"i - '-'tTr 49 V THE RALEIGflE EVENING TME9 : SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1906. " SOCIAL. Mrs. Clarence Riggsbee and Mrs Norman Underwood ot Durham are Visiting Mrs. Prank Thompson. 0 Mrs. W. E. Stalllngs has returned to her home In Clayton, after a visit to her mother, Mrs. S. Otho Wilson. a S Miss Annie Clarke is at home to spend several days. She is teaching at Neuse. a Mrs. Jones Fuller of Durham spent yesterday here with her mother, Mrs. W. H. Pace; o Miss Lucy1 Dowell has gone to Clay ton to visit her friend, Miss EthM Creech. " S Mrs. Victor S. Bryant of Durham is here on a visit tocher father, Mr. Leo D. Heartt. s a y Mrs. Joseph E. Pogue, Jr., is here from Chapel Hill to spend several days with her parents, .Col. and Mrs. Joseph E. Pogue. S S Mrs. J. H. Pou, Miss Edith, Master James Pou and Mrs. J. S. Wynne have gone to Florida and Cuba where - they wil spend .several weeks. V 0 A Miss Lizzie Rogers, who has been In school at Hollins Institute, Hol 11ns, Va., arrived in the city this morning to spend the holidays. 0 S The many friends of Mrs. C. C. McDonald will learn with pleasure that her condition today was report ed as being more favorable. $ O Next week many of the Raleigh young ladies who are off at school Will be returning to the city for the Christmas holidays. 0 S Bazaar a Success. The bazaar held by the ladies of the Church of the Good Shepherd during part of this week in the par ish rooms of the church netted over $400 clear of all expenses, and was the most successful and most en joyable ever given by the ladies of this church. 0 HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY GENERAL LEE'S BIRTH. EAT ALL YOU WANT Then take dose Mozlk v's Lemon Elixir and you'll suffer no Inconvenience, even though you ore a confirmed Dyspeptic. 35 years nas proven MOZLEY'S LEMON ELIXIR to be the greatest remedy for in digestion and disorders of the stomacn. liver and' bowels ever offered to vhe public. Try it once and you u never oe without it. 50c. and $1.00 per Lottie at all drug storea. "One D09e convinces." Social News from Statesville. (Special to The Evening Times.) Statesville, N. C, Dec. 15. At the home of the pride's father, Af."T. W. Vickery, who lives at Loray, six miles above Statesville, a pretty home wed ding occurred, when his daughter Miss Berta Linwood, became the bride of Mr. Joseph Henry Shuford; the Rev. W. C. Brown officiating Immediately after the ceremony and congratulations the bridal party drove to their future home, the honie of the groom and his mother, two miles this side of Loray, where a reception was g'ven in their honor. The bride is an attractive and popu lar" young woman, and has the best wishes of a large circle of friends. Th" groom is a popular and pros perous young farmer. Statesville friends have received invitations to attend the marriage and wedding reception of Miss Ethel Lineberger, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John D. Lineberger, of Shelby, to Mr. Julius' Albert Suttle. The mar riage will occur at the home of the bride in Shelby on the evening of Thursday, December 27th, at T o'clock, and the reception win occur from S to 11, At the home of the bride, on Cald well street. Miss Mabel Sowers and Mr. J. F.' H. Gaines were united in marriage; the Rev. J. F. Mitchiner officiating. License has been Issued for the marriage of Mr. R. H. Brown and Miss Viola Martin; Mr. M: T. Waugh and Mips Mamie Massey. Dr. B. F. Dixon, the state auditor, has accepted an invitation to deliver the address before the Bethel Heroes Chapter Daughters of the Confed eracy at Rocky Mount on the occa-j sion of the one hundredth aniversary of the birth of General Robert E. j Lee, January 19. s o s Keller-Love. LOCAL BRIEFS. "Are You a Mason?'' at the Academy of Music tonight. Rev. R. S. Stephenson will preach at Salem Baptist Church tomorrow The following invitation has been is-! morning at 11 o'clock. sued: : "Mrs. Saizabeth Hall Love invites you to be present at the marriage of her daughter, Alice. "''. to Mr, Harry P. S. Keller, on Tuesday evening, the twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and six, at nine o'clock, Five hundred and eleven, Oakwood Avenue, Raleigh, North Carolina." No cards in the city. 5 0 8 Japan, by Pr. Delia Dixon-Carroll. Under the auspices of the Junior Ep worth League, Dr. De'ia Drxon-Carroll will deliver a lecture to the young peo- Insurance Commissioner James R. Young has received notice that the Ancient Order of United Work men, a fraternal life insurance com pany, will not solicit business in North Carolina in the future. Dr. ' Danh l Albright Long will preach at 11 a. m.. tomorrow, at the Hillsboro Sued Christian Church. Again this morning there was no case for Police Justice Badger to vry. y' ,V;j ' ,;. ..