THE RKLEIGH EVENING TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1906. Of beer like Imperial Pilsener is very, very beneficial. Imperial Pilsener is a product of highest quality, of nourishing wholesomeness and perfect purity. Brewed from the choicest select Barley Malt, the finest Bohemian Hops (specially selected on the pole every year for this brewery), special quality Yeast and pure distilled water. Altho Imperial Pilsener is a very light beer, both in alcohol and appearance, it is rich in predigested aliments of Barley Malt and the tonic properties of Hops. On sale a,t Raleigh Dispensary. Just ask for .a Call for " Chatt." the seal of 7 ' excellence is branded on every cap. Look for it. "Out beers are pure Ilqu:d fjjl" (Tbattatioosa WEATHER FORECAST. (By the Associated Press.) Washington, Nov. X. Forecast for North Carolina for tonight and Friday: Fair tonight and Friday In east portion, showers tonight or Friday in west, warmer tonight in extreme west portion, light to fresh north east winds. The tropical disturbance which was south of Florida appears to have decreased in energy and perhaps to have moved somewhat to the north east. The pressure in the east has fallen, and the temperature changes have been unimportant. A low press ure area has moved to a position central over the Dakotas, and has caused higher temperatures there, and some rain in Montana. The weather in the cotton belt is gener ally clear east of the Mississippi river, but west of the Mississippi there is some cloudiness, and rain has fallen in eastern Texas. The barom etric conditions indicate fair weather in this vicinity tonight and Friday. A. H. THIESSEN, Section Director. G THEATRICAL. ACADEMY CALENDAR. Saturday night "Joshua Simp-kins." NOT MUCH OF A PLAY. WEAK KIDNEYS BODIES. "His Majesty and the Maid" Was Dull and Encouraged Sleep. "His Majesty and the Maid" Is a very ordinary, common-place attrac tion and the small audience at the Academy of Music last night found it especially so in the hands of au ordinary, common-place company. Miss Mary Emerson is an emotional actress, so-called, without much in her favor. Her voice is sham and squeaky, but she did warm up toward the close and that helped some. There were a number of sticks supporting her. Otto's tove-making was enough to make any man prefer a monastery, while women would prefer spinsterr hood to the stream of gush which he poured out on" occasions. There was nothing really fine or clever about the performance. The queen and jthe court ladles were out of their class: they could not soar. Michael looked the Dart of a driveling Mint. In a MAKE WEAK i he Pf' wf 'l'" and- uinatiivr, ausuiuif i.v uv" j- thing that would bring a thrill. We Give S. H. (EL Co.'a Green Trade Discount St a.m pa Free ISIli Garments! Ladies, in buying for ladies, instinctively "catch on" to the little delicacies and finishing touches that men buyers overlook. The importance of this Millinery and Garment Sale is the more accentuated because of the keen foresight employed by our experienced Lady Buyers, in so perfectly anticipating the very wants of our city people. There is an interested care taken in aiding their selections, and thoughtful attention is paid to perfecting the details just as wanted. The increased sales in the Millinery and Coat Suit Department is partially due to the correctness of the styles and the low prices named. ihe Kidney Diseases Cause Half Common Arhcs and Ills of Raleigh People. As one weak link weakens a chain. so weak kidneys weaken the whole body and hasten the final breaking down. Overwork, strains, colds and other causes injure the kidneys, and when their activity is lessened the whole body suffers from the excess of uric poison circulated in the blood. Aches and pains and languor and urinary ills come, and there is an ever-increasing tendency towards diabetes and fatal Bright 's disease. ! There is no real help for the suf ferer except kidney help. Ooan's Kidney Pills act directly on the kidneys and cure every kid-! "JOSHUA SIMPKIXS." The "Johua Slmpklns" company, carrying their own special scenery, a band of music and orchestra, will