'X'V-.,, IfiWI- . . . t .2 ' . v-;i; , THE RALEIGH EVENING. TIMES: WEDNESDAY.TfoECH "27," 1907. ."?" Ci'OFOUTWITII THIS DLACKMAN BoyIanPeorce Co. Boylan-Pccrcc Cc. - , - ffi MEDICINES Ell "3 r" i . nj LlJl 1 n f His Presence InDapartcient ;;-.-. Rouses a Fume v.PEIITION BY VUITES J ,t Krapfoyment of Negro Draughtsman v - in the,Architictf Office: of the " S ; 1 Treasury .is Followed bjr General v ' - ' V "Request from the White Employes , of Ue Office for His Removal.' ? (By Leased Wlr to The Times.) I ',, Washington -;.arca 27. Request lng .tout ttvnr negro draughtsman- .re ' " gently appointed to a position in life J .' arcliitest's tofllco ot the treaaVryj be jt . , removed from the department, a pe 4 titlon signed hy practically "all the i -,' employes in f the division ;was pre- ; j , . sontad to Secretary Cortelyou yester day.1 vAaa result the matter will T r r v proiably..be taken up with President . Roosevelt ' in the near future. Alto i; gethettnere are about ighty archi, S s. --tTMoit employed In the; draughting de- K . partmenk -s i ' :' r-Th question has 'toMBv before tho ; ? ' white architects for some time. In , fact' ever since the colored man' be- i . gan work, about two weaks.ago. Ona man, a Virginian, has even gdne bo J . far as not only to sign the petition ,'. hut has resigned his positlbn. . This : . wag dono; however, with the under standing that he may resume his du- " ties within the next few months, pro , . vidlng he changes his mind. Kpv i . eral of the" old employes have also threatened to give up their jobs. , . , . . To Consult the Presidont. , '" ' ' Several days ago, tipon his retard from New York, th petition was . ' jilaced ln,tue hands of BupervlBing ' Architect Taylor. This ofllctal. In turn, took the "paper before the sec retary Who. It is said, will consult ', President ; Roosevelt with roferencc 1 to the incident. ' 4 l" , : Bomothingv like 250 different ;, draughting Jobs, are on hand In the -v architect division, which has broirght v about an nnusuttlly large amount of ' -. ' work. . Architects were found T to be short, and ths Buporvislng architect -was compelled to seek, civil servlcf appointees for the places. In this ""Vway the negro entered the office.." Several Of the white men complain - - that they are compelled to work side ' by aids with the colored man and at tho same tables.' Jn addition- to the ,' ' indlgmvUon that had, alxeadjf-boen aroused, the proximity of tho col ored man with the white architect causbd tho others -J (o - meet' atoong ' 1 themselves, with the result of poti- " - tloO Ji being -circulated requestiong Secretary Cortelyou to take; soma ac tion..' ,H - ,f i ''s ' V .- -jr ' V V v ' "IJ ' J' ' v ' V ' ' 1 miss umiiji morosini, tittuglitor of tiio foriiKT partner of the lato Jny - . tJould.rrs nillitant friul ofi all dumb cruturos. 8ie recently prosi ontea a groom wlio niiHtrcated Uir r pCt prlza winning lioraK This ,: j, plctaro Is frons snapshot of Miss SlorOsliii and" her favorite horse Simple Prescription for Home j Die KWaey Cure ' A BLESSING - TO MANY Makes the Kidneys Act and' Over- come Rheumatism and Bladder Troubles. . To make up enough of the "vege table trearaent," which is claimed to be relieving nearly every sufferer who uses It for backache, kidney complaint, sore weak bladder and rheumatism; get from any good prescription pharmacy one-half ounce Fluid Extract Dande lion once . ounce Compound Kargon and three tounces Compound Syrup of Barsapartlia. Shake well in a bottle alid take In, teaBpuiiiiful doses after each meal and again at bedtime. Those who have tried it c-.aim that It acts gentlif "but thoroughly on the kidneys, .reifevlng backache and blad der trouble and urinary