Everv Aftdrnofl(j(lixc,ept Sunday. JOHN Gi DKEWRY, President. K. W. SIMPSON, Jk. ...... .Editor. GEORGE B. CILlTER.... Publisher. Pull Leased Wire Service of the Associated Press. The Evening Times Leads all North Carolina Afternoon Newspapers in Circulation. . " "SljScRlPTMSNKAiir (In kd ranee.) One copy one year $4.00 One copy three months 1.00 One copy one week 10 Entered through Raleigh, N. C postofllce as mail matter of the sec ond class, in accordance wlfh the Act of Congress, March 3, 1JJ79. THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1906. rr- n ' T ' ' " ' " Tin- New Kate Law. While the so-called railroad rate bill, enacted at the recent congress, has become effective, It appears to be a mass of contradictions In Its various and sundry provisions, and, indeed, to some of the most eminent lawyers it is absolutely Incomprehensible. A clear solution of Its mysteries must be advanced by the interstate commerce commission and even then the highest tribunal will be called upon to decide whether or not the commission's in terpretation is correct. In any event, there are roufih days ahead for the commission and the railroad lawyers. Alerady five hundred questions have been filed by the transportation com panies and the seven members of the board must answer them. Under the old law rates made'iby the commission did not so into effect until enforced by a court order, whereas under this new law rates are effective within thirty days unless on appeal Is taken to the supreme court. The provisions apply to sleeping car companies, express companies, oil-pipe hires, private freight lines and all individuals or corporations engaged In Uiterstate traffic. The moat wholesome remedy, how ever, will biing relief to those who have been the victims of favoritism applied to others, and severo penalties will be inflicted upon companies and officials found guiity of giving rebates. Instead of punishing the road merely with a fine, the law is sufficient to Cor.vir't Officials and they may be sent ! to prison without the alternative of submitting to a line. Thai is aras tic, but it is right, because one of the giealest iniquities reretofore was re bating by which Standard Oil, for In stance, was enabled to crush competi tors and hold a complete monopoly. This, in addition to government super vision over pipe lines, will preent further outrages, the consequences of Which were fearful. But newspapers and howling polltl ticfans who profess to understand the full Intent and meaning of tlr; law are thoroughly at sea. Not even the commission can give an exact defini tion, of the numerous sections, The majority of railroads are prepared to obey, but they do not know exactly W hut that means. It will require a long trial to prove its value to ship- i Unfair to president Eliot, tidont Eliot, of Harvard has de ' to adopt tno Carnegie method idling and from many quarters S the suggestion that this may lily be due to -the frequency with ,i President Roosevelt's name is Ion '! as the next head of that Tip! inference that therein use is unfair and unjust to an or note. Like many of us i. Ii!;otAjes not take seriously, the tlfjm that Mr. Roosevelt tcctad ekr Instead of be- llevi hat he is prejudiced against1 rlh the president does and says d rather commend him for his ise and Independence and es because he does not belong penally i slopping-over brand of cattle. I. his ideas on the subject of g deserve more consideration spel than the views put forth by Mr. Roose velt, who merely wants to rush to the i' : al the stage at a moment when Brj an is about ready to monopo of the space before the foot- Because Mr. Roosevelt is to adopt the phonetic or fonctic his private correspondence and lor-u merits is no reason why of us' should do likewise. His s. lnnq:, tiresome, and bulky as ', will make it rather hard on et-3 anil printers, the majority a wiil not follow his style. (OBeyell is eternally butting in. Baltimore Sun ivinarks (he person may not 'know whether per to spell his name Rozyfelt piea; styl " publ ,1 rest o. or Bnt-ln-sky, and we are Inclined to pi 'lit the hyphenated form. On the other hand. President Eliot of ; Har vard goes about his work in an unos tentatious manner, seeking good and doina good, without making a spec- tacle oti hlmsHf W W ' occasions. When wf remember 'that It is certainly not light to Question "his motives and assign others which never entered his head. Church Workers in Bunks. The failure of the Real Estate Trust Company of Philadelphia again directs attention to the fact that the head of the establishment was a leader in church work and a man lnvhom the public had the most implicit confidence. Immediately after his death the crash came, and it may be that he died of natural