3 THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES, THURSDAY, A UGUST 16, 1906. WEATHER FORECAST. (By the Associated Press.) 'Washington, Aug. 16. Forecast for North Carolina (or tonight and Friday: Fair tonight; local rains Friday, light variable winds. The pressure is 'high in the eastern portion of the country, with the center of high pressure over New England ; the pressure is also high in the northwest. In the remainder of the country, low pressure prevails, with the lowest read- (ol. lngs in the southwest. Light showers fell in the Southern States east of the EVERYBODY'S DAY IN STATESVILLE. (Special to The Evening Times.) Statesvllle, N. C, August 16. Satur day, September 1, which is "Every body's Day" in Statesville promises to be a day of much amusement and pleasure. The old Confederate veterans will have a reunion; the participants in the Spanish-American War are billed a reunion on that day; balloon as censions, merry-go-round, ocean wave, Mississippi. At Oklahoma 1.20 Inch of ,"'Ie race. shows-both day and night- rain was reported, and light showers and various and sundry other things to occurred at Palestine, El Paso and amuse. There will probably be floats Kansas City. The skies are partly Dy the different business establish- cloudy in the east and generally clear ments. A general good time is ex In the west. During the past 24 hours pected tne temperature cnanges have been un- WANT AD. COLUMN. LOST A large cameo pin with gold band. Finder will be liberally rewarded if returned to this office. 8-15-tf THE BEST PEACH CREAM. man Betts. Fl R- COMPETENT TYPEWRITER 1E- slres copying. Terms reasonable. Miss G., care Raleigh Evening Times. important. The following high max! mum temperatures were reported yes terday: 94 degrees at Huron, Salt Lake City, Wlnnemucca, and San Antonio; 96 degrees at Havre and Shreveport; 98 degrees at Miles City; and 100 degrees at Phoenix. The weather in this vicin ity will be fair tonight, and there will probably be rain Friday. A. H. THIESSEN, Section Director. Temperature Yesterday. Raleigh 84 Portland "2 Boston 76 New York 82 Philadelphia 82 Washington 84 Richmond 84 Norfolk 84 Hatteras 86 Asheville 86 Wilmington 84 Charleston 86 Augusta 88 Savannah 88 Jacksonville 88 Tampa . . . Jupiter ... Key West 88 The best time to go to the Sea shore will be on the Tabernacle ex cursion August 25th over the New Short Route of the Raleigh & South port Railway via Fayejtteville and thence over Coast Line. There will be no change of cars and a good trip is assured all who go. Round trip only 2.25. RE-ARREST OF ALLEGED TOOL OF SYNDICATE. (By the Associatd Press.) New York, Aug. 16. Charles C. Browne, the convicted federal silk examiner who was ordered released from the state's prison at Sing Sing on Tuesday upon a writ of habeas corpus issued by Judge Hough of the United States circuit court, was re-arrested as he stepped from the prison and arraigned befors Judge Hough. Bail for his trial upon an indictment yet pending against him was fixed at $30,000 and he was temporarily committed to the Tombs prison. Judge Hough intimated that the government believed Browne a member of or a tool of a syndicate an dhe thought the bail should be fixed at a high sum. There is a Tremendous Cheat In Rubber Goods. BI T IF YOC BUY THE KANTLEEK brand you will certainly and posi tively get the best Water Bottles, Fountain Syringes, Face Bugs, Ice Caps, Etc., made today. We are agents for "Kantlock" goods. Hlf Drus IllUYJ stores FOR RENT Desirable rooms at 117 Fayetteville street. Water and lights frnished. Inquire on second floor at same number. WANT AD. COLUMN FOR SALE Drv Oak and Pine Wood, by O. T. Simpklns. Inter state 'Phone. FEET SORES? FUCKETT'S FOOT Ease is your friend. At Drug Stores. CHOICE ROO.M FOR RENT, facing Capitol. Furman Betts. ONE GOOD SECON D-H AND IRON Safe for sale. Write E. K. Lesson, Raleigh, N. C. CtJT MY HAND BADLY WITH A tin can; ugly wound. Applied Vick's Turtle Oil, which healed it without soreness or scar. 25c. at Pescud's Drug Store. ONE IXH.LAR REWARD FOR ANY wound or cut which VieU's Turtle Oil will not heal without suppera tion or scar. 25c. at Pescud's Drug Store. A SEWING WOMAN RAN A needle