M.ARCH;287 uLiiii ju hie IIG yiiuii Stack mzi. h) Decision ID ALL f.IARHET AFFECTED Advance of From .One fo Four Point ' Are Recorded in 'Almost Every Issue, Great Northern It-' self Going Up Five Cotton Lower ' on Less Favorable Cables, , - ' (By Leased Wire-to The Times.) Now York, March; 3,-4Tbe, : stock' market opened Irregular, v; Colorado 1 " Fuel, Sugar and -" Southern- Pacific j dropped . Erie opened 1 point higher. Great Northern.: preferred gained 114 - and Canadian Paclflo and FennsVl- i vanla gained V The announcement that the Mlnne bo La courts had granted ' the Great . Northern Railroad .Company the. right ' to istue- new stock, for improvements . caused an advance of t points Mtnth . stock of that company shortly after ; the opening of the market today. j This had a beneficial effoct on the Whole market and advances of frtm one to four points were recorded in . almost V every Issue.,' i 1 "s-.-i-" . The market again today gave unmis takabie signs of a better resisting power than has." been manifested for ..'' some time past, ' As to whether or not protective .arrangements had. been made and were being -applied on . large scale was still left open to ques 'tlon. But the pressure of strong sup- . port at the opening and at frequent- (n - torvals thereafter was plain to all ob ... . server, t These, buying ; orders were o thrown Into 'the market at' the outset and had the effect of forcing soma .- hurried short covering;:. ' Prices wefo .. run up from . on Xo four , pdlnts.i In : .-, quick order in face -. of a very , unset- tied market for American shares In : London. 1 The threatening labor out- look on the western f railroads ? had caiusea m enarp.iau .w ii ine western Stocks In the early -London dealings. Union Pacific losing 1ft and Atchison ZH - points. But these prices were practically ignored af the opening, !, however, and the rush df covering pur- chases carried the western Issues up- H ward as swiftly as the rest of the.llsti After the first half hour trading ub - sided. . Into comparative oulet and the - tnarljet fluctuated from then on Jiil nervous manner, " aecunes louowing . advance, and -in quick .succession. Apart from the strike outlook In the west the Important news of the day - was th victory of the Great Northern Company In the contest over the new , atock Issue before the supreme court of Minnesota. On -this Injunction the -Hill stocks wars among the leaders of the early advance. New York Closing Stock List..- . American Smelting ...... . ..113 - American Smelting pTd, 4. .103 . American S. Fdy. pf d 35 American 8ugar;. . .' , .' . 119 American Tobacco pW . . . American Woolen , . ; , , i Anaconda . . 89H 26 5i 87 93 V4 8714 :Atchlson pfdf ,?.(., Atlantic Coast Line Baltimore Ohio . 95 . ,49 1664 - U. K. T. ,... Canadian Pacific . Central Leather 27 1 Central Leather pf d . , . w i .!". . 9 1 14 Chesapeake ft Ohio ...... .'. . 38 Denver & Rio Grande. ...... ? 39H 70 j. 32 H . Danver Rio Grande pfd, , ; Erie J.' ;. -, General Klectrle . . .142 Great" Northern pfd. ; . vV..-.. 134 V Great Northern Ore. '. . .. : 54 J J Miscellsneoas. Amalgamated Copper 85 American Car A Foundry 34H v American locomotive. . 3U5 ' American Smelting & 'Reflr-'n : i . ' Am Smelting ft Refining prei. .. 49W Brooklyn Rapid Transit 3' . Colorado Fuel ft Iron ..... .......,' -M4 (- Natllonal Paper "5S 1 National Biscuit National Lead .... ...v,;...,,.! Northern Securities ........ Pacific Mail 32V4 '. People's Gas ............ .',!' Pressed Steel Car 'i,. -.. Pullman Palace Car ,.......;I,...V' I2! Standard Oil .,....... v '' "Sugar ,.y.-.-. ; M Tennesse Coal & Iron . ........ .y WSi II. 8. Steel .,........A:.80 V. S. Steel pret ......'...' ; .. Western Union ' Va-Carolina Chemical, Co. , si. . .-H , Va.-Carollna Chemical Co. prut A 102 . Mackay's Mackay's pret-., Liverpool Cotton Market. , ' " Liverpool, March 28. Spot cottton dull; prices steady. American mid dling, 5.97.v Sales for the day were estimated at 5,000 bales, of which 500 bales were for speculation and export and included ;4, 000 bales c American cotton; Receipts, none. Futures .'opened dull. March, 6.59: MarchrAprll, . 