causes, while it is also proba ble and possible that like others he speculated and lost and the thought of what it meant killed him. At any rate, as one of the church officers in Philadelphia expressed It, President Hippie's conduct was enough to de stroy a person's faith in human nature. He had control of the church funds amounting to millions of dollars. Of course, the wicked always empha size a story which deals with the defalcation of a church worker and leader. That, however, does not Justify i the statement that most of them go astray. There are hundreds and hun dreds of bank presidents over the country and with few exceptions they are leaders in church life. The posi tions of responsibility which they hold do not make that necessary, but un less they were identified with the righteous cause they would hardly be asked to manage financial institutions. The penitentiaries are not filled with Sunday school leaders. They are choked with the motley crew of the depraved and the vicious. There have been many cases similar to that of Hippie, and there may be more, but we maintain that it is the excention and not the rule when a church leader turns out to be a thief The democratic primary in South Carolina resulted as The Evening Times predicted, Ansel being elected governor and Lyon winning for attor ney general after a sensational cam paign. The new governor and Mr. Ansel will be that Is i pposi'd to the dispensary, and Mr. Lyon has been unrelenting in prosecuting the liquor grafters ' heretofore. By the time the legislature meets in January the peo ple will be prepared to kill the institu tion, substituting prohibition, or local option under dispensary regulations, in those counties where there Is a desire for it. The primary is a blow to Senator Tillman, and while he has generally been able to take care of himself there is no record of his suc cess when he championed the cause of any other candidates. South Caro lina will not be long in redeeming it self from its shame. Editor Varner's ministers from North Carolina are attracting almost as much attention in New York as Editor Watterson's Kentucky beauties. After visiting Coney Island the advertising preachers announced that "New York is in the grasp of the devil." The Evening Post says there is an old adage that a man generally finds what he is looking for. Our distin guished party, however, merely stumbled upon his Satanic majesty, no doubt. Whether Mr. Bryan comes or stays away the fair in Raleigh In October gives early promise of being one of the greatest events in the history of I the society, and all of us are natur- ally delighted with the prospects. There will be many excellent features, the idea being to show more of the substantial fruits of North Carolina than the flashy things. Mr. Bryan's appearance, of course, will make the attendance all the greater, and Just now he will draw better than on foi mer occasions. From all parts of the south there comes a protest against Mr. Richard Cheatham serving longer as secretary of the southern cotton association be- cause of his gambling proclivities. A movement, has been., started in Nortli Carolina to have Mr. 0. C. Moore of Charlotte succeed him, and we heartily endorse the suggestion. Mr. Moore has as much, if not more ability than Mr. Cheatham, he is enthusiastic to a de gree, and, besides, he is not a gambler. Mr. Comer has been elected governor of Alabama and the fight there was almost as warm as that celebrated contest in Georgia. Comer's election is probably explained in the statement that he stood on the Georgia plat form. At the moment we have pro found sympathy for our distinguished friend, tie Montgomery Advertiser, which worked night and day against Comer, but failed to defeat him. It is not at all likely that Winston Churchill will be nominated by the re publican convention for governor of New Hampshire and in that event It is said that he may run independently. That would give the democrats an ex cellent chance of capturing the state, so the canvass of Winston will help some. "The result in Georgia," says the New Orleans Times-Democrat, "has afforded Tom Watson a novel and pleasing sensation. He now knows how It feels to be on the winning side." What? Call the Honorable Hoke a populist? Socks on the HathiitK Reach 'Atlantic City prudes hay ha Such a shock! For the lair sum mer girl has taken to socks on the bathing beach and abandoned the conventional long stockings. This awful breach In the conven tions was made by a girl from staid and prim Philadelphia. When she appeared yesterday in bare legs and attracted the attention of beach loungers," reter Parker, captain of the life guards, hurried aghast to Mayor Stoy for instructions. But fhe Mayor is a wise official and he knew