ViLL bUhDih 1 , . ; " ; 1.' , I L ' 1 l.iHlil WlUliilU ' CALAuY GOES ON , hut tut c!ir .. 5 ' .-of. .an 3, t. T :.: it: 4 so r tT m .0.9 !i"8 I . ioma of organic tuJ nature s warning c( a trouble wnicn will soon r c r liter declare i tacit. . loof'.en do we hear women ear, "It scant aa though my back would t rsitk." Ye they continue to drag . a'onr and suffer with ache is the - B,iiu.A of the back, pain low down In ; the aide, dragging sensations, nerr j ousneas and no ambition.-' I They do not realize that the bach iam and euicklv Indicates brachlo a diseased eondition of the feminine organs or kidneys, and that aches and pains wiU eontinne. oatit ths cause is removed. Lydia Ef pinkliani's Vegetable Compound made from satire roots and herbs has been for many years the most successful remedy in such eases. No other medicine has such a record of eures of 1 feminine ilia. ' ' '-.?'(. ;. Miss LensKsg-el, of 117 Morgan St. .Buffalo, H. Y write- "Iwas completely worn out and cm the verge of nervous prostration. My back ached all the time.. 1 hsd dreadful periods of pain, was subject to fits of crying and extreme nervousness, and was always weak and tired, Lydla IS. Pinkham'e Vegetable- Compound completely cured me." Lydia si Pinkham'e Vegetable Compound cures Female Complaints, such as Backache. Palling and Displacements, and all Organic Diseases. Dissolves and expels Tumors at an early stage. It strengthens and tones the Stomach, v Cures Headache and Indigestion and Invigorates the whole feminine aystem.' v Mrs. Pinkbam's Standing Invitation to Women ' r Women suffering from any form of female wesVness arc invited to write Mrs. Pinkham. Lynn, Mass. ficr advice is, free. - , , BALL LOVERS AROUSED Want to Get Busy for the Eastern League Another Letter From Mr. Howell With Regard to Raleigh Entering the League In Position to Sup. port a Good Team. All of Raleigh .was glad yesterday , when the Joyous tidings were spread over the city that 'Pap" Harris was at the fair grounds pitching the game of baseball between A. and M. and Lafayette, and that he was pitching n , one of the prettiest games ever. - The game yesterday awakened many of the enthusiasts of the city - nf. and now they realize what a good k game of baseball will be for the hot ,;ioa summer months that are yet to come and they should get themselves busy XX at' once and try and enter the East- w era North Carolina League. Pitrhap Harris vaa In foeolnt nf , - . a latter yesterday afternoon from 1 Mr. Harry Howell of Washington, - many more points were Drougnt out f'! In his letter than in the one recently ! received by Mr. Ceburn Harris. Mr. f -LSJHowell says that he should think that Raleigh would add great strength to such a league an'd with the completion of the Norfolk & Southern line to Raleigh it will be practicable to include this city in the . league. ;- . Mr. Howell mpfpa that the idea of the league will be to play college boys, and wherever players have' to be hired, to limit the salary to such a figure as will not soon bankrupt the smaller towns. .Raleigh is in a position to take care of a team, and one of this na ture could be supported at a small coat, If , some, pne would take a strong and active part in the work ing up of a team for this city, then enter the league, the people would see some good ball' playing this sum mer. -v. LaFollette Far From Well. . 1 (By Leased Wire to The Times.) , Madison, Wis. :' March 29. Senator Lafollette returned to Madison yester day, suffering" with a recurrence of his old stomach trouble, which drove him to his bed during the last ten days1 of congress. V ' POLICE ' Red Etood Corpuscles Made by Good : '. Food are the Police of the Ilody. When a msn keeps good red blood In him veinji ha has a. sort of doIIca snuad and is practically immune from disease. , Puro blood made, from the right food will resist the attack pf disease germs ; and drive them out er kill them. The' first 4hinr that should be looked to. ; therefore. Is the blood, and nromnt ac- tlon to build up the red corpusules by) Iy "jood, lawyer fn a western towrj tells J now he drove Blight's disease out ef his , , I3810 b7 wWy10 Kod red bIof 'A ' , 1 i of his parents,. Ex-Judge and Mrs. R. j: 711 ?fvera ben "5 !? 'M.'Pouglas. oa PougtoR.street. He had t.h VIUi kidney publ.he says, ihlc1r, ,n tad health MTera, , iwuu (,..cpH me iur uai- seaa. Mt eonflition became ch dji to cause great fears that Brighfs Disease -- of that WaUl would ai8,rt him to wassuttofastenitself upon me. ?1 regftll ht, nealtlu He returned to this Tln J ifltf 'iJclty last Friday. Since thed he grew Z iiuv7' ""'l "urr """"'steadily worse until the cad came. Mr, . 