THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1906. Salting Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE Healthful cream of tartar, derived solely from grapes, refined to absolute purity, is the active principle of every pound of Royal Baking Powder. Hence it is that Royal Baking Powder renders the food remarkable both for its fine flavor and healthfulness. No alum, no phosphate which are the principal elements of the so-called cheap baking powders -and which are derived from bones, rock and sulphuric acid. ROYAL BAKINC POWOCR CO.. NEW YORK. GREAT $3,000 CONTEST OPENED AUSPICIOUSLY Such a Stupendous Undertaking as This Was Never Contemplated by any Other Journalistic Enterprise in North Carolina. Much Excitement is Being Created by This Great Contest The great lin t' is on. on another page of this paper will bo round I lie names of the young women who have entered The livening Times' So, OdO contest. The track is clear and every fair contestant has " the right of Way" Votes have been pouring into the Contest Depart ment of the Times all week long and every candidate has started in the race with a goodly number of ballots to her credit. Every district is represented and as the days go by more candidates will enter and the contest become more interesting. Never before lias such a iirgc number of popular young women been drawn together by a popular enterprise. Votes have come from every section of the state and friends of the candidates Intend hacking their favorites to the very end. Vote getting has been going on deter minedly for the pagl week hut as yet the race is hardly started. .Now that lh!' names are announced, bal loting will he much stronger, and before many moons "freuxied" voting! will be in order. CohtestaUts who are in I he ini tial position should not feel dis couraged Ijy any means. The differ ence of a few thousand votes is of no consequence at this time as six full weeks remain in which to bridge the chasm which may exist between leaders and those in the last posi tion. A yearly subscription counts for 2.400 votes. One or two of these will place the candidate who is now at the bottom of the list well up in the running. Aspirants should bear in mind that every vote counts. Clip the coupons from the paper and send them or bring them to the Contest Department of the Times, which is located in King-Crowell Drug Store, and they will be properly credited. There is a ballot box in the Contest Department where votes may be de posited. Voles arc counted each cvehjrig a' o'clock and the result printed in the paper of the follow ing evening. Votes cast after S p. m. will be included in the count of the following day. From iiow on the names of candi dates and the number of votes ac corded each will appear in the news columns rollowiug the daily wrlto u p. H will be to the advantage of every aspirant to advance her vote total daily. This shows interest and as people like to help those who help themselves, it is evident tbat those who make daily advances will receive the help of many interested' subscribers. Hccelpt books, advertising matter, etc., will be furnished candidates and their friends upon application. Every contestant is an authorized agent of the Times and may collect money for subscriptions if so de sired. When the amount is turned into the Contest Department the votes will be Issued and polled for the young lady who was instru mental in securing the subscription 'The best way of securing votes in the contest is by getting friends and acquaintances to subscribe for the Times. There is not a person in this section of the country who will not gladly give, a subscription to help a young lady on in a race, if asked to do so. Those who use their personal efforts to. secure ballots are the ones who will win, December tt'.ith. Vote getting is not at all tiresome and will be found interest inc and pleasurable. The race is now on in earnest and" those who make the most of every minute stand the best chance of winning the tl.32fi Touring Car which is the capital prize of this contest. Don't get discouraged because fionie one is ahead of you. The con test is in its infancy and plenty of time remains in which to make rapid advances. Work hard, see your friends and they will