mm THE 9kJMHm EV O TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUG rT 13, 1906L IT I Wtl HYDE GODim EPfflEMC Pnn SEEK NO i ami! limpaar nw aire wfet Tie litiuFnuj.iis sttru-. t - Bras 1 for ii YOU HAVE IT HERE! Three Urn Takn, On if isststaf Veterinarian , wiii til y or mm t Hi. 1 nffltflS 9 F Hit. BV Ull.ll nr Ulfclll ; - ' n I II A 111 III aMIIIMt w aaafmmaa i i rita-'irv'inrnrraanir- Them His Own ; IN IUUGST CaTCTf fi- IN ElOHT HOCK DAT FIGHT. OD ttlB SMOB Pema L " c :'- isxTc besa The Kiad Y'a Hare A.'.":.-- Boawggt, SfflK Wait Las feoea fa me for rer90 ; esj baa be ggnstei of aaag ifc2 a indV r hi ;er- jr ' - t imar. Ifaf'tUcfitK xzave a 9 o. . I J J e G lartiu-s. All CwoBterfei"-, laxSlaiioa and J mi " & KTaertawrat tiai trifl a-fta adircrr the Iwslth or laJaata a lid Chifciroa Kxperifc-ioe against ilzperiizeat. What is CASTOR I A Carafe, ts a IaniiJ; wJHUdlle for Castor 00, Paregoric-, lru; a.-t fttraUac Sjri f t" yUstmuU II raatuiao istliiwr OffboOf Morphia nor other ar"otS" jteCin it If; a:; . Fj its ftai&U, It;.'. Worn: and a!iar FeriWtoe it ettrs Diarrhoea tad wf . Colie. It r 3'Ji T xtf.-.'n- ' n... , c'.r.r Cori-i-patio!: s.d f1tmmc)' It .'';.- lac Fmd, r-milaw-Sionua-b arid itww.I, ."f----.:thy aj.-d mtatal -: . . Tao CUldr:ii' rmm- Mothers Friend. Q EriUIN E CASTORIA ALWA- Bears ihe Signature of vocii i Mr- Tao E-iM?- Froaa tiw Katf- of tar ; By tie Aj PreaaJ Mao4erat Uadauta By RUn Cnlllil Inattjlll . j Lmii Froai tae BaOMjag iai Him Bjwrts cf e:- am ml mM i H ma of tte da i-i - ad cttm Sa tta 'raee for ti Et-j- bj wmad it I . . la Jt i IMpI todaj-- 77- t tkat of tb gii! - . - for wkit-1 a - v aid ta Bttt i . Then 3oa;er Ci.' ; BhI mWb$M ? wma, After l-. axt aee-t3ap ;" c r Bjomd Brm Jf wwiianafw r.-norrow. The 7 umty w m m par- ,1 ' - Heine Th 14JO Hx" H:v BHinit Arc Bar. m w C'TiTintj. ban A -Scsi--"r Cjuo4 Hot frojUmMy By Fuca Or Moald In FL AH UE.IC ACID DESTROYER EstUtAr bt trccii ii:t.. i...".-J: c' ;. r A peorartW Mate PENN RHEUMATISM CURE A. .liilrt Prx-. &CEti nlfiTw imrtk-. VTiiem y-Ti juflt trv a a am 4 WfflBai pm. .rT.F. Fr':i t ? nt- liiOt .. . . Art'., a ... wo totnaaapa Laac ljiadii: tai .:vj.:1l .rj Hycfe ctty. o a.Tj tic . . ... iF. Va ni wyir.p'l'jrT ijjMMUiltjf bad bets iitilwu i T'-ia:- ff'suina tap t hi . . ; ;. aeep . awicb jf-.'.i! T.-i-d:?' badblafe .-tea : .wtM jx juf. k -ca frcro txbi. . j iwk lSgBd Fi'ai mi i I a iW-iataia ra. 'Baraw u Irtabt.? FOR WINTER RESORT To Get Raieinb a Special Rate Lis! er.-o-rz t -Karc. aafi If tbc-arr.: ' vrpE; frc-rr. Jasfa or nld ia B at ".? tr. Kfrtwrts sty? .-t f..-:'y tjbe fi?i -.f bi.-.iJ .for- ttai ; ;-ra.ovk:a;.:- rslb3 ly tb .liaua j 4 -aat te cajs t';t3hicjj tttavaar IM sal 'zr trB.5-3s3 t. ' ibe it4 i.rS ia tbt jaitas. Xfcu' tbsr cwscla. BEWARE OF SUBSTITTJTION AJfD CURE ALLS IT IS AN DfSULT TO YOITR INTELLIGENCE iifc'.l ht Lis of 7Tfim5jR. a or ar.y -f tb drssj-;? n-Uro-3 bti LIST OF PENN REMEDIES S5c30a-r. tiiOfif ara nai ;-r i aiootb tre12l . is t ranJy ratijaau car kfieaTi. Aiy Tra5- .i: r.s3 Til' ys ib". Citarrb ca : -area hy .TtibaTittna ac4 catttaa. if. ao r3 '' tTat aaaoailJ b The Kind Yon Ha?e Mways Bought to people m m tm In Use For 30 Years. AUGUST CLEARING SALE August 13 to 18 Tremendous Reduction In All Summer Goods SEE OUR HAND BILLS ALSO Elbow Length Black Silk Gloves $1 a Pair William Woollcott 311 and 313 Fayetteville Street ,vi". Ojoaittaiieal i;..r. v.; -: Paupe.) Utie': of tcd'-a f'r - . : .