ft I HT l ITW THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22. 1906. TO WILSON'S MFMORY A GUARD FOR TILLMAN THE HAVERFORD MOVES Honors Paid at the Re-interment at Philadelphia After Lying Years In the Cemetery at Edenton, It Now Lies Beside the Body of His Wife in Pennsyl- tiirtti (By the Associated Press.) Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 22. In the presence of a distinguished company which included a member of Presi dent Roosevelt's cabinet, justices of the United States supreme court, the governor of Pennsylvania and other citizens, the body of James Wilson, onfe of the great figures in the Ameri can Revolution, which lay in a North Caroline grave for 108 years, was to day placed by the side of that of his wife in the burial' ground of historic Christ Church. The ceremonies at tending the reinterment were simple but impressive, and were conducted according to the rites of the Protes tant Episcopal Church. The body of the great patriot was disinterred from its grave at Eden ton, N. C, Tuesday, and was con veyed to this city on the gunboat Dubuque, which arrived here today before noon. Prior to the services at Christ Church, the remains lay in state in the Declaration room in In dependence Hall, where thousands of persons filed past the bier. The body was escorted from Independence Hall to Christ Church by a troop of Phila delphia cavalry, and Justices Fuller, Day, Holmes and White, of the United States supremo court, of which tribunal Wilson was one of the first members, acted as honorary pallbearers. On the way to the church the procession passed the gravoof Benjamin Franklin, wnere it halted and stood in silence for a moment. The exercises at the churcn were conducted by the Right Rev. Alexan der Macky-Smith, bishop coadjutor of the diocese of Pennsylvania, as sisted by the Rev. R. Heber Barnes, rector of Christ Church. Following the services over the dead, tributes to the patriot were de livered by several notable person ages. Attorney General Moody spoke for the president, the tribute of the American people. Following the addresses the com mittal services took place in the church yard, which was followed by the unveiling of a tablet to the mem ory of Wilson and his wife. FIRST STEPS IN HICK TRIAL (Special to The Evening Times.) Salisbury. N C, Nov. 22. At 1 o'clock this mornin the jury from a special ventre of eighty men Is being picked for the Hedrick case. It Is the most widely known miirde; case In the state at this writing. Philip F. Hedrick was a conductor on th Southern, and Gray C. Whitaker was u flagman. An alleged infatuation be tween Whitaker and Mrs. Hedrick re- suited in Hedrick shooting Whitaker dead as he ran from a store at Spen cer. The ugly case will be heard to day and tomorrow a,n.l all of the testi mony in (he scandal in the matter made public. Hedrick was once tried for his lif" but acquitted, for the murder of A. D. Shuplng, a woman entering into that affair, though Hedrick was then single and Sl.Jping married. United States Senator Lee S. Over man Is appearing for Hedrick aided by Clement and Clement, Hudson ami Kluttz and Hatcher. Solicitor Hammer is being aided by Ex-Distilet Attorney A. H. Price. LIVE STOCK PERISH; WORK OF FIRE BUG? (By Southern Bell Telephone.) Greensboro, N. C, Nov. 22. The barn of N. O. Leonard, a prominent farmer living five miles from here, was totally destroyed by fire early this morning. Three fine horses, nine cows, all of Mr. Leonard's farm machinery and crop were destroyed. The family did not know of the fire until after daybreak. There is every reason to believe that it was the work of an incendiary, and telegrams were sent Assistant Insurance Com missioner Scott requesting him to come here and make an investiga tion. Heath of C. S. Foushee. Charles Stedman Foushee, son of Mr. J. Giles Foushee, died at St. Leo's Hospital this morning, of ty phoid fever. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. SEABOARD FLAGMAN NOT LIKELY TO LOSE ARM. W. C. Gilliam, the Seaboard flagman w ho had his arm crushed at Henderson yesterday and was brought to Rex Hosplfttl here yestterday evening, Was reported this afternoon to be getting on very well, with every probability that the arm will be saved. Gilliam was working between freight cars when a lever broke and his right arm was caught between the bumpers. Special A treatment no other beer in the United States receives so fine, so exact, so scientific, is accorded Imperial Pilsener. Imperial Pilsener is the finest beer made. To brew the most excellent materials obtainable into the delightful beverage that Imperial