j i:aligh evening -tihi;. SLLjiVJI HUE OPENING Poor Resp onse to so Advance Id London , - i f THE CHANGES NOT WIDE Baying Orders Uncovered in Asa- , conda; the Result a Quick Re bound Subsequently the Advant age Was Lost and tt Vibrated Nervously Losses and Gains, (By the Associated Press.) New York, Feb. 16.- Opening prices oi stocks snowed a sluggish response to the ' advance of Ameri cans 1a London and fractional losses were mixed with "the gains. Cana dian Pacific rose ltt, and Northern . Pacific and Chesapeake & Ohio large fractions. " Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste Maria fell 1 . and Kansas CJty Southern , preferred 1. Buying orders were uncovered In .Anaconda after it had lost nearly a point and a quick rebound resulted to 802, or 3 Mi above yesterday's closing. Subsequently all this ad' vantage- was. lost, and It vibrated nervously around 300. The fluctua tions In the general market were not wide. The market closed strong. The slug glsh drift of prices carried the average rather' higher than in the first hour, but the movement was uncertain and fluctuating. ' Canadian Pacific rose 3. United States Realty 2 1-2, Northwest ern 2. Colorado & Southern second pre ferred and Sloss-Sheffleld Steel 1 1-4 and Union Pacific, Pennsylvania, St. Paul, Southern Railway and Consolida ted Gas 1. Atlantic Coast Line fell 1 The demand come more active In the closing dealings. . New York Closing Stock List. Atchison 104H Atchison pref. 99 Baltimore & Ohio 1144 Canadian Pacific 188 Chicago ft Alton Chicago ft Alton pref. Chicago ft Northwestern 16"tt Chicago & Northwestern pref ... 208 Colorado Southern S7V Denver ft Rio Grande 39 Denver Rio Grande pref.' 79 Erie 36 Illinois Central '.. - 9tt Louisville ft Nashville 13514 Manhattan L r Metropolitan St. Ry. Mexican Central ... . , . . 24 Missouri Pacific ' . . . New Yerk .Central Pennsylvania .....i Reading ?V... ........ Rock Island ........ Rock Island prof: ,., St. Paul .... 84 130 132$, 125 69 149 Southern Pacific 94 Southern Railway 27 Union Pacific 177 Union Pacific pref 90 Wubash 17 ' Wisconsin Central 22tt . Northern Pacific pref. 154 Great Northern prof.- 170tt Interborough-Metropolltan 34 Interborough-Met pref 71 .. Miscellaneous. Amalgamated Copper : 114 American Car ft Foundry 44",4 American Locomotive 76 American Smelting & Refining .. 145 Am. Car Refining pref. 114 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 75 Colorado Fuel ft Iron 49 International' Paper .. 17 National Biscuit 84 National Lead Northern Securities 73 Pacific Mail .......... 84 People's Gas 95 Pressed Car Steel 6 "Pullman Palace Car 17tt Standard Oil ... 535 sugar 135 Tennessee Coal ftlron v 160 United States Steel 46 United Sates Steel pref. ......... . 105 Western Union 82 Matin? Co's' i 74 . Mackay Cos prof 70 New York Cotton Market. . V By the Associated Press.) " . New York, Fob. U. The cotton mar ket opened steady at a decline' of 1 4 points -under scattering : liquidation, and showed little, change during the early.' session. Cables were a shade better thai expected, If anything, but receipts continued heavy, and the vis ible supply statement -showed a contln. tied small decrease km compared .with last year; Trading was quiet,'; and scattering accounts ' seemed to ; nave been pretty well evened up for, over Sunday earlier in the week, r'-f ' -wp Cotton futures opened steady;- March 9.26; Mar 0; June offered 9.48; July 9.62; Aug. 9.50-61; Sept 9.52; Oct 8.77; Nov. 9.811 rec. I.ftf.bld? fan, 9.'9-97.( Cotton closed "steadyi".' Closing bids Feb. 9.16; March S.2S; April 9.31; May .40; June 9.; July t.51: Aura" ; r . St n . - air.. in m , wm , ni. in i. lib: ueu. v. an. .1 ti il. im.uu. 11 AA. m Wdllntr - jnilf U.2B1 . aulas '. 