THE RALEIGH EVENING THE FUNERAL OF YOUNG CLYDE JONES. The funeral of Clyde Jones, the young man who was killed by Arthur Hodge, was conducted yesterday afternoon by Rev. J. C. Maasee, pastor of the Tab ernacle Baptist Church, at the residence of Mr. Needham B. Bagwell, corner of Bloodworth and Martin streets. The pall-bearers were: Messrs. Wal ter Bagwell, Ernest Wall, Ollle Wall, Harvey Holder, Bert Wall and Roacoe Wall. The Interment took place sev eral miles west of Raleigh In House Creek township at the Charles Finch place, where the young man's parents are buried. Mr. Bagwell, for whom the youth was j working at the time of his death, de sires to thank the many friends who did everything they could for the young man and after his death paid a tribute of esteem by participating in the funeral. A FACT ABOUT THE "BIOJES" What Is known as the "Blues is seldom occasioned by actual exist Ing external conditions, but in the great majority of case by n dis ordered LIVER. THIS IS A PACT f which may be demonstra ted by try ing a course of II A MIIS Iteprint, News-Herald: "There is at least one effectual, safe, and re liable Cough Cure Dr. Shoop's that we regard as suitable, even for the youngest child. For years, Dr. hoop bitterly opposed the use of opiates or narcotics in medicine, of fering ?lo per drop to any one find ing Opium, Chloroform, or any other poisonous or narcotic ingredient in Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. And the challenge is as- yet unanswered. .Here is one manufacturing-physician who welcomed with much satisfac tion, the new Government Pure Food and Drug Law. The public can Jiow protect itself at all times, by ftsisting on haivng Dr. Snoop's, rivlien a cough remedy is needed." Sold by Henry T. Hicks. They control and regulate the LIVER. They bring hope and bouyancy to the mind. They bring health and elastic ity to the body. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. PRESIDENT FAVORS FULL CITIZENSHIP FOR PORTO RICANS Public Meeting Hed Men. There will be a public meeting of Oc poncechpe Tribe of Red Men next Fri day night at the wigwam over the Hart-Ward Hardware store. Representative-elect aharles U. Harris of this city will deliver an Interesting address on the life of Cornelius Harnett and his identification with the Sons of Liberty of colonial days, of which order the Rod Men are direct descendants. A Miraculous Cure. The following statement by H. M. Adams and wife, Henrietta, Pa., will Interest parents and others. "A mirac ulous cure has taken place in our home. Our child had ecema 5 years and was pronounced incurable, when we read about Electric Bitters, and concluded to try it. Before the second bottle was all taken we noticed a change for the better, and after taking 7 bottles he was completely cured." It's the up-to-date blood medicine and body building tonic. Ouuranteed. 50c and $1.00 at all druggists. Choral Rehearsal Tonight. The regular rehearsal of the Cho ral Society will be held this evening at S o'clock. U is important that every member be present, as the work fot the spring concert will be taken up and plans outlined. Long Tennessee Fight. For twenty years W. L Rawls, or IV1K Tenn., fought nasal catarrh. He writes: "The swelling and soreness in side my nose was fearful, till I began applying Hucklen's Arnica Salve to the sore surface. This caused the soreness and swelling to disappear, never to re turn." Best salve in existence. 25c at all druggists. (Continued from first page.) viding a government based upon each citizen's self-respect and the, mutual, respect of all citizens that Is, based I upon a rigid observance of the prin ciples of justice and honesty. It has not been easy to instill into the minds of people unaccustomed to the exer cise of freedom the two basic princi ples of pur American system the principle that the majority must rule, and the principle that, the minority has rights which must not be dis regarded or trampled upon. Yet real progress has been made in having these principles accepted as element ary, as the foundations of successful self-government. Work of Congress Complimented. I transmit herewith the report of the governor of Porto Rico, sent to the president through the secretary of state. All the insular governments should be placed in one bureau, either in the department of war or the department of state. It is a mistake not so to arrange our handling of these islands at Washington as to be able to take advantage of the experience gained in one, when dealing with the prob lems that from time to time arise in another. 