Hew Exceptions Caused by Traders' Realizing i THE MARKET NARROW The Business Was Smaller Than Has Been the Case, in Some Days Reactions Followed Gains at Open ing, and a Number of Stocks Shared in Losses. ftllON SCHOOL PRIZE . i .1 , . ...... . , . , ..... . . , .1 ..... . 1 i - - il.natlil II tTUffl rMfll l r .: ,1 f. rr J71-t- nnirrp thai hi 4?f th? mr, ui w-mm UUII V ItlllH rhnn '-xpect(i -and. T!nrta that hifehW II 1 1 1 1 1 1 II Mill tt 1 grades were commanding big Jfcrtm-fW UPWARD COURSE THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES? BAtlKDAY, JJECJEIBER 19pq., (By the Associated Press.) New York, Dec. 15. Opening prices of stocks took the upward course for the most part, although there were a few declines on realizing. Canadian Pacific was down 5-8 and Northern Pa cific a smaH fraction. The latter stock rallied to more than a point over last night. Great Northern preferred "and St. Paul rose a point arid Great Britain Ore certificates 1. The volume of business was limited. A few reactions occurred In the . course of the first hour, especially the loss of the one point rise In St. Paul and a decline of 2 in Canadian Pacific. Some Irregular fluctuations were made by the Hill se curities, but the general movement of the tnaiket was narrow and the busi ness smaller than in sotie days. North ern Pacific gained 2, Great Northern preferred 1, Reading 1 5-8, St. Paul preferred 1, Delaware & Hudson 1 1-4, Union Pacific, Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste Marie, and Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic preferred 1. Buf falo, Rochester & Pittsburg sold 6 lower and Kansas & Texas and Smelt ing preferred 1. The marke t closed strong with a ral ly. There were a number of additional gains pending the appearance of the bank statement. The bank statement was better than expected, and slbme profit-taking followed its publication, St. Paul falling 1 1-8, Northern Pacific and Tenrressee Coal rose 3, Great North ern preferred and " People's Gas 2'A, 'Tnion Pacific 1 5-8, Chesapeake & Ohio 1 1-4 and the Kansas City 'Southern stocks, St. Louis Southwestern pre ferred. General Electric and Westing houso Electric 1. The decline in Buf falo, Rochester & Pittsburg touched X, National Railroad of Mexico preferred, Pittsburg, C. C. & St. Louis, .North western, Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis 1. New York Closing Stock List. Atchison 104 Atchison prf .'. ..102 Baltimore "& Ohio 118 Canadian Pacific ..199 Chicago & Northwestern.. .. .. ..205 Chicago & Northwestern pref... Colorado Southern' Denver & Rio Grande.. .. .. .. Denver & Rio Grande pref Erie Illinois Central..- Louisville & Nashville Manhattan L Metropolitan Street Railway .. Mexican Central Missouri Pacific' New York Central Pennsylvania Reading Rock Island Rock Island pref. .. .. .. .. .. . St. Paul .Southern Pacific Southern Hallway Southern Railway pref Union Pacific Union Pacific pref . Wabash . . Wisconsin Central Northern Pacific Great Northern, pref . Interborough-Metropolitan .. .. Interlxrrouglr-Metfopolitan pref. Atlantic Coast Line ..230 .. 37 .. 42 .. 85 .. 44 ..174 ..147',6 .. 2S4 .. 94 ..131 ..138 ..147 ii 30 .-. 8694 ..MG'.i .. Mtt :. 34 .. 94 ..186 .. 03U .. 19 'j .. 2514 ..21214 ..212 .. scy .. 