better than to undertake to settle the all-important question of hose or half-hose; and where there was but one pair yesterday, today there were half a dozen pairs of stockingsless calves twinkling along the sands, with a prospect of a gen eral adoption of the new fad within a day or two, for "If the girls wish to wear socks I have no official oblectjon," Mayor Stov said this evening. "I have had enough of trouble in trying to regu late bathing rigs in former seasons, and so long as there is nothing pos itively indecent about the costumes there will be no objection." According to local haberdashers, there has not yet arisen a strong demand for bathing socks, and it is believed that the daring pioneers of yesterday and today borrowed their brothers' half hose for the occasion. Atlantic City Correspondence of the Philadelphia North American VASELINE NO GOOD FOB HAIB. Dandruff Germ Thrives In It, As Well As In All Crease. A well known Chicago hair spe cialist invited the Inter-Ocean re porter to come to his office and see, under a microscope, how the germ that causes dandruff thrives in vase line. The epecialist said that all hair preparations containing grease, simply furnish food for the germs and help to propagate them. The only way to cure dandruff is to de stroy the germs, and the only hair preparation that will do that is New bro's Herplclde. "Destroy the cause, you remove the effect." Without dandruff no falling hair, no bald ness. Ask for Herpicide. It is the only destroyer of the dandruff germ. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. In stamps for sample to The Herpi cide Co., Detroit, Mich. Labor Day Celebration, Sept. 3rd. The Atlantic & North Carolina Company have authorized reduced rates as follows: To Morehead City and return from Gold8boro $1.60, Bests $1.40, La Grange $1.30. Falling Creek $1.20, Kinston 1$.10, Caswell $1.10, Do ver $1.00, Cove 95 cents, Tuscarora 90 cents, New Bern 86 cents, Uiver dale SO cents, Croatan 73 cents, Havelock (15 cents, Newport 45 cents, Wildwood 30 cents, Mansfield 2f cents. Tickets to be sold September 3, 1906; good only on. day of sale. Reduced raU's have also been au thorized between stations, account Labor Day Celebration, September 3, 1900. H. C. HUDGINS, General Freight Agent, Goldsboro, N. C. R. E. L. BUNCH, Traffic Manager, Goldsboro, N. C. Pale Delicate AVomen and Girls. The Old Standard Grove's Taste less Chill 'ionic drives out malaria and builds up the system. Sold by all dealers for 27 years. Price 50 cents. SALE OF VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY. By virtue of the powers contained in a Judgment of the Superior Court of Wake County, North Carolina, entered on the 2nd day of July, 1906, in a special proceeding therein pending, en titled Mary C. Walker et als. ex parte, and being No. 1310, Special Proceeding Docket of said Court, I will offer for sale at public out-cry, to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door In the City of Raleigh, N. C, on Monday the 30th day of September, 1901, the following decsrlbed lots of land, to-wit: Two certain lots of land in the North-eastern portion of the City of Raleigh, Wake County, North Caro lina, being known as lots Nos. 5 and 13 of block 4 in the addition to the City of Raleigh, known as Idlewild, as surveyed and mapped by A. W. Shaf fer, which paid map is recorded in the office of the Register of - Deeds for Wake County, in book 112, at page 432, and is hereto referred. Said lots are more particularly described as fol lows: Lot No. 5 of block 4. situated on the East side of Seawell Avenue, being a parallellogram In shape, front ing 52te feet on said Avenue and run ning back East 200 feet to an alley, bounded on the North by lot No. 13. and on the South by lot No. 7. in said block 4. Lot No. 13, of block 4, sit uated on the East side of Seawell Avenue, being a parallellogram In shape, fronting 52 feet on said Ave nue, running back East 200 feet to an alley, bounded on the North by lot No. 11, and on the South by lot 'No. 15, In said block 4. WILLIAM B. JONES, Commissioner. This 25th day of August, 1906. JOHN W. HAYS CIVIL ENGINEER "-M.ru An. oc. C t. WATER POWER a MUNICIPAL WORK I Including Waterworks, Scwen. Electric I ign ting, street, Highways, .. ana Park Improvement. No 3 South Adams St.. PeWibnrg, Vi. REHAB TILATED . Z-Jm. I I know from observation as to drunkenness, and an awful experi ence as to use of morphine that the Keeley Treatment is a specific cure for both diseases. I began taking morphine to relieve pain; the use of the drug grew so insidiously that I became helpless before I was aware of it. For ten years I fought against it in vain, trying many so called antidotes at great expense, without benefit, my struggles only facilitating my descent into the in describable tortures of an Opium hell. I entered the Greensboro, N. C, Keeley Institute twelve years ago a mental and physical wreck with out energy 'or care lor the duties of life; the past becoming a blank, and the future hopeless. 