iiali::g:: VI .'DAY, M; 1 ARCH 30, 1907, a -1 A special from Columbia. S. C gives the following details of the Are at fuewberry yesterday; , Fire, at Newberry, a thriving little city of 6,000 population, yesterday destroyed 22 residences, 10 stores and two churches, entailing a loss estimated -at betweea. $159,000, and i $200,000, with insurance of about I $8,000.( ..,-' , burroundeq on all sides by the flames was the residence of Mrs. J. B .Humbert, widow of a former Meth odist minister, which was never touched, although, the heat from the - flames, scorched 'the house several times. ' ... -It Is- related that Mrs. Humbert, during the entire time of the confla gration, prayed that her home might be spared, and the way that her prayer was answered 1a the. subject of discussion.- ' ' Policeman T. G. Williams rescued two old ladies who had been almost overcome by heat. The officer, him self had a narrow- escape- by falling debris. s ' , , -' A check ittj the water supply; for ten or fifteen minutes caused, much alarm, but the defect was soon reme died is very sad, I know you told mo- and I fully intended to get lt ;Too late now, she ias gone beyond the recall pf human love. - ' ' It was my fault, I guess I only forgot, be cause on my order book I see written the day you told me, "Be Bure to get a 50c bottle of Cowan's Pneumonia Cure," Our sins of omlBsIon are aa cruel as the others. ' ' . ; . Sorrowfully, , . . , CLAUDE. y U.U Lo ill lL LATES .TO STYLES v, - , ' if .Theodore W. Dobbin, the happy. good, patured and exceedingly popular member of the successful firm of The Dobbin ft Ferrall Company is a 'close student; of the' styles for women,, as well as an exceptionally good buyer. The Times has asked Colonel Dobbin to tell us something of the new styles, and be na cheerfully consented to, do so. . . , , .li' 'This season." Mr, Dobbin said Among the. most .prominent, build. irberil, buyln4 of any ,ormer gprls ,n v lngs destroyed were the residences of O.. C. Schumport and Henry Kinardi two of the handsomest In the city: also the Presbyteriair parsonage, oc cupied by Rer. J. L. Williamson. The .large residence pf James F, ,Todd was also destroyed, together with E. H Leslie's residence, both on the same block.t ' - , . , Aveieiga rresnyterianii church, a handsome wooden building, Is a total loss, as. Is the old Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, which would have beea torh down shortly to be . replaced by a handsomer one. RICHARD CHOKER , ; IS SERIOUSLY ILL ' (By Leased Wire to The Times.) '; Dublin,. March Sd--Word comes from Glencalrm. .the home of Richard f'i Croker, that the former chief of Tam py many Hall has' been seriously 111 and . ,two doctors land two nurses are atill In attendance. Mr. Croker suffered relapse of the kidney complaint, with -c which he has suffered for years and ' has; been warned by his physicians I . against catching cold, ' Mr. Cioker's :.. illness prevented him from witnessing the victory of h,la colt Orby which won r-j vim tvv tui iuo uviiuit iimivm t POOl. i Dl'NLAP DENIES THE , , REPORTED. ENGAGEMENT. (By Leased Wire, to The Times.) ,' ' Chicago, Ills., March. 30,-Willlam Al len Dunlap-, denied today that he Is to marry Miss Lavender Byers, a tall and handsome manicurist.. Miss Byers lo entered denials. 