WW THE RALHtlQH EVENTNd TjDES, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER p, ,1906. mi MIXED, IN T HE Stimulating Demand for Read ing and Atchison STOCKS BEGAN TO RISE TWh Was Checked by Upward Plight of Call Loans, and a Sharp Decline in Prices Sent Them Well Below Figures Prevailing at Opening. (By the Associated Press.) New York, Sept. 5. Uniform ad vances In Americans in London did not prevent a thoroughly mixed tone In the active speculative dealings In stocks at the opening here today. The Harriman Pacifies, St. Paul, Pennsyl vania and other recent speculative favorites showed small fractional gains, but there was a long list of de clines as well. Northwestern . and American Ice rose about a point and Denver & Rio Grande and Sugar large fractions. Northern Pacific, Baltimore & Ohio, Chesapeake & Ohio and Nat ional Biscuit declined 5-8 to 3-4. tinder the stimulus of, a good de mand for Heading and Atchison, the market shook off itH uncertain move ment and began to rise. Stocks that hail been depressed recovered, and the list in general sold a good fraction above yesterday's closing. Atchison rose a point, Reading 1 5-S, and Great Northern preferred 1 3-4. Near 11 o'clock when operations commenced in call loans with 17 per cent, bid, prices weakened and there was a sharp de cline to well below the first prices. Great Northern preferred, Northern Pacific, Smelting and Consolidated Gas yielded 2 points under last night, Balti more & Ohio and Lead 1 1-2, St. Paul, Union Pacific. Brooklyn Transit, and Hide and Leather preferred 11-4 to 1 3-8 and Northwestern, Delaware & Hudson, Louisville & Nashville, Cleve land. C. C. & St. Louts. Amalgamated Copper, Republic Steel and U. S. Rub ber a point. Canadian Pacific's decline ran to 2 3-S, St. Paul 2, Northwestern, New York Central, Colorado Fuel and North American 1 1-2 to 1 3-4 and Pennsylvania and United States Steel preferred t. Selling pressure than relaxed and there was some recov ery. Smslting rallied 2 3-4 and Union Pacific, New York Central and Brooklyn Transit a point. The mar ket became dull and uncertain at the rally. Bonds were easy at noon. A good rally set in after twelve o'clock on humors of gold engage ments, Smalting, which had been notubly weak earlier, was lifted to 154. a gani of 24. Atchison re bounded to 10S and St. Louis South western preferred also improved a point. Other stocks reached yester day's closing figures or above. Realizing--caused some Irregularity later, Smelting receding 1. Selected stocks were taken up for an advance, but the general list did not respond greatly. Buying through out was contrasted by the stringent money conditions. Great Northern preferred gained 2 and Union Pa cific, New York Central, Amalga mated Copper 1 to 1. Humors of coming relief of the money situation by action of the treasury department kept up the market. There was only a moment ary dip in prices when call money flurried to 40 per cent. The subse quent level reached the highest ot the day. Union Pacific, Amalga mated Copper and Pacific Mail rose 2 to 2 ft over last night. The move ment otherwise was moderate and thera was some selling in the final dealings, but the closing was about steady and near the top. New York Closing Stock List. Atchison 107 Atchison pfd 1C0V4 Baltimore & Ohio 121 Canadian Pacific 175 Chicago & North Western 213 Chicago & North Western pfd.. 230 Colorado Southern 37 Denver & Rio Grande 43 Denver & Rio Grande pfd 86 Erie 47 Illinois Central 173 Louisviifc & Nashville 148 Manhattan L Metropolitan St. By Mexican Central 21 Missouri Paclfis . !7 New York Central 14 1 Pennsylvania 142 Reading 13 Hock Island 27 Rock IslanO pfd 65 St. Paul 179 Southern Pacific 91 Southern Railway 38 Union! Pacific 192 Union Pacific pfd 94 Wabash 20 Wisconsin Central 24 Northern Pacific 215 Great Northern pfd 328, Interborough-Metropolitan ,Tf Interborough-MetropolUan pfd.. 78 Atlantic Coast Line 143 Chesapeake & Ohio 64 Jorfolk & Western 94 Southern Railway pfd 99 Miscellaneous. American Cotton Oil 31 American Tobacco pref 100 American Tobacco 4's 78 American Tobacco 6's 112 American Woolen . . . .. 