaled by few and "excelled by none." Bob Haynes, The Hammerless Tailor. 313. Fayetteviile street, over Woollcott's. BIGGIES AND CARRIAGES AT Great Kbdiution. in order to make room for Haggles, Wagons, etc., to arrive. I will for the next thirty days sell vehicles at reduced prices. This is your opporuniy to buy a bargain. Call and be con vinced. Mention this add, Frank Stronach., 219, 221 and 22.1, Wil mington street. Drug Stores .0 Lots inGlenwood? Cars, Wa ter, Sowers, Cement Side walks, trees. Nothing like , hese liits in Raleigh; nothing like them at the price auvwhere. EVERYBODY DELIGHTED. Small Lots Patapsco Superlative Flour Ground From New Wheat One-quarter Barrel Sax $1.50 One-eighth Barrel Sax 80c. It is Sweet and Delicious. ALL 'PHONES. D. T. JOHNSON fa SON 10 EAST HARGETT STREET. Ncwbro's Herpicide Destroys the Dandruff Germ and Prevents Bald ness. Quinine and rum and a whole lot of other things, are pleasant to rub on the scalp after washing it five. of dandruff, but not one preparation o fthe general run cures dandruff Olid falling hair. It is necessary to kill that germ, to be permanently ' cared of dandruff, and to stop fall ing hair. Newbro's Herpicide will positively destroy that germ, so that j there can be no more dandruff, and so that the hair will grow luxuriant ly. "Destroy the cause, and you will remove the effect." Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., De troit, Mich Henry T. Hicks & Co., Special Agents. It Chopping Made ILasy FOR BUSY HOUSEKEEPERS. See South Window for the "Best of all" White Enamel Cooking nsils. See North Window for lots of little needy tilings around the house. Also Hammocks, Lawn Swings, Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers, Jelly Glasses LOST -A Blue and White St. Mary's Oak Leaf Pin. Reward if returned to this office. IT'S ,11 ST AS EASY TO PROVIDE for the three daily meals if you simply ring up Terrell and tell llitti your troubles. His stock of delicacies and table supplies is at its best in August and quickest de livery in town. Geo. S. Terrell. ! EVERYBODY'S DRINKING VADE Mccnm Water. Keeps you well. Makes the weak strong. At Hicks' Drug Stores. If you need a good general office man or "book-keeper. address Box 73. i THE BEST THING IN TOWN My hat-cleaning preparation. Let me clean, your hat for you. Eugene McDonald, at The Tucker Drug Company, Inc. The Marked Down Goods. Clearing Tables are conveniently arranged in every department of the Store, but an enumeration of the ar ticles would more than lilt our snare. Short lines, remnants, odds and ends, Ctc, Easy to sec. Easy to choose. Easy to buy. Ladies' Ready-to -Wear Hats Al itlte line Ladies' Dress and SI reel -wear Hats arc now but a frac tion of their former values. Heauy-to-wcar Hats from $1.00 to S.t..-t for 40c. Hats from Our Own Work Rooms. Wilm s from $2,00 to $5.00 for $1.0') Dress Hats from $5.00 to $10.00 now priced .., $2,50 Shapes half price and less. White Goods and Fabrics. Printed All Hie fancy White Weaves mid printed Musi Ins for Dresses, Skirts and Waists are to be swiftly Cleared, Peremptory orders have been given to clean up the stock, and nothing acts so well as the Sharp I'rice-cut remedy. Water-proofed Rain Coats Every woman taking an Trip, either tO the Seaside i lam lops, wants a stylish proof, Ctttvenettetl Coat. They are an essential protection that every-j body can afford, even at our regular; low prices. Staple all the year round, Corsetting Women. No place offers better facilities for perfectly fitting Corsets to any form -bin, medium or Stout with the. most desirable ami trustworthy linesi to draw from, and an "expert fitter" to .verve you, whjr should we not please yoa. We sell tlie La Grceqiio Corset, Cotton's In visible Lacing Corsets, Warner's Rust-proof Corsets and R. .V G. Cor sets, and 1'Vrrjs Waists. Fifty or more styles and at all prices, from "' to . $7.o0 Ladies' Patent Leather Ox fords. Ladies' lost quality Patent Leather Kid Oxfords. Pour up-to-dat sljlcs to select from. With medium or large eyelets for Ribbon Liecrs. Four up-to-date- styles, $S.OO qualities. All Out in"' sizes, marked dow n to $2.30 f Moun-I ladies White Canvas Oxfords, plain shower- ov Embroidered Vamps, re duced to $i.r.o Men's Fine Shoes. Tin ner's $0.00 Patent Lent her Vici Kid or Box Calf, High Cut Shoes for I but to add spice to the variety one rack of Rain Coats uto clipped of all, their rightful profits. $1.00. iuiiier's .