,TIIE BALEIGLI EVENINOTIMES: ONDAYFEBItUAKY. 23,17. 7' 1 f t iuiliiC FLMJT CLOSED DOWN la Accordance With Order I K' Mayor Jolinsoa CITV , WITHOUT LIGHTS At 7 O'Clock Last Night Current iyia Turned Off on Account of ' Sleet and Danger From llroken 'j, Wires i-No Cars Were Operated. . ; Candles- Used at Yarborough. ' The city of Raleigh had a desolate appearance last night, for not an electric light burned In the city and only a building here and there was '. lighted, and some of those faintly, '-for In, inany Instances candles sifd to le resorted to. At seven o'clock last,' evening Mayor Johnson ordered ' the power house closed down f.s ' poles had been broken in many Vj . places, by the leet and wires wore strung along the sidewalks and also across the roadways. Until the elec trie plant was closad down it was 1 very dangerous. The street car com pany had not been warned and nil v," of the cars wore left where they ware when the power was turned oft. One car was left opposite the Raney library, ons in front of the supreme 1 Court building, one on Blount j, .street, one nsar West street and one ;v.-ou Saunders. A light was placed on e each car and a man left in charge. The night was unusually quiet for very few people were to be seen on ) the street, thsre was no rumble of the passing cars, and only now and then was a conveyance to be seen. The stillness was occasionally broken by the crunching of tho ica as some 1 ' one passed along the street, or as a , , limb would come crashing to the ground. Those who passed through ' ' - the capltol square beneath th3 large ' and majestic oaks did not seem to ' realize the danger that they wen; In. Ther3 was at least one person ' who had a narrow escape. Just as a man passed from under one of the , , mighty oaks a portion of a large limb broke and came crashing to the ' granolithic pavement. It is not usual that the city of - . Raleigh has a slaet that does so ' i, much damage. During the greater part qf the day yesterday it did not look like the gleet would amount to ' ? much, and at one time during the f day It appsared to be melting, but towards nightfall it got worse and then it was that the wires began to t break. On Salisbury street, just west of the capltol, where twenty or thirty telephone wires leave a cable and go in various directions, the top of the polo supporting the cross arms brykq and fell to the sidewalk. It is a solid pole and was snapped off like a pipe stem, which shows what a terrible weight it had on it. Last night the Postal Telegraph was entirely disabled and the West ern Union was in tho same fix as far as wirs to the south were con cerned, but the sleet did not seem (o be very bad north of Raleigh. The telephone companies suffered as had or worse than the telegraph compa nies and it was difficult laet night to get any connection whatever. . Despite tho fact that there wore i no electric lights the streets were j'fcot dark by any muans for the clouds J were not sufficiently thick to prevent tho moon , from giving some light and this combined with the light af ' forded by every thing being covered With Ice made tho streets very light. i Like an Inn of the Long Ago. "i In the far distant past wh?n the ordinary lamp, when gas and elec ; trie lights were unknown, light was Women Avoid Operations ' . When a woman suffering from female titrable is told that an oper ation is necessary, it, of course, frightens her. , The very thought of the hospital, the operating1 table and the knife strikes terror to her heart. It is quite true that these troub les may reach a stag where an ope ration is the only resource, but a great many women have been cured by Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound after an operation has been decided npon m the only cure. TVi rtNiniMa n.nA mnat (rmtAfiil statements possible to make come from women who by taking , .' Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound mads from native roots and herbs.' have escaped serious operations, as evidenced by Miss Bote Moore's ease, of 307 W. 86th St , K. Y. Bhe writes- Dear Mrs. Pinkham:-"Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has cured ma of ths very worst form of female trouble and I wish to express to yon my deepest gratitude. I snffsred Intensely for two years so that I was unable to attend to my duties and was a burden to my family. I doctored and doctored with only temporary relief and constantly objecting to an operation which I was advised to undergo. I decided to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound; It eared me of the terrible trouble and I am now la better health than I have been far many years. This and other nch eases should encourage every woman to try Ly dia E. Pin kham's Vegetable Compound before she submits to an operation. iirs. FinKnam s aianaing inviumuu w vuu . Women suffering from any form of female weakness art invited to promptly oonununtcate with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. From ths symptoms given, the trouble may be located and ths quickest and sorest way of recovery advised. . ' ' y" ' '' J, furnished by 'tallow candles, and even In this day and time they often have to be resorted to. They: were' brought Into use ' last night at the Yarborough House and it is not known how many other places. The lobby of the YarboijDUgh, looked, like the lobby of an inni might have ap peared a century or more ago. On each side of the register was a can dle and several were on the cigar stand,' and on the ornamantal cigar cutter were two tallew candles. The faces of the men gathered in the lobby could be seen only with diffi culty, every thing being dim and In--distinct. There were a large number of legislators in the lobby, a larger number than usual, and the dark ness possibly made the noise more noticeabl3. It was not loud but sounded like a bee hive on a Bum mer's night. In the writing room men sat around the table and tried to accustom themselves to the small tallow candles which gave a Boft steady glow; at the tables in the din ing room guests, many of them per haps for the first tims in their life, ate the meal by the light of a can dle, and ever and anon some one would come to the office and want a candle for their room. Ons gentle man stepped up to the desk on which is kept the register, leaned over and lit his cigar by means of the candle, and as he did so remarked, "That is the first time in thirty years I have done that," and looked down at the candle as one would look at a long-absent friend. The scene at the Yarborough House was truly one of the long ngo, and those gathered at the hostelry will, no doubt, long remember the night in Raleigh when the building was lighted by means of tallow candles. Toner Turned On At 11 O'clock. The plant of th Raloigh Electric Company was started up this morn ing at 11 o'clock and the street cars that had stood in different parts of the city since early last night moved off and began to mak3 their regular runs, much to the gratification of the general public. , On account of there being no power The Evening Times was badly crippled, for the linotype machines are operated by motors and it was 11 o'clock before they could be started. The officials of the electric company say that they had their line in readiness to turn the currant on by 10 o'clock but could not find the mayor or chief of police in order to get permission to do so. There was no trouble about the wires of tho electric com pany, but many wires of the tele phone companies were across thj street car and electric light wires, which made it very dangerous. The lights would not hav3 been cut off or tho cars stopped, it is said, if the mayor had not ordered it done. The sun worked a wonderful transformation this morning in a very short time. When the first rays of tho early morning sun broke: through a rift of clouds the trees presented a beautiful sight in their glistening armor of ice but this rap idly disapeared and by 10 o'clock thay had been freed of their burden and the mighty oaks in the capitol square had paid but little tribute to the cruel ice which last night caused the limbs to bend almost to the point of breaking, but only a few gave way undsr the weight. It will probably be several days before the telephone systems get a' ot their telephones in good working order, for wires are broken in many places. Both telegraph companies were badly crippled thi3 morning, but this afternoon their wires were in much better shape. NOT ALLOWED TO OUST M'CARREN. (Ey the Associated Press.) New York, Feb. 25. The state democratic committee was perma nently enjoined today from ousting State Senator Patrick McCarren, of Brooklyn, from membership in that committee, by a decision given by Supreme Court Justice Kelley in Brooklyn. MISS. ROSEMOORE . m REFORM SCHOOL SPECIAL ORDER Two Bills oq Subject to be Considered This Week LOBBY ; BILL TOMORROW Goods Sold In Bulk After Passing Second Heading Bill Is Also .Made Special Order A. and M. College Dervice Bill Goes Through State Senate Proceedings. In the state senate today interest centered in the speech of Senator Graham, rising to a "question of the highest privilege," reported sepa rately in this issue. Three or four bills of general in terest and importance were passed as reported balow, and a raft of lit tle local measures of no importance to the general public. The senate meets at 9.30 tomor row morning. 'Rev. Dr. Massee, pastor of the Bap tist Tabernacle Church, offered the opening prayer this morning after the senate had been called to order at 10:30 o'clock. Senator John W. Graham of Or ango arose, after the .journal had been approved, and gavo notice that ho would at 12 o'clock noon today :riso to a question of the highest privilege. Mr. Itedwine moved that the lobby bill bo made the special order for 1 2 o'clock tomorrow (Tuesday). Car ried. N'ew Billf Introduced. By Mr. Buxton To incorporate the P.aleigh & Winston-Salem Railroad Company. Corporations committee. By Mr. Buxton To incorporate tho Winston Hanking and Trust Com pany. Corporations committee. By Mr. Harrington Amending Harnett county stock law. Calendar. By Mr. Greer Authorizing issue of bonds by a township in Bladen county. Calendar. By Mr. Howard Relating to the courts of Edgecombe county. Calen dar. By Mr. Ormond To amend sec tion 2776, Revisal, relating to fees of register of deeds of Lenoir county. Calendar. By-Mr. Buxton To amend charter of town of Walnut Cove, Stokes county. Calendar. By Mr. Howard Amending corpo rate limits of town of Lawrence, Edgecombe county. By Mr. Stubbs To incorporate town of Hollyville, Pamlico county. Calendar. By Mr. Harrington Amending law relating to school district in Harnett county. Calendar. By Mr. Kluttz To amend the Code, relative to evidence against dead persons. Revisal committee. By Mr. Blair To protect game in Montgomery county. Calendar. Calcndai" Bills Passed. For better working of roads of Brunswick county. To extend corporate limits of the town of Grafton. To improve roads of Caldwell county. To a;:wnd law relating to roads of Montgomery county. For better working of roads of Brunswick county. To extend corporate limits of Clif ton. To amend chapter 641, acts 1905. Authorizing Carteret county to sell old and build new court house and Jail. Incorporating Franklinsville graded school in Randolph county. Relating to gi-aded schools of Cam eron, Moore county. Establishing new school district in Windsor, Bertie county. In promoting good roads in Mitchell county. To provide for working roads in Cedar Grove, Orange county. Authorizing Union county to Issue bonds for bridge purposes. Relating to charter of town of Ger manton. " Respecting the working of the roads of Halifax county. Authorizing Iredell county to levy special tax for road purposes. Authorizing Iredell county to Issue bonds. .'-. Authorizing Pitt county to Issue bonds. Amending charter of the town of Rocky Mount. . Establishing graded school in War ren county. y Incorporating Indian Trail In Union county. To charter, the town of Pine Level. To punish stealing of railroad brasses (amended by Mr. Pharr.) v j To prevent the theft of freight In transit. -z v-"-"- Incorporating the Seaboard, Greens borough and Great Western Railroad Company. .'" ";,' v;:-' ; ''U rf1? Amending section 1264, Increasing the number of challenges la cases lees than capital. - (Passed second reading and returned to calendar.)-!. V-5.vi.!:v Relating to depredations .by fowls.. Regulating courts of Dare county." TdTWqtect game, ducks and geese, In Neuse river.- ;. -r -j---- i;-' Vacating n order of the board of commissioners of Northampton coun ty in 1906, relating to stock law, etc -, a. Keionnatory Measure. 6. B.: 13! To punish youthful of fenders.- Substitute bill by the sent- ate committee lor, ths original bill, i Mr. Ormond spoke for the measure and earnestly advocated its ; passage. ; :'i ;" fir. Buxton of Forsyth sent forward an amendment making the maximum of boys to be sent to the proposed re formatory sixteen. Instead of sixteen years, and also changing the phrase, ology : of a section and plaelng limit In the . discretion of the Judge," Reformatory Bills and Their Chances The bill! (substitute) then passed second reading ' and was returned to the calendar for third reading In eon nectlon with another bill on tho name subject.1'. $( - " ', The other bill referred to is that.rof Mrs. Ktnsland, being H. li. 246, S. B. 1207, which waa received from the com--mittee a few minutes later and It was made the special order for Thursday of this week at 11 o'clock a. m. The title of the Ktnslaml reforma tory bill ls.'i,j:.?i.V'v,,: "To establish"; s'' reformatory man ual or training School, for the deten tion and reformation of the criminal youth of the state.? This bill passed. Its first reading Ir! the senate today, -and as atuted, will be discussed Thursday. February 28th, at 11 o'clock a. "jn as the special order. It incorporates, a number of women, (Mrs. Mary Ann Jackson. Maggies S. Burgwyn, Miss Easdale Shaw. MrB4'W. Falson. et al) as trustees, the "Stone wall Jackson Manual Training and In dustrial School." Site to bo selected in future. Thls 'btll also limits the ago of admissions to sixteen years. Calendar Resumed. The following ' additional calendar bills passed third reading: Increasing pay of registrars and Judges of election to $2 per day. Providing for justices of the peace in Washington County. Incorporating, the Hotti.- Savings Hank at Greensboro. On motion of j Mr. Drewiy, the bill providing forthe dlvorcenu-n of the A. and M. College and the slate Depart ment of AGrlculture was placed on tho calendar. ' a., : When the bill was taken up soon af ter it passed second and third reading and was ordered enrolled fur ratifica tion. (It provides for scp-irate boards, etc.. of the Institution of the A. & M: College and another for the Agricul tural Department. Mr. Ayeoek ex plained Its provisions.) To amend section 20SH of the revisal, adding a county . to landlord and ten ant ect. ti . Incorporating Philips Chapel In Ala mance county. State's Credit Asked. Amending chapter 30"i. private laws of 1905. relating Uo Waynesvillo Rail road and Power Compan y. Mr. lireese explained the bill. Some of the provis ions are unusual, looking to tho guar anteeing of some pf the bonds of the railway and power company. The bill asked the state to, guarantee the pay ment of certaiqit-fnf the thirty-year bonds, and In.. lieu the capitalists who are to take ovej the construction of the road, offer 'do. give absolutely to the state stock to the amount of Dl percent of the -total capital. Ho ar gued that the baeklng which the state would give thecSmpany, and thereby enable it to strengthen. Its credit, would cost the state ytWg pecuniarily, for in the event tharjjthe, road Is ever sold under foreclosure rr. ether forced sale, there is a provision that any claim the state may have dn the property shall be paid first reimbursed in full for evefy dollar the (state - hs spent (if any) beforo the stockholders can get a cent, etc. -ft;ie ': Mr. Breese dwelt -upon the great good the building of . this: road would accomplish and tha; .?e very day foil need of such e. ''ifed"-fcibw it would open up resoureel"t)(."tJiat Section of state, etc. j v Tho state is not asked indorse the bonds, as requested, "until as much as fifty miles of the road has; been actual ly built and In actual operation "sat isfactory anil acceptable to the ma jority of the state directors on the board." Mr. Odcll said the bill WftS a matter of responsibility, the. Indorsement of J460.O00 of bonds'. That, as there are many senators absent .v today, he thought it best to let the matter go over for future consideration. Mr. Breese agreed to Its postponement to 11 o'clock Friday morning, next, and it was made the special forder for that dav end hour. -t. ..f The bill to amend 'Motion .2080 of the revisal, relating to pare,. County was tabled. ;;C;,lf Bill regulating pay of jurors of Robe son county. Sent to house for con currence In substitute. ."iJ i'v Rill to establish a recorder's court in city of Wilmington; H Amended In house. Enrolled for ratification. Sale of Goods in Bulk. .Tomorrow. Riil to rpjulatf the sale bf goods In bulk and to prevent11 fraud therein, (Mr. Buxton explained the action of the committee on the. bill. ' The bill re quires seven days' notice to creditors, to take account of stock,' etc., when a merchant decides to close out his Btock in bulk.) . ". ' ' Mr. Hicks suggested that the bill might be in restraint of trade, and It so, courts would not -uphold it. Mr. Buxton thought not.:.' i Mr. Hicks thought-the 'hill a mon strosity, and he opposed . U. He moved further consideration be de ferred and the hiM 2e gnade Ja special order for tomorrow "XTllcsday) at 12 o'clock, noon. Adopted, ' To regulate retirement of . capital stock In certain cases. ; Senf to the house. . ' t .