EH THE RALtEICrH; EVENING TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1906, " iiTiMinrni .. . .'....L'. 1 '" 1-1 . . : r" SOCIAL. J Mrs. R. a. Petty of Greensboro Is a guest of the Tarborough House. a - Hiss Mary Holland of Wake-'ForeWl Is here on a visit to Mrs. E. W. YateS. Mrs. W. C. Tyrpe, returned from Ox ford yesterday, Where she had been on Mrs. A. W. Burns has returned to her home In Roxboro after a visit to Mrs. Herbert E. Norrts. 0 Miss Milan Rollins has returned to her home at Holly Springs after a visit to her brother, Mr. E. M. Rollins. - ft Miss Bettte Sturgeon and Mrs. Mar guerite Brown have gone to their homos at Apex aiSd Concord, rspeetively, to epend the holidays. f $ The Social Club will meet with Mrs. 'Brinson and Miss Bishop at Mrs. 3ohn E. Ray's on Wednesday after con at 4 o'clock. Santfcel Linton, the infant son of. Mr, Many a man thinks he is In Icie vniilhe is well hooked THAT'S FOLLY ! It's folly to think that yon can make good K"'. .-v x- 4, ' bread of any but goodflour thats PATAP5C0! mis and Mrs. W. N. H. Smith, was eftrls- j, b t ,h ds belore for slmi. oftJharloUe, is in the city iohhI nn Sunday afternoon. iat trie Church of rne Good Shepherd by the rector, Dr. I. McK. Pittenger. 8 0 The Social Club. Ttre Social Club wilir meet with l$rs. Brinson and Miss aahop at the residence of Mrs. John E. Ray to morrow afternon at lour o'clock. i 0 ' I Jgfcerary Club. All ladles in the Woman's Club interested in the organization of the Literary Club are asked to meet in Odfi ' Fellows' Hall tomorrow after noon at 4 o'clock. j 0 Marriage Tomorrow. The mariago of Miss Ethel Augusta Shaffer to Mr. Garland 1!. Rose of Dur ham will take place tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock at the residence of the bride's mother. Mrs. A. W. Shatter, No. 602 south Fayetteville street. The cere mony will be performed by the Rev. Samuel Hanff. l & Johnston Pettigrew Chanter. Tomorrow afternoon at a quarter to four o'clock there will be a meeting of the Johnston Pettlgrew Chapter of Daughters of the Confederacy with Mrs. R. H. Brooks at the Soldiers' la'r offenses The street commissioner antf his force are starting the work of mac adamizing East Martin street, out to the city bouufli it'- W. A .Bryan, fcrofirietor of the Hotel Mantoeese, in Connecticut, is here to spend the winter. He Is a former Raleigh man and has many friends here. ''' Cards have 1een received from Mr. H. W. Priest announcing the opening of The Carolina Hotel at Pinehurst on January l'lth. It la learned that Rev. J. L. White of Macon. Ga., who was formerly pas tor of the First Baptist church here, has accepted a pastorate at Beaumont. Texas, at a salary of $r,000. By mutual agreement the law firm of. Watson & Lambert lias dissolved partnership. The dissolution went into effect at midnight December 7. Messrs. Walter L. Watson and M. Asbby Lam bert are for the present located in the same offices over the Citizens' National Bank. They, will announce their fur ther plans later. Mr. Mortimer FT. Forrest, son of Mr. A. B. Forrest, has enterefl upon his duties as collector for the Citizens' Na tional Bank. Mr. Forest is a graduate of Wake Forest College and Eastman's rtrr"J.ihn W. Hinsdale has returned to the city from a trip on professional business. Mr. L..F Johnson of GreeWboro is in the city. , , Mr- J. J. Jtogers 01 tvnuuoa was ": Just flight. Mr. I'VAL, Woolen of Greenville Is Spending the day hsW. Mr. Fred :L. Morrill was here: last night. Mr. it. M. Phillips, formerly ,r this city, but now of Greensboro, stopped over here a short time on business, re turning from the Methodist Conference. Mr. J. Crawford Biggs of Bur-1 ham is litre on business connected with the federal court. Home. A large attendance is especially BUS;ness college at Poughkeepsie, N. Y desired, as officers