74 14 vt the more.' bullish wek-end. figure Ifhnn 'eYofcrtnd 'nl rptwirlH "th:i hith .i . ..... i . ' , i ?AJS lums in the south. Covering in fact seemed the chief source of support, and the offerings by Wall street bears, and selling by one or two commission houses with southern connections, were sufficient to offset this, which the re sult that the. market ruled barely steady during the early session, at prices a lit tle under the initial figures. Cotton futures opened steady, Decem ber, 9.30 bid; January, 9.41; March, 9.61; May, 9.76; June, offered 9.83; July, 9.86; August, 9.71; October, 9.45-48. Cotton futures closed steady. Clos ing bids: December, 9.30; January, 9.38; February, 9.4:); March, 0.63; April, 9.69; May, 9.78; June, 9.83; July, 9.89; August, 9.72. Spot closed steady, 10 points higher; mjddling uplands, 10.55; middling gulf, I". so; sales, none. Estimated receipts at the ports today were 60,000 bales, against 61,425 last Ci.L- nnl M Insr vcar 15V.I Ihe' week 390,000 bales, against 416,161 last week and 241,773 lust year. Today's re ceipts at New Orleans 17,264 bales, against 6, 436 last year, and at Houston 19,839 bales, against 4,306 last year. For Greatest Improvement During Last Year . Offered by Woman's Ih-trcrim-nt As sociation presented by Miss Ada V. Womble of Raleigh High School. Received for School by Mrs. Ad-rock-j-TeacJiers Getting First Grade- Certificates. Yester day's Open. Close. Close. December .... t.30 9.30 9.19 January 9.41 9.38 9.32 February 9.49 9.41 March 9.61 9.63 9.52 April 9.69 9.60 May ; 9.76 9.78 9.70 June 9.83 9.83 9.75 July 9.86 9.89 9.81 August 9.71 9.72 9.61 Liverpool Cotton Market. . (By the Associated rress.) Liverpool, Dec. ' 15. Cotton Moderate business done; prices 7 points lower; American middling fair, 6.40; good middling, 5.88; mid dling, 5.72;' low middling, 5.54; good ordinary, 5.14; ordinary, 4.90. The sales of the day were 6,000 bales, of which 500 wer for specula tion and export, and included 5,400 American. Receipts 4,000 hades, in cluding 1,000 American. Futures opened quiet and steady and closed firm; December, 5.44; December-January, 5.41; January February, 5.40; February-March, 5.40 ft; March-April, 5.41; April May, .5.43; May-June, 5.45; June July, 5.46; July-August, 5.48; August-September, 5.4 2; September- October, 5.35; October-November, 29. Raleigh Cotton Market. (Reported by Charles E. Johnson & Company.) Good common, 10c. ' Storm cotton. 8Sc. Receipts today, 00 bales. ' Chicago Grain Market. (By the Associated Press.) Chicago, Dec. 15. Wheat today opened easier on selling by pit trad ers. The market as a whole was in clined to be quiet, there being no news of consequence tp influence trading. Liverpool cables were re ported a shade easier. May opened unchanged to c. lower, at 78 78 to 78, and sold at 78. The market was weak all day. The low point for the May option was 78. The close was weak with May c. lower, at 7878. An expected increase in the crop movement sent May corn off to 43. Prices ruled weak all day. The lew point for the May option was 43 Vi- The close was weaw with May off c., at 4343. In sympathy with wheat and corn .May oats eased off to 35 Co; 36. January provisions opened firm; lard at 8.70; ribs at 8.52. There was no quotations on pork. 136 Chesapeake Ohio 57 Nor folk & Western 91 Miscellaneous. Amalgamated Copper 114 American Car & Foundry 43 American Locomotive 73 American Smelting.. .. .. .. .. ..151 American Smelting pref 115 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 81 Cojbrado Fuel St Iron .. .. 56 International Paper . , 18 National Biscuit 774 National Lead 73 Northern Securities - Pacific Mail .. i. . 