6.56; April May. 5.56; May-Juno, 5.66; Juno-July, 5.56; July-Aug., 6.55; Aug.-Sept., 5.64; : Sent.-Oct., 6.62; Oct. -Nov., 5.50 ; Nov.-Dec., 5.6 0i Dec-Jan., 5.50; Jau.-Feb., 5.61. Sow Yoik Cotton Miukct. (By IfftK'd Vlra to The T " ) New York, " h :!. iv : the trade was professional, owfng to the approaching holidays,tvand.. few new- ventures were undertaken.- 's' New York Cotton Market. :'" '.Open. High. Low.. Close. Jan. , . Feb. March . April t. -. May . i i- 10.05 10.08 10.04 tO. 08 . 10.12 , 9.25- 0.32 9.?4 9.34 MP 9.49 ?.., -9.50 9.54 9-35 ,6.33 ,9.34. 6.34 9.41 --9,50 v. l . ju: 9.50 ;' 9.54 Aug. Sopt, Oct. Nov. Dec. n c 1 9,67 .9,52 ,9.67 9.59 9.63 9.59 . 9.63 9.80 ' 9.64 9.84 9.87 9.88 -.,.9.92 9.78 9.84 9.84 9.87 9.88 9.92 f "The marknt rlnsfJl utonitv S . f ; Raleigh Cotton Market. I Reportedly fChaAea Johnson ft 1 Company.) -' Best grade; 10 3-4 to 11 1-8. ."v J Off grade, f 1-2 to 10. , ' . Receipts today, 9 bales, - . New York Provision Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) ' New l York, ( MarQb 28. Today's provlsioW markets wero Vjuoted as fol lows: 1 Wheat Quler, IIo, -red, 684i t o. b.; No. 2 mixed, 76 in eleva tor. ' . , ots-"-ulif Nd:' 2V;46 In elevator. ; Rye Nominal. Barley Nominal. Flour-Dull; spring patents, 4.36 winter straights,. 3.40. : . Mill Foed-f-DuH; -western 'bran to arrlvo, 2375. Pork Quiet; mess,' 17.87; ' Lard Firm;' prima western, 9.0S. Tallow Quiet; primo city, 6. " Coffee Quiet; No. 7 Rio, 7. ' Sugar Steady; granulated, 47c. , V. : j Gliirago Grain Market. . . (By Leased Wire to The Times.) ' Chicago, March 28. Whoat opened Irregular and fractionally lower, de spite tne -renewed efforts of. the pulls who kept oh flooding Jthe pit with bug reports from the southwest to force th -market jipWard;;1Kansas City uu uuior pouiuj in mm lerritory re port a light ratai last jlght where, a .s)eav0Be Was. etpected. IThia report also la construed as a bullish feature. There was a frost -scare in the wheat pit, during which heavy buy ing by the local houses helped to send prices ' from 'the level reached early, to a high place in the aeventl&s. The close was above the lowest Pf IS8, rfta9a?d nd i Hoft for ,the day, i ni 'compared , with , the resting spot of yesterday. . , , Corn closed cent oft to cent up, after an irregular session.. Hil'ftfP.asyv.e anrt& 94. cent higher to 'Cent lower, Provisions wero unsettled. - i iv Chicago Live Stock Market. ' , (By Leased Wire to The Times.) ; ) Union -Stock Yards, III., March 28, Hogs Receipts, 14,000; ' 6 to 10c higher; slight, 6.16 6.40! mixed. 6,1S6.40; heavy, 6.056.40; rough, 6.05 6.15; pigs, 6.60 6,30; Yorkers, 6.36 6.40; good to choice hoavy, 6,30 6.40. . , Cattle Receipts, 3,6 00 strong to 10c higher.' Beeves, -4.15 6.75; Cows, 1.75 4.90 ; w heifers, 8.70 6.85; calves, 1.764.90; good prlmo steors, 8. 456;76; poor, to medium, 4.16540;. .Btockors' and feederB, 2.8004,90,; ' . i , . ; Sheep Receipts, 10,000; steady; natives, 4.10 6,20 ; western,' 4.10 6,60;. yearlings-,' 6.25 7,30; Jambs, 6,00 7.80; western, 6.00 7.90." t , , The Sugar. Market ' . , (By Leaned Wire to The Times.) ' New York, March 28. -lcu! refined and raw sugar markets: steady and un changed. London : beet .market quiet, March and April; 9d, Sd. i- , -, , - The Metal Market. -By Leased Wire to The Times.) : New'. York, . March 28. Prices at the metal exchange were practically unchanged, with the exception' of a slightly easy tone in tin for spot and near-by deliveries.. 