will be elected for , Mr William Woolleott. who has the ensuing year. j been confined to his home by illness for There will be a vehicle at the east , am0ut a month, is somewhat improved, gate of the Capitol to take the ladies I There will he an important meting to the Home. ' of the general committee of the Asso- 0 I dated Charities tomorrow momin at 11 At Old Ladies' Home. o'clock, in the rooms of the association on A very delightful i " -Twrn'oe a soiree Wednes- vesterdav afternoon at the Old Ladies Home Those who took part were: Miss! day night at tne Raleigh Dancing Bessie Knox Woodard, vocal and piano Academy on Wilmington street, solo; Miss Aline Young, vocal solo; j when prizes will be given to foe best Miss Cribbs, reading; Miss Ellen Dur- dancer on the floor. Music will he ham, vocal so!o. furnished by Levin's Orchestra. There was no charge lor admission, In tpp reort or (ne evidence given ANOTHER BIG Al'OlEXCE. Harris-Parkinson Stock Co. Made Good Last Xighl as I'sitnl. Another huge audience greeted the Harris-Parkinson Stock Company at the Academy last night. It is al ways so with this company, easily one of the most popular that , visit Raleigh. The play was "Slaves of the Orient,'' and it was well put on. R. H. Harris made good again, 'as he has done before. The specialties were excellent and were greatly enjoyed by the big crowd present. These will be changed every night during the week. Tonight the play will be "Daniel Boone," and there will be two big Siberian .wolves in the cast. Mr. Harris Bays they are the biggest of their kind in captivity. The prices are ten, twenty, thirty. ACADEMY AT ITOI AV SPRINGS SHOWS GROWTH. An addition is boms built to l u qtiay Springs Academy, which Miss Ulizabeth Taylor will use as a room for Instructing her music scholars. The increasing number of pupils in Miss Alice Taylor s room made it necessary to employ another teach er. Miss Elizabeth is now assisting her sister, devoiing one-half of her time to teaehing a number ot the classes. but a number of contributions wete made. S O MRS. A. W. WILSON TO SPEAK HERE TOMORROW. Mrs. A. W. Wilson, wife of Bishop Wilson of the Methodist Church, ar rived in the city this afternoon from Rocky Mount. She will deliver a lec ture on "Foreign Missions" in the Edenton Street Methodist Sunday School room tomorrow (Wednesday) evening at 7::!0 o'clock. y, ., $ v ... WOMAN'S EXCHANGE HAS MOVED QUARTERS. before the coroner's jury in the Hodge case yesterday, it was said that E. F. Scarboro took the pistol to 'Whitley's store. It should have read that he took it to J, P. Whitley in the store, "S. It. Pool's store, corner Martin and Blood worth beini' meant. A girls' dormltorV of eighteen rooms if being built byABhif. E. L. Middleton at the Cary IliglKschool. It Is expect ed that it will be completed by the be ginning of the spring term. Messrs. N. B. Broughton and John E. Ray left for Morganton last night in response, to a telegram summoning them to attend th? Investigation at the COUCH ELECTED FOOTBALL MANAGER The A. and M. College Athletic Association met again today and elected L. H. Couch of Southern Pines manager of the football team for next season. Rose & Weston, Architects. Rose & Weston is the name of a new architect fil m for Greensboro. The members of the firm are Mr. F. A. Weston, a hading architect of this city and Mr. W. P. Rose, a successful archi tect of Raleigh. Mr. Weston will lie in charge of the Greensboro office. While Mr. Rose will have charge 'of tin Ra leigh office. The office in this city w ill, be in the McAdoo office buitdin;; arid the Raleigh office in the Carolina Tiusti Greensboro Telegram. The Woman's Exchange has moved its quarters from Fasnaeh's store to the grocery store of W. C. Stronach's Sons, and is in charge of Miss Jane Davis, who will do all in her power