0( IVE it, food that will not irritate or' ' "."retard the performance of its natural functions: cad lt.will reciprocate m a way .. agreeable and comtortlnff. " - ' j -v' No single ingredient, contributes so . largely toward wholesome, nourishing, agreeable food as Royal Baking Powjdeiv ,:j,Royal Baking Powder's active ingrc-, dicnt, Grape Cream "of Tartar, is the ; mdst healthful of the fruit products. : v : This is why Royal Baking Powder makes the food finer, lighter, more appe- tizing and anti-dyspeptic, a friend Xo the stomach and good health. ' '', v V lzitztlsn Eaking Pudsrs Ccsfain Alra . "The use of alum and salts of alumina in , food should be PROHIBITED. The con stant use of alum compounds exerts a . deleterious effect upon the digestive . -' organs and an irritation of the internal organs after absorption. ' "EDWARD S WOOD, M. D. ' r'l ' ,' ' x "Professor of Chemistry . "Harvard Medical School, Boston." 's ,, BOYAI. SKINO KJWOMCO., NEW VORK ' , '. - W rrr sjittpi rttfnom V , . , vi, (By Leased Wire to The Times. V Washington. D. C. March : 2R. Fore- hours to 8 p. tn., Friday: ' Partly - cloudy tonight and Friday. ' ;;-: ' The low pressure area central yester .,. day over Lake Michigan now lies cen tral north ot New York; Its eastward movement was attended by rains along ' the lakes and In New England; there was av thunderstorm at Oswego, where a marked rise In temperature has been reported. On the eastern elope of the Rocky Mountains the pressure has : fallen, and .centers of depression lie over the western; Kansas and . Okla 1 homa, and over Canada north of Mon ; tana. . The first mentioned depression .... has -caused some Tain In the central . portion of the country, and a rise In temperature In Kansas, Oklahoma, and northern Texas. Over the Pacific r coast states the pressure Is rietng. and low temperatures have resulted In the ' interior; at Los Angeles and Phoenix frosts were reported. In the south -warm temperatures prevail, with part ! ly cloudy weather east of the Missis sippi river, and cloudy west of this , river. The indications are that the , pressure will fall causing partly r feloudy weather in this vicinity tonight ' and Friday. ' . ;a. h. thiessej, Section Director. .TO MORE DANDRCFF. . ; Newhro's Herpicide ' ; Destroys the - Pestiferous , Cause of Annoying , . Dandraff. . Does your head , itch ? Is your : loat or dress full of white flakes after : dressing your hair? t That's the ef fect of dandruff. Is your hair thla ningT Are yon - beginning . to get bald In spots? Are yon already, in fact, rapidly, becoming bald? s; If so,' that is the: effect of a . measly little . parasite that burrows In at the root : of the hair, and throws up the "sculp . In dandruff and eats off the hair at the root., Science's latest discovery ; Is a destroyer! of Khat .'piatlferous ; germ.: That destroyer is contained In no other hair preparation on earth but Newhro's Herpicide. i Try H, d be convinced. A delightful dressing. Sold by leading druggists.; Ssnd 10. . In stamps for aamplsjto .The Herpi cide Co., Detroit,- Mich. .--.