'W are Just , friends." ' said Miss Byers, "and my mother and I accept ed ' Mr., Dunlap'a- invitation to visit , Chicago. There. IS 'nothing In the mar r V rlage rumor."' ; . The young millionaire frowned when - shown an announcement of his Sup- E posed engagement . "Certainly I'm not going to" marry 4i i UKilMI Wllttll A UCUV VllfS 0Ulv Ull I1HI1U. t : long-- tlme buyers having come out In great bunches with the appearance of warm sunshine and balmy spring Bather.", ' , Enormous early' buying may also be credited to a great extent to ourmer- chanfs being alert In procuring huge stocks and great varieties of the bet tor class or merchandise, as well as foremost styles .The much , wanted creations and the latter-day fashions are shown In Raleigh much ahead, Of many ui me fliores in tne Hotitn in fact.' displays are made here simul taneously with New York, and the only -difference In the goods offered by the merchants of tho state capital and the larger cities is the absence here of the f alty and eheaper grades, for the varieties and qualities of the bet ter kinds are simply all here. - There Is an absence of nothing decreed fash (enable1 for spring service. ', Dobbin A Ferrall Company handle everything for Milady's wardrobe but millinery, and Mr. Dobbin has taken the trouble to mention some of the new fads for successful dressmaking: ' ' . Printed Foulards.' .Wash Bilks. Tus can Silks, 1 Marquisettes. -- Voiles. Clauses, i . ' S v . ! Rajah Kouveaute," the hit of tho season In tho silk realm. , - White silks and satins for wedding gowns. . . t. .'. , . t .. ..,.... Novelties ; for bridesmaids'' dresses, ' The new rkid dove sllks.'V with tho touch and feel of kid glove leather. ' Crepes de chine, crepe failles, fash tonable light and dark s colors; f also bluck and white, and a full range of the newest brown shades. -" , ' Colored faille francalse, chiffon Dinnh, full assortment of colors for evening and street wear; also blacks., Spot and 'Shower proof foulard silks. radium flnlfih. 4 ,', ' , ' Colored, habutnls, plain colors and beautiful printings , j. Magnificent assortments, both for-. elgn and domestic. . i - , Colored voiles in the newest shades of brownV leather, .cedar, royal and navy blue reseda,' champagne, .white. ecru, eic i k it ,i THE "GOVERNMENT ' ' I. CLOSES IN OIL CASE ' i?? Leased Wlraty the Times'.) Chicago, III., March 30.-r-The gov ernment has closed Its case In the prosecution of the Standard OH Com pany and at the request of the) de fense court has been adjourned until Monday "morning, i Arguments : on the motion instructing the Jury to bring in a verdict for the defendant based on the plea that the govern monv has .not proved Its case' will begin on Monday.,. It Is expected. these will, last several days. . mat the defense has been pre paring for this supreme test ia well known, and it is the general Impres sed that Virgil P. Kline of Cleve land, general counsel for the Stand ard Oil -Company, will take active charge.', Colonel Kline attended the trial for the first two weeks and was present when the arguments on post lng and publication, were made. waa he who closed these arguments when he became convinced Judge Landia did not view them la a favor able light; and he left Immediately for Cleveland,, where he has boea engaged In In framing np a new at tack on the government's case. L. .. . aW , ' ' , Announcement ' . -1 announce myself, u a candidate for Alderman -of second division' of Fourth. Ward. v , W. EDWARD FANN, J&. ', Announcement. ,v , V -1 announce myself as candidate for re-election 'as ''Alderman from First Division o Second Ward, t : v .. ' , " . ' r W, A. COOPER.' To the Democratic Voters of t - " ' Raleigh." - I anaonnce myself a a candidate for the office of Mayor for the city of Raleigh, Bubject to the action of the democratic , primaries-to be held on the 4tn d&y Qf ApriL 1907. . 4 . - n t " 1 M. S, CLARK. 