to accom modate every one dealing with the ex change. The management hopes that it will be of more benefit to the public than ever before, as the whole business plan has been changed. New consign ers of any denomination are wanted. ;. o s , Salisbury's Social Side. (Special to The Evening Times:) Salisbury. N. C, Dec. 11. Thursday, osmber:20i Miss Berjtha Neal. a fre quent visitor to Salisbury, becomes the wife of John Bratcher MacFerrin of Bristol, Tennessee. The ceremony win performed at the luiuiaif the bride s mother. Mrs. Joseph B. Neal ot jenei Son.. They. in Tennessee,. Miss Christina Lyons of Salisbury will marry Engineer James Walter Aids of Georgiana? Alabama. Christmas day. They will hold an informal recep tion to their friends preparatory to go ing north on a bridal tour. Upon re turning they' vfill live in Alabama. School for the Deaf and Dutnb. Mr. Wajter E. Moore of Jackson ; building county, wbOWas speaker of the house j of rmiresertta fives In 1901. is in the BROKE THROUGH city for a few da;. His county will be represented y W republican this time. Dr. Candlei';, The republicans got in on account jf a court-house fight. - i, THE ICE ON THE XF.YA. (By the Associated Press.) St. Petersburg. Dec. 11. The ice on the Neva broke last night while sev eral hundreds of workin," neoDle em- I 1 iO j ployed at Thornton's factory in the! Nevsky quarter, were returning, to wwwwwwwwwwwl their homes across the river. Many i m A V M A t... ,,i .rn iirum.i,ni ,.1,1. in-- Jr JCiJttbUJN &Lm. " water and wild rumors of great loss ! I of life were circulated, hut, accord- ! ' ( ing to the manager of the works, there .. ti, n o.t,nvi'0'P tio fatalities. hel on legal business. Mayor Lee of Dunn spent yesterday in the city. Mr. J. L. Ramsey I1 as gone to Smihi field -mi business? Mr. J. S. Cator ot Charlotte ar rived in the city this morning. Mr. H. B. Sterritt, a traveling man f ' LOCAL BRIEFS. Police Justice Badger this morn ing held for court in a bond of $200 Charles Stroud, colored, on the Charge of stealing three sets of har ness from W. A. Unchurch. Stroud SALT COMING. Watch for announceent of arrival. Phillips & Penny. Raleigh, N. C. Monogrammed Stationery makes a dainty IPr Christmas Present for A GENTLEHAN TO A LADY. Visiting Cards are also an acceptable present. Send us your orders now so that they can be executed in ample time. Samples and prices furnished upon application. J.P.STEVENS ENGRAVING CO, mjmfectwrsr8 of Society Stationery Z Whitehall St, 'Atlanta, Ga. Sheriff Stevens, 6f Wayne coun ty, was here today and brought two j-negrcfes to, the penitentiary. One is to serve a fifteen-year sentence and the other ten years. "H-' Thc Hippodrome the Greatest amusement enterprise the world ever. knew. Are 3-ou voting? PROMPTNESS IN FILLING PRESCRIPTIONS. Is as important as accuracy. The prescription may call for medi cine to save a life. Our force of prescription clerks is , sufficiently large to meet all demands, and a prescription is never sidetracked; we jump on it at once, fill it in Stanter, and deliver to Jour resi denceas fast as bicycle. -wilt ''curry our messenger. Kiag-Crowcirs Drug Company Hnyler's Candy foe Christinas. Safe Sure Secure. How much are you getting on your money, notes, mortgages, cotton mill bonds, educational bonds, fraternal bonds, or any other kind of bonds, after payitfg" 2 per cent tax on same, as you have to do, as all of above are taxable. N, C, bonds and U. S. bonds are the only bonds which you-do not have to give- In for taxes. Why not buy Krwin 'preferred stock', G per cent, no tatff 'Lll pays tax. As safe as any bond". You get per cent in January and '3 per cent in July. And listen: llosidcs this, i: is redeemable at. $110 for every $10i share after January 1,1914 ?L'.