r r rrn 'fTX$ THE RALEIGft EVENING TIMES: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1906. hristmas 1906 Our store is full of goods suitable for Holiday Gifts. " Ladies' and Gents' Handkerchiefs. .... .5c to 50c Napkins, from $1.00 to $2.00 dozen Elbow-iengthSilk Gloves, at ....... ! $1.48 Moquet Rugs (bright patterns), $1.00, $2.25, $3.50 Comforts and Blankets, from 85c to $5.00 Imported Shirt Waist Novelties. .69c, $1.00, $1.50 All kinds of TOYS for children. The stock of Shoes will attract your attention. Come to see us and the goods. Walter 12 East Martin Street. NOT TOO EARLY TO T,XL YOU THIS IS liali Of the city for the selecting of gifrs for men and boys. Everything that is best In Gloves, Neckwear, Umbrel las, Mufflers, Handkerchiefs, Smoking Jackets, Bath Robes, etc., and a fine line of wplenriidly tailored Cloth ing at unusually reasonable prices. "S3 5 Si iBROUGHTON.? -j . p ... ,. . . (INCORPORATED) Capital Stock, $30,000. THE FIRST DIVISION OK THK WINTER TERM Begins Janu:i ry 1 and 2, 1907. CHRISTMAS GIFT TO YOU. $5.00 off of Scholarship for one course, or $10.00 FOR COMBINED COURSE if ynu register before, January S. 1907. Writo today for new College Journal, Special Offers and Catalogue. Address, KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N. C. Pullen Building, Fayetteville Street, SERVICES AT THE CHURCHES SUNDAY Church of the Good Shepherd-- Rev. I. McK. Pittenger, D.D., Rector. Third Sunday in Advent. Holy Com munion at 8 a. m. Sunday School at 9.45 a. m. Services and sermon at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Service on Wednesday at 10 and on Friday at 5 p. tti. Friday (St. Thomas' Day), Holy Communion at 10 ft. m. The seats are all free, and strangers and visitors are cordially invited. gt. Luke's Chapel, Cary Service and sermon at 7 p. m. West Raleigh Baptist Church Preaching at 7.30 p. m. by the pas tor, Rev. R. S. Stephenson. Sunday School 3.30 p. m., W. A. Taylor, su perintendent. John S. Johnson Memorial Chapel. Sunday School at 3.30 p. m., Carey J Hunter, Supt. Prayer meeting Thursday night, preaching by Rev. R. S. Stephenson. Christ Church Rev. M. M. Mar shall, D.D., Rector. Third Sunday in Advent. Holy Communion 8 a.' m. Sunday School 10 a. m. Divine service and sermon 11 a. m. Even ing prayer 4.30 o'clock. Services during the week: Wednesday 4.30 p. m and Friday (St. Thomas' Day) 10 a. m. Free seats. Strangers and visitors cordially invited. St. Saviour Chapel Sunday School 10 a. m. Night service 7.30 o'clock. Scats all free. Every one cordially invited. Edenton Street Methodist Church. Rev. R. F. Bumpas, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sermon at 11 a. m. by Rev. R. B.. John, Pre siding Elder of the Raleigh District, and at 7.30 p. m. by the pastor. Sun day School at 9.30 a. m., Joseph G. Brown, superintendent. Epworth League meets Monday night. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7.30 o'clock. Visitors in the city cordial ly invited to all services. Presbyterian Church Rev. Alfred H. Moment, D. D., pastor. Services 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday School 9.30 a. m. Wednesday ser vice 7.30 p. m. Central Methodist Church Servi ces at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. by Rev. C. W. Robinson. Sunday School 9.30 u m., R. E. Prince, Supt. The Senior League meets on Tuesday evening at 7.30; every member urged to be present; election of officers for new year. Midweek prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7.30 by the pastor, L. B. Jones. The Baptist Tabernacle The Tab ernacle services will be: Sunday School at 9.15 a. m., N. B. Brough- ton, Supt., in charge. Preaching uervices conducted by Pastor Massee at 11 a. m. and, 7.30 p. m. Morning subject: "Filling a Bag With Holes in it." Evening: Special