.V IHB HSLEIGH EVENING TIMES, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1906. c THEATRICALS ACADEMY OPENS TONIGHT. "Violette," the Musical Comedy, Will Usher in the Season. Advance notices are sent out as fol lows: One of the most pleasing of the many pleasing musical numbers in the new big musical comedy success "Violette" which will be here at the Academy of Music tonight is entitled "Dear Old Dixie" and is sung by Miss ionnne ranees, tne pretty star of tne company, tne words and music are entirely new and are of the catchy kind that immediately take hold of the public heart. Indeed it Is said to be no unusual thing for the aud ience to join in the chorus. The next day the tune is whistled everywhere on the street, this being true also of several other numbers in the musical program. "Around the Town." Pretty girls, lovely costumes, excel lent singing, combined with the clev er comedians, Murray and Mack, brisk in action comprise the attract ive features to be found this season in the new musical comedy "Around the Town." The costumes worn are not only magnificent but are unique in detail and are displayed by a very clever chor'is of young ladies as it has been possible for the manage ment to obtain. It is bubbling over with catchy musical numbers, mount ed with beautiful scenery and ward robe designed by the leading costum- Murray and Mfcek will be in- traction Monday night. ,t- WEATHER FORECAST. (By the Associated Press.) Washington, Sept. 5. Forecast for North Carolina tor tonight and Thurs day: Occasional showers tonight and Thursday, fresh northeast winds in creasing and probably becoming brjsk Thursday. The area of high pressure which was over the lakes yesterday has moved eastward and now lies central over New York and New England. Xt has caused somewhat cooler weather In the New England and middle states. In the Rocky Mountain re gion the pressure is low with centers of depression over Canada near Mon tana and over Arizona. During the past twenty-four hours rain has fal len in the cotton belt, and the follow ing heavy precipitation, in inches, has been reported: Nashville, Tenn., 1.68; Meridian, Miss., 1.44; and Tampa, Fla., 2.50; Corpus Christi, Texas, 3.38. The temperature changes in the south have been slight. Light frost occurred at Oswego. The pressure will fall in this section as the northern high moves to the east, and with the falling barometer occa sional showers may be expected in this vicinity tonight and Thursday. A. H. THIESSEN, STATE FAIR RACING. Purses Increased Materially $3,000 In Different Classic. The purses for the races at the state fair this year have been increased and are as follows: First Day Tuesday, October 16. No. 1 Z:22 class, trotting $25C No. 22:15 class, pacing 300 No. 3 One-half mile heats, run ning 100 Second Day Wednesday, Oct. 17. No. 42:35 class, trotting $200 No. 52:21 class, pacing 250 No, 6 One-half mile heats, run ning 1 No. 72:50 class, N. C.-bred horses, trotting or pacing 100 Third Day Thursday, Oct. 18. No. 82:16 class, trotting w No. 92:11 class, pacing 300 Nn io Three-auarter mile heats. runninE" 100 mm 11 Reserved for SDecials 500 Fourth Day Friday, Oct. 19. No. 18-2:27 class, trotting $250 Tir 19 87 class. Dacine it No. 14 One-half mile' heats, con- dfvlntinn mnniner 100 Rr.tra.nce fee. 5 per cent, with 5 pe cent additional from winners. Entrief ir.ae Tnesdav. October 9, 1906. at 11 o'clock p. m. Records made that day no bar. The officials will be Dr. J. R. Rogers nnd John W. Cross, directors, and J. b Wynne, presiding Judge, all of Raleigh, and Colonel Robert Hougn, or tsaiu more, starter and manager. Over J3.00C is offered in purses for trotters, paceif and runners. HARDIN'S CASE TAKEN UP. Indicted by Government for Making i.'hIk,, KeiMirts of Destruction of StiUs. (Special to The Evening Times.) Greensboro, N. C, Sept. 5. Yesterday Judge Boyd refused to.grant a con tinuance of the case of revenue officer indicted for alleged frauds against the government and the case