$5.00 Vic! Kid or Patent Leather Oxfords for S:5.50 r HAVE PLACED A NEW AND EI'LL stock of groceries in house adjoin ing the North Side Drug Store and I solicit the patronage of the peo ple in this part of the city. Motto, SQUARE DEALING. Emit Jars and Rubbe ILL MACHINE SHOPS SHOULD keen Vick'a Turtle Oil ready for emergency i will relieve the pain and cure quickly every time. 2."ic. at Pescud'a Drug Store. SELLING OUT ODDS AND ENDS IN CLOTHING We are reducing our Summer Stocks of Clothing and Furnishings to the lowest minimum preparatory to the reception of our new Fall Stocks, and PRICES ARE CUT TO THE CORE To make lively buying in dull August. At the figures much of the Apparel is marked there should be no hesi tancy in your buying a Suit of Clothes, extra Pants, Shirts, or anything you may need in w earables, even for next Summer's use, for prices will hardy ever again be made so low for dependable goods. CROSS & LINEHAN COMPANY FKOMPT ATTENTION TO ALL MAIL ORDERS.' 1 WAN TED Trade Drug Store. at North Side' ALWAYS COME FIRST TO The J. D. Riggarv Co. LIS Fayetteviile Street. TWO REPUBLICAN CONVENTIONS HERE, i Mr. Frank D. Jones of Gulf, who was here yesterday, announced that aa chairman he had called the republican convention of this consressional district to meet here Wednesday, AugTist 15, and nominate a candidate for congress. Col. 'John Nichols, chairman of the sixth district judicial district, has also called that convention to meet here at the same time and nominate a candi date for solicitor. .DON'T TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT. Try us and see. Eureka Laundry. Stay at Home and Keep Your Health by drinkintr Pinnacle Malt Extract Yoa don't ned a health resort. No mattcrnow hot. humid or enner vatinjrthe weather fa, this tonic conveys exactly tha food properties needed, and in such form that they readily enter the system, imparting strength and health, driving out lassitude and all tht languid. good-for-nothing" feeling coming from too much Wvrk tad too littie nutrition "JET THE GENUINEI XHfi NSW SOUTH brewery & ics CO, (lac.) Middic&boroueh, Ky, Ashevillc Wine, Liquor and Soda Water Co., Aeheville, N. C, Distributors. . ' . : FINE FAR.1I FOR SALE Contain ing 300 acres, 1 miles from de pot; 175 acres cleared and in fine state of cultivation; iya million feet pine timber. Some fine past ure lands. Modern dwelling, 2 stories, 9 rooms, and all necessary out buildings. Price reasonable. Call on or address S. R. Flowers, Real Estate Dealer, Clinton, N. C. STUART'S FIRST CLASS RESTAV rant, open night and day. I have this day opened to the public a restaurant .which I wiJJ conduct in j such a manner as to win the pat-1 rouage of the people. Give mo a call when you want to do justice j to the inner man. J. Holton Stuart, Stronach Building, corner Wilmington and Davie streets. FOR SALE A pair of setter pup pies; thoroughbreds; apply quick to this office. FOR FIRST CLASS BOARD APPLY 106 East North Street. Modern Conveniences; half block car line. TO MERCHANTS The Neuse River Mills can furnish for immediate delivery a few bales of 4 yard 4Sx52 sheeting 10, 20, 30, 40 and GO yard lengths. In interested address thlg office. Neuse River Mills, Raleigh, N. C. FRESH FISH EVERY DAY at W. J. Moore's. "All Phones." , i WASH AT THE EUREKA. WANTED A good, honest, reliable boy, who has had some experience in a drug store and desires to learn Pharmacy. No smoker want ed. Address, "Pharmacy," care of Evening Times. FOR SALE, HOUSE AND LOT. All modern conveniences. Will sell either furnished or unfurnished. For particulars apply to 419 South East Street. AT PRICES FOR QUICK SELLING. FOURTEEN LADIES DRESS HATS: FOR RENT- house with of capitol. Tucker. -Desirable six-room stables, three blocks Apply, Mrs. F. P. FOE RENT Choice room, facing Capitol; - suitable for office or tailor shop. Furman Betts. A. B. STRONACH COMPANY CLEARING SALE PRICES, $2.00 to $2.50 for $2.50 to $3.50 values. Newest styles in Ladies' Kid (Jlazc. Kid and Pat ent Leather Gibson Ties, Oxfords ,and JShicherettes. Sizes 2 1-2 to 5. QUICK SELLING PRICES. Misses and Children's Ties, Sandals and Slippers at yonr price. ' Six Lawn Waists. Two Linrti Suits, Two White Lawn, Suits, Four Linene Skirts. Headquarters for Trunks, Suit Cases, Hand Bags at Popular Prices. A. B. STRONACH CO. Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes. FAYETTEVTLLE STREET and WILMINGTON STREET.