I I r THE EALLmj EVENING TIMES: THURSDAY, MAKCII 28, 1907. 4. .1 f tot Cr;;r:JYcrd!clofNot Chilly cf L'srder-' : GUILTY PISTOL TOTING . H Appeared 1 rom ': State's Evidence - Tlutt Hodge and . Young ' Jones, ; , Whom His Pistol Killed, Ibid IVwii Good Friends Pine of $100 uiul Cost Imposed. V ',i The trial iOf A, ; H.', Hodge, lor the 'I murder of Clyde Jones" on the elgth day of last December, came up.ln the super ' lor court yesterday afternoon 'about 3:30 , I o'clock.' ','"-". " The first witness put on the stand .' was a young man by the nairio of Jesse i Wall,who testifies; mat ' thedsyvof , the shooting he pame up East Martin " street with Jones, and turned the corn '.. er by Norr'ls, store and started up Wil mington street, the two passing the de fendant standing there In front of tho store, and after having passed Hodge ,- and walglng a few steps he,, was called , by Hodge and asked to "hold on." ' . Witness said that Hodge came up and i began talking with him about a party i to be given at Edwards Chapel in the .' country, and asked him If be was go- ing. .After tbe, conversation about the ' party, the defendant put his hand In his hip pocket and pulled out the pia ,." tol and Just about the time he got the r-pistol, from bis ' pocket t It went k oil. - Hodge then turned and walked off, and 1t wa after he had gone soma distance i" before Jones said anything. Then plac er ing his hand to his Side he said. "Oh ' Lard," and as be said that he turned l and talked away. Witness did not see r the deceased after that time. Wall tes v tided that ha had known the two men :; for a number of years and they had f. always been the best of friends. . Had ' never heard of any difficulty between the two. ' ' Needham Jones, colored, testified that he was standing In front of Norrls' store on Wilmington street,' Waiting for - a. man that had come, to town with v him to come and go home, and while -v standing f there h heard & remark: .-VThls is what X give them then they V. don't do to suit -me,", and at this he : ' beard the pistol fire. ;Wltness did not know either one of the parties and had .- ' never seen them before. v- " , - High Council; a white boy Vas tha next witness Introduced by the defen riin ilnrtt. He- testlne thaV he saw- Mu three men standing thore talking. He .' saw Hodge ' pull out the pistol - and thought' he covered it with his left s hand just about the time It went off. Saw Hodge when he turuodf and walked off, -but later after turning the corner ! started to run and - ran down . Bast Martin street. ' f . Several witnesses were put on the stand... The caaa was carried oves year terday -afternoon : until this morning, when the state, rested its case,; The ' counsel for the defendant moved the court to discharge the defendant upon the grounds that the act resulting in j. the death vof Clyde". Jones was. purely accidental, It having appeared from the "J.S evidence of the state' that the boys had tr been good friends all their lives. Coun- v sel argued the .' matter,': and Judge Jones ordered a verdict of not guilty. ; f V. Hodge pleaded guilty to carrying con. v sealed weapon and a. Una ot $100 and - cost was Imposed upon biro. : Thedefm 'v dant was. represented;, by. Col, J; C. L, - Harris, C. L. Argo, and Mr; ChaS., U. Harris. , K . . - i tipence Case Again Continued. ; , T?or the second v time has the : esse against Everett Spence, the young , white man who killed,, a negro In' east ' ' Raleigh last fall, been continued Each " time it was continued tor the. defendant ;.' anJ this time a- continuance was ask- ed by .reason. of the- fact that S.. ; - Parker, said to be'a very material wit . nees, was not present, a-.-.? .