38 People's Gas 97 Pressed Steel Car 54 Pullman Palace Car 182 Standard Oil 530 Sugar 134 Tennessee Coal & Iron 160 United States Steel United States Steel bref... . Western Union , Maukay Co.'s .MitcKay Co.'s pref American Cotton Oil .. .. . American Tobacco prof. .. . American Tobacco 4's American Tobacco 6's Sloss-Shef field 77 Virginia-Carolina Chemical .. 38 Va.-Carollna Chemical pref 108 American Woolen.. -.33 American Woolen pref .. ..102 .. 49 . . 105 .. 85 .. 71 .. 67 .. 90 .. 98J New York Cotton Market. (By the Associated) Press.) New York, Dec. 15. The cotton mar ket opened steady at an advance of 5 fl points which was rather an indiffer ent response to the cables. Trading was quiet and demand Vas light in Bplte "WHEN YOU WANT THE BEST HAMS TO BOIL BUY SHAFERS AT ALL GROCERS." At Wilbon last night there was an entertainment in the school house, at which Miss j.u V. Womble of the Ra leigh High School presented a Web ster's Unabridged Dictionary and a prize given by the Woman's Better ment Association to the school showing the greatest Improvement (lining the year in "building and gr ounds. It was received for the school by Mis. Adeqck, president of the local chapter of ttiy Woman's Betterment Associa tion'. Supt. Z. V. Judd of the county schools spoke on "Some Elements of Great ness." After the exercises were over an oyster supper was served from the cook rooms, and from a booth in an other corner of the building fruit and conf ectlonaries were sold. The school realized about $25 clear profit. . This money will be used to help pay for the handsome piano that Iras recently been put. In the school building. One of the things of greatest amuse ment during the evening was the auc tioneering of the girls for supper. A large; crowd was in attendance, and gave evidence of its enjoyment of the occasion by the reluctance with which all departed for home, leaving about 12 o'clock. Supt. Judd was presented with a large, fine cake by Mrs. D. T. Adams. The teachers at Wilbon are Mr. John Utley and Miss Mamie Burt. They have given evidence of their efficiency as teachers by the interest and enthusiasm which they have awakened in the com munity as well as in the School room itself. The following white teachers received first grade certificates as a result of the examination held on December 6: Messrs. N. L. and W. o. Beuzley, Sparta, Va.; Miss Mamie Hurt, Hol ly Springs; Miss Mary A. Craig, Stan ton, Va. ; Mrs. Mjiry P. Copper, Willow Springs, R. F. D. No. 1; Miss Vcrnia England. Raleigh, It. F. D. No. 5; Mr. Will J. Francis, Clayton, R. F. D. No. 3; Miss Sankie Gilbert, New Hill, R. F. D. No. 1; Miss Clyde Holt. Holly Sinlngs; Miss Lillian Markham, Apex, R. F. D. No. 5; Mr. Kenneth A. Mc Intyie, Wendell; Mr. H. J. Sorrel 1, ita leigh, R. F. D. No. 6; Miss Edith Tay lor, Wake Forest; Mr. E. Walton, Mor-risville. uur Drug Store Will Be Closed Tomorrow. TUCKER DRUG CO. r ... . HOTEL ST. DENIS 0 WILLIAM W00LLC0TT 0: 311 and 313 Faycttcville Street :0: 00000 3 WE WlL BE CLOSED SUNDAY. HIlOAlriVAV ANt) 1ITH ST. NEW YORK CITY, Within Easy Access of Every Point of Interest. Hull' Block from Wanaitraker's. 5 minutes' walk of Shopping District. NOTED FOR: Excellence of Cuisine, Coinfortablo Appoint ment. Courteous Service and Homelike Surrounding.-;. Radius 91.136 Per Hay and Pp EUROPEAN PLAN. Table d'Motc Breakfast 30c. VM. TAYLOR & SOX, Inc. ALSO HOTEL MARTINIQUE, Broadway and 33d Street. Competent, painstaking prescrlptionisis lo carry out the doctor's orders. HICKS' Drug Stores 1! 