36 American Woolen pref 104 Amalgamated Copper 111 American Car &. Foundry ... . '39 American Locomotive 72 Am. Smelting & Reiining 153 Am. Smelting & Retinlng pref. 116 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 78 CoJprado- ft Iron 4. .' . 55 lntwnati&nafi Mper u 18 National Blsouit , i. 67 Majkay Clo.'s' I'. 73 Mackay Co.'s prer.. 71 NaBonal Lead 78 Northern Securities Pacific Mail 39 People's Gas 91 Pressed Steel Car 53 Pullman Palace Car 247 Standard Oil 602 Sugar 136 Sloss-Sheuleld Steel 76 Tennessee Coal & Iron 155 United States Steel 46 United States .Steel prer 107 Va.-Car. Chemical 39 Va.-Car. Chemical pref 109 Western Union 91 New York Cotton Market. (By the Associated Press.) New York, Sept. 5. The cotton market opened easy, at a decline of 12(h) 14 points under liquidation by yesterday's buyers, and a renewal of bear pressure which was induced by the lower Liverpool cables and re ports of more liberal offerings of actual cotton In Liverpool. Trading was quite active and the market was steadied after the call by the cover ing of recent sellers who bid prices up a few points during the middle of the morning when the active months were about 8 to 9 points lower. Cotton futures opened easy; Sep tember 8.60; October 8.83; Novem ber 8.93; December 9.02; .ianuary 9.15 bid; March 9.26; April 9.26 bid; May 9.34. Cotton futures closed steady; closing bids: September 8.66; Octo ber 8. 90; November 8.99; December 9.09; January 9.18; February 9.25; March 9:32; April 9.33; May 9.40. The market was quiet late in the afternoon but ruled about steady with prices about 10 to 11 points net lower. Spot quiet; middling uplands 9.90; middling gulf 10.15. Cotton spot closed quiet; middling uplands 9.90; middling gulf 10.15; sales 138 bales. Estimated receipts at the ports today 12,000 bales, against 11,306 last week and 21,130 last year. For the week 80,000 bales against 74, 775 last week and 157,908 last year. Today's receipts at - New Orleans 460 bales against 2,259 last year, and at Houston 6,275 bales against 10,409 last year. Yester day's Open. Close. Close. September... 8.60 8.66 8.72 October 8.83 8.90 8.96 November ... 8.93 8.99 9.06 December ... 9.02 9.09 9.16 January .... 9.13 9.18 9.25 February.... 9.15 9.25 9.30 March 9.26 9.32 9.38 April 9.26 9.33 9.39 May 9.34 9.40 9.46 Liverpool Cotton Market. (By the Associated Press.) Liverpool, Sept. 5. Closing cot ton spot moderate business done; priqes. 2 points higher; American middling fair 5.88; good middling S.60; middling 5.38; low middling 5.18; good ordinary 4.94; ordinary 4.70; the sales of the day were 5,000 bales of which 500 were for specula tion and export and included 4,600 American. Receipts 5,000 bales, in cluding 4,300 American. Futures opened easier and closed quiet; American middling good ordinary clause, September 5.03; September October 4.93; October-November 4.91; November-December 4.91; December-January 4.93; January February 4.95; February-March 4.97; March-April 4.99; April-May 5.00; May-June 5.02; June-July 5.03 . Raleigh Spot Market (Reported by Chas. E. Johnson & Company. ) Strict good middling, 10c. Good middling, 10c. Strict middling. 