1, tfif.Tox Alderman, I .hirebv1 aanounoe mvielf a can, didatefor Aldermaiv First DlvUion, Third. Ward, subject to the action of 14.-' j . 1 .t ' 1 . . . . . kuo umuutfatiu 4iiuiarjes 10 oe neiu In April. i - WILL TAYLOR. For. Polico- Commissioner. , I announce myself, a candidate for Police Commissioner, four-year term subject to the, action of the demo cratic primaries.'' ' ' GRArfAM HAVWOOD. 9Pf-Vault i that cot Mlsa Florence T. Phi,, Stamford, Conn who demands S. M'MANl'S IS ;,' Hl'RT1. IN A i RUNAWAY. (SpeclaJ to Tho Evening Times.) Wilmington, ti. C- March 30.-T. fl. McManus,, manager tor the Southern The following tiew books have rotl was thrown from a buggy by a runaway XEW BOOKS RECKIYE1) , ' tAT ItANEV lilBRARV cently been added to the Olivia Rauey Library:,, ' , - O1) 8toddart's ' Earl qf Rosebery, ; -Howe's Laura -Brldgman; field's Cor ,; ner of Cathay; Freeman's Attache at Peking.: Ewlng's Leaves from .Her "Canada Home," Mark . Twain's Christian Sclenfe, ' Waller's Wood carvor of 'Lympus, Spearman's Whis pering Smithy Cholmondeley's Mary's PrisonerCarey's Ilousehofd of Peter, s Miller's Saul of Tarsus, Fox's Knight of the Cumberland Russell's Yarn of Old Harbour Town, White's Mystery, Little's Lady i ot - the . Decoration, ''.Hare's, Lifev and Lottors of Maria Kdgoworth, Wecden's Songs of , the ( Old South, Gwynn'S Life' o Thomas Moore, Owynn's Who's Who ; In Amorlca 1906-1907, i Juvenile Mable's Legends' Every Child Shoud - Know, Coburn's Our Little Swedish Cousin, Wolkel's Botty Buird, Benton's Saturday Mornings, Djy's Ilalny Day Railroad Wat. . , horse yesterday evening, receiving - In juries which will probably confine htm to his room for several days. . Miss Sarah Rountrce waa in the buggy with him , when "the animal first became frightened, but Mr. McManus managed to rein the horse to one side so that Miss Rountre escaped by Jumping few minutes before Mr. McManus was thrown. She caught on her feet . but i fell forwards,. suffering a slight abrsn- mn oh -mo lorvarm.. OAHTERS . 1 WSJ ill '-. i f r a J DRAPER ASKS DETAILS OF HIS ON'8 MARRIAGE. d-'ltt tuft b 1IU14 SUIle of !)) such HI ijir.Ktm-M, Hiira, liroMHiuuPS ltitrtw after eAMnff. l'4in tn th Fulfi, Ai. hile theit moai SvuuuAJiiMtt slk-m htm tM!ca shown In curing - (By Leased Wire to The Times.) , New. York, March 30, Lieutenant Governor Draper of Massachusetts,.ha sent a lawyer to this city to have a erloiiB '.conference with Miss Merrill, bridesmaid, kni Jialph Camp, best man at the secret marriage -of B. L. Brls tow Draper; son of..- the - millionaire lieutenant governor, and Miss Sanford, a member of "The Rich. Mr. HoKtren hoimer" Company. The . millionaire's ropresentativo demanded details, for Mr. Draper wants to know all the cir . cumstances of the marriage of his son, who had been engaged to Miss Alice MarJorle B. Ray. Miss Merrill, the brldesmuld, was uncommunicative. -. "I cannot say one word now," she declared, "but after I lisve talked wllh certain poisons to nlirht perlmps my Hps will be un sealed." " . A dispatch from Ticistnn snvs' Drap er's mother docs, not believe lie is married at all. (rho. vi i iikt'8 Lut e LIvct Pills IX - VeiiUntf thin anTinvii'tr roun 'Hint, while lneylno livr &ua r i i "iim''-. , liikvmil cured r i DHtelytheir rtiotiiM-i- v noonce try Uitiiu will n 9 e in iri-"i invs t L-gtoua m u ia, i. T r 1 .l Oouttt. ur j MtotbiwowhS nil; hul mrtll-I'-ro.ni.rl uiom 'Ml- imms vniri 1 1 i wll- Ilt rfl tfl WHT u turt'lt Willie I I.irnr Pills tm Tr? ntntitl imd . s. Onpor two pi ? i mil., a rtinMi. . ri-.