'Copper, lead and spoiter is unchanged. . ' . P i ' ' New York Money Market. VBylUised Wire to The Times. V i' Now york; March 28. Money on call 2 1-3. . t S per cent,, closed 4 per cent time loans" 6 per cent, for all dates,, posted rates sterling exchange 480., 484 1-3, with actual business in bankers bills at 48 1-4 for demand, and 478 3-4 for $0 day bills. , 1 . - M Commercial bill s f & 7 ner cent. Bar silver 68: London bar silver quiet, 3-16 decline at W 6-8; Mexican dollars 60 1-2; government bonds, unchanged rill- road bonds Irregular. , j'cv v , v ' Very Important J " This is to inform the investing public that I have only a few shares of Erwln' Preferred 6 per cent non taxable stock loft I sold one party out of town, over the telephone. $15,000 worth, 150 shares, a day or so ago a cotton mill man, at that. I kept my few shares and bought this. You save 120.00 per thousand by , having this before June 1st , ; You got $30.00 per thousand July 1st You can buy it today for 82.60 per thousand less than you can " after April 1st You can buy? now ' for 37.60 per. thousand less than' you can May 1st. Redeemable after January, 1914, at 1110 for every $100. C. C. McDO.NALD. "rc:r:x you ttant the best r'i "- r-oTL tux OST F03 LOVE TenlHiliisiis Tbrown Away by a Woman ' ' . Mrs. Gel8lieii,it Scorns Wealth Left ' Her by HrV' Husband On Condi- tloa That 8tw Wed No More Iler JSngagemcntv-la Announced,, . . (By Leased Wire to The Times.) ' New York, March- 38. Fop the love. of a man Mrs J Catherine JC. Gelsheneu, Widow of the.tormer president of the Garfield National . Bank, ... announces that she will forfeit 310,000,000. The announcement of her engage ment to Henry J.: Braker,- a wealthy Importer was confirmed here today. When Mr. Golshenen died a few years ago be left to his widow a life Interest In his $10,000,000 with the pro viso that if she. remarried she was to forfeit everything, all the money would go to the children. Mrs.' Gelshenen 'Yes, you can say for me that I have consented to marry Mr.. racker Wo are engaged. 'Our wedding day, how ever, has not been fixed, but it will he some time tn the war future.',' Asked concerning her late husband's will, , which provides that if she remar ries she forfeits JIO.OOO.OOC, Mrs. Glen shenen said: 7 ' 'I will not ' discuss that matter at all. . You know I have had considerable notoriety and I desire to keep out of the newspapers." The romance In which Mrs. Qlen- shenerv who still appeals quite young and beautiful despite the fact that she Is a mother' of a married son and two marriageable daughters have in terested society since the death of Mr. Gelshenen. ' BRIDGES THREATENED - BY HUGE ICE GORGE. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Chippewa Falls, Wis,, March ' 28. Bridges and 30,000,000 feet of logs may be carried away by a huge Ice gorge, if the water in the Chippewa River con tinues rising. One of the booms has broken and 2,000,000 feet . of logs taken down the river. One railroad bridge was badly damaged. ; ! -i:A i . ' , NOTICE COMMISSIONERS' SALE OF LAND, By virtue of an order and decree of the Superior Court of Wake county, made in! a civil action, therein pend ing, entitled Ida J. Pool and Malcolm B. . Pool , vs. Arte Etta Moore pnd James I. Mooro, and by virtue ot the power-of dale contained )n;a certain mortgage deed .executed by Wm. H. Moore to Arle Etta Moore and by Arle Etta Moore and James I. Moore duly assigned to Ida J. Pool, the -under signed commissioner appointed by the court for the purpose will on Thurs day, the 4 day of April. 1907, at 12 o'clock M., at the court-house dooti in Wake county, N. C, offer for sale at public auction to the highest .bidder for cash the following described roal estate situate in the city of Raleigh, N. C i being a part of lot No. 6 in the plat pf said city,' lying on the south side of Now Bern .avenue, adjoining William T. Taylor on tho west,- Mrs. Arlo Etta Moore on the soutfl, Wil liam pariah on the east and New Bern' avenue on the north, being twenty feet from east 'to west and one hun dred and twelve feet front north to south, , , This 6th day of March', 1907. o - JOHN W. HINSDALE, JR.", jT , " Commissioner. ' 0 a w Wed ' - : . 1 "KtECUTOBS' NOTICE. 'Having qualified as executors of ,W. R. Crawford, Sr., deceased, late Of Wake countyJJ. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to tho undersigned on or before the 13th day of March, 1908, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to ' said estate' wil) please make Immediate payment.., ,u , W, R. CRAWFORD. Jr,. ' C. E. CRAWFpRD, 1 . - , Executors.' , This 13th day of March, 1907. . o.a.w.-6t. Wed. RICHES; Under- authority and power conferred upon me by an order of theRcforee In bankruptcy fof Ihe coUri? of sali Re ferteo, altting at Raleigh,, N. C-i and by virtue of the-power of '.sale conferred by a certain deed of mortgage, exocut ed on the 10th day .Of November 1888 by Robert. Chamfclce ,and wife Annie E. Chamblee td.Mary C. D. Kreth and re corded in book 104, page 391 of the re cords of the register of deeds f said county, J will on Thursday the 28th day of February 1997, at 13 o'clock nonn. expose at publfe. sale to the highest biddor forstcash at the court, house door In Ualclghj IN. all that tract or par cel of land situated in Little River township, VC'ake .county, N. C, " ad joining the.' "Idftds of Beni-Bunn. Ed. MoSeiy andiwlfe, Wm, 3unn and A. B. McRae, being -lot numbers' 6, andT ID the division of tho lands of John Cham blee, , heKl! by Delia Chamblee as her dower as ;appears from- the report of the commlsloner's . record in book No. 36. at pagel3, of t'he records In the oflloee of the clerk vof the ' superior court of Wake cotihty-"excepting four" acres heretofore sold to Mingo Richardson, colored. The persons to whom said lots Nos. 6, 6 and - 7 were . slotted having conveyed the same to said Robert Chamblee. sSaid tract containing two hundred and one (201) acres more or less. ' ; 1 . ''.- . ' . ' This TMiuary 29th, 1907.- ""; '-, $ 1 M. ASHBY LAMBERT. ' - . -Trustee. - , JOHN W. "HINSDALE. JR., .- u. ,.'-, Attorney. - , . A. W. 4 Wks. - j ; ' PIIAN JOINS IN QUEST Overbeard Med: i of ; tbe Kitepplng 4 Forced Her at Pitol'S I'olut Xot' to Reveal ;what ShHad Learned. v Detectives Following Vp Tills Clue to Kidnapper pf, Marvin (By Leased Witf tot The Times.) Dover, Del.,?' Macl)'28. mIsb Lucy KlUon, the school teacher, who was held up in the woods by '$wo strange men believed to be the kidnappers of little Horace Marvin, today; Joined In the search for the abducted tuy. With "her assistance . the deteatiy eg are more hopeful than they have 'been in weeks. The professional sleuths at first tried to discredit tne story.' Dy miss Kinen of overheating the, men talking of the kidnapping in the-woods, and of their making her, at tile; point of a pistol, promise not to tell '(hat she had heard. Half a. dozen farmef3hwcvor. have sworn tley saw two 'men ' 'driving in ward Uovor in a ouggx. at DreaKnc:K speed. "If they had not. doubted me they might have had the men by this time, said Miss Klllen 'today. "1 am wllllns to do anything to help Dr.- Marvin's boy. I wish I could haw held tbes men, but they had their pistols pointed at mo and I could do nothing." Miss Klllen, in company with the de tectives, confronted Several members-of the .neighborhood who have been sus pected, " She Was quick to say in each case that the man-was not one of the two she met in the woods. . Following a well established clue, the detectives hope to' find a Dover man to day whom they beUcve- Miss Klllen will Identify. This man haa been away from home nearly all the "time since the kid napping and the .officers say they have secret information that is almost con vincing against him. NO ACTION IN CASE BEFORE TUESDAY The decision of the council of state In tho White, pardon case vlll hardly be rendered' before next Tuesday, as the members will not be able to get together, before Monday to discuss the matter in all of its details. Owing to tho prominence of the parties concerned- the case-Is attracting consider able attention, -some being" in favor of and others-against the pardon. , ,. ., ',. .... ' BILL F0E,IIEC6UN j OF VOTEa'lASSED J Bj tho Wulatiii'Ows.Valther-S' ''The Old . Homestead," Albany, -N. Y.