pro duce the pastoral comedy drama of that name at the Academy Saturday night. The piece deals with the country life and people, three acts of the pluy be ing laid in one of the many quaint vil lages of Vermont. The second act (in three scenes) portrays I'ncle Josh's first visit to Washington City. In the third act a sensational saw mill ef fect is shown, being nothing more nor less than a complete saw-mill In full operation, cutting up genuine timber. MISS DE.MOTT HETFRNS. NEW ARRIVALS, :0: Calit'i-ojiia Sante Clara Prunes, California Evaporated Peaches, Canned Herring Roe, Fresh Cakes and Crackers, New Macaroni, New Cheese, Atmori-'s Mince .Meat, Buckwheat Flour, Welch Rros.' Maple Syrup. ALL 'PHONES. D. T. JOHNSON (Q. SON 10 EAST HARGETT STREET. Returns to the Arena After a Long Absence A Great Feature. The return of a circus queen to the nev ill. Hnleieh cures are the proof, arena which had been the scene of her .1. H. Crawford, dentist, of llti Fayetteville street, says: "1 suffered from pain in my back almost con stantly until 1 learned of Doan's greatest triumphs, and finm which she had temporarily retired, is an event of more than passing interest. It lias been said of the public that it is fickle, and that the nomilnr favorite of yes- Kidney Pills and procured them at u,.rtay l3 recailed only by an effort Bobbitt-W'ynne Drug Co.'s store. 0f memory today. But. surely, Josie They relieved it entirely, and you j Demon, tho little American eques- THE HIT OF THE SEASON ! Hl'STRIOX CHINA NOVELTIES. The finest lines offered of Salads, Vases, Fruit S?ts, Chocolate Sets, Cream and Sugar Sets, Berry Sets, .Molasses Calls, Don Hon, Celery Trays, Placqucs, Cake Plates, Cracker Jars, Pail Boxes. Hair Deceivers; 0)80 a full line of Tea, Dinner and Toilet Ware. No other lines similar. The J. D. Riggarv Co. i can say for me that I consider thorn I a good remedy, and from the great i benefit 1 received I am glad to let others know about them." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents tor the Uni ted States. Remember the name--ioan s and rake no other. 132 FAYETTE VI LIE STKEET. J. ROSENGARTEN'S Exhibition Is attracting wide attention this week, and people have learned that Eosengarten sells the BEST at lowest prices. Everything brand new and up to day in Ap parel for Men and Boys. Copyright 1906 t- The House of Kupponhelme J. ROSENGARTEN. SPECIAL RATES FOR THE CIRCUS. President and General Manager J. A. Mills, of the Raleigh & South port Railroad, announces special rates between Fayetteville and Ra leigh for the Darnum & Bailey cir cus in Fayetteville, November 13, and in Raleigh November 14. The rate for both days will be one fare for the round trip. For the trip to Fayetteville on ac count of the circus there November 13 the schedule now in effect will ! train, due to leave Fayetteville at 2:45, on that day will be held until 5 p. m. For the service on account of the circus in Raleigh on November 14 the schedule now in effect will be operated; and in addition there will be a special train from Raleigh to Linden to leave Raleigh at 5 p. m. after the performance. HAIR TELLS CHARACTER. Color of Hair Said to Indicate a Per son's Temperament. Many people believe that blonde, or light hair denotes affection and dark hair constancy. A person with out hair is not devoid of character; far from it. The disposition of the average bald-headed man is to show such solicitude for the welfare of others, that he neglects himself. A germ causes baldness. Prof. Sabou mud, of Paris, France, lnnoculated a rabbit With Dandruff germs, caus ing it to become totally bald in five weeks' time. To rid the scalp of these dangerous germs it is neces sary to apply Newbro's Herpiclde. "Destroy the cause you remove the effect." Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. Henry T. Hicks & Co., Special Agents. trlenne, has no reason to complain of her reception b the great Ameri can public, after a retirement extend ing over a period of several years. Four or five years ago. Miss Demott was one of the. most popular riders in the United States. In Europe her popularity was equally pronounced. At tho very climax of her popularity, and while still a young girl, she. re tired. The claims of a sweetheart had outweighed the', claims ot the arena, and she left the circus to preside over the home of a generous husband. In this new role1 Miss Demott's suc cess was equally pronounced. In the pleasures of travel and the entertain ment of friends In a new world, the old life was apparently forgotten. As a matter of fact it was not and could not be. The desire to tread the saw dust rings again to feel the thrill ami tremor of the sensitive horse under her dainty feet to hear the thunder ing applause "of the enthusiastic crowd all this was too much for her. And so pretty, graceful, winsome, merry Josie Demott has come back tn her own, and the Barnum & Bailey circus the great show in which she I won her greatest fame Is presenting j her this season as one of the features j of its great and glorious riding con- I gress. That she is a real feature no one who sees her charming perform- ' ance can question. She not only pre sents all the feats that the cleverest (among other riders execute, but she also accomplishes sensational tricks that others do qot even attempt. Among these is a series of somersaults j while her horse Is running at full I speed. Miss Demott Is the only lady rider in the world who ts accomplish- j Ing this feat, and it Is not surprising i that she has again resumed her posl- Hon as one of the most popular Amor- i lean equestriennes FINE TRIMMED HATS. Our trimmers are posted on Milli nery construction, and are now pro ducing some of the most fascinating Dress Hats this store has ever put out Hats according to Fashion's latest edict the shapes, coloring and effects the kind we can recommend, because we make them ourselves. The values will surprise you 94.00, $5.00 and 90.00 INFANTS' SILK CAPS. The daintiest line of Baby Caps, plain pleated and embroidery trim medat all prices, from 50c up to $2.50 CHILDREN'S HATS, CAPS AND 1 TOBOGGANS. Here is a line of Headwear for the little folks that sells as fast as wo ean get them. Good choosing right now. Boys' Caps 25 and 50c Girls' Caps 25, 50 and 75c Toboggans and Tarns. . .50c to $1.25 LADIES' COAT SPITS. Blac k and Heavy Blue Broad Cloth Tailor-made Suits, coat three-quarter length, with Hat velvet, collar, braid trimmed, full pleated skirt; size, 34 10 42. Special net price. .. .$10.00 NEWEST COATS FOR WINTER These Coats come from the nlost reputable makers. They bear all the freshest touches of fashion, ihe ma terials are first-class. Now judge the value. Ladies' Fancy English Kersey Coats, $0.00 Black Kersey, Cheviot and Melton Cloth Coats $5.50 to $8.25 Ladies' Short Tan Coats, $3.50 to $10 MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S WIN TER COATS.. Every lino at Its very best. Size ranges complete. Prices thus: Children's School Coats, in Navy Blue, Brown, Red and Tan, $2.50 to $8.50 FURS AND FEATHER BOAS. The Fur season is just at its be ginning, tho slock at its best, and those very choice in their selection can best bo suited before the best pieces are sold: Neck Pieces $3.00 to $30.00 Muffs $3.50 to $12.00 Children's Sots $2.00 to $5.00 Feather Boas $5.0O to $7.50 HIP FORMS AND BUSTLES. The Scott Hip Form and Bustles are form-fitting, invisible when worn, light in weight, ventilated, and re versible, insuring a perfect, fit - 25, 50 and 75c WINTER UNDERWEAR. There is not a want in Medium, or Heavy Weight Winter Underwear we cannot fill to your utmost satisfac tion. Ladies' Ribbed Vest and Pants, 25 and 50c Wool Mixed Vest and Pants, 75c and $1.00 All-Wool Vest and Pants $1.50 Cotton Union Suits, .,80c and $1.00' Half-Wool and All-Wool Suifs, $i.5 and 92-00 Corset Covers 25c, 50c and $1.00 Misses' Cotton Pants and Vests, 25c and 50c Misses' Part-Wool Pants and VeBts, ! 