THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES, MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1906. OIL STANDARD Eat More of the most nutritious of flour foods Uneeda Biscuit the only perfect soda cracker. Then you will be able to Earn More because a well-nourished body has greater productive capacity. Thus you will also be able to Save More because for value received there is no food so economical as Uneeda Biscuit 50 In a dust tight, moisture proof package. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY REVOLUTION OF UN REASON (Continued from First race) render themselves to the govern ment forces, or who surrender with their followers and their arms, will also bo allowed to return to their families. Finally to all who surren der the government guarantees that they will never 1)3 disturbed in any manner as a result of the part they have taken in the uprising and that they will be allowed to follow the usual pursnits -without molestation. Alfredo " Zayas, president of the liberal party, informed the Associ ated Press today.that there was ab solutely no truth in the report that Vice President Mendez Capote had consulted tvffh htm on the question whether peace could not be restored by President Palma's withdrawal from ihe presidency, by permitting Mender. Capote to succeed him, and by giving cerJKlin posts to the liber als, which consultation was said to have caused grave differences be tween the president and the vice president. Zayas says the Insurg ents probably would not consider such a settlement under any circum stances." "We've Got 'Km on the Run." Secretary of the Treasury Sterling said to the Associated Press today: "Wo think wc have got them on the run in the province of Santa Clara. If we havo not got them run ning we very soon will have them going. Pino Guerra, In the province of Pillar Del Rio, does not want to light but hj Will have to do so. Our forces at .lutfln Do Martinez and in its vfcinity nuinbcrs SIM) men, and his is not much larger. He may, be sides his rogularly armed men, have four hundred or live hundred follow ers armed only with machetes. We will seule'llicm in two or throe days." The nam 3 of President Palma's daughter appears on the list of wo men who have offered themselves to serve as nurses during the suppres sion of the insurrection. Thirty Americans are among the recruits who have joined Major Clews' new rapid-fire-gun battalion. A TRAIN DERAILED; THREE MEN HILLED (By the Associated Press.) St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 27. Reports received at the headquarters of the Great Northern Railway here say that an castbound mixed train was derailed near Swift, Mont., last night. A com bination passenger coach was over turned, and Frank E. Prewltt and Charles Schultz of Arlington, Mont., passengers, were killed. A brakeman named Brown was also killed. Eight or ten passengers were bruised. The cause of the derailment is unexplained. The train was moving slowly. AUGUST FROST IN IOWA LOWLAND. (By the Associated Press.) Dcs Moines, la., Aug. 27. A frost was reported in the Iowa lowlands for the first time this season, al though it is not thought that the ' great Iowa corn crop Will suffer dam ago because of it. The- mercury dropped as low as forty at Cedar Rapids and Creston, the coldest Au- ', fust day for fifteen years. Charles City reported light frosts although the temperature was 4 2. FOR SALE. A few shares Erwin Cotton Mill, 6 per cent., non-taxable, preferred stock, runs 10 years, redeemable at ?U0 per phare. Only a few shares for sale. Inducement, interest Jan uary and July. c. c. Mcdonald. MISS BOMS' DEATH Remains Passed Through Here Today to Durham The End Came at 0 O'clock Last ! V1..KI loa Da1tiaa IV. m Tv- ,1,11, .111,1 fl 1H i ...... -j plioid Fever Dr. Ituiupas in Holy Land, Cannot Reach Here for Sev eral Weeks. The news of the death Of Miss Jennie Bumpas reached the city last night. The end came at about a o'clock last night at the home of Mrs. .1. A. Meadows in New Bern. Miss Bumpas had been ill for weeks with typhoid fever. At one time it was thought sh3 was on the road to recovery, but a relapse came and no medical skill could help the beloved young lady. When It was believed she was out of danger a cable to that effect was sent to Rev. R. F. Bumpas. her father, who is traveling in the Holy Land. A few days ago when it was seen that the result must be fatal a second message was cabled to Dr. Bumpas, but it is learned that this message has not yet reached him. Miss Bumpas was Just 21 years old, and was graduated from Peace Institute last year, when she gave a musical recital that is well remem bered and that was much comment ed on at the time in the most favor able terms. She was an unusually bright and attractive girl, with a lovable disposition that made her warm friends everywhere. She was one of the most loved young women that over came to Raleigh. Her death is peculiarly sad for the reason that her father could not be witli her at the end and also that her brother died three or four years ago just as he reached his ma jority. Miss Bumpas was the last surviving child of Dr. and Mrs. Bum pas, five children having died before reaching adult life. Mrs. Bumpas was with her daughter during her3 long illness and when she passed away. The remains passed through Ra leigh at I!. 30 this afternoon on the way to Durham, where the interment will take place, the other members of the family being buried in, Dur ham also. A number of friends from this city joined the party and ac companied the remains to Durham. There were a number of lovely floral offerings from Raleigh people and from the Edenton Street Meth odist Church and the Sunday school. There was a very handsome offering of flowers from the Centenary Meth odist Church of New Bern, of which church Dr. Bumpas was pastor for three years just prior to coming to the Edenton Street Church. Malaria Makes Pale sickly Children. 'the Old Standard Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic drives at malaria and builds up the system. Sold by all dealers for 27 years. Price 50 cents. S.S.S. The aches and pains of Rheumatism are only symptoms which may be scattered or relieved with liniments, plasters, blisters, etc., or quieted with opiates. As soon as the treatment is left off, however, or there is any exposure to dampness, or an attack of indigestion, the nagging pains, sore muscles and tender places on the flesh return, and the sufferer "finds that he has merely checked the symptoms, while the real cause remains in the system. The cause of Rheumatism is a too acid condition of the blood, brought on by indigestion, chronic constipation, weak Kidneys, and a general sluggish condition of the system. Waste matter collects in the system each day which nature intends shall be carried off, but when it is left because of a sluggish condition of the system it sours and forms uric and other acids. These are taken up by the blood and carried to all parts of the body to produce the pains and aches of Rheumatism. S. S. S. cures Rheumatism by going down into the blood and driving out the cause and making this life stream rich, pure and healthy. "When the blood has been purified and built up by S. S. S. the pains and aches pass away, the muscles become soft and elastic, and Rheumatism driven from the system. Book on Rheumatism and medi cal advice free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. BAm TO CRUSH MORE Will Buy or Ruin the Distil ling Plants USES ALCOHOL BILL Recent Law By Congress Will Cut Into Trust Profits and Rockefeller Interests Prepare to Eliminate the Independents -Starts in Illinois. (By the Associated Press.) Chicago, Aug. 27. The Standard Oil Company has taken steps toward acquiring ownership of all the prin cipal distilling plants in the United States, according to a special dis patch from Peoria, 111., to the Trib une. A conference was held Friday last in Chicago between representa tives of the distilling interests and the Standard Oil Company. A price has been set upon every distillery in Peoria and indications are that a deal will be effected and the plants will pass into the hands of the Standard soon. It. is said the price asked was con sidered too high by the Standar. Oil people and the latter threatened if suitable terms could not be reach ed, to build distilling houses of their own. The chief reason of this action on the part of the Standard Oil Com pany was the recent passage of the alcohol bill by congress. Experts employed bv the Rockefeller inter ests, after experimenting, reported their product cannot be manufac tured cheaply enough to make a se rious competitor of gasoline, but thai it could be used in the manufacture of mercerized cotton and other fab rics and would be an extremely fa vorable product to control.. Tribute to Capt. W. G. Allen. The Euniberton Ro'oesonian prints the following letter on the resigna tion of Capt. W. C. Allen: To the Editor of The Robesonian. It seldom happens in a life time we have occasion to take note of an incident that brings with it so much genuine regret as the resignation of Capt. Allen, pleasant, genial, with a good word of cheer and encourage ment for all with whom he came in contract either in a business or so cial way. A delightful companion that will be missed from our circle and many days will come and- go e'er his place will be filled, should it ever be. But this was not all. He was a man possessed of fine abilities and skill in his chosen profession, that of building roads and equip ping highways with bridges and cul verts for the convenience of travel. Two or three years ago, and I speak from experience, the roads around Lumber) on and other townships of the county, were almost impassible during bud weather; the numerous swamps through which these roads lead, would almost swim a horse, but these conditions have wonder fully changed within the past two years. You can new travel from one end of the county to the other and make good time, rain or shine, iind the bad swamps have been bridged and the road beds raised, and whatever may be said of the Wake county man and the objections raised to him for this reason, it is absurd and the argument of igno rance and prejudice'. What he has done for the roads of old Robeson, stands as a lesson to those who may follow, and will remain a monument to the skill and ingenuity of the man. So rules the intelligence of the county and it is a debatable question at the opening of another presumably bad season when the work done during the summer under continued rains will fall down to a greater or less extent, whether the commissioners were wise in accept ing his resignation at this time, but required hm to fill out the term for wheh he was elected one year hence. Robeson's loss will bo Wake's gain, yet we may hope the exigen cies of the case the future may pre sent, will force him back to our midst as time proves the need of his services. "A TRAVELLER." DRIVES OUT RHEUMATISM THE -t -Tmirocfciarf A thorough, advanced L progresssive, select school. Send for free catalog now. It will soon be full. Address, JAMES DINWIDDIE President, Raleigh, N. C. Richmond Training School For iLindergartners Wllil. OPES OCTOBER 1ST., AT 14 West Main Street. Richmond, Va. Two years' course In Fi'OObeTa Theory and Practice. Special Courses in Drawing, Sing ing, Physical Culture. ALICE PARKER, Principal. DRAUQHON'S RALEIGH. Corner Wilmington ud Martin HM. KNOXVILLH awd COH MBIA. Ofi Colleges in 15 States. fvSITIONS secured or money REFUNDED. Also teach BY MAIL. Cataogue will con vince you that Praughon's ! THJ BEST. Call or eu' for It KNOWLEDGE OK THE PAINT TRADE We claim there are more Homes in Raleigh, N. C, Painted with S. W. P. than with nay other mixed Paint. People know it is best 1 Thos. H. Briggs & Sons Raleigh, N. C. BUCKS STOVES AM) RANGE". Jessie .Maclachlan, the Scottish prima donna, in to return to the United States early in the fall with a specially selected company of Scot tish artists. LIS 1 GIRLS ONLY REMEDY RHEUMATISM TO CURED. sweeps all the poisonous germs and acids out of the blood and "Makes You Well All Over." Those pains are danger signals, warning you of a disease that threatens the entire system. Headache sins, Bad Taste in the Mouth, that "No-Account" feeling ind ate that you need REMOVES THE ' ; , ., ', , Qulrtcy. Mass.. July 19, 1908. Hnbhitt 'hemical Co., Baltimore, Md. Dear Sirs; I was laid up iast November with RheurniUlsrri in my feet and ankks, but after takini: four bottle? of Klieumaclde I have not been bothered since. I tried every old kind of liniment and was under two doctor, and all 1 tried had the same re sult, until 1 tot Rheumacide, Now, 1 am pleased to say.l-t has not boon necessary for me to take any meoirine for Rheumatism since February last. Everybody that I recommended it to has had the saint; results. Yours very truly, I'. RANAGAN. Manager. Quincy Industrial Co-operative Society. We Give S. H. (Si Co.'s Green Trade Discount Stamps Free The Meaning of That One Word BARGAIN No word that conveys such a money saving meaning when honestly used as the word Bargain. This store means to use it honestly at all times. It is used just now in its broadest, fullest sense. It's the Summer House Cleaning time and every sec tion vies with each other in putting forth its bravest bargains. To miss these bar gains is to miss the chance of practicing a true economy. A SALE OF SUMMER SHIRTWAISTS. These Waists are all made of most excellent Materials, good ('ambries, Perrals, Lawns, Hotted Muslins anil Dimities. They lit well, they wash well, and they will wear well. Now read I lie price reductions: Black Lawn Waists, were 75c, $1.00 and $1,125, are now :!!. 50 and 75c. While I, awn Waists, were 50c, $1.25 and $2.00, are now ;5!, 05c. uml $1.00 Printed PvrraJ, Gingham and Madras Waists, were 50c, now 89c. Hotted Swiss and Dimity Shirtwaists, were $ 1 .25, now !5e. ALL SUMMER WASH SKIRTS MUST 00. This is a bargain chance not to Ik; missed. Good to wear for the balance of this season. Just as good for next season. Kindly read the reductions: White Pleated Duck Skirts, were $1.50 and $2.00, now marked 75c, and $1.00. The $1.00 I'oplinette Skirts and $5.00 Embroidered Linen Skirts are now $2.00 and $2.50 The $5.00 and $5.50 Blue and Black Mohair Skirts reduced to. . .$2.50 $10.00, $11.50 and $14.00 Black Voile Skirts arc priced $5.00, $0.00 and $7.00 Panama Cloth, Grey Mix and Cash mere Skirts Half price and less. GUILFORD COLLEGE. 1 837-1000. Location six miles west of Greens boro, on a 300-acre dairy farm. Electric Lights. For both Sexes. Abundant supply of pure water in all the buildings. Three courses of study Classical, Natural Science, Biblical Commercial and Music Departments. Noted for thoroughness of instruc tion, healthful moral tone and home like surroundings. For catalogue, address PRESIDENT L. L. HOBBS, Guilford College, North Carolina. THAT CURES STAY ease and requires an internal remedy. RHEUMACIDE "Gets at the Joints from the Inside," and that after all other remedies CAUSE Cured 80-year-old Mrs. V.try Wetborn. of High Point, N. C, after aha had suffered 20 years. Cured Rev. J. Ft. Wheeler, 70 years old, a leading Methodist minister, of Relstcrstown, Md. Cured John F. Ellne, of Balti more, after Johns Hopkins Hospital had completely failed. Cured Jamea Wilkes, of Dillon, S. C. after he had been in bed three years and his legs were drawn up against his bock. Better get a bottle from your Druggist at once. Sample bottle and booklet FREE if you send 5 cents for nostage. BOBB1TT CHEMICAL CO., Proprietors, BALTIMORE There's Danger m Delay A CLEAN SWEEP OF I WHITE COAT SUITS. Some of them may be a little muss- I ed by handling; others fresh, just as they were received. All the best of styles. $1.50 ami $5.00 I'nion (linen Policy (.'oat Suits mucked tn $2.00 and $2.50. I'oplinette Eton Suits, worth $(i.oo for $3,00 White I, awn Suits, Lice and Eltl bmidcry trimmed that were $2.50, 83.00, $:1.50 and S5.00. at just half the regular price now $1.25, $1.50. $1.75 and $2.50 THE ODD LOTS OF KNITTED UNDER WEAR. Styles never change here, and it's a saving well worth while. Head: Men's White Lisle Thread Shirts and Pants, Dollar qualities reduced to 75c. Men's Brown lialbriggan Shirts and Drawers, 50c. qualities 30c. Nainsook, knee length Drawers, were 50c, now 35c. Knitted insertion Jeans Drawers, Ribbed Ankles 50c. j I Ladies' White I, isle Swiss Ribbed j I Vest marked from 50c (o ... .30c. I I Ladies' Full Bleached Ribbed Vest ;!)( qualities 25c. Agricultural and Mechanical College for the Colored Race GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA. The 14th annual session of the Agricultural and Mechanical Collogo for the Negro Race will begin SEPTEMBER 1, 1906. Three departments of instruction: English, Agricultural and Me chanically four year course, leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Agriculture. Practical two-year courses. Board, lodging and tuition., $7.00 per month. Free tuition to a limited number of stu dents from each county. A commodious three-story dormitory will be completed and will double the accommodations for lodging students. A, limited amount of work for needy students. Students allowed from 5c. to 12 l-2c. per hour for labor. Night school for labor or trade students. Strong faculty. Success ful graduates. Catalogue furnished on request. Correspondence solic ited. PRESIDENT DUDLEY, Greensboro, N. C. m RUBDIN6 DON'T GORE. Rheumatism is an internal dis is the reason it Cures have failed. Rheumacide THE PAIN. MEN'S NEGLIGEE SHIRTS. A new lot of Men's Soft Bosom Negligee Shirts in neat and eftiect ive styles t'ool, Crisp and Comfort ablecompare with other Dollar Shirts . 50c. WHITE CANVAS OX FORDS. Tlir dainty White Slippers have coii.e to stay. They'll 1m- better next year than this. They are growing in popularity; White Canvas Gibson Ties, Blucher Oxfords, Sailor Ties and Pumps Leather or White Heels plain or cap toes $1.50 SOUVENIRS OF RAL EIGH. Objects of historic interest to visi tors to the Capital City, public build ings, schools, statutory, etc., are in scribed on metal, burnt in, on Chins and photographed on Postal Cards.. Varied asosrtment. Souvenirs all prices, 5c to 50c.

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