TEE RALEIGH EVENING . TJMES, iJJNEJSDAY, OCTOBER 24,1906. '""'WfT' -V SMALL TRADING AT THE OPENING Slock Dealing Limited and No Big Changes STRENGTH CAME LATER Prices Moved Fitfully and Frequent" ly Reversed Their Course During the Second Hour Reaction Fol lowed Establishment of New High Level The Quotations. (H.v tho Associated Press.) New York, Oct; 24. The first business in .stocks wfla small and at prices little Changed from those of last ritght. Tho losses outnumbered the sains and In cluded the most important stocks. St. T.otiis Southwestern fell 1 3-8, Northern Pacific and Reading a point, and St, Paul and United States Steel large fractions. The opening decline did not proceed far before supporting orders began to make their appearance and the market rallied to yesterday's closing level. De cided strength in St. Tan! assisted tho recovery, especially among the grain carriers. Prices again declined to about mid way between the hifchest and lowest figures of the first hour. St. Paul, Kan sas City Southern preferred, National Plseult and Hocking Coal gained 1 to 1 3-8 and Colorado ft Southern second preferred. Pressed Steel Car and Texas Land Trust VA to 1 7-8. Hcthlehem Steel preferred sold at an advance of 7 points. , The market lacked ihe energy to rise even when there were no stocks press ing for sale. Dullness was the most distinctive feature of the midday deal ings. Some of the leaders reached 0 slightly lower level. Union Pacific, Mis souri Pacific and Republic Steel pre ferred losing a point. Federal Mining improved 4 and American Tobaco pre ferred and North American f 1-4. Prices moved fitfully and frequently reversed their course during the second hour. A new high level was reached and then a pronounced reaction car ried some stock lower than at first. St. Paul. St. I.ouls Southewestern. pre ferred. Brooklyn Transit and the In-terhorough-Metropolitan stocks Were lifted 1 1-2 to 1 3-4 over last night. National Biscuit 1-8 American Pneu matic Service 2 3-4, the preferred 1 1-4 and American LocomtiVc 1, The mark et became dull and heavy at the re action. Bonds were firm. A close scrutiny of the list failed to show much alteration in prices after one o'clock, though the average was j lower. The unwillingness of the trad- s to undertake vigorous operations one whv or the other kept the market idle most of the time. Southern Pa cific, Canadian Pacific and Distillers Securities fell a point. The market closed dull and weak. There was a convulsive rise of 2 in Norfolk- & Western on the an nouncement of tho increase in divi dend to a per cent. This was not held and fiio market sold off to the lowest point of tho day under light offerings. Atchison, Louisville & Nashville, Baltimore & Ohio and United States Steel fell about a point; Toledo. St. Louis & Western. 1 1-1; Union Pacific, Southern Pacific, Rock island preferred, Reading, Now York Central and Smelting, 1 1-2 to 1 3-4, and Anaconda 4 1-2. New York Closing Stock I Atchison Atchison pref Atlantic Coast Line Baltimore & Ohio Canadian Pacific Chicago it Northwestern . . . Chicago & Northwestern pref Colorado Southern . . . . '. . Chesapeake & Ohio Denver & Rio Grande 1st. .100 , 13G . 1 1 S ' .17 4 . 20 I , so p. . ' . rv Ms . 40 . ;sl . 43ft .321 . 37 . 77V6 . 1 -1 I Va Denver & Rio (Jrande pre I'. Krie Great Northern pref. , Interborough-Met. . . . Inter borough-Met. pref. Illinois Central Louisville & Nashville Manhattan L Metropolitan St. Rwy. Mexican Central Missouri Pacific . . Northern Pacific . . New York Central Norfolk & Western . . Pennsylvania Reading Rock Island Rock Island pref. . . . St. Paul 20 m 212 12.1 94 140''k 143 27; G" 17 : 53 95 1N2'.5 92. 