1.135 'bales, .f i&.'js ;'';.i..i''--,.:vv.:-5-u 'j? Estimated receipt at, the ' ports , to day 18.000 bales against 36,760 last week nm lul vrar , ITnr thn week 185,000 bales against 209,112 last-week and U8.002 last year. "Today' receipts 7.474 last year and at Houston . 12,311 bales against ,121 last rear,, ' 'y ' :riiSit xeater day's JWsh . ... Open. Close. Close, February - j . . . i- . . '49.18 .March ii i .Si . B.26 .,' 9.40... 9.40,, M? Junef ?! h At f O'J c 1 .'k t A, August t . . I Mo ; 1 r.so -49m September .52 9.81; 9.65 October ; December 9.77 ,88 .78 V 9.86 9.78 ,9.86 Liverpool Cotton Market. (By the Associated Press.), . Liverpool, , Feb 16.-Cotton' sDOt in moderate . demand; prices unchanged. American middling (.03. - v V The sales of the day were 7,000 bales of which 600 were for speculation and export and included 6,600 American. Receipts 19,000 bales including 12,900 American. ' Futures opened' 'and closed steady; American - middling good ' ordinary clause.Feb. 6.70;' Feb..March 6.65 1 March-April 6.64; April-May 5.62 1-2, May-June 6.61;' June-July 6.69 1-2; July Aug. 6.57; Aug.rSept, 5.62 1-2; Sept. Oct. .49 1-2; OctNp. 6.44 3; Nov.- Dec 6.44; Dec.-Jan. 5.44; Jan.-Feb. 5.44 1-2. - ,, Raleigh Cotton Market. (Reported by Charles E. Johnson & Company.) Best grade 10 3-4 to 11 1-8. Off grade T 1-2 to 9 1-2. Receipts today 30 bales. Now York Provisions. (By the Associated Press.) New York, Feb. 16. Flour dull and barely stead?. Minnesota patents 4.10 4.40; do bakers 3.35 3.75; winter straights 3.40 3.55; do extras 2.80 Q 3. CO; do patents 3.60 (ji 3.85; do low- grades 2.70 2.90. Wheat lower; May 84 3-4 85 1-8; July 84 3-8 5-8. Rye nominal. Corn dull; no transactions. Beef firm; family 15.00 15.50; mess 9.00 9.50; packet 11.00 12.00. Pork firm; mess 18.50 19.25; family 20.00; short clear 18.00 19.25. Lard steady; western prime 10.05. 10.15. Sugar raw quiet fair refining 2 7-8; centrifugal 3 3-8; molasses sugar 2 5-8; refined quiet; crushed 5.40; powdered 4.80; granulated 4.70. Coffee steady; No. 7 Rio 7; No. 4 Santos 8. Molasses steady; New Orleans 37 i5 48. Butter firm; unchanged. Cheese quiet; unchanged. Eggs firm; nearby brown and mixed extras 28 & 29; firsts to extra firsts 26 27; western firsts 26; seconds 20 1-2. New Vork Money Market. (By the Associated Press.) New York, Feb. 16. Money on call nominal. Time loans stronger; 60 days, 90 days and six months 5 1-4 per1 cent. Close Prime mercantile paper 5 3-4 6 1-4 per cent. -Sterling exchange weak with actual business inbankers bills at 484.40 484.45 for demand, and at 480.25 S 480.36 for sixty day bills. Post ed rates 481 1-2 and 485 1-2. Commercial bills 480 1-8 1-4. Bar silver 69 1-8. Mexican dollars 53 1-2. Government bonds steady. Railroad bonds- Irregu lar. , , Chicago Crn! Market. By the Associated Press.) Chicago, Feb, lis. The wheat market today opened fairly steady on cover ing by shorts, but within a short time eased off Oh selling by pit traders and commission ' houses which was based upon lower prices at Liverpool and an estimate of liberal world s shipment next week. May opened unchanged at 78 1-4 and sold at 78 1-8. Prices weakened as the session ad vanced, May selling down to 77 5-8 -4. The close was weak with May dawn 1-2 6-8 at 77 3-4. May corn opened a shade higher at 47 and sold at 46 7-8. Sentiment continued bearish all day. May sold oft to 48 3-4. The close was easy with May unchanged at 46 7-8. May oats opened unchanged at 40 1-2 and sold at 40 3-8. The provisions markot opened steady, pork at 17.35; lard at 10.00; and fibs at 9.42 1-2. Chicago Live Stock. (By the Associated Press) Chicago, Feb. 16. Cattle Esti mated receipts' 200; market steady. Boevtes. 