'iraffea.X" vTlehl I however, the eympto oecame so- awrming, r qu.i , " b-w i from Georgetown. University in 1901 and ,jroc4 Coffee, soon became i as fonafron law school of the University ot the w beserage as I had been of of North Carolina in 190S. Immerlately .theold coffee, and. what is pore b-l, Wg duliUoT ht cftnw 0reen !.tt - ' . 1 kidney troubles had almost entirely dis appeared..:; Z ant , "convinced that my former sufferings and the symptoms Of Brighfs ' disease were saused by ', the use of coffee) 3 and that the eredit for jny cufe belongs to the Postum. Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. y Postum Fool Coffee and Grape-Nuts make a good fed blood. They contain food that Nature uses In the process, ' so prepared as to be quickly asslmllat-' pd, "There's a reason."; .; y ? da - i CO : ' MI53 LENANWEU MAY LOOSE HIS TONGUE Pressure on President to Speak on Railroads The Chances About Even That He Will Deliver at Springfield an Ad dress Having as Its Object the Restoration of Confidence. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Washington, aMrch 29. Tne president, it is understood nas al most been persuaded to change his expressed determination to keep silent on the railroad question. The ! chances are now about even that ha will comply with the request of the representatives of the Illinois manu facturers and business men and go to Springfield to deliver a speech having for its object the restoration of public confidence. Active steps were begun yesterday by representatives of the adminis tration at the behest of the presi dent, looking to the prevention of the threatened strike of railway em ployes of the western railroaJs Chairman Knapp of the interstate commerce commission and Commis sioner of Labor Neill start for Chi cago today for that ' purpose. It developed yesterday that the conference at the white house Wed nesday night, attended by members of the cabinet and of the interstate commerce commission and Assistant Secretary of State Bacon, the con sensus of opinion was very strong in favor of the president accepting the invitation of the Illinois delegation of representative business men to make a speech on the railway and industrial situation at Springfield at an early date to bo fixed by hintself. THE FRISCO POPE AT WHITE HOUSE (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Washington, March 29 "His Holi ness," Pope Schrader, of the "Divine Catholic Church," called on President Roosevelt to pay his respects. "P()ne" Schradei's residence is in San Fwfn clsco. He told the president that his church differs from the Roman Cathif lic Church only, in the fact that its priests and its sidtero are allowed to marry. He said the divine church now had a membership of 2,000,000 scattered throughout the world. Schrader's long black gown, skull carl, and cross dangling from a large linked chain, together with his beard and his flowing locks, made him a very con spicuous figure as he stood in the ante' room of the executive office. ' "His Holiness" says he is going to begin a campaign to secure suffrage r the district, of Columbia, or. as the an rancico rope ;? termea u, ' "district of Columbus.'; ' v 5 1 ' ; . lnSl U iOtU; ,,. ; WflsrHKH, A. IJOLULAS. ' Lr ftSpeelal to The Evening Times.) V 'nrimnihnNi M Mar oh M.-AtftrihAIl Douglas died yesterday t the home , tor ia,t four Tears had .been . ..... in New Mexico, thinking that the cil- Douglas was 28 years of age, graduated boro to practice law with his brother, Mr. R. X. Douglas, but on account of bad health he gave up his practice. iA. . 4 ENSIGN DAVID BAGLKY ' j .. ' DETACHED TO VISIT HOME. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Washington, March 29. A cable from ' D... Admiral V . TT Hmhm mffl4 mander-tn-chief of Aslatia fleet, Kobe, Japanfl March Tt, says that Ensign D. W. Bagley has been detached from the West Virginia, to eome borne,, : TO HE-1 SSLfED Clean Sweep in Raleigh Ten- derloln District ' BOTH WHITE AND BLACK Six White Women and One Negro Charged With Maintaining Houses of Ill-Repute and Fifty four to Re .Arrested for Vagrancy Warrants . to Be Served This Evening. Something is going to be doing in magisterial circles tomorrow, for war rants are to be Issued against Blxty- one of the residents of the tendeloln district of this city, some of the war rants being against white women and others against negroes. All are drawn under the law passed by the last leg islature, and It is supposod that under the new law it will be much easier to convict, as the general reputation of the houses can be considered and the occupants of some can be made to testify. The warrants have not yet been served, but are being drawn up and the officer will probably start out this evening or tonight. It seems that the occupants of the houses which are alleged to be of ill repute are not wor rying themselves over the affair, but are going to stand their ground. Six warrants are to be issued against white women for maintaining bawu'y houses and one against a negro wo man for the same offense. Eleven white women are to be arrested upon the; charge of vagrancy and forty three negro women. All of the war rants are being issued by Justice of the Peace Roberts, and If all of the cases are 'tried, it will probably take him sonra weeks to dispose of them. Thli will he about the largest haul ever made in this city, and it begins to look like ere the present term of superior court Is adjourned that a large docket will be started for the next term, which is during the month of July. It may be that even a larger number of war rants than those already decided upon w'.W be Issued. Justice Roberts has a book full of names and the net Is swinging around all who are supposed to be inmates of alleged disreputable houses in east Raleigh. It Is very probable that part of the cases wul be transferred to Justice of the Peace Sepurk as the number of cases will be rather large for one magistrate to han'dle. WORK OF GRAND JURY COMPLETED The grand jury Completed its work this morning, and submitted the fol lowing report: -To His Honor, E. B. Jones, Judge Presiding, March Term, Wake Su perior Court: ' We, the grand jury for this term, bog leave to report: . y That we have passed upon all bills and other matters before us for con sideratlon. We have examined the court house, jail, county home and convict camps. The condition of all the county property is in exception ally good condition and reflects eredit upon the management of the county affairs. The sanitary condition of the Jail is exceptionally good. The cells are all provided with closets and iron bath tubs, porcelain-lined, with hot android water, to which the prison ers have full access at all times. The county home is supplied with all necessary comforts, and the in mates are well cared for. ' The convict camps are clean and sanitary, and the capvict3 are sup- piled with wholesome food. There are two women one white and one colored in tho home, who should be sent to the Insane asylum. A, M. POWELL. . Foreman. How to Kemaln Ybung. To 'continue young In' health" and strength, do as Mrs. N. T. Rowan, Mc Donough, Ga. did She saysis: "Three bottles of Electrle Bitters cured me of chronic liver and stomach trouble, com plicated witjt , such an unhealthy on4 ditloa of the blood that my sklai turn ed red as flannet' Tarn now practically to years' younger than before I took El ectric. Bitters, 1 can now do all my work with ease and assist In my hus band's store." Guaranteed at all drug gists. Price 60 cents. .' .,.?;., COLONEL TAYLOR BL'RIEI A s i .-a' WITH MILITAKV HOXOUS. . . (Special to The Evening Time.)' ' Washington, March " . Colonel Daniel M. Taylor, ordnance department. U. 8. A., who died at Augusta. Ga, was buried in Arlington Cemetery, this morning with full military honors, :: .The train bearing the body was met at the Pennsylvania station by a squad ron ot the Thirteenth-. Cavalry from Fort Myer, and the cavalry band. The funeral Immediately' proceeded to the cemetery by way of Fort Myer. , Rev. Dr. Randolph H. McKlm, of the church of the Epiphany, conducted simple ser vices at the grave, which were follow ed by the .firing of an artillery salute and the sounding of taps. ... Xawa Party 'Tonight. -There will be a lawa party tonight for the benefit of the West Raleigh Baptist Church at the home of Mr. James Reavis', In West Raleigh. Re freshments will be served. A STAG HOTEL MrVF.'CIcrscl leases the " Rosenthal Building , A TEN YEAR CONTRACT New Building is to lie Located on the Northwest Corner of Fayefteville am! Ifargett Streets Mr;'Jler8ch Has Been in Raleigh for Uie Past Twenty Years., Mr. R. P. Klersrh, proprietor of the Cafe Glersch, In