111 I Utl u II fit Presic J Raleigh mmt m mm Gifts :0:- chic-mo Live Stock Market. (By the Associated Press.) Chicago, Dec. 15. Cattle Esti mated receipts 300; market steady. Beeves 4.10(g) 7.30; cows and heifers 1.55 (a 3.20; stockers and feeders 2.40 4.50; ' Texans 3.754.60; westerns 3.90fi 5.75; calves 6.00(Li 8.75. . . Hogs Estimated receipts 11,000; market strong to 5c. higher. Mixed and butchers.5.956.25; good heavy e.l56.27V; rough heavy 5.75 5.95; light 5.85 6.20; pigs 5.40 6.15; bulk of sales 6.05 6.20. Sheep Estimated ;reewiits 2,000; markt steady; sheep 3.755.70; lambs 4.60 7.90. NVw Ifork Provision Market. (By the Associated Press.-) i New York. Bee. 15. Flour steady but dull; Minnesota patents, 4.104.4O; do bikers, 3.40if)3.80; winter straights, 3.50 (fi)S.GO; do extras, 2.90r3.10; do patents, 8,76(94.06; do low grades, 2.80ffy3.05. Wheat irregular;. December 80 5-8 May, 84 l-16l-4 ; !'. 83 ;l-4S3-8. Rye steady; No. 2 western, 6i. I Corn receipts market dull; without u aujiHcuons. Beef Arm; family, 13.50ai4.00; mess, 8.0O5.OO; packet, 10.60?11.00. Pork steady; mess, n.fiOt&as.nO;- fam ily, 19.00; short clear, 17.5019.0. Lard firm; prime western steam, 6.006.10. Sugar raw, steady; fair refining, 3 5-1633 1J-32; centrifugal, 3 13-16 3 27-32; molasses sugar, i 1-163 31-3i; refined .steady; crushed, 5. BO; powder ed, 4.90; granulated, 4.80. Coffee steady; No. 7 Rio, 7. Molasses steady; New Orleans, 3748 Butter firm; official price renovated, common to extra, 1824W;. . ' Cheese firm and unchanged. Eggs weak; state nearby selected, 3840; do choice, 3537; do mixed ex tra, 3335; western average prime, . New York Money Market. (By the Associated Press.) New York, Dec. 15. Call loans nominal; no loans. Time loans dull and strong; 60 days, H: 90 Jays, 8 per cent; six months, G to 7 per cent. Closer -Prime mercantile paper 6 6 per cent; sterling exchange steady with actual business in bank ers bills at 483.35 483.40 for de mand and at 478.50 for sixty day bills. Posted rates 479 480 and 481(& 485. Commercial bills 478 ((V Vi ; bar silver 69. Mexican dollars 53. Government bonds steady. Railroad bonds firm. Weekly Rank Statement. (By the Associated Press.) New York, Dec. 15. The state ment of clearing house banks for the week shows fhat the banks hold $1,699,050 less than tile legal re serve requirements. This is a de crease in the deficit of $5,003,125 as compared with last. week. The state ment follows: Loans Sl.,027,666,3000, $17,002,500. Deposits $967,061,400, $15,116,100. Circulation $53,551,100 $189,800. tenders $68,126,200 238,900. $171,940,100, decrease WE AR.E in 1 decrease decrease decreij.se in- Legal crease $1 Specie $14,800. Reserve $1,224,100. Reserve required $241,765,350 decrease $3,779,025. Deficit $1,699,050, 003,125. Ex-U. S. deposits $240,066,300, increase decrease $5, (surplus) $2, 110,450, increase $5243,000. The Poultry Market. New York, Dec. 15. Poultry alive and steady; western Chickens, 10; fowls 11; turkeys, 14; dressed, firm; western chickens, 1314; turkeys. 1519; fowls, 8184. Hubbard's Cotton Letter. (Special to The Evening Times.) New York, Doc. 15. The market' for the day was wholly without feature, the narrow business being of an even ing up nature of better pritves, due to the improvement In Liverpool. .With the trade unwilling to take a decided stand", prices fluctuated within narrow limits, operators In the meanwhile be cnrrlrfg used to the new '(dan values called by the recent government esti mate. HUBBARD BROS. & CO. DEFICIT SHOWN BY BANK STATEMENT, (By the Associated Press.) New York, Dec. 15. The bank state ment today shows a deficit of $1,699,050. The surplus exclusive of United States deposits af . $2,110,450 this week compares with a deficit last week of $3,132,550. , KINS-CROWELL . DRUG GO. A thorough, advanced progresssive, select school. Send for free catalog now. It will soon be full. Address, JAMES DINWIDDIE The useful things are apprecia ted most at Christmas the things that are serviceable. We are well prepared to fill your wants in this line. Our stock is all new and you will appreciate looking over the numerous things that we are show-in?!. GLOVES. UMBRELLA?, ident, I h. n. c. 1 When wo say wo have the largest wood heater for ?1.50 in Ra leigh we mean every word of It. These heat ers are lined j Jj vt i t h sheet j steel, have j cast iron legs, ;1 are absolutely air-tight draft; IS larger o'rjffniffg 1 r for wood in P top than :myiJ other stove. P HOSIERY. HANDKERCHIEFS ES, TOWELS, TABLE COVERS, ! FURS, BELTS, BELT BUCKLES, COMBS, ! SWEATERS : And lots of other things too nu ) merous to mention. :0: ! William Woollcott. Made by Union Labor BESS CHRISTMAS BOOKS IteU 'Phone No. lU.'SI. R.E. LUMSDEN & SONS! KASf HAIKJKTT STltlOllT. THERE ARE ONLY Hi To our Safe Deposit Boxes one for you and one for liic hank therefore, there is no danger of any one gelUng In ihe box where you have your valu ables deposiled. Why not rent a Safe Deposit Box to keep your insur ance policies, deeds, mortgages, jew elry and other Valuables? We rent We have tills year a large and well selected steel; of Christmas Books for all. You will 'cave to see the stock to appreciate the extent of the dis play. All (ire invited to call. Mail orders wfli have our careful atten tion. Our Mo ': of Children's Books' .. ' f is unusually large and,variea Maga- LarOllna I NISI LOITip y zine oiler, one year each World s (0 A u a A in en A H tnsi i Mi (0 9 CD 9 O t P 0 koi.-- i., ...... ii Tt',., . . Cigarettes That Satisfy. NOW FOILED WRAPPED. Work, McCliirc's, Delineator $3.50. i FA VKT XRVUiLK STIUCHT, Alfred Williams & Go STOCKS AND BONDS FOR SALE. 10,000 N. C. 4 s, 19K), . . .103 0$ Neuse River Mill. . S& D,000 Hope. Mill Bonds. .100 25 to 50 Irwin Preferred, I J05ya. SOllichland Park Preferred. 101 and interest. 100 Am. Warehouse Pre ferred, 96. F. C. ABBOTT & CO., Charlotte, N. C. Holidays at New Orleans. By the Associated Press. New Orleans, La., Dec. 15. The board of directors by resolution adopted yesterday decided there should be no sessions of the New Orleans Cotton Exchange on Decem ber 22, 24, 25, 26 and 3t and on January 1, 1907. By starting a savings account in the Mechanics Dinre Savings Bank. It allows 4 per cent interest, lly so doing, you encourage thrift. The more you save, the more you earn. Your savings account is respectfully solicited. Every courtesy extended to our depositors. Mechanics' Dime Saving Bank Hubbard Bros. Co. HANOVER SQUARE, NEW YORK. MEMBERS OP New York Cotton Ex change, New Orleans Cotton Ex change, Associate Members Liver pool Cotton Association. ORDERS SOLICITEDJ-Tor the pur chase and Bale of cotton for future delivery. Correspondence invited. EUREKA LAUNDRY. QUICK AND RELIABLE SERVICE i I ALL PHONES THE STRONGEST, i SOUNDEST AND BEST SELECTED. I BILLY TAYLOR, Manager. Always here . for. the person want ing a square deal.

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