THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES, FRIDAY,- iXTO UST 31, 1906. A QUIET DAY ON THE EXCHANGE Advances and Declines Gut a Small Figure THE EFFECT OF LOANS when Those Which Carry Over Until Tuesday Were Made at Nine Per Cent, the Market Promptly Weakened and the Advances Were Lost. (By the Associated Press.) New York, Aug. 31. Speculation was quiet and at the outset there was a little irregularity to prices. Neither the advances or declines amounted lo much, aside from a gain of a point in Union Pacific. The coal stocks were easier, including Head ing and Pennsylvania. A moderate demand arose and St. Paul, Union Pacific and New York Central advanced 1 . Heading 1 ! and the general market to a good fraction above yesterday's closing. Subsequently when the loans which carry over until Tuesday were made at 9 per cent the market promptly weakened and advances wero quite generally lost. Anaconda and Great Northern preferred, fell 2 Vi under last night's price and Heading, Northwestern, Wabash preferred and General Electric 1 to 1.I Around 11 o'clock the market was; quite ugin. Monetary conditions hud a repressive! effect on the general stock trading and ' business was exceptionally small. Union Pacific was pushed up over 2 points to 190 1-2 in the face of the 10 per cent money rate. Other stocks reflected the concern felt over money from time to time, but in the main made a better showing than would be generally expected. Delaware & Hud son. Northern Pacific, Erie, Rock Is land preferred and American Car pre ferred declined 1 to 1 1-2. The market was in a semi-stagnant condition at noon. Bonds were steady. BBIKF Business in stocks became progres sively smaller as call money rates advanced, 1 1 per cent ruling at 1 o'clock. The active list fluctuated within a narrow limit, but maintain ed a good undertone. One hundred shares of Adams Express sold at 301) compared with 250, the preceding sale on May 17. Pullman jumped 5 points. In the late afternoon when Union Pacific moved slowly upward to 191 1-2 other stocks began to show moderate sympathy with the movement and St. Paul, Southern Pacific, Reading and Amalgamated Copper recovered to their high prices of the morning. Pull man extended its rise to 8 points, touching 250. Traders who were reluctant to carry stocks over until Tuesday closed out In the last hour and this selling wiped out the day's rise in St. Paul and Reading and clipped off 1 1-2 of the ad vance in Union Pacific. The general market was about as inert as at any time during the day since the money Situation became dominant. The clos ing of the market was lifeless and fairly steady. New York Closing Stock List. Atchison 106 Atchison pref 101 Baltimore & Ohio 117 Canadian Pacific 173 Chicago & Northwestern 210 Chicago & Northwestern pref. 230 Colorado Southern 37 Denver & Hio Grande 4 3 Denver & Hio Grande pref... s,r Wrip 45 Illinois Central Louisville & Nashville Manhattan i. Metropolitan St. Rwy. Mexican Central Missouri Pacific New York Central . . . .173 . 21 . 97 .143 .141 Pennsylvania Reading 130 Rock Island 27 Rock Island pref 05 V SI. Paul lTG'i Southern Pacific 90 Southern Railway 38 Union Pacific 191 i Union Pacific pref 94 Wabash .20 Wisconsin Central 25 Northern Pacific 215 Great Northern praf 3 27 Interborough-Met 38 Interborough-Met. pref 78 Atlantic Coast Line 143 Chesapeake & Ohio 64 Norfolk & Western 93 Southern Railway pref 100 Miscellaneous. Amalgamated Copper 109V4 American Car and Foundry 40 American Locomotive 71 Am. Smelting and Refining 156 Am. Smelting and Refining pref.. 11614 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 75 Colorado Fuel and Iron 55 International Paper 19 National Biscuit 6 National Lead "8 Northern Securities Pacific Mail 37 People's Gas 91 Pressed Steel Car 53 Pullman Palace Car 248V4 Standard OH 602 Sugar 136 Tennessee Coal and Iron 156 United States Steel 46 United States Steel pref 106 Western Union 91 Mactay CQ-'s n Mackay Co.'a. pref; 71 American Tobacco pref American Tobacco 4's 784 American Tobacco 6's 112 SloSB-Sheffleld 77 Va.