INDUSTRIAL CLUB MEETS President Walkins Robards Presides First Time Meeting of Special Interest Club Takes Up Especially Work For Y. M. C. A. Country Club, Auditor ium, Boulevard and Extension of City Limits Want Vagrancy Law Enforcefl. The Youngr Men's Industrial Club last night adopted a resolution to the effect that for the next year the efforts of the club shall be directed especially toward the establishment of a Y. M. C. A. for Raleigh, a country club, an auditorium, a boulevard and the ex tension of the city limits. A resolution was adopted also en dorsing the movement by the city press and the city officials for the enforce ment of the vagrancy law without fear or favor and another congratulating the club on the success which Is at tending the Raleigh Building and Loan Association established by the club a year ago. This association having already accumulated a working capital of about $10,000 which is loaned out on good security for the purpose of aid ing in the building of residences for Raleigh. i The club directed the executive com mittee to take up tho matter of the banquet which the constitution of the club requires shall be held annually and make the necessary arrangement for any date the committee thinks best. The last banquet was on the evening of December 15, last. A report from Col. F. A. Olds as chairman of the committee on Y. M. C. A. showed gratifying progress and that the work in this direction was much further advanced than any of the members outside of the committee had any idea of. There was some comment on the progress being made in the matter of the auditorium for Raleigh and it was found that this is at a stage where there is every indication that the com pany will be amply financed within a few months and an auditorium pro vided that will be in every way ade quate to the needs of the city. STATE AUDITOR RETURNS. Spoke At Soutliport Monday Scores New Hanover Delegates. State Auditor B. F. Dixon returned this morning from a trio into eastern Carolina after delivering campaign speeches ,the last one having been at Southport Monday night. He says he had fine crowds and found the in terest and enthusiasm very great wherever he went. Ho expessed surprise and disgust at tho tunr things have taken in New Hanover, where, after Geo. H. Bellamy of Brunswick was nominat ed in the New Hanover primaries to represent the two counties in the state senate the New Hanover dele gates in the convention, when it came to declaring the nomination of Mr. Bellamy, refused to go into the nom ination and withdrew from the con vention. He thinks that the oppon ents of Mr. Bellamy should have made their fight in the primary and not presented the spectacle of (lying into the teeth of the wishes of tho party as expressed in the primary, as they did by their action in the convention. RHEUMATISM ppPJf URIC ACID DESTROYER REMEDIES VANQUISHED This old Quaker Remedy, striking as it does directly at the cause of many disorders of the human system by dissolving the uric acid in the blood, goes right to the seat of the disease, removes all germs and poisons out of the blood and produces distinct beneficial results in cases of Brlght's Disease, Congestion of the Kidneys, Bladder Troubles, Dropsical Swellings, Diabetes, Nervous Debility, Sciatica, Muscular Rheumatism, Lumbago and Gout. I PENN RHEUMATISM CURE more than Sixty Years in the , which, with the addition of Blood Tonics, comprise the present form ula of this remedy. Over one million namplo boxes of this standard RHEUMATISM CURE have been distributed throughout the United States of America absolutely free of charge. Thousands of letters have been received thanking the PENN DRUG COMPANY, of PHILADELPHIA, PA., for their generous method and praising the healing properties of PENN RHEUMATISM CURE. If you have not tried this invaluable remedy, do not fail to do so at once. Do not allow the disease to get too strong a hold on you. Remember the years, months on days you have been suffering. Make up your mind to test the PENN RHEUMATISM CURE. Take it faithfully according to directions. Expect no miracles, but you will gradually find returning strength, freedom from pain and former health. The excrutlatlng agony of RHEUMATIC pains will be gone, if not forgotten, and you will bless the day you decided to try PENN RHEUMATISM CURE. Write for a free, generous sample of PENN RHEUMATISM CURE if you have not already done so, and satisfy yourself of its wonderful' efficacy. Penn Rheumtaism Cure Sold by All Druggists. jPrice in Liquid Form Large Bottle $1.00. Tablet Forni ROc. SOLE MANUFACTURERS: PENN DRUG COMPANY Philadelphia Wholesale by W. H. King Drug Co. Retail