(.' March 28, The,blH for a recount of the votes cast a( tho election for mayor of New York, No vember 190S, has .passed assembly. - BOND ISSUE FOE-Vf , A NEW AUDITOBIUM - .: 1 ' : -' " " "I" . It has been definitely announced tha't at "the next meeting of the board of aldermen j an election la to bo. called to vote on a bond Issue of - $100,000 for the erection of an auditorium suitable to the needs of this city. 'In the days pf yore this was looked upon as tho convention city and it was, a foregone conclusion ' that all tHW-eohvontlons woudl be held In Raleigh, but in recent years there has beeh no'1'nudttorium sufficient to. accomodate the ero.wdB and the result has been' th&t thecdn ventions have been held 4 other towns. Under a provision of the new amend ment, It. Is provided that -if this elec tion fails. another 0114 cut) be held. Whether the old city haU", will be remodeled or property bodBht . In an other section of the cltjf 'jfoc'Te hall, is a matter that Is yet to--ba dooldod. The, most important thlmy is to get hold of the money to make the Improve Jments and the site ad .all., details will be decided upon later, ;' ,'j. - The' election isto be called' for May 6th and the call la to be Issued next week. .. -!'-:.; .. ' BOY THAT IXK)KS LIKK, MARVIN 'DISAPPEARS. San-Antonio, Tev., March IS. Accord ing' to the statements of the local de tectives bureau, who haye been search ing, for Horace Marvin, t. who dis appeared from his home in Dover, Del.; March -4, a child answering the de scription of the missing boy. ha been seen here by several parties,, but when an effort was made to- locate him the child' had, disappeared under . myster ious circumstances. The. local, search, however. Is being continued.' ' , Mr. 3. Rosengarten 4 has ' returned from New York city .and- other north-srft-markets,' where he.' has been pur chasing hi spring 'and .summer stock, ' . ALL HANDS Aim . , PLEASED With the abundance, rich ness and. flavor of the Ice Cream we suptoly: at'cfily 25 cents a quarts ..-4 . RAISED OLD CAIN ONTHE STEAMER .J' 1 (By tho Asooclat'nd Press'V if ; Korrolk, Vai,: March . ?8. pnf 'ufc drod sailors from11 the" battleship ijon noctlcut In ".Hampton , Roads while, e route ' to - Hortress Monroe on "the Bteamer- Ocean View, without apparent causdt' t6ok chargo of the'steamer and put the eW to rout. The bailors broke out wlndow lights, broke.rdoors, drove the cooks fi'om the galley, poured out all provisions aboard the steamer, dumped on deck the fire In the" 'kitchen stove, and did other 'damage. As soon as the steamer landed at Fprtress Monroe the sailors hurried aboard the Connecticut. IYILLS MAINTAIN1THE IISMORDPIEGTION Yesterdayafternoon there was a hearing before the' corporation com mission in regard to maintaining ho aaniord connection, which was broken when the Southern and Coast Line 'stopped running through trains from, Wilmington to ml. Aairy early in the year. Under tho existing schedules parties going to cast Caro lina by that route aro often com pelled to remain in the town of San' ford for twenty-four hours and the same is true of those going west. Superintendent 10. U. Coapuian, of the Southern, was here yesterday, and so was Superintendent J. C. Mur chison, of the Atlantic Coast Line, It was agreed to provide a schedule so that connection would be made at that point both for cast and also gestbound trains. The schedule is to bo announced within the next few days. Jdr. R. B. L. Bunch, general traf fic manager of tho Norfolk & South ern, s in consultation wttn the cor poration commission this Afternoon in regard to traffic matters on his road. " OCR NEW MINISTER" WILL RETCRN APRIL 5TII. 'Our Now Minister," a play that many regard as the superior of any that has been here this season, Is to playf ra; return engagement hero on the ,f)ili ot April. It is by the same ana rii wno wunessea ic were a llghted. Tho play being v presented by tho same company as when here early In the season. . Mr. Harry Wigley, advance agent of "Our Now Minister" Company, is spending the day in the city, j R.