THE EVENING MONDAY, EH UALlY L3, c TilE MAYOR IN A FIGHT Bad an Encounter TWs Mora- Ing With Hr. R- L Gray ; Trouble : Occurred Over News and Observer's Report of City Exten- . siou Hearing Mayor Johnson Branded Statement Made by Mr. Gray as a Lie, and a Fight Ensued. Mayor James I. Johnson and Mr. Robert I Gray, of the News and Ob server, had a fight this morning In OooLyo40 YEAIIS OF CURES ft - " : - , The value of S. S. S, as a blood purifier has been thoroughly proven by its forty years of successful service ia the treatment of. blood and: skin dis eases of every character. Jt is the best known tod most generally used ' blood medicine on the market today, because in the forty years of its exist' ence it has not disappointed those who have used it, and as a result of its universal success in curing disease it has made frien4frJEVERY WHERE. It has been on the market for, forty years, and its record in that time is one of which we are justly proud it is a record of forty years of cures. As a remedy for Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Sores and Ulcers. Skin Diseases, Contagious Blood Poison and all diseases arising from an impure or poisoned condition of the blood, S. S. S. has no equal. It goes into the circulation and thoroughly cleanses it of all impurities and makes a complete and lasting cure of these troubles and disorders. It furnishes to weak, oollnted blood, rich, health-eivinsr and health-sustainine Qualities. and as this pure, fresh stream circulates through the system, all parts of the i body are invigorated end made strong and healthy. S. S. S. is the only , front of the California Fruit Store, but blood medicine on the market that can claim absolute freedom from minerals jted only a very short time, as in any form. This great medicine is the product of nature's forests and Menaa ot the gentlemen rushed In and fields, and Is made from the healing cleansing juices and extracts of roots, I policeman arrived herbs and barks.'1 It is, therefore, u addition to being a certain cure fot 1 blood troubles, an absolutely safe medicine for voung or old. . It is not an n the scene before the men ot experiment to use S. S. S. J it is a remedy Urith a record and one that has and placed them under arrest. They proven its worth and ability by its forty years of cures. Jl you need a blood were carried to the police station, remedy begin the use of S.S.S., and write our physicians and they will send where a warrant was issued- for en yon a book concerning your trouble, and will give you, without charge, any . gaffing in an affray, it was only a medical advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COmm ATLANTA. GAm simple assault and judgment was suspended upon payment ot ine cost $2.10 each. The fight occurred over a report in the News and Observer of the hear ing before the house committee on counties, cities and towns when the ex- sion of the city limits of Raleigh was Mr. Gray reported the that the outcome confounded their pre- hearing for tho News and Observer, dictions of trouble. There was the and the statement was made that greatest enthusiasm, but not the slight- I Mayor Johnson made a certain remark est hint of disorder. I may add that 1 after being prompted by Representa our experience all over the south from tive Charles U. Harris. This morning Mayor Johnson met Mr. Uray on the street and referred to the article In the News and Observer, and said he was not prompted by Mr. Harris. To this Mr. Gray replied that he was Mr. Harris. Mayor Johnson at this juncture In formed Mr. Gray that he was a liar, and trouble began. The- newspaper man struck Mayor Johnson, who grap pled with Mr. Gray and shoved him back against a post. Before further developments friends rushed in and separated the two gentlemen, and the fight was over. Mayor Johnson shows no marks of having been in an affray, but fhe right side of Mr. Gray's face looked a little red. Both submitted be fore Police Justice Badger, and Mr. Gray made a statement In regard ti the manner in which the fight occurred. LVJS ON THE WIRE Vfcn Attacked by Tramp Slicked Over . Phone ; THEATRICAL. J ACADEMY CALENDAR. Tonight "If I Were King." Tuesday night Peruchi-fiypzcne Company for five nights. Monday, March 4, Matinee and Night "The Clansman." Coming . When Knighthood Was In Flower. The Sign of the Cross. Adelaide Thurston in "The Girl From Out Yonder." The Man on the Box. pleased with the performance that he witnessed. "The Clansman" has a few deter mined opponents in Virginia, includ ing one or two