difficulties al most Instantly. Many cases of rheuma tism are known to have been relelved within a,ifew days, the pain and swell ing diminishing with each dose. A well-known local druggist, who is in a position to know, asserts that this prescription, wherever it becomes known,', always ruins the sales of the numerous patent medicine rheumatism cures, kidney cures, etc. It Is a pre scriptlotViWhlcli the majority of patent medicine amnufucturers, and even cer tain physicians dislike to Ren publish ed. Few cases. Indeed, which will fall to fuly yield tu its peculiarly soothing and healing Influence. Being composed of-common every-day vegetable in gredients, Which canbe gotten from any drugghjt, it makes up a good, honest and harmless remedy and at small cost. OFFICERS ELECTED ; BY RALEIGH ELKS KISSES HER COUNSEL 4 1 WILL' BE EFFORT ' FOR A NEW TRIAL '- Tho case on appeal from Alamance : county, In which Annie, Turner, the s . negro woman who was, found guilty Of being an accessory of Henry Wal ker, who made an attempt to murder Col. L. Banks Holt, Is to be heard in ' tho supreme court Tuesday. She wa? s convicted and. sentenced to thirty years In the state prison. -. ' , '' " A : new trial is asked ' on' three .grounds; ' ', ' : .".' ) . "i First,- that the Judge refused t0 H'brder- a removal when an affidavit r" was made that a fair trial could not .- . be had In - Alamance county ( on ac i " count" ot the feeling that had1 'been 'engendered. .'Iri i,Ai5ooondly.- Col. U Banks Holtv was , allowed to answer the following ques tion, which was asked bv the sollcl- fcV I Ator: " What' seemed, and what was, the relation between Henry Walker i' , ; ': ' and Annie Turner and Fannie Mc , ---- k-"C8jj "the defense" obJectedloTtyie ' A 1 question, but the court ruled jagalgst v t " tlpm'ln(rn exception was takeay - The third exception was tho failure-' Vi,f 0f tbo Judge to charge tha there was ' ?;. no evldence,tendlng to show motive v -" on the part of Annle'ruTher1.''" i.' ' 1 . u'MM on theso joints-tht -a new trial Is asked.-- i.rx i V' Honfy Walker, '.It will ''he remem ..'jv'." v' bered, was convicted during thoflrst 'w'' Part, of December and - hanged early t -X - n' January, The case was tried be? .I : '. j i Ore Judge Fred Moore. ; . , .., . Ji -"" - i V' V.. r? George A3e 'ls to Wtrte- !play. for , . 'j ,t Ezra Kendall. - "Marine Elliott (s to play a month's - engagement in New York . in J'Her Great Match." J - - v. i ELOOD" .' . hot aristocratic. but impure. A!rs Josephine Kelly Acqolt ' led if. Murder CAROLINA AND.:.'-' LAFAYETTE TIE a She Flings He Arms Around the Neck of Her Aged rounsel, and ' With Ntri-nmiiiK Wyes I'resses a. Kiss tpon His Cheek.'' ' , (Ry teased Wire to The Times.) ' Baltimore, Md.v March &7. Whcn-the Jury announced ' that Mrs; Josephine Kelley was not guilty of the murder of her sister, Ida On IT, she jumped up and threw her arms about her senior coun sel,.. United States. Senator William (Special to The Evening Times.) ; v Chapel Hill, N. C, March 27-Caro-Iina tied Lafayette yesterday In a ten inning game with a score of five to five. The game was called-on account of darkness. ' , i The features of the game , .were Thompson's fielding and batting, the playing of Knox on shortstop, and the throe-bagge iby Swank. The' ; game wad a very slow one, the pitching of both sides being sorry. '' Carolina scored in the second inning, but in the third Lafayette made four runs, two of them being forced.' ' In the sixth-inning Carolina, was one run In the lead, but Swank's three-bagger in the eighth Inning and subsequent run tied the score five to five, where It remained until the tenth inning, When the game was called on account ot darkness. ' pi V w ' i Score by innings:- .