Pilsener is, demands the utmost experience, knowledge, science great care and attention. Pure and clean is Imperial Pilsener thoroly aged bottled in a cleanly man ner and sterilized perfectly after it is bottled. Beer perfection means Im perial Pilsener every time. .Adapted especially for home use. Say it loud ! j it DEAD AFTER NIGHTS FIGHT WITH STORM (By the Associated Press.) Sandusky, O., Nov. 22. By the cap sizing of a skiff while hunting In the marsh several miles from any habita tion yesterday afternoon, Fred K. Mar shall, a prominent business and elub man, and Ottomar Zistel, his compan ion reached the shores of Cedar Point after a teniflc struggle in the prevail ing stoi in, Zistel fell dead from exhaustion as he reached the land. Marshall was ex posed all night and did not get word here until early today. BRITISH GUNBOAT RUNS UPON BAR. (By the Associated Press.) Honolulu, Nov. 22. The British river CUP boat Hobin stranded today on a sand bank at Kumehull. The gunboat Moorhen has been dispatched to her aid and the torpedo boats Fame and Hands' will follow tomorrow morning. No lives were lost. The outlook for refloating the vessel Is considered hope ful. The R0Mh is 100 feet Ion;; with a beam of 20 feet and a mean draught of twenty Inches. She was built for service in shallow rivers. AYegctable PreprralionFoi-Assimilating iheFoOQandBegula liiu Use S loiiidClts and Bowels of Promotes Digcslion.Cheer.ur ness and Rest.Conlains neither Opium, Morplune nor Mineral. Nox "Narcotic. K afOUDi-SAlstWLPtlVHLH ftmtJutl Sevl' . JOird.Ul, ILAiywi Apcrfe:! Remedy forConslirw Hon, Sour StomachDiarrhoea nnd Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YOUK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. QsmrmmKm cii'iiri'i'iutiJl rl ft feT ffi i ft "process On sale at Raleigh Dispensary. Call for chatL the seai of excellence is tirumled on every cap. "Our brers are pure liquid food" Chattanooga brewing (Tompanj SAYS ACT VIOLATES THE CONSTITUTION (By the Associated Press.) Richmond, Va Nov.. 22. In the Vir ginia supreme court of appeals this morning Judge Cardwell handed down a decision of the state corporation commission declaring the two cent pas senger rate act passed by the Vir ginia legislature contrary to the four teenth amendment of the constitution of the United States. The case was a test one involving the requirement that the railroads place on sale Ave hun dred mile two cent rate books. Professors and students of Bowdoln College are planning a grand reception to Commander Peary at the thirtieth annual gathering of his class next June. The new Pure Food and Drug Law will mark it on the label of every Cough Cure containing Opium. Chloro form, or any other stupifying or pois onous drug. But it passes Dr. Snoop's Cough Cure as made for twenty years, entirely free. Dr. Shoop all along has bitterly opposed the use of all opiates or narcotics. Dr. Snoop's Cough Cure is absolutely safe even for the young est babe and it cures, it does not simply suppress. Get a safe and reli able Cough Cure, by simply insisting on having Dr. Shoop's. Let the law be your protection. We cheerfully recom mend and sell it. Henry T. Hicks. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTOR I A Tm aTw MHMHV new wn omr. MM I MM h.Aa Police to Escort Him While in Chicago (n Accordance With the Desire of Mayor Dunne nnd Prominent Ne groes He Will Not Speak on the Race Problem. (By the Associated fress.) Chicago, Nov. 22. Senator Benjamin B. Tillman, who Is to lecture In Or chestra Hall neit Tuesday evening for the benefit of the Chicago Union Hos pital, will be asked to eschew all men tion of the race problem and the lynch ing question. This action was decided upon yesterday in accordance with the wishes of Mayor Dunne and prominent colored people of Chicago. Mr. Tillman's subject will be "Shall the United States Annex Cuba." It was orielnally intended that the subject should be "The Race Problem," Senator Tillman will be guarged by police while here. AN ANGLO-GALLIC ALLIANCE EXISTS. (By the Associated Press.) Paris, Nov. 22. The passu no between Premier Clemenceau and Senator (laudln DeVlllalne in the senate No vember 20 on the subject of the report ed Anglo-French naval convention, con tinues to attract the attention of the press. The Gil Bias today says that M. ClemenceaU during the course of a pri vate conversation declared that It was to the hhnor of ex-Foreign Minister Delcasse that he insured the support of Great Britain in the event of a con flict between France ami Germany. The paper adds: "It is no longer a se cret that a naval convention between France