8 TIIK KALEIGH EVENING TIM US, PR I DAY. o 'TOMSK K, VMk THEATRICAL. ACADEMY CALENDAR. 1 Tonight "Znza." FA IK WEEK ATTRACTIONS. Monday and Tuesday "Dorothy Vernon of H addon Hall.' Wednesday Night It Happened in Norland. able evidences of the curative pow- Thursday and Friday The Couu-i ers of Hyomei that they are very ;lad to continue giving tins guur- untee with ivory package. health, and in a short time there, will be no further trouble, and you j will be fro? from catarrh and coughs ' and colds will not bother you during the winter. Remember thai) Hyomei is sold under an absolute guarantee that it costs nothing ""less it cures. W. H. King Drug Company have sold a great many Hyomei outiils, every one with their personal guarantee that it costs nothing unless it cures, ind they have seen so many remark- ; XMAS H.V.A. Wi, HU'TIST BOOK- WANT AD. COLUMN WANT AD. COLUMN 6EE MflS REFORE Bl'VING. I HAVE PIuS FOR SALE One dozen nice a special line of beautiful horns! English Berkshire Figs for sale.) at lowest prices. Anything in ! Eight weeks old. Four dollars Phonographs or Talking Machines j each at farm. One dollar added bought for my customers that I for crating and shipping. John do not have in stock. J. P. Hayes, C. Drewry. Sole Agent, over S. C. Pool's Bhoej , ; Store. I l'UCKETT'S FOOT EASE relieves i all aliment of feet. At Drug Stores. We Give S. H. EL Co.'s Green Trade Discount Stamps Free ty Chairman. A complete Hyomei oulht costs but $i. extra bottles, if needed, "i1 "ZA35A" TONHSHT. "Zaza" is the piece in which Miss Mabel Montgomery will appaar at renta, i ho Academy tonight. In ils origl- . . . mil French it was the work of Pierre; LEATHER FORECAST Bcrton. The English version is more than a line translation, and prayed to be the most artistic hii of Mrs. Lsslie Carter s career, li store, December "ih to 26th. Mem embei'shlp fee 50 cents. Miss .Mary J.. Hlnton, r 4 ; Nol'th Per son street. Heii 'phone 100. THE RV time week 19 ten cenis. i;V THE SDOHTING AND lET DOGS, CAT tie. Sheen. Swiae. Pigeohw, Vet- (By the Associated Press.) ivts and Rabbits, Teh ""Is nfty.- VVashinstfon Oct, 12. Forecast SjX page illustrated cntalogue. '. an for North Carolina for tonight arid ;. i.loydt, Sayro, Pa. Great Showing of Street Hats! These hats, from the most celebrated manufacturers of Ready-to-Wear Hats in the season is HERE when the United States, were bought expressly for sale during Fair Week. We place them your grocerar,n."''sun,lmer T : on exhibition at once, thereby giving you the first chance, an advantage of real im nishea you an abundance of vegc-! nortance that you are likely to appreciate. Take a look at them. You can scarcely tables, now you'll have to resort j resjst the temptation to buy. They are made to wear and sell. Prices, $3.50 up to to the more substantial eatables, itj nn My stock is brimlull of the choic-1 P-UU. est canned goods, ham-, breakfast ,,UI AX) u,vn;u bacon and all the popular delica cies for the three meals of the; Long; and Short Coats in plain and day. Swiftest delivery in town, fancy weave. Smooth or rough of Georges. Terrell. foets. Cheviot Short Foals in Tan. adaptation involving much original- Saturday: 1 ity, as well as nice discrimination i te.ir and hoi so cold tonight nr.."