-;T'' BHE Carolina .-. Cl( 115 060 5- 10' 1 Lafayette . . . . iOM 000 010 (15 8 C .Batteries: Carolina, 'Morrow and Rogers; Lafayette, Edwards f and Snook. . . .. . . ( . Suijftmary:. Struck put by Morrow 3, by Edw&rds : 7; sthree base' hits, one by Swank' bf Lafayette;, vo base hits, Carolina it ('Umpire, Dr. Lawaon; two base hits, by Lafayette. , , I . 'V Plnk'ney hyte. hueged him, and bisi him on thfrjcheelc. j Tears were steLiii- lng down her face: CongrcsMmaiv HarH ry B. rwolf;r the handsome Junior coun scl,' was temporarily absent. ..The old War horstrof .democracy; hs soon as he could -disengage himself, said : . , 4 ., 1 1 -' "You see, I um not too old for the ladles:-'- -;. . DurlDSrln-Uttl- -scene, there wove but few i'dry' "(jyeS( In tho ' court . room and even,', Judge, Doblcr, who has sut on many amuider ease, looked with sympathetic eyes "upon Mrs. Kelley as she pointed, out her afTurtoh for thoso about her-. , . , 1 p Havirt-jbeen ..tiaclared innocent, '.the prisoner uccompamea.Dy nor nusounu, thstt left the court .lOeiA, to be joined by ilrc latters Iwo" sisters. The parly afterward left for. Uie' Mulllkln Street, home, j Whore'.iitho; pouplf wilt still ra-. The trial -was the, elglitluli hurophl i ease in -tMleh tSt-Jiator, Whyte,. -uow , eighty years old.-ua' itiK-aiifd, equnt-tj ly a young lawyer boasu'ik to me vef-i eran of the Mt(rjJinil ar4htt, he 1W I H-Stre-wth.orHoBrtWwkjipss.-meanBNerre tried-'six murder jwsesl a!ui but . one ' ? rartJi. or Nerve Wmkiinothing ire. Po. Of lls.cliejitstva 'hanged, a Whyte gejitly retorted, 'J1iave tiled iixty niid TO BVIIiD ROAD FROM ' JACKSON TO AHOSItit?. , (Special to The Evonmg Times.)' "" Jackson','' "N. C, March 27. There has been organised a comoapy to build a. H.tl.An.l . .... . . U . .... " . 4 . 1 . L - A... lander'. It Is backed by the best and most Influential citizens In the county, through which it Will pass.,- . .. Heart Strength At th meeting of the Elks last' night the officers for the ensuing year were elected.-And It is thought that they will give general , satisfaction. - In several instances there were warm -ce-ff tests, but, all, ended well and the Elks In per fect harmony. The principal fight was over thi election of exalted ruler. The election resulted as follows: Exalted Kuler Dr. S. P. Norris. Bsteemed Leading Knight W. A. Llnehan. . ,,,, , Esteemed Royal Knlht J. Ft. Fer- rall. .. Esteemed Lecturing Knight Jas I. Johnson. Treasurer Jno. W. Cross. Secretary Jas. P. Jordan. Tlter-H. J. Hervey. J- Orand Representative R. T. dowan. Trustee for 3 years L. A. Mahler. ,f The pastnjear has been the most prosperous one In the history of the organization in this city, and the com pletion of the handsome Elks Temple was effected at a cost of $35,000. It is a modern club building in every respect tind one that the Elks of Raleigh may well feel proud of. They will now start forward on another year, and It is with the brightest prospects. Last night, after the election of offi cers, a banquet was held and the even ing spent in a most festive manner. JUNIOR BARACAS ' BEAT: CENTENNIALS In a slow game of baseball yesterday afternoon the Centennial School, the Junior Baraca team defeated the Cen tennial team by a score Of 18 to 0. Tames Belvln, for the Baraca team," did excellent work at first base and at the bat, making two home runs with two men on bases each. time. H. Oldham did some good work for the Baraoas tn left field. Bogasse, for Centennial, also did some nice playing in the field. The line-up was asi follows: Cen tennial Conrad; B. s. .; Rogers, H., c. f.: RiddHvS.; c; Hosue, E., lb.; critcher, 2b.; Harris, P., So,; Bogasse, 8., I. f.; Lee. R., r. f.; Crowder.