and Gteat Britain exists by which Great Britain in reply to the first shot fired by Germany against France on land will attack the German ports.' The Associated Press is enabled to state that the reports of a naval con flict between France and (treat Bnt taln are as untrue as the recent re ports of a military conflict between the two powers. Nevertheless It is true that the relations between France and Great Britain reached a stage during the last year where formal conventions were not deemed to be necessary. Great Britain's aid was assured during the Moroccan crisis and the understanding between the two governments in sup port of such a character that support In case of eventualities could be quick ly arranged. NEIL SPENCE'S TURKEYS MAKE BANK FOLK HAPPY. The working force at the Caro lina Trust Companv had a feast out of the ordinary today, thanks to Mr. Neil A. Spence. the general custodian. Mr. Spence is something of a hunter and the turkey is his specialty. On Saturday he went to narnett county, found a drove of wild birds and shot four without bruising a breast, which is shooting some. Last year he got seven in one day. and he follows his old custom of remembering the bank officers. Mrs. Spence knows more about cooking a turkey than Mr. Rpence knows about shooting one, and naturally the feast was all the moid enjoyable. President Ttuffln could not get away from Hillsboro for the occasion and Major Leo D. Heartt. the vice-president and general manager did the hon ors. Mr. Sam Hinsdale and Mr. Ham Smith held a meeting and decided to get away with Mr. Ruffln's share ot the bird, inasmuch as Mr. Ruffln could not get away from Hillsboro. Mr. Hinsdale did the carving, working over time as Mr, Alexander Webb sat at his lift. Altogether, It was a fine stunt, thanks to Mr. Spence, the only dead shut around the banking insti tuiori. The Uiverside Fishing Club se cured l.tiOO blue bream from the government distribution car for the club's pon near Neuse river. A Y'ear of Blood. Thi' year 1903 will long be remembered In the home of F. N. Taeket, of Alli ance, Ky.. as a year of blood; which flowed so copiously from Mr. Tacket's lungs that death seemed very near. He writes: "Severe bleeding from the lungs and a frightful cough had brought me at death's door, when I be gan taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, with the astonishing result that after taking four bottles I was completely restored and as time has proven permanently cuied. Guar anteed for Sore Lungs, Coughs and Colds , at all druggists, price 50c and $1.60. Trial bottle free. SPECIAL RATES TO RICHMOND Thanksgiving Day, Account Football Game Between V. P. I. and A. ami M. November 29th. The Seaboard announces account of the football game between V. P. I. and A and M. College in Rich mond Thanksgiving Day they will sell tickets on basis of one and one- third fares plus' twenty-live cents for the round trip from all points in Virginia Including Charlotte, Dur ham, Weldon and Intermediate points November 28th and for fore noon trains of the 29th, with tlnal return limit of November 30th. Kor further information apply to C. H. OATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, North Carolina. Biaj. Herbert J. Slocum, of the Second Cavalry, a nephew of Mrs. Russell, Sage, will soon tender his reslgnntion from the army to take up the active management of the Sage estat of which the father of Major Slocum is executor. The Fog Lifts; She'll Reach Her Wkarf This Afternoon lmong the Passengers on Hoard the Haverford Numbering Over a Thousand Persons Are Three Young Ladies of This City. (By the Associated Press.) Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 22. With a shifting of the wind from east to west today the heavy fog which for three days enveloped this vicinity was swept away and the large fleet of incoming and outbound vessels which had as a precautionary meas ure been anchored at various points along the Delaware Bay and river began to move. The steamship Haverford from Liverpool for Philadelphia which had been at anchor a short distance outside the Delaware Breakwater since Sunday resumed her trip and will roach the American Line wharf this afternoon. More than a thou sand passengers are on board the Haverrord. While this vessel was fog-hound on Tuesday night, a free-for-all light broke out among the nine hundred steerage passengers. Stewards who tried to quell the excitement were roughly handled and a panic pre vailed " until six or the ring-leaders were arrested and placed in irons. They were turned over to the United States authorities. Several young women