Uiii.itii.Hili , :IIEAL11 ; , CoyIr:n-J?arcc Cointfi Doylan-Pecrcc C c i!: r r -t .1 - J - I- 1 , 1 ''l '7 1 1 I ' i 3 The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has beeii v f In use for over 30 years,: has borne the signatnre of i -i and, Las been made under his per ? Bonal supervision since its Infiincy ; Allow no one tndncrlvn vnn ilk tTiU: " v . . All Cpunterfelts, Imitations and " Just-asgood" are Imfc ' r. Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of ' , Infants and Children Experience against Experiment, .: What ioCASTORIA , f':t Castorla is a, harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It . contains neither. Opium Morphine notf other ,Narcotij, ,1 substance,' Its "age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms - and allays Feverishnessi It cures Diarrhoea and Wind v r Colic.'. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation . ' ' and Flatulency 1 It-assimilates the Food, regulates the ; e J Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep ;1 The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend . v 1 ' "GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Haye Always Bought T--l ForlOver 30' Year?. V-r.v SPORT - ...... (y j. s. a. Mcdonald.) J- (By Leased Wire to Th' Times.) ' San Francisco, March 2ftJaek Glea son, the baseball man, wants t set In to the thick "of frenzied flallcuff whirl) Gleason met Nolan and Sedge, man agora of Nelson and GRrt respectively last night and told ttrent he -frould give A purse of $40,000 for the Uans-Nelsoi) fight If they would agree upon terms, Gleason think he could put the men hi the -ring at the new baseball park, on Jily 4, and make money out of th venture. . .. k , ' Nolan'sald he wo ttld-not recede from hla demand that Gans weigh 133 pounds at the" rlogaiae In ''flghjwis costume. Sodgo said Gans would agree to weigh stripped, At the ringside, but no otheo Said Gleason then: "j 1 ". T-., ' "If, Nolan wlU agree to the weight' terms as proposed by Sedge, I will Immediately place $10,000 in the bands ef The Examiner and will post the re malnlng $30,jpQ In, any1 manner sue- Caeted by tHe men oif their managers,'' j . - , ' -'.i' V Kid Sullivan Knocked Out, , "Baltimore, Met, March Iffl.Kld Sulli van was knocked out by Harlem Tom my Murphy In the second found 4t Fords Theatre last night. '$ i'; ; . ' ' It was a technical rather thanSi real knockout and the fluke so enraged tHe house that" a riot seemed imminent. One extra savage enthusiast hurled a whiskey bottle on the stage that just missed Referee Crowhurst. .; , 1 The fight was a whlrlwtndlng iffalr. JT TH! THE , CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK,: PoposUory oi th United States, Statu of N. C. and City of Rfilelgh. ,, iv V Statement of Condition March 22, 1907. U. S Bonds, par. , ;. $225,000.08 LoauB and Invest- ments ,, . . . . . Cash. . ... . '. . . y j Duo from Banks. v. 774,79?t43 85,229.31 821,707.70 i v-t Total IM0C73M4 $100,000.00 Lluhilitlos; Capital' y . . .s . , . ,grplus ,aud profits (earned) . . . . . .; . ." ,141,0D5.'E8 Circulation . . k 100,000.00 Dopoalts . ........ 1,0C5,G3S.86 uMx . . Total. . . . ... .