-. Uwasfc ca5 r.-'J t( '.h.- v"';i -' ajrtOt...; "Tt aw a6Urf '::. ibair; -aBfaaaa ot hariaa ::!J (Jla -..-.r.? ibrWaTt. can rrfcajly add bs rtifija; -f SfaMlWp amd ibu -n'ajl lawHif, f. ti m. 1 aujk dj ' i4(IAr til ih. aiat 4ail!y a.-.i .is publfsa this? awidraaa: atod Mi rit tronr Vditoriai. ijljr.g Or, tbetr liw.-I' .'aiHMM 'Itl rriiarr.airiirir .tjba 1 hiivi-';.'." :n (r) j.-'5 kbd tti ln-w- tf .ffj"-r. Vjh HvsJ ar.S m!H tar'. ar,'i. thtrsrf'jrir iil oft -ibfiB'fc Ji'MP m In roy ejforiaV to imiritatn pestf and j1.'W. giv.jj? ui tht Tiame of iav.- To Ad-rti- T ' bf Sr-nt at ' if i- Hi ( mniBiMfat to lninK a be r Ic;;!t a". : -insU r of C -a?', nigtit wbti ea was Jastru i ' in M-:r lllTO: s WIS! ror:. o aa - Two "SKidoo" ! - would to tre-t r.,; .'-..rf'v-": aaaaa' ssyataaa ajr la i.:d. rte;-. J Eally. wlu'ati''Tjany ar ii-.g i.-. Italrigt.. ofkie their physical and moral WjiMirt, and If TTK."tal rcan ac-omplinh mjch an nd I shall and will enforce life law. jan'l prMct a!l citizens." that Raleigh u ' ar-jid'J books tfc ' , Hofioa acd Sev V cities. If Ra!t:L- 'he railroads ' tickets for the : ; 'ourists who po jncletnect mon : -This action of Mr. James H J ' Ki?es is chairrr.:.:. , ' onnaittee. Th resigna;:' ; Phillips, who h&-- ! ! -ary of the. Or- Commerce, aa- .i"er of taaaaKinz ; left to a special I of President Jet Webb, John C. Dr j bin and Judge T I ' committee will rc-: c I meeting of tb i Notices are . :. ' ' - ' : -. . .:. - 'j' jr. 'fa .V;ci ;e -X' :rs;c-: S. of :'r,.-.w:r.'er mih i the or. m v.kt. Mr, Sner'ao':-1 of. ! ae- -ymlroid S-r -etar: R. M rrooWes c j i. reft aifc asi 'rtsloe food .".-..rj- 5 fr rr. f.rf. I'lR'. T-.'. -r. .- 7: -. Soui the a'-'.-'aias wat not a ajigSty j:,v. fc", jiV.?,:-. itr.'Palj.itatiob-of tac r. . Mr.- Godwin was a.itil on and said - rt4 f-c Clrv. land th. Brat ttaM rr.X.V Kir-NKT ANT tiTVHR TAB. h, and not'- !:ar th'-rBfter "as Ll' -4 ' iaar ivv abd. Trpic; Sorry hr done it." iihd promiaed never 'L;- , i 1" -u- H h?. Tired. V.-.r. ;jo.-vote for any sucn man aisaa nf - had t-.:. irrcucht VI in a de-iocrat:-; fn- ftahivy aav ' .".i.v and tlait shv fltd viiiJ of lh- f.t av.d iinib?-, etc. Pri;. 50c PEXX CHEI -. .r;..s,i. v!3 Jcdr.JA. Kitr.s. , ; rssiwm JlSTBBS rata axx .- h appUed to ;he bstk ot cbm. fsxx 'X:r.TrO'X ci"p.e a.-. ' "' : ; ; t'.. . r..-jfb"jy n tbe bnwels, ;' s ; . r arrtoiie: abaalimly If y.vj -js .i PIZXX REMKDT yets r.;i f-x: ataiMiial that you are tak'.njr a h'.r. .-t. r--;iabJ? ' rrwJIcino. Ona r i, j by . n. ted pbyxaVcaia and mtV ir.e romejies. Pull Line of Penr. Pemedies On Sale at i' j y ufj.; h.m. lie lia a fath,r nj -. 5 B :awyer. a.pd aWd on. " - i . ' i- Kir.r. Th- Tokr PTOK Bteka . RotMBrt i:.i:n.r Phar.