flPHB RALEIGH EVENIN G TIMES, MONDAY, AUGUST! 27, 190ft; ' MARKET OPENS LESS REGULAR And Narrower Than at Any Time of Late IT REACTS SHARPLY This Occurs Shortly After the Begin ningon Sales for Both Accounts. St. Paul Ascends to a High Point, But it Has Little Effect. (By the Associated Press.) New York, Aug. 27. The stock market opened irregular today with changes narrower than at any time since the present upward movement commenced. Atchison and St. Paul made fractionally higher records at 107 1-4 and 198 3-8 respectively. Union Pacific, Southern Pacific, Amalgamated Copper and the United States Steel stocks were, on the other hand, slightly lower. Chesapeake & Ohio, Northern Pacific and Louisville & Nashville gained 1. Great North ern preferred gained 1 1-2 and Ana conda 4 3-8. Sales for both accounts caused a sharp reaction within a few minutes after business commenced. A sub sequent rise in St. Paul to the recorl figure of 198 3-4 had only a slight effect in checking the selling else where, which was continued later on an increasing scale. Union Pacific, Southern Pacific, Atchison, Reading, Locomotive and Smelting yielded 1 to 1 1-2 below Saturday's closing and Northwestern 2. St. Paul itself eventually succumbed to this pres sure and went off to 197 3-8. A block of 10,000 shares of United States Steel was sold at 47. Meanwhile Su gar was bought heavily and rosg 2 1-2 to 144 1-4. Shortly before 11 o'clock the market rose in sympathy with a revived. demand for St. Paul and Atchison, fit. Paul crossed :9S again and Atchison recovered fully. Lackawanna jumped 23 3-4 to 524 on one transaction. Roth Atchison and St. Paul In creased their gains'1 slightly to 107 1-2 and 198 7-8 respectively with the gen eral market sharing moderately in their rise. Renewed selling, however, of the Harriman stocks and Reading on a large scale undermined the entire market and prices dropped to-the low est of the, morning. Near noon the selling relaxed somewhat and the mar ket became dull and steady. Bonds were steady. Futile efforts were made to advance the market by bidding up select stocks, notably Amalgamated Copper, which rose a point to 1113-8. Room traders, sold the list on all rallies and St. Paul was eventually depressed to 196 3-4. The Harriman stocks continued heavy, but Atchison and Amalgamated Cop per were supported at around the best. The persistent selling of some of tho leaders xUtftt to have its effect in the late afternoon' when the prac tice of marking up special stocks was abandoned. Large amounts of various stocks were sold, especially Reading, whiesubrofce 2 to 138. A number of other favorites were quoted a point or more below Satur day's closing, including United Statss Steel,' which sold at 46. No apparent' effort was made to stem the voffime of selling in the final hour, '"undler which prices crumbled away sharply. Smelting was the weakest feature with a loss of 4 3-8. St. Paul broke 3 3-4 be low last week's close to 194 14. Northwestern gave way 3, Delaware & Hudson 2 1-2, Union Pacific 2 1-4, and Northern Pacific, Great Northern preferred and Consolidated Gas 2. The closing was weak at about the lowest. . New York Closing Stock List. Atchison 106 Atchison 101 Baltimore & Ohio 117 Canadian Pacific 170 Chicago & Northwestern 212 Chicago & Northwestern pref.230 Colorado Southern 37 Denver & Rio Grande 43 Denver & Rio Grande pref . . 86 Erie 46 Illinois Central 176 Louisville & Nashville 149 Manhattan L Metropolitan St. Rwy Mexican Central 21 Missouri Pacific 97 New York Central 143 Pennsylvania 141 Reading 138 Rock Island 28 Rock Island pref 66 St. Paul 194 Southern Pacific 91 Southern Railway 38 Union Pacific 185 Union Pacific pref 94 Wabash 20 Wisconsin Central 26 Northern Pacific 214 Great Northern pref 322 I nt crho rough-Met. 39 Interborough-Met. pref 79 . Atlantic Coast Line ...144 Norfolk & Western 91 Chesapeake &. Ohio i 62 Southern Railway pref 100 Miscellaneous. - Amalgamated Copper 109 American Car & Foundry 40 American Locomotive 70 American Smelting and Refining. 