-v " The senate at 2 O'clock adjourned te meet at 9:30 o'clock tomorrow morn ing, i t BALES OF COTTON AT LIVERPOOL. (By the Associated Press.) . ' J Liverpool, Feb. 23. The cotton ; ex change announced ' today that the semi-annual count- of cotton here shows a total of 977,000 bales includ ing 894,000 American. ' "WHEKT TOTT WANT THE BEST - ' , . BAMS TO BOIL BUY ! SHAFT'S r , At ALL 6S0d3., , DEFEND THE HOMES The Wise Will Have Ready. Vick,9 Croup d : : : Pneumonia Salve Also -v, Grippe Knockers, 25c; At all druggists' or mailed by U RICHARDSON ? .:H.MTE Chemist, ; ,: . . Greensboro, Ji. C. FLOWER SEEDS. Of course you want the best, the most prolific and sure-to-grow Flower Soeds. WE'VE GOT 'EM. Having come to us direct from the greatest seed grow ers in America. 'Phone calls have prompt attention. TUCKER. DRUG COMPANY N. C. Home Insurance Building. HOTEL ST. D NIS BROADWAY AND I1TH ST. NEW YORK CITY. ; ; Within Easy Access of Every Point of Interest Half Block from Wanamaker's. 5 minutes' walk of Shopping District. NOTED FOR: Excellence of Cuisine, Comfortable Appoint ments, Courteous Service and Homelike. Surroundings. ' Rooms $1.50 Per Day and Up. EUROPEAN PLAN. Table d'Hote Breakfast 60c WM. TAYLOR & SON, Inc. ALSO nOTEL MARTINIQUE, Broadway and 33d Street 4 QUARTS 8HIPPEDIN PLAIN. NEAT PACKAGES EXPRESS ( PREPAID. Tb8 COUSINS SUPPLY CO. v RICHMOND, VA. Dpt. T OFFICE SUPPLIES rwrrrnrrv ; v We handle one ' of ths . ri most complete sets of of ; . . flee supplies In the state. Everything that.ls needed In ' the - office. Ledgers, : . Day Books, Journals, etc., -' tc. ' ' ' Alfred 7il!i:as '& Co "s 1 I !K-XT'WijvLY I I ' S prouneea at me price, on iuu quarts, 4.ou. I jra ivKW4!iT?M4 I I- Co.rrf- ( A ) i u ii i 'rn i si i . i sSill ! i Laiarus, Lynchborg, Va. ; :"' AN OLD MELLOW Ww '." '.. . " "' 1 , . . .' . " . - MORTR CAROLHf A f ,, 1 .15.,- " J. - -r . . , ., . .c, COPPER Di8TIU.ES . l H -4 "". j i n , , i - WHISKEYJ "'. , . A Satisfaction Guaranteed or yout IlSl '4 T ., mrKM Ml . -ssr ..... J . . . - : 1 1 . f" O wtt , v r , mm,. Tuesday ;yf Fell. 26. ''Ml m.lil..::-t.S-; Peruchijand Qypszene With a. New Company of Sqlect. Players, the" most noted performers that evef appeared with a PopularvPriced Attraction. The Highest Class Spe cialties on the road today. fc-w- "i ,' . -: . : ''. '' MATINEE WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. f T49. f 'ASSE.TaV. CAPITAL Sl-RTLl'S.AND PROFITS. 130,000.00 By the -favor of our patrons we have been able to accumulate these large funds, which we hold IN TRUST and for the encourage ment of every 'legitimate industry. It is always a pleasure to serve our old friends, and we cordially welcome new ones. . Correspondence or personal calls Invited. THE CITIZENS - RAt&ICH, N. C. ,-",..:- 4 . - ' JOSEPH1 O. , BR0WN President. " "' 'l IHSNRY E.f IdTCHFORD, Cashier. ll.il j. jl" jj.i i . i smfsmmmsmsmm ViVimW.YVt'W.Vt'AWAVWW.'r'lVi' i Case Lots at Lowest Trices For table, medicinal or cookinff purposes, we are offering the very best values in pure liquors and im ported cordials, at remarkably low prices. The demand for case lots of high-grade whiskies, has forced me to put up a number of 4-quart cases notably among these, are f . - , Yadkin River, 6 yaar old corn, $2.SO JUbtrmarl Ryt, agmd In wood, fS.OO Another exceptional ofTer is in (-quart eases of Monongahelia XXXX. This is the finest rye whiskey ever produced at the price. Six full quarts, $4.50. ThaM Prtcaa laclod Eatprss Chrji . Mail orders are filled the dav received, -and forwarded on first trains. Writs . for price list J - J : J Xar((st Mall Order Boon la ta iSaotlh - WML? I' Bfe-i-.- rrv ....... , : "a : UAliT-W ABD HABDWA v - - Cutter , THE, COMMERCIAL I ' i RALEIGH. N. C. 1 t capit.o.- . . SURPLUS i . iuu,uw.w -'Stands first in point of: deposits among tho 271 , -State Banks, Private Banks and Trust Compa u 1 ' nics in North Carolina ' which do not pay intcr V est on deposits. " ' " , ' . , NEW BITSIN ESS WANTED. HjQHTS$ Beginning., The Cent Show now play ing at 10, 20 and 80c. . HORSES AND MULES rou EVEltV rcnrosK ALWAYS O.N IIAKD. JVM. PACE MULE CO. Billy Taylor, Manager. SRI &!&2CK2.27 1 $100,000.00 I NATIONAL BANK J it EE C0.j Agents for Keen Tools. " , - ; - - u AND FARMERS BANK; ,r. ; $ioo,ooo.oo

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