this city, has loased for a period of ten years the building which Mr. Itosonthal is to have erected on the nonh west corner of Fayetteville and llargett streets. Mr. Glersch will have all of th(j bulld inir except the second floor; which will be used for' oihcofi. The first floor will be need an a dining hall and the third floor will be nicely fit ted up as bedroomr.. ' 1 It was announced in Tho Times several weeks since that Mr. Jerome Rosenthal would, er'H a now?biilld- ing on Fayettevillo street, and it -has been generally understood that it would probably ; be used as a stag hotel. This ;morninK Mr. Glersch confirmed the f, rumor that ', he had leased the building and hop4 to be in it by the fall. lie plans .were drawn by Mr. H. P. S. Keller, a well known architect of this city, and the new building wilt he a big injprovo- ment on Fayettevillo street Large windows are to be placed on the Hargott street side, and this will make the dining ball very light. The main dining hall will be twenty-four by seventy feet, and there will also be four private dining rooms. All will be handsomely fitted up. The seconf floor, as stated above, will not be used by Mr. Glersch," but will be divided into offices. On the third floor will be ten rooms that will be used In connection with the cafe. The main entrance to the cafe will, of course, be on',Fayetteville street. Mr. Glersch'has been contjuctlng a cafe-in 'this" city for the past twenty years, and there is no man in the state in his line'W business who is better k nown," andtt is certainly the best known cafe in the state. It. is the intention of Mr. Giersch to have his new place mdfijea and upto-dute in every partlculsfe'Sty will continue to be known as CMeiGiersch, ' 1 , WHITES LEAVING V BECAUSE OF NEGRO ' ' - --r;vt?; (By Leased WireotThd Times.) Washington, March -8.3ecretary Cortelyou has not taken action on the petition recently forwarded to him from the draughtsmen; employed in the office of the supervising architect of the treasury department, asking that William Cook, colored;' be trans ferred to some office other than the one in which he Is how employed. ; It was said yesterdaythat the offl clals were unacquainted with the fact that he was colored when the appoint ment was made. f ;? Three of the whit.ef.draughtsnien have already left the service, and It is rumored among those familiar, with the attitude of tho' petitioners that more will likely quit aniens Cook is transferred, This force Includes some of the most skilledjand highly paid men in the government service, most of whom have been. in the department for yeara w::5h:;v .Supervising Architect r, Taylor yes terday denied knowlhg.yanything about the petition, saying he had been absent from, his work for several days, and that he was. ignorant of the contents of the petition, 1 . . Worked ,Like ' a Charm. ' Mr. D. N. Walker, editor of that spicy Journal, the. Enterprise.- Louisa, - Va., says:' "I ran' a nail in my foot last week and at once appl.ed Bucklln's Arnica Balve.jNo' lnflamation followedf the salve simply healed thewound." Heals y - ore, barn 'and skin t disease. Guaranteed at all;d(uggl8ts. 15 cents y:.J;V, , ,-L v ;--. Fred Miller, of London. England, an artists of mezzotint 'engraving who has carried printing In1 Colors froui" iheaao-. lint piates to a greffter state, or pertec- uon pernapa than fy other person in Knlftnd, fs ihakttAa totfrJbf the Uhlted States for the purje of studying tho artistic side of Americs. :' He 19 at pres ent In Washington. '.. : '. , . ' " ' DEFEND THE HOnES The Wise WIU Have Ready V' Vich Croup : r -;;PnBui:::: S:lv2f Also Lllj IVIiwv 1 4.wui At all druggists' cr mailed by u RiCHAr.::crj,- .IfTeCLsnLv' ' -Greensboro, rr. C. Is Your llalr Falling Out? ':, A fev?hairi here and there a are not missed, but it won't be - ; - lonj before they, will be iv u ouv-u wigs muiumrcs maiuu Kexall ' Keroedies. it Will " regret J thfi fnrt ' that vnn We believe that The haven't done1 somethinff 4.1.