1 In conclusion, let me express my admiration for the work done by the congress when It enacted the law under, which the island Is now being administered. After seeing the island personally, and after five years' expe rience In connection with its admin istration, it is but fair to those who devised this law to say that it would be well-nigh impossible to have de vised any other which in th't actual working would have accomplished better results. THEODORE ROOSEVELT. The White House, Dec. 11, 1906. A conservative estimate places the I m l eased value of the farming lands In Germany during the past live years at 20 per cent., in many instances greater. At a recent church fair in England one of the moans usrd for increasing the receipts wns a guessing contest nn tn the Weight of the pastor. New Cure for Epilepsy. J. B. Waterman, of Watertown, O., rural free delivery, writes: "My daugh ter, afflicted for years with epilepsy, was cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills. She has not had an attack for over two years." Best body cleansers and life giving ionic pills on earth. 25c at all druggists. General Jfogi of Port Arthur fame, is paying the penalty of popularity at the hands of autograph seekers. But the form which this has taken In Ja pan has about It a touch of Sentiment, inasmuch as the relatives of soldiers who fell before Port Arthur are seek ing the General's autograph inscrip tion to place on the tombstones of the dead. 1 Millions of bottles of Foley's Honey and Tar have been sold without any person ever having experienced any other than beneficial results from its use for coughs, colds and lung troubles. This is because the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar in the yellow package contains no opiates or other harmful drugs. Guard your health by refusing any but the genuine. TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11; 1906. nit' i i i i ,,, I "ST WHERE IT IS NEEDED. If Prof. Brander Matthews and the president would order the colleges to simplify yelling everybody would be happy. Charleston News and Courier. The New Pure Food and Drag Law. vWe are, pleased to announce that Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds' and lung troubles is not affected by the National Pure Food and Drug law as It contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we recommend it as a safe remedy for children and adults. 'A group of several engineers and capitalists, headed by William O. Weber of Boston, belioye- they have revolutionized the Industrial system by a new device utilizing the power of the tides so as to manufacture com pressed air. A plant is about to be erected at South Thomaston, Me., to demonstrate the value of this invention. Danger in Asking Advice. When you have a cough or cold do not ask some one what is good for it, as there is danger In taking some un known preparation. Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs, colds, and prevents pneumonia. The genuine is in a yellow package. Refuse stubstltutes. Twenty-eight new Rhodes scholars are expected to arrive in Oxford thii term. Last year's contingent num bered G8, but under the provisions of Mr. Rhodes' will none of the American states send candidates this year. The total number of Rhodes scholars in residence at Oxford next term will ex ceed 150. Flies get quick relief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Remember it's made alone for Piles and it works with certainty and satisfac tion. Itching, painful, protruding or blind piles disappear like magic by its use. Try it and see! Henry T. Hicks. Minister William W. Russell sends from Caracas a abstract of an im portant concession granted by the "Venezuelan government for the pro duction of the silk worm and the es tablishment of the silk worm Indus try, which provides for the free ad mission, of machinery and equipment. Why They Leave Home. "Kentucky will soon be a prohibi tion state," says a Louisville paper, thus explaining why so many Ken tuckians leave home. Washington Times. There were forty-three blast fur naces in Belgium, turning out about 2.000,000 tons per year, 60 percent of which Is Thomas pig and 50 percent forge pig. There are 25 steel works, containing 25 steel furnaces and 46 converters, producing on an average of 10,090,000 tons per year, Ever hear you voting? of Chinatown? Are ISto&ilTo Havo p.rays jsocgkt, sad cuieU. has been in uso for over 3Q, years, Las hwuo tUo rig;ature of S ' ami Lop, iiridr nidir lls tw,-. somil Kunorv i'.itiii i.