1 went not ex pecting to be cured, but that my life might be prolonged a short while. The beneficial effects of the treatment became auuaren! at once the unbearable craving for the drug was eradicatedIt hsver has returned. I was, and remain, cured have no more desire for morphine than if it never existed. All patients were treated with kindest consideration none were rebuffed or criticised, and I take pleasure in testifying to the unvary ing kindness and courtesy of every official of the Institution. I earnest ly advise every whiskey diseased drunkard and nerveless drug-user to take the Keeley Treatment forth with urge your friends to lose' no time, remind them that in drunken ness as in other diseases, there is a period from beyond which none can return. This line passed the help less victim must go down to an ever lasting doom. The reasons are self evident, the Keeley Treatment takes the drunkard from the gutter and drug-user from his dreams, releasing them from the clutches of a merci less tyrant rehabilitates them for the duties and obligations of life it drives the fears from the sorrow ing woman a drunkard's wife a drunkard's mother: it revives their sense of moral obligation; in fact makes them new men. D. BARNES. Reidsville, N. C, Dec. Ill, 1904. If you have friends who might be benefitted b ythis treatment send their name sto the Keeley Institute, Greensboro, N! C. Watch this Column Daily for a New Testimonial as to the Wonderful Cures Effected by : THE : MECKLENBURG MINER AL WATERS, CHASE CITY, VA. Others tell what their Waters are; wo show what ours do. These are no Fancies. These are .Facts. Let those who were Cured speak for themselves. LISTEN! Dr. George W. Warren, 1212 H street northwest, Washington, D. C, under date of November' 29, 1002, writes : I have used your Mineral Water in three cases of Eczema of long stand ing, which has apparently withstood all treatment until I used the water with other medication, with excellent results. Water for sale by all first-class drug store's. NOTICE OF REMOVAL OF Dr. D. S. Rowland's Office. I am now situated In my new offices opposite the postofllce. In addition to general office work, having install ed quite a number of the latest elec trical instruments, will be in posi tion to administer Electro Therapy in all its phases, including X Ray work. Special engagements can be arranged for. Office hours: 8:30 to 11:80 a. in., 2:30 to 6 p. m., and 8 at night. H. P. S. KELLER ARCHITECT RALEIGH, N. C. DR. JOEL WHITAKER RALEIGH, N. C. TRACIC LIMITLI) TO DISEASES OF THE EVE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Dr. Ernest H. Broughton Associated with Dr. J. H. Crawford ...DENTIST... 116 Fayetteville Street In all the Round World la Gta Artistic STI E FF Ask those who know a thing or two about PIANOS, what they think of the 8TIEFF ask in par ticular about its TONE. INVESTIGATE! STI E FF, 66 GRANBY ST. Norfolk, Va. GEO. S. NUSSEAR, Mgr. Send for descriptive booklet and special price list. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. N. B. Following schedule figures published only as information, and are net guaranteed: Trains leave Raleigh: No. 1125:15 a. m. Dally for Goldsboro and local stations. No. 1177:50 a. m. Dally for Richmond and local stations. Through coaches to Chase City and Richmond: No. 1078:45 a. m. Daily for Greens boro and local stations. Chase City, Richmond and local sta tions : No. 10810:30 a. m. Dally for Golds boro and all local points. No. 1353:30 p. m. Dally for Greens boro and Intermediate stations. No. 11111:59 p. m. Daily for Greens boro and local points; carries Pull man sleeper Raleigh to Greensboro. Trains arrive Raleigh: From Greensboro 5:15 a. m., 10:30 a. m., E:39 p. m. mom Goldsboro 8:45 a. m., 3:30 p. m., 11:59 p. m. From Richmond and Chase City 8:05 p. m. H. B. SPENCER, Gen. Manager. S. H. HARDWICK, Pass. Traffic Manager. W. H. TATLOE, Gen. Pass. Agt., Washington, D. C. T. E. GREEN, City Ticket Agent, Raleigh, N. C. When You Buy a Piano you want an in vestment which is up to date, has the best of workmanship and material in its construction, has an even scale and good tone quality. 