-i-jicy. .:- cess'' iaEitle ( oc 61 Br wn. Alex. Do1 - BRAND NW GOODS 3 Womack. rT to a sub'j ;rd of dire, tc being se:.t bis ! COMPANY'S PLAN TO REAP DOUBLE FARES. GLENWOOD LOTS NOW ON SALE CAR LINK, CITY WATER, SEWERS. CONTRACT FOR GRANOLITHIC PAVEMENTS NOW BEING LET. All ncccaaary restrictions against nuisances and objectionable sur rodtullngs. Wide alley behiad '.very lot. Prices $400 to $HOf per lot of 30 feet frontagP- Terms 1-4 cash; bal ance in three payments with interest. Three lots with dwellings ready for occupancy. Price $1,000 each for mo; $l,U0O for third. The lots now offered are situated in the Deveretu Grove. Persons interested can see maps in the office of the company in the Tucker Building or in the offices of any of the stockholders, to-ait: A. !$. ANDREWS, JR., G. H. ANDREWS, 3. H. ANDREWS, W. 3. ANDREWS, A. I. MURRAY, R. T. GRAY, JXO. W. HINSDALE, DR. 3. R. ROGERS, T. S. FULLER, JAMES H. POF, Raleigh, N. C. EDWARD W. POU, Smitbfield. GLENWOOD LAND CO. ALBERT L. MI'RRAV, Manager, Etc, 504 Tucker lildg., Raleigh, N. C. (By tbv Ai-w-iateI Press.) New York, Aug. 15. A unique I!an to meet 'he conditions which have arisen over the refusal of many passengers on the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company's lines to pay a double fare to Coney Island, will be put in practice i,y the company today. Heretofore the principal difficulty I has been experienced on the trolley cars which cross the single fare limit Most of these cars have been with drawn and today passengers who de sire to visit Coney Island will be com pelled to Travel the entire distance ir. elevated trains or to transfer from BUrface ars to the elevated at the single fare limit. Ir i- on 'he elevated trains thnt the n'ea Ndn will be inaugurated. These trains will be in two sections. Pas sengers v 7o express a willingness to pay the double fare will be placed in the forward cars, while those who protest against the second payment will be placed in cars at the rear. It is the plan of the company to make a canvass of the train immediately after leaving the single fare limit line and when this is complete to cut off and sidetrack the cars containing those who refuse to make a second payment. ihe eollerrion W-the dues for next j year. The fiscal year ends Septem ber IT. f ar made an a;: 'rriation jsedlmmedia- y ir. adver h a? a tobacc- a:ket. and the appropr. tiotl of "ditioned upon the raising for a lik- : jr; This atjMj; . ' bv .jrh's tobuC'Xi market bet pulling time, but tvtrything was as quiet as possible. He had beard Gov ernor Glenn make a powerful prohi bition speech and declare that a man : TO : : : The ' tl " ising NLIVEN DOLL AUGUST ELIZABETH COLLEGE AND CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. CHARLOTTE, N. C. A HIGH GRADE COLLEGE FOR YOUNG WOMEN. TEACHERS Experienced teachers from leading American and Euro pean Universities and Conservatories. BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS Fireproof building. Park campus 30 acres overlooking city. College plant $330,000.00. SEPARATE BUILDING for Conservatory of Music and Faculty of Specialists who trite- all their time to Music. Special attention given to Art and Expres sion. Catalogue, Views and information fnrnis CHAS. B.'KTNG,-President, hrd on application. RALEIGH : SAVINGS : BANK JOHN T. PULLEN, President. CHARLES ROOT Cashier. Deposit over $050,000, and this bank has paid out to depos itors about 9150,000 In interest FEB CENT INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE AND APPROVED COLLATERAL. f the com y was rr.a gne, and -ts. Parh -.r rmers' XA'a Pou of th' that the 'pen neg" nd Pamlic view of o 1 insure a o grown .' to the R!.:- s.iid. ' F';,.l it was the hsd been With the delenaiaal ... 1 . . ,. : .. r .. . .. Oliu i.ismit,..- i"r :i ayvt i many spirt and p:sn i those wibi : to anlwai ,rks Sound R r , lining si th mark- Pou, FOREST FIRES RAGE; MANY ARE HOMELESS ,". v. Gayer, hnston. Jar . Batterwhiti y; at large The comm e ior the con len chosen, as, yuiity and one H. T. Chapin: Nash. Mack eg D. P.'.rker; ; Wake. Claj- j. c. Standi ttee organized aji. and W; G. .Vssociate.1 Press.) !inn.. Aug. 15. Se res are burning fit ll of hjjr,-. Much .ia een done. Many se reed to aband. ave lost most "f their :J animals are invading 'he village. their PAPER MILLS SINK IN HEAPS OF ASHES. (Bv the Associated Press.) Ypsilanti, Mich., Aug. 15. The Superior mills of the Ypsilanti Pa per company, located a short dis tance outside of the city limits were practically destroyed by fire early to day. The loss is about $100,000, fairly well insured . The mill em ployed eighty hands and had been working day and night. It manufac tured sulphite fibre paper. BRYAN AND PARTY OFF FOR MADRID. (By the Associated Press.) Paris. Aug. 15. William J. Bryan and his party left Paris today for Madrid. FHREE HURT IN CRASH ON AN ELECTRIC LINE (By the Associated Press.) hagrin Palls, .. Aug. 15: A special r on tie- I'i'-veland & Eastern Elec e road carrying 55 passengers, eol ith a m'lk ear while running a' rate "f speed near here today. In the serious injury of at east three p l-sons. Daniel Plowman, motormsn on the milk car, was badly ind perhaps fatally hurt. Miss Grace Dodge ,.f Auburn. "Ohio, and Mrs. Irwin of Troy. Ohio, received injuries more or less serious. ;ided c high I resultin STRIKE MAY CUT OUT PHOTOS OF CANDIDATES. (By the Associated Press.) Chicago, August 15. The familiar campaign poster bearing the face of the political candidate may be a scarce article in the coming campaign owing to the spreading Of the lithographers' strike yesterday. Many plants where the pictures are made have closed down while others may be compelled to do The Greatest Headache Cure BROMO-PEPSIN fl'pCC Headache, Indi vlmCJ gestion. Insomnia, Nervousness. in the Spot. No Opiates. Absolutely Harmless. All Druggists' 10, 25 and 50c Immediately after the congressional convention had adjourned. Commis sioner Nichols called to order the con vention of the sixth judk-ial district, and designated A. J.' Barefoot, chair man. Mr. Barefoot is republican nomi nee for the