- : There Is one more capital case on' the ; docket, a negro who is charged with 4 ' burglary. It looks like the docket will v come very near being cleared by. 8a t 3 .;; urday night ' , - THE SUICIDE OP A J5ASEBALI, CAPTAIN Sr'-K'. .3 '" 'jJtv'1"-' f y'. (By Leased Wire1 to Tho Times.) ' West lladon..vInd., March ,28.r Charles-Sylvester Stahl, captain ot (' the Boston - American "baseball club, committed suicide this morning by ' drinking carbolic acid. . Despondency t :wr.s the causo. , , - Stahl bad been in charge of the v' - Boston American X.eague , baseball team as manager ', and: fluid captain since - Jimmy Collins suddenly ; left f- that club about 'the middle of-last - "season, and eo far as was known up "v to last Tuesday, when' ha resigned .as .i manager and owner, John I. Taylor ' was put In hla place. Ho was en tirely, satisfied with his. position and ' had. given tho club owners no cause for complaint ' Ha has been In charge of them while In Louisville, Ky. His nclion of" resigning ion: Tuesday came v ns a-decided .''surprise -..-.to his many friends on the team and In Boston, The reason given was that the cares ' and worries of the position of both manager and fiold captain were too much for him. s Xurslnji MotlicrH and Miliaria. Tlie Old Staridard Grove's Tasto Jcss Chill Tonic drives out malaria and builds up the system. Sold by ail dealers for 27 years. Price CO Woman's Trials. The bitter trail In a woman's life Is to be childless. Who can tell how hurd the truggle mar have been ere she learnt to resiu herself to her lonely lot? The ab sence of this link to bind marital life together, tlio absence of this one pledge to mutuul atTcctmn Is a .common disau polutmimt. Many unfortunate eouplts become estranged theroby. ; Even If they do not drift apart, one may read the whole extent of their disappointment in the eyes of such s childless couple when they rest on the children of others. To them-tin largestfamilydoes not seem toonumeroua. In many eases of barrenness or child leasness the obstacle to child-bearing is eaaily removed by the cure of weakliest on the part of the woman. Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription has been the means of restoring health and fruitfulness to many a barren woman, to the great joy of the household. In other, but rare cases, the obstruction to the bearing of children bus been found to be of a surgical characftr, but easily removablo by painless operative treatment at the Invalids' Hotel and .Sur gical Institute, Buffalo. N. Y., over which Dr. Vlurceof the "Fuvoiito Proscription fame presides. In all cases where chil dren are desired and are absent, ao effort should be made to find out the real cause, since it is generally so easily removed by proper treatment. . . .1 - Iu all the various weaknesses, displace meues, prolapsus. Inflammation and do bllitatlmj, catarrhal drains and to 'all eases of nervousness and debility. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is Die most efficient remedy that can possibly be used. It has to iu credit hundreds of thousand of cures more In fact than any other remedy put up for sale through druggists, especially for woman's uw The ingredi ents of which the "Favorite Prescription Is composed have received the most pouuve enuorsomen irora too (tiidinii medical writers ou Materia Medial of all the scvoral .schools of practice. All the ingredients are printed in plain EvylUh ou the wrapper enclosing the bottle, ho that any' woman making use of this famous medicine mev know exactly what she is taking. Di) Pierce takes his pa tients Into his full cdiitldence, which he can afford- to do as the formula after which tlwv ""Favorite Prescription Is mads will bear the most careful exam ination. . Dr. Plorce's Pleasant Pellets aro ths best and safest lasativs for women. BLIND AND IN PENURY By This . Man's Work Carne gie Made Millions' John; Brltin r and Another Man Equally Unfortunate Perfected the ' Rolling r Mill 'Machinery that Itovolutionlzod the Steel industry. . By Leased Wire to The Times.) , 'PlttBburg, Pa,, March 28. John Brlstln, inventor of " the massive rolling mill v machinery by whfch beams of Iron weighing tons aro run through tho rolls arid through- which Andrew-Carnegie mado most of his mllliono, died here last