$1,400,784.44 1 AtO 1NTI0HKST PAID ON DEl"OSIT8 JOKKVH O. IfliOWN, Tn-sidcnt. ' , IlJiXKV E. tlTCHKOKD, Cijfcliicr. ' 1 J t V IT TP 4 ?yeryi)ody OjatisiLeii You will "be satisfied,' and so will the buyer of . your tobacco if you improve the quality and increase . toe weight of your tobacco by using 500 to 800 lbs. of VirginiaCar61ina Fertilizer . per acre, ten days before planting ' These fertilizers give an early start to the plant, which very soon grows large enough to withstand thq ravages of insects. Soils that under ordinary.conditions would make a vield of poor, papery tobacco, lacking in gufbrriy or oily matters ; will produce a very nigh type of tobacco by liberally using these fertilizers. ' l . ; r ; ; Get from your dealer one of Virginia-Carolina Fertilizer V free almanacs. " Its a beauty, and full of information on larming. u " . ' 1 ' l, . , SALES OFFICES t . ;. w". ,, ' Sicamond, Va, '; ' Durham,. C. ; - j AUanta, Oa. . Norfolk, Vi, - . , - , " CharlMton; 8. a t s Savannah, Ga. . ' n Balf more, Ud. t , " .Montgomery, a-Carol'mi i I -iT V Memphis, Tenn. Shreveport, VA $Jr X6 trTncfeasB-Your Yields Is Per Acrer J, Won Fight With Muther-in-Law. -New York, March 29. Margin HaVt, the heavy weight pugilist,' 14 another fighter who has got the mania for pack ing out "lemons", to beat up, in a fist battle. He has picked poor Old Peter Maher for his next opponent, the pair will come together in a twenty round bout at a show to be brought oft by the Whittlngton Park Athletic Club, vaf Hot 'Springs, on the night Of April '9. They are to battle at catch weights for sixty per cent of the gross receipts. The only fight that Maher,; has won In a long time was that With his mother-in-law, whom he. almost put out during an altercation ; at New Orleans a few, months ago; ; Hart,' , therefore should have no trouble;, in pn'tihg Peter away in a few rounds. T 1 " ' 1 ' ' Delays Aro CosUr! ; ' :" " You can buy North Carolina 4 per cent bonds Now for $2.50 per $1,000 less than you can after April 1st, You can buy thent for $7.60 per $1,0 00' less than you can by May 1st, Why delay the- matter? Tou sev6 $20.00 per thousand by having them by- May 1st. You get $ 2 0. 0 0 in ad dition to the $29.00 flsaved 'July 1st. f -."iJ.'Jilii.f3" c," Mcdonald. ' "STRAWS. SHOW WHICH', WAY ' wind hlo-wa." .' On dhe occasion a flno insurance .company had to put upv iBOCuritlea of $10,000 j to. do busines in- North Carolina ; They bought $6,000 North Carolina 4 per cent Bonds and, $6,0,00-,") will not mention." The company . failed. .1 bought the $5,000 North Carolina 4 'a. They lost nothing. ' I bought the other $5,C0O which I didn't naroo at auction for $750, Moral, buy North Carolina 4per cent Bonds and you can't lose. C. C. McDonald. , .j.--.; i: .'5- 1 y ;'' KEGAUDKD. AS. SIGNAL . VICTORY FOB HEARST. (By Leased Wire td The Times.) Alhanv N. Y.l March 2D.-The bill for a recount of the vote cast at the election for- Mayor of New- York in November , 1808, passed 1 the ! assembly 11S to 21. - . - 1 . William R. Hearst, the' defeated- can didate In 1905 election, mado charges of fraud and other irregularities, after McClellan's election and has mado T persistent fight for a recanvass of the vote, r. Hearst s friends - rcgara tne house's action a8 a first signal victory for him. .r, ' li" WE SELL THE LADIES' HOME JOURNAL PAPER PATTERNS. m-ra m: mii m& ft m ' 3 "SSIP -1 The i annual. Easter display of "Everything in Dry Goods" ., was never bettef exemplified in thla mag