doughty newspaper an tagonists. They were obliged to admit considered Maryland even to farthest Texas is of a piece with this. "We look forward with great pleas ure to playing next week ' in Raleigh where Governor Glenn gave us such Many Hushed to Ucr Assistance, But ' Were Too Late to Save Her ' Tramp's Capture Will Be Followed by Lynching. , V ' ; (By the Associated Press.) j : Centervllle, O.. Feb. 25. Rural tele phone users all over Wayne -county yesterday heard the screams of Mrs, George -stech while she struggled desperately, with a tramp who attack. ed hen n her home near the county line. , u f Men- la the homes of her nearest neighbors ,who hastened to get out teams and rush to her assistance, were too 'late to save Mrs. Stech or capture her assailant. Posses with . blood hounds are searching the countryside, and there Is a chance that the tramp will ba lynched if captured. Mrs, ' Stech says the tramp came to her- door.. and demanded admittance. She was alone in the house with her tbree-yearrold girl, and, frightened, She closed the door in the tramp's face and locked it. The man at once com menced to break down the door. Mrs. Stech carried her little girl to a bed room and locked her in. She then ran to her .telephone and rang to call for help,"' but; before she could speak the tramp had forced his way in and seis ed her. She dropped the receiver, leav ing the telephone open and the central operator heard her first scram. magnificent endorsement last year. ' prompted for he heard and where "The Clansman veritable host of friends." lias a WEATHER FORECAST. 'IF I WERE KING." In this romance of "If I Were King McCarty has managed to infuse a great j amount of up to date philosophy. In dealing with economics and political questions he might be writing of af fairs that at the present time agitate our own country. With a stroke of truth ho spans- the space between the fifteenth and twentieth centuries. Vil lon was an advanced sprit of this lime and saw three thrones Into the hearts of republics. At the end of his seven days of kingly power crowned with success King Louis marvelling at his accomplishments, asked him the secret of his seceess, Villon replies "I am a man of the people and I know what the people want." PERCCHI-GYPZENE' COMPANY. The Peruchi-Gypzene Stock Company comes to the Academy of Music Tues day night for a five nights' engagement presenting "The Senator's Wife" as the opening bill. This company come to (By ti.1) Associated Press.) Washington, Feb. 25 Forecast Mr North Carolina for tonight and Tues day: Fair tonight and Tuesday, colder tonight in extreme west portion and In northeast portion Tuisday; fresh west to northwest winds. Over the Mississippi valley and the southeast the atmospheric pressure is high with tho i li st of the wave north of Lake Superior; In this region tho temperatures arc moderately low. In the northeast and over the Rockies and Hunting for Trouble. I've lived In California 20 years, and am still hunting for trouble tn the way of burns, soresf wounds, boils, cuts, extreme northeast the pressure is low 1 sprain or a caae f plies that Buck with moderately high temperatures. ,,. Arnica Salve won't quickly cure," During the past 24 hours rain has been , writea Charles Walters, of Alleghany. general in the south and In New Eng- j sierra Co. No use hunting Mr. Wal- land and the Middle States. The fol- ters; jt cures every case, guaranteed lowing heavy precipitation, In Inches, i Dy all druggists. 25 cents. has been reported during the past 24 I TO SECURE JUBY FOR TRIAL OF STROTHEBS ' (By tho Associated Picas.) Culpeper, Va., Feb. 25. An1 effort will be made today to secure a jury from the fifty talesmen who have been sum moned here fiom Shenandoah county to serve' on the trial of Philip and James Strother, brothers, charged with the murder of their brother-in-law, Wil liam F. Bywaters, on the night of Dec ember. 15 last, shortly after the latter had been maried to Miss Viola Strother, the Sister of the two defendants. The most important witness, Mrs. Bywaters, the widow of the victim, will reach herplther today or tomorow, but it is not expected that she will placed on the stand before tomorrow. TIflE WILL .SOON (&E HAPPY. BUTTER . BROWN WILL COME BACK. THEY WILL . BE . ON THIJ PAGE A LONG TIME. THEY WILL DELIGHT: 'Vol AND TALK TO YOU ABOUT OUR. BU-SINE.S.S. perhaps you wonder how we cot mr'.'r. r. OlTCAVLT, THE CREATOR OF BUSTER BROWN AND THE WORLD'S HIGHEST PAID ARTIST, To MAKE FOR A FRESH, SIGNED DRAWING EACH WEEK. BUT WE DID--1T COST US No SMALL PRICE. , WE ARE GLAD THEY WILL BE ... . ...... HERE. BUSTER BELIEVES IN TRUTH. WE Do. WE MAKE A PROFIT. ' EVERY MERCHANT MUST. '. ...... . WE DO NOT "CUT PRICES" EXCEPT ON BROKEN SIZES OR WHEN . OVERLOADED. WE MAKE PRICES RIGHT IN THE, BEGINNING. WE WISH TO MAKE MONEY. WHO DOESN'T? BUT WE CAN MAKE MORE SELLING V AT A FAIR DOING A BIGGER .BUSINESS, BY this city well recommended as one of the leading popular price shows and have with them some well known ac tors and actresses, among them being Mr. Robert A. Mansfield, who appeared here last October with the Mansfield Stock Co. "CLANSMAN" IN VIRGINIA. Dixon's Play Witnessed By Governor Swanson and Mayors of Leading Cities. Speaking of the. recent tour of "The Clansman" in Virginia, Mr. Henry I. MacMahan, who is here to promote the engagement of the famous drama at the Academy of Music March 4, said today: 4 "In Richmond last week we had the unusual honor of having as our guests his excellency Governor Claude Swan son and other distinguished public of ficials. At Norfolk Mayor Riddick saw the play and said he found no ob jection to Its being witnessed by white and negro citizens alike. And in New port News Major Buxton was greatly hours: Raleigh, 1.12; Meridian, 1.66; New Orleans, 1.62; Vicksburg, 1.32; and Wcldon, N. C, 1.01.. It is now gen erally cloudy in the south with rain at a few stations. The indications for this vicinity are fair weather tonight and Tuesday with colder weather Tuesday. A. H. THIESSEN, Section Director. Card of Thanks. I wish to extend to the friendB of my deceased wife the sincere thanks of the family and myself for the many beautiful floral offerings for her funeral. Rev. J. S. HAGOOD. Raleigh, Feb. 25th. TARBORO COMPANY INCREASES STOCK. THOMAS A. PARTIN, President. R. S. WHITE, Vice-President. A. G. PARTIN, Sec. and Treas. NEWEST STORE IN CITY sf SOONTO OPEPJ. . Our entire force of salespeople have been engaged for our splendidly equipped new store, and all arc busy opening up the magnificent new selections which will soon grace our shelves and counters. It will be a BRAND NEW SPRING STOCK Not a single old article to be ottered. Consisting of Dress Goods, Silks, Dry Goods, Ladies' Furnishings, Ladles' Ready-Tailored . Suits, Skirts, Underwear, Waists; Laces, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Corsets, Gloves, Ribbons, Curtains, Draperies, White Cotton Novelties, . Linens, Linen Suitings, Table Furnishings, Laco and Metal Novelties, etc".; '.- The following salespeople will politely serve you when yon come here for tho new goods: , Miss Ethel Harrison, of Raleigh. j-., Mrs. Robert L. Lnmsden, of Holly Springs. ', Miss Norma Martin, of Wake Forest. Miss Nelie Hunter, of Neuse. Miss Mary Wynne, of Raleigh. M. L. Oldham, of Raleigh. , , , Cashier: Miss Ester McGruder, ( . ' Miss Ida Cheek, of Raleigh. , : ' '" : THOS. A. PARTIN CO., -131 Fayetteville'Street. SAVE YOUR MONEY! Before It's Too Late. V When the clock strikes 10:30 Saturday night, March 2nd, bur GREAT SALE will be at end. This is FAIR WARNING and our LAST CALL., It will be many a day before you can again buy CLOTHING at the prices for which we are now selling it. - ' . . - ' ; : ; ITS UP TO YOU, SIR For, if you let this golden opportunity escape you it's your fault, not ours, ti you will come in for a look, you'll buy rejoice at your bargain and wonder why you didn't come before. Here's a chance you dont get every day. Yes, sir, it's up to you, for our great Sale will positively end Saturday night, March 2nd. - Are you going to miss ft? , ' 1 .. Sii: BSRl 11 ANGER a. . - t: one PUICC-CLOTUIER Charters Wore granted to several corporations today, ap.d .three com panies had their charters amended. Tho cn'ai'fers granted-and amend ed are aVfollows: Elizabeth ''Realty - Company, Char lotte; authorized capital stock, $100, 000, with 'privilege of beginning busi ness with 300, V Incorporators are: Charles A.(Bland.'':l' share; Charles Brenizer, 1,; Thomas Ruffln, 1. The object Is toeonduct a real estate busi ness. " " , Altanay 'furniture Coifipany, prin cipal office.ifrt Shelby, but may have ono or more branch offices at other places In the state; authorized capi tal stock, 130,000, but company can begin business, with $3,000. incor porators aref O. C. Bostlc, 15 shares; H. M. Hamrick, 5t S. E. Bostic, 1 ; C. J. Bosths, ;ii :S. O. Hamrick, 1 ; J. T. Bowman, 6; O. M. Gardner, 1. Object Is to manufacture and sell fur niture and furniture fixtures. Charter of the Mount Olive Supply Company has been amended und the name changed to Tho X. T. Keol Dry Goods Company, -with principal office at Rocky Mount.