156 Am. Smelting and Refining pfd. 116 Brooklyn llapld Ttam....;.., 77, Colorado Fuel (and Irwi1;..Li ... 57 International Paper if ', . 19 National Biscuit ....J. 67 National Lead J 80& Northern Securities Pacific Mail 37 People's Gas 91 Pressed Steel Car 62 Pullman Palace Car 238 Standard Oil 607 Sugar 142 Tennesse Coal and Iron 158 United States Steel 46 United States Steel pfd! 107 Western Union 91 Mackay Co.'s 73 Mackay Co.'s pfd 72 American Cotton Oil 32 American Tobacco pfd American Tobacco 4's 7t26 American Tobacco 6's 112g Sloss-Sheffleld Steel 78 Vir.-Car. Chemical 39 Vir.-Car. Chemical pfd 109 American Woolen 37 American Woolen pfd 104 New York Cotton Market. (By the Associated Press.) New York, Aug. 27. The cotton mar ket opened fair at an advance of 5 to 7 points and sold 7 to 8 points net higher right after the call on better cables than expected and less favor able reports concerning the crop. Some of the large local traders and Wall street people seemed to be supporting the market but the spot people, and parties with southern connections sold and prices eased oft during the middle of the morning, leaving the market rather quiet and barely steady at a net advance of 2&3 points., Trading was quite active at first and there set mod considerable Viervousness ow ing to rumors that strong interest's were opposing each other. Cotton futures opened firm. Septem ber 8.87; October 9.00; November 9.11; December 9.16; January 9.25; February 9.30; March 9.36; April 9.37; May 9.43. Cotton futures closed steady. Clos ing bids: August, 8.92; September, 8.97; October, 9.12; November, 9.21; December, 9.30; January, 9.39; Feb ruary, 9.46; March, 9.51; April, 1 51; May, 9.55. The market was quint but steady at midday with prices about 6 to 7 points net higher. Spot cotton quiet; middling uplands' 9.90; middling gulf 10.15. Cotton spot closed quiet; middling uplands 9.90; middling gulf 10.15; no sales. Estimated receipts at the ports to day 12,000 bales against 7.693 last week and 11,003 last year. For the week 85.000 bales against 49,414 last week and 89,620 last year. Today's receipts at New Orleans 351 bales against 1.0J8 last year, and at Houston 6,204 bales against 6.305 last year. Satur day's Open. Close. Close. Aug 8.92 8.78 Sept 8.87 8.97 8.82 Oct 9.00 9.12 8.95 Nov 9.11 9.21 9.04 Dec 9.16 9.30 9.11 Jan 9.25 9.39 9.19 Feb. .... 9.30 9.46 9.25 March .... 9.36 9.51 9.30 April .... 9.3 7 9.64 9.30 May .... 9.43 9.55 9.36 Liverpool Cotton Market. . (By the Associated Press.) Liverpool, Aug. 27. Closing Cotton spot dull; prices 2 points higher;' American middling fair 5.89; good mdl dling 5.61; middling 5.39; low middling 5.21; good ordinary 4.97: ordinary 4.73. Tho sales of the day were 3,000 bales of which 300 were for speculation and export and Included 2.500 American, Receipts 2,000 bales, including 1,700 American. Futures opened steady and closed quiet; American middling good ordinary clause August 5.18; August September 5.11; September-October 5.0?; October-November 5d(ffi5.01; November December 5d(fi5.01; December-January 5.01(5.02: January-February 5.02; February-March 5.045.05; March-April 6.06S.07; April-May 5.08; May-June 5.09. Raleigh Spot Market (Reported by Chas. E. Johnson ft Company.) Strict good middling, 10. Good middling, 9 7-8. Strict middling, 9 3-4. Middling, 9 5-8. No receipts. Chicago Grain Market. (By the Associated Press.) Chicago, Aug. 27. Wheat today opened weaker on active selling by traders. Later the market became firmer on covering by shorts, but the general tone of the market remained easy. Better weather In the northwest was the chief r ason for the easier feeling. December wheat opened 1-4 GS3-8 to 3-8 lower at 74 1-8 to 74 l-8l-4; declined to 71 3-8 and rallied to 74 1"4. The high point for December was 74 3-8. The close was easy with De cember off 3-8, at 74 1-8. December corn was steady around 44fil-8. Prices held steady all day. The close was steady with December a shade lower at 437-S44. In sympathy with December wheat, oats were easy at 30 3-4. September provisions opened easier, pork at 17.00, lard at 8.72 1-2 and ribs at 8.80. Chicago Live Stock Market. (By the Associated Press.) Chicago, Aug. 27. Receipts 26,000; market steady to 10c. lower. Beeves 3.856.50; cows and heifers 1.405.20; stcckers and feeders 2.404.30; Texans 3.6D4.50; western 3.605.25; calves 6.50 7.75. Hogs Receipts 37,000; market steady; mixed and butchers 6.0OJS6.5O; good heavy 6.106.4O; rough heavy 5.505.80; light 6.006.55; pigs 5.4006.25; bulk of sales 6.0006.40. Sheep Receipts 24,000; market weak to 10c. lower. Sheep 3.505.60; lambs 4.7508,00. New York Money Market. (By the Associated Press.) New York, Aug. 27. Money on call 31-2051-2 per cen.t; ruling rate 4 1-2; closing bid 4; offered at 41-2. Time loans strong; sixty days 60612; both rates paJid,R,JAyfi,..6..,tfi..7bol;lj, rates paiqislx months; six gtrongtly bid of ferings bight. ' u ' ClOse-Prlme mereatalle paper 6 per cent.; sterling exchange weak at 484.20 0484.25 for demand and at 481.25 for sixty day bills; posted rates 482 1-2 and 485 1-2. Commercial bills 480 1-2 0480 6-8. Mexican dollars 51 1-4. Gov ernment bonds steady. Railroad bonds easy. New York Provision Market (By the Associated Press.) New York, Aug. 27. Flour Dull and barely steady. Wheat Declined. September 78 1-3-16 791-8; December 819-160817-8; May 84 3-8089 1-2. Rye Nominal. Corn Dull and without transactions. Beef Steady. Pork Cteady; mixed 19.0019.50. LordSteady; prime western 8.70 8.80. ' Sugar Raw firm; fair refining 3 3-8 3 1-2; centrifugal 4; molasses sugar 3 1-8031-4; refined steady; crushed 5.60; powdered 5.00; granulated 4.90. Coffee Steady; No. 7 Rio 8 5-8. Molasses Firm; New Orleans 30ifi38. Butter firm; creamery IS 23 state dairy 1622. Chease firm; full cream, small, 1012; skims 210. Eggs firm; nearby selected 26 27; western firsts 2021. New York Poultry Market. New York, Aug. 27. Poultry -Alive, prices not established at a late hour. Drassed, easier; western spring chickens 13,15; turkeys I '' 14; fowls, 1014. J. S .JOHNSON'S WILL FILED FOR PROBATE. The will of the late John S. John son was filed in the ofdee of tho clerk ' of the Wake county superior court this afternoon for probate; It names his wife, Mrs. Mollie Johnson, as executrix. The residence in this city is given to Mrs. Johnson during her life and then to be divided equal ly among his brothers and sisters. His half interest in the ice, coal and brick business of Johnson & Johnson is willed to Mrs. Johnson for life. She also gets a life insur ance policy of $7,000, in which she is named as beneficiary. There is another policy for $2,000 a portion of which the executrix is directed to uso in liquidating a mortgage and the remainder to go to the State Board of Foreign Missions ' for use in their work. There is also a bequest of $100 to his pastor, Dr. W. C. Tyree of the First Baptist church. Holding Executive Sesisons. The state text book commission to day held executive session for the con sideration of the adoption of text books on which arguments by publishers were heard during last week. The an nouncement of the full list of books will be made within the next day or two. It Is thought that the greatest difficulty encountered by the commis sion will be in getting together on the adoption of readers, grammars and arithmetics. The readers alone consti tute at least thirty per cent, of the value of the text books used in tho state. Appeal to Policyholders. Insurance Commissioner Young is is suing another urgent call to the North Carolina policyholders in the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York and the New York Life Insurance Company to attend In person or send proxy to the meeting to be held here September 12 preparatory for concerted action in the election of directors at the New York meeting December 18 Cup for Rescue Company. Mr. Sherwood Brockwell of the Rescue Hose Company today reecived for the company a handsome silver cup, the prize offered by Mr. Sol Weil of Goldsboro to the hose wagon com pany breaking the record made by the Goldsboro company at Durham. Arrested in Fayetteville. A telegram to the sheriff's office from Fayetteville today stated that Oliver Brown, a negro wanted here in connection with a theft of some hams, sides and corn from W. C. Blackley at Wake Forest recently,, had been arrested. Two negroes, Jerry Dunn and Wilbert Brown, are now under bond for the next court for this theft, but Oliver escaped at the time. Investments. Knowing what you are putting pour money in! You can't, lose any thing in North Carolina 4's or 6's mighty safe. How about Erwin Cotton Mill stock? Safe as safe can be, pays 8 per cent. Preferred no taxes to pay, company pays taxes, runs ten years, redeemable at $110 per share. The company is not hawking their stock around for sale. They have not n dollar's worth for sale, all sold. I was fortunate enough to get a few shares from a party and can supply a limited amount. Some of the par ties in Raleigh who own Erwin pre perred stock: Col. A. B. Andrews, Mrs. Florence P. Tucker, Will H. Williamson, N. W. West, Van B. Moore, Mrs. Capehart, Raleigh Sav ings Bank, St. Augustine Normal School, and many others too numer ous to mention. 1 c. c Mcdonald. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, liie Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of LT ME SELL YOUR if 11 1 nave cucnis ior nve and six room cottages, well locnted; also small farms. $3,250 will buy you a nice hoate near car line. R. E. PRINCE THE REAL ESTATK MAX. 301 Tucker Building, RALEIGH, X. ('. We Arc Issuing A JOINT POLICY Which covers both health and acci dent. The cost of maintaining such excellent insurance is a mere trifle, considering -the benefits derived in the event you become disabled or meet with nil accident. Our Policies have no restrictions. No mat lei' what may he your complaint, if your doc tor says you are unable to work you'll be Paid your weekly allow ance. Such a Policy is the greatest boon of the age to humanity. HUNTER & DREWRV L&.xo Clears you up. Improves your com plexion, drives away that sallow color. In fact, Laxo Docs What Calo mel Should Do It reaches the Livfr, cleanses it and puts it to working as nature in tended it should do. H ICKS' Drug' Stores CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RAILWAY Senic Route to the West TWO PAST VESTIBULE TRAINS WITH DINING CAR SERVICE. Through Pullman Sleepers to Louis ville, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis. Lv. Richmond.. 2: 15 pm 11.00 ptn Lv. Char'sville. 7:29pm 2:52am Lv. Lynchburg. 4:20pm ........ Ar. Cin'nati... S :15am 5 :00pm Ar. Louisville. .11:00 a in 8:00pm Ar. Chicago..,.. H:30pm 7:10am Ar. St. Louis.. 6:28pm 7:18am Direct Connections for all Points West and Northwest. QUICKEST AND BEST ROUTE The line to the celebrated resorts of Virginia. For descriptive matter, schedules and Pullman Reservations, Address XV. O. WARTHEN, D. r. A C. & O. Ry Co., Richmond, Va. Hubbard Bros. Co. HANOVER SQUARE, NEW YORK. MEMBERS OF New York Cotton Ex change, New Orleans Cotton Ex change, Associate Members Liver pool Cotton AssociaUpa.. ORDERS SOLICITED For the pur chase and sale of cotton for future delivery. Correspondence invited. To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up Tho .System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC. You know what you are taking. The form ula is plainly printed on every bot tle, showing it Is simply Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The Qui nine drives out the malaria and the iron builds up the system. Sold by all dealers for 27 years. Price B0 cents. THIS IS MOSQUITO SEASON! Guess You Know It. This Canopy Will Put Them Out of Business Ceiling or Frame Canopies on 00 .Gvr 1 rAopli if J5omoa cfuroiture At Our