against ex Deputy R. H. Hardin was taken up. Hardin is indicted for making false re ports to the government of the destruc tlon of stills, with duplicate counts of neglect of duty in permitting such illicit distilleries to operate in Wilkes county. It was reported that ex-Governor Ay cock and C. B. Watson, who were ol counsel for the defense In the former trials, have retired from the cases. In the cross-examination of govern ment witnesses, Judge Bynum hat shown io purpose so far of trying to make It appear that the prosecutions are of factional political inspiration, in former trials the element of politi cal persecution was strongly ana per sistently injected by defendant's coun- A" . j WAKE COUNTY SCHOOLS Majority to Open During Month of October Many Teaching Positions Not Vet Filled Contract Let For School House at Garner to Cost $2,350. Junior Orders Gave One-fourth. County Board Meeting. At the meeting of the county school board, which was in session yester- day, it was decided to announce tha: the public schools of Wake couniy would open from the first Monday in October to the first Monday in No vember. A large number of positions paying good salaries have not yet been Oil ed, and teachers desiring to teach in Wake county by applying to County Superintendent Z. V. Judd of Raleigh would be able to secure positions. The public school at Garner, which recently lost its building by fire caused by lightning, will soon have a handsome new building to cost $2, 350. The contract has been let to John A. Wrenn. The building will have two stories, the upper floor to be used by the Junior Order, which contributed one-fourth of the cost. The insurance on the building burned, together with the amount contributed by the lnriior Order, will nearly cover the contract priee. CUT HIS ARM AND NOT HIS THROAT. Mr. Needham Bagwell, who was reported about town to have acci dentally cut his throat with a razor Sunday at his home, six miles from here, near Garner, and to have come near bleeding to death, is back at his work in one of the clothing houses on Wilmington street. The truth of the matter is, that while preparing his razor to shave, he drew it across his sleeve to wipe it without noticing that the edge was turned the wrong way. The first thing he knew blood was spurting up over his head. He had cut a big vein and two arteries in his left arm. Medical aid was secured as soon as possible and Mr. Bagwell's arm is coming on as well as could be ex pected. .MRS. MANNING'S FUNERAL. One of the Saddest and Most Im pressive Ever Held in Raleigh. At six o'clock "yesterday evening at Christ Church the funeral of Mrs. Pattie Lewis Manning, wife of Dr. Isaac Manning of Chapel Hill, and daughter of Dr. R. H. Lewis was held. It was one of the saddest and most impressive funerals ever held in Raleigh. Tha church was slmplv packed with friends of the beloved young woman and her family, anil 'he number and beauty of the floral offerings that banked the chancol .vere well nigh unprecedented. The services were conducted by Bishop Joseph Blount Cheshii'e, Rev. William Meade, of Chapal Hill, Rev. M. M. Marshall, rector of Christ Church, and Rev. McNeely DuBose. The hymns sung' wei'e "Peace, Perfect Peace," "Just As I Am" and "In the Hour of Trial." The interment was in Oakwood cemetery, and the pall-bearers were II IN CAN J. ONL LPBfflfW' "-' " ' JiE WMwaHaflT-- JnlfmBmKf SMALL OR LARGE RELIABLE. HAMS, F. F. V. HAMS, MONUMENTAL HAMS. Every one guaranteed sound sweet. Price 17 1-2 to 20c. per pound. ALL 'PHONES. D. T. JOHNSON (SL SON 10 EAST HARGETT STREET. The J. D. Riggan o. WHOLESALE. Candy, Toys, Crockery, Classware, Stotionery, Twines, Bags, Enomejed wares, Wooden wares ap and Extracts. Spool Cotton 132 FAYETTEVILLE ST. n MAI Hi IX ATLANTA. YESTERDAY ON OUR COUNTER TODAY! No Candy equals Nunally's for Purity and Freshness. H ICKS' DRUG - STORES Messrs. H. A. Alorson, J. Leigh Skin ner, E. B. MeKee, W. W. Robards, W. U. Haywood, and P. H. Busbee. Among the friends and relative from a distance who were here were Dr. Kemp P. Battle, Sr., Miss Cantee Venable, Dr. Wilson, Dr. Coker and Dr. William DeB. MacNider, of Chapel Hill; Dr. and Mrs. John Man ning, Miss Mary Weldon Huske, Mr. j. S. Manning, Mr. .1. S. Manning, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Erwin, of Durham; Mrs. V. W. Huske, of Fay etteville; Dr. Bahnson, of Winston; Messrs. Kemp and Richard Lewis, of Haltimore, brother of Mrs. Manning "Suffered day and night the torment of Itching piles. Nothing helped me until I used Doan's Ointment. 