sermon to the Junior Order. A cordial welcome is extended to the public to all ser vices. Epworth M. E. Church, South Services at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m Preaching by Rev. C. L. Read. Sun day School at 9.45 a. m., J. O. Ruth Supt. Prayer-meeting Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. There arc good many reasons w H y you should call for and drink WHITE HOUSE COFFEE. It's not only pure, clean and deli cious, but it's economi cal, healthy and invig orating, This delight ful Coffee is not sold in bag's or loose, but in sealed net weight can's, Mi one, two or three p o u n d s. When you want WHITE HOUSE COFFEE GT IT, not the SUBSTITUTE or fust as stood kind. All first-class grocers will deliver a seal- ed can forthe asking. Get what you want. hi .1 . i SXhem. i - HAET WARD HARDWARE CO., Agents for Keen Cutter Tools. Danger in Asking Advice. When you have a cough or cold do not ask some one what is good for it. as there is danger in taking some un known preparation. Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs, colds, and prevents pneumonia. The genuine is in a yellow package. Refuse stubstitutes. The First German Sub-Marine. (By the Associated Press.) Kiel, Germany, Dec. 15. The first Geerman submarine boat was commis sioned here today. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund monev if it falls to cure. B. W. GROVE'S signa-. ture is on each box. 25c. Positively only one more week of Great lOO Per Cent. Increase Offer in Times' masterly Contest. f La Grippe and Pneumonia. 'Foley's Honey and Tar cures la grippe coughs and prevents pneumonia Refuse any but the genuine in the yel low package. A short ' session was held this morning but very few of the mem bers of the committee were present most of them having leTt for their homes on the early trains. 77 ft Humphreys' Seventy -Seven Cures Grip and COLDS Now that the season for Coughs and Colds is with us, the prudent man is on the lookout for a preven tive that will guard him against the "eager and nipping air" that may prepare the way for a winter's ill ness. He don't have far to look, for every druggist keeps "Seventy-seven" Its use prevents and breaks up Colds without fail., . "77" is for Grip, Colds, Influenza, Catarrh, Hoarseness, Sore Throat and the prevention of Pneumonia., At Druggists, 25 cents or mailed. Humphreys' Homeo. Medicine Co., Cor. William and John Street, New York. Boyian-Pearce Co. Boylan-Pearce Co. Too Busy to Write Ad's Will simply say that everythiny is in readiness for Christmas trade Our lines were never more com plete, and we are in a position to serve you in a most satisfactory manner. Don't put your shopping off for the last days, buy now, avoid the rush and we will deliver goods whenever wanted. Boylan-Pearce Co. SAVE $1O0 at least by taking advantage of our great REMOVAL SALE. We are building a new store, 112 Granby St., which will be ready about January next, and we will not move a single piano from ou.r present store to the new one. This is just sentiment with tfs. Everything must be bran new, so we are making special low prices on some fine instru ments, just to carry our "All New" point. YOU WILL SAVE ENOUGH ON THE PIANO TO PAY FOR THE MUSIC LESSONS. In addition to our own peer less pianos, we have a few of other makes taken in exchange to go at well, $40 and up. Better see about .these. REMEMBER WE MAKE THE STIEPF, "THE PIANO WITH THE SWEET TONE." INVESTIGATE. STIEPF 66- Granby St., "Norfolk, Va. GEO. S. NU3SEAR, Mgr. Send for descriptive booklet and prices. Dr. Ernest H. Broughton Associated with Dr. J. H. Crawford ...DENTIST... 