Prices, WhicH Are Positively Lower Than Elsewhere Every home can discard the old bundlesome furniture and sub stitute .Metal Beds. It is our desire to add you to our already long list of patrons, and terms and prices will be made that will make you a permanent customer of this store. CASH OR CREDIT. The Raleigh Furniture Co., JAS. M. RIGGAN, Mgr. THE MARKED PROGRESS OF NORH CAROLINA IS BEST SHOWN BY THE CONDITION OF STATE BANKS In Five Years the Deposits in State Banks Alone Have Grown From In 1901, . . . . . . $ 9,800,000 In 1906, 33,600,000 See How The Tide Has Turned! THE COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS BANK of Raleigh, N. C, STANDS FIRST AMONG THE a5- state banks which do NOT PAY INTEREST ON DEPOSITS J. J. THOMAS, President B. S. JERMAN, Cashier A. A. THOMPSON, Vice President H. W. JACKSON, Assistant Cashier . .ifleWM ill .i i !. i. iii ii .1. m i .i. ii yj Mi ji iinii 1r9WWW W W W WWW THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK RALEIGH, N. C. ASSETS ONE AND A QUARTER MILLIONS. Safety Deposit Boxes for rent $4.00 per annum. For protection of your Jewelry, Insurance Policies, Deeds, Wills, Bonds and other valuable papers. r.li.li Hfal !. Jli fl n Jli Jli inponrmni THE STRONGEST, SOUNDEST AND BEST SELECTED. BILLY TAYLOR, Manager. Always here for the person want ing a si) on re deal. J. . Me Co. fc SPECIAL CHINA SALE In order to reduce stock and make room for other goods, we will offer all China and Bric-a-Brac at one-third off for cash until September 1st. See window display. J. C. ELLINGTON, Raleigh, - - North Carolina 'EM OFF Baby's Sleep Is Sweetest in An Iron Bed Of aU the Furniture that has been invented to dute, nothing has come into such populur favor as Metal Furniture. It is absolutely the cleanest, coolest and the most comfortable to sleep upon. 1.. t t. la tit n yi ii ii tininif -ir tf tii ip t WWW www JPWWPWWW WW JOSEPH G. BROWN, President. HENRY E. LITCHFORD. Cashier. mwniwil Is Money to Build a Home Under the Plans of the Mechanics & Investors Union A Home is within the reach of almost any salaried man. A monthly pay ment of Ten Dollars for 100 months, (about what you are paying for rest) will give you Five Hundred Do Bars with which to build a Dwelling and will provide a Savings Fund of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollar to be paid to you at maturity with Which to edu cate your son at the A. and M. Col lege or to enlarge your house. For full information, Write to GEORGE ALLEN, Sec., Pullcn Building. NEW FICTION At Low Prices. ELABORATE CLOTH BINDING At SO Cents, id, ADE, GEORGE Fables and Slang. ALLEN, JAMES LANE , Choir Invisible. ATHERTON, GERTRUDE The Conqueror- BARRIE, I. M. The Little MJolftt-r CHURCHILL, WINSTON The CelWM-iij CORRELLI, MARIE The Master Ohrlsu. CRAWFORD, MARION In the Palace of tbt hum,. DAVIS, RICHARD HARDING Soldiers of Fortune. DOLYE, A. CONAN Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Hound of the BaskervlUos. EVANS, AUGUSTA J. St. Elmo. Ford, PAUL LEICESTER Honorable Peter Sterling. GREEN, ANNA KATHERINE Filigree Ball. HOPE, ANTHONY Rupert of Hentzan. HOUGH, EMERSON The Mississippi Babble. LONDON, JACK The Can of the Wild. MAJOR, CHARLES When Knighthood Was In Flower. McCUTCHEON, GEO. B. 1 Graustauk. TARKDfGTON, BOOTH Gentleman From Indiana. Send for our list of a 1.000 titles. The best values ever offered In books. ALP. WILLIAMS GO. Cmcrson, &IJMSI Why not be comfortable during the hot weather. Get an Electric Fan and yon will be. Come in and try one. Raleigh Constrn 133 Fayetteville Street. SAFE? Are your valuables: jewel ry, stocks, bonds, insurance policies, etc., safe from fire? Wo have Safe Deposit Boxes In onr Fire and Burglar Proof Vault. $2.00 A YEAR. Yon are cordially invited to inspect these. Carolina Trust Company. A. J. RUFFIN, President LEO. D. HEARTT, Vion President and General Manager. H. F. SMITH, Cashier. sSl' 1 r if 1

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