75he SHONINGER has all of these essential quali ties. That's why you should investigate before you buy any other Piano. Sold by b Sensation Cut : : Plug : : : Is one of the Most Popular Brands of Smoking Tobacco on the market. The smell of "Sensation" smoke is as pleasant as a ten cut Cigar. ' The trade furnished by J. R. FERRALL & CO. LEADING GROCERS; Raleigh's Best Barbers OTEY and Spn Yarborough House Mill l INK RALEIGH, N. C. A ANNUAL AUGUST GREAT HOUSE-KEEPING DRY GOODS SALE - :0: - LAST FOR AUGUST SALES VALUES IN HOUSEKEEPING DRY GOODS. Only 2 Days More ! Do you realize what these last days of this August sale mean to you. If you have Blankets, Quilts, Bed Comforts, Table Linens, Curtains, Portieres or other Household Dry Goods to buy, you will save dollars by taking advantage of our August sale prices. Sale ends Saturday. Only two days more . It is the Ideal Time to Buy Carpets and Rugs, Art Squares, Bed Spreads, Crochet and Marseilles niankets and lied Comforts, Eiderdown Quilts, Sheets and Pillow Cases, Linens, Sheetings, Table Damask, Napkins, Crashes, Towels, Bath Towels, Upholsteries ond Draperies, Portiere Curtains, Couch Covers, Table Cov ers, Lace Curtains, Swisses and Cm-tain Muslins, etc. Unprecedented values in all the above lines. There will lie a saving of fully one-fourth to one-third on the regular season's prices. LACE CURTAINS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY. BIG DOUBLE TABLE CENTER OP STORE JUST AS YOU ENTER FROM FAYETTE VILLE STREET. Never such a grand showing with the clearance stocks furnished by half a dozen well known Lace Curt-iin manufacturing concerns. This big Lace Curtain bargain offering takes a leading part in the great August Housekeeping Dry Goods Sale the importance of this great Bargain Laco Curtain offering in this sale may be judged from the fact that we devoting to it all the valuable center space at the front entrance the place of greatest honor hi the entire store. Inasmuch as the quantity purchased is so large and the price so low, wo cou nt upon the greatest Curtain selling we have ever known. HEAVY CURTAIN'S TIERES. FOR POR - A great big double table (rear of the store floor good light and plenty of space to show them in to get the effect, etc. This bargain lot of Portieres is a bij: special purchase lot secured from one of the biggest mills in this coun try, if not in the world. There are not many pairs of a kind, but you w ill find them the greatest bargain values you have ever seen. Prices range from $1.98 up to $9.00 and $10.00 a pair. Particularly special values from $4.32 to $6.38 a pair. NOTICE Now is the time to buy. annual Housekeeping Dry Goods Sale. vide for your future needs saving big money. OUR CARPET DEPARTMENT. IS NOW OFFERING THE GREATEST INDUCEMENT IN THE WAY OF BARGAIN PRICES. Carpets and Rugs In this sale, notwithstanding the bargain prices, will be made free of charge. You can settle for them and have them laid later in the fall or winter. .We will hold them for you. .Now's your op portunity to save money. SPLENDID ECONOMIES IN PURE WHITE WOOL BLANKETS. Best make of North Carolina Blankets. WORTH EVERY HOUSEKEEPERS' ATTENTION. 10 1 size at only $2.97, worth $4.00 a pair. A saving of one dollar and three cents on every pair. 11 i size at only $3.73, worth $3.00 a pair. A saving of one dollar and twenty seven cents on every pair. SEE OUR BED COMFORTABLES. One-fourth to one-third less than regular season's lowest prices. Eiderdown QuilU at August prices. BIG BARGAINS. In Sheets Best Grade. 63x90, only. B7c. 81x90, only 62c. 90x90, only 89c. DOBBIN FERRALL CO. We give Dobbin & Fen-all's Gold Trading Stamps good as gold. Wa prepay express or freight charges on all mail cash orders of $5.00 or more. DAYS THESE J TABLE LINENS. I Every housekeeper is proud to have an ample supply of Table Cloths and Napkins, and this great August Sale of Housekeeping Dry Goods offers the best opportunity that will occur to make purchases of the best Table Damasks and aNpkins manufactured at less than wholesale prices and in many instances less than mill prices. We call special attention to these two yard-wide Table Damasks at only 43c. 18c, 58c, 68c, 87c, -1.12, $1.2.1, 81.38, $1.48, and $1.68 a yard. Special low prices on the Napkins to match. GREAT TOWEL VALUES. Huck Towels at only 9c, 12c, 16c, and 21c. This is the last week of the great Take time by the forelocks and pro- PRICES SPEAK LOUDER THAW WORDS FOR OUR QUILTS. See our prices. They are less than most dealers pay at wholesale for such Quilts: 98c., worth $1.25 $1.28, worth.. 1.75 1.48, worth 2.00 1.88, worth 2.50 ; Equal valuc-s are to be found in these English Marseilles Quilts or Bed Spreads as they are often called. Genuine English Marseilles Bed Spreads w ash better, keep whiter and wear longer than all other makes. See prices: $2.33, worth $3.00 2.67, worth 4.00 2.87, worth 4.B0 3.38, 'worth 5.00 4.13, worth 5.50 Unprecedented bargains. PILCOW AND BOLSTERfCASES. Regular line, but grand Values at the prices. No more than when cot ton was 7 cents.

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