'It cured me permanently." Hon. John It. Gar rett, Mayor, Glrard, Ala. The Raleigh Evening Times will be 95,00 per year after October 1st. Renew your subscriptions now and take advantage of the old rate. WANT AD. COLUMN WANTED YOUNG MAN to clerk in Drug Store and learn business. Address Box 372, Raleigh. WANTED -Two or three unfurnish ed rooms for light housekeeping (in house wiUi gas and bath). Box 602, City. WANTED Everybody to know that Prof. Levin has arrived from his summojr engagement, and will open his School of Music on Sep tembar 10. He is ready to accom modate all students for Piano, Violin, Mandolin, Guitar, etc. Very reasonable prices and no ex tra charge for instruction books or music. No extra charge for going to the residence of pupils, at any hour of convenience. Spe cial price given where there are two pupils in the same family. Full satisfaction guaranteed in every respect. Address, Studio, 411 West Hargett street. EOR RENT Office in Tucker Build ing. Address, Box 474, City. Why don't you drink White House The most delicious Coffee in the world. This delightful Cof fee is sold by a.11 first class grocers in net weight tins, everywhere. WANT AD. COLUlliN ANNOUNCEMENT I wish to an nounce to the public that I will about the middle of September? remQve my barber shop 'from the Holleman to the Henry building, next to Mr. James I. Johnson's Drug Store, where you will find me In an up-to-date barber shop. Thanking you for your past favors and aslung a continuance of same, I am, respectfully yours, Maurice Watts. Fori PENT Desirable rooms at 117 H Fayetteville street. Water and lights frnished. Inquire on sepond floor at same number. A YOUNG LADY DESIRES Posi tion to teach school in a family this winter. Address "Teacher," care Raleigh Evening Times. MISS ERIE RORERTS ANNOUNCES the reopening of her music school at her residence on South Person street on' Saturday, September 15, 1906. Bell 'phone 357. Burrows Course of Music. FOR RENT STORK ON EAST Martin street, occupied by Young Hardware Company. Cannot be used as grocery or hardware store. Apply to Ernest Haywood, Attor ney. A FRIEND IN NEED, A FRIEND indeed Pucl;ett's Foot Easo. At Drug Stores. ART STUDIO I will open an Art Studio over G. N. Walters' store on Pavettpville street Sentember the 6th. Those wishing to take lessons in China Painting can ad dress me at. 513 Hillsboro street or call me over Roll 'phono, No. 1574. I will lire china for my pupils and others. Miss llattie Poe Johnson. PIGS FOR SALE One dozen nice English Berkshire Pigs for sale. Eight weeks old. Four dollars each at farm. One dollar added for crating and shipping. John C, Drewry. FOR RICT Two first floor and :: second ttoor office rooms in the business district of the city. Cah be occupied at once. Apply to J. J. Thomas. 9-1-tf GENTLE READERS If you will visit my Tailoring Parlors you will be surprised at your own aston ishment. For I am displaying ex actly 410 of the Handsomest and Nobbiest patterns of Woolens ever shown in this city. The concern that I represent most assuredly does do jamb up good tailoring and puts tbe'Btyle to you "till you feel it" after I take your meas ure and put 'my critical eye upon your manly form and jot down my observations on the back of the measure blank. Have the gar ments made. You put your dear self into them. You will not only look swell, but you Will "tote of the day." Call and see me. I will be so glad to welcome you. Bob