( . Two gUes, 11.00 and fcOe. ' t1 v" , Henry , T.. flck Sc -Co. - Special Agents. ' i - vi - BAPTISTS MEET '":v" w ;AT H'CTJLLEES The union meeting of the Raleigh Association will - convene with : the Baptist Church at McCuIlers on Sat urday and Sunday morning, March 30th and 31st, at ; 30 o'clock. Those -wishing to go from - Raleigh by rail can leave Raleigh at 8 o'clock in the morning, arriving at McCulLV at 8:55; also return, leaving McCuIlers at 5 in the evening. -' : It is earnestly hoped that all churches will be represented - from the banning. : - :,'.. On Puturday at 11 o'clock a ser mon by Rev. J. C. Massee, pastor of the ItnptlBt Tabermii'le Church, will lie preached. . l.v. J., S. Hagwood is moderator cf i'-e meeting. , "nin -1 BAND CONCERT ON - EASTER MONDAY It Js generally" known throughout this part of the state that the Third North Carolina Regiment Band has become a thriving muBical organiza tion. That Its . thirty-seven mem bers are business men and students ot, Raleigh, comprising an array of local, talent difficult to surpass. Is a matter of pride to the entire city. The band Is not quite two years old at present, but during the time that it has been in existence has been favored with marked success. The government provides for only twenty eight men in each of the national guard bands, but any band may uss as many men -as desired In its engagements provided -the gov eminent Is t put 'to no. expense for their equipment' 'Instruments and uniforms for twanty-elght men are furnished free of charge,' each mem ber being responsible for. big' equip ment as long a he Is connected with the band. ' ; The names of the players of the Third Regiment Band, t located at Raleigh, are given below, These gen tlemen, are; due- whatever credit the band deserves for what It has done. ' -Officer In 1 Charge Capt, - W. F, Moody, of Co. Bard Infantry. ; DlrectoMw-Gusta Hagedoxa. : Cornets -W. D. Simpson John W. Cheek, J. E. Sawyer, D. Thomas. Clarinets A.' J. Jackson, F. A. Brinlg, Chasj . Hart. W. H. Brewer, H. S. Battle, I O Lougee, L. R. Smith, R. I. Barnes. f:s Picoio and Flute Q. N. Good no and Robert Harrison. . - Oboe D. 1" Hatch. 4 Trombones F. Vv Birthright, 8. W. Bagley. i: H.- Parker, . F. Hatch. , ,.,',', ' " v A, A ' Alto Horns F. S. Linton, J. E. Thlem, Wi Goodwin, H. O. Clark, George Riddle. Saxophones T.A, Parker, Harry iAcy. i - .Baritones A. J. Thomas, '- James 3. Thomas, Jr.. i ' - ' Tubas W. 8. Thomas, John E. Ray; Jr.' U i ; ; Helicon C..-R. Peebles. Drums -H." J. Perry, Jno. A. Park. . Anvils J., V. .Hgham. N ' , "'. Drum Major Baxter Durham. ; : , Ths band gives Us next Raleigh concert on the night of Easter Mon day la the 'Academy Of Music, ' , Saved, Her Son's Life. The happiest mother in theltttla town of Ava,; Mo., is Mrs. 8. Ruppee. 6he writes:-'"One year ago my son was down With such serious lung, trouble that our physician was unable to help him; when, by eur drugi-'lafs advice I began- giving him Dr. King's New Discovery, and I soon noticed Improve ment -I kept this treatment up for a few weeks when he was perfectly welL Ha has worked steadily ever since at earpenter work. Dr. King's New Dis covery saved his life." Guaranteea best cough and .cold cure by all grugglBts. EDO and $1.00. Trial bottle freei 1 STOP THAT FAIN! Use Penn S. & K. Plasters. They In-e "no equal" nor "just as good." . 1 11. a 25c. at all Cs a of the distinctive features of the :,:aaic Festival under the aua pkea of the Raleigh Choral Society, May 1st, 2nd and 3rd, is the stimulus given to music In the graded schools of the city. Mot only will the chorus of 2 SO children's voices, with orches tra, be heard, but a special soloist has been engaged. Master Causley Polk, a boy soprano, to demonstrate what can be accomplished by a child in the line of vocal development Master Polk is solo soprano In one of the largest and -wealthiest churches: in Baltimore and is well .an favorably known as a concert singer, having ap peared in many, concerts In Balti more and vicinity. Master Polk will be heard in two concerts the organ recital and at the third concert This la, the flrst time a boy soprano