9c. Middling, 9c. Receipts today,' 3 bales. Chicago Grain. (By the Associated Press.) Chicago, Sept. 5. Wheat opened easier today on general selling by pi1, traders and commission houses. The selling movement was based on lib eral local receipts, continued good weather in the northwest, and lower cables. December opened 1-8 to 1-4 lower at 73 to 73 1-8, declined to 72 7-8 73, and reacted to 73 1-4. The market was weak all day and after touching 73 1-4 3-8, Decem ber declined to 7 2 5-8. The close was weak with December off 1-2 at 72 3-4. On selling which based upon largs local receipts and good weather in the corn belt December corn de clined to 42 7-8 43. ' Because of large country accept ances, the market was weak all through the' season. The close was weak with December down 3-8 at 42 3-47-8. December oats opened at 31 1-8 and declined to 30 7-8 31. January provisions opened quiet, pork at 13.42 1-2; lard at 7.87 1-2, and ribs at 7.25. The New York fcioney Market. (By the Associated Press.) New York, Sept. 5. Money on call strong 17 40 percent; ruling rate, 23;closing bid, 35; offered, 40. Time loans, strong; sixty days, 7 7 1-2 percent; 90 days, 8; six months, 6 1-2 7. Primo mercantile paper, 67 per- cent; sterling exchange, wek. at, 483.10 483.15, for demand and at 48fr480.05 for "130 day bills. Post ed; rates, 481 J,-2482 and 484 1-2 485. Commercial bills, 479 .'3-4. Bar sliver, 67 3-8. Mexican dollars, 51 3-4". Government bonds, firm, railroad bonds, Irregular. Chicago Live .Stock Market. (Special to the Evening Times.) Chicago, Sept. 5. Cattle Receipts 1 26,000; market 10c. lower; beeves 3.85 1 86.80; cows and heifers 1.40(3)5.15; j stockers and feeders 2.504.35; Texans j 3.6504.50; westerns 3.605.35; Calves j 5.507.75. Hogs Receipts 31,000; market 5c. to j 10c. lower. Mixed and butchers 5.65 6.30; good heavy 5.80(5:6.20; rough heavy 5.255.60; light 5.80(0)6.35; pigs 5.15(g) 6.10; bulk of sales 5.7006.15. Sheep Receipts 22,000; market steady to 10c. lower. Sheep 3.50r.65; lambs 4.6007.55. Ncw York Provision Market. New York, Sept. 5. Flour Quiet and about steady. Wheat Opened weak but rallied; September 77 7-8 78; December 81(8)81 1-8; May 83 13-16 S3 7-8; Rye Dull; No. 2 western 63 1-2. j Corn Easier; December 51 3-4. j Beef Steady. Pork Steady. j Lard Dull; prime western 8.65 J 8.75. Sugar Raw, firm; fair refining, 3 3-83 1-2; centrifugal, 4; mo-, lasses sugar, 3 1-8 fa 1-4; refined,' steady; crushed, 5.60; powdered 5.00; granulated, 4.90. Coffee Quiet; No. 7 Rio, 8 1-4. Molasses Steady; New Orleans 30(0)38. Butter and Cheese Steady, un chaned. Eggs Firm, unchanged. New York Poultry Market. (By the Associated Press.) New Yorfi, Sept. 5. Poultry alive steady; western spring chickens 13; fowls 14; turkeys 14. Dressed steady to firm; western spring chickens 13015; turkeys 13(fil4; fowls 10014. NO RULING AS TO WRIT MADE YET. Associate Justice H. G. Connor will announce his ruling in the ha beas corpus case of Charles Starling sometime this evening. He made an extended investigation of the case including the examination of wit nesses, last evening and at that time said he would make his ruling this morning soon after !) o'clock. How ever this morning he was still unde cided and concluded fo hold over the disposition o i'tlie case until after the day's session of tlu; supreme court. This is the case in which Starling Is held under $1,000 bond which he can not give, for his appearance to answer at the next term of the superior court the charge of criminal assault on Lena McDonald, a thirteen-year-old girl who had been committed to his care by her mother who had left the city. It is understood that the question which Is puzzling him most is that of what is to become of the girl which ever way he may decide the matter of the writ of habeas corpus. He has suggested that the clerk of the county court take the matter in hand and see If he cannot find a good home for her. SPECIAL RATES ON A. & N. C. The Atlantic and North Carolina Company have authorized reduced rates as follows: Richmond, Va. Account Grand Foun tain, True Reformers, Sept. 4-11, 1906. From LaGrange $5.80. Kinston $6.20, Dover, $6.50, New