nificent showing, so iadbpenskble to the adornment of the fair sex, than on this occasion. This is "eminently a 'Ladies' Store, exclusively stocked with every essential that commands . the attention ojf all, well-dressers, and so potently felt by the local trade as to place as far to the front,' if not surpass(ng all others in mercantile achievements. The great Easter stocks are, of wonderful import and surpassing beauty, edifying and in structive." Tomorrow we expect to break all pre-Kastcr records, and in vite you to commence your shopping early in the day., . , .. ; : ; '- " LADIES' READY-TO- , WEAR HATS The sale of Millinery ror Easter is ah unparalleled and surprising suc cess. New shipments Just received. Styles fresh from the ban box in newest New York designs will bring the crowds again in overwhelming numbers. The moderation In prices Is the observing feature, the key to successful selling,. THE EASTER COSTUMES AND TAILORED SUITS Well, made-to-order qualities and greatest diversity of models and fab rics. Fashionable women find they can try on to their hearts' content and Judge effects before the purchase Is made. Where necessary, the alter ations will be made free. LADIES' OUTER GARMENTS Pongee and Silk Coats, feta' Coats, Pony Jackets, ets, Light-weight Cloth Coats, Cream and Black Silk Net Jackets the most desirable and wan table kinds. Black Taf Eton Jack- WOMEN'S DRESi SKIRTS :- Choose from the largest.!- line . of LAltes' Skirts to be seen in the city. Handsome Taffeta Silk Skirts, Voiles, Fine Batist, Panama Cloth, Fine Wale, ' Serges, i Brilliants, i'. Mohairs, ' broken Plaids in neat effects and fan- . Sjr pilxtures, , . . . . '.: , SHIRT WAISTS AND SHIRT WAIST SUITS We can scarcely get the New Waists In fast enough; they do not stay with us long. Descriptions are unnecessary, as you'll wish to see them before you buy.- The Shirt Waist stock is very strong.- Shirt waist Suits not as great, hut just as . worthy. Silk Shirt Waists and Suits, Lingerie Waists and Suits, .White Batiste Waists, Black and White Jap Silk Waists, taffeta Waists, ' Net -Waists all new and In the most fashionable styles. 0f! B Ft iliill ". - "'v' .3 ;: ... W 3t '..i- 1; 3. NEW SHELL GOODS New Puff, Back and Side Combs, in Imitation of Tortoise Shell and Amber, plain and gold-trimmed; Hair Pins of the wanted kinds, Ribbon ' Holders, &c. : INEXPENSIVE JEWELRY We"arry none but the newest and mosfttfBteful designs and only goods of reliiiule quality, the most up-to- ssortment from which to select. PARASOLS. HANDKER CHIEFS AND GLOVES lit The Easter ,8how of ' Parasols, Handkerchiefs and,, Gloves pliers a niQst,, inviting field : for investment. ThOVariety of styles under this head ls' luoj'end the scope of comparison. A gltmpse. will satisfy the most skep tical. , ,., Hi :' f it flaim -FcauTce Go I CEf.'.::T. 826 TO 831 i ::r: L'i'iLL , C. VI Win J faster Vomltt siJ ciH this y has jcauaed. (uL buyers ,s e anxl. ' for huylne. gpojs was 0110 thing a. gettint thent heje for Eas r whs an other;', lafssany : lines -In orK j i sold ahel,'(ti thirty to . days behind in flTlIng orders and tt. railroad, peojile' have goo to Wa; ' ingWn taeejfhg je8ldent and d m care whether we get anyi freight i r not.''"1'. b'Kr'-". f - StiltSre annjiighi'feldf Up, Han dle with Cre,'' andyia fact, congrat ulata ourselves: oa our showing 1 some lines, while in ethers we h: hurrying" our etorles ail we can. 4 tun n.'js. $5oualit 'Panamas'' 5:0.:-l..v: Our first showing' of; Ladies' and Children's "Hats, ready to wear, Just In,'-" 96?.tm: 10 V ,4; ; V'l ..