1 9 25 Southern Pacific . . Southern Railway . . . Southern Railway prof Union ' Union Pacific Pacific pref. . . . Wabash Wisconsin Central Miscellaneous. Amalgamated Copper American Car & Foundry American Locomotive American Smelting American Smelting pref Brooklyn Rapid Transit Colorado Fuel & Iron International Paper National Biscuit National Lec.d Northern Securities Pacific: Mail Teople's Gas Piessed Steel Car Pullman Palace Car Standard Oil Sugar Tennessee Coal & Iron United States Steel 113 44 75 154 117 79 52 18 76 75 35 89 55 259 596 133 155 46 United States Steel prcf 10 Western Union 8B14 Mackay Co's 70 Mackay Co's. oref t American Cotton Oil i 34 American Tobacco -.iref 98 American Tobacco 4's 7SV4 American Tobacco G's 110V- Sloss-Sheffield 72 Virginia-Carolina Chemical 37 Va.-Carolina Chemical pref 109 American Woolen 35 American Wooden pref 103 Xew York l ot ton Market. (By the Associated Press.) New York, Oct. 24. The cotton mar ket opened steady at an advance of 31 10 points, which was not a full response to much higher cables than expected, demand being restricted by a more fav orable weather map, while there was considerable selling by local profes sionals. Some of the big traders sup ported, however, and prices during the middle of the morning were within 3 or 4 points of the opening figure. Liv erpool reported a good deal of buying on small southern offerings. Cotton futures opened steady. Octo ber, 11.00; November. 11.00; December, 11.00; January, 11.05; February, offered. 11.12; March, 11.19; April, 11.19; May, 11.25; July, 11.38. Cotton futures closod steady; clos ing bids: October 10.99, November 10.91, Dacember 10.92, January 11.0 1; February 11.0s, March 11.10, April 11.18. .May 11.2,5, June 11.25, July .1 1.32. The market ,".t midday was quiet with prices about 2 points net higher; Spot quiet : middling uplands 11.15. middling gulf. 11.40. Cotton, spot closed dull, 10 points ad vance; middling uplands 11.25; middling gulf 11.50; sales, none. Estimated receipts at the ports to day. i'6,000 bales against 15.554 last week and :;s.S!i? last year. For the week, 420, 000 bales against 372,277 last week and 293,863 last year. Today's receipts at New Orleans 17. 042 hales against 7.702 last year, and at Houston 19,989 hales against 16,158 last year. Yesterday's. Open 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.05 11.12 11.10 11.19 11.25 11.36 Close CloSe October . November 10.99 10.91 10.92 11.01 11.08 11.16 11. IS 11.25 11.25 11.32 11.93 10.91 io.so 10.99 11.07 11.10 11.18 11.22 11.26 11.32 December January . February March .... April May June July Liverpool Cotton Market. (By the Associated Press.) Liverpool, Oct. 24. Cot tori spol mod crate business done; prices 88l12 points higher; American middling, fair, 6.91; good middling, 6.51; middling, 6.37; low middling. 0.15; good ordinary, 5.79; or dinary, 5.55. The sales of the day were 7,000 bales, of which 500 were for speculation and export and included 5,400 American. Receipts. 9.30O bales, all American. Futures opened steady and closed easy; American middling, good ordi nary clause, October. 6.01; October-November. 5.95; November-December. 5.90; December-January. 5.90',i: January-February. 5.93; February-March. 5.95; March-April, 5.98: April-May. O.d; May-June, 6.01; June-July, 6.03; July-August, 6.04. Raleigh Cotton Market. (Reported by Charles E. Johnson & Company. ) New cotton. 