(10 now earned on every sffare. Recollect the mill has not iv dear's,', Worth of stock for sale. 1 onlvj' have- a limited amount; it is goingjt fast;,, soon he all gone, and (hen you w'.'U-be sorry yon did not buy some. 1 ilook for this stock to go. to fl 10 per share. I am selling it today at $106. You gel ?;! Jan uary 1st, so it stands you only $103 January 1st, and after January 1. 1'JM (you get 0 pep cent during the time, eleaV'bf tax,' which is equal to 8 per cent), it is redeemable at $110 for every $1110. A level-headed in vestor stopped me on the street yes terday on my wjty home and took twenty-five shares. A few days ago another investor took one hundred shares, traded me fTO.OOO N. C. 4's for it. and paid me difference in cash. I prefer the stock to the bonds, bit some people want both, so i can accommodate them tor either. Don't forget these strong points. Mote Krwin preferred stock hj9hl by Itn- leigh people than any other stocl; and held by people Who are more careful in what they put their monex in than most people generally are people who are successful and do no; invest in wild-cat schemes. Krwin preferred pays C per cent clear of tax. No bonds on the mills; there fore this stock Is really In fact a first mortgage. You . pay now $.106: Jan uary 1st you get 3 per cent and July next $::.00, and every January and July $3.00 each for every share. After January 1st it is redeemable at $110 for every HOC So you see. after getting C per "Cent, clear of tax, for all this time', when it is redeemed after January 1st, .1914; you get $70 per $1,000 more than it 'costs you now. Parties who have money and do not care to disturb it before Jan uary 1st I will give an option for $1.00 a share on Erwln: preferred, to be paid for and delivered January 1st, 1907. Option returned If stock is taken. See me on the curb or at my office, or call me over Bell 'phone No. 3 2 at residence. 4 c c. Mcdonald NOTICE! There will be, j meeting of1 the stockholders of fl"he Raleigh Building and Loan Association on Friday,' De cember 14, 1906, at Judge Womack's office at 4:30 p. m. ' A full attend nnce is desired. . W. S. WILSON, Secretary and Treasurer. WAR OP THE ROSES A DELIGHTFUL AFFAIR Despite the rain and the darkness, the bazaar at the Church of the Good Shepherd opened last night with the most gratifying prospects of success ; in every department. Everything was in readiness and all pronounced the decorations beautiful and the display of goods the finest seen at any bazaar, tho ladies have ever held. The program was rendered just as might be expected from those who were directing and the artists- who had been announced. The parish rooms were filled to their capacity with an appreciative and delighted audience. ; The "Rose" was presented in I poetry and song, and the very air j seemed redolent with its fragranqe. j After the concert the dining hall ; was a favorite resort, while others spent 'the evening in inspecting and i purchasing from the different booths. In fact, the whole affair, including decorations,' performances,- audience, ! display, refreshments and service, was, according to the new spelling, ! "eksquizilt." The bazaar opened today, at 10 i o'clock, and' the sales and serving of refreshments will proceed through lout the day and until 10 o'clock to i night. Admission is Tree. The doll booth was erected today land is a" decided addition to the at ttactions. Tomorrow from 3 to o'clock will j be "children's day.'' Every.Womau uuitt (lie wwiuhii" MARVIL Mrtiira Sprey iuir ana aurnmtmm vm MC JXOtl UonTiluei'l. . lHllHIfl IWMHIl) , i i i id nmr era...., mr u. vj. " SPLENDID NEW LOT OF WHITMAN'S CANDY. None better. Pew as good. Popular prices. Leave your order for CHRISTMAS Drink "Red Hot" Chocolate, the. favorite drink of the city. . T TUCKER DRUG acfi NEXT IMPORTANT EVENT AFTER THAMGIVfNG CHRISTMAS CfORIOUS HAL I DAY TIME. We are prepared to meet the wants of holiday shoppers as we have never been before. An unparalleled display of exquisite presents, absolutely combining everything new and novel in the Jewelry line. JOLLY-WYNNE JEWELRY CO.. RALEIGH. N. C. The Demand has' been so great we made a duplicate order and they are here. Call Early. Prices are right. Hunter Bros. & Brewer Co. We give Red Trading Stamps. A GOOD COM 111 NATION'. Intrinsic value of material in jewolry is of much importance; the artistic quality of the design is hardly lesser. Together they are a work of art. f We do not need to emphasize the artistic beauty of our new jewelry, which speaks for Itself, but we guarantee the quality both the elaborate pieces and the less expensive trinkets. You may not desire to purchase just now, but you will be well paid by inspecting our line of bracelets, brooches, waist sets,' lock ets, etc. We are confident that it will interest you. H. MAULERS' SONS Jewelers - - Raleigh, N. C jjj 10c. Bottle 25c. Bottle .2 Doses. .8 Doses. ASK yot'lt UKATjKR for it. tin-mnnui sui'iythe AftwKL. .rant nn , imi Mini imiiip Tor rnlftd book witol. f .11 imrtiVrulftn and ilrprtim.. i. wnrn'iHii'n.ntjiiHt;!, i n, vtlwr. Iit mi I'lllllrnlojl 1 loll iwrtlVruli nliiuhv in li " K at nr.. kn mk. For Sale by King-Crowell Drug Co, DRAWS STILL INEARBR If you have not already made your gift selection, you will hnve. to i,. ....... ..... t.. i .i , . , , uiii, nu, iui lih: (ui,ii, .lit; snort HI1U Ulisy. In Hand-painted China we offer a profusion of useful things happy thoughts, in bright colors, to deljg lit the soul. Special among them aro Crochet Sets, Tea, Bread and U utter Plates, Cake Plates, Berry Sets, Sol ad Howls, Tea Sets, Celery Tray n and many other useful things. Our Cut Glass department is als o crowded with sound, sensible, ser viceable gift goods. In our Picture department we re showing the largest collection wo have ever shown, ranging In price fr om 25c to $25.00. Nothing mora suitable or appropriate for gifts. WEATHERS (a PERRY, CHINA AND ART STORE. I JOKER KXIVK8 AXI) RAZORS, REMINGTON GUNS, CLUB SHKUiS, IJAISY AIR RIFLES, GIIiKTTE SAFETY RAZORS, MAJESTIC RANGES, NATIONAL COAL VASES, Are sold by us, is because they are best grades made. Tim H. Brings & Sons Raleigh, N. C. RI CK'S STOVES. Wake up to the fact that we are In the Electrical Business and that to day is a good time to select what you need In our line. Everybody that buys will be a firmer friend of ours. Raleigh Construction Co. 133 Fayetteville Street MISS KATE C. SH1PP, Teacher's Diploma Cambridge Univ'y. PRIVATE TUTOR, Cor. Wilmington and Lane Sts., RALEIGH, N. O. WHO'S YOUR TAILOR? :0: A E WANT to meet and deal with the man who is vv fastidiously uarticular about his clothes. r,; . ( .'. '.' V- . m. -. . . ib - ' . Just to show him what cpmfort aM pleasure he can nave iruiii tne Hcieuuuu, pttiiiaiiujuiia tailoring tnax we are able to offer our customers. we tanaKe clothes that resm their shape as lone as they irb Worn, and clothes that wear as long as they arel in style., . - i Wia'S . We cafe,the garmieht for tho man who orders it, and! wc waive il uui pcijjunai ucticMiLCC, uuvmillg qticlllby, 6t and correct style. We aiwayssfihow the iate at offerings in woolens, will you eall and see them? A. C. HINTON, NORTH CAROLINA'S FOREMOST TAILOR. Rooms 209, 210, 211 and 212, Carolina Trust Building. Do Not hi Afraid to Said Your Laundry Here. Our Laundry Is strictly sanitary. Every precaution Is taken in handling garments and household pieces, and no article is allowed to come into our establishment from homes where there has been conta gious diseases. Our Laundry is safe much more so tfian If jVur gar ments were entrusted to a washerwoman. ( OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY,

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