from Ral eigh, who have been spending sev eral months in Kuropo, are aboard the Haverford. They are Misses May and Suuan Johnson and Mary Shipp. PRIMARY TEACHERS OF THE 8TATE MEET. (Snecial to the Evening Times.) Salisbury, N. C, Nov. 22. The Stat North Carolina Primary Teachers' As onelnttnn met here this morning at 10 o'clock and will continue in a two days session ending tomorrow night in a re ception, at which Mayor Boyden wil speak and the patrons of the school will be present. The morning seslon was opened witli prayer by Rev. Dr. M. M. Kinard of the Lutheran Church. Miss Annie Kizer, a teacher In the second grade, made the address of welcome upon the part of the teachers and the response was made by Miss Addle Barron of Charlotte, The visiting teachers num bering one hundred of the best equipp ed of all the state's Instructors are at tending the Salisbury school for obser vation work and will not meet in busi ness sessions except In the afternoon. It is the largest gathering of primary teachers ever held In the state. FAIRBANKS AND PARTY AT TAMPA. (By the Associated Press.) Tampa, Fla., Nov. 22. Vice-President Fairbanks and his party reached Tampa this morning several hours behind schedule time. They were greeted by a reception commit tee and escorted from the station by a detachment of coast artillery. The afternoon program included a recep tion and luncheon to Vice-President and Mrs. Fairbanks. Later Mr. Fair banks will deliver an address at the fair grounds. , HEALTH INSURANCE The man who Insures his life ir wise for his family. The man who insures his health is wise both for his family and himself. You may insure health by guard ing it. It is worth guarding. At t h e first attack of disease, which generally approaches through the LIVER and mani fests itself in innumerable ways TAKE And savo your health. WE ARE displaying an unusual ly fine line of PIPES We would like to show them to you. All styles and prices. Are unusually reason able. 059 TUCKER DRUG COMPANY Titfs .61 The Rsyb Lamp all-round household use. Equipped with latest im proved burner. Safe, simple, satisfactory. Brass throughout and nickel plated. An ornament to any room whether library, dining-room, parlor, or bed room. Every lamp warranted. Write to our nearest agency if not at your dealer's. STANDARD OIL COMPANY. 'i.'sfti. ,:.. A l i its ll A h 1 It mm t 4 V iiwLV mm m mm Uh 1 f THfc CITIZfcNS i ii ii i ii i ii ii ii 1 1 i :c, t. (MHrmit'i)(il HALEIGH, N. C. A Bank with a Million and l half Dollars of Assets, enjoy ing the confidence of its patrons and the public, doioR a gen eral Banking Business, paying o interest on deposit's, brtt extending to its customers every accomwodat'on 'heir F-tsi-ness and balances justify. New businesl r IK .lei The collector of items of North Carolina Is given esrucia) care and attention. CAPITAL $100,000.00 SPRPLl'S lOO.OOOlOO FIVE YEARS OLD OLD FASKIOKED FULL Express Charges Paid By Us. A trial will convince you that these poods are the very best for medicinal and other purposes, Send us your orders and if not per- ieeuy sausiaciory, leiorn hi our funded at once. All snipments are Remit by Postal or Write for price . A A I 1 1 ' a THE STRONGEST, SOUNDEST AND BEST SELECTED. Mules and Horses BIi.LV TAYLOR, Manager. Always here for the person want lug a square deal. J. M. Pace Mole Go Ught It- And see bow quickly it will warm cold room or hallway. The Per fection Oil Heater takes the place of furnace and other stoves between seasons, and in midwinter enables you to warm any cold spot in the house that the other stoves fail to heat. The PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) is the handiest oil heater made. Does not smoke or smell. Wick cannot be turned too high or too low. Perfectly safe and as easy to operate as a lamp. All parts easily cleaned. Gives intense heat at small cost. Every heater warrant ed.; No household should be withont the Perfection Oil Heater. If not at your dealer's write to our nearest agency for descriptive circular. turns night into day. Superior to other lamps tor Clothes Adopted to all Use. Whether you are n man with a .:(!: oW-v. ;v taste tending to beaver hats, English frock coats, or garments of a more modest nature, you will fird them hero, marked at prices we do not be lieve you can duplicate in Raleigh. Suits and Overcoats $8 to $30. Lee & Brighton. NATIONAL BANK I II I : i I ! i I 1 I 1 i if I ! 1 I I I t It JOSKPH a. BROWN, President. HENRY E. LITCHFORD, Cashier. COPPER 0IST1LLED QUARTS h expense ana money will be re made m plain cases. Express Money Order. list of other liquors. A ' 1 IT ft'