Bern $7.25, Newport $8.10, Mprehead City $11.45, Beaufort $11.70. Durham, N. C Account North Car olina Division United Daughters of Confederacy, Oct. 12-14. Rates on cer tificate plan one and ono-thlrd first class fares. Charlotte, N. C Presbyterian Mis sionary Conference of the Young Peo ple's Christian Union Societies of the first Presbyterian Associate Reformad Church. August 29-30. Rates on cer tificate plan. Rocky Mt., N. C. Account Women's Baptist Homo Mission Convention. Oc tober 4-7 1906. Rates on certificate plan. Winston-Salem, N. C The Hvangeli cal Holiness Association, August 31 September 10, 1906. Rates on certificate plan. Durham & Southern Railway Co. In effect June 3, 190C. 2d 1st 1st 2d Class Class Class Class 5 41 Stations 33 6 S 9 ri in B -o a to a m 9 a S u U o a c h B m t3 P 3 Dally Dally exept Daily. Eastern Time. Daily, exept Bun. Sun. A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. ! 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 j 7.15 2.50 Durham 9.45 3-45 7.45 3.12 Oyama 9.27 3.12 8.10 S.30 Togo 9.10 2.20 9.00 3.00 Carpenter 8.55 1.45 9.17 4.00 Upchurch 8.46 1.30 10.35 4.35 Apex 8.35 1.05 11.02 4.52 Holly Springs 8.16 12.01 1 11.17 5.04 Wilbon 8.06 11.04 j 11.35 5.15 Varlna 7.58 11.30 11.45 5.21 Holland 7.52 10.55 12.10 5.33 Angler 7.40 10.30 12.30 5.45 Barclaysville 7.30 10.05 12.48 5.58 Coats 7.18 9.42 1.01 6.06 Turlington 7.12 9.30 1.50 6.15 Duke 7.03 9.15 2.20 6.33 Dunn 6.45 8.30 P. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. L. CHEATHAM, Traffic Manager. FIGHTS WITH REBELS IN (By the Associated Press.) Cape Haytien, Hayti, Sept. 5. A messenger who arrived here today from Santo Domingo brought the news that the Dominican insurgents who had been besieging Monte Cristi on the north coast of Santo Domingo had been deefated and put to flight. Later they attacked the town of Da-; jabon and the government forces; were compelled to seek refuge in the fort, where they were defending ! themselves with great courage. The! fighting was still in progress when j the messenger left the front. The; commander of the government forces . at Monte Cristi is awaiting the prom-1 ised reinforcements of four hundred; men before undertaking the pursuit! of the rebels. CONCto RUSSIAjJEWS. (By the Associated Press.) St. Petersburg, Sept. 5. -The council of ministers has sanctioned the plan permitting the Jews to open elementary and secondary schools un der the same conditions as people of other creews. UNCLASSIFIED WANTS LOST Pointer puppy, H months old, white and lemon spots. Notify this office. Reward. LlXO Clears yon up. Improves your com plexion, drives away that sallow color. In fact, Laxo Does What Calo mel Should Do It reaches the Liver, cleanses it and puts it to working as nature in tended it should do. H I C K S ' Drug' St ores Shingles! Shingles! JVST RECEIVED. 200,000 Red Cedar Shingles Cover your building with Cedar Shingles and you will never need to recover it. Powell & Powell Cmcrson. $UT64J Why not be com fort able during the hot weather. Get an Electric Pan and you will be. Come in and tr; one. Raleigh Construction Co. 133 Fayetteville Street. Hubbard Bros, ft Co. HANOVER SQUARE, NET YORK. MEMBERS OP New York Cotton Ex change, Now Orleans Cotton Ex change, Associate Members Liver pool Cotton Association. ORDERS SOLICITED For the pur chase and sale ot cotton for future delivery. Correspondence Invited. New If you intend to furnish a new home, or another room, or if you want to buy a piece of FURNITURE to complete your room, there are several things to be con sidered. 1st Design and Quality. 