10 to lie. Receipts today, 75 bales, Chicago Grain Market. (By the Associated Press.) Chicago. Oct. 24. Wheat opened firm today on a fair demand by commission houses, higher cables and smaller re ceipts in the northwest. Pit traders, however, sold actively and the market soon eased off. December opened l-8(fi) 1-4 higher at 73 to 73fi5-S, and sold at 73 3-S. The market became weak in the last half hour. The low point for Decem ber was 72 3-4. The close was weak witli December off '!? at 72-. Firm cnliles and wet weather throughout the corn belt sent December corn Uiii to 42 Ef-ftl V.. The market, firm all day. closed with December unchanged at 42 1-2. Fair demand by shorts steadied De cember oats at 33 1-4. January provisions opened easier; pork at 13.57, lard at S.22, and ribs at 7.40. ; Chicago Live Stock Market. (By the Associated Pres.l Chicago. Oct. 24. Cattle Estimated receipts. ; 25,000; market, best, steady; others, lee lower. Beeves, 4.00f 7.25; cows and heifers, 1.50(fi5.15; stockers and feeders. 2,50(8)4.40; Texans, 3.75iSt 4.30; westerns, 3.U0ifi6.25; calves, O.OO'fi 7.50. Hogs Estimated receipts, 25.00O; mar ket aCr 1(1 lower. Mixed and butchers. r..!i5i6.40; good heavy. 6.206.42: rough heavy, 5.S0(fi6.O5: light. 5.968.35; pigs. 5.70li6.10; bulk of sales, 6.056.35. Sliei'p Estimated receipts, 25,000; market steady. Sheep, 3.655.50; lambs. 4.60;7.5O. New York li,ovisions. (By the Associated Press.) New York, Oct. 24. Flour Steady, with trade quiet. Wheat Stronger; Dec, 81 7-8 82; May, S3 ir.-lG84 1-8. Rve Finn; No. 2 western, 69 1-2 c. i. f. New York. Corn Market dull and no trans actions. BeefFirjn; family, 12.50 13:00; packet, 10.50 11.04. Pork Steady. Lard Steady; prime western, 9.G5 9.75. Sugar Raw quiet; fair refining, 3 1-2; centrifugal, 9G test, 4; mo lasses sugar, 3 1-4. Refined steady; crushed, 5.60; powdered, 5.00; gran ulated, 4.90. Coffee Steady; No. 7 Rio, .8. Molasses Steady; Now Orleans, 30 38. Butter firm; receipts 8,077; west rn Imitution creamery, firsts 20 1-2 21 m ; I m ; (H i . Cheese steady unchanged. Itceelpts 5,554. Eggs steady unchanged, receipts, 6,491. New York Money Market. (By the Associated Press.) New York, Oct. 24. Money on call firm, 35 per cent; ruling rate, 1 1-2; closing bid, 3; offered at 4. Time loans dull and steady; sixty days, ninety days, GJt G 1-2 per cent; six months, G. Close Prime mercantile paper, G I (ft 6 1-2 per cent; sterling exchange i firm, with actual business in bankers' ! bills at 48S.90485.95 for demand, land at 480.66 480.75 for sixty-day i bills; posted ratc3, 480 1-2 481 nnd jlX6: 486 1-2; commercial bills, !4S0 l-4 480 3-4; bar silver, 70 1-2; Mexican dollars, 54. Government bonds steady; railroad bonds irregu lar The Poultry Market. '(By the Associated Press.) New York, Oct 24. Poultry alive qui"t: spring chickens 10; fowls II): turkeys 14. Dressed Irregular; wes tern spring chickens 10 ifi 14; spring turkeys 16 r,i IS; fowls 10 H 12. SOUTHERN COTTON MILL STOCK. atio:is bv Alibotl Kid Asked Abbeville !1 Aetna .. .. .. .. .. . Aiken Mfg. Co ... .... . iae: ican Spinning . . . American Spinning pre A m. Warehouse, Spra y Anderson Cotton Mil " Arcade .. .. .. .. Arcadia Vri-tn .. Arkwrlght Mills A rltrigton .. .. .:. . . Atherton, N. c. . . v. . Avon Avondale .. .. .. Augusta. Oa Hibb Helton Bonnie .. !il 1.25 102 ioo J 02 ll II 101 86 ,1?3 .125 .105 .115 . SO 11H 10G .111.3 .115 Rratulon ' Biogori C Brookside Mil'1 Mills .1031 firnomnV'.d WO 112 Cabarrus 150 130 Cannon M ft. Co 150 160 Capital city pfd 76 SO Chadwick N. ( pfd .. '.. .. 103 Oherryvlllo .. . 60 67 tti.es welt, s. c 91 Cheswell. S. C. pfd If HI '"dnton 1?5 Clifton com 122 124 CUftoni :fd U)2 10.4 Oilffside 125 Chlquota Cotton Mills 92 96 Chrolcle M'Is. N. C . Courtney 100 Converse .. .. 