THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1906. r THEATRICAL. 3 ACADEMY CALENDAR. Tonight. Ffnnegan's BaB. Friday Night Joseph and Win, Jefferson. Saturday Night: Sergeant Kitty. Monday Night Little Duchess. COMMENTS FROM THE COMING ATTRACTIONS. "Finucgan's Ball." The :peal musical comedy success will be presented here tonight at the Academy. This clever comedy which has bean re-written and brought up to date is the season's greatest success. It played four months in New York city at the 14th Streat Theatre. It is composed of WANT AD. COLUMN Powder RJ I JB ABSOLUTELY PURE Healthful cream of tartar, derived solely from grapes, refined to absolute purity, is the active jmndple of every pound of Royal Baking Hence it is that Royal Baking Powder renders the food remarkable both for its fine flavor and healthfulness. No alum, no phosphate which are the principal elements of the so-called cheap baking powders -and which are derived from bones, rock and sulphuric acid. ROYAL. BAKING rOWDEfl CO., NEW YORK. ANNOUNCEMENT I wish to an nounce to the public that I will about the middle of September; remove my barber shop from the Holleman to ttle Henry building, next to Mr. James I. Johnson's Drug Store, where you will find me In an up-to-date barber shop. ThaaktaK you for your past favors and asking a Continuance of same, I am, respectfully yours, Maurice Watts; FORMAL OPENING OF mmmmmmmmmm THE . -II. AUTUMN MILLINERY FOB RENT Desirable rooms at 117 hk Fayettevllle street. Water and lights frnlshed. Inquire on second floor at same number. PIGS FOR SALE One dozen nice English Berkshire Pigs for sale. Eight' weeks old. Four dollars each at farm. One dollar added for Crating and shipping. John C. Drewry. Finnegan's Ball Company. bright vocal and musical numbers. The costumes are gorgt s and the show girls are said to be a bevy of New York and Boston girls, who are noted for their beauty. The seats will be on sale as usual and will be limited to six to each person. Jefferson's. To quote an old saw "The play's the thing," but the actor whila not perhaps primeval is a very important factor and can either make or mar a pretentious performance. With this in view Joseph and William W. Jef ferson, always noted for their excel lent supporting casts, have this sea son outdone themselves and for "Playing the Game" the new modern comedy which Cleveland Moffett and Hartley Davis have especially writ- IB I Anderson vs. AVilkins, Wilson, af firmed. Woodard vs. Milling Co., Edgecombe, affirmed. Harrell vs. Webb Edgecombe, dis missed under rule seventeen. Only Presumptive Evidence. A case which settles for the first time in this state an important point of insurance law is Duffy vs. Insurance Co., from Craveii. The plaintiff held a policy in the Fidelity Mutual Life Company and it was cancelled for non payment of premiums. Duffy brought suit against the company for pre miums paid on the ground that he re ceived no notice from the company of the premiums on which forfeiture was entered being due. The company has a by law that the mailing of notice to the policyholder shall be proof of notice to the policyholder. The court holds that this record of mailing notice can only be presumptive evidence of notice served on the old principle of law that any bylaw which attempts to limit the right to sue in court is void. Docket For Next Week. Sixth district appeals will be called next Tuesday, October 2, in the fol lowing order: Hcartt v. Poll. Jones v. Telegraph Company. Hicks v. Hicks. Railway Company v. Olive. Knott v. Railroad Companq. Hughes v. Cheatham. Dewey v. Railroad. Edgerton v. Games. Brown v. Southerland. Keel v. Construction Company. Jackson v. Neuse River Mills. Betts v. City of Raleigh. Ellis v. Mitchell. 999 UrlULUflLL I1L.UULIU 3 44-ttt 444444 American League. Detr. it 6: New York 5. Cleveland 5: Philadelphia 0. Chicago 3; Boston 2. St. Louis 5; Washington 4. National League. Chicago 1; Brooklyn 0. Philadelphia 4; Pittsburg 3. lio;:ton 4: St. Lou's 3. New York 2; Cincinati 1. 