116 Fayetteville Street Stockholders' Meeting. The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of tb Visitor-Press Com pany will be held at the office of the president of the company Monday, Do cember 31st, 1906, at 6 o'clock in the af ternoon. GEO. B. CRATER, Secretary and Treasurer. Raleigh's Best Barbers OTEV and Son Yarborough House A trip to Sea over the Old Domin ion is a joy forever. Are you voting? It's fine to ride In a "Reo" lug Car. Are you votin? Tour- THE Holiday Furniture Store This store is crowded with Furniture selected espe cially for the , CHRISTMAS TRADE We make a feature of this. If it's the question of a gift, we can easily -answer it. A Few To Select From! For Gentlemen: SHAVING STAND CmFFONIER HOOKER MORRIS CHAIR CELLARETTE &c. For Children: ROCKER CHAIR WAGON GLASSCOCK FLYER SLEIGH &c. For Ladies: DESK MUSIC CABINET PARLOR CABINET ROCKER TABLE DRESSING TABLE BRASS BED SEWING CABINET PICTURE &c. l' owwwjwwwh Mil J4.J IIIIJM!ifJ Christmas is in Sight! :0: And we would like for you to bear in mind we always have at holi day time a wonderfully interesting stock of furniture, including many Desirable Articles For Gifts. certainly there's nothing so appropriate to give your wife or rela tive as a piece of furniture, a Rocking Chair, Writing Desk, Screen, Couch. In fact, it would be the nice thing to let us furnish a room out and out in your home. Such a present would make your wife doubly happy and add to your own pleasure. The Raleigh Furniture Co., J AS. M. RIGGAN, Mgr. CRINKLEY'S DEPARTMENT STORE 8SS, 128, 180, 882, 884, Fayetteville Street RALEIGH, N. C. SANTA GLADS Send us today over 100 New Pictures, oval and square shapes. Large sizes, $1.00. Medium sizes, 40c. Small sizes, 10c. They are BIG BARGAINS. Also a new lot of Victor Talking Machines and Records. XMAS 1906 In each of our thirty departments you wiH find appropriate Christmas gifts, many that are useful as well as ornamental; so we throw out tje hint that maybe your better half would be as pleased to have Santa fill her stocking with a handsome $20 Ax minster 9xl2-foot Rug or a $25 Fold ing Iron Davenport as the children arc with toys, etc. However, a Victor j Talking Machine is a present for the whole family at once; so maybe that will be better still. 61FT GOODS Vases, 5c to $1.65. Jardinieres, 15c to $1.90. Toilet Cases, 50e to $2.00. China Dishes, etc. Albums, Photo. Postals, etc. Games, Books, Smoking Sets, Pictures. GARY 60-CARTS New lot just In $1.75, $2.50, W-tio, $6.76, $9.00, $12.00. REED ROCKERS Child's, $1.25, $1.60, $1.90, $2.60. Full size, $2.35, 3.00, $3.50, $4.00. FURNITURE DEPARTM'T Baby Cradles, $1.00 up. Child's Wood Cribs, $1.90, $2.50, $3.40. Iron Cribs, $4.50, $5.00, $S.50. Iron Beds and Springs. Oak Folding Beds, $12.60. Sideboards, $9.90, $14.00. Hall Racks, $2.75, $5, $7, f 8.75. Bed Lounges, $7.50 up. Imitation Leather Couches, $8.00, $10.50. Oak and Reed Rockers. OSTEHMOOR MATTRESSES. C ARPET DEPARTMENT Granite Art Squares, $1.90, $2.40, $2.90, $3.40, $3.90, $4.85. Woolen Art Squares, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.25, $6.00, $8.00, $10.00. 9x12 Axminster, $20.00. 9x12 Smyrna, $0.00. LAMP DEPARTMENT Vase Lamps, 80. to f 4.00. Hanging Lamps, 60c. to $31.00. Student Lamps, $2.90. Gas Portables STOVE DEPARTMENT Heaters, $1.26. $1.46, $1.70, $1.90, $2.25. Heavy Heaters, $4.00, $4.50, $5.25, $6.00, $8.06. Cook Stoves and Ranges. OVERCOATS Men's Heavy Overcoats, $4.00, 5.00, $6.50, $8.00, $10.00. Big values in stylish Rain Coats, $6.00, $6.75, $7.50, $8.50. Rubber Coats, $2.00, $2.25. Boys' and Youths' Overcoats, Clothing, Pants, etc. Hats and Caps. UNDERWEAR DEPT. Ladles' Vests and Pants, 25c, 48c. Child's Vests and Pants. 10, 16. 25c. Union Suits, 25, 40, 45, 50c. Men's Heavy Underwear, 45c; wool goods. 50. 75, 90e, $1. MUSICAL GOODS, Talking Machines and Records. Autoharps, Accordeons, Banjos, Guitars, Violins, Mandolins, Drums, etc. Crinkley's

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