- ';, Eugene Rogers of Redwood and An nie Belle Green of North Side, colored, today obtained license to marry. REV. I). L. EARNHARDT TO EPAVOUTH CHIRCH. pie of the city tomorrow afternoon at j 4 o'clock in the Sunday school room of j Rev. R. B. John, the newly ap Edenton Street Methodist Church. : pointed Presiding Elder of the Ral Her subject will be Japan, and having I eigh District, announces the appoint visited that empire In person. Dr. Car- ment of Rev. D. L. Earnhardt to be roll's lecture will doubtless be full of!,lastornf Enworth Methodist Church interest. The young people of the city are to be congratulated for the opportunity to hear her. The public generally are invited, 8 0 LINEN SHOWER IN HONOR OF CHRISTMAS BRIDE. Mrs. R. T. Williams gave a linen shower at her home on Dawson street last night in honor of Miss Alice Love, who will be married on the evening of Christmas day to Mr. ,H. P. S. Keller, the well known architect of this city. The house was in Christmas garb, i decorated with cedar ';and holly. There were present Miss Alice Love, Miss Annie Love, Miss Mamie Ton noffski, Miss Jessie Tonnoffski, Miss Willie Shelvin, Miss Bessie Jones, Miss Cecil Wood'ard, Miss Mamie Bagwell and 1ra, Victor Darnell. Refreshments were served in the form of a coufse supper. In a thread'ind needle contest the prize, an ivory-handled fan, was won by Miss Mamie Tonnoffski, who pre sented it to he guest of honor, Miss Alice Love. The Booby was won by Miss Annie Love. this city, the present conference year. Mr. Earnhardt is one of -the strong preachers of the North Caro lina Conference, having served some of the best churches in the confer ence. The Epworth congregation will find Mr. Earnhardt an -earnest man, and they will make hi feel at home among them. They have before them the prospect of a suc cessful year under Mr. Earnhardt's pastorate. Mr. Earnhardt comes f rom - the Fremont circuit. Greatest voting ever known in the South next week in The Times' Contest. 4.800 votes next year's subscription. week for pne PERSONALS. : Mr. R. C. Blalock of Warrenton spent last night in the city. Mr. T. A. Hinnant of Wilson is in the city. Mr. Bascom Hoskins of High Point arrived, in the city last night. Prof. W. T. WhMsett, principal oi Whitsett Institute, is here to attend, the meeting of the legislative com mittee of the Teachers' Association. r. Floyd Simmons of Chapel Hill is in the city. Mv. N. W. Walker of Chapel Hill spent last night in the city. Mr. W. B. Guthrie of Durham is in the city. He is one of the attorneys in the Riggsbee contempt ease. Mr. H. B. Varner, -commissioner of labor and printing, has returned to his home in, Lexington, .after spend ing severnl days in the city. -Solicitor Larry L Moore returned to his home in Greenville yesterday Evening. He had been here to ap pear before the supreme court In the Raleigh & Pamlico ,RailrHM bridge case. '"' Messrs. W. J. Boykin and S. Vfy Smith of Wilson are registered at the Yarborongh House. Mr. Benjamin.!- Campeu of Golds boro is in the city. TREMENDOUS VALUES ! .Marriage Licenses. Marriage licenses were issued today to Mr. James T. Bailey and Miss Limey Bailey of Wake Forest No I, and Mr, William Harrison Morton of Lllesville and Miss Elsie Euroda Sea groves of Cary No. 1. We are selling out at Cost our entire Stock of China, Glassware, ftic-a-Brac, etc. There was never such an opportunity offered in Raleigfy to buy Fine China and Glassware; at Manufacturers' Cost. ' Johnsonian Book Club. The Johnsonian Book Club will meet with Mrs. W. J. Andrews Satur day, December 22, at 1 1 -a. m. WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY Is the Result of Prolonged Study and Deep Research, Marconi the wireless wizard did not stumble accidentally upon the principles of his marvelous