-.THiite ami oo n"i i re or i iiu ftcuon ji.i t j wuo c:,r ' TlmA Ti Uiuioirf I have plenty of time. I know many, people who have plenty of money, ' If you want money, tags time t6 look me up. I can find R, ' , ,-' c c. McDonald. , ' -J. : w , i i SITE FOR GOVERNMENT ' i ' ' BUILDINO AT SALlSlirRV . (Special to The Evening Times.) ' Salisbury, N. C, March 30. The goy ernment yesterday made public an Souncemeot that It . had , accepted through a board of assessors, the prop erty on Innlss and Church streets upon which will be built the. hundred, thous and dollar public building. There Is no guessing- yet when ther building will JThebuHjlIhg pf the new passenger Slatfon of tlte SouthernTTWi nandsoni est one between, Washington and At lanta, will begin within the next twenty days, v It will cost In the neighborhood of one hundred thousand dollars, . Near the passbnger depot, , will be erected an express bfflco by the Southern Evpress Company . which ; ,1s to be almost as handsome as the passenger station. ,'Mrs. Mary LentSi one of the most aged of Rowan . and Salisbury women; died yesterday at her home la South' Salis bury vat the age of 85. She leaves a daughter, two sons and one grandson. The funeral services were held this af ternoon ftm Grace Lutheran church in the country. - . . X ..- : i. i , i;'."- -s V i; - Senator Overman leaves tomorrow fo Washington answering very solicitous telegrams, He Will appear with the senate, cominittee on the' Brownsville matter and there Is llkllljbod that they will , be forced to go toe Brownsville. Senator .' Overman has .: taken a - most active part In the examination. . THE N. C. METHODIST , 'EDUCATION BOARD The board tf , education ot 'the North Carolina Methodist Conference Is to hold a session at Trinity College on April 2nd and 3rd, This board has charga of -flU educational matters re lating to .the North Carolina confer ence, and It Is such matters that are to be discussed'' Rer A. i P. Tycr 'Of Elizabeth City Is chairman and Rev. L. S. Masscy of Loulsburg Is secretary and treasurer.- The membership : Is com posed "of both ministers and lay men. i ' , -i . ' i i EASTER MONDAY AT V FUQUAY SPRINGS On account of the annual picnic at Fuquay Springs on Baster , Monday, April t 1907, the Raleigh and South- port' 'Railway will sell, reduced : rate rouhd-trip tickets from all stations to Fuquay, good for that date only, Rates will be as follows: ' Vi From Raleigh, .'...v. ',..!, 0c. " Caraleigh, , ,60c. i . " Sylvaola, -.w,. ........ Ii,..t 50a '"ir Rrnes, .,...,'..;....,.,....., 45c. ip J!lObby, ...'.,, .t 40c iMoCullers, . b .,'-,.4 30c. 1 1, Banks, .-, . , . . ... . . i. 25c. Willow Springs, ......i...;.' 20c. Onrdenas, ..,.V..i;,.v...., 15c. Rawlcs, ....'.'..V.V.I-. 16c. Chalybeate, .....1 25c. Kiipiing, -4. ......;,,:..... 3oe: " Cape Fear, 4i,. ..,,J.... ...... 40c. " Lilllngtonj-.-.i.L...j.i.,... SOc " Bunnlevel, i....... 65c. " Linden, ...:. 4. 75o. '" Ituckner, ....... . 85c. " Carver Falls, ................ 90o. " Tokay ;.-'.. ,.'.wj.". .!..-.; 90c. " Fayetteville, , ......J1.00 rtrcular sehedules wil be observed. lenvlnc Fayetteyllle at 7:45 a. m., and rtalrfeh at 8 a, m.. and returing reach Fnypttevlllo at 7:05 p. m.. and Ralelfih at 6i. m. - '. -. j .JOHN A. MILLS, Fres. For Police Justice. To the Democratio Voters Of Raleigh I am a candidate .for the office of Police Justice. If elected I promise all laws shall be enforced. I solicit your support ' " ? ' , ' CUAS, A. 6EPARK. ' Candidate for Alderman. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Alderman from the. First Division of the Fourth Ward, subject to the action of the democratic pri maries. ' , J.TM. NORWOOD., For Alderman 2nd Dir. 3d 1 ' V Ward. 1 annodnVs myself a candidate for Alderman for tb second division of tho third ward. I( elected, I promise to serve my peopld to the best of my ability. " v,. t W. O, SCOTT, 'For Police. Commissioner, I hereby announce myself a candi date for. Police Commissioner, six- year term, subject to the action of the democratio primaries. 1 - ANDREW SYME3. For-Police Commissioner. 't hereby annouice myself a can didate for Police Commissioner, two year term, subject to the action of tho democratic primaries. ; . - t JAMES A. BRIGQSi : :-. ff.. i ;: to.ij ni. 1 1,; , r . , - ;- .1 annodnce .myself as a candidate for re-election -:as!V Alderman from socond division of Fourth Ward. J. SHERWOOD UPCHDRCH For Police Commissioner. 1 horeby announce myself a candi date for Police Commissioner, four year . term,': subject' to the action of the. democratic prirflaries : s 6t ' L. A. MAHLER." Foy Aldermari-First Diyis- ion. Third Ward. '.; I hereby announce myself a candi date .for Alderman Of Third Ward, First Division, subject to the notion Of the Democratic primaries. . , OEORGBT. HARDEN. Vf-JW-r . To the Voters of Raleigh. I announce myself as a .candidate foh re-election to -the office of Police Justice of the city of Raleigh, subject to the action of the democratic pri maries to be held on thd 4th day of April 1J07. - V ;- ' , ,'t - ' THOMAS BADGER. ; . i, : Announcement. 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for ro-eloction as Alderman from socond division of the Second Ward, subject - to ; the action ' of democrat! primary to oe neia April' 4tn, v- .. - , ED. H09H LEp. ' ""I . ' 1 J' , ' J, ?, ' - For Alderman.'' " t . . , " . J? ' '-I.- -V: I hereby' announce myself a: can didate for the office of Alderman of the ' city of Raleigh from the first division of the Fourth Ward, subject to the democratic primary to be held on Thursday, the 4th day of April. r ; 'c ESSB R. WILLIAMS. To the Democratic Voters of ;. ;vv Raleigh.- ;"' "V. I announce myself a a, candidate for . Alderman In the second division of the First ward. 'If elected, 1 prom ise to serve my peopl to the best of my ability, and will always stand for any legitimate promotion and prog ress of ur ward and city. : '. --: - . W. .C, BATMAN, Ur. Leo D. Heartt for Alder- . ".man," . - ' , At the earhest solicitation of his friends, Mr. Leo D. .Heartt has con sented to become a Candidate for Al derman for the first division of the First Ward, subject to the action of the democratic primary to be held April 4th. ' t - eod For Police Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candi date , for Police Commissioner, six year term, subject to the action of the democratic primaries. . , " ; 6t s. - LYNN WILDER. - Jo.H. : Weathers for Police ; '" Commissioner. ' The new city charter provides for a Police vommlsslon, consisting of three members,, terms of office two. VM l , Wil, Au real,, ,UDJl,ll, Dl.j !' -,:, I am a candidate for the six-year term,, subjeot to the democratic pti-' jnary ip oe neia Apri 4, i ;: I believe la . a clean, -.moral . el iy., and If ejected, will strive " to makajl uur yuiuxi jurce .mure euicienx" vnatv ever along these lines. r ' . Id H WITATHTI'TJCJ , II . .fj. . if J Si - 1 V. .. B .VJt '1 T Hit uj - .'