-Car. Chemical 384 Va.-Car. Chemical pref American Woolen 36 American Woolen pref New York Cotton Market. (By the Associated Press.) New York, Aug. 31. The cotton mar ket opened steady at a decline of 5(0)9 points, and after the call rallied 2 or 3 points on buying for a turn. There was no aggressive support, however. The weather was good, private crop reports bearish, and a tendency to sell on slight improvements soon eased the market off. During the middle of the forenoon prices were barely steady and about 89 points net lower. Trad ing was comparatively quiet. Cotton futures opened steady. Sep tember 8.68; October 8.89; November nffered 8.94; December 9.08; January 9.15; February 9.16 bid; March 9.27; April 9. 29 bid; May 9.36. New York, Aug. 31. Cotton futures closed barely steady. Closing bids September 8.65; October 8.82; Novem ber 8.92; December 9.01; January 9.09; February 9.14; March 9.22; April 9.23; May 9.30. The market was quiet but steady late in the morning and prices at mid day were within 2 or 3 points of last night's finals on covering of shorts. Spot cotton quiet; middling uplands 9.80; middling gulf 10.05. Cotton, spot 'closed; middling up lands li.SO; middling gulf 10.05. Sales (100 bales. Estimated receipts at the ports to- day v week week eek ere 17,000 bales against 9.361 last and 16,998 last year. For the 72.000 bales against 49.414 last md 89,620 last year. Today's re- celpts at New Orleans 76S bales against none last year, and at Houston 8,5f)3 bales against 9,770 last year. Yester day's Open. August September 8.68 October 8.89 November 8.9 Close. 8.65 8.82 8.92 9. CI 9.09 9.14 9.22 9.23 9.30 Close. 8.78 8.75 8.94 9.04 9.14 9.21 9.26 9.35 9.30 9.42 .. 9.08 January .... 9.15 February 9.16 March 9.27 April 9.29 May 9.3C Liverpool Cotton Market. (By the Associated Press.) Liverpool. Aug. 31. Cotton spot dull; prices 2 points higher; American mid- dling fair 5.91; good middling 5.S3; middling B.41; low middling u.-i; goon oidmary 4.97; ordinary 4.73. The sales of the day were 4,000 bales, of which 4C0 were for speculation and export and included 3,400 American. Receipts 8,000 bales, including 5,300 American. Futures opened steady and closed steady. American middling good ordi nary clause September 5.04(?i5.05; September-October 4.95; October-November 4.934.94; November-December 4.94; December-January 4.95; January-February 4.96(ir4.97: February-March 4.98 4.99; March-April 5.00(i(5.01; April-May 5.02; May-June &. 03 5.04; June-July 6.05. Raleigh Spot Market (Reported by Chas. E. Johnson & Company.) Str(ct good middling, 10. flood middling. 10c. Strict middling, ?c. Middling, c. Chicago Grain and Provisions. Chicago, Aug. 31. Wheat was steady at the opening today chiefly because of predictions of rain for today and to night In the northwest. Commission houses were good buyers of September. December opened 1-8 lower at 73 1-2 and sold at 73 3-4. A slight rally occurred about the middle of the day on covering by shorts, December advancing to 74 1-8. The close was steady, with December a shade higher at 73 5-83-4. In sympathy with wheat December corn steadied at 43 5-85D3-4. The market remained steady all day, the range of prices being confined to l-4c. The high point for