has ever been engaged for a festival en gagement in the south, and his ap pearance here has. caused much fa vorable comment, if . T How to Remain Young. To continue -young m aealtb and strength, do as Mrs. N. F. Rowan, Mc Donough, Oa. did - She says: "Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured me of chronic liver and stomach trouble, com' plicated with such art unhealthy con dition of the blood that my skirt turn ed red as flannel. I am now practically to years younger than before I took El ectric Bitters. I tan now Uoai mf work with ease and assist' 1)1 my hus band's store," -Guaranteed at all drug gists. Pries 60 cents. SERMONS 0N HOME LIFE . , BY REVEREND MR. MASSEE. 1 t, ft . , ,i . j a . .i . li Last night at the Baptist Taberna cle, the pastor, Rev. J. C. Masses, preached an . Interesting -and helpful sermon on; "The .Home ana the Church." , ?!',' - k Mr. Massee la ' preaching : three week-day sermons on '. "The ' Home Lire," the sermon last night being the flrst of the series. " "i-- " . Tonight the subject will he "Home Inflnences: Their Power for Good or Evil." Mr. Massee's well-known social ap plication v of the ' highest " spiritual truths will la Itself be sufficient in vitation for many to hear htm to night and tcmorrow night,' ; ' ' Worked Like a Charm. -i Mr. D. N. Walker, editor of that spicy Journal,' the 'Enterprise, Louisa,' Vs., says: "l ran a nail In myfoot last week and at once applied Bucklln's Arnica Salve, No Inflamatlon followed; the salve simply heated the wound." Heals every sore ; burn and skin disease. Guaranteed at all druggists. 2S cents. DORCAS LAST NIGHT, - Small Audience , at A eademy Per- formanoe Was Only Median. . Dorcas . came to the '.Academy, of Music last night, and there was a very small audience to witness the perform. ance, which was only medium. The play was presented here last season by well known .actress, : and It ls. no small matter to find another to take the part played- by Miss Pauline- iHall. Mis Ethel Morton, who took the part of Dorcas, has a very good voice and won several encores on her , singing. Lyman White as Arnold ' was fair. One way - In which the production could have been Improved -would have been to have scenery of Its own. as last night the house scenery was used for all three acts. This Is Worth Remembering. ' Whenever you have a cough or cold, Just remember- that Foley's Honey and Tar will cure It. 0 Do not risk your health by taking any but the genuine. It is in a yellow package. -O, O. King. - j.fr - :- i . ' . i ;-y-' :- f ; 1 - Mi - -if Your ELJTCI. Comes from J. Roaengarten It will certainly be ( ROSEXOARTEN'S NEW SPRtXQ fl.OT.'IES a style. and perfect In tailoring shown here In a It, Snappy and bright new Spring P,.!is, f7.ro l.ai-gett and WilmmKioa . reels. (ROY ALL & BORUE.VS FOI. It Ml" . ) is is the expression of every lady and gentleman -a) 1 our new store, and wa extend a cordial invitation to :i , ve-pot as yot called on uo to do so. , vl Wti It is our intention to handle nothing but the best und purt-t eatables that can be obtained, and we feel conv.a-cej that the people of Raleigh will appreciate our efforts. ..... - .;- : !-. - r .... :-. 7I::3 i3 'C::r v ; ' SrrClALSl-As long as they .Corn at TMccau. - .i .. . We have for rent large and ' RATI S REASON ARLK. C7FICE .-1 SUPPLIES ' - Wo . handle one -of tho 'most complete seta of of fice 'supplies' In tha state. ; Everything that Is needed - 7 In ' the - office.,,'" ledgers,' r , Jay Boo"ks, journals, etc., v titc. y ' -" , AlficJ Villiams & Co DRY GOODS, LADIES' FURNISHINGS AND NO V- ' ' . ' ' ' v ELTIES ' ' !.'