in vention. It was only by deep and prolonged sttfdy of the cause of certain known phenomena in nature that he was able to produce the startling effect, Many people, in speaking of Hair Restorers, have a way of bunching them altogether without discrimina tion. Hetpicide is as different front titer so-called "hair restorers" and remedies'' as day is from night. It is a scientific preparation pre pared for the sole purpose of destroy ing the scalp microbe that causes dandruff and falling hair. Sold by leading druggists. ?end 10c. in stamps for .sample to Te Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. Henry T. Hicks & Co., Special Agents. Christmas Shoppers Cannot afford to miss this sale Everything Must be Sold in Next 10 Days. Xet week the only big; week of Contest. CHRISTMAS BELLS Arrived today via Southern Railway , car SUNRISE FLOUR. Phillips & Penny. Raleigh, N. C. Monogrammed Stationery makes a dainty Christmas Present for A GENTLEIAN TO A Visiting Cards are also am acceptable present. Send us your orders now, so that they call be executed in ample time. Samples and prices furnished upon application. J.P.STEVENS tEVaRAVTNTft no TnaTiiifaritiiTfir ftf Rhflifttv RfAtionfirv. 47 Whitehall St.. 'Atlanta. Ga. Not the least pleasure of Christmas day will be the sound of voices extending greetings to dear ' ones over the BELL TELEPHONE. You can reach your friends almost any where over our exten sive long-distance system. Reasonable Rates Call "Long Distance." BELL SERVICE IS SATISFACTORY. THE WILLIAMS-NOWLAN CO. Man, Woman, Boy or Girl. Are you looking for a present to give any one? If so, we will be glad to see you in our splendidly stocked store, and as sure you we will do our best to sell just what you want at mighty low prices. In fact, we'll save you money. ( i Please note the following suggestion's; FOR FATHER. A alee pair of Shoes, Bedroom Slippers, Umbrella, Hand kerchiefs, Cuff Buttons, good, Warm Under wear, etc. FOR MOTHER. Nice pair trf Blankets, Bed Spread, Slippers, Gloves, House" Wrapper, Dressing Sacque, Kimona, Table "Cloth, Napkins, Shirt Waist, Towels, and many useful presents. FOR SISTER OR SWEETHEART. Nice Hand Bag, .Strap PjusvC Stick Pin, Brooch, Shirtwaist Pin, Kid Gloves, hiodbox IJandfcerchiefs, Belts. Collars, Fan, nfee Umbrella, Hat n, . FAr-lop Slippers, and numbers of other things, if you will alow us to make some suggestions. FOR THE LITTLE FOLKS Warm Gloves, Mitts, Fig. Purses, Beaded Bags, Hose, Shoes, Pins of all descriptions, and lots of other little useful articles. Remember there is no long waits here to be waited on and making change. Bundles livered anywhere in the city. v Hunter Bros. & Srewer Co. We give RedTrading Stamps. EDUCATORS IN SESSION Discuss Recommendations to be Made to Legislature t'oiiiiiiittces.JJfccscitt Krom Teachers' Association and Also Association of County Supcriutcmlonts Two Member of Each Committee Ab sent' Proposed Recommendations in Superintendent .loyncr's Report Discussed. The Hippodrome the Greatest amusement enterprise the world ever knew. Arc you voting? There as a joint meeting last night of the legislative committees from the jTeachers' Association and also State Association of County Su perintendents to discuss what recom mendations should be made to the Nipproaching legislature in regard to education;! 1 matters. Those in at tendance " ere J. I. Fonsi, Greens boro, chairman; R. D. W. Connor, Raleigh, secretary; C. V. Massey, Durham, and E. C. Brooks. Golds- horo; and from the county superin- j (i ndents, W. H. Ragsdale, Pitt conn-j ty, chairman; W. S. Long, Alamance, j secretary, and Rv.Whit", Frank-', lin. Two membr;OT each commit- tee were absent'.