-R., p. Baraca Mooneyham, A.,- s. s.; Betts, S., c. f.; Teachy,.,J c; Kelvin, J.. lb.; Haves, H 2b. t Stevens, 8b.; Oldham, H., 1. f.; Parhamj J., r. f.; Betts, C, o. v.'- none was hanged" 3.1 . FOOD COl-TF.E i.:akc3 nrD niood. P.end "The Road to Wellvlllc,' "in 1 l ' SrDDEIf DEATH OKA '',-. 7 . -' , COTTON OVKUATOR. ' '' 1 v (By Leased Wire to The Times.) , New Tork;March 27. While in con sultation with-the . members ' of-, the firm of J. H. iJino & Company, com- I mission merchants fn their: office ;. in Worth street, shortly before noolt yes terday, John' W, Chaffee.' a prominent 'cotton operator of . Augusta, Ga. was stricken with apoplexy. He was ' Te I ntoved to .the Hudson street hospital anil died at 7 o'cloek last evening. Mr. Chaffee was the father-in-law1 ot i J. II. Lane, senior member of the firm and was about sixty years of age. Itlvely, not one weak heart in ft hundrod 1. In It Mlf,' aetiMlly dtuwiswl. It it ftlmoat lwy a hidden tlnj little nerve that really it mil el hulk Thin obscure nerve the Cbnllae, or Heart Nerve Imnly uoedt. and must Imve. more sower, mors l&hlhty, mora eontrolliiig, , mora governing ttrength. Without that the Heart must coatlnu to lufl, and the atomach ana kidneyt alio hart these same control ling nervei. This clearly explain! why, at a medicine. Dr. Shoop'a Kestorati ve hat In the past done go much for weak and ailing Hearts, Dr. Snoop first nought the caaso of all this painful, palpitating, iufloca. lng heart distress.. Dr. Shoop'i Rettorauve this popular prescription It alone directed to these weak and wanting nerve centers. It bulldtl iCstrengthens: It offers real, genuine heart help. It you would have strong Hearts, strong dt gestloa, strengthen these nerves re ettahllsh them at needed, with r v ... . . .. Dr; Shoop'o iteotorative HEOYT. KICKS., , TO BE TRIED FOR AN t ATROCIOUS CRIME. Jackson, N. C:, March 27. Court con vened here yesterday. Judge C, C. Lyeva, preKidinfe. Ilia charge to the grand juiy was a masterly effort. This , term of the court will have more capital cases than have been In Northampton for the past twenty years, there being three of the criminal docket. One 1b the case of Matthews for the murder -of young Wm. Ralney on January 17th. This was a most shockintr and atroclons crlmoi i The factvthat he was hot sum marily dealt with, proves tho confidence the people of Northampton have m the law and their ability to control their passions. Solicitor Kerr IS1 proving him self to be an efficient and competent officer. ". f' i i , . - , - 1, "? - HERK HOLICITINO FUNOS FOR ' -.cHpiimEN's HosWiSocriirrY. MrSlMary", Btiaxn a here this week soliciting- funds for the North Carolina Children's Home. Society, and she -may be' addressed at Mrs. Heflln's, ; This so ciety is already well known In this city and' fifteen little ones have been re ceived from Raleigh. Since the society was organised something over , three years ago, two hundred -children hav been placed 'In homes- svtd instead of being raised up as homeless waifs, they are provided for by those who feel deep ly interested in their welfare. A great work has the society done. It Is non- sectarlan and Is supported solely by voluntary gifts. i ' , , i.tw g 'ftSSBBBl y .0 J '.'MP Everyfhihgih Readiness for Easter, ' Easter Millinorv, Easter Costumes, Easter Eton &nd --,.' Pony Suits, Easter Shirt Waists, Easter Separate Skirts, - ,;, ' Easter Parasols and Gloves. The style elpquence, of the faithful reproductions of the most stylish Suits must ap peal to those who want to be well dressed And where ' ' - : 'L f r is the nonnal woman who doesn't? ' . . '1u.,r 1 READY-TO-WEAR HATS The Gage Hat, tailor-made, receives the rounds of applause from an ad miring