.. ' . ' SlL.vSf AND SILK SUITS. SUESIITli rSILKSJ (Washable) J . - , K 1 - . "'i, 27; inches wide, v40c. per yard Light Blue, Pink, Champagne and White. ' . s- . " black Taffeta silks ;"; . ; . 7 v , 43 inches v ItlcTSwiss make. 1 1 . -. . ...-,.' . .- - $1.68 42 incljes'M jde, strong and flexible ' '. . . '. ;'. . ' 1.85 35 inches wide, duster finish. . . . 89c. SILK SUtTS ' - - . Showing the Eton and Pony styles, in Black Taffeta, "I'.feautlful finished. ,4 Prices. .$25.00, $3p.00aritl $35.00 -; Begiriiyn Monday niorningn we 'viU Bhov-.-many spej cialties inBLu k AVool Dress Goods, Voiles, Chiffon, Pan amas, Eoireune, Taraise, Batiste, Nun's-Veiling, Imperial .Serges, Poplins, Prunella, Mohairs, etc;, wide range 50c - to41.50.-? "f.i, , - ' ;" , v ; Everywhere throughout the store every, article new. 4"". i . si ?r. - .-, . i Thorri: 3 A. Partin Company Fayettcville Street, V . t. tv t a f r last, we Her t, 000 cans---; A ' tairy rooms In our, building. ' i ' i ; " Pound at IJist, - -rt. A.- Harmon,, of- LIsemore, , West Vs., says: At last I have -found the nerfeet pill that never disappoints me; am) for the beneOt of others aflticted with torpid llvur and chronic consti pation, will say: take Dr. King's New Ufe Pills.":' Guaranteed satisfactory, ts cents at all druggists. . ,- Hans and Crczkfcst Eiccn F.J'F. V. Hams. f. : 18 c N. C. Hania , . , , . 1 . J . , x . , 20c. Swift's Haps , , m,.', t . . 10 He. Picnic Hams . , .V,..,. 12Je. Carolina Shoulderf . 15c- . Kingan'sB. . Bacon (. ; . .' 17W to 20c. JOWlS . , . , , . "' . , IOC .' Call us up. rOur numbers: .-, . Raleigh Phone .191. Interstate 609. RUDY & BUFFAL0E, . ' ' ' 108 K Hargett St. !1 ' Ealeigh Investment Co. " .8erurltlw ol all klmts homt K0ITEY TO- LOAN. ' 6. N. FRKDMAN. 8.rretnrjr. Office: Capital CIu -JUnUdlng. ts - I. .'?'' .1 111 i . ' V f -. . . . , - " WHY SHOULD YOU MAKE YOUR OWN WAlr-5; WHEN WE HAVE THE AL R. E AD Y- l.f A D E: fb 31 YcU? ; 600DS LOOK DirrERENT UP rRoM WHAT THEY.DO WHEN YOU iEE THEM) IN THeTpIECE, YOU CAN" BE iSURE or. Arir tco; WHEN YOU jSuy 'VoUR4" WAlif,J READY-MADE. CAN Y0U3E .SURE or A FIT WHEH-YoU Do NOT? -I CHINA .SILK" WA1-STJ;LACE TRIMMED, HAND EMBROIDERED, BOTH BLACK AND WHITE 3 To $9 . ? v WHITE LAWN WAIST, MARIE ANTOINETTE, PLAIN RUVrLE; il.i'Sl'f; - Vf- v :; ' " ' WHITE LAWN WAISTS, MARIE' ANTOINETTE; EMBROIDERED RUFFLE, $.25. - . v K . ..'LAWN WAISTS; LACE YOKE AD LACE TRIM MEDSH0RT LEEVE$3.SO. 1 V i EASTER Every1, child dellchts In possession great times tliey do have hunting tor : V The whole line Rabbits, Chickens, Baskets and uegi more attractive than usual. - . i Best of all. only Pure-Food Law Candies are to be" used -perfectly wholcsomo for the children. . , . ' . .: ' . y r . : '- THE J. p. RIGGAN COr.lPAnY. BEU.'AND INTERSTATE TUOXns, I . , ' ' laij iFayetteville Street" ' ; 'f- EA0T2R , EGGO; . r .. '. ' ' - ' ' . H FRESH-LAID HEN EGGS. . Until further, notice, we will sell Eggs as follows:,,! dos.. . 18c; 8 dos 36c; 3 dos., 60c; 6 dos. or more l6o. per dos. ' - M ' This places Fresh Eegs wltbln the reach of all. ; Will yoi pnone us 4 your orders? Call No. 28. U ' v , D. T JOHN SO II 6, OOtJ . AIM " .... J " LJ t, For Kelly S;2 :-r-- " Young, nicn, middlc-acd men, oil tl.3 boy?, " all liavc been mostf magnificently cared. f.r- in. t1-1 present The i.l '.v far in tl.j h ' It t t " colorir really -mc: t ..ti iV. I :L your v 3 price t tti it tyV oarAH sy-, WHEN THEY ARE MADE: j 2TQVELTIE3. - ol liose Httlo novelties. And what eggs laid by the rabbits. ra much . ... 11 r s4 Drczzi: 4 . :A J

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