gladly lend you their support. The vote list as it appears today includes all votes cast up to 8 o'clock last night. The next change in the counts will appear in .Monday s Times. The contest is open to every young woman who is a white resident of Raleigh or vicinity. Any person may vote as often as he pleases us ing for the purpose of voting the coupons appearing in the Evening Times or ballots secured by sun scribing for this paper. Did sub scrlbers may secure votes in this contest by paying in advance as long as desired. If you have not voted for a young woman as yet do so to day. The recipient, of the ballots will appreciate your favor. If the young woman you would like to see awarded the automobile is not iu the race enter her name at once. By nominating her and helping her win the Touring Car or a free Kip through the East you will gain a life's gratitude. Division of Districts. District 1 Includes all tbat pavt of Raleigh west of Halifax and Fayette ville streets. District 2 includes ail that part of Raleigh east of Halifax and Fayette vllle streets. District 3 comprises all of the city of Durham. District 4 includes all of WaKe, orange. Alamance. Person, Granville, Vance, Warren and Franklin counties. District 5 includes all of Nash, John son. Wayne. Wilson, Edgecombe, Pitt. Greene, Lenoir and t'raven counties. District G includes all of Harnett. Cumberland. Chatham. Moor.-. Mont gomery and Richmond counties. CRINKLEY'S DEPARTMENT STORE m, 828, 830, 832, 834, Fayettwille Street, RALEIGH, N. C. winteTwinos Are gently reminding us to get into more underwear and overclothes. We Give S. H. L Co. 'a Green Trade Discount Stamps Free OV ERG 0 ATS Men's Hea'vv Overcoats, $4.00, $5.00, 16.50, $8.00, $10.00. Big values in stvlish Rain Coats, $6.00. $6.75, $7.50, $S.50. Rubber Coats, $2.00. $2.25. Boys" and Youths' Overcoats, CJothing, ftmts, etc. Hats and Caps. Three Days of S pecial Selling. 1'NDF.RWEAR DEPARTMENT. Ladies' Vesta and Pants, 25c, 48c. Child's Vests and Pants, 10, 15, 25c. Union Salts, 25, 40, 45, 50c. Men's Heavy Underwear, 45c; wool goods. 50, 75, 90c, $1. I Raleigh Evening Times $3,000 Contest 10 Votes. For Mis.s or -Mrs Dist. No , . . Address. This coupon, when properly filled out and brought or mailed to Contest Department of The Evening Times, counts as 10 votes. Not Good After Saturday, November 24th, 1906. ! f- i i i;4t1- K.i -A in f THPATWA! GLOVE DEPARTM EXT. New line of Wool and Leather Goods. jarjsT in New Lot Dry Goods. Granite Art Squares. $2.00 to $500 Wood Heaters. 3iiggy Lap Robes. We expect another lot of Ladies' Hats at big bargain prices Saturday. Our Picture stock is full of beauti ful bargains. Wood Saws, 38c, 4.1c. One-man Cross-cut Saws, $1.35, $1.50. Axes, 65c, 70c, 75c. The balance of the week will be noticeable for Value-giving Special Sales of uncommon occurrence. The neweslweaves in Dress Goods, Taffeta Silks, Gloves, Knit and Muslin Underwear, Counterpanes, Towels, Overgaiters, and Lamb's Wool Soles, the best products of the different makers, have been Selected for your ap proval. By "Specials" we mean articles of extra value for the price asked. In lieu of the near approach of Christmas, it's well to remember that S. H. & Co.'s Green Trade Discount Stamps are best. Begin to save them now, and obtain your presents without cost. CLOAK DEPARTMENT. Children's Coau Ladles' Coats. Ladles' Skirts Rain Coats. Umbrellas. 88; ISO. 60, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 XKW WIDE CLOTHS. These weaves mostly for tailor made Stilts. The textures all that could be desired. 56-incii Ladies' Repellant Cloth Blue, Brown, Green, Garnet, and Black special .10c 52-inch All-Wool Twilled Broad cloth, plain colors, seven shades special $1.00 5 1-inch Tri-colorcd Plaids Ked, Black and White: Brown, Black and White, and Green, Black and White new combinations spe cial $1.50 56-inch High Grade Novelty Plaids, large and small effects; new Shadow Checks special... $2.00 STANDARD TAFFETA SILKS. The suaranteed kinds, Raven Lus ter, and full yard wide, worth $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. Special prices. ,8."c, $1.00 and $1.83 Heavy Pcalt Be Soie special, $1.00 and $1.25 (OCOT'U FEATHER BOAS. Fluffy Feather Boas, in White, Blue, Grey and Pink. Special price.... $3.50 WARM ; LOVES AND .MITTS. Fancy Knit Woolen Gloves and Mittens, in Black, White and Fancy Colors. Infants' Mittens, Blue, Pink and White . . . 