4.10 ft 7.00: cows and heif ers 1.80 5.30; stockers and feed ers 2.60 4.76; Texana 3.654.7S; calves COO 7.75. h Hogs -estimated receipts 13,000; market strong, 5 to 10c. higher; mixed and butchers 6.907.17; good Jieavy 7.10 7.20; rough heavy BOO 7.00; light 6.606.12Vi; pigs 6.25 6.90; bulk of sales 7.05 7.15. Sheep Estimated receipts 1,500; market steady; sheep 3.506.60.; lambs '4.75 7.60. Weekly Bank Statement. (By the Associated Press.) New Jork, .Feb. U. The statement of clearing house banks for the week (Ave days) shows that the banks hold 4,421,C50 more than the legal reserve requirements. This Is an Increase of $1,085,175, as compared with last week. The statement follows: tans; $1,092,061,000, decrease . $7,295,- Pit Hvi?"!v: hffiB- Deposits $1,057,546,200, decrease ' $8,- 0M.800. - , atoulatlon, $63,194,300, decrease, $140,- Legal tenders $76,660,100, decrease Z.- 704.SOO. . : 'r-.'J'f , ,', Specie $19J,167.50. increase $1,785,400. Reserve $288,817,600, decrease $918,900. Reserve, required $264,386,550, decrease $2,004,076..' :f :J V-vf ' .. ! ' ; " Surplus $4,481,050, Increase $1,085,175., Ex-tT. & Deposits $8,288,825, Un? crease $1,031,475.,, : (,f'A "WHEJT ScOV WANT THE BEST 1 HAMS TO .BOlTl BUY 'f AT ALL OBOCEKS." it r, ' - i, wtn be pars and your Ueth pwfeot f ' :J woea yon got taa good habit of VWtotr-'-'iV.H' " ' ''' . . Meade & Baker's Carbolic Mouthwash ,tbe only PLEASANT antiseptic cay drag tor fjc., 50c., Ji.oo Telephone Bill Id the Senate (Continued from. First Page.) j By Mr. Thorne. To establish the 1 , n'ky Mount road district in Nash and Edgecombe counties. Public Roads. Calendar Bills Passed. The following senate bills passed third reading and were sent to house: o. a. oD ror me renei or tne sner lfT of Henderson county. a T. rta rt. .1. . . . . - a. d. iao jo umena me cnarter ot Be0"m0"ir"" COUnty- S. B. 750 To Increase the number of; commissioners of Sampson county and appoint ine same. B. 766 To amend the charter of the Charlotte Electric Railway, Pow er and Light Company. S.-B. 748 To amend chapter 50, acts 1901, relating to the road law of Polk county. S. B. 755 To amend the charter of the town of Garner, Wake county. S. B. 753 To amend the charter of Belmont, Qaston county. S. B. 382 To amend section 1183 of V. w.lrln I I . I - . ,c.,DUi ai.u Eiumgu me powers or minority stockholders in the election of officers of corporations. ine roiiowing nouse Dills passer final reading and were enrolled for ratification (unless otherwise stated) . r. oi)i. . r. am locating ana es- tablishlng the boundary line between Hertford and Bertie counties. n. rs. si, . a. 3u incorporating the Itoxboro Real Estate and Trust Company. Amended and returned to ment. To protect pheasants and S. B. 781- grouse in certain counties. After n ,vard an amendment tu ihansc the number of counties had been except. : word "shall" to may,, in Its application by amendments, the bill passed second ; to conductors" ejecting drunken per and third reading and was sent to the i sons. housc- I Mr. Buxton added t hat his former To Kegulute Stringing of Telephone Wires S. B. 683 To amend Bection 3845 of the revlsal. relating to telephone lines, The bill requires telephone companies to socure consent of owners of prop - erty, before stringing wires on private premises, and abolishes the penalty ..at owners oi premises now are suo- ject to If they remove wires that have been strung without their knowledge i and consent.) Mr. Buxton