10 9 WEATHER FORECAST. Itching piles provoke profanity, but profanity won't cure them. Doan's Ointment cures itching, bleeding or protruding pilas after years of suffering. At any drug store. Joseph Jefferson, in "Playing the Game." ten for the Messrs. Jefferson it's claimed have engaged a company that cannot ba surpassed for excel lence. A mass of scenery is used in this production, painted by the fam ous artist Ernest Albert and the pro duction in its entirety will be seen at the Acadsmy on Friday night. Sergeant Kitty. A comic opera to be a real opera must have good music clever book and a strong cast of principals as sisted by a chorus that is made up of singers. All of this and more is to be found in "Sergeant Kitty," which will be at the Academy Satur day for matinee and night. Miss Helen Byron heads the com pany and James McElhern is the principal fun maker, while thare are many others in the long list. SEVENTEEN OPINIONS. Delivered by the Supreme Court Yes terday Docket For Next Week. Seventeen opinions were delivered this evening by the supreme court as follows: Craddock vs. Barnes, from Washing ton, new trial. Tiner vs. Barnes, Northampton county, affirmed. State vs. Carrawan, Craven, no er ror. Duffy vs. Insurance Co., Craven, af firmed.; Ives vs. Railroad, Craven, affirmed. Ruffin vs. Railroad, Carteret, af firmed, H,tate vs. Burnett, Vance, no error. State vs. Scott, Franklin, no error. Bunn v. Brasswell, Nash, petition to reheri- Dismissed. GrllBn vs. Bobbins, Nash, modified and affirmed. Arlington vs. Arrington, Vance, af firmed, , Harrison vs. Stlckney, the court be ing evenly divided (Connor, J., not sitting) judgment below Is affirmed. Card vs. Finch, Franklin, affirmed. Barton vs. Belvin, Vance, affirmed. Jumped Before An Engine. (Special to the Evening Times) Salisbury, N. C, Sept. 25. Chas. B. Adams, a well-dressed tobaccon ist of Danville, Va., committed sui cide this morning at Spencer by jumping in front of an engine. To a number qf persons he declared he was tired of life. He failed in the first attempt because the engine stopped before he was struck. Later he found a rapidly moving switch engine and it backed over him, mangling his legs and body. Adams came to Salisbury last night. He appeared t obe demented and was arrested, later released up on promise to leave. A friend iden tified him as a prominent tobacco man of Danville. As he leaped in front of the locomotive he was heard to exclaim, "Tell my people in Dan ville I will meet them in Heaven." Adams was 33, and spent several months in Timmonsville, S. C. The remains were sent there. (By the. Associated Press.) Washington, Sept. 26. Forecast for North Carolina for tonight and Thurs day: Rain and warmer tonight; Thurs day rain, warmer in east portion; fresh coming east. The high pressure area in the north east has moved slowly eastward. The barometer is low over the upper lake region and over the gulf. These are causing higher temperatures through out the northern states east of the mls slssippi, and rains in the southeastern states. An area of high barometer, with a cool wave, has moved eastward from the extreme northwest and this morning overlies Montana and the Da kotas. Frost is reported from Miles City. Mont., and Bismarck. N. D. The following heavy rains occurred in the Cotton Belt during the past 24 hours: New Orleans, 4,10; Vlcksburg, 1.48; Sh-eveport, 1.12; Brownsville, Tenn., 1.50; Dyersburg, Tenn., 1.60; Brinkley, Ark., 2.26; Forrest City, Ark., 2.52; Newport, Ark., 2.00; Paris. Texas., 1.52; Monroe, La., 2.02; Brookhaven, Miss., 2.00. The eastward movement of the low barometer will cause rains and warmer weather in this vicinity to night and Thursday. A. H. THIESSEN, Section Director. FOB SALE Two first-class second hand mimeograph machines for manifolding. Cheap. Apply at Times office. TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED RIGHT All work guaranteed. See me and get ray prices. Also maker of all kinds of Rubber Stamps. W. T. Terry, 210 Fayettevllle street. Wc Announce the Formal "First View Days" of the Fall and Winter Millinery for Monday and Tuesday of Next Week, October 1st and 2nd, 1906. Our leadership in Millinery perfectly well recognized in all this section by hun dreds of the most fashionable ladies of the State was never better shown than in this display. We expect you to judge us by it ,and have prepared it accordingly. We name Mondav andTuesdav as the davs so tha, t Taachnra v MVUUVU Ufci VX the various institutions of learning may attend. LOST Friday morning, Gold Brooch, set with pearls. Liberal reward If returned to this office. OYSTERS Solid measure and select oysters. Price based on quality of stock. C. D. Arthur. A FRIEND IN NEED, A FRIEND Indeed Puckett's Foot Ease. At Drug Stores. Pl'CliETT'S FOOT EASE relieves all ailment of feet. At Drug Stores. WANTED White woman with ex perience wishes place as honse kaeper, cook or general house work. Apply, "F," care E. R. Pace. W. D. KING IS BACK AT HIS OLD place, 118 East Martin street. THE SEASON IS II Kit 10 WHEN you are more dependent upon your groceryinan. Summer fur nished you an abundance of vege tables, now you'll have to resort to the more substantial eatables. My stock is brimfull of the choic est canned goods, hams, breakfast bacon and all the popular delica cles for the three meals of the day. Swiftest delivery in town George S. Terrell. NIGHT SCHOOL BOOK keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting ,etc, ouly $ 1 per month. Draughon's Practical Business Col lege, C & F. Bank Build ing. Interstate 'Phone 570. Call, phone or write for catalog. It will con vince yoxi that Draughon's is the best. NO USE TO GO HUNGRY, Upchureh & Lesson will be ready to serve you after Thursday, the 27th, with Fresh Meats Pork, Pure Pork Sausage; Fresh Oys ters, Etc. The choicest of everything at reasonable prices. Upchureh & Les son, 125 E. Martin. Do not forget Lesson's Saus age is the best. EARLY FALL STYLES. There will be an exhibition of the newest styles in French Felt, Iicavcr, Velvet, Moire Silk and Stitched Cloth, Tailor-made Hats. New Fall nnd Winter Styles for Misses nnd Chil dren. New Tailored Hats in the leading Autumn Tints and Color effects for street wear are now on display. The moderation in prices is an interesting point for buyers $2.00, $3.00 anil $4.00. New things in Fall Millinery. New Shapes, Ribbons, Feathers and Orna mental Trimmings. Our work room force is now available for the quick execution of your orders. No delays. LADIES' LACE VEILS. We are now displaying a beautiful line of Novelty Veilings in new Meshes, Tuxedos, ChilTons, Plain Striped and Dotted. Net Veils of all kinds and colors, 25, 50 and. . . . 7.V. PLAID RIBIIONS FOR BELTS. New Scotch Plaid Ribbons and Rib bons in Roman Stripes for Belts, 2.", 40 and 50c. THE COAT SUIT DEPARTMENT. The new Fall and Winter Suits, Coats, Cloaks, Rain Coats, Waists, Skirls and Jackets. Silk and Mercer ized PetticOatS, Etc. Misses' and Children's School Coats and Wraps are being received and placed on Im mediate sale. Double stamps given on all these tomorrow. LADIES' CLOAKS AND RAIN COATS The first showing of the new Au tumn styles. Short and long Coats in fashionable materials. Rough and smooth effects. Fancy, plain weaves or plain colors, $6.30 $8.00 and . . $10.00 Stylish Rnin Coats Semi-Dress after all the most useful Coat worn. $10.00, $12.50, $13.00 to $25.00. CHILDREN'S. SCHOOL COATS. Misses' and Children's Coats in full or half lengths loose and tight fit ting. Fnucy mixtures, shaded Plaids und plain Fall colors, $2.50, $8.00 and $5.00 NEW DRESS PLAIDS. Scotch Plaids in rich color combi nations for Waists 50c. Shadow Checks, Invisible and Hair line Checks. New shades in Grey 75c New wide cloth in rich Autumn Plaids up to $2.00 NEW FALL DRESS TRIMMINGS. New Braids and Persian Bands and Edgings, 10, 15, 25 and 50c. Dress trimming Buttons in Silk, Crochet and fancy Pearl all colors, 10, 12 1-2 and ise. LADIES' MOCHA GLOVES. Ladies' genuine Egyptian Mocha Gloves with Metal Clasps for shop ping, driving or general utility Browns, Greys and ..lack $1.00 SIXTEEN BUTTON GLACE KID GLOVES. Glace Kid Gloves, Mosquctaircs, wrinkling over the arm. Just quite the thing. New shades of Tan; also BInck $3.50 FEATHER BOAS. Dame Fashion calls into requisition Feather Boas again. They are stylish, showy and comfortable. These we have in Coque, Ostrich Feathers and Marihou $3.00 to $7.50 NEW LACES AND EMBROIDERIES. We offer special bargains in Valen ciennes Laces in new and rare pat terns, 5, 7 1-2 nnd 10c. Torchon Lares in Edgings and In sertings to match various widths, 7 1-2, 10 and 12 l-2c. Nainsook and Cambric Edgings and Insertions, elegant patterns, all widths, running the full scale of prices, 5, 7 1-2 to 35c. n . v Til-., .'n' rr - mnn best fish on the market at 15c. per bunch. Fresh lots received daily. W. D. King, 116 East Martin St. FOR RESIT Three rooms with bath, lights and furnace heat. For in formation apply 30 Boylan Ave. JUST RECEIVED N. C. HAMS AND Sides, at T. L. McCullers & Co. Send in your subscription now to The Evening Times and receive the old rates of $4. CO net Tear. 66 LISKS, 99 Bakes Bread Beauti fully. Roasts Meat, Game and Poultry with out loss of any nu tricious qua titles, and makes them the more easily, digested The J. D. Riggarv Co. SHRIMPS, OYSTERS AND EVERY variety of seasonable fish received daily. C. D. Arthur. MAKE WALKING EASY PUCK- ett's Foot Ease. At Drug Stores. FALL IS HEBE, WHEN your Meat bills will in crease. But why not get the best Fresli Meats? Costs you no more. Schwartz has established himself here and made his business famous by always selling the very best Meats. Prompt delivery. J. Schwartz. AVOOD! WOOD!! WOOD!!! ALL kinds, in any shape. A. A. Phil lips, Raleigh 'Phone 126, Inter state 'Phone 342. NEW ARRIVALS HECKER'S BUCKWHEAT. 20 and 30c. Packages Seeded Raisins, 15c. pound, two pound for 25c. Large Prunes, 15c. pound, two pounds for 25c. Heinz Preserves, five pound jars, $1.00 to $1.50 per jar. Sweet and Sour Pickle. Fresh Cakes and Crackers. ALL 'PHONES. --:- D. T. JOHNSON SL SON 18 EAST HARGETT STREET. THE FAMOUS SANITOL PREPARATIONS. Are on sole at this store. In cluding Sanitol Liquid Antisep tic, Sanitol Tooth Powder, Sani tol Tooth Paste, Sanitol Tooth Brush, and everything that comes under the head of "San itol." Drop In and let lis toll yon abont these splendid prep arations. HICKS9 Drug Stores 1 WE ARE IN LINE! YES, SIR! We're all lined up for Fall and Winter business and at your service. We're ready for the new season with everything that's good. We've not a disappointment in store for you. Our Suits, Overcoats, Bain Coats, Trousers, Boys' and Chil dren's Clothing, Hats and Toggery all bear the ear marks of superior ity. Ovir Clothes eoe Different ! We mean different from the common sort of garments you can buy of most any clothing house most anywhere. Then, should you come here for a Hat, a Tie, pair of Gloves, Shirt, or any article of Toggery you'll be sure of getting the correct thing at a fair price. SPEAKING OF PRICES. Our rices are always fair they're moderate and in keeping with the quality of our wearables. We never ask "too much." We would be pleased to "talk clothes" with you, Sir, at any time. CROSS fSl LINEHAN COMPANY PROMPT ATTENTION TO AIL MAIL ORDERS. STUART'S FIRST CLASS RESTAU rant, open night and day. I have this day opened to the public a restaurant which I will conduct In such a manner as to win the pat ronage of the people, tsivo me a call when you want to do justice to the inner man. J. . Walter Stuart, Stronach Building', corner Wilmington and Davie streets. FEET SORE? PUCKETT'S FOOT Ease Is your friend. At Drug Stores. FOR RENT Desirable Store Rooms In Times Building. Apply to Geo. B. Crater. TWO DESKS, TWO COUNTERS and two show cases must be sold at once. Young Hardware Co. WANTED A live, energetic, pro gressive and experienced druggist to take charge as manager. One that can eee, think, hear and act. Bobbitt-VVynno Drug Co. WANTED To buy old bureaus and wash stands of every description. Emery & Koonce, Trade Bldg. STRAYED FROM MY HOME SAT- urday night Bay Mare; mark on left hip "O 8." Reward for Infor mation leading to recovery of the nuimal. Street. H. E. Llgon, 721 S. West Hi, Wear, Style, Comfort, Value. :0:- A. B. STRONACH COMPANY :0: THE NEW SHOES: Our Shoe buyer can come as near giving you all of these as it is possible to do. The new Shoes are here and we know that we can give the best values possible for the money. Boy's and Misses' Dress Shoes. Old Ladies' Shoes, all styles. Ladies' Dress and Walking Shoes. Men's Shoes for wear only. A. R STRONACH CO. Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes. FA YETTE VILLE STREET and WILMINGTON STREET. V

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