Haynes, The , Hammerless Tailor, 313H Fayetteville street, over Woollcott's. Absoluteley the most Per fect Products of the Gar den and Field. With the coming up of the Sun you'l find our Wagon the first on the right as you en ter the Market, loaded with the choicest variety of Vegetables on the mar ket. We deliver promptly to all parts of the city. Moore & Son. PUCKETT'S FOOT EASE relieves all ailment of feet. At Drug Stores. TOO HOT TO GO TO THE MARKET and then it is not necessary for you to worry yourself in looking up something desirable for your meals. Leave It to Terrell. Be come a patron of his and he will plan the three meals of the day for you. 'Phone Terrell your troubles. An excellent variety of groceries, etc., always available at reasonable prices. G. S. Terrell FOR SALE Two first-class second hand mimeograph machines for manifolding. Cheap. Apply at Times office. 1 1, . ii in The name Schwartz stands for all that is best in Fresh Meats. If it comes from Schwartz's you may know it is the best on the mar ket. It is a fare thing Schwartz's patrons are disappointed in what he sends them. J. Schwartz. HELP WANTED Andrew D. Ful ler Co. of Greensboro, N. C, has sewer contract at A. and M. Col lege and want 30 or 40 good men at once; also one or two foremen. Will be at postoffice from 7 to 8 p. m. and on work from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. We Give S. H. & Co.'s Green Trade Discount Stamps Free THE LAST Of the Season on Odds, Ends and This sale is supported by every department, each inducements. Room must be made quickly for the Fail Stocks to come later on, and this is your biggest bargain chance. The signal has been given to get rid of all odds and ends and Summer Goods of all kinds, hence there'll be no hesitation to make prices that will move them. This has already been done in order to close the great bulk by Saturday night. Come early in the mornings, its the best time. There is a satisfying saving in every purchase you make. A SALE OF GIFT ARTICLES, Out for Swift Selling on tin Bar - gain Counter. Fine Bric-u-Rrac, China and Japanese I. acquire Wares, Gongs, Photograph Frames, French, tioiu nmi mi.Td nnver-rrameu, IJevel-edge Mirrors, Beer Steins, Handkerchief, Glove and Collar Roxes, etc. Half price and less. THE COAT SUIT SECTION. Wash Waists of fine Perrals, Lawns und Dimities. Values up to 75c. 30c. Wash Lawn Suits, Polka Dots; all the season $2.00, now reduced to ,$1.00 White Lawn Suits that wero $2.50, now 81. 25 3.00, now 1.50 3.50, now ,Vi 1.75 The 85.00 Union Linen Shirtwaist Suits, Pleuted, Embroidery trimm ed $2.50 Batiste Suits, Cannoncloth, White , I',1,, Sus Half priced. That were $2.50, $3.75 ,and $4.25, $5.00, $5.50, are now $1.25, $2.0f), $2.50 and $2.75. Jap Silk Wnisls, Tailor-made, Black or White- Were $2.50, now $1.50 were $3.00, now $2.00 LADIES' DRESS SKIRTS. $1.50 White Duck Skirts 75c. 2.00 Pleated Duck Skirts $1.00 3.00 Batcher Linen Skirts..: 1.50 5.00 Embroidered and Braid ed Linen Skirts 2.50 3.00 Mohair Skirts 1.50 5.00 Cashmere Skirts, Accord eon Pleated 2.50 Voiles, Panama Cloth, Mohairs and fancy Mixture Skirts nil reduced to half. DON'T MISS OUR FALL TAYLORiNG OPENING WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OF THIS WEEK. This is a splendid opportunity to get high-class Tailoring at small cost, and one that you can't afford to miss. The best thing about it is not merely the price saving it's the quality of the tailoring equal to the best you could buy in the swellest merchant-tailor shops in the land. ' One of the expert Cutters and Fitters from the great Baltimor.' and New Vork Tailoring House of S;'hltiss Bros. & Co. will be in attendance at our Opening. He will be glad to tell you of the latest styles and show you samples. COME AND SEE THE NEW FASHIONS During the Opening we shall show more than six hundred Samples of Fashionable Fabrics, representing the best products of foreign and domestic mills. The Cutter who will be with us i sone of the best