favored and Mr. Blair! opposed the bill. Mr. Buxton stated that he did not lm,ul lnl a teiepnone com- imiiy hiiuuiu even De auowea 10 go through a man's farm or timber lands (much, less a man's private ' yard around his residence, and often on the houses) without first, consulting the owner and securing consent. Mr. Reid took the same view of Mr. Buxton. Did not think trees of others should be confiscated by such compa nies and made to serve ln place of telephone poles. ' Mr. Holt offered an amendment, stipulating that the bill shall apply to the future stringing of wires, and not to cover the re-strlnging of wires with- out the consent of owners of premises being secured in advance. mis. as ne ana Mr. Hiair tnougnt, derstood that th(.r0 ta already a law would prevent the cutting of wires al- wnich authorizes conductors to eject ready strung by ,the owners of land, ' objectionable persons, drunken or some of whom might take undue ad- , otherwise vantage of the new law . j Mr McLean: "O" I understand that Mr. Howard hoped Mr. Buxton wpuld thlB bul requires the conductors to not accept the amendment and would cJect drunken people -makes It man stick to his original proposition. The datory, that he 'shair do so?" gall of some of tho companies in Just Upn being assured that was so, Mr. going ahead and stringing their wires McLean declared tint he was oppos anywhere they please without saying ed to the bill. "Who is to be the Judge a word to any one. ot whether a man is drunken or not? Mr. Mason thought the amendment , ts the conductor s opinion to warrant proper and advisable. I him, in' throwing a supposedly or actu- Mr. Pharr thought Mr. Buxton's bill aly Intoxicated person from his a good one. As the law now stands, train?" a man cannot remove a dead tree or The bill after passing second read post on his premises that has a tele- ng was returned to tbe calendar, on phone wire attached to it, and put objection by Mr. Fleming to final there without the., knowledge or con--reading today. It will come up again Rent nf tho nrnrArtv nwnor n rt i7 H i : . . sent of the property owner, and with out any legal condemnation. As to the argument that some owner of property may get ugly and refuse to allow a wire to be strung on his premises and thus Interrupt a circuit, etc.. the, com- IHLiwy iuig tM, uiiiiciu puuuu uuilljr,nnd gent t)J th(. tl(,st. can secure condemnation proceedings that will protect them in such cases as that. Several senators sent forward amendments excepting their counties from the provisions of the bill. In cluding the counties of Rowan, Pas quotank, McDowell, Iredell, Montgom ery, Randolph, Perquimans, Currituck, Camden, Gaston .Gates, Hertford. A motion to table the bill by Mr. Mc Laughlin failed. .. The bill' yas' then. , by; general con sent, re-committed so Jt could be al tered to better suit the f Views Ot he enate.- ,' : :, '?"'.' ' . '!. $,', . -4 Additional Bills Passed. S, B, 191 To prohibit public drink ing in railway coaches-buffet and smoking cars excepted, Sent to the house. - : v.-, "H. R 404,18. B. 192 Reducing fees of Johnston county officials. . Amend ment of house committee concurred in. Enrolled for ratification. H. B. 227, S. B. 445 Amending sec tion 128$ of the revlsal. relative to one-half foes f orf; witnesses before grand Juries when ; hot ( true bill' i Is found, i;' Enrolled tar ratification- 'Ap plies ; to Watsraga," "Caldwell and Tan cey countes only.) ' f ' . 5 ;' f , V H. B. 866,. 