. Announcement. v . I'- To my Friends and" Voters of , the First Division of the Second Ward I desire to announce my candidacy for the Board of Aldermen, subject to the democratic primaries and elec tion ta4ur-held this spring. f In doing this I can only promise that If elected I will, without fear er favorPj serve my ward and our city to the best of my ability, and will al ways stand for any legitimate promo tion and progress. ; . HORACE RV DOWELL. Alderman 2nd Division ' First Ward ,' I hereby announce myself a candi date forf Alderman First Ward, Sec ond Division, subject to the action of the democratic primaries. ; . T, E. MOORE. A Card from Mr. Blake. Aftor , rnnnlhg a true line, I find the city limits are In the rear of Mr. T. E. Moore's residence on the north side of Peace street by more than twenty-five feet. ".. . W. Z. BLAKE, : 1 ., City Engineer. , . ' . - ' SUBJECTED to a RIGID ANALYSE tMZ- CHEMICAL DEPARTMENT South Carolina Co Colombia, S. C; January J7, 1906. fciiv.mhil (Inm-fjill Ttnitlinn Co. , Cnlvmhin.. R. C.. :. ,GBNTLEiBN-irThi8 is to certify that I have bought. In the' open market, an original package of five gallons of Coca-Col Syrup, bear ing the label of " The Coca-Cola Co., Atlanta, Ga.,',' VoA have sub jected the same to careful analysis. '', : vv ; ' i,-V -V? x The object of this investigation being to establish the presence or absence of cocaine, and possibly of other injurious alkalokTs, I operate ed on quantities of three to five times the amount contained, a bottle of the carbonated beverage, ' The extrac Uons of the syrup ffC , Te peated until the alkaloids were entirely removed, and the crysta,ne ' substance thus obtained was further separated by fractional extrac tions, after which it was concentrated and tested, ..Since this concen trated product failed to respond to the tests for cocaine, it is clear that the alkaloid is absent, or, if present at all, then in quantities too minute to allow of detection. ' The -active constituent of Coca-Cola Syrup proved to be caffeine, and in quantities seemingly less than in uiuw guua cuuee or tea. ' 1 'here was no evidence of the presence of other alkaloids. ? ' xours truly. .(Signed) 4 W. B. ourney, ;nemisiw, Guaranteed Under the Pure Food and Druge Act, June SO, 1906. ', berial No. 3X4 . : v - ANNOUNCEMENT. I annotate myself a candidate for the offl.ee of police justice for the city of Kalelgh subject to the democratio pri mary to be held on. the day of April, 1907. w . ... If elected, I promise to enforce the vaflrraneyvpool room, liquor and gam bling; laws, including those passed and amended by the late general assembly. as1 well- s the criminal lavs nt the state, and the ordinances or tho city of Raleiffeh, to tho best or my ability, without i ear, favor or partiality. I will adhere to the principle that cerr tain punishment rather than severe punishment, will, In mpst . Instances, bring; about better results. , ' I will. If elected, do all In my power to aid Iff (tho reformatton of boys and young; mej who "fall by the wayside," anl.-wllljjaakftjit 'tt'ai4nf f-arObCclasB, who mo a buslnoss of enticing; . the youth oC our city Into places of vice. ; ; f : ; Respectfully, ! ' W. C. DOUGLASS. i'i d, Mi, i fy?.!! : V'-tA fjrance and r flavor. I you . care 4 ' for strenrjtU and purity. If you care to feel perfectly satis fied that the coffee you serve on your table is of the very Kltlhesl duali ty and has been packed under r the ' most rigid sanitary conditions in- sist that your, grocer 1lfll;vAti urlfKiHtlCAnl : can of WHITER HOUSE COFFEE. 1 '" r' t -!M -i "... w 3 V 1? STRAIGHT THE PHIL. C KELLY CO, - Lack for this St2 1 1 ' 1 njriii -i rrr-T- Slnlnw (bet tb world ever) '. S3 It I .', S5 ts , . S OS ElMslM (OliCern Whl.ST) , . ", 2 60. s 4 99 . '. ; ;. J 5 Donald Kcnar Malt WhlaKcy . . J 25 . . , Si . , , 09 Blue Rldia (Va. Mountain) .'.':.. 4 00 . ' r so . n ? W Huron Ri-rr Rya (Bottlad la Bond) . : , :. . 3 95, t S i II so f Ur. Lo Barns' Bucau Uln . , . FOUW,MEASUMS 16Vx2THx4HtNCKEi FOR SALE BY V Capital Furniture Company lis, in te an mi nargeu ai., , i ,t RALEIGH, N. C, ,t F0RY0UR PICNIC LUNCH. A picnic time Is here, and with It v-has come -to this store every- thing deBlrabla for lunch. , FRESH NABISCOS i BTJTTER THI1SS - , ' "CHKESK SANDWICH v '& O'CLOCK TEAS . ' . GRAHAM WAFERS -' ' ! OLl.TIMEV StGAR COOKIKS 8ALTINE8, . , , h . ' SARATOGA FLAKES " . - Zr-ZC and VNEKDA s ' s Richardson & Robblns i OIc 1 bratcd Potted Meats, and nuc, ''large Pickles, , 5 J, R. FERRALL & CO. . LKADtNG GROCERS. ' 7heffeseft!at ' yoaH find it on all our good a. iS ''"""" "iinmiiinniii ii mi ', It meant uncle Si JS (oaranteca that oodi are pure and jlrajffyt. You buy. I:i a oinct when yoa buy from us. We art wbetaalc dtetribu EH I - - ton to the conauiqer. C AO (sods -named below an prepaid to any point at price namod, andor oar fan (invan- tee Money eheerlqlly reliinocd il gooda an not enttrely aatlitacttry. Special prtcea ou lareo oraori. i C'Wnle ' booklet, complete irice-list and lull inionnaUon. ? 'U'y 3 40. . . 0 5. Put up la ( I Gallon , Ston Jui Ii Gallon tad safely t ! Gallon packed In 1 1 Gallon plain case l Gallon , . 5-rarold Ka.ucfc7 Wym . . BTar old N. C Corn , . 4yaarold Apple Brandy 4-yav old Peach Brandy .v , .- .' . .x . Holland Gin ThsITbiL G. Kelly Co. Inc. iroTr: Hkc JAtrs, I , MAlt ORDERS rRDldPTLY riLLEIX. ' H ,f. , P.lchJ ka...,. . .. . " Lii.iv 1 ' nwn ui1 i Aw r -At 1 L Frank!' and 17th Sts. ' Uii pa tt Biuaao. raf tub ymm'n:i'.w.m wit aJ, Vlrjlrmt ft' mi Best Liquors at Reduced Txltes For the eluh. nn ttia Itwlnhiunvl in 1i aUli,mnrti nr lUa'tntiaa. mv lin. of whti!i anil ImporUid cjrdiala otter the vrr best value at , die loweftt pne,. ..i .v i Mfiyri'-i v ' , My n:k contain, about all the beat brandn: and toiri. ii the only -houtio in Lrnchbunc ilmt tmyn jroodft direet frmn diKtiltnta who do not sell the reitl trade, thereby aavina: yeu on man'a pront. . -i -tv A few ol tho Ion, list Of exceptional offer; sis. ; Lazarus Club, Cream of Whisktes, M.waU : ,'? ? Apple Brandy, - $2.50 and $3.60 " Rye whiskey, $2.00, $2.U 13.0a $8.80' ' ',;, :.' rr Mountain Whiskey, , - - ! $2.60 " , -' Corn Whiskey, - $2.00 and $!.&) ' . Ydkiu Kiver Com, . ; . 4 full quarts. $2.50 Albermarle Rve, V' i full quarts, $3.00""'il A second order will surely follow a trial of any ol Ihesu brands. , . t These Prices Ir elude Express Chirees Mail, orders are filled on the day received, and ' o -warded on first trams, 1 v J ' WRITE FOR PRICE VT ? ( LARQCSr MAILORDER MOUSE 1H TMS SOOTH ' ; ,i. L LAZARUS. - Lynchburg, Va. r ' OTSfTffjnpsjj OVOV feTWV'V'arO'V THE CITIZENS NATIONAL ! BANK 4 RALEIGH. N. . A-' , f Dfepository of the-United States, State ot N. C, and City ct Ralelso. ? v Statement of Condition March 22, 1907. , : V. S. Bonds, par., . , $235,000.00 Loans and . Invest- , ments . 774,787.43 Casb. i .vk.-l . 85,229.1 ."Ouo from Banks...,, ' 821,707,70 j Total. ,$1,406,734.44 liabilities..." , X Capital ....h $100,000.00 , Surplus and Profits' v,' 4 (earned), . ... V . . , 141Ot5,58 Circulation v , Deposits k-. K Total OJ iNO .NTKItKST PAID OK DEPOSITS JOSEPH G. RltOWX; President. ? ' HEXRY E. LITCHPORI, CashltT.' . aoo.ooowo ,1,005,638:86 ,-) ';' - i i .$1,406,734.44. e .RALEIGH :, SAVINGS : DANK OHN . PftXKN, Pivsidcnt. i' I CHARLES ROOT, Cashier. ' KMcrrcl Interrat $115,000;. Promts Capital aud Surplus $50,000 i ' , -t v , ' ' Deposits $700,000. ' ' , ; ; . 4 PER CENT IXTEREST PAID OX DEPOSITS. , ; - Call in the Bank, or write for father information.

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