by Henry T. Hicks Co.. Robert Simpson, O. G. King, The Tucker Drug Co. and Tucker Building Pharmacy. Mozley's Lemon Elixir. THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE For Constipation, Billousneu, In digestion, Sour Stoma-n, Colic, Dizziness, Headache and i-aytblng caused by a disordered I,iver. Removes " That Drowsy Feeling " by putting your digestive organs to work, incteasinir your appetite, and, in fact, makes you feel like a "MBW MJtJt." SOe. and 01,00 pf Sottio at all Drug Stores. Ons Dose Convinces. PROCLAMATION BY THE ERNOR. GOV' Whereas, by Chapter 89, Section 4057 of Hevisal of 1905, the State Board of Education was constituted a State Text Book Commission, whose duty it was to select and adopt a uniform series or system of text books for use in the State of North Carolina; and, Whereas, the said Board of ?:duca tion has selected and adopted a uni farm system or series of text books for use in the public schools as; pro vided by Sections 405S, 406'), 407i 4074 and 4075 of said Revlsa.; atd, Whereas, the said Text Bock Com mission has entsred into contracts vith the several publishing compa nies whose book or books were adopted by the said Board, to be fur nished and for use in the public schools in the State; and, Whereas, by the provisions of the said Revlsal, Section 4084, it was made the duty of the Governor to issue his proclamation announcing said fact to the people of the State. Now, therefore, I, R. B. Glenn, Governor of the State of North Caro lina, acting under and by authority of said Hevisal, Section 4084, by this proclamation declare that ths books so adopted by the said Text Book Commission are as follows, and at the following prices: Exchange Contract Price Orthography. A Spelling Book, by Foust & Griffin 07 Alfred Williams & Co., Raleigh, N. C. Defining. Webster's Primary Dictionary Webster's Common School Diction ary Webster's High School Diction ary (New Edi tion) Webster's Academ ic Dictionary (new Edition) American Book Co., 100 Wash ington Square, New York. Rending. Graded Classics. tir st Header Price. .15 .44 .05 .90 1.35 (Cloth) Second Header (Cloth) B. . F. Johnson Publishing Co., Rlehmqnd, Va. Classics, old and .10 .20 .13 .27 NO IODIDE OF POTASH has been In active use by the most eminent physicians for special treatment of Rheumatic Cases. -Per Box new. Third Reader (Cloth) ....... .15 ,30 Fourth Reader (Cloth) 16 .33 Fifth Reader (Cloth) or Holmes' Fifth Reader.. .17 .35 University Pub lishing Co., 29 West 23d Street, New York. Wheeler's Primer was unanimous ly recommended for schools using a Primer 10 .30 . W. H. Wheeler & Co., Chicago, III. Literary Master pieces for grades above the Fifth Reader was rec ommended .60 Houghton, Mitlan & Co., Boston, Mass. Writing. The Natural Sys tem of Vertical, eight numbers, each -05 D. C. Heath &. Co., 225 Fourth Ave., New York. Smithdeal's Slant Writing Books, six numbers each .05 B. F. Johnson Publishing Co. The Old North State. Copies, Medial, six num bers, each .05 North State Pub lishing Co., Greensboro, N. C. Arithmetic. Colaw and Ell wood's Primary School Arith metic (Cloth).. .12 .24 Colaw and Duke's Intermed iate Arithmetic (CI.) .12 .24 Colaw and Ell wood's Advanced Arithmetic (CI. ) .22 .44 B. F. Johnson Pub lishing Co., Rich mond, Va. First Book in Business Meth ods was unani mously recom m ended for schools needing it 60 Hand, McNally & Co., New York. Agriculture. Agriculture for Be ginners, by Hill, Burkett and Ste vens -60 Ginn & Co., 70 Filth Ave., New York. Geography. Maury's Klement arv ( Revised ) (Cloth) 20 .40 Maury's New Com plete (Cloth) . . .44 .88 University Publish ing Co. Language Lessons and Grammar. Hyde's Two-Book Course in Eng lish. Book 1 (CI.) .12 y2 .25 D. C. Heath & Co. Smith's Our' Lan guage, Second Book (Cloth).. .17 .3 4 B. F. Johnson Pub lishing Co. Buehler's Modern English Gram mar, with Com position 27 .55 Newson & Co., New York. History. White's Beginner's History of Uni ted States 20 .40 American Book Co. Chambers' Higher History of Uni ted States 35 .70 University Publish ing Co. Physiology. Culler's First Book Culler's Second Bk. Culler's Third Bk. J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Drawing. Practical Drawing: Books 1, 2, 3, each Books 4, 5, 6, each 40-Page Edition: Books 1, 2, 3, 4, each Books 5, 6, 7, 8, each 40-Sheets Practice Paper, in envel ope .12 .25 .17 .35 .22 .45 .10 .12 .14 .18 .05 Teacher's Manual free. Webb & Ware, Nashville, Tenn. The contract made and entered into by the said Board of Education and publishers as above set forth for the above books at prices so named to be and continue for a period of live years from July 1, 