December was 43 7-8. The close was steady, with December down a shade at 43 5-8ff3-4. December oats were quiet and steady at 30 3-4. September provisions opened quiet, pork at 10.80 to 16.90; lard at 8.S0 and ribs at 8.82 1-2. Chicago Live Stock Market. (Bv the Associated Press.) Chicago, Aug. 31. Cattle Re ceipts 15,000; market strong; beeves 3.906.85; cows .and heifers 1.40 5.20; stackers and feeders 2.404-30; Texans 3.654.50; westerns 3.60 5.20; calves 5.50(1' 7.50. Hogs Receipts 12,000; market 10c. hlghar. Mixed and butchers 5.856.45; good heavy 5.90(3)6.35; i rough heavy 5.355.70;. light 5.85, (t6.45; pigs 5.256.15; bulk of! sales 5.95 (ft 6.35. Shjep Receipts lU.UUU; market lambs strong: shaep 3.60 5.60; 4.75 7.75. New York Provision Murket. (By the Associated Press.) New York, Aug. 31 Flour steady and unchanged. December 81 1-4 (fl9A33vb(?keqtaolcmfv Wheat firm; September 78 5-8 78 3-4; 84 1-8. Rye Nominal. Corn steady; September 56 l-4l-2. Beef and Pork Steady. Lard Steady; prime western 8.80 8.90. Sugar Raw firm; fair refining 3 3-8 l-2; centrifugal 4; molasses sugar 3 l-8(R)l-4; refined steady: crushed 5.60; powdered 5.00; granulated 4.90. Coffee Quiet; No. 7 Rio 8 3-8. Molasses Steady; New Orleans 30 38. Butter firm; western factory, 15 18; western Imitation, creamery, firsts, 18 1-2 19. Cheese steady. Eggs firm; nearby selected west ern llrsts,' 20 1-2 21. REMEDIES Should be in your vest pocket or handy about the home, mer heat, when you arc all run down and physically w prostration, skin eruptions, depressed spirits, peevishness, sensitiveness of the whole nervous system, morbid fears, less nlffhts, eczema, pimples, blotches and all impurities of the blood. Now is the time to begin. This great remedy costs but a trifle, will save you doctor's bills and years of suffering. If you value your life and of some others, you will only use a remedy tried and never found wanting this can be found in Penn Nerve and Blood Tonic When you take a Penn Remedy, you are using an honest, cine, vounched for by your leading druggists as free from ooisons. a body-builder, with a tonic cine. It is a tonic that tones. Wholesale by W. H. King Drug Co. Retail by Henry T. Hicks Co., Robert Simpson, O. G. King, The Tucker Drug Co. and Tucker Building Pharmacy. RALEIGH : SAVINGS : BANK JOHN T. PULLEX, President. CHARLES BOOT Cashier. Deposits over $050,000, and this hanlr. has paid oat to depos itors about $150,000 in Interest 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. MONEY TO IXJAN ON REAL ESTATE AND APPROVED COL' LATERAL. New York Money Market. I New York, Aug. 31. Money on call I Strong and higher. Sir 12 per cent; rul ing rale 9; closing bids 10; offered at ! 12. Time loans very strong, sixty I days no loans; ninety days 7; six months C 1-2. Close Prime mercantile paper 6fj 6 1-2 per cent: Sterling exchange weak ' at 483.2r.1i 483.35 for demand, and at 48O,15480.20 for sixty day bills. Posted rates 4SI l-2$(482 and 484 l-2485. Com mercial bills 479 5-s. Bar silver 66 5-8; Mexican dollars 51 1-4: government bonds firm; railroad bonds steady. The New York Poultry Market. (Bv the Associated Press.) New York, alive and steady ug. 31. Poultry western chickens, 14 1-2; fowls, 14; turkeys,, 14;. dressed, irregular; western chick ens, 13(a 13; turkeys, 13 iff. 14; fowls, 10ff 14. Hate Oil Call Money. New York, Aug. 31 Call money opened on the stock exchange today at 8 per cent. At 1 1 o'clock the quo tation was 9 per cent. At 11:20 o'clock call monv was lending at 10 per cent, t'na Highest rate in several months. At 10.50 p. in. Call money loaned at 12 per cent. - NINETEEN SOLDIERS ARE SHOT FOR MUTINY (Bv the