s (THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES, MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1906. WEATHER FORECAST. (By theAssoclated Press.) WashllifHWl Aug. 27.-rForecast for North Carolina for tonight and Tues day: Showers and cooler tonight; Tues day fair in west, showers in east por tion; fresh west to northwest winds. The barometric pressure Is low oast of the Mississippi River, with the center over northern New York, where it has moved from the Miss issippi valley. In consequence of thjs movement the temperature has fallen In the region extending Iron the Rockies to the Appalachian Mountains. In the west the pressure Is high with center over Kansas. A. low is appearing over the Canadian boundary at Montana; the pressure still persists low in the southwest. Rain has been general during lhe past twenty-four hours east of the Mississippi, a so In Texas, Arizona, Louisiana and Arkansas. The fol lowing heavy precipitation, In inches, has been reported : Charleston, 1.68; Washington, Ga., 1.52; Greensboro, N. C, 1.54; Jupiter, Pla., 1.22. East of the Mississippi the skies are cloudy, while west of this river the weather is generally clear. The ba rometric conditions indicate showers tonight, in this vicinity with cooler temperature, which wil lbe caused by the advance of a high pressure area toward this section. There will be showers on Tuesday. A. H. THIESSEN, Section Director. WANT 4D. COLUMN MISS EBIE ROBERTS ANNOUNCES the reopening of her music school at her residence on South Person street on Saturday, September 15, 1906. Bell 'phone 357. Burrows Course of Music. WANTED AT ONCE A BOY THAT is industrious and wanting to learn Pharmacy. No cigarette smoker. Address Prescription, care this office. EVERYTHING IN THE YOUNG Hardware Company must be sold at once, regardless of cost. WANT AD. COLUfflff FOR RENT STORE ON EAST Martin street, occupied by Young Hardware Company. Cannot be used as grocery or hardware store Apply to Ernest Haywood, Attor Absoluteley the most Per fect Products of the Gar den and Field. With the coming up of the Sun you'l find our Wagon the first on the right as you en ter the Market, loaded with the choicest variety of Vegetables on the mar ket. We deliver promptly to all parts of the city. Moore & Son. WANT AD. COLUMN WANT AD. COLUMN FOR RENT Desirable Store Rooms in Times Building. Apply to Geo. B. Crater. FOR RENT Two handsomely fur nished bed rooms, with bath at tached, hot and cold water. De sirable location. Mrs. J. Levin, 411 W. Hargett St. MR. EGERTOX LEAVES. Popular Manager ' Western Union Office Here Going to Asliovillc. Manager J. A. Egerton of the Western I'nion Telegraph office here has sent in his resignation to take effect September 20. He has ac cepted a position as assistant to the manager of the wholesale grocery business of Slayden, Fakes & Co. of Asheville, and expects to leav? for that city with his family about the middle or latter part of Sep tember. Mr. Egerton has been in Raleigh 15 years this fall, and his friends are almost as many as if he were a natUe of the city. There will be much regret at the departure of him self and his charming family from Raleigh. As manager of the tele graph office here he has always striven to please the patrons of the company, who appreciated his good work. Mr. Egerton is a native of Warrenton and was formerly in the mercantile business. OLD SHINGLES FOR SALE at Fair Grounds; 25c. load. Apply to Gaston Stafford, keeper of grounds also call 4S9 Interstate. YOU CAN PREVENT CONSUMP- Hon by timely use of Vick's Yel low Pine Tar Cough Syrup, it cures. 25c. at Pescud's. EVERYONE WHO HAS used them, sings praises of Vick's Remedies. CLEAR YOUR SYSTEM OF RAD blood, which causes sores and fe ver, with Vick's Tar Heel Sarsa parilla. 50c. at Pescud's. FOR SALE 50 $.-) SHARES RAL- eigh Telephone Stock at $30 per share. C. C. McDonald. GENTLE READERS If you will visit my Tailoring Parlors you will be surprised at your own aston ishment. For I am displaying ex actly 410 of the Handsomest and Nobbiest patterns of Woolens ever shown in this city. The concern that I represent most assuredly does do Jamb up good tailoring and puts the style to you "till you feel it" after I take your meas ure and put my critical eye upon your manly form and jot down my observations on the back of the measure blank. Have the gar ments made. You put your dear self into them. You will not only look swell, but you will "tote of the day." Call and see me. I will be so glad to welcome you. Bob Haynes, The Hammerless Tailor, 313 Fayetteville street, over Woollcott's. NOTICE M. M. T. Inscore vs. Wil liam Inscore. To the defendant: You are hereby notified that the plainHff has brought an action against you for absolute divorce; and to appear and answer or de mur to the complaint during the next term of Wake Superior Court, which begins on September 24, 1906, and continues for two weeks. This 16th August, M06. Wm. M. Russ, Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE Priscilla Taylor vs. Alonzo Taylor. To the defendant, Alonzo Taylor: You are hereby notified that the plaintiff has brought an action against you for absolute di vorce; and to appear and answer or demur to the complaint during the next, September, term of Wake Superior Court, which be gins on September 24, 1906, and continue two" weeks. This 16th August, 1906. Wm. M. Russ, Clerk Superior Court. FEET SORE? PUCKETT'S FOOT Ease is your friend. At Drug Stores. If you want now or think you will want in the near future ,i The name Schwartz stands for all that is best in Fresh Meats. If 'it comes from Schwartz's you may know it is the best on the mar ket. It is a rare thing Schwartz's patrons arc disappointed in what he sends them. J. Schwartz. PUCKETT'S FOOT EASE relieves all ailment of feet. At Drug Stores. WANTED ONE OK TWO UNFl'R nished rooms with or without board for man, wife and child. Ad dress W, care Evening Times. FOR RENT HOUSE WITH 11 rooms with Bath and Electric Lights; suitable for boarder.