senate for the district com pruing Johnston, Harnett and Samp son. The business at hand was the nomi nation of a candidate for solicitor. J. F. Dobson, former postmaster at Goldsboro, nominated ex-Judge V. S. O'H. Robinson. The nomiBatlntl was Seconded by J. D- Parker of Johnston, and on the hitter's motion the nomina tion was made by acclamation. It was decided after several motions and amendments that the executive committee should consist of two mem bers from each of the four counties Wake. Johnston. Harnett and Wayne, and one at lprge. The fo'lovlng were chosen: J. W. Harden and H. P. Harrell of. Wake; S. CI. Pate and S. O. Holmes of Wayne; J. B. Holland and J. M. Coats of Har nett; H. F. Feeden and Doc Stevenson of Johnston, and John Xlchols at lirge. The committee organized with John Nichols chairman, and Assistant Post master J. B. Leonard secretary. Berry Godwin, the candidate for con gress nominated today bjj the republi cans of this district, is'si farmer and merchant, 40 years of ajjft ja, native of Johnston couny, where be has lived all his life. He has been successful In business at Pine Ivl. aiul Is a man of some means. In 1S05 he was a can didate for register of deeds of his county. He has been active In local politics for several years, and is popu lar in the county. lion to always be first i;i displaying: fads rason we si r: the fall trade NOW with n lines that v-ill be hailed with delight by l!i-t the coming f.til In the lat;-st and most approved rontons.. Here an- snte of t!i'.. pew j;'Hds: NEW SILKS New PlaW Silks (or fall waist. New Figarcd Silks (or fall shir; w.;it suiis. New st-.'xk of the very N-st ;51 Inch BlarK T.:nct.;s. NEW WOOLEN GOODS Yew line ol oils. all shades. New line cf Mohairs. New line of S:Tp'. New line of Gray Mivtnr;--. We also have ;t new st ck ol Litres iilttl ttlhVvt'rs; New Ginghanis f.r fall P . -- New D'.l Spreads from 81.00 to S:;.ro. MONEY SAVED ON OXFORDS. Remember we can save yon inoney on Oxtonls ii wo hnve your site, HONTER BROS. & BREWER COMPANY Second door north Gicrseli's Restaurant. WE GIVE TRADING STAMPS. BAPTIST UNIVERSITY FOB WOMEN Take a day off and enjoy the sea shore at Wrightsville Beach, August 25th. Great one-day excursion is the Tabernacle. Fare only $2.25. Miss Jessie Davis, who made such a splendid name ns teacher of children while here, will lie in charge of the Primary Department again next session. The Violin Department will be under the direc tion of an accomplished gentleman. The Normal Department will be opened next session in charge ;f Miss Mary K. Applewhite, who will be aided by three able assistants. A regular Teachers' Course will be given. Miss Sue Porter, who was elected under the high roc omendntion of Superintendent J. Y. Joyner, will have charge of the Intermediate Grades, thus insuring continuous and complete prepara tion for our College Classes. The other Departments will all lie well manned and will continue the excellent work hitherto done in the Institution. For further information address R. T. VANIM, President, RALEIGH, N. C. 7 a