Associated Press.) London, Aug. 31. A dispatch to a news agwucy from Helsingfors, Finland, today anounced that 19 soldiers round guilty of participation in the recent mutiny at Sveaborg fortress, were shot today, that Hire? civilians convicted of incitement to mutiny were hanged and that others were sentenced to prison for terms varying from five to fifteen years. JAPS CONVICTED OF SEAL KILLING. (By the Associated Press.) Washington, Aug. 31. The de partment of justice today received the following telegram from the United States attorney at Valileie, Alaska: "Six Javanese were convicted on' the 29 of attempting to kill fur seals on Saint Pauls Island, five Others i pleaded guilty to killing seals at the same place, remaining prisoner was tried and his case is now before the ' jury." SHEPHERD MADE REFEREE. the ("use of Senator Overman Against Lanier Estate. tSnecial to the Evening Times.) Salisbury. N. C. Aug. 31. -court this morning appointed ax-Cliief Jus- j tice James E. Snephard referee in j the case of United States Sanatpr j Overman against the heirs of the j Lanier estate for filial settlement. iMr- Overman is administrator of J. B. Lanier, a weauny bisuubi nun nniinn Ho.iler His heirs refused lo accept the settlement and Hie ssnator brought suit. They countered with impeachment of items in the settle ment and the cases were consolidat ed. The greatest lawyers in the state are appearing on either side. The amount involved is sixty thou sand dollars., GREAT MINING COMPANY IS IN RECEIVER'S HANDS. (By the Associated Tress.) Boston, Mass., Aug. 31. The Ty ler Park Mining Company, a Colo rado corporation, capitalized for $5, 000,000 was placed lu ths hands of Thomas D. Goodall today, the result of charges made by Clarence II. Knight of this city, a creditor for ?5,000, who alleged that the com pany is hopelessly Insolvent and owes $213,000. . Safeguard Your Heatlh PENN NERVE and BLOOD TONIC In the trying sum iak with nervous irritability, general restless and sleep reliuWc all spif meill- effect found in no other known medl- NEW STOCK TOBACCO. I have just received a fine lot of the very choicest tobaccos, including the very best Havana, for Cigar mak ing and the new product is now on the market, as well as the highest grade of well matured Cigars that ever sold at 5 cents. BOX TRADE A SPECIALTY, j M. V. SANDERFORD NEXT TO HOYLAN-PEAItCE CO. ! LlXO Clears you up. I plexioii, drives color. In fact, ImprOvee your com away that sallow Laxo Docs What Calo mel Should Do It reaches the Liver, cleanses il and puts it to uorking as nature in tended it should do. H ICKS' Drug Stores I Hubbard Bros. Co. HANOVER SQUARE, NEW YORK. I MEMBERS OF New York Cotton Ex change, New Orleans Cotton Ex- j change, Associate Members Liver pool Cotton Association. ORDERS SOLICITED For the pur-1 chase and sale of cotton for future delivery. Correspondence Invited. f r sale: Eight-root" House, with Ram on West North Street. A bargain. Will also rent. in i ii Beautify the Complexion IN TEN DAYS. Nadinola The UNEQUALED by thousand; guarantee J to remove freckles, pimples, all facial diaeolorattons and restore the beauty of youth. The worst cases in twenty riays. 50c. and $1.00 at all leading dru stores, or by mail. Prepared bj NATIONAL TOILET CO., Paris. Teas For Sala by K1NG-CROWELL DRUG CO. 19 New If you intend to furnish a new home, or another room, or if you want to buy a piece of FURNITURE to complete your room, there are several things to be con sidered. 1st Design and Quality. 2nd Price If you trade at this store you have an UNQUES TIONED GUARANTEE OF SATISFACTION. At Our Prices. Which Are Positively Lower Than Elsewhere Every home can discard the old buiicllesonie furniture and sub stitute Metal Beds. It is our desire to add you to our already long list of patrons, and terms and prices will be made that will make you a permanent customer of this store. CASH OR CREDIT. The Raleigh Furniture Co., J AS. M. RIGGAM . Mgr. THE MARKED PROGRESS OF NORH CAROLINA IS BEST SHOWN BY THE CONDITION OF STATE RANKS In Five Years the Deposits in State Bunks Alone Have Grown From In 1901, ......$ 9,800,000 In 1906, . ... . . 33,600,000 See How The Tide Has Turned! THE COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS BANK of Raleigh, N. C, STANDS FIRST among the 254 state banks which do XOT PAY INTEREST ON DEPOSITS J. J. THOMAS, President B. 8, .TERMAN, Cashier j A. A. THOMPSON, Vice President H. W. JACKSON, Assistant Cashier THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK RALEIGH, N. C. ASSETS ONE AND A QUARTER MILLIONS. Safety Deposit Bo.vcs for rent $4.00 per annum. For protection of your Jewelry. Insurance Policies, Deeds, Wills, Bonds and other iiiluable papers. I THE STRONGEST. SOUNDEST AND it EST SELECTED In lif life HILLY TAYLOR, Manager. Always here for the person want liiK a square deal. i SPECIAL CHINA SALE In order to reduce stock and make room for other goods, we will offer all China and Dric-a-Rrac -at one-third off for cash until September 1st. See window display. J. C. ELLINGTON. Raleigh, - - North Carolina oing to BUY FurnitureJ Baby's Sleep Is Sweetest in An Iron Bed Of all the Furniture that has been invented to date, nothing has canie into such popular favor as Metal Furniture. It is absolutely the cleanest, coolest and the most comfort able to sleep upon. t ' JOSEPH G. BROWN, President, HENRY E. L1TCHFORD, Cashier J 1 Is Money to Build a Home Under the Plans of the Mechanics & Investors Union 1 A Home is within the reach of almost ' any salaried man. A monthly pay ' mcnt of Ten Dollars for 100 months, (about what you ure paying for rent) will give you Five Hundred Dollars with which to build a Dwelling and ! will provide a Savings Fund of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars to be paid i to you at maturity with which to edu cate your son at the A. and M. Col ! lege or to enlarge your house. For full information, write to GEORGE ALLEN, Sec, PuHen Building. NEW FICTION At Low Prices. ! ELABORATE CLOTH BINDINGS At 50 Cent. ADE, GEORGE Fables and Slang. ALLEN, JAMES LANE Choir Invisible. ATHERTON, GERTRUDE The Conqueror' BARRIE, I. M. The Little Minister. CHURCHILL, WINSTON The tien-i.. COKRELLI, MARIE The Master ("hri-i-CRAWFORD, MARION In the Palace of tin kihh DAVIS, RICHARD HARDING Soldiers of F. ItOLYE, A. CONAN Adventures of Sherlock Hinm. Hound of the RunkfUl" I EVANS, AUGUSTA J. SI Klin... Ford, PAUL LEICESTER Honorable Peter Sterling. GREEN, ANNA KATH BRINE Filigree Ball. j HOPE, ANTHONY Rupert of Hen turn, j HOUGH, EMERSON The Mississippi Bnhi.i. LONDON, JACK The Call of the Wild. MAJOR, CHARLES When Knighthood Was In Flower. McCUTCHEON, GEO. B. Grans tauk. TARKINGTON, BOOTH Gentleman From Indiana. Send for our list of a 1,000 title. Ihe best values ever offered In books. ALF. WILLIAMS CO. Why not be comfortable during j the hot weather. Get an Electric I Fan and you will be. Come in and I try one. Raleigh Construction Co. 133 Fayetteville Street. SAFE? Are your valuables: jewe) jry, stocks, bonds, insurance policies, etc., safe from lire? We have Safe Deposit Boxes in our Fire and Burglar Proof Vault. $2.00 A YEAR. You are cordially imited to Inspect these. Carolina Trust Company. A. J. RUPFIN, President LEO. D. HEARTT. Vice President and General Manager. H. F. SMITH, Cashier.