10 and 15c Girls' Ringwood Gloves, Navy, Brown, Red, White and Black, 25u Ladies' Fine Hand-knit Mitts and Golf Gloves 25 and 50e Ladies' Black Silk Mittens 50c NEW MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. Royal Undergarments, made under clean and healthful conditions, bear the official stamp of the National Con sumers' League. Corset Covers, fror 25c up Drawers, from 30c up Chemise, from S5c up Skirts, from 50c up Night Gowns, from 05c up LADIES' KNIT UNDERWEAR. Heavy Jersey Ribbed Fleece-lined Vests and Pauls, extra good. Special price 25c WHITE COTTON OU1LTH. Heavy Honey-comb and Marseilles Quilts, in elaborate woven patterns: best values. Special prjees, $1, $1.25, $1.50, $2 HUCK TOWELS. Extra Heavy Huck-a-Buck Towels, 20x40 inches, hemmed, red borders. Special price 10c LAMB'S WOOL SOLES. Lamb's Wool Soles for Ladies and Misses prices 25 and 35c For men 50c LADIES' GAM RATERS. Complete run of sizes in Ladies' Seven-button Overgaiters. Black Felt and Beaver Cloth Over gaiters '23 and 50c Red. Tan and Navy Cloth Overgai ters 75c STANDARD FASHIONS. The December number of The De signer contains 2S0 pages, is hand somely illustrated, and abounds in holiday suggestions. A copy. . . . 10c Standard Patterns are now 10 & 15c The large winter cataloguo of Standard Fashions 10c Fashion Sheets FREE. TRUNK DEPARTMENT. New lot just opened. STOVE DEPARTMENT. Heaters, fX.Sk,, 11.40, $1.90 and $2.00. Heavy Heaters, 3.60, $4, $4.50, $5 and $i. Coal Stoves, $1.9U. $3. $4.75. 6. J7.25 and $8,611. Cook Stoves, $5.25 to $30. Oil Heaters. $1, $1.30, $3. LAMP DEPARTM EXT. Vase Lamps, Due, to $4.00. Hanging Lamps, 60c. to $3.00. Student Lamps, $2.UU. Gas Portables. i THANKSGIVING CLOTHES. CLOCK DEPARTMENT. New line, all kinds, from 5c. Jfi.OO. Eight-day Oak Clock. $1.90. to A PRETTY PLAY. NEW ARRIVALS, :0: Culifronia Santa Clara Prunes, California Evaporated Peaches, Canned Herring Roe, Fresh Cakes and Crackers, New Macaroni, New Cheese, Atmore's Mince Meat, Buckwheat Flour, Welch Bros.' Maple Syrup. ALL 'PHONES. D. T. JOHNSON & SON 16 EAST HARGETT STREET. Miss Helen Grant ly Scores Again in an Uneven Production. A pretty little play Willi a trite plot is 'The Little Gray Laily." produced hist night at the Academy of Music, with Miss Helen Graihtly in the title role. The thing is a rather remarkable mixture of moments of real artistic power and others that almost reach the point of ridicule by roason of some of the humorous situations being over acted. Miss Grantly herself merits nothing but praise. She has ait. and a per sonality that would attract anywhere. With her deep, beautiful eyes, ethereal face and spirituelle form and soft, well modulated voice her audience last night fell in love. Her very frailty and appearance of going altogether on nerve force that completely conquers her delicate physique make her all the more fascinating. Of course her voice is not strong enough in the try ing scenes, but its weakness adds a charms, for one sees then how little there is of physical force behind all the powerful spirit of the woman. Fred Courtenay us I'errlton Carlyle supports Miss Grantly exceedingly well. He has a very difficult part, and in it he is natural, although hampered by an extremely lanky and ungainly frame. The Diamond in the rough. Samuel Meade, is well done by Frank Trenor. Master Schear as an urchin deserves notice for very good work. The boarding house keeper is rid iculous and tiresome. Her alleged Virginia accent in the first act is ex cruciating, as is her husband's. Christmas Shoppers ' lO Days Sale at lO Per Cent Discount From November 19th to 29th. In order to relieve the great strain jiist at Christmas, we are making the above sacrifice. Buy your Toys and China Christmas Gifts while you have the opportunity at a great discount. Posi tively only ten days, and applies to retail and cash purchases alone. The J. D. Riggan Company 138 FAYETTE VILLE STREET. Song.