50 and 75c Infants' Wrappers, In all grades, from 25c to $1.00 TIMELY NEWS CONCERNING BLANKETS AND COMFORTS. For the next few days we shall have a special sale of Blankets and Comforts. The values will speak for themselves. All-Wool Blankets, standard size, made in North Carolina, honest and all right. $4.50 to $0.50 Bed Comforts, silkollne covered, .cot ton filled $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 Saline Quills, silk-down filled, v $2.75, $3.00 and $4.00 Genuine Down Quilts, covered with French satin $8.50 and $12.50 CHILDREN'S,SHOES. Nothing but Solid Leather Shoes throughout the strong, sturdy kind, as well as the fine grades for dress. School Shoes 05c to $1.25 Dress Shot s $1.35 to $2.50 MEN'S FINE SHOES. We show a complete line of sizes in Velotir Calf, Gun Metal, and Patent Calf, in all the new toe shapes, $3.00 and $3.50 1 ... s - .Jp 1 . S&J ! t f- -'3flW HE new Imperial-swellest Over- 1 MISS KATE C. SHIPP, Teacher's Diploma Cambridge Univ'y. PRIVATE TUTOR, Cor. Wilmington and Lane Sts., RALEIGH, N. 0. Dr. Ernest H. Broughton Associated with Dr. J. H. Crawford ...DENTIST... HO Fayetteville Street Made Happy for Life. Great happiness came Into the home of S. C, Blair, school superintendent, at St. Albans. W. Va., when his little daughter was restored from the dread ful complaint he names. He says: "My little daughter had St. Vitus' Dance, which yielded to no treatment but grev steadily worse until as a last resort we tried Electric Bitters; nd I rejoice to say, three bottles effected a complete cure." Quick, sure cure for nervous complaints, general debility, female weaknesses, impoverished blood and malaria. Guaranteed by all druggists. Price 50c. THE new Imperial-swellcst Over coat of the year and the smart est design brought out for many a season. This is the Coat you will see worn by all the best dressers this winter. Dignified, simple, aristocratic in the extreme, it is thoroughly a gentle man's garment. Equally appropriate as a Dress Overcoat or an every-day convenience. You can see from the picture the distinguished look this new French Flare Rack gives. Von will like the model. $15 to $30. CROSS & CINEHAN CO., PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL MAIL ORDERS. Mclver Day. The following invitation has beeh re ceived here: The Board of Trustees, the Faculty and the Students of the North Caro lina State Normal and Industrial Col lege Greensboro, North Carolina In vite you to be present at the exer cises in memory of its founder and president Dr. Charles Duncan Mclver to be held at the College. November 20th 1906 at eleven o'clock A. M. Had a Close Call. r "A dangerous surgical operation, in-f volvlngr the removal of a malignant ul cer, as large as my hand, from myi daughter's hip, was prevented by the application of Bucklen's Arnica Salve," says A. C. Stlckel, of Miletus, W. Va. "Persistent use of Salve completely cured It." Cures Cuts, Burns and Inju ries. 25c at all druggists. WHITE PINE WITH TAR! A most valuable remedy for Colds, Coughs, Bronchlul Ca tarrh, Spasmodic Croup, Coughs from Colds, and all diseases of the air passages. By relieving the cough at night It brings on sleep. HICKS' Drug Stores HED TAG SALE HALF VALUE HALF VALUE :0: Black and Colored Dress Goods, Silks, Satins, Waistings, etc. :o: A. B. STRONACH COMPANY. SELLING OUT. Are you saving money by buying your DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS AND SHOES At our Selling-Out Sale and QUICK SALE PRICES? Ten Per Cent Extra Cash Discount. The bargains won't last always. Better come today. A. B. STRONACH CO- Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes. FAYETTEVILLE STREET and WILMINGTON STREET. SAVE $100 at least by taking advantage of our great REMOVAL SALE. We are building a new store, 112 Granby St., which will be ready about January nest, and we will not move a single piano from our 'present store to the new pne. This Is just sentiment with n. Everything must be bran new, so we are making special low prices on some fine instru ments, just to carry our "All Xew" point. YOU WILL SAVE ENOUGH ON THE PIANO TO PAY FOR THE MUSIC LESSONS. In addition to our own peer less pianos, we have a few of other makes taken In exchange to go at well, $40 and up. Better see about these. REMEMBER WE MAKE THE STIEFF, "THE PIANO WITH THE SWEET TONE." INVESTIGATE. STIBFF 66 Granby St., Norfolk, Va. GEO. S. NUSSEAR, Mgr. Send for descriptive booklet and prices. BE--'