118 120 OJ.il l-okce Mf:-. Co 133 ( 'olumbus Mf'j. ( o 101 Cora 9! 100 Coxe 99 101 Darlington .. .. 63 Dallas Mfg. Co., Ala 96 nover Vara Mills, N. C 100 Dravto.i :. .. .... ..; .. .. ... . 91 DIHKlg .. .. 60 Diikm .. ,, 60 Frlrd. N, C 15 Fagle & Phoenix... 130 121 Kl intra . fd M2V4 105 Kasley .. .. .. ..133 T.ldnton. N. C. ... ',. ,. ... ... Enterprise Mills X C (par 50) 20 Knoree ; 80 85 Ennree pfd 99 102 Rrwin, pfd be 104' Fureka - 100 reposition 20 Fairfield, pfd 95 Florence 131 Fountain. N. C. .. .. .. .. .. b& Oafriiey Mfg Co 91 Oast tin . . Hi Has ton la ... .', '...'. Gilison 97 98 (Buck .. 97 (Pen l.owcry, Com .. .. ..101 101 (lion Lowcry. pfd 100 STATEMENT FROM COL. J. R. YOUNG-. State Insurance Commissioner J. R. Young has just issued an official statement of the action taken af the meeting of the North Carolina Policy holders' Association in this city Oc tober I S, when it was decided that it was for the best interest of tho poli cyholders in the New York Life In surance Company to support the "ad ministration ticket" as against the "international ticket," and for the policyholders in the Mutual Life of New York to support a ticket made up from the administration and in ternational tickets with the "McCur dy men" eliminated. The policy holders' committee, composed of Commissioner Young, F. H. Rttsbee and .1. H. Pott, will get together as many proxies as possible to vote in accordance with the action of the association at the New York meeting December IS to elect directors for the two companies. BANANA CROP ALMOST RUINED. (By the Associated Press.) Boston, Mass., Oct. 24. The United Fruit Company's steamer Limon which arrived here today from Port Limon Costa Bica. reports that Bluefields, one of the most prosperous towns of Nicar agua, was in ruins and that all the banana plantations had been destroyed. Little Corn Island, off Nicaragua, Captain Porter of the steamer reports. Showed no sisns of life when the Li mon passed but contrary to published reports from Costa Rica appeared to have escaped damage of any conse quence. Money for New Orleans. (By tho Associated Press.) Now York, Oct. 244. The sub treasury today transferred $450,000 to New Orleans. Tho New York branch of the Hank of Montreal re ceived $1,000,000 gold coin from Canada. PROTEST BY THE TRUCK GROWERS (I3y the Associated Press.) Norfolk, Va., Oct. 24. The Southern Pnxluee Exchange, composed of the leading truck growers in tidewater Vir ginia, in annual session here today dis approved the opening of the produce docks in New York at 7 a. in. instead of 5 a. in. and took steps urging a con tinuance of th" 5 a. m. opening. As the result of the scarcity of labor In this vast trucking licit, the farmers named a committee to devise ways and means for the better enforcement of the Virginia, statutes which provide for the Jailing of idlers w to be had and they v This is intended to h di Iving idlers in the i n the I not e Is work iccept it effect of ell as me country to work. Steps looking to the actual establish ment of a proposed agricultural exper iment station on the Diamond Springs Farm, in Prince.1'.