! SFIISFIUHK between the tastes Of French and Saturday: tight variable winds. i y tor l'i American audiences. The woman whieh lias increased is ovv Host cenl ral ov f over 1 II cehtn per Week LARGE STOCK OF EDISON' AND Victor Records. Hayes. times isV thi: whom Miss Montgomery is lo portray The northeast low has moved easts is a singer and dancer in a low con- war(jjV followed by the eastern high cert hall. Hps fascinates a mi. Kile- aged man, whose gent lemanMnesg Off ' ' ss manner in turn wins -her heart, and "''"' a ""' "u,,in 1THE RVENINI she quits i he stage to live with him. i W'osi Virginia and has caused a eon- week is top cenis. After a while she 1-arns that he is j Unuiltion of the abnormally lo .v teth-v a husband, whereupon she 'goes re-.' peratinv throughout the region oa t.j WANTED Copies of Tin- llalei vengel'ully to expose him to his wife, I of the Mississippi river. 'I'eniprva-1 'l imes of September Mii'v ,y but shj is turned back front- Vwi-'J triritfj below the freezing; point were i piy ru this office': geanre by her lover's little child, and observed .at many stations in Nort h .. j. -: . so goes away lo lead a beiii'i- lii'e. tid South, Carolina. Ceorgia it ml , YANTKD A Drug fieri.: go Tennessee, and light in hilling MX pl'ac:' for it. . resptins-iltl.' piirsi POHOTHV VERNON was repot. --.I i.i the cotton bolt east, Audre-s, )ioxogette.-- .are. il OK H.MHioV HALL, qf the Missisuppi river. T: Urx.r- '. paper. degrees at Raleigh, N .I LOST -My W hile SiHterv..'. H S. ('.. and Xown an, Oft-'j " Frafik.'' UfytT; colored eai;s. :;1i ...,, iTTi Trm ni,u sl'tfhed Strap seams, $5.H) limes inns, 11. u ...... , CI 1. . .. I- 1 1 "t-cptujj, c tl ii i t ii a ji t; J ypcWl'iting .('ii'.. ('Illy I Shailo-.v riiiils. rougli eltVcIs and and s.s.oo. Loose Coats and I'alclots per month. Practical Hi lego, C. & V. mg. Intci'si 570. Call, pli for catalo,"'. vince you 1 lia is the best. DlVtllU'llOll's Honiesptiti Weaves, $fl.50, S7."0 and SlllCSS 5ank Build- . i ... MJl , l! 1 1 1 ' . ii j T. oinial FollCBi) Coats of i heavy Xiiv'v Itlue Cheviots with red' ,ie Wl'ltc ill con :i - hon's ( i!ll,IMi:'S Si lMlOI, COATS. CICXTESIERI Kll WtiOVBS. 'THJ3 RFBEXS FM WXTS' SHIKTS. The Pall import Drder of V. Cen- Complete line of these popular gar- tlnieri & Co.'s Kid (.loves hi the meats, all wool, half wool and cot fashionable Shades, Tan, 'rey, Whites and Black, SI '-"', $1.30 and $2.(M. KFCHlXdiS AND NECKWEAR NOVELTIES. Ladies' Silk Palls, IdacU or white, S I. .10. In fancy colors, S.5 and $.L". fancy Vet Collars uitii Ritilmh cad foliar ami full' Si Is in henvv 1 e emblems and strappings and trim- ,,.. rm, ,. Xaist, SI.DO t Si 1.(01 S'J.oO. ': i New Plaid Collars . NEW STYLE HKLTS is appearing : n .Miss Laura liuri season in tile title role of ill.' dram- t'harloi i atlzed version of Charles Major's :', degrees at New-.. Bern-, 'N. f .j .oral reward tor re urn. .1. C. i:!-; charriiing itin. 1. " Dorothy V.-rno:i' jiHtiwo..d. S. F: 30 .flesrees- at i'ire-j liugion, Italeigh. N. f. of lladdon Hall." f'l'fot' to li r .eh-j raw.. S; ('.', . Ubhie, Ha-... St. f'lat'J.lieiys.j . "''.'