-...U: -j 1" 1.1. p 11 , no Ir-S'rV""""1- C M Remedies, have in- -4 Rexall "93'Miiair Tonifi laugurated' a perfect i promptly stops falljng hair, cures system of supplying hndruff and will stimulate a new f eady-md Prescl?P:v powth of hair It : h4 done, so IZZfT tor Others. It Will do SO for you. trade-name "Rexall." ' It is not sticky or gummv : 'will Each remedy Is a wdl- ; not thicken on th hair? rlnea become rancid ; has no disagree- if. .1.1. -1. . r . auic oaor; is ciean ana agreeaDia iin, . to use, At our store, only fifty cents a bottle. - -Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. King-Crowell Drug Co.; Druggists THE SttJOJlZ STORE The American citizen has stood for; more imposition in the matter of cigars' than f in anything else he . buys with money In fact, he's so osedtobeinr; 'Vorked" by the cigar1 . manufacturer day after day," that he's pretty noarmis' to believe there's no way rof Lnowinrr what he is get- ' ting, anyhow. , - ' - The American Cigar Company stands for. full value '. in cigars. It believes the man with, five cents to invest -is entitled to get his money's worth as much as the in- . " vestor in any other property. , . It is against box-stuiBng, . against substitution, against shoddy, poor" cigars and against every kind of ; cigar imposition on the public, -rand it is adopting every , " possible method of exposing them.""-, 1 It believes the only'.wa fe build up a great and" permanent business is to deal honestljf with the people, to give good value and uniform dependable quality all. V the time. !,.1,v ' s v Several million smokers liavo found it out and are . ' buyirig their cigars by the. "A"' TriangloA) mark on the box instead of taking evorything'for granted and .' smoking whatever is handed out ', " 1 -l ' ; , p.. ' , t i ' ; 4 - , :y jt you want to.get acquainted with. VA'' (Triangle A) quality and satisfy yourself as to vhetherour claims .can be proved or no try . t v t;r-; Every box Is now extrvrrapped ih glassino paper, , " "sealed at each end with the "Triangle A" in red. . The ' v ' , cigars are kept clean, fxssh atd in perfect smoking con dition until the box is opened. -, AMERICAN CIGAR COMPANY " A r, ' Manufacturer RALEIQH ; SAVINGS : PANIC JOHN T. rUIXEN, President. ClIAIU.I i HOOT. CaHliler. Reserved Interest f 15,000; Profits Capital ud Hnrilus $50,000; Deposit $700,000. 4 rrit ckxt iXTKr.rsT in ox i rnsiTa. :, '! a niAscn leaving. ' my 'we' totire - United Drug Co., the v; woprietorsoi thertcx- .' nnt I tned recipe of a . famous physician who "v. ". ialist in his i . . . ; - . ! , i- , 4 ' '1 here are so many men who "mope about," hardly able to put one foot belore the othercan't afford to be sick family to , support ' and . no means. - " , . : . . . . . -i . HUHTER .& DREWEY. , Have "propured j the way."' Toey, offer an accident and health policy that provides Tor you and your family when disabled t : " . ' v THIS lOHCV ' CoverB disability caused by Dllor,a tlons, ;, Dfoken. - Bones, , Fractures, Brolses, . pt(ts,? Gunshot wounds. Crushlng; er mangllpg, Burns or scalds, ,r Bites, ply serpents, dogs or other animals, Sprained ankle, Stroke Of lightning, Injuries Inflicted by rob bers or highwaymen. Injuries received" at homo. In the ofHce. Store, Shop Factory,' Mill or Yard, On the street. i raveims . on passenger . trains or street ears,, Walking; Riding, Driving, Bicycling, Doatinff, 'Wishing, Skating, Hunting, Horseback riding, Drowu- Ing, Going to and from work and in ill the ordinary vocations of .life, - HUNTER, &DREWRY. H . . it v rflirjimn ULib .31,, i l " " RALEIGH, N. C. , ANTHRACITE , ' ' -1 and ?S 'BITUMINOUS '6;b:A'Liv. WOOD Cut Ready for:Ue Powell & , Phones 41. ; Powell DO NOT PACK AWAY YOUR BLANKETS ' UNTIL WASHED - . Spring is here and you'll soon bo bus packing away blankets and heavy bed clothing. 'It Is not safe to health to put away ' blankets until they have boon - thbroughly ; cleansed. ' Lot us 1 water and then they'll be pure . 1 aid will bo In a healthy feondl-, i 'vtlon when you bring them out - nox fall. OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Every lady la.'no doubt, ponderlnK over tho ' future. ' Perhaps she Is thinking of what prospects are in store for her. i .In .order to combat future contingencies it will be a wise, move to open a savings account With a reliable institution". Money . depos ited In this Bank carps 4 per cent iu tcrest. 1 Tuts, compounded semi-annually, will amount to quite a tidy, sum in the future. You will then be able to fall btck on something when you need hioney most in tho time pf : nocessltyi . . The'; Mechanics . Savings Bank respectfully solicits tho account of every lady In town. r t Mechanics Saving Bank All OLD MZLLCV COPPER LiolU.LE A . wiiiciiny; SstUfiction C ustatitee 1 Of pxa A QUAP.73 -' g II'ST'J IN PL '. f fl " " CM'. ' V r; ' " . mr.., -

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