& S.MAN SUES SOUTHERN RAILWAY Suit has been entered, by Mr. A. Sola MendeS and wife, Julia Mond?s, against the Southern Railroad for fl.200 for the recovery of their bag gage. , Mr. and Mrs. Mendes were married In Washington, D. C., and were going on their bridal tour, having their bag gage checked over the Southern road to- sdme point in Alabama, and they have never heard or seen the baggags since that date. Mr. R.' N. Simras is attorney for the defendants. Mr. , Mendes holds a posl tlqn liif'thls city as auditor tne Ral eigh and' Southport Railroad. IT WILL BE KNOWN AS . THE THOMPSOJS SCHOOL. The membors of the school commit tee ef the east Hargett street school have decided to name It the Thomp son school, in honor of Mr. Alf- A Thompson, who has been on the school committees of Raleigh for a long per2 iod of years.. EASTER GREETINGS. We wish to offer, our friends and customers a Joyful Easter Greeting, and to assure - them of our best ser vices In Laundry work, done in such a way as ltd promote their welfare and -happiness, . ' ' , EUREKA LAUNDRY, t ' All Phonos. - Bargains in Canned Goods I lb Stringlesa Snaps, t . S lb Tomatoes, To. ; . ; S lb Corn, 7c. 1 lb Corn, Okra Tomatoes, 7 He ft Okra, 7H& , S ft Peas, 10e. - . , '-..'(' ' S lb Applea, 10c. , . ',. ' 3 ft Peeled Peaches, UHo. - These prices should interest yotu jr. n. cr.rEX co. , r f WANTED .AT 0;:C! uiniirii inn mm frfTA"""' - Operate Sgvvmj Machine:;' :; mmmmmmm w-ssismws aMMMlaB,aH wmmmm m m . -y . ji: s f-" - .Jl T " ' ' ' - . t ff j beginners paid G I ff ' All Machines it GOOD uti Board secured at For full particulars, dOLDEN BiLT Durham, I - A' Garments will only fit when thoy aro cut, fashioned and tailored over your forni. You can't buy from-fuctory-to-wearer clothing and get a fit. That's common sonse. Why, then, spend money for clothing not made for you,- when -for tho camo amount wo will mako study of your build and then mako you a suit jour suit? ... , v, . Delays aro dangsrous. Let mo Undoubtedly tho finest lot o'. Suitings you -ever saw from which to maUo your selection. r) f A. C. H I N T O N, NortH Caroliha's Foremost 'Tailor. Kooms 200, 211 and 313 Carolina Trust Building. 1 ?N.,;iV .gjrl 1,11.1,6 HART-WARD HARDWARE CO., Agents for Keen Cutter Tools.' - MILLER 20 Uroadwny, New York. ' i:itOIU:RS, Ilrancli Oflice, 110 East Main Strwt, Richmond, Va. ' . B. U noi)EX, Manager." ' ' TUOA'ES 4532 and 001. ' . MEM1JERS New York Stork Exrhange,' - New York Cotton Exchange, .v .. v New York Coffee Exchangn, ('IiJcajro Rnart Of Trade, ' , , , , New Orleans vCotton Exrlinnge, riiilndrlphla Stock Exchange. v Asuoclalc Mi-nilv-is Liverpool PRIVATE AVI RES TO NEW YORK, a. US -l THE COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS BANK, . , ( RALEIGH. N. C. v . capital ; - . SURPLUS. H . '','', " ..Stands first in point of deposits among the 271 State Banks, Private Banks and Trust Compa nies in North Carolina which do not y-ay inter- est on drpr-'. -v . - , J " T- - fT-Tl-'1 T-T : 0000 o ". -f .,,'' ittWT J.Vt WAGES.-.--, V by power. ; ' ' moderate rates,--' apply promptly to Mft (0. ', - ".)",?t.,.i',--V'""j N. C. "A saw is a good thing, but to shave wlth.'f'. Also, Ready-to-Wear Clothing - is a good thing, but not on the man. ' ' ' i if." -'--I jlf your clothes don't fit you icrfocUy,.,.taoy will not:. hold shape, and if they don't hold shape they won't wear... That's the whole 'argument''' in c nut-shell. take : o-,ir moasyro ft ones. f, 1 if7 M'ste'SrsL. F U C 821 Gratfor St., New Orleans. Cotton Association. CHICAGO AND NEW ORLEANS. A T HORSES ' 'r'1 MULES ' , , , t fob f i(, v , EVERT s"-., lm . PURPOSE " ALWAYS : on HAND,. , J. 11 PACE MULE CO. Billy Taylor, 'ZJanager. ,M $100,CC0.C3 100.CCD.C3 '.,,) tl fj( n ,1T j t f fUE i "Vti, I I 101. , ... ',v :' 1 -t, y tn li -,,(!. i nun H 1 11 if f.i '- Ct. - i, ' TZ , 1 t Hjh ,"(' . " vstt . , ... . ! Y1 . : - 1 1 '' ft. I.. , Tun fill" riion.-s: r.ti

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