.: gageineai with .he hue Sir Henry j s.- ('.: ?f d-ir.- ai S.-avianMur. : J8i-i.i TH.WSIT STOVE; I'SEII Irving, site had established a snlell-j K. I'.: degrees ai I AtnihefloH;, N. vt'ry liltle: a; a very twnii t I" us did reputation as an acirehs'of grea' ! v.: 2T degrees ai WnUloe. N, C.;. arid j ' bargain, .ddre.-s. '. (OlepjKMte-.-iWi versatili'.y. some at lier best wtrl j l! degre ':.-. ai Cn eusboro.N. f. The I :ip;dy Tim -s bfttt e. having' b-en done when playing op-j presiiiire is failing ou : the 'Missis- - - posit e Madge blessing in "The IMh- sippi vallev wesiward lo the Pacific : SIM. EIHH FOLIHNti BM VVITI! gerous Maid.'' ptoduted at tltu V isi-j eoat whote it is rising.. This fall m j handsome mirror' in law I : Rood no in New York.' Miss Hurl 'a spien- 'pressure is atiend.d ' Ifv a- general , as tt"V. : a a barg.'tlh. ; Telei lean Aid n-ltli i h,. toils bellied to: rise in ter.ineKitHHi: The Soitthcirtl. or nimly I inies OthC mid with military hhttons Dark Red Heaver ( 'oats, trluinic I with Astraeluin, for ages I to 1 years Stl.tlO lo Slll.fttt 3, WHEN! (ireys, ( laids and fancy Mix Coats s will ill- '"' We.rm Winter Mttteiials, S. SS . and Uto. m 1 . ... i. ,1 1 . I ail colors ....... inni'c ! White Hatiste, (Hack Molmir and llld Fitfbrm ilej 1 i T.ti!is leiiiog i aiior-ataoe tt:iir.i?i iur tunic ... 'll.'in '1 I...,!.;... .I. ..I.. I .III. TORTONE SHCLL ;!t)!S. Wily lioi ,, !i M , . make I he lea gerous -Maid' given on an aci of "Don Hall"' .Miss 1 with Sir Ala one of the I One of the tilling tlie Malcolm'' ' thy of her "Dorothy lit -I'lie Dan-1 high 'pivsstir't iln- line . lit tm Oil eve HatWo ea. a leuciiu; rnori, wlii is in the hi or Hadjpn Hi ' a wealia and halids:i has an e. .-II ve to the e.t. ling Kuo'(! s! hff and no loniglit anil ittth't irea will com inue :o , it. and '"the ;oasen,ue.ntJ so cold In i his i Saturday. A. II. THiESSEN. FALL IS H your Meat crease. But the host Frv ( 'osts ' yen i 1 LI 1 , rviwaiiz i:ts tHiHsiuni llilUSClf llCl'i ,;!!.! !, jus Imuden'il, I Inisiness famttushy alva scllingthc vcryt - Meat Prompt d c i i v ef v. . Siihwartz. SORh'OLK OVS'I I I ere. fur mar. 15. ton, at all prices, m'cordliiK to sizo and quality ."f. up to Site. FtV STOCKIXfiS. Hometlllng new they button at (he waist. Fit line, feel line, never wrinkle or come down. Made of best yarns. Try a pair and know perfect stocking comfort. Heavy two-thread onehy-one Kill Peeler Cotton School Stockings for ii,,., ,i,i rSfeiti aiA&i j incites ic. fine tio-t bread light grade Dress Stockiags, Lisle linisli, one-and-ouo 5c, to 50c. j'" fF gii!-; sizes I 1-U to 7 i inches '!''. Isizes 7 lo !l inches.. !K5t". Fnne'jr Stripe: and Tlaid Hllk Hells, Fine Medium Combed Fgyplian '; and Leather, and Patent Leather ' Lisle finish, two-thread, one-hy-une SSc, and 50C. rib. lor men and women, sizes S 1-U idt Kid Dell- to 1(1 1-2 inches 50c. large buckles, 50c. in black and $1.0(1 labol'ittely sfnt or. trimmed, and wft .... ... t ;,. ,,i..:n .,.,.1 wtoe or iinriou iui ks, k.so ,..c . ... ...... .. Jr.. ' I shoes for dress or school purposes niovn! fell ; s in waists, .mii iiiufi- iiiK'i mwuii i,,,-.,,,, , i i ...i. ;., .....I Mii Iln . " than two sizes 0 a KUU to