- , The stock o? The M. C. Stayer Gro cery Company, . Charlotte, has been amended so as to allow an Increase in tho capital to $lt)0,000. The charter of ,the Carolina Tele phone and Telegraph Company, at Tarboro, has been amended, increas ing the authorized capital to $100, 000. , . . ''. - ' MAKING OUR VOLUME LARGER,. YOU TO LOOK EACH WEEK AT MR. 0UTCAULT'5 CARTOONS. " ' REPECUrULLY, ' Saied After the. ; EVENING SERVICE. -Rev. Thomas Elgar, the well known Prison Evangelist, ' of ' New York, was united In marriage. last night to .MJss Mollte Holioway, of Durham, the ceremony having been performed , by Rov. Alfred 11. ' Mo ment, p. D. pastor of tho First Pres byterian Church, and It took plaee at the church. He was assisted by, Rev. J. C. Maasee, of the Tabernacle Bap tist Church," and Rev. yf. C- Tyree, D. D., pastor of the First, Baptist Church. :The bride was accompanied by her two sisters, Misses Nannie and Sallie Holioway.- -vVtv;.o;i',;-,i , 'If The bride and her two sisters Came here from Durham yesterday -afternoon. Rev. Mr, Elgar preached at Edenton Street 'Methodist - Church, and, ; after; the service, went to the Presbyterian Church, where he rwas married. He Is i little more than twice as old as the brldo being sixty Ave years of age. , , ' i ' . Rpy .and Mrs. Eigai are stopping at the TarboroughyHouse, ahd tomor row will leave 'for Augusta, Ga., where Rev. Mr. Elgar has engage ments under the auspices of the x. M. C. A, PILES CTRrn TV TO 14 DATS. TAZO OINTMENT' is guaranteed to fcure any' case or Itching, Blind,! Bleeding or Trotrudlng Piles In 6 to; 14 das pr niouex relunded. ... J50c - WHERP IS WATCH WIS SPACE EACH WEEK Vol HEVILCTELbU BROW? 5S . S 7i 'A ;; iW mm COPyfttitHT tooa ev TMt eusTtit Mown co. cmiccq. - - BUSTCft BROVt CLIMATIC i "."-.. CHANGES Affect .' most pianos. .... : This Is a veryv impor- 'tant point to consider ' In purchasing. , a"- Stleff . Pianos " are practically ' climate" 1 proof, and i another - good point Is that they ., require, less tuning ; , than any other.. , " ' - .'.'T. These are not mere- ' ly ' ' assertions. We M make no such, but are - prepared , to . prove v. every statement Write for information. chas: M. ; STtEFF 100 OUANBY ST., NORFOLK, VA." PROFIT AND HELP YOURSELF WE INVITE CALIFORNIA OB ANOES, FRESH ARRIVAL 8,000. 20 Cents a Dozen. THE J. D. RIGGAN COMPANY. 132 Fayetteville. Street." ' Bell Phone 330. NEW ARRIVALS. -:0:- Large, fat No. .1 Mkrr;l. . Small Sngar-Cnrrd Hams and Kiiglish- Curcd Breakfast Bacon."; AVlicat Hearts, Paffcd Rice Cakes and Crackers. Anything in Groceries. Just 'phono na No. 28. :- . ' . - D. T, JOHNSON fit SON WHISKEY Best for Hediiral aci Family Use 4 Quarts, S3i Shipped in Plain Sealed Package, Express . j , Prepaid. , SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOVR MONEY REFUNDED. Our Motto i " "Not How Cheep, but How Good." Smntt by Saprao f. 0. Money Order. : THE COUSINS SUPPLY CO., uni' RICHMOND, VA.' Reference: Planters National Bank. ANTHRACITE BITUMINOUS 6 A L Wood Cut Ready for Use. Powell & Powell Phones 41.? WE SELL; RALEIGH . SAVINGS : BANK - JOHN T. PUIXEN, President. ' ' - CHARLES. BOOT, Casliler.' ; Reserved Interest f 13,000;" Fronts Capital and Surplna $50,000; DeposJU $700,000. , , , , . 7 i . N' , " 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. Call in the Bank, or. write for further information. it a; All kinds of Groceries and guarantee the quality- to please you. Satisfac tion guaranteed. In every transaction, or your money back, i. Call us up, . RALEIGH 'PHONE J T l ' lMblUilA'IJfi am. ; ' Wo deliver promptly. ' J:e.rudy&co. . 108 E, UARGETf ST. . ' , MONEY TO LEND - On either real or personal security , In Wake County." y t . B. P. BIONTAGUE, - ( ' ' -18 and 19 Pullen Building. Raleigb. M. C ' " -s- -SPRING STYLES- mm AND-'STETSOf HATS V , y- There was such an unusual demand for the first shipment of Spring Hats r i we tfere gbmpctfed'to have rushed a second order, which came Saturday. - y : I .;" ThenqwHats.areheauties tho handsomest "shapes out in-years,- X , Of course, the best and most wanted, brands out today are "Dunlap" and '"Stetson." "'Dunlap designers of glen's Fashionable Headwear ; seem to lead ' the processlonof hat makers of itmerica, and their products arc demanded by all .correct dressers. ' ' , ' ' .-'.; - ' . -r . - - j ' - ' i "We' are exclusive agents in this territory for Dunlap Hats. ; r ; ' CROSS miiuJILIHAn

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