public. Others ready made In chic styles, from the largest manu facturers In the country, shown only In the most becoming styles. EASTER COSTUMES and TAILOR-MADE SUITS White Suits for Confirmation Dresses, Handsome Costumes and Tallor-Made Suits in the Pony and Eton styles. Wide range for your selection. ROUND-LENGTH SKIRTS Without invidious comparison, here Is where every taste may be suited, every fancy gratified. Taffeta Skirts, Voiles, Batiste, Panama, Plaids, Broken Checks and Fancy Mixtures, moderately priced. SHIRT WAISTS Lingerie Waists, Lawn and Batiste Waists, Fancy Silk Net Waists, Jap Silk Waists, in white and black. :0 MISSES' AND GIRLS' JUMPER SUITS Suits, Dresses, Coats -wad' Skirts for the younger folks, giving a conlprev bensive idea of the popular styles and fabrics of the season. it'! SILK PETTICOATS Taffeta Silk Skirts in all the new shades, tiiflck and white. . .Take a glance 'at these. They'll be euro to please yon. t! !-. LONG GLOVES FOR EASTER A Jarge shipment of Long Gloves,. Mousquetaire style, In Glace Kid, Silk and , Lisle Gloves, in 16 bntton lengths, fashionable colors. , Other Fabric Gloves In all lengths; , two-button and clasps.- .,, YOUR EASTER PARASOL The Easter show of tine Sun Shades, Parasols and ITmbrellas, plain and fancy colors,, with, natural sticks and fancy mounted handles. ft' Go Jt, - 1 i i i r - - -- - : - ' ... j . . . f id a, f - - - i - 1 ' -r f- - y i i a-.-..-. ,,,. . .in iisjm i,n jiiiO i 'm si,,,, .i, ,mmm mmmm ig mi. ij . u. Wt- I'jyti'.'BI'-11 ' 5 i SUMMER PUTS NEW LIFE INTO HIM When he uses our choice 'Clarets, Tokays and our other fine table wines at meals, the old people say. For old age and for the feeble and infirm and the convalescent there' is nothing like our Maple Spring Whiskey, guar anteed under the Pure Food Law to be absolutely pure. Four full quarts, packed In - telescope, express prepaid ' for . 9.00 Eight full quarts, packed in telescope, express , prepaid for . B.T5 Fifteen full quarts, packed in - telescope, express prepaid, for . lo.oo THE NEWC0MB CO., . ' ,..: Petersburg, Virginia. Tlie PROMPT MAIL-ORDER nOCSE : ; : are you : r: Ready for Easter WE HAVE ON SALE Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords, .... ... i . $1.00 and fli5 Children's Canvas Oxfords with 16w heels, in white, pink , " J i and blue, 85c. and $1.00 Chll4ren's Patent Leather Oxfords. BOc. to $l.fiO Gentlemen's Qxfords (Gun Metal and Pat. Leathers), 93.60 Embroidered White Belts 10, 2S add 50c. New'Fancy Ribbons, from. , . .' 2it t& BOci Long Silk Gloves, . $1.00 Is pair; Dropstitch Hose, all colors 4 . . ." ' 2B& Infants' Lawn Caps, all new 25c. to $1.23 Shirt Waist Hate for Ladies and Misses.. - V; 1 . New line of Back and .Side Combs... 10 to SOc -Also complete lines of White Dress Goods. ... . ' ' : - . , w-rr' '-''--;' '. -' 'rV' Wsi Wiirt ffttt TTU11W1 . T T lf Ull JAJ I Bjjj Best forBxiidaa! and Fily Use lAQiiarlsg'A, Shipped in Plain Sealed ' Package, Exppsss ' r Prepaid., " SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED". i&rvs Our Mottai fl';'l ,MNt Hew Cheap, but Hoi Oood" v ' ' ' ' ' r. ''- ', ' Kmlt tar'KxsfM P. O. UMkb OWo.- THE COUSINS SUPPlY C9t, e- HICHMONO, ,VA. Reference! Planert National Sink. .1 n BEST MATTRESSES EVER SOLD FOR THEIMOKEY. ' Wo attribute our unusually large Mattress, trade to the great bargains we are continually offering." No," neld o spend sleepless nights for lack of comfort when ybu can' buy the best Mattresses made today for so little money. Our Easy Payment Plan helps tho S Unnr snlnv hnn. nnn.fni.ta . .1: gv' .J-r..:, The Raleigh Furnilnre Co., 17 E. Martin and 15 Market t. JAS. RL ISIGGAN, t'z?.

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