- A county, Va.. was taken. Henry Kim was re-elected president of tic exchange. He is the wealthiest trucker in Virginia. D00 SAUSAGE IS EATEN GENERALLY (By the Assn. !. Berlin, Oct. 24. Thi respondencc Maga.i,:' Ihe official returns houses of Prussia fin slaughterings of dogs ed thirty-three percci horses nineteen percei of 1904, the total nuin in 1906 being 1,568 an horses 81.312. These ut illzod by those vv.lio the opening of the fri portatlon of foivign i ing the necessity to: eminent action towan ed Press.) Statistical Cor- initlyislng today Me slaughter 15; ll fids that the or food increas ainl that: of over 1 he flguri s ih-' number of triittstli n will he He agitating for iliors to the hu ll le. as Indieat- immediate gov I giving the work food, i 'liancellov i considering the past. ing people cheaper Von Huelow has In i subject for some tim SEVERAL PAPERS BY INSURANCE MEN (My the Associated Press.) St. Louis. Mo.. Dei. 24. The second days session of the annual convention of the national association of life un derwriters was opened today with an address by Mr. E. K. Khodes, of New ark, N. J. on the topic "Problems of Insurance Law. After the appointment of the nomi nating committee an address was de livered by Hon. Frederick H. Nash, former deputy attorney general of Massachusetts on the subject of "Ex perimental Insurance Legislation." A report of the executive committee containing reeonmiemlations relative to the punishment and maintenance of an official organization under the sup orvlson of L. V. Ha minis, of New York, was adopted, the convention then ad journed until tomorrow morning. McIVER MEMORIAL ON NOVEMBER 20. (Special to The Evening Times.) Greensboro, X. October 24. It was decided today t" hold the memorial services in memory of President Mc Iver in this citv on November 20. Ad dresses will In delivered by President Alderman of the I'nlversity of Virginia, and Wallace llitltrlek. secretary of Ihe general educational board of New York. Other address:"- il he made by former Governors Aycoivk and Jarvis. Presi dents Veiiijble, Winston, and others. f)n that occasion the board of direct ors will elect Dr. Mclver's successor. Sale of Valuable City Property;. By virtue of the iiowers contained in a Judgment of the Superior Court of Wake County. North Carolina, entered on the L'nd day of July, 1U0U, in a special proceeding therein pending; entitled Mary C. Walker et als, ex parte, and being .No. 1311), Bpeciaj Proceeding Docket of said Court, 1 will offer for sale at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door in the City of Raleigh, N. C, on Monda-, tho 1!lth day of November, 1.900, tho following described lots of land, co wit: Two certain lots of land in the Northeastern portion of th3 City of Raleigh, North Carolina, being known as lots Xos. G and 13 of Block 4 in the addition to the City of Raleigh, known as Idlevvild, as surveyed and mapped by A. W. Shaf fer, which map is recorded In ihe oillce of the Itegister of Deeds lor Wake County, in Book 112, at page 41!, and is hereto referred. Said lots are more particularly described as follows: Lot No. 5, of Block 4, situated on the Kast side of Seawell Avenue, being a parallellogram in shape, fronting 52 feet on said Avenue and running back East 200 feet to an alley, bounded on tho North by lot No. 13, and on the South by Lot No. 7, in said Block 4. Lot No. le. of Block 4, situated on the East side of Seawell Avenue, be ing a parallellogram in shape, front ing 52 feet on said Avenue, run ning back East 200 feet to an alloy, bounded on the North by Lot No. 11 and on the South by Lot No. 15, in said Block 4. WILLIAM B. JONES, ' Commissioner. This 111th day of October, laoc. A brilliant conversationalist who occa sionally shaves and cuts hair? THAT'S A BARBER! Just keep him busy by fiilin ; his mouth with good bread made of g tod flour that's PATAP5CO! mm tjj :''?) G'v J (Gi "le B liter flie grade, 1 Tne :0: This molto will apply to our entire sti ck. We are slioivirw, some superior qualities i:j Dress 2, ."(, T5c a id Sil.OO ihe yard. We are i-vlliiiK the I'.iKiotis "Pine Tree" Silks in fi.'S-iucli widihs at $1.(W), $l.l!5 and ijii .."(!. They are the very best quali ties in the city lor the money. You will Hud our Shoe Department a very interesting one. No old stork to show you -.11 fresh, new Roods. Ladies' goods, at ffrSO, $2.)i $2.30 and $;).0D. le's goods, $!.."(, ijili.OO, (g) i () ) I G) i jjta.oO and $3.30. Aliases', Hoys' am) Children's Shoes at all feh prices. Only ''Good Shoes" will be found here. Come and see the "New Store." p2 WALTER W00LLC0TT, 12 East Martin Street. f-V to) n DU5INE5S WAGONS SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY J. W. BARBER SON. r THE CITIZENS RALEIGH, N. C. A Bank with a Million and a half Dollars of Assets, enjoy in?; the confidence of its patrons and the public, doing a gen eral Banking Business, paying no interest on deposits, but extending to its customers every nccommodat'on 'he'ir )"isi ncss and balances justify. New businesl f dK.ieS. The collector of items ot North Carolina is given espueiaJ care and attention. CAPITAL $100,000.00 Sl'Rl'Ll'S 100,000.00 JOSEPH G. BROWN. President. We invite inspection of our new Safe Deposit Boxes in our Fire and Burglar Proof Safe. The best investment a man can make in to place his valuable papers in a safe place, where the cost is only a ifew cents a month. COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS BANK, RALEIGH, N". O. NOT PAY INTEREST ON REPPOTTS 3. 3. THOMAS, President B. 8. .TERM AN,, Cashier A. A. THOMPSON, Vlco President H. W. JACKSON, Assistant Cashier igger the Trade." Goods at (go ?UAREI i. NATIONAL BANK . t2l :- IPZ II LORY K. lilTCRFOIlP. CMliler. The fact White House is better everyway than any other Kind of COF FEE is the reason why you will like White House the best. Better try White House Coffee next time. Make it right and note how fragrant and delicious. DELICIOUS); FOR. BREAKFAST. '!3il N. C. HAMS - - A genuine Country Product, rightly cured, s -veet, juicy Palatable. J. R. FERRALL & CO. i.KADixn (; nor Kits. 15 he NAPOLEONS FINANCE. would never Imve a chance to acquire great wealth but for that hard-earned first thousand that gave them a chance. It doesn't lake long if you start an account here and keep the receiving teller busy adding- small sums to it. Banking by mail is safe as well as practicable. We pay four per cent to depositors. Carolina Trust Comp'y FAYETTEVIIiLK STREET, RALEIGH, N. C. till STUDIO Ruth Frances Pope CHINA and WATER COLOR specialty, promptly filled. Orders THE WORLD'S STANDARD KIMBALL PIANOS AND ORGANS Our small payment plan makes buy ing easy. Buy from factory and save $50 to $100. W. W. KIMBALL CO. GEO. H. SINGLETON, Factory Representative, Raleigh, N. C. YOU GET MORE AT LESS OOSTI Alter having carried one of our Premium Dividend Policies n certain length of lime than under any other plan of insurance known. If you realize, as nearly every one does, the value of accident and health insur ance, better let us call and explain this novel form of protection. It will at least interest you, even if you don't buy. 57e Pennsylvania Casualty Go. HUNTER & DREWRY, STATE AGENTS', RALEIGH, N. C. High Grade Investments. North Carolina State Bonds. North Carolina Eailroad Stock. (5 and 7 Per Cent Preferred Stocks. f and 6 Per Cent Mortgage Loans. Southern Mill Stocks and Bonds. F. Ot. ABBOTT & CO., Charlotte, N. C. Hubbard Bros. & Co. HANOVER SQUARE, NEW YORK. MEMBERS OF New York Cotton Ex change, New Orleans Cotton Ex change, Associate Members Liver pool Cotton Association. ORDERS SOLICITED For the pur chase and sale of cotton for future delivery. Correspondence Invited. j INSURANCE j 1

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