night at the age of 72, blind and in poverty. His family say he died of a broken heart. ; ; Carneglo and Bristin were boy Eood friddda. f Brislln nnd Anton Vlnnao, another workman, after theroning mi.l machinery revo- lutionized tho st3el industry. Then they discovered that their BOcret was known and soon the Carnegle-Stecl Company was using their Invention They afterward asserted that their models wore stolen. -r They brought sort and were award ed ths ownership ot patents valued at 540,000,000, hut this verdict was reversed on a technicality. They had no money to continue the fight, but they spurned the Carnegie com pany's Offer of 100,000 for a settle ment. ,-Vinnac died ? of ' grief and Bristin went blind. , ' " 1 , Tit is said that on Saturday .Bris1 tin received a Uttor supposed to Iai from Carneglo. ''Everything will be all . right' now,"' Bald he, "'Carnegie knows alt. about It." CHILD MURDERESS 'IS DECLARED SANE 'v (By Leased Wire to The Times.)- Carmel, N. Y., March 28.-A sudden shift came In the trial of Jennie Burch today. ' 1 , - ' . ' f . Declarlns that ho would hsk tor a votdtct, of guilty of murder in the flrst ' the wife of the society millionaire, Brls degree which would send the.murdec j tow:: Draper,- son of ; General Draper, el' of little-Wilbur Winshlp to death J now. lieutenant governor of . Mossachu Itj ths chairs . District Attornojt Weeks settst. In eapturlng the heart - ot whn Uho child's trldl' was resumed, , Draper, the -show girl J said to have began his case rebuttal to shatter the plea of insanity made by? the de fense, v It was thought the state would concur in the plan to send the girl to Mnlteawan. " ' . ', . . Tho defense had cjoscd its case at the end of the session -Which : lasted until midnight and In which it developed that one allenest was to be called in behalf of the glrL : The district attorney said it was Impossible that the Insanity plea would stand. "We have abandoned all the Inten tions we had at tho beginning of this tilul," sani the district attorney to . day. "The defense has not proved the insanity of the defendant. - Jennie 'Burch is cane now, and we believe sane when she committed this murder." . . . " . ..' It was stated that the case would go to the jury today. , : COMPANV AND EMPLOYES BOTH HELD RESPONSIBLE. ''..'-'' tr 'k:'.-"' -: '-. ' ' ...-, ..'. ..'.;v 1 (By Leased Wire to Tho Times.) Los.' Angeles, : Col., March 28. The coroner's Jury investigating the cause of the eolllsiqn between the .two Sante Fe passenuer trains ontheBueutaVlsta bridge last Saturday night, which re sulted In the death of five persons yes terday, returned a Verdict finding En gineer Kelly and Conductor ' Humble guilty . of disobeying orders and the Smite Fe guilty of neglect in not pro viding a proper block signal. ' ji. 5 u. iiaOff day ' . . 7f . 1 ' LaFayette Played Rorse With , Them 16 lo.O f . And! Only Seven Innings. Played at . That Ten Errors Were Piled Up 'Against' A. A M. Temple Taken ' Out to Save Him for Today. - !.., ' ' ''' ' ' '" V ... Two one-sided baseball game have been played in Raleigh this season. The first was last Monday, when A. & M. 'did the playing, while Cornell rooked wise; the second took place yesterday. , The fine playing ot La fayette was an exhibition worth see ing, hut what A. & M. did was more on the order of the old-fashioned "ca'Vfajn Ml small boys play on tha street'hn . tbo polioemen are around the other corner. ' . i f.C Ten errors in one game seem rather unreasonable, but 'Nevertheless A.'