- Expect'-another ' lof'abouit Friday. Flowers,; ,,0, ; iq Ic, bunch. JUST III 2.98--Speci - MalarU Makes Pale Blood. . -.-: The Old Standard Grove's Tastaless Chill Tonic, drives out malaria, and builds up the system, Sold by all dealers for 27 years. Price 60 cents. t i I 3 - ;S I Gns6 :Lots?-at I west Prices I For table, medicinal or cooking purposes, we are ofTonng the very best values in pure liquors and iar f - portod cordials, at remarkably low prices. ? . , . The demand for cass lots of high-grade whiakiea, has forced me to put up-a n amber of 4-quart cases) !, notably among these, are t t ,1' - Yadkin tllomr, 6 ftr old corn, fiJtO' ', Jilbtrmarlm Rym, agd In wood, ji.OO . . , I Another exepptionai offer is In 6-qnart eases ot MonongaheUa XXXX. This fe the finest rye whiskey i ever produced at the price. Sue full qo&rU, $i.6X Tbt Prlca Includ Expril ChMw ' Mai orders are filled the day received, , and forwarded on first. trains. Write , A J , forpnee list. Ji ji Jt rjt Lr(f. Mil Ordr Hduk In h Joata 5: L Lazarus. . - Lynchbari!. Va. JL NOTICECOMMISSIONERS' SALE ; OF LAND. 'a; By virtue of an order and decree Of the Superior Court of .Waka ceginly. made In a civil action therein pend- ! ing, entitled Ida J. Pool and Malcolm B. Pool vs. - Arle Etta Moore and James I. Moore and by virtue of the power of, snJe. contained in ft tertain mortgage deed executed by'iWtm.' H.: Moore to Arle 'Etta Moore and by Arte Etta Moore and James I. Moore duly assigned to Jda J. , Pool; the under signed commissioner appointed by the court for the purpose will on Thurs day, the 4 day or April, 1907 J at 12 o'clock M,, at, the court-house door In Wake county Nt C., Offer for saje at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate situate in the city of Raleigh, N. C., being a part of lot No. .5 In the plat of said city, lying on the'soatli side of New Bern avenue, adjoining William TV Taylor on the Ktest," Mrs. Arle Etta Moore on the south, -Wil liam Parish on the east and New Bern avenue on, the north,; being , twenty feet from east to west and one 'hun dred and twelve feet from north to 80Uth." - , , ' . ' This 6th day of March, 1907., . JOHN W. HINSDALE, JR.. ,. - Commissioner: ' o a w wed . v SUMMER PUTS NEW LIFE INTO HIM When he .uses our choice Clarets, Tokays and our other fine table wines at meals, the old people say. For old age and, for the feeble and Infirm and the convalescent there is nothing like out Maple Spring Whiskey, guar anteed under the Pure Food Law to be absolutely pure , Four full quarts," packed in .- telescope, r express prepaid for . , . i . , . i ; J'. ;........$ 3.00 Eight full . quarts, packed in teloscope; express prepaid for , . fc... 5.75 Fifteen full quarts, packed in 1 telescope, express prepaid, , for. ...iv.i .,(.....,.,. 10.00 THEi NE WCOMB . CO., ': Plfersljurg, Virginia. ( 1 TlrnOMPT MAIL-ORDER HOUSE I Wo received by express yesterday a lrge lot of. Trimmed Hats that wo bought to sell at $4,P0. Wo wore disappointed in not receiving them sooner, as they were bought for the Easter trade. To close thorn o.uj before Easter day, we offer the lot at the uni form price of $ 2. 