8. B.' 2 Regulatng pay f county officers of Cherokee county. Enrolled for ratification, j Joint resolution' providing for pay of cemmlttee In visiting State Normal and Industrial '.College at Greensboro. sent, to nouse.: . ; . " i ' Stv B. 471-Authorising the governor to expend not to exceed $4,000 annually: ) itate, especially1 in Ases Involving the (execution of acta td improve railway freight transportatipBt. ' ,:On objection the bill was returned to the calendar after1" second reading. S. B. 611AmeBdlng section 3847-49 so as to include-electric power lines,1 as well as telephone and electric light wires. (Makes thfr penalty for inter-, ferlng wlthUranaralsslon lines apply to vleetrlQ power; transmislson also.). Sent to house. Dentists Mnf ' Be IiPgHllj Termed - .'Doctors." j S. B? 543 To ' restore the profession ' of dentistry to (ts "former position as1 a branch of' medicine and Kurucry. i Thebill received the aiti-ntiun of a1 number of senators, Mr. Thorne and Mr. Hicks expressed the Iviy., that the bill would pass,. while M.-ssrs. Hn-ese and others were -inclined to think the bill would transfer too mm h author ity! to dentists in prescrihint,- f, cer tain allmentSr-"lndigestt.i:i arising from bad teeth; and other alii, il indus tries," as ISt. Breeaq st:ii,,i u Mr. Drewry-' explained th. i rovls- lne;ions of the bill and stated ti1Ht as he I iinilaretAnJ' It It MTUM f r, I I to ele vate an honorable, occupation which many excellent men'wcrc i-m.aK1.,i in. i i jui,.t u. a,-.,!, ,, Ported the bill' and spok, i Th h, th.n ntumKti s I!, i 1 1:" i sup- ftvor. -adlng .1 i and waa to the boas, ' S. B. 260 Amending Hi-ni the revlsal, relative to dav I (Substitute by commit!. second time and returned i. ' Drunken Polks Musn'i . S. B. 228 To prevent In sons from" traveling in i n : steamboats, etc. "A,j Mr. Breese advocated th. ! Mr. Buxton expressed tl mi '1235 of "f grace. Read calendar. Travel. ilicn per- A.iy cars, manure, opinion common carrier should no' i and then . riliirt fnre from ft man ., ; thr, th. r4tin. !T , issibly to nlt;ht In uch com fr,p rtfia(h :inm, some out-of-the-way pia. panies should hot.be iop.. ci cd to commit murder ln.ny sin h way. Mr nrnhnm anil , Mr Ic key spoke aham call tion to the , in faVor of the bill. Mr ing attention Irt this con nroimaed elimination of th second -vailed a nost ne- i class roach If that ldi i i law like this would becuia.- Mr. Turner thought th.' wording of thn bill too mandatory ami scut for- j remarks were Intended In represent I opinion that because a man un- roriunateiy or rrom any inner cause, rrato In thai n rl 1 f f i"l n la i, c ,, ,,1 j he Bhoul(J fce Wp,, as , h(J wag nQt human and di(1 nt ave a ' Ml ,.r , h..H Hm,.n,lmnt tn ;the efter;t that par8ons ,.J(H.u.d ghan ; haye rec0ur8e at iaw ln an actlon for dama&e3 against ,the company. The bill, in section, . three says the conductor, or .captain "shall" eject "any Intoxicated person, whether such I person entered In ah" Intoxicated con dition or became so On 'board after en- tering 8Uch rallroad car or steam boat," etc: I A number of amendments were pro posed,' among them -th following, which was adopted; j By Mr. Graham Arpend jlne three In section three, after the word "shall" the words "shall have power to." Mr. Long supported Ihe Blair amend ment and when Mr. Huxtonj asked him ! if he did not think that the widow of a man who annuld lose hin life under ' , triitir.ne au nnt ..nititB,t tn the prlvncge of a suil fur damages. Mr. Long replied no. he did not think she 8houid have such a right, , Mr. Turner's amendment was wlth- (drawn, Mr. Turner stating that he un- next weeK Bawdy House Bill Passed. After being amended so as to change It ruin to rond "A Mil to chiinco the rule8 of eVldt,,M (. j ,,.rtaln cases. Mr. g., "bawdy house