-,. Possession given November 1. Apply to Mrs. W. 12. Foster, 118 N. McDowell Street. STUART'S FIRST CLASS RESTAU- rant, open night and day. I have this day opened to the public a restaurant which I will conduct in such a manner as to win the pat ronage of the people. Give mo a call when you want to do justice to tho inner man. J. Walter Stuart, Stronach Building, corner Wilmington and Davie streets. A FRIEND IN NEED, A FRIEND indeed Puckett's Foot Ease. At Drug Stores. FOR RENT Desirable six-room house with stables, three blocks of capltol. Apply, Mrs. F. P. a m. y if a mice nome THEN BUY ONE OF THOSE NICE SHADY BUILDING LOTS ON FARE OR ASH AVENUES out Hillsboro streot, just bevond St. Mary's, short dis tance from the street cars and in direct line of the city's I most certain development. ' Only a few more of the choicest Lots left. Apply at once to j PARK AVENUE LAND COMPANY OR J. M. BROUGHTON & CO. Real Estate Agents BARGAIN BALE 75-year-old side-i board, 1 gas stove, 2 heaters; all in iirst-class condition. "J." care Times, LADIES "CEL-RI-NOL" kills all pain; safe and sure. Postpaid, 2oc. Simmons Drug Co., Graham. N. C. FOR SALE 50 $30 SHARES RAL- eigh Telephone Stock at ?30 per share. C. C. McDonald. . MISS MATT1E A. HIGGS announces the reopening of her primary day school and music school at 417 North Blount street, Raleigh, N. C on Monday, September 17, 1900. Run-owes course of Music Study, Kindergarten and Primary and j Fletcher Music Methods. Belli 'phone 142., wed & sat tf ANNOUNCEMENT 1 wish to an-j nounce to the. public that I will ! about the middle of September j remove my barber .shop from the Hollemnn to the Henry building, next to Mr. James I. Johnson's Drug Store, where you will find me in an up-to-date barber shop. Thanking you for your past favors and asking a continuance of same. 1 am, respectfully yours, Maurice Watts. fucker. WANTED A hustler to take charge and run Gasoline Wood Saw Thos. Mlal. IF VOl' NEED A PLEASANT, SURE Tonic, take Vick's Wine of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites. $1.00 at Pescud's. ATTEND THE VOI NG HARDWARE Company auction at S o'clock tonight. MIDDLE AGED CAPITALIST, lonesome, desires companionship of loving wife. Rich or poor makes no difference. Write Box 425, St. Joseph, Michigan. ATTEND THE YOUNG HARDWARE Company auction a l $ o'clock tonight. MAKE WALKING EASY PUCK- ett's Foot Ease. At Drug Stores. TOO HOT TO GO TO THE MARKET and then it is not necessary for you to worry yourself in looking up something desirable for your meals. Leave it to Terrell. Be come a patron of his and he will plan the three meals of the day for you. 'Phone Terrell your troubles. An excellent variety of groceries, etc., always available at reasonable prices. G. S. Terrell. FOR RENT Desirable rooms at 117 V Fayetteville street. Water and lights frnished. Inquire on second floor at same number. A YOUNG LADY DESIRES Posi tion to teach school in a family this winter. Address "Teacher," care Raleigh Evening Times. ' 1 ' j i All Kinds of Spices for Pickling PURE APPLE CIDER VINEGAR FOR TABLE USE AND PICKLING, tfoc. PER GALLON. HEINZ WHITE WINE VINEGAR, MAD EJCPRI.SSLY FOR PICKLING, 35c. PER GALON. ALL 'PHONES. D. T. JOHNSON & SON lrf EAST HARGETT STREET. AT PRICES FOR QUICK SELLING. FOURTEEN LADIES DRESS HATS. A. B. STRONACH COMPANY CLEARING SALE PRICES. $2.00 to $2.50 for $2.50 to $8.50 values. Newest styles in Ladies' Kid Glaze Kid and Par ent Leather Gibson Ties, Oxfords and Bluclierettcs, Sizes 2 1-2 to 5. QUICK SELLING PRICES. Misses and Children's Ties, Sandals and Slippers at your price. Six Lawn Waists. Two Linen Suits, Two White Lawn Suits, Four Linene Skirts. Headquarters for Trunks, Suit Casos, Hand Bags at Popular Prices. A. B. STRONACH CO. Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes. FAYETTEVILLE STREET and WILMINGTON STREET. AN OVERCOAT OR SUIT OF STYLISH CLOTHES FAR UNDER COST OF MAKING. r Cold weather will be here almost before you know it, at which time you'll have to supply your wardrobe with the necessary apparel to keep comfortable. No use waiting to buy yourcold w eather garments until you are driven to it and then pay two prices. Make your selections to-day at the BIG FIRE SALE AND SAVE FROM ONE-THIRD TO A HALF Profit on the Goods has no consideration. You may choose here the remaining days of the sale far under the cost of productionaway below the cost of manufacture. The cheaper grades are gonethe better class of GOODS REMAIN. CLOTHING MADE BY THE WORLD'S FOREMOST MANUFACTURES ARE IN THE SALE. As previously announced nothing has been reserjptf but every garment must go by September 1st, This is a sale without a precedent, a bargain-event without an equal, no price-cutting on reputable goods has ever attracted like attention, because the offerings are genuine, no mere make-beliefs. LEE & BROUGHTON 209 Fayetteville Street