-. Superintendent j. Y. Joyner presided, and Dr. V. T. Whitsett. president of the North Carolina Teachers.' Assembly, was present by invitation. The proposed' recommendations in the forthcoming bi-annual report of State Superintendent Joyner were fully discussed, and also other mat ters pertaining to the improvement and development of the public schools in North Carolina. Nothing is to be given out just at this time as to what recommendations the committee decided upon. Piles get quick: relief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Remember it's made alone for Piles and it works with certaintyan satisfac tion. Itching, painful, protruding or blind piles disappear like magic by its use. Try it and see! Henry T. Hicks. You must uorkjncxt if yon are iu Contest. Only one week of mammoth One Hundred ' Per Cent. Increase Offer. Florida. Oranges, 30c. dozen; three pound Cannefl Pie Peaches, 10c.; three pound Canned Peeled Peaches, 12c.; three pound Canned Tomatoes, 10c.; two pounds Canned Tomatoes, T&c. ; two pound Canned Okra, 7c; two two pound Canned Okra and tomatoes, 7c; two pound Cann ed Okra, Corn and Toma toes, TVic. two pound Can Okra, 7c. ; Concentrated Tomatoes, for Soup, 5c; Mixed Vegetables, two pound cans, 10c.; Prunes. 10 and 12V4c.; four pounds Pigs Feet, J5e.; Grape Fruit, 7'e.; Lemons, 20c. a dozen; three pound Can Pears for Table, 10c. 'These are extraordinary bargains. Stamps with cash purchases. J. B. GHeon Co. -:- do -;- -NOT DELAY YOUR-- Holiday Shopping Our store is brimful of magnificent JEWELRY PIECES, CUT GLASS, WATCHES, SILVERWARE, NOVELTIES, Etc. It is all a rich and rare collection of high-grade Jewelry Gifts, at mod erate prices. !aj JOLLY-WYNNE JEWEL.RY CO.. RALEIGH. N. G. H. . S. KELLER ARCHITECT RALEIGH. N. C. A GOOD COMBINATION. . Intrinsic value of material in jewelry is of much importance; the artistic quality of the design is hardly lesser. Together they are a work of art. We do not need to emphasize tho artistic beauty of our new Jewelry, which speaks for Itself, but we guarantee the quality both the elaborate pieces and the less expensive trinkets. You may not desire 'to purchase just now, but you will be well paid by inspecting our line of bracelet1'; brooches, waist sets, lock ets, etc. We are confident that it will interest you. H. MAULERS' SONS I Jewelers Raleigh, N. C DRAWS ST1L.L, NEARER If y.u hv not already made your gift selection, yu will have to hurry nfew, ior the days are short and busy In Hftnd-painted China we offer a profusion of useful things happy thoughts, in bright colors, to delight the soul. Special among them are Crochet Sets, Tea, Broad and Butter Plates, Cake Plates, Berry Sets, Salad Bowls, Tea Sets, Celery Trays and many other useful things. Our Cut Glass department is also crowded with sound, sensible, ser viceable gift goods. In our Picture department we are showing the largest collection we have ever shon ranging in price from 25c to J25.0O. Nothing more suitable or appropriate for gifts. WEATHERS & PERRY, CHINA AND ART STORE. MISS KATE C. SH1PP, Teacher's Diploma Cambridge Univ'y. PRIVATE TUTOR. Cor. Wilmington and Lane Sts., ItALKIGH. N. O. STOCKS AND BONDS FOR SALE 1 or 20,000 N. C. (t'ft, 1 or 21,000 N. ('. 4's. l!)HFs. 5 or 1,000 Erwiu IJr ferrcil 10512- 1 or 2,000 Neiisc River :T5. 3,000 Elnrirafc Per Cent Preferred a 102i2 & interest. 5 or35 0clell V 90. 1 or 3 North State Five 125. I do not advertise anything I Cannot deliver. I do not publish quo tations, but guarantee to sell as low as same can be bought for, and oftener less than you have to pay. If you want to buy, give me a show. If you want to sell, I will buy any of above at a less price. WHO'S YOUR TAILOR? :0: WE WANT to meet and deal with the man who is fastidiously particular about his clothes. -Tiio a ahnm riirn ha.t. nivmfnrf-. and nlflasure he can IlUdU v wiwit - - " have from the Scientific, painstaking tailoring that we are able to offer ourliistomers. w We make clothesvfnat te tain tneir shape as long as they are worn, and clothes t hat wear as long as thsy are in style. Wp. fiiit t.hri 0feAent for t he man who orders it, and Lra mitlra if nn nnr nAvsnn.i! .cninra.ntfift. covering QUalitv. inv tunny iu w m v r w ? o - 1 o u Ifit and correct stvle. I Wfi alwavs show the late st offerings in woolens. Will lyou call and see them? 1 A. C,t HINTON, NORTH CAROLINA'S FOREMOST TAILOR. Rooms 209, 210, 211 and 212, Carolina Trust Building. c c. Mcdonald RALEIGH, N. C. Do Not be Afraid to Send Your Laundry Here. Our Laundry is strictly aanltary. Every precaution is taken in W. A I 4 Aajna n r A HmiQAll ftlff T OPOQ a Tift Tin article Is allowed to uuuuiiub Btiucuba " .. r come Into our establishment from homes wherer there has been conta gious diseases. Onr Laundry is Bare much more so man u jum la ments were entrusted to a washerwoman. OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY . v