( THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1906. MOODY FOR THE BENCH RHEUMATISM IP YOU TOUCH your tongue to ALU and look in the glass you will sec the elTcct- You can't help puckering it makes you pucker to think of tasting it. By the use of so called cheap Baking Powders you take this puckering, injurious Alum right into your system you injure digestion, and ruin your stomach. AVOl Attorney Generel Succeeds Justice Brown His Nomination Will Ho Seat to the Senate in December Practically Admitted Officially That He Will Hp Named Hy President Hoosc velt. 0 Royal is made from pure, refined Grape Cream of Tartar Costs more than Alum but you have the profit of quality, the profit of good health. (By the Associated Press.) Washington. Oct. 24. While no offi cio! statement is obtainable unofficial information confirms the report that I the president will appoint Attorney ! General William H. Moody of Massa chusetts to the vacancy on the supreme court bench made vacant by the re tirement of Associate Justice Henry B. Brown. The announced intention of the president to appoint Mr. Moody to the supreme court bench came as a sur prise as it was generally understood that he had eliminated the attorney general from consideration in that con nection because of the fact mainly that Massachusetts already has a represen tative on the bench In the person of As sociate Justice Holmes. Mr. Moody's nomination will be sent to the senate when congress convene.' but the general expectation is that ho will not take his seat on the bench un til about January 1, when as previously announced', he expects to retire from the attorney generalship. WILD INDIANS STILL WARLIKE! URIC ACID DESTROYER ONIODIDE OF POTASH REMEDIES VANQUISHED This old Quaker Remedy, striking as it does directly at the cause of many disorders of the human system by dissolving the uric acid in the blood, goes right to the seat of the disease, removes all germs and poisons out of the blood and produces distinct beneficial results in cases of Bright's Disease, Congestion of the Kidneys, Bladder Troubles, Dropsical Swellings, Diabetes, Nervous Debility, Sciatica, Muscular Itheumatism, Lumbago and Gout. PENN RHEUMATISM CURE has been in active use by the most eminent physicians for more than Sixty Years In the special treatment of Rheumatic Cases, which, with the addition of Blood Tonics, comprise the present form ula of this remedy. Over one million sample boxes of this standard RHEUMATISM CURE have been distributed throughout the United States of America absolutely- free of charge. Thousands of letters have been received thanking the PEN N' DRUG COMPANY, of PHILADELPHIA, PA., for their generous method and praising the healing properties of PENN RHEUMATISM CURE. If you have not tried this invaluable remedy, do not fall to do so at once. Do not allow the disease to get too strong a hold On you. Remember the years, months or days you have been suffering. Make up your mind to test the PENN RHEUMATISM CURE. Take it faithfully according to directions. Expect no miracles, but you will gradually find returning strength, freedom from pain and former health. Tho excrutiating agony of RHEUMATIC pains will he gone, ;f not forgotten, and you will bless the day you decided to try PENN RHEUMATISM CURE. Write for a free, generous sample of PENN RHEUMATISM CURE if you have not already done so, and satisfy yourself of its wonderful efficacy. Penn Rheumtaism Cure Sold by All Druggists. Price in Liquid Form barge Bottle $1.00. Tablet Forin 50C SOLE MANUFACTURERS? -Per Box ma. 1 THEATDIf A! .1. 1 . IM 21 t. 1 IM . CAliBNlJAil. Osiiian Stock Company Ave nights, nights. Saturday, matinee ami night "The One Woman." WEATHER FORECAST. (By the Associated Press.) 1 'asbitlgtoh, Oct. 2$. Forecast for -Non ii Carolina for tonight and Tlnirsriay: iinin tonight and probably Thurs day; variable winds becoming southerly. lo v ThE central over t ley yesterday which was ap from the N formed a disturban energy central this i nesota and Wisebnsl rains In the upper M cr Missouri valleys. Mountain region the attended by low tern) sure which waf (6 lower Mississippi val ias combined with a low iroachinir this country ipthWeat Territory and E of considerable iprning over Min i. it has caused ssissippi and QW Ovef the Rocky pressure Is high clotures except ir northern Montana. Throughout thf cotton belt the weather is cloudy with temperatures about the same as those of yesterday except In the western por tion where there has been a fall; frost was reported at Abilene ami Oklahoma In the eastern portion of the belt-light showers occurred. The low pressure condition in the west will probably niov eastwardly causing rain in this vicinity tonight an'! probably Thurs day. A. IT. THIE.SSEN. Section Director. BIB WWWW IIWIWIIIII est hunt .the association has ever known. Applications lor months and for reservations in tho hotel and