in the great Schioas Estab lishment and an Expert on Fashions ;his advice will be found most valuable. He will be ready to help you select the best Clothes and models and cut and make up your goods in the best possible manner. CROSS (&. PROMPT STUART'S FIRST CLASS RESTAU rant, open night and diy. I have this day opened to the public a restaurant which I will conduct In such a manner as to win the pat ronage of the people. Uive me a call when you want to do justice to the inner man. J. Walter Stuart, Stronac'h Building, corner Wilmington and Davie streets. FEET SORE 7 PUCKETT'S FOOT Ease is your friend. At Drug Stores. FOR RENT Desirable Store Rooms in Times Building. Apply to Geo. B. Crater. MAKE WALKING EASY PUCK- ett's Foot Ease. At Drug Stores. FURNISHED BOOMS FOR RENT. Apply to The Waldorf House, west Martin street. X LOST, MONDAY EVENING, weekly account book. Suitable reward for return at Staudt's Bakery. WANTED Can, employ Several men and girls at the Melross Knitting Mill, corner Dawson and North streets. S. W. Kohler, Supt. LADIES "CEL-RI-NOL" kills all pain; safe and sure. Postpaid, 25c. Simmons Drug Co., Graham, N. C. - RAIN COATS. ' ai s.oo Rain Coats ft 7.BO 2O.00 Rain Coats 10.00 25.O0 Rain Coats 12.00 The wind up of all Summer Wash I pr)ss Goods Organdies, Batistes, Lawns, Dotted Swiss and Silk effects, 10 and 12 l-2c. values. Skid do prices 5c. Summer Challies. 3 l-2c. lc. Silk Mulls 7 l-2c. 15c. Curtain Scrims Stripes and Figures 10c. 50c. Bungalow Shantung Silks. .25c. 70-Inch French Organdies 25c. FOR THE HOUSE WIFE. The Napkin and Table Damasks are pure Irish Flax and full bleached. 20-inrh Dinner Napkins $1.00 dozen. Irish Damask Table Linens, 2, 2 1-2 and 3 yard lengths, per yard, 37 1-2, 50 and 60c. Bath Mats 35 and 50c. CLEARING THE KNIT UNDER- WEAR AND HOSIERY. Ladies'. Heavy Cotton Ribled Knit Shirts, 25c. value 12 l-2c. Others for Misses and Children, 5, 7 1-2 and . 10c. Ladies' Knit Drawers, Lace trimmed, 50c. kind for 25c. Mcrccrizi-d Silk Vests, 75c. values 37 l-2c. Rest 10c. Childs' Black Ribbed Hose, sizes 5 to 9 at Sc. Ladies' White Foot Hose. Not less than two pairs for .'25-. LINEHAN ATTENTION TO ALL MAIL ORDERS. A. B. STRONACH COMPANY :0: ' The Summer Clearing up of :0: Summer :0: THE PRICES DO - :0: 87 pairs 92.00 to $2.50; were $2.50 to $3.00 87 pairs. Ladies' Patent Leather and Kid Oxfords, Gibson Ties, and Bluch erettes. Sizes 2 1-2 to 4 1-2. 46 pairs $1.00 to $2.00; were $1.50 to $2.5046 pairs. Ladies' Patent Leather and Kid Sandals and Slippers. Sizes 2 1-2 to 4 1-2. 42 pairs BOc. to $1.00; were 75c. to $1.5042 pairs. Children's Sandals and Oxfords. Sizes 2 to 5 1-2. , 08 pairs $1.00 to $1.2.1; were $1.25 to $1.7598 pairs. Misses Oxfords, Sandals and Slippers. Sizes 8 to 18. HEADQUARTERS FOR TRUNKS, A. B. STRONACH CO- Dry Goods; Notions, Shoes. FAYETTEVILLE STREET and WILMINGTON STREET. CALL, Summer Goods. holds out its most alluring LADIES' RELTS. Wash Belts; Leather Belts and Silk Belts in White, Black and Colors, were 10, 25- and 50c, leaders now at 3o, 13 1-2 and 25c. Embroidery Centerpieces, Stump Patterns, Shirtwaists for Embroidery, and Pillow Tops at half of regular prices. FINE EMBROIDERIES. The whole line of Embroideries are dumped on the Bargain Counters. Blind and Openwork Edgings and In sortings of Nainsook, Swiss and Cam bric to be closed at SJi 1 1 too PRICES. GENTS; FURNISHINGS. Men's Half Hose in Tun, Black and fancy colors. 37 1-2 and 50c. qualities 19c. 50c. Nainsook Drawers 35c. 50c. Brown Halbriggan Shirts and Drawers 39c. $1.00 White Lisle Thread Shirts and Drawers 75c. Boy's 25c. Caps 15c. Men's 50c. Caps 25c. LOW CUT SHOES SCHEDULED TO GO. White Canvas Blucher Oxfords, until now $1.50 for $1.00 $2.00 Ladles' $1.50 Tan Oxfords $1.00 j Patent Leather and Gun Metal Pumps for ladles $1.50 Patent Leather and Vici High Shoes, French Heels $4.00 and $5.00 values for $2.50 Men's $3.00 Oxfords $2.00 Men's $5.00 Oxfords $3.00 f COMPANY ( l Shoes THE TALKING SUIT CASES AND HAND BAGS.