9 S each for Saturday, March 30th. New Belts, NeWnCombs, New Undqrwear (Muslin and Knit), New Oxford Ties, U.5u to $3.50.' . A) 1 SEEiUS SATURDAY. Mltfeiliftt; 12 East Martin Street 1 . .15. '. fflCMDI WHISKEY Best for Hedicinal mi Family Use -4C3i:jS3il; Shipped, in Plain Sealed - Package,(Express , ';(Prepaid.''r SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR VOUR MONEY REFUNDED.' ' 1 Our Mottot "Not Hew Cheep, but How Good." Bonil br'Kipreo at P. O), Money Order. THE COUSINS SUPPLY CO., Dim t HICHVONO, VA. ' Reference; Planters National Bank. - : -r rr- - BEST, MATTRESSES, EVR.S01D FOR THE,M0EY. , We attributeour UBueually-large Mftttresa trade to the great bargains we are continually offering. 5 No need to Sbend sleepless nights for lack or comfort when you can buy the best Mattresses, -made today for so little money. Our Easy Payment Plan, helps the poor enjoy home' dotrifarts, ft. 1 1 The Raleiali Fiimlliirc Co., v 17 E. Martin and 15 Market St. ' 1 China MaWInfv.W..-16 t- 20c. WhiteLeiiWaists, fiQc.,, 90c. Silk. Waists, $1.75. $2,25. $3. Fans.lLc.p3c;, 5c.,; 10c. 25c. Hosiery,5 6c. to "60c. ? . ; -Ladles and Men's IJnderwear.. fc..Ncwelsu:"- w!4t:ifii''K:';i . . Big lot Postal Cards lc. . Mosqnito-' 'Netting, - SOd. 'plebe, 7c. yard-:; , i'r - IJ- New; lot Tubs an4, Wash BoDers. , , Step Lhdde le. per, foot length. . cr Wateopjejra; to4 1 gal. SHOE OEPARTLjEuT afcratt'fAvWhUo; House tOxforda, Niee4l4hsoi Indies Children's goods, jt- Jli'ipfciMfi.,;. Eect .OUR 'e4t nA,,hIto .goods next. eefcv.:,-:4 Boys' Oxfords. $1.1S,'$1.60, $2. ; 1 JAPANESE PORCH, -SHADES are promised for April 10th.. ; , , -j, it in -M, it r1- i n.l-... , f- "Ayv'L i . vr f--'-tv- Our new spring Una Is opened. Flno English Carriages. $25.00. Nice line Qo-Carta, $7.00 to $12.50. Folding Go-Carts, $2,15 to $9.00. .VICTOR TALKING! MACHINE3 AND RECORDS. . Newaot Just; opened. . -; '' "z. f ""! A'-' BIRD CAGES Brass Cages, $1.25 to $2.25, Parrot. $1.85, $2.40, 43.00. Breeding and Squirrel CageSv Cheap Cages, JOc. op. v UtU SOWlBk)ii:.r.. FII3IIITURE DEPA!lCl LADIES' DESKS, $1.50 up. : Combination Desk of oak. with mir ror In top, with glass-front book case on side; biff. Yalue- $9.50: . . Reed fioctiers. chlld'Ai $1.40, f 1.65, $2.25, sre t,.f" f f -j i Seed Rocker, largaS $4.85 to $4.50 ' Iro. and Wood. Cot and, Cribs. . Sldeboarda, $9.0 l,4,ia.. Folding Bed, mirror, 1 top, 12.E0. Iron and Wood. Beds. . OSTERMPOJI, MA,TTBE3SE3.. . Express Wagons, Velocipedes. Trl- cycles, Autoe, Car Goat Carts, etc. just ha. i hi ,'1 ; , ".- v Alrtnaoek, 70of 7 $1. $1.15. Oflce Clocks, $; CaJeda $3.25. Slght-da Oak. ' Mntt Clocks, f4)pl,.S,fc4,.,. r oersjoU.axcheb; ; ., TBOIlt DEPAfiTuEIiT Handf' Bags; SOe-fo $.0fc Suit- Caaesu tl.OO to 17.00 H i tronkst; (7o,J i,U, i,40 11.85, SZ.SO, , fJS. 65,-1 DO,.. $3.70, $4.25, $5.00 ie.jt-AM.Ht $7.Q0K- $7.15. 1 -t$ f y ' lr?y 1f,-i CARPET iDEPARTI'EHT. Rugs, 25c t $$.00 - ) " NEW T.OT ART 6QCARE3. QranlW. tS.'OOi $2.60. $.0O. $3.60. It.DV, $4.6, $5.00. ' 1 Woolen Art Squares, $$.$, $1.03, 14 80 -t&.lS. ,$6.00, $8.00. $10.03. Pro Brussels Squares, $5.0.. $ 6.0 0, $7.00,. $g.00. . . . . .. Floor Oil Clotk. I7. y ; Window Shades, 25 to COe. j i 1

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