entries of dogs lor the Derby races and Kennel every hour 'phone and n: The numbe participate in large and the sequent!' will varied, frte Ed are plentiful. noiints are and the visit doss mingling coming in long-distance who will unusually lions eon- fSp The The Fox Hunt. 1 1 1. I ho Evening TinvO Mecklenburg, Chase City, Va., Oct. 2-1. The eve of the Meet of the Virginia-Carolina Fox Hunters finds everything propitious for tho great- Show ; lv wire nail. rr of Indies ho hunt is social ftuic lo numerous and xi'- rod and grey j Mecklenburg! n excellent condition I ng packs of splendid their voices With the welcoming cries of th'0 tine Mecklen burg pack are making the welkin ring and Tuesday morning there will he as handsome a held showing of hunters, horses and dogs as litis ever been seen in old Virginia. Among those already here are Mr. ,Ias. T. Twitty, Buffalo, .. i BWtJ horses and twenty dogs; Mr. C. M.I L. Johnson, Washington, D. C, wit hi his handsome pack; Mr. V. V. Thraves, Belona, Va.. With his pack: of !15 dogs; Mr. and .Mrs. S. I'. Coop er, Henderson, N. C 1 dogs: Mr.! k. W. pyerby, Boydtori, Va., and Mr.; it. u. Sneed, Towhesvllle, X. C, with their pack of 45 dogs; Mr. .1. E. Cornwell. Chester, S. C, with pack; Dr. Rawley W. Martin, Lynchburg, Va.; Mr. Robt. r . Fuller, i.otusDurg. N. C; Dr. .1. E. Malone, Loulsburg, X. C.j Mr. R. Carr, Wilson. X. C; Mr. K. C. Wilson, Pottsville, Pa.: C. C. Cardoza, Richmond, va., Benj. T. Crump, Richmond, Va.; .1. A. Whetterman, Atlanta, Ga.; and Mrs. A. H. Boyd, Charleston, Va.: -Mrs. H. C. Smither, Norfolk, ; Mr. 1). ti. Coleman, Warren ity, N. C., with his pack of line ilso Mr. G. W. Marrow, uui- Richmond, and Mr. ami Mrs. A. 1'. Craddock, Lynchburg, Va. THE EXHIBIIQN SHOOT TOMORROW. ilf. IK. C. A. IN BALFIGH The acknowledged champion trap shot of the world, V. It. Crosby, with several oilier good shooters, will visit the Raleigh Gun Club tomorrow afternoon from 1 to :!. This exhibition of expert shooting will be free to all, arid a large crowd should go to the dub grounds in Cameron held, 't he Indies are espe cially invited. At this exhibition, for tho first time, a lady trap shooter will tip pear in Raleigh. .Mrs. Toppeiweln can discount many men who have had years of experience, although she only took up shooting within the last three years, and lias become as good as the best. Her husband will amil86 and surprise the people With Mass Meeting Next Sunday Afternoon. (By the Associated Press.) Omaha, Neb., Oct, L'4. Word was received here today from the scene of the Indian depredations in Wyo ming to the effect that Captain C. P; Johnson of Major tlrierson's com mand, with an orderly and a scout, overtook tho i'tes on Little Powder River, about forty miles north of Millette. it is said the Indians nb-i folutely refused to return to their j reservation and declared they were going to Dakota. Major Grierson, it is said, has determined to await j reinforcements before trying to force ! the removal of the band, as cowboys j report- that the" t'tes are holding: nightly dances and arc in a mood; for trouble. PENN DRUG COMPANY Philadelphia Wholesale by W. H. King Drug Co. Retail by Henry T. Hicks Co.. Robert Simpson, O. G. King, The Tucker Drug Co. and Tucker Building Pharmacy. APPLES Bv the barrel or measure. EGGS By the crate or dozen. CHICKENS By the coop or retail. POTATOES By the bag or measure. ALL 'PHONES. D. T. JOHNSON a SON 18 EAST HAKGETT STREET. All Persons Interested in Establish ment of V. M. C. A. Here Called (o Meet in Metropolitan Hall at I O'Clocb liesult of a Keren! Con ference on the Matter. his wonderful shin with the objects thrown feats rille. Into of lire rapid hcid alone tors. succession draw perfectly with his should bring out marksman iking small j air, and in an Indian rille. This many vlsl-i Ni Nt Sunday afternoon at Metropoli tan Hall ;;: I o'clock there will be a mass mceiitiB of all persons in Itaielgli who an' Interested in the establishment of a Yen:':.- Men's Christian Assoc! i a-p- m f Fall Styles For Men! It will pay yoU to see these splendid garments. Xot only are you cer tain of the new style and the RIGHT style, but the quality, fit and In comparable workmanship of these garments are thoroughly exclusive characteristics. Furthermore, we have very lew duplicates, and our best will be quickly taken. See tliem now. until later if you so desire. We will reserve your selection tion, Rhle ital in A nn j Who '!' i as thf! I At a ! deeply J decide, and til Mr. Mr. Mr. Dr. W, Va, conn tlogx lock. X. ('., with his fine pack: Mrs. A. Roquet, Xew Orleans. La.: Mrs. F. Pugh and -Miss Mcllroy, Assump ton Parrish, La.; Mr. Jake Lassiter, WASHINGTON BDTTifll! 'sTTT .: Judge and Mrs. J. K. Shepherd left fhur this morning for Washington, N. C. mnyt where Judge Shepherd will appear for tin- plaintiffs in the sail of Citizens of was Washington vs the Norfolk & South ern Railroad Co. involving the right of the Railroad Company to construct the bridge there regarding which there has been so much litigation the past tew months. shah tl At talks Justli Hon. Ativ ut.-in itching is n teninor- i " tester. The more you scratch the worse it itches. Doan's Ointment cures piles, eczema any skin itch ing. At all drug stores. .till is ,-:t this date the only tills country without a y. m. 0. 1 there are many poisons here sin that such a state of things no longer exist. conference of persons led in this matter, it was . a preliminary meeting. thi.- t!"V. Dr. Alfred H. Moment. asti.ir ' f the First Presbyterian li. was made the chairman of the mbyferrii ::!. Very careful consideration was further given the subject, and the time, next Sunday afternoon, for the mass meeting was chosen. his ni., ling there will be special by Governor Glenn. Associate - Hoke of the supreme court, Richard H. Battle. Dr. George T. in of the Agricultural and Me- i: i ..e,j ml 7 The New "Harvard" Sack Here is one of the best of the new designs for Fall called the "Har vard" because the model came from there well shown in (lie illustra tion. You'll find it just as correct for business wear in lialcigh, New York or San Francisco as it is on the Harvard campus. This is only one of our new "University" Models. Ask to see them. Our .Suits equal to made-to-order cost from gjg to $30. CROSS (& LINEHAN CO., PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL MAIL OHDEHS. v. w Money Sticks Out of the Ground in the Coeur d Alene COEUR D'ALENE EAGLE MINE chanlcal Co the presidei morec, Mr. bert A. Koy ministers, a is deeply inti who is lb.- ch committee of case Is tn hi presented ti At chkrlo Y. M. C i then HahdRc well all the in t.h wnrM.timort fn.nr d'AlATia fit TitAhn f.hft dlatriat Bhal Bl the lead suoutv of the United States and has returned in profit" U2.0O for one dollar ever spent In development, which Is anunuiual reoord. produced $17,000,000 in Lead and Silver last year. We Have Struck 100 Ore in a giant yeln fifty lee wide In places oropplnc for over four thousand feet n the hillside. Only a mile and one-half from railroad. Wood and water plentiful. The yeln, the characteristic, silver-lead ore of tho eamp, bus richer laatlyaff values than usual. Development Just started down a sixty-foot shoot In fine ore thirteen teet wide and letting richer every foot. The Investor can get In at the atari " on this mine. Qroona floor prtoe, toe, I predict this stock will tell on the open market, inside U months, at from CUB to til. mi per snare. This camp has never nan a laiiare nanareus umtw py investing m uoear a-Aiene shook wronn, toe lass w bkhuw. write me ior prospectus immediately ana mention wus .i P. FIFE, Eastern Agent, Missouri Trust Bldg., ST. LOUIS, MO. Mr. Joseph O. I'rown, of the Chamber of Com isephus Daniels. Dr. Hu er, Dr. Moment and other 1 Col. Fred A. olds, who rested in the work, and airman of tho Y. M. C. A. the Industrial Club. The ry frankly and fully tho people of IiHleir,h. e it will be found that the thirty years ago built a le home, has maintained it time, has now nearly a thousand members; maintained a num ber of living1 rooms for young1 '"en In its building and not long ago sold the latter at a very handsome figure, hav ' ing really outgrown it. and is now ! erecting a very large one, in which I will be provided not only lecture nnd reading rooms, gymnasium, library. I bat lis. but living rooms for 100 young j men. Tlv work of the Y. M. C. A. in : Charlotte ban been a great factor In i the development of that remarkably thriving city. Here In Raleigh there are hundreds ' of young ni"n who have nowhere to ! go at nlslit. this applying not only to ! those born here, but to tho-e who have made Raleigh their home, to students I and to those who are here for short periods. Never a day passes without l ihqnlties from visitors here nH-to the location of the Y. M. C. A., and there Is the most unbounded surprise and re gret on their part when they learn that Raleigh has nothing of the kind. A prompt settlement of past due accounts is requested. :0: A. B. STRONACH COMPANY. SELLING OUT ADVANTAGES TO YOU. Goods marked at Quick-selling Prices. Ten Per Cent Cash Discount (except on staple Cotton Goods). This week the Newest Things in Furs, New Wraps, New Suits, New Skirts, New Black and Colored Dress Goods and Silks, Novelty Neckwear, Collars, Jewelry, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Millinery. :0: LADIES', MISSES AND CHILDREN'S SHOES. A. B. STRONACH CO. Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes. FATETTTCVIIJiK STREET and WlXMlNGTON STREET. Ufe ONE PIANO That faithfully meets Every requirement is 66c Artistic STIEFF INVESTIGATE ! 1 STIBFF 66 Granby Street NORFOLK, VA. Geo. S. Nussear, Mgr. . ' Send for descriptive booklet and Special price list.

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