bill"- was passed Additional -New Bills. (Out of the regular order and after the expiration of the morning hour, the following additional , new bills were Introduced in the senate today: By Mr. Graham: Providing for the working of the roads of Hillsboro township, Orange eouoty; .and sub mit the question of Issuing bonds of the township to meet expenses for same. Calendar. ;. By Mr. Balling ! To protect the public in the right to ship over and receive goods from railroads, etc. JJy Mr. Buxton: A bill supplemental to the bill alrearlv introduced tn ref erence to aiding in construction of electric road from Winston to High Point. By Mr. Buxton: An amendment to hla hill nrnvldine for a recorder s court f0r Winston. aulhorUIng an election on question first Tuesday in May. 4 The! senate at 14" o'clock adjourned to meet at 11 o'clock Monday. t New Tork Poultry Market. . New fTTork, Feb. MS. Poultry kllve quiet; western chickens J2; fowls l 1-S turkeys. 14. i Dhesscd easy; western chickens 18 18; turkeys 14 17; fowls $ 9 is 1-2. ,i-'.iT;'c':S;v ti.y i i in,',, V !.'V:'' The harvest alone brought Austria- Hungary ' 2,785.3 million crowns (55.m,9Q0), or 250 million crowns ' ($50,760,000) more than ln 19 05, Trben there was By no means poor harvest.- FIFTY Assets. Cash in banks and office . . Real Estate (market val.). U. S. Bonds (market val.). Bonds and Mortgages Loans secured by collateral New York City Consolida ted Stock (market val.). Bank, Railroad and other Stocks and Bonds (mar ket value) 6,267,404.00 Interest and Rents Due and Accrued Reinsurance on Paid Losses Premiums in. Course of Collection (net) Surplus lo Policy Holders, 3,166,823.87. ALL SAN FRANCISCO LOSSES PAID. H. C. STOCRDELL, General Agent. Atlanta, Ga. WEATHERS & PERRY, ART NEEDLE WORK DEPARTMENT. What an accomplishment to be able to execute fine Droiaery is noi taunt in many scnoois m America, still tne American woman, with her aptness and skill, her never-tiring effort to learn send hing new, and her quick mind, can, with a few lessons and careful observation and by the help of I books on Embroidery, accomplish wonderful results. In attempting any kind of I needlework, always be very SILK FLOSS SOFA PILLOW. SHU Floss is a non-absorbent vegetable fibre which grows near the equatorial line. It never gets lumpy and is extremely light and fleecy. 18-inch, 35c; 20-inch, 45c; 22-Inch, 65c; 24-lnch, 75c EMBROIDERY COTTON. D. M. C. for French and Shadow Embroidery. All sizes, 25c. per dozen sk. 'Peerless Lustre Embroidery Cot ton for all classes of white needle work, darning, etc., per sk. 5c; per dozen, 50c. CLARK'S LUSTER CROCHET COTTON. Warranted 100 yards on spool. Each 5c; per dozen, 50c Clark's Darning Cotton, two spools for 5c; 25c. dozen spqola. - - . I-; ' r.',- ESTABLISHED 1893. 82-S4 Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Nicholas Building, Toledo, O. . Lennox Building, Cleveland, O. 223 Diamond St., Pittsburg, Pa. Send name and address for information why A. C. P. and R. D. G. will sell at 250. R. M. WEAVER, 217 SOUTH nitOAl) ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT Eastern District of North Carolina. In tlio matter of GEORGE L. CUNINGHAM, Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy No. 212. Notice of First Mortinft of -Creditors. To the Creditors of George L. Cuning ham, of Cuningham, in the County of Person and District aforesaid, a Bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that on the 8th day of February, A. D. 1907. the said George L. Cuningham was duly adjudicated bankrupt, and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at mv office ln Roxboro, In said