Hie naun- nine tone s u nini m p ...... wry INFANTS', CHILDHEN'S, AND WO MEN'S HIGH-TOP SHOES, 1 No better line of tine shoes f ir the tot, little miss or the young ladies to amid. All ale solid, serviceable tunes! sty!:- .Inst i. hint is sum- Infants St. It -sole Shoes . . . Leather Cacquesi. ,",(c. ottc. t'ietil to the l.ilehanded. Prices ill'- 'e.iidii:" lo taialily. S2.50, S'MKI, .: tit: :s. KLtiti and So. (IK. Pll ImVsSEs' SKIPTS. : MEN'S Sof T-i:o. Mi SHIKTS. Children's Spring Heel Kid I ace, .". t-s Soil Shirts i,.n iliinreu s i-aieat up ... .. le 85c. New line of vl.inu in, I -.. ' , 'it : -. III. v :.! ' " ' I t 't.tl.t L'I.. I ..... ..Ml 'I'll, I til! i. ..:. .: ,-,1 I ,u r li-oel n. I ' i. .inn - --I uniuniin, iiiii i ,,i. - ,.. . i no skimping die. , ,! i SCMSlTJUHOHi: jri ly lor The Hi S.KTTLINtJ W! t :.- i ones in us I uo i s pi I wee.!,. THE PAENl.NO wfti v in ted 1 TIMES ItV 'HIE eeinae n-SSO-ktl Laundry i l lie covnt r Dc llegalies etin NOTICE OF REMOVAL Of Or. 0, S. Rowland's i DPS! HE MY know that I ha) claiod with the I & .Milling Conipan or .Morgan and filoiint s.tfeels 1 solicit the pa,tronTtge of who wish to have high-class dry work done, or those who io get tho best corn meal in eigli. Clarence B. Oill, lor: with the Kaleigh Kin-trie f FK.SEXDS To! '!' "' Mis-S,'s- 10' '-': 11, Hi aial fH years n-l age. !! trVtH styles of lielii' .ial le mat rials. i-ii'lr fhevlofs. Shadow 1 1 lain iVt'.oiii ,,. I'anrv MiMtir: -. S-.-o to : with Wiehill ; rib!-;:;:, nil prices from 85r. to 92.00 9 LOO Kid Patent Tip Donlile Soles, INFANTS' SILK CAPS, $1.38 Dainty Sill. Caps for (he baby. Misses' Kid and Patent Leather 1 Kmbroldered, (linimed shoes .iii..o io Kid Hals., Heets, 3.50 Missei and tuft eil limvs of Voting: Ladles lo P jh lair week. a M: Di&tfb't'di also tlonal ren:ie. One of the best popular plays of Hi season will boat the :Mt'rop6iH'un Th -atre all fair Week. 'I'lie priees v. ill l 15, 23, 35 and ..ills. My. .1. S. f ehurch will guaianoe l f rti t it! ..iiftriii tlon will he just as KOOil as ally ilaj ed durinK the w-eeek:' .Haleiglv tliea'tre goers know the company. . Haeh; lytsthi there will be a chaiise of hill. N -w'. bright and cateliy specialties.;. tljbe: prices are so arranged that ev ry na can attend each pefforiiiaiii'e tjuyinc the week throughout : ithtnp. 'goiu" roke. Seats will In- "it sal" at the KinK-C'rowetl Drug: Store ..on Friday night. $G0 in prizes v. ill lie given away, (THE ( ATA HUH NOW. Do Not Wait lolil Winter or His ease Will Become Chronic. Many people in R,atei'gA are begin ning to cough ant! hack with the tail symptoms of disagreeable and offen sive catarrh. The longa.1 is coated In the morning, aial they tlo hot sleep well ai .night on account of disagreeable tickling and dropping at the back of the throat as a re anil of catarrh; Before the disease becomes chronic they should use Hyomei aail gel complete freedom from their catarrhal troubles. If you negl et io ileal catarrh when it lirsl comes on. Hie char are that it will becont rooled and deep-seated thai il will bother you all winter and may be come chronic and almost incurable. The first day's use of Hyomei will show a decided iniproveiucul iu