2nd Price If you trade at this store vou have an UKOUES tioned guarantee of 0 i ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 inn aiailUUMma .V. Our Prices.. Which Are Positively Lower Than ESsevvhare Kvprj home cau discard the o!f himvlles'ijui ftuiiitiirc mid sub stitute Metal lied." !f is our desire to .'idd yoti to our .tlicjulj long list or patrons4, and tiefiiss and prices will he huiilc fl'iif will nutki v. -u a (imminent rwrtomer of ibis store. CASH OR CREDIT. The Raleigh Furniture os JAS. M. RIGGAN, Mat. imiiiiiiiiinni ' i iiiwii 1 1 imiii ii in i ii am THE MARKED PROGEESS OF NORH CAROLINA IS IIKST SHOWN BY THK CONDITIO V OF STATE BANKS In five VearS the Deposits In State Banks Alone Have Croivu Jrain In 1901, $ 9,800,000 In 1906, . . . 33,600.000 See How The Tide Has Turned! THE COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS BANK of Raleigh, N. C, STANDS FIRST AMON0 THK -n4 st.vtk banks which do XOT PAV INTEREST OX DKPOSITS I. t, THOMAS, President B. S. IKBMXX. Cashier A. A. THOMPSON7, Vice President B. W. JACKSON, Assistant Cashier THP C T 7BWC MIL V.IIILLIW n!ttllVl"ML Dttllll RALEIGH, N. C. ASSETS ONE AND A QI'AKTKR MILLIONS. Safety Deposit Boxes for rent $4.00 per annum, t-'or protection of your Jewelry. Insurance Polich s. Bee;!s. Wills. Bonds and othei oil liable papers. JOSEPH Q. BROWN, President FIVE YEARS OLD OLD FASHIOKC0 PULL Express Charges Paid By Us. A trial will convince you that these goods are the very best for medicinal and other purposes. Send us your orders and if not per fectly satisfactory, return at our expense and money will be re- tunaea ai once, ah snipments are Remit by Postal or Write for price ivl&t u m it 1 1 b 511 I 1BI.1 m. a m.M W-X, w m BUY Furniture. satisfaction. ii in 1 1 1 1 mtommmmmmw iM.t iiia'irmn.nii i.n.fi i. Baby's Sleep Is Sweetest In An Iron Bed Of nil the Purnltiii-c thill has j '''en Invented to date, nothing has W ohm' Into such nip: ! ir favor ns jj Metal Purnltnre. If i absolutely w the rl ' 1 M riitd ti (newt f! t ut ' lc to -I E 1 ceo MIKllJ. i mini m u iiiiiwiiLW!ji JMiwijMMwg MATIAN'AI O h Mir csa&r in r mil Iff 111 f i U1U m HKNR1 E, MTCHFORD. Cannier COPPER OKTILUD QUARTS & made in plain cases. Express Money Order. list of other liquors. T advanced L progressive, select school. Send for free catalog now. U be full, ly Address, JAMES DINWIDDIE President, DRAUQI re RALEIGH. Corner Wilmington bod Msrti Mt. KNOXVILLR .m' COLUMBIA. 2Q Colleges in JQ Suites rvfiri'Mi secured or money REFUNDED 4Uk e:ch Bi' MAIL. Catague will oi 'Mice you thai 'nn;ghon's !s 'f'tlJw! BEST Call or Mj" ior IS We Are Issuing A JOINT POLICY Which covers both health and acci dent. The cost of maintaining such excellent insurance is a mere trine, considering the benefit derived in the event you become disabled or meet with an accident. Our Policies linye no restrict ions. Xo matter what may be your complaint, if your doc tor says you nr? unable to vork you'll be Paid your weekly allow ance. Such a Policy is the greatest boon of the use to humanity. HUNTER & DREWRY NOTICE OK REMOVAL OF Dr. D. S. Rowland's Office. I am now situated in my new offices opposite the postofllce. In addition to general office work, having install ed quite a number of the latest elec trical instruments, will be in posi tion to administer Electro Therapy in all its phases, including X Ray work. Special engagement can be arranged for. Office hours: 8:30 to 11:30 n. ni., 2:30 to 6 p. m and 8 at night. Dr. Ernest H. Broughton Associated with Dr. J. H. Crawford ...DENTIST... 116 Fayetteville Street DR. JOEL WHITAKER RALEIGH, N. C. PRACTICE LIMITED TO DISEASES OP THE EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. H. P. S. KELLER ARCHITECT RALEIGH, N. C. F - R SALE. Eight-room House, with Barn on West North Strer'.. A bargain, WU1 also rent. JOHN W. HAY3 CIVIL ENGINEER M-Min am. sae. C I. WATER POWER a MUNICIPAL WORH Including Waterworks, 8ewer, Electric I iRhtlng, Streets, Highway, and Park Improvement. No. S South Adams St.. Pstantart, ' SI in ii