through her finger, applied Vick's Turtle Oil and got relief at once. 25c. at Peescud's Drug Store. Everything Wanted in the Fresh Meat line is always obtainable at Schwartz's. His Steaks, Eoasts, Lamb and Veal are cut to the Queen's taste. You know what vou eet when you buy of J. Schwartz. FOR SALE A lot of Furniture, in use only three months. Having no further use for same, will sell at a bargain. Address W, care Times. We Give S. H. (EL Co.'s Green Trade Discount Stamps Free COMPETENT typewriter desires copy ing. Terms reasonable. Miss G., care Raleigh Evening Times. Pl'CKETT'S FOOT EASE relieves all aliment of feet. At Drug Stores. PRUDENT BUYERS PROFIT BY THE CLEARANCE SALE A little money goes a long ways when the Price-Axe falls so heavilv on all Summer Goods. There's wisdom in taking the loss. There's economy for the buyer who pockets the savings. Thrifty buyers take advantage of the extraordinary values for future needs. Prices of Glenwood Lots are unchangeable (except that after 50 lots sold prices will increase.) But if you will build immediately we will vary terms to suit y our convenience, even to ex tent of waiving cash pay ment or helping to obtain loan. If you wish to build at once see us. Glenwood Land Co., A .L. Murray, Manager, Raleigh, N. C. BIGGIES AND CARRIAGES AT Great Reduction. In order to make room for Buggies, Wagons, etc., to arrive, I will for the next thirty days sell vehicles at reduced j prices. This is your opporuniy to buy a bargain. Call and be con vinced. Mention this add. Frank Stronach, 219. 221 and 223, Wil mington street. ANOTHER PRICE CUT. Arrangement in the Millinery Department. In some cases the Trimmings, in others the Frames, a lour, is worth more ilian the price asked; others don't pay for the making: Huts up to 9.50 for 40c. Hats up to $3.50 for 08c. Hats up to 1)15.00 for $1.50 Hats up to $7.50 for $2.00 Hats up to $10.00 for $2.50 Hats up to $12.50 for $:l.00 THE SUDDEN DEATH OF CAPT. JOHN' LINDSAY. (Special to the Evening Times.) Salisbury, N. C, Aug. 16. Capt. John Lindsay, a native of Scotland, and one of the best known men in the county, died this morning at his home on South River, nine miles in the country, after an Illness of les; than a day. He was reading yester day afternoon when he foil uncon scious to the floor, paralysis of the brain being the cause. His age was seventy-five. He came to America fifty-four years ago on an eloping marriage tour. He leaves a wife and four children. Trade in Base-ball Men. (By the Associated Press.) Portland, Ore., August 16. Pitcher William Essick and Catcher Larry Mc Lean of the Portland base-ball team have been sold or traded to the Cincin nati National League club. The deal was concluded yesterday. It is not stated what the exact terms were. DRUGGISTS MI ST BE CHARY. They Sell AH Kinds of Hair Prepa rations, and Fear to Discriminate. Druggists sell all kinds of hair preparations, and as a rule they are wisely chary of giving preference to any particular one, but many of them have come out plainly for Newbro's Herpicide, the new treat ment that absolutely kills the dan druff germ. H. Swannell & Son, Champaign, 111., say: "One customer of ours who did not have a hair on top of his head when he began to use Herpicide, now has a fair start towards a good head of hair. We believe Herpicide to be by far the best preparation of its kind on the market.' Hundreds of similar testi monials from everywhere. Sold by leading druggists. Sand 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. Henry T. Hicks & Co., Special Agents. Dress Parade at Morehead City, Sunday, August 19, 1006. In order to afford visitors at More head City on Sunday, August 19, 1900, an opportunity to witness dress parade, the Atlantic & North Caro lina Company will hold their train. No. 6, at Morehead City until 7 o'clock p. m. Parties desiring to make connec tion at Goldsboro can take train No. 4, scheduled to leave Morehead City at 4:22 p. m. CASTOR I A for Infants and Children. The Knd You Kara Always Bought PRETTY JEWELRY FOR OUTING WEAR. Tasteful and InexnenSive nieces of Jewelry that one can wear when i ravelin"- or cnioviiiir one's vacation or an outing, and he it1 ijeved of anxiety about losing tlieiu. Pretty Pins, Sets, Etc., that are needed for Summer Blouses, neat and novel scarf Pins, the latest ideas in Fobs, Bracelets and the like about everything you can ask for in Summer-season Jewelry. And the cost is comparatively slight for such really good jew elry. H . MAHLER5' SONS Jewelers - - Raleigh, N. C. 1 THE GREAT TRIALS OF WASH-DAY ARE NO MORE. In depending upon the Washwoman you are never satisfied. You do not know whether she will show up wash day or not. She is an "uncertain quantity. Our Wagon And a Polite Driver Will be found at your door any hour in the day you may order, aud there's some certainty of your garments being returned at the time prom ised, rain or shine. OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY STUART'S FIRST CLASS RESTAU rant, open night and day. I have this day opened to the public a restaurant which I will conduct in such a manner as to win the pat ronage of the people. Give me a call when you want to do justice to the Inner man. .1. Walter Stuart, Stronach Building, corner Wilmington and Davie streets. A FRIEND IN NEED, A FRIEND indeed Puckett's Foot Ease. At Drug Stores. FOR RENT house with of capitol. Tucker. -Desirabl.3 six-room stables, three blocks Apply, Mrs. F. P. .MAKE WALKING EASY Pl'CK- ett's Foot Ease-. At Drug Stores. YOU'LL ALWAYS FIND GEO. TER rell at his store when well. He's never fooliri away his time flshin', hangin' around fashionable Sum mer resorts, or running about town hunting Up trouble. There fore your order, if sent him for groceries and country produce, will have his personal attention. Per chance Terrell cannot complete your order from his own stock he'll cheerfully send out and get the missing article for you. Small Lots Patapsco Superlative Flour, Ground From New Wheat One-quarter Barrel Sax $1.50 One-eighth Barrel Sax 80c. It is Sweet and Delicious. . iii ALL 'PHONES? D. T. JOHNSON (& SON 16 EAST HARGETT STREET. PRESERVING DAY KETTLES FRUIT JARS JELLY GLASSES RUBBERS WIDE MOUTH FRUIT JARS TO HOLD WHOLE FRUIT The J. D. Riggarv Co. 12 Fayetteville Street.. t A New Shipment' of Glassware ICE TEAS, CLARETS, WINES, HOLLOWSTKM CHAMPAGNES, ' SHERBETS, COCKTAILS, HIGHBALLS, CHAMPAGNE ICB CREAMS, 6K WIJULIAMS-NOWLAN CO. 137 Fayetteville St., RALEIGH, N. C. Absoluteley $he most Per fect Products of the Gar den and Field. With, the coming up of the Bun yon'l find our Wagon the first on the right as you en ter the Market, loaded with the choicest variety of Vegetables on the mar ket. We deliver promptly to all parts of the city. Moore & Son. BIDS WANTED For laying 2,000 yards cement sidewalk, 4,000 feet 8-inch sewera and erecting com plete with heat and plumbing four dwelling ,.ouses each to cost about $4,000. Plana of such houses asked with bids. Bids for one or more houses considered. Work to be done soon as possible. Glen wood Land Coniapny, A. L. Mur ray, Manager, Raleigh, N. C. FOR SALE 30 Shares Raleigh Tel ephone Stock at 40 per share. C. C. McDonald. SOKRELL FOR WOOD, "OLD time" Bread Meal, Graham Flour, Chicken Feed, Horse Feed and Grinding Feed" in general. All phones. GENTLE READERS If you will visit my Tailoring Parlors you will be surprised at your own aston ishment. For I am displaying ex actly 410 of the Handsomest and Nobbiest patterns of Woolens over shown in .IrWlLfiity, The concern that I represent most assuredly doss do jamb up good tailoring and puts the style to you "till you feel it" after I take your meas ure and put my critical eye upon your manly form and jot down my observations on the back of the measure blank. Have the gar ments made. You put jour dear self into them. You will not only look swell, but you will "tote of the day." Call and see me. I will be so glad to welcome you. Bob Haynes, The Hammerless Tailor, 313 Fayetteville street, over WoollcQtt's. ALL MACHINE HOP8 SHOULD keep Vick's Turtle Oil ready for emergencies; will relieve the pain and cure quickly every time. 25c. at Pescud's Wug Store. WHITE LAWN SHIRTWAIST SUITS FOR SUMMER. lour urcssmaKcr win marge you more for making them than we do for the furnished article. $2.50 White Lawn Suits, Embroid ery trimmed 81.25 $3.00 Plain Tnilormade Suits $1.50 $:i.50 