STHAVED A bay mare, brahdei '(Iii. Bis reward tor i'eturh to it I am now situated in my new offices E. Ligon, 721 Soiult West strset. opposite tin- pOStofllCC. In addition - - i'tiec 1 a TV - fumn U general ollice tvork, having install- WE HAVE JIST INSTALLED A iVilJJ t'AIL. "U. Jlllrr ,"'' !" a nar.ilier of flir latest el ee-j new electric piano to famish nut- : trical instrunlents, will be iu post-! sic lor the skaters, and we arc f each, i 's Diploma Caillbl illue C Uiv'v. ' linn In u.lmlniutai. Rltw Thimnr ' o ;,, - . I. ! ...... ... ........ ........ ......... - -. . ',. u""is .1,1 .11 will iiviui.'i i IHtLivv I' in an ns pnuses, inciuaing v Jtay so you will spend a pleasa"! after- S tvork. Special engagements can he in, on or . . eiilng win n vlidthlk Hie I f 19 T j g&VVtJM . 1 " M i9i '.V, 'J ' Kit Tik JUT W Tia UU Mfl VTK-! H mm iV KTrmVi T.TT. Iff BtaJ? XbJ?' B U ssy 3xe a VW mma -asc - " u PRIVATE TUTOR, for, yitiliins'ttill and Lane Sts., RALElfill, V f. arranged lor. Ollice hours: 8:30 to 11:30 a. m., 2:30 to ii . ni., and 8 at night. skaliug t-ink. "23" Willi all In the h i, Haleigh Skating Hlnl Edgar 1'. Leach, Manager. ' I1 OF across & line; E HAVE IN STORE , CHOil f LOT Of KORTH CA30LIHA SIDES AND SHOULDERS WITH ff'iV CtOl'NTKV HAMS. Well preserved Country Meat Is scarce an.! hard to '.ind. Xothlnn Will take the place of it in Vegetable Season. If you want ar.y. order at NSW GOODS ARRIVING ALMOST DAILY. ALL 'PHONES. D . T. JO Ii N IS O N (Si. SON 10 EAST HAKGETT STHEET. .11 ST DECEIVED ANOTHED SU E Pa io North Carolina Hams weigli ittg front ti pounds iii. i'. I... Mc Cullers. U Co. I'Cli SALS-: Two first-class seen I. a. m mimeograph machines manifolding. Cheaji. Apply 'l imes ollice. . 1 VI (ii i!HHi lit!' !'( fiii'lcil. Of ooitl'sc von tii'f poiniiij? to the Fair. ior '(u rttttl f ha vo piepai'0'i toj';vo) L K Y !AKi: WALKING EASY PPCK- ett's Poor liase. At Drug Stores. FEET SORE? PCCKETT'S FOOT Ease Is your friend. At Dru.; Stores. A FRIEND IN NFED, A FRIEND indeed Puckett's Foot Ease. At Drug Si ores. WW mm STOCK o? meritorious suits and ovehgoats. -y, .- Hi iitt-; jStvittOM; Hue (if fasliioilftblc wi'ai'aiih-s ever shown in tt!i ,:. Vc will asftiii'p yon of iii and quality equal to any maWo-orlcr gaB .I'.; t-an Inn today, al a saving of i 'pom a fouytli tp a. half in price, ii will !r made a welcome visitor at the stove of the A select and beautifully decorated line in Boqust Vases, Violet Vas2S, Roman Vases, Century Vases, Pan- so ii'rniiv i sy Vases. Lemonade Jugs, S terns and Tankards. Our North Window is most attractive. The J. iggarv Co. FOR RALE We offer for sale, in tin- low n of Holly Springs, on.' storo (toil so and lot. formerly oc cupied by (J. li. Alford. The lot is Bitnatetl on Salem street, in the i heat business portion ot Hie town. Lot T.'i by 140 feet. House two i stories. 7.", feet long;. A line busi ness stand. Apply to .1. .1. Weleti Sou, Hurbam, N. C. SS (SI LINEMAN COMPANY i eROMlT ATTENTION TO AL I, MAIL OHDKKS. COOK WW TED Apply to New EN'S READY FOR SERVICE SUITS ! A comprehensive eolieetion of tin- smartest and most fashionable styles of dress, semi-dress and business wear; each garment presents an inimitable, distinct style and individuality. The fabrics include Serges, Cheviots, Cashmeres, Worsteds, in all (lie choices! patterns and largest shades. Coals, double or single breasted, with the "Non-breakable Shoulder," which Insures their permanency of hape; we use the best of trimming; nil our buttonholes are hand-sewed throughout; also hand-sewed collars mid lapels. All identified by the "BerWanger" label; which stands sponsor for their wearing qualities. SUITS FEOM $10 to $30. RAIN COATS FOR MEN. Ours have none of the ear marks of tlte average rain coat; you will never be conscious of (his function until u sliAwcr proves the result. The fabrics arc the same as those from which we fashion our top coats, plus treatment, which renders them proof against the elements. They are tailored by experts who make a specialty of that kind of garment-tailored, so as to retain their shapes even after the ruin has done its worst. We make them up in several patterns anil shades. The prices are from $10 to 030. S. BERWANGER'S THE ONEPRICECLOTHIER fOL0RED HOY WANTED, ADOPT ! I I or 1 .', years of age, lor house work. Apply tifl 227 New Bern j Avenue. BIDS POD HUSIN'O TUP. FLOOK iinil putting storm doors to Hi? Senate Chamber are invited until - O'clock Monday. October 16th-, 19116. ('. V. Cherry, Keeper of I'OH KHNT-- V 10-rooni ilv.elli:i: lit eg.; lot; sttthles iiiid coy.- she-.l a good well of waler. Apply .M.s. K. E; (lattls, North Bloat) worth st. o e SfBSCHIIJEIlR SETTLING WEEK ly tor ibe Times must nol p:iy I over in nuns per week. SPDSCI51HEHS SKTTLINt. WEEK- ly for Tin.' 'I'iiues niu.st not pay over 10 cents per week. "OK SALIi Nine room house, bath rooms and all modern conveni ences. Located at BIS Not th Blood worth. Apply to a. P. Smith. LADIES, KEEP IT HASDV; "CEL- Ki-.'ol" lor P.'iiuilcs. Postpaid lor 25 cents. Simmons I)rug Po..' Uraham, N. C. !'OH SAI.lv My lot on Hillshoro street opposite St. Mary's grove, S5 feet front on Hillsboro street, si) feci deep, running back to Morgan street. Hood drainage both buck and front. Neighbor hood excellent. Elevation perfect. Btreel cars stop immediately in fioai of loi. So far as I know it is tiic most desirable lot for sale in Kaleigh, Alt A. Thompson. '( El. ki-noIi" FOR femai.es. Postpaid cents. Simmons Drug, Co., Uraham, N. C. WANTED Two or three rooms, fur nished or unfurnished, for light housekeeping. Address "J." care Times. GIVE ME YOCR OKDEH FOR OVS- ters. Furman Betts. SELECT OYSTERS. Furman Betts. WANTED i' i VE OR SIX ROOM residence in good neighborhood in city. S. O. Wilson, Clayton, N. C. FOR RENT Three rooms with bath, lights and furnace heat. For in formation apply 30 Boylan Ave. Are you taking advantage of the op portunity of our SELLING OUT SALE? Here today; may be gone tomorrow the New Suits, New Skirts. w Wraps ! New Rain Coats ! New Black and Colored Dress Goods and Silks. White Wool Dress Goods for Early Fall Wear. New Shoes for Ladies, Misses, Children. On account of the retiring of Mr. A. B. Stronach our entire stock is being closed out . A. B. STRONACH CO. Dry Goods, Notions, Shoe. ' FAVETTEV1LLE STREET ami WILMINGTON 8TRBBT. A prompt settlement of past due accounts will be appreciated.