. & M. made ten yesterday" which fact probably accounts; for most of the sixteen runs credited to Lafayette, f . Without Temple in the bo, the home, team- lost Interest, as his re moval' -was entirely . unexpected. Coach Clark took him opt in the third inning, as he was getting very ragged support, to save his arm for today's game. y Had Temple pitched the en tire game yesterday, there might have been a difference. - A. & M.'a new pltchov,' Council, showed up well in bis first game, and witn a little more experieiice and self-confidence, will be ot considerable benefit to his team. . Most of A. ft M.'s errors were made at second base and at shortstop; some also occurred in right field. The base stealing of A. & M. was hotter than that of Lafayette, the former making four steals, with one for the visitors. Most of the batting done by A. & M. was in the shape of flies right into Lafayette's hands. Council struck out four men, Swank only two.' ! An interesting play was Shuford's safety to first, touching the bag while Lafayette's first baseman was in tho air catching a high throw from short stop. 'Another feature was Upde- grove's home run for Larayetto in tfie second Inning. , v . Pale Delicate Women and Girls. The Old Standard Grove's Taste less Chill 'l onio drives out malaria tnd builds up the system. Sold by 11 dealt r for 27 years. Price 80 cents., i'r NARROW ESCAPE OF ... PRESIDENT GARRETT. -' j . ' ' ' ' .' ' (Special to The 'Evening Times.) w' Norfolk 'a.JJM rch JjAsPresident W, A. Garrett, of the Seaboard Air Lino Railway,, was speeding over th rails j ?c Z7 way unaer hl8 prlvat) ear and tne coach 1 waa. derailed and jwent bumping along J over the crosaties,-tearing -and twut- ing the tracks for. a hundred yards nr moro. , ' "t ' ' , ThOTOnly thing that saved the presi dent's car from overturning was a high embankment . through which his train was passing. t, The locomotive broke away from the "car, but was brought to a standstill: a short distance away. ' The driving wheels had left the track, but the front truck hung On- tenacious ly. Aside from the shock sustained no one was hurt. ' . " ' Headaches and Neuralgia from Colds LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine, the world wide' Cold and ' Drift remedy removes cause. Call tor full name. Look for signature E. W. Grove. 25 e. DESERTS THE BELLE 1 FOR DANCERS LOVE (By Leased Wire to Tho Times.) v New York, March 28.-Queena San ford, the dancer who disappeared sud denly and mysteriously, last Saturday from - the Sam. Bernards Company, at 'Wallack'e Theatre, is believed to be shattered the high-society romance of tho beautiful Miss Alice Margery Ray, daughter of the very , wealthy. Mrs, Wm. Ray, of Franklin, Mass. Miss Ray and ' Draper .were engaged to. be married on June l,and the house which was being: built for thorn: la Boston is now almost 'completed. The story .of Draper's marriage to Queeoa Sanford became public yester. day-uHtCh peculiar manner". A simple little jfelovivm' from. Boston said that society had beon perplexed, even Jarred bv tho old and authoritative state ment Issued by Mrs. Ray, of Frank. Un, that the engagement of her daugh ter, Miss. Alice Margery; to Mr. Brls tow Draper, son of the lieutenant gov ernor, . Jad ,been broken and that fienoeatirt 'thetwo young people would be notWAg-'to each other.' . Some inquisitive body .'scented - A mouse, trailed the recent .movements of Mr". Draper and then announced that the reason the engagement: wai broken was that Mr. Draper would be a bigamist it he married Miss Ray. DEAp FROM THE ' - . KICK OF A HORSE . ;4 ' ' ' ' . .. . :. Lumberton, N. C, March 2i Percy Singleton, aged 13 years, and son of Mr. J." A. Singleton of Red Springs, died laBt night at the hoapitttl In F.tvotte vllle, death resulting from Injuries pro duced by a horse kicking him Saturday. CAK01ATES'. CARHS , Announcement. - ' I announce myself as a candidate for Alderman of second division' of Fourth Ward. ' W. EDWARI FANN, JR. ' ' - Announcement.' .1 announce- myself as candidate for re-election as Alderman from First Division of Second Ward. ' " ' - , . W. A. COOPER. .. r ' For 'Alderman. ? I hereby announce myself sj can didate for Alderman, First pivislon, Tiiird .Ward,.uWQct"to the Action of tha democratic primaries to be held in AprtL . V, ftLL TAYLOR. For' PoUce'Coinniissioner. I announce myself, a candidate for Police Commissioner, four-year term, subject to the action of the demo cratic primaries. H- i GRAHAM HAYWOOD. ; . For Police Justice. To the Democratic Voters of Raleigh: I am a candidate for the office' of Police Justice. If elected I promise all laws shall be enforced. I solicit your support; 7" CILS. A. SEPARK. Candidate f orAlderman. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Alderman from the First Division of the Fourth Ward, subject to the action of tbo democratic pri maries. J, M. NORWOOD.. For Alderman- 2nd Div. 3d . Ward. I announce myself a candidate for Alderman for the second division of the third ward. If elected, I promise to serve my people to the best ot my ability. . W. O. SCOTT. For Police Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Police. Commissioner, . six year term, subject to the action of the democratic primaries. ' ANDREW SYME. For Police Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a can didate 'for Police Commissioner, two- year term, subject to the action of the democratic .lflmiirie3. JAMES A. BRIGG3. -Notice. I announcer myself as a candidate Cor re-election . as ; Alderman from second division of Fourth Ward. J. SHyp?fyU&CHURCH. '-- ti- 'fvikdtf .i .'' T..rf fiff. For Police Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a Candi date for Police Commissioner, four year term, subject to the action of the democratic primaries. Ct. L. A, MAHLER. For Alderman--First Di vis- . v .; ion, Third Ward. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Alderman of f Third Ward, First Division, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. : . , GEORGE M. HARDEN. To the Voters of Ealeigh. I announce myself as a candidal" for re-election to the office ot Police Justice, of the city of Raleigh, subject to the. action of the democratic pri maries to be held on the 4 th day of April, 1907. -' THOMAS BADGER. . Announcement. , I hereby announce nxyself'a candi date for re-61ection as Alderman from second division of the Second Ward, subject to the action of democratic primary to be held April 4th. t ' ED. HUGH LEE. ; Police Commissioner. , The pew charter otu city pro vides for the election of a Police Com mission, consisting of three members,. I announce myself a candidate for the Bix-year term, subject to. the .demo cratic primary to be held April 4th. ' JO. H. WEATHERS. - r .For Alderman , I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Alderman of the city pf - Raleigh from ' tho flrst division of the Fourth. Word, subject to the democratic primary to be held on Thursday, the 4th" day of April, ' JESSE R. WILLIAMS. To the Democratic Voters of V i ' Raleigh! r I announce myselft us candidato tor. Alderman In the second division of the First ward. 7t elected, I prom ise to serve my peoples to the 'best ot my ability, and will always stand (or any- legitimate promotion and prog ress of our ward and city. , ' t Ws p. BATMAN.1 Mr. Leo D. Heartt for Aider man. , .-At the earnest solicitation of his friends, Mr. Leo D. Heartt has con sented to becomo a candidate for Al derman for the first division of the First Ward, stibjoct to the action of ' the democratic primary to be held April 4th., - v - eod ' For Police Commissioner. , I hereby announce myself a candl- date' for, , Police. Commissioner, six- year term,-subject to the action of the democratic primaries. 6t ' . ' LYNN WILDER. ' Announcement. To 1my ' Friends and Voters of the First Division of the Second Ward: I desire tp announce my candidacy for the Board of Aldermen, subject to the democratic primaries and elec tion to be held this spring. In doing this I can only promise that If elected I will, without fear; or favor, serve my ward and our city to the best of my ability, and will' al ways stand for any legitimate promo tion and progress. HORACE R. DOWELL;'- Alderman 2nd Division First Ward. - I hereby announce myself a candi date for Alderman First. Ward, Sec ond Division, subject to the action of the democratic primaries. T. E. MOORE. , A Card from Air. Itluke. After running a true line, I