- and Singers in "At Yale." One of the chief features of the new college play "At Yale,',' which will be produced by Mr. Jules Uurry at the Academy on Tuesday night Is the music. Mr. Paul Oilmore. who is a crank on this subject, took the pre caution last summer to spend some time at aYle, studying the songs and singers on the college campus, and. as a result, he has selected lx-arly a dozen of the best national college songs and has taken care to have them sung by a double quartet of trained voices In true Yale style so that, when his piny is seen here, college men who witness the performance will be able thoroughly to enjoy both the songs and the singers. HINTING TIME. Double barrel Guns. $8.60. $9.50. Single Barrel Gum, f 8.6 r, $3.90. Kifics. $2.76. $3.00. Air Rifles, 65c, $l.r0. Wagon and Velocipedes. XMAS TOYS We arc opening a nice line and will have a full stock in a few days. SHOE DEPARTMENT. Shoes to fit everybody. Trices to suit everybody. Rubber Shoes and Boots. DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. Pillow Cases, 10c. Sheets, 48c, 65c, 70c. Comforts, 70c, 80c, $1.10, $1.45. Blankets, 60c to $3.50. Counterpanes, 76c, 90c, $1.30 to $2.00. Hall Curtains, Table Covers, Couch Covers. .Most men prefer the "Sack Coat'' styles, which, with their host of pockets and convenient lengths, are certainly most suitable for general wear. Professional men, however and those whose occu pation demands a certain amount "Of dignity in dress, always favor the Prince Albert and Walking Frock illustrated here. We have all styles: it remains only for you to suit yourself. If you have not already bought your Winter outfit it will certainly pay you to exam ine our new lines. $15. I From $1.1 up Uio liner grade of Suits and Overcoats appear, fit is well to pay a fair price and get the best your pocket-book can afford; that will satisfy" you best In the end. But we can give you the greatest value your money can command, whatever you wish to pay. Our "Harvard" and other "University" models all among the newest things: I ho very latest) is the Adouis," an entirely new model and the swcllost i'.ting of the year. These Suits come iu varying prices, but whatever the price, you will see the same un failing smartness of line and shape and the same thoroughbred look !vi all. It is simply a question of liner materials and workmanship as the price advances. CROSS (&. LINEHAN COMPANY PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL MAIL ORDERS. CARPET DEPARTMENT. Tapestry Brussels, the kind others sell for 75c yard, 60c. New Lot of Rags. 9x12 Axminster, $20. 9x12 Smyrna, 9. 9x12 All-Wool Ingrain. $7.50. 9x12 Granite, $3.85. Floor Oil Cloth, 25c yard. Rugs, 25c to ISO. Hall Runners, 3x9, $3. Hall Runners, 3x15, $4. LATEST NEWS. Coal Hods, 22c, 25c, 30c, 45c. Rubber Door Mats, 90c. Stair Carpet, 12c, 20c. Window Shades, 25c, 36c, 45c, 60c. Decorated Toilet Bets, 12 pieces, $4.00, $4.75. , MUSICAL GOODS. Talking Machines and Records. Anfoharps. Accordeons, Banjos, Guitars, Violins, Mandolins, Drums, etc. Crinkiey's SELLING OUT. Ladies' Rcady-to-Wcar Hals, one-half milliner's price and 10 per cent cash discount liesides. :0: A. B. STRONACH CO. Selling Out Red Tag Half Value Sale of Black Dre.-s Goods, Satins (all colors), Colored Dress Goods, Plain, Fancy, Plaids, Mohairs, Serges, &p.; Evening Silks, Plain and Figured; Dressing Sacques, Wool Waists, Plain and Taney Wool Wuisling. Selling out Ladies, Misses' and Children's Shoes. A. B. STRONACH COMPANY. Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes. FAYETTE VlLLK STREET and WILMINGTON STREET. IQ. A prompt settlement of past due accounts is quested. re- SAVE $100 at least by taking advantage of our great REMOVAL SALE. We are building a new store, 112 Uranby St., which will be ready about January next, and wo will not move a single piano from our present store to the new one. This is just sentiment with us. Everything must be bran new, so we are making special low prices on some fine Instru ments, just to carry our '"All New" point. YOU WILL SAVE ENOUGH ON THE PIANO TO PAY FOR THK MUSIC LESSONS. In addition to our own peer less pianos, wo have a few of other makes taken in exchango to go at well, $40 and up. Bettor see about these. REMEMBKR WE MAKE THE STIEFF, "THE PIANO WITH THK SWKKT TONE." INVESTIGATE. STIEFF 06 Granby St., Norfolk, Va. GEO. S. M'SSKAR. Mgr. Send for descriptive booklet r.nd prices. 1 n