1906. In witness whereof I have hereun to set my hand and caused to ba affixed the Great Seal of the State of North Carolina, at the city of Ral eigh this the 25th day of September, 1906, and in the one hundred and thirty-lirst year of our American In dependence. R. B. GLENN, Governor. By the Governor: A. H. AKHINGTON, Private Secretary. Boylan-Pearce Co. Boylan-Pearce Co, THE SEASON'S EVENT MILLINEY OPENING. FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY NEXT, Sept. 28th and 29th, and Oct. 1st. We promise the most exclusive display of ladies, misses and childrens headgear ever displayed in Raleigh. The styles, shapes and trimmings are radically different from past seasons and it be hooves every lady in this vicinity to see the show ing to get an idea of the correct styles: An ex traordinary showing of dress hats, also the most approved styles in tailor-made and walking hats. You are In vited and Boylan-Pearce Co. LSlXO Clears jon up. Improves your com plexion, drives away that sallow color. In fact, Laxo Docs What Calo mel Should Do It reaches tho Liver, cleanses it and puts it to working as nature in tended it should do. H ICKS' Drug Stores Shingles! Shingles! JUST RECEIVED. 200,000 Red Cedar Shingles Cover your building witli Cedar Shingles and you will never need to recover it. Powell & Powell To Remove Freckles H Pimples In Ten Days, Use WJ J -1- A new ieorery, told under ft .msuti ve guar antee and money re funded in every case Where 1t Jails to remove frocklos, pimples, liver spots, turn -tun, sallow 6eB3f collar ttisculorn tton, b)uliencl and all eruptions of the skin, no natter of bow long standing, euros ordinary cases in 10 days, and the worst In 20 da vs. After those defects are removed tho skin will be clear, soft, healthy and beautiful. No posstblo harm can result from Its use. 60 cents and 11.00 at leading drug stores or by malt. NATIONAL TOILET COMPANY. Paris. Tenn. For Sale by KING-CROWEjL DRUG CO. We are in I For the new season's t'ade with a mammoif Fall Stock. Men's High Grade Clothing Including linos of the very finest tailored and best fit ting garments on the market today. As is our usual cus tom, we bare marked every thing at the usual reasonable prices -vTiich have made our -store a favorite with men who want goodness and style at lowest prices. I J. ROSEIMGARTEN. THE m-7IMC I ML. UMi.Lnj RALEIGH, N. C. ASSETS ONE AN'O A QUARTER MILLIONS. J Safety Deposit Boxes for rent i your Jewelry. Insurance Pol kit j valuable papers, n i i If Expected Readiness Copyright 1900 Tho Houso of Kuppo.-ihilmer MADAMA! R AN K HttUnA rm $4.00 per annum. For protection of s, Deeds, Wills, Bonds and othei JOSEPH G. BROWN, President. HENRY E. LITCHFORD, Cashier. CRINKLEY'S DEPARTMENT STORE 82, 328, 830, 332, 334, Fayettenlle Street RALEIGH, N. C. Our new line of Ladies' redy-to-wear arid Drest Hats, including th latest craz, the Vesta Tilly Hat wll be opent next week. NU ARRIVALS. Carpet Department. iliMl AlOUffll. Speshul 9x12 feet Axininster Artl Square, $20.00 9x12 Mixt Smyrna, $9.00. ; 7 1-2x10 1-2 Mixt Symrna, $6.(75 6x9 Mixt Symrna, $4.75. j Nis lot Wool and Granite Artl Squares. Rugs 25c. to $20.00. Hevy China Mattings, 15 and 20c. Floor Oilcloth, 25c. Coco Door Mats, 43c. Carpets, 10c. to 60c. yard. NU FALL UNDERWEAR, SHOES AN RUBBERS. FURNITURE DEPARTMENT. Do u sleep wel. Try the OstermotJfl Mattress, $15.00 in your home. ' 5 pc. Top Parlor Suit, $23.00. Imitation Leather Couches, (8.011 and $10.50. w Nu lot Iron Beds, $2.25, $2.80 $3.25, $4.75, $6.00, $7.50, $9.00 and $1,0-00. Iron Cribs, $4.00 to $7.00. Let us sav u $ on ur next purchase Trunks and Bags. , , J Butiful vas Lamps, 75, 90c, $1.30, 1.80, $2.40, $3.00 and $4.0C MUSIC DEPARTMENT. Hear the new Victor Baby, $10.01 New lot Victor Records, Victo Machines, $10.00, $17.00, $22.01 $30.00, $40.00 to $100. Other tall ing machines $150.00, $20.00, "Ou Special." Autoharps, $2.00, $ 3.00 $8.00. Accordions, $1.25, $2.00, $2.80. Guitars, $2.40, $2-65, $3.25, SB Banjos, $1 , $140, $2.00, $5. Mandolins, $1.00, $8, SB. Violins, $1.00, $1.00, $3.25. Cases, Strings, Etc CROCKERY DEPARTMENT. Special decorated Toilet Set, m pieces, $2-26. STOVE DEPARTMENT. A little early to talk Heaters, bl we have just received fifty to ready for the first frosty morning $1.25 to $10.00. COOk Stores, $5.50 to $20.00. Steel Ranges, $18 to $30. Oil Stoves. 40c, 80c. Preserve Kettles. HUNTING TIME. Double barrel Guns, $8.50, $9.5 Single Barrel Guns, $3.65, $3.90 Rifles, $2.75, $2.00. , Air Rifles, 65c, $1.50. Wagon and Velocipedes. HUNTING TIME? Try our Yankee $ Watch. , - INGERSOLL WATCH New S ti Wind Yanl $1.00; Eel E23I (IflbO; Mid Ladles' SI Crink