find the city limits are In the rear of Mr. T. E. Moore's residence on the north side ot Peace street by more than twenty-five feet. W. z'. BLAKE, City Engineer. ANNOUNCEMENT. I annonce myself a candidate for the office of, police Justice for the city of Raleigh, subject to the democratic pri mary to be held on the day of April, 1907. , .... If elected, I promise to enforce the vagrancy, pool room, liquor and gam bling laws. Including those passed and amended by tho late general assembly, as well as the criminal laws of the state, and the ordinances of the city of Ralenlgh, to the bent of my ability, without fear, favor or partiality. I will adhere to the principle that cer tain punishment rather than severe punishment, will, in most Instances, bring about better results. I will, if elected, do all in my power to aid in the reformation of boys and young men who "fall by the wayside," and will make It "warm" for that class who make a business of enticing the youth of our city Into places of vice. Kespectfully, W. C. DOUGLASS. Time Is Money! I have plenty of time. I know many pepple who have plenty of money. If you want money, taKe time to look mo up. I can find it. C. C. McDONALD. REASON BOKER JCNIVKS AND RAZORS. , REMINGTON GTTrS, CLUB 8HELL8, DAISY AIR RIFLES. GILETTB SAFETY RAZORS. MAJESTIC RANGES, NATIONAL COAL VASES, Are sold by ax, is because they are best frradca made. Thos. H. Briggs & Sons Raleigh, N. C A HOME TO, YOUR WIFE AND : ' CHILDREN. -viR:4'-''-V'V: ' Mechanics & Investors Union Are prepared to furnish the money with which to build it, and to give 100 months tn' which ' to repay the money. Now is the time to build. GEORGE ALLEN, Sec'y. ::r-j. PULLEN J1U1LDINO. ..... f.:0TKERS. . URS. WINSL0WS S00TH2K& SYRUP tana tmi ul br Mtnioni of Mottwrs tor ttifttr ehlldrFD while TwlhlnK for over Fifty (nn. It Kw.rhM th obll.1, wnRi the vumH, allays nil piilo, -niree wind oollu, auii u tae iwRt rir.!v nir lUarrhtwL .:--.:. 1, .... t , n i I." bn.v MI! lilt . - '" . - - 'j i v :.'r.i'-' v " '.i -hi' - -.- Real Estate Sabj AUCTION SALE. OF HOUSES AND LOT AT FUQCAY SPRINGS, N. O. By virtue of power conferred upon me by the several mortgages executed by A. F. Harmon and wife. Annie H. Harmon 'which said mortgages are duly recorded in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Wake County, K. C, in Book No. 204, at Page 460; Book Ho, 196, at Page 170; Book No. 213, Page ii, I will offer for sale at the Court House Door in the City of Ralelgb to the highest bidder, for cash, on Mon day, April 8, 1907, at 12 o'clock, M., the following described lotu of land near the depot at Fuquay Springs, N. C; and knowa mi the residence of, the late A. F. Harmony I 3 LOT NO. 1. Adjoining the lands ot Barry Holleman, B. II. Fuquay, and others, and. bounded as follows; Be gins at a stake Barry Hajleman'a northeast corner; thence west St feet to a stake; ;thens south t2 feet to a stake; thence east 64 feet to a stake; thence north 824 feet to the beginning, and said to contain one-eighth of an acre. Book 207, Page 578. LOT NO. 2. Adjoining the lands of J. A. Powell, Oscar Wood, and others, and bounded as follows: Begins at a stake J. A. Powell's northwest corner; thense east with his line 69 feet to a stake said Powell's northeast corner; thence north' 60 feet to a stake Oscar Wood's corner ; thence west 69 feet to a stake said Wood's corner; thence south 60 feet to the beginning, and contains 490 square feet, more or less. Book No. 207, at Page C79. LOT NO. 3. Adjoining the lands of Ad Powell, B, H. Fuquay, and others, and bounded as follows: Begins at a stake J. A. Powell's northeast corner; thence northward with J. A. Smith's line 156 feet to a stake In the south side ot Railroad Street; thence west with same street 66 feet to a stake; thence northwest 156 feet to J. A. Powell's northwest corner; thence east 66 feet to the beginning, containing one-fourth of an acre. Book No. 202, at Page 168. LOT NO. 4. Adjoining the lands of Bennett Rowland, Marry Holleman. Raleigh and Southport Railroad right of way. Begins at a stake on said Rowland's northwest corner; thence east 102 feet to a stake on the west aide of said railroad right of way; thence northward with J. A. Mill's line 68 feet to a stake on the northeast cor ner of the J. A. Mill's lot; thence east 24 feet to a stake in the west boun dary of the said right of way; thence with said right of way 36 feet to a stake A. F. Harmon's southeast cor ner; thence west with said Harmon's line 93 feet to a stake, being the south west, corner of said Harmon's lot; thence north with said Harmon's line 82V6 feet to a stake In said Harmon's northwest corner; thence west 21 feet J. B. Martin's (formerly Rufus Hor to a stake; thence 180 feet to the be- ton's) southeast corner; thence 'south ginning, and said to contain 1,584'. square feet. Book No. 195, Page 390. IXtT NO. 6. Adjoining the lands of B. H.. Fuquay and others 4nd bounded as' follows: Begins at a stake in the Raleigh and Southport Railroad right of way, runping thence westwardly 93 feet to a stake; thence northwardly 82 feet to a stake;: thence eastward Iy 128 feet to a stake in the Raleigh and Southport Railroad right of way; thence with Raid right' of way to the beginning, and containing one-fifth ot an acre,- be the same, more or less. Book 297. Page 678. B. F. MONTAGUE, Mortagor. Raleigh; N. C, March 7, 1907. SALE OF VALUABLE LOT; Under and by virtue of authority contained In an order of the Superior Court of Wake County, North Caro lina, In special proceedings for the sale Boylan and others, ex parte. I will : offer for sale at the court bouse door In the city of Halelgh on Tuesday, the , 26th day of March, 1907,, at 12 m. j o'clock, to the highest bidder for cash. At nuHHi. nnntirtn tha fr.lt rttui r tr Art. i scribed lot of lar,d lying and being tn thecityof Raleigh, Wake county. North I Carolina, at .the southwest corner of , the Intersection of Harrington and I Edenton streets, adjoining the lands ! of N. A. Dunn and John U. 8mith' anA t.m.M .. riw. vi.v Toin. nlng at a point In John U. Smith's ' line In the western line ot Harrington street and one hundred and Ave (105) feet from Hillsboro street, thence with Harrington strtet, north, one hundred and five (105) feet to Edenton etreet. thence with Edenton street, west, seventy and one-half (70) feet to the line of N. A; Dunn, thence with Bald Dunn's line, south, one hundred and five (105) feet to John U. Smith's corner In N. A. 1 Dunn's line, thence with John U. Smith's line, east, sev enty and one-half (70) feet to the beginning.' ,: Said land will be offered as a Whole, and also In two Iota front on Har rington street. This February 23rd, 1907. W, B. SNOW, Commiaionr. MhK OF VALUARLK LAND. Under and by virtue of authority contained in an' order of tbe Superior Court of Wake i County, North Caro lina, in special proceedings' for the snle of land for division, .entitled J. 1L Medlin and wire against Bennett Holderfleld el-als., t will offer tor Rale at the Court House door In the City of Raleigh on Tlinrsday.l April 4tli, at 13 o'clock, AltO the highest bidder for - cash, at public auction, the;' following described land in """" '"whbiihi, wns tr. adlolnina lands formerly owned by Richard Smith, Duncan Cameron and others, and bounded as followa: Beginning at a point, thence South 1 01 polea to poin ters, . thenca West 43 poles to two post-oaks, theme North ; 101 : poles v, to stake and thence (Sast 4 8 polos to the begin ning, containing 30 acres or tliere abouts."i; ' ( 1 MURRAt ALLEN, Commissioner., This March 4th, 1907. , , .4 AUCTION SALE OF LAND. By virtue f power conferred up on me by a certain contract, tor the purchase' and -sale of land, said, con tract executed by W. B. tjfokes, of date August U. 1903, I will offer for sale, at the Court Houso door. In the city of Raleigh; N. C, to the highest bidder, for cash, on Bator- , flay, March, 80, 1807. at la; o'clock in.,, the jolowing-descrlbe'd. tract of land, ', situate ' la. Wake . county, la Swift Creek Township, adjoining the lands of Robert .Gannon. Jonathan YTtlAv ' AlhoM. jtmnA- : limmtoti fin follows: ' Beginning at 'a .post-oak, Robert Cannon' corner, 'thence 3. 148 p. with said Cannon's line to . stake, thence K. with 'Jonathan Ut- W. Utley'g line,; thence"N. 184 P. to ': a stake, thence W.: to flje beginning, and said to cbntain one hundred and forty-seven J acres ( I47.acrea , be the same more or less, an4 known .) as the.Rufus Sorrell lend.;?' - . , B. F. MONTAGUE. 1 ,. venuer, , 7 .. !,' - . aj, ' " VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY FOIl - nALr ;- i. ...... Under and pursuant to thft. author- Ity of an order mado in the special -proceeding entitled J. IX Bowen et 1, vs. E. P, Stone et ftl, 1 now pending t In the Superior Court ot'Wake County, the undersigned commissioner win on Monday, the 15th day of April, 1907, at 12 o'clock M., ' at the -Court House door in the City of Raleigh, offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash,'. ill.? imivniiig ucuiuiiu, I.UU . County, North Carolina, to-wit: FIRtlT IXT: A certain kit of land lying on the south . side -ot .Johnson . street and bounded on the west by the property belonging to 3. B. Mar tin (formerly Itufus Horton), and pn the south and east by a lot of land formerly belonging to William B. Johnson, ai.d on the north by Johnson street, and being the lot which was conveyed to John I Stone by W. - W. ; Vass by deed dated the 18th day of March, A. D. 1862, and recorded in the office of the Register of. Deed for Wake county in Book 208. Pace E42.: winch said deed is hereby reierred to and made a part thereof for the pur pose of a better description.' ' t SECOND LOT: A certain lot of land adjoining the lot above describ-' ed and lying on the south side of said lot and bounded by a line described as follows: - Beginning at. the south west corner of Miss Julia Frost's lot ' land running back ninety-seven feet to fifty feet; thence east ninety-seven feet to Julips Lewis' i s (formerly Hughe's line; thence -back to the be- ' s land , which .-.was- ORveyed unte John U. Stone by J. R. Harrison and Ru fus Hprton by deed toted-the 7th day ' of December, A. D. 1865, ; and recorded In the office of the Register' of Deeds , of Wake County' In Book 208, Page ' 524, which said deed Is hereby re-. . ttrvAA tn anil mflH- nfirf hMAf v , the purpose of a better description. Said two lots of land will be sold together. There la a good residence located thereon, " This nth day of March, 1907. . R. N. SIMMS, CommLlsoner, .. .. & u.nu, u.iuiii. . '''-'' : -f v.y '','':'i''i;'n'l";'v :" , SALE OF REAL ESTATE. On Monday, the 22 day of April, 1907. at the court house door In the city of Raleigh, at 12 o'clock M I will offer t"r f """'uu', 'h house and lot on North Wilndngton Ham C, Upchurch, and adjoining the' property of T. B.' Parker on the south. Wilmington street ori the west, the , ,r! Tr , B T . 'i V. and. lt & Rand on the east being the prbperty of the late Mrs, Adaline S. Upchurch, .nd contalninR ,abut a quar ot an acre. -Title per-( . J , ' ' i' '''"'"' " . Sale will be under an order of Wake f Sulerior Court to make real estate as- sets. This 21st day of March. 1907. . F. O. MORIKG.. Commissioner; J. C. L. Harris, Attorney of Commissioner. W. V. ROSE. FA. WESTOV. Rose & Weston, i , ' ARCHITECTS. ; Rnleigh and GrvensboHi, - tt. 0., -i Steel ; Reinforced Concrete, Fireproof CoDRtrnctlon Specialty. ,.i H, P,:S. KtLlE, ARCH JTfcCT, RALEIGH, N. C. Dr. Ernest H; Broiigiiton MMtatMt with .- I ; J. H ' Crawford .;'.dentist;; 116 FmrettevilU Sitrsti TTqc AT TTTTATiT ClV PAPT lWDOUliU llUXl U IrAxCl- NERSHIP. We desire to ' announce' to our v friends that the law Arm ot Pou & Fuller will dissolve on April 1st. Mr,- Fuller will: shortly enter the firm ot Nlcoll, Anable & Lindsay, of New York,:' , -. , Mr, Pou will continue tho practice at Ralcich.4 ' . - JAMES S. POU, THOMAS S.: FULLER, ' :' Vj" i.ViA i.