-nri Ifcn i:lhii,v. A'-itv, Allrtwsvi mitt to. 1v..l in vnn liii i:lil All Coimfcc-ffbits, Imitation ari'l " Jiwt-as-;ool'' are hft, Ms:pri merits that tHflo with ami bnLtigor the health of lulante and Children Experience against Experiment. If you like Coffee but dare not drink it, try Dr. Shoop's Health Cot; fee. It is true that real Coffee does disturb the Stomach, Heart and Kid neys. But Dr. Shoop's Health Cof fee lias not a grain of true coffee in it. Being made from parched grains, malt, etc., it forms a wholesome, food-like drink, yet having the true flavor of Old Java and Mocha Coffee. "Made In a minute." Call at our store for a free sample. Sold by W. B. Mann. Eighteen miles is said to be the long est distance at which a man's voice has been heard. This occurred in the Grand Canyon of Colorado, where one man shouting the name "Bob" at one ond was plainly heard, at the other end, which ils eighteen miles away. at Is CASTOf A Castoria js a harmless substitute for Castor Ofl, Pare gorlc, IJro3 and Soothing: Syruns. It is Pleasant. It roniahis neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic Nubstaiu'e. Ins if TO is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays reverishtics. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Tt rriicvcu Xoc&hipgT Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the Stmtu;h and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, The Childrcu's Panacea The Mother'u Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Public Sneaker Interrupted. Public speakers are frequently inter rupted by people coughing. This would not happen If Foley's Honey and Tar were taken, as it cures coughs and ooldfr and prevents pneumonia and con sumption. The genuine . contains no opiates and is in a yellow package. German firms are buildii. very large gas engines, one having been built of 2,000 horsepower for a mining com pany, and a number of 1,500 horsepow er tandem gas engines and 1,200 horse power gas dynamos are reported. Boylan-Pearce Co. Boylan-Pearee Co. USEFUL, SENSIBLE, SERVICEABLE GIFTS Leather Goods. An unprecedented line of Shopping and Auto Bags. Also purses in black and leading colors; all shapes, all sizes for ladies and children. Prices from 25c. to $10.00. Umbrellas for Ladies And Children and Men. A most complete assortment from the plain natural handled with Cloria Cover to the most elabo rate handle with the best Silk Cover. Price from 48c. to $15. LINEN SPECIAL! Our Sale of Special values in Doyles, Napkins, Center pieces, and towels continues Boylan-Pearce Co. SAVE $100 at least by taking advantage of tntr great REMOVAL SALE. We are building a new store, 112 Granby St., which will be ready about January next, and we will not move a single piano from our present store to the new one. This is just sentiment with us. Everything must be bran new, so we are making special low prices on some fine instru ments, just to carry our "All New" point. YOU M l I.I; SAVE ENOUGH ON THE PIANO TO PAY FOR THE MUSIC LESSONS. In addition to our own peer less pianos, we have a few of other makes taken In exchange to go at well, $40 and up. Better see about these. REMEMBER WE MAKE THE 8T1EFF, "THE PIANO WITH THE SWEET TONE." INVESTIGATE. STIEFF CC Granby St., Norfolk, Va. GEO. S. NUSSEAR, Mgr. Send for descriptive booklet and prices. THE wpPfls-ss Catarrh of the nose and throat should lead you to at least ask for a free trial box of Or. Shoop's Ca tarrh Cure. Nothing so surely proves merit as a real, actual test and Dr. Snoop, to prove this, earnestly 'de sires that we let oyu make that test. This creamy, Snow White healing balm, soothes the throat and nos trils, and quickly purifies a foul or feverish breath. Call and Investi gate. Henry T. Hicks. The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 33 Years. ihc ofyrx"" ctiHMnv, ti ur wrmctn. new ion city. During a recent all-night session the House of Commons disposed of 1,000 cups of coffee, 500 cups of tea, 370 whisky and sodus and 420 bottles of beer, 700 eggs ard a few other things. DRAUQHON'S Owner Wilni Lifilon and Marti. Ma, RALEIGH. KNOXVILLH Ml COLUMBIA, colleges In 15 States. PuSlTlONP secured or money REFUNDED. also teach BY MAIL. Cataigue will con fine yon that Drtagaon's I THB. BUT, Call or smsA w t. Or. Ernest H. Broughton Associated with Dr. J. H. Crawford ...DENTIST... 