Lace and Embroidery-trimmed White Lawn Suits $1.75 $5.00 White Union Green Shirtwaist Suits $2.50 $7.50 French Batiste Suits, daintily trimmed $3.75 WHITE COAT SUITS. $1.50 Union Linen Poney Coat Suits $2.00 $5.00 qualities marked $..2.50 $0.00 Poplinctte Eton Suits White, Blue ami Green Linen trimmed $3.00 $12.50 White Butcher Linen Coat Suits, Tailored $7.50 WHITE SKIRTS AT HALF PRICE. $1.50 Plain White Duck Skirts, 75c. $2.00 Pleated, Duck Skirts $1.00 $4.00 White Poplinctte Skirts $2.00 $5.00 Braid and Embroidered Linen Skirts $2.50 White Lawn Skirts at 75c. and $1.50 COLORED WASH SUIT BARGAINS. Only half a dozen of these $3.00 qualities for $1.00 $0.00 qualities for $1.50 Polka Dot Lawn Shirtwaist Suits about a dozen in all $2.00 values marked to $1.00 BLACK LAWN WAISTS. 75c. kind for 30c. j$l.00 kinds for 50c. I $1.25 kinds lor LONG AND Dotted Swiss Lawn and Printed Designs 75c. qualities reduced $1.00 qualities reduced $1.50 qualities reduced $1.75 qualities reduced SHORT KIMONAS. 39e. 50c. 75c. 8c. JAP SILK WAISTS. Black or White, Plain Tnilormade, Lace Inserted .1(2.50 values $1.50 $3.00 values $2.00 SILK COATS. Only five of these left Black Taf feta, Etons and three-quarter lengths, were $20.00 now . . .$15.00 $15.00 Pongee Coats for. .. .$10.00 $20.00 Pongee Coats for ... .$13.50 $22.50 Pongee Coats for $13.00 LADIES' COAT SUITS. Just ten Coat Suits to sweep off the racks at such prices us these: Values $12.00 to $10.00 for. . .$5.00 Values up to $22.50 $10.00 One $35.00 Suit for $17.50 SEPARATE WOOLEN SKIRTS. One Full Ruck of Skirts at half price and less. Variety enough tw i please everybody $3.00 Mohair Skirts $1.50 $1.00 Grey Mixed Skirts $2.00 $5.00 Acrordeon Pleats and Blue Mo hair Skirts $2.50 $10.00 Black Voile Skirts $5.00 RAIN COATS. A Rain Coat everybody should have. You can easily uiTord to pay half price $15.00 Ruin Coats reduced to $7.50 $20.00 Rain Coats reduced to $10.00 $25.00 Rain Coats reduced to $12.50 BATH SUITS. Ladies' Bath Suits of Blue or Black Serges, Alapaea. and Worsteds The $2.00 Suits reduced to. . .$1.25 The $2.0 Suits reduced to. . . .$1.50 The $3.00 Suits rcluccd to $2.00 j Clothing Bargains Positively Without An Equal We are selling our remaining Summer lines of Gar ments for men with a vengeance. Interest in the offer ings has gone beyond all expectations; however, there should be no surprise at lively buying as Many Suits Are Selling At Less Than Half Price We are determined to rid our shelves and counters as much as price-cutting will do it in order to make space for a magnificent new stock for Fall selling. CROSS LINEHAN COMPANY 4 PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL MAIL ORDERS. LOST Male Fox Terrier puppy; five months old; right ear black and black spots on left ear. Reward for return to Van B. Moore, 227 North Wilmington Street. BUGGY FOR SALE A Hackney top buggy for sale cheap. Also good harness. Bargain for a quick buyer. E. M. Peterson, corner Edcnton and Bloodworlh streets, Raleigh, N. C. iOST Either on Edenton, Halifax or North streets, small gold brooch Pin. Liberal reward if re turned to Times office. Eichmond Training School For Kindergartners WILL OPEN OCTOBER 1ST., AT 14 West Main Street, Richmond, Ya. Two years' course in Froebel's Theory and Practice. Special Courses in Drawing, Sing ing .Physical Culture. ALICE N. PARKER, Principal. TDNOT&ER& MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been hmm! ly Millions of MotJv for tholr t oMiiln-n wMlo Twthinv for orw Klftv Y:m. I II vQitte Ue otiilil, joftttid ii,.- HUitiA, IIM rHi. iii'Mit. I J., Ii A IIW i I I AT PRICES FOR QUICK SELLING. FOURTEEN LADIES DRESS HATS. A. B. STRONACH COMPANY CLEARING SALE PRICES. $2.00 to $2.50 for $2.50 to $3.50 values. Newest styles in Ladies' Kid Glaze Kid and Pat ent Leather Gibson Ties, Oxfords and Blucherettes. Sizes 2 1-2 to 5. QUICK SELLING PRICES. Misses and Children's Tics, Sandals and Slippers at your price. Six Lawn Waists. Two Linen Suits, Two White Lawn Suits, Four Linene Skirts. Headquarters for Trunks, Suit Cases, Hand Bags at Popular Prices. A. B. STRONACH CO. Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes. FAYETTEVILLE STREET and WILMINGTON STREET.