district, on the 2 2d day ot February, A. D. 1907, at 11 o'clock a. m., at which - time the said creditor! may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. ; V. H. BOTDKN. Referee la Bankruptcy. ' Raleigh, N. C. Feb. 11, 1907. St Brooklyn, N. Y. - FOURTH ANNUAL STATEMENT. $9fX),210.G2 568,000.00 163,200.00 48,000.00 o:,ooo.oo 400,000.00 10.065.79 63,083.89 96S.357.10 $9,541,321.40 careiul m selecting the best AGENTS FOR COLUMBIA YARNS. These yarns are tha best In the market and noted for their even ness and elasticity oi thread, bril liancy and durability of color and variety of shades. Each hank is subdivided into four even skeins. The system of packing and in specting Columbia Yarn is very thorough and very strict. You will find their excellence consist- j ent through the greatest number of packages. For Bale only by WEATHERS & PERRY, Art Department, RALEIGH, N. C. ); Hubbard Bros. J Co. liANOVKK Hyi AlilC, t v. HMth MEMBERS OF Ne York Cotloii fcii change. New Orleans Cotton Kx change, Associate Menibor l.lvr pool Cotton Association 0RDER8 SOLICITED For i.u. , chase and sale of cotton fei tutu--delivery Corrasoondonr ln.-1'A Raleigh Investment Co Securities of all kind tx-uch' and sold. MONEY TO LOAN C. N. FREEMAN, Swwlary Office: Capital Club BuililluB SOUTHERN RAILWAY. N. H. Following schedule figure? published only as lnformat'on. and ar not euaranteed: Trains leave Raleigh: No. 112 5:15, a. in Dally lor Golds boro and local stations. No. 117 7:50 a. m. Daily for Ulch ond and local stations. Through coaches to Chase City and Richmond. No. 1079:05 a. m. Daily for Greens boro and local stations No. 10810.20 a. m. Daily for Golds boro and all local points. No. 144 1.:05 p. m. Daily for Goldsboro and local points. No. 1352:50 p. m. Dally for Greens boro and Intermediate stations. No. 1396:30 p. m. Daily for Greens boro and local points. No. 136 :30 p. m. Daily for Golds boro and local points. No. 11111:59 p. rrt Dally for Greens boro and local points; carries Pull man sleeper Raleigh to Greensboro open for occupancy at 9.00 p. m.. Trains arrive Raleigh: From Greensboro 5.15 a. m., 10.20 a. m 1:05 p. m., 6:30 p. m. From Goldsboro 9.06 a. m., 2.60 p. m. 6:30 p. m., 11:59 p. m. From Richmond and Chase City 7.06 C. H. ACKHRT. V. P. and a. M. S. H. HARDW1CK Passenger TJraffic Manager. W. H. TAYLOB, General Psseenger Agent, - Washlnrton, D. OL T. 81 Green, C T. A-s -lUlelgfc. N. a Liabilities. Reserve Fund for Un- earned Premiums .'$5,290,103.10 Reserve Fund for Un- ' paid Losses, Commis- j sions and all other claims, 1,084,394.431 Cash Capital 1,500.000.00 NET SURPLUS 1,666,823.87 $9,541,321.40 needlework. While Em- materials. "METEORYARN." j French Embroidery Cotton, ! made in Germany, 10c bunch, 10 sk. to the bunch. The most accomplished ' needle worker cannot do good work with out the best of materials. HEMINWAY & SON'S WASH SILK. Combine perfect smoothness of Silk, evenness of spin and twist, beauty of color, brilliancy of lus- tre, delicacy of shading and abso lute fastness of dye used by the best teachers and art scholars everywhere. Pillow Cords, Pillow ' tops, Stamped Pieces, etc. Stamping neatly and carefully done. Art Needlework Supplies;- MONDAY, FEB. 18th i. ' Matiqee and Night SHEPARD'S Moving Pictures EVERYTHING NEW PRICES NIGHT 25, 35, 50, MATINEE 15 AND 25. iSeats on Sale at . TUCKER BUILDING , PHARMACY. F. F. V HAMS; Only 17 cents. ' Kingan's Breakfast Bacon. ...17Hc Swift's Premium Hams. . lJo Jowls lOe Carolina Shoulders .100 Trade with ns and yonll nerer pay high prices. . ' ' J.EMUDY&GO. a "j A v'. ''-'-

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