116 Fayattoville Street ' La Grippe and Pneumonia. Foley's Honey and Tar cures la grippe coughs and prevents pneumonia. Refuse any but the genuine In the yel low package. Flowers as a rule are about lVfe de grees warmer than the surrounding air TO MOTHERS. ; MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING! ' SYRUP 1 iiik1 hv Millions it Ifnthers. tax tholv 1 -.11 .-.'1.11.. 'fV. Ihliu fa.r nv. Flfrv VAmn i . ft MMii.nci rut- child. Aoiun ihtt uilave .'All pAiu, 'ttivs wind,-. autt If ibe i-t i Christmas Furniture Store We have arranged our store now for the convenience and delight of Christmas shoppers. AND SUCH A DISPLAY DESKS, ROCKERS, CHAIRS, COUCHES, COSTUMERS, SHAVING JARDINIERE STANDS, STANDS, WORK TABLES, TABLES, BOOKCASES, TOILET TABLES, STATUARY, CHIFFONIERS, BRIC A-BRAC, CHINA CASES. FOR THE CHILDREN Chairs, Rockers, Wago ns, Sleighs, Racers, &c. You can find "just the thing." Christmas is in Sight! :0:- And wo would like for you to bear in mind we always havo at holi day time a wonderfully interesting k.ocu of furniture, including many Desirable Articles For Gifts. certainly there's nothing so appropriate to give your wife or rela tive as a piece of furniture, a Rocking Chair, Writing Desk, Screen, Couch. In fact, it would be the nice thing to let us furnish a room out and out in your home. Such a present would make your wife doubly happy and add to your own pleasure. The Raleigh Furniture Co JAS. M. RIGGAN, Mgr. CRINKLEY'S DEPARTMENT STORE m, 128, 30, 883, 884, Fayetteville Street. RALEIGH, N. C. XMAS 06 In each of our thirty departments you will find appropriate Christmas gifts, many that are useful as well as ornamental; so we throw out the hint that maybe your better half would be as pleased to have Santa All her stocking with a handsome $20 Ax minster 9x1 2-foot Rug or a $.25 Fold ing Iron Davenport as the children are with toys, etc. However, a Victor Talking Machine is a present for the whole family at once; so maybe that will be better still. TOTS Dolls, 1, r., 10,1 36," 35, 50, 90c to I2.2S. Carriages, 25, 50, 65e, tt.DO. Pianos, 25, 50, 75c, $1.00, Doll Furniture. 10c to $1.00. Wagons, 25c to $1.90. Sleds, Automobiles, Velocipedes, Goat Carts. Drums, 10, 25, 50, 75c, $1, $1.25. Magic Lanterns, 35, 65c, $1.25. Engines, 50c to $1.25. Rocking Horses, 75c, $1.00. Banks, Horns. GIFT GOODS Vases, 5c to $1.65. Jardfnieres, 15c to $1.90. Toilet Cases, 50c to $2.00. China Dishes, etc. Albums, Photo. Postals, etc. Games, Books, Smoking Sets, Pictures. GADT GO-CARTS New lot just In $1.75,' $2.50, $4.00, $6.75, $9.00, $12.00. REED ROCKERS Chiles, $1.25, $1.60, $i.l9t, $2.60. Full size, $2.35, 3.00, $3.50, $4.00. FURNITURE DEPARTM'T Baby Cradles, $1.00 up. 1 - ' Child's Wood Cribs, $1.90, $2.56, $3.40. Iron Cribs, $4.50, $5.00, $5.50. Iron Beds and Springs. Oak Folding Beds, $12.60. Sideboards, $9.90, $14.00. Hall Racks. $2.75, $5. $7, $8.75. Bed Lounges, $7.50 up. Imitation Leather Couches, $8.00, $10.60. Oak and Reed Rockers. DSTERMOOR MATTRESSES. CARPET DEPARTMENT Granite Art Squares, $1.90, $2.40, $2.90, $3.40, $8.90, $4.85. Woolen Art Squares, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.25, $6.00, $8.00, $10.00. 9x12 Axmluster, $20.00. 9x12 Smyrna, 9.00. LAMP DEPARTMENT vase Lamps, 90s. to !$4.oo. Hanging Lamps, 60c. to J3.00. Student Lamps, $.$0. Gaa Portables. STOVE DEPARTMENT Heais, $J,85, $1.46y $4-70. $1.90. $2.25. Heavy Heaters, $4.00, $4.50, $5.25, $6.00, $8.00, Cook Stoves and Ranges. OVERCOATS Men's Heavy Overcoats, $4.00, $5.00. $6.50, $8.00, $10.00. Big values In stylish Rain Coats, $6.00, $6.75, $7.50, $8.50. Rubber Coats, $3.00, $2.25. Boys' and Youths' Overcoats, Clothing, Pants, etc. Hats and Caps. UNDERWEAR DEPT. Ladles' Vests and Pante, 25c, 4 8c. Child's Vests and Pants, 10, 15. 26c Union Suit. 2$, 40, 45, 60c. Men's Heavy Underwear, 46c; wool good. 50. 7B. 90s, $1. MUSICAL GOODS, Talking Machines and Records. Autoharps, Accordeons, Banjos, Guitars, Violins, Mandolins, Drums, etc. Ctinkley's v