. i. .., i (.'an. in., Si i, ): day, tair t m portion, j.t ill i .4- 1 by the use of Royal , Baking Powder is con- Koyal is economical, because it poa iuore leavening' pover'andj goes further. I - r J - - i.itjL J - -111 ' I 1 i. . '- X co:.nxa toox. Adelaide Thurston Wednesday. Gorton's Mltt&t it-Is Thursday, . - Ionian Twins April 8th, " . Our New Mlnint-r Friday, The Man oa the liox -April otlu 1 ADELAIDE THl'RSTOST. Adelaide Tfcurson's ' supporting company the coming season is said to be the beat that clever little artist has ever had. ' This is saying a great .' dealt as Miss Thurston's support has ' , always been fftr above" the ? erage and as a usual thing generally re ceives a great deal of praise. Speak tng to a friend recently, Hiss Thurs- ton said: "It took Pauline Phelps ' and Marlon fcSliort three years " to complete the'-manuscript tor "The Girl From Out Yonder," and It took - me fuHjfjjP.Jong to determine who , shouldJeasay the various roles. ' I feel 8unrthat the majority- of my mudlenoes will agree with me after seeing my- present company, -when I . say It 4 ,', far my best." Miss Thurstfta jwyi, be at the Academy Wednesday, , cqjCto's minstrels. ' " ' The qle.YercomedIans, Welby and Pearl,, are with Gorton's Minstrels this season. . Their ' laughable act, 'Three Ages In - Black," portraying the quaint humor .and amusing pe culiarities of the southern" darky, displays to the Tcst advantage their well knows', ability in. character work. The sketch is said to be one of the strongest of its kind. Thy will be seen at the Academy April fourth, i , V ' "The Lyman Twins" on the 8th. ' ( A treat seldom offered the ih'eatre going public is In 'store for them when the famous' comedians "The Lyman Twins Brothers" are 'seen here in heir wonderful musical cera edy success "The Rustlers," which they aro appearing in this season, and which is said to be one of the funniest and most elaborate produo- ' tions of Us class yet produced, com-, prising a large company, a dainty chorus of pretty girls, a host of funny comedians), singers and dancers to gether , wyjh-, numerous novelties en tirely ,Re-t aiyj. original with this at traction. ' v, - ,f . ''WS. XEW MINISTER." The V?.n$4ooked-for Svent will be , the ..return o.t Denman Thompson's and Geo W? Kyer'a Hardscrabble Comedy, "Our Kvv l.uister," which comes back to the Academy on Fri day. Rarely if ever, did a play catch the popular fancy of Raleigh as did this latest production of the authors of "The Old Homestead," for even since It's presentation at the Acad emy recently It has been the topic of conversation in homes, -on the street cart, in stores arid on the streets. tt ' is not. very difficult therefore, to ' foresee, he . business that "Our 'New Minister" wilt do on its return 'date, -It only behooves those who wish to avoid disappoint ment to make an early application at the box-office for seats. " - ..; "THE MAN ON THE BOX.V Max Figman's first starring tour under the direction of John Cort will terminate April. 20th at Plainfleld, N. J., after a most successful 'season throughout thev west ; and south in The Man on the Box,' Mr. Figman will be Been in his play at the Acad emy of Music Tuesday, April 9th. . '; "MAKES YOU WELL ALL OVER." New Scientific Remedy That ; . at the Joints From the Inside.' ' -. When ytou get up In the morning with a headache, pains In the Joints and muscles, and a dark brown taste In the mouth, it is ample proof that your blood Is in bad condition.' Pills and stimu lants may give you temporary relief, but they will not cure. RHEUM ACIDE goes right to the seat of the trouble, sweeps all the germs and poivisons out of the blood, cleans tip every . "plague spot" in the body and "makes you well all over." RHEUMA CIDB tones up the stomach,' relieves indigestion and constipation, regulates the liver and kidneys and restores each organ to its natural functions. By building up the entire system, RHEUMACIDE fortifes you against La Grippe, Pneumonia and winter Colds. Through its thorough cleaning of the blood it wards ot MeJarUv-asd prevents Spring Fever. ' , ; JJo other medicine has yet been found that cures Rheumatism to stay cured. A remedy that is powerful enough' to cure Rheumatism also removes the germs of all other blood diseases. . . Powerful as it is, RHEUMACIDE is a purely vegetable remedy that does not even harm through nature's channels. Tour druggist sells and recommends keximacide: . . . . .. SCPT. ' JOYNER WILL SPEAK , AT 5IOCKSVILLE TONIGHT. 'Superintendent Joyner expects to re turn tomorrow from the western part of the state where be lifts been for the past few days. Friday night he deliver ed an educational address at Monbo, Catawba county. . and tonight is to speak at Mocksvllle in the interest of the proposed graded school at that place. , i w-yjj m -J v'.'j-y-.W' i i V ! 1 ' . ). ......mi ' i' Caefii- I907 . ' . , ; V""" ' ' Hd flt.KunoenlKttMr : . y T 7 "" ' - r - V v1 ' Ch'ik'S fi-oi) J. F'1'.or - -rtin it ti 111 'v la the t ,1 t V 'r,g, for I ".'.:; ' ' ; are tv) r t c irect in fcij.Io an ! ; i f t i-i i ' i i a. li' i 0. fviipny and briiit now v.r CACTZrr CAEorjITA TSAiini;a cciiool ' Pids "are beginning to come In from the east Carolina toiwns for the training school, . the establishment of which Was provided for by the last legislature. . It has been usder- stood that a determined light wou It be made by Elisabeth Clti to get the school, but other places fare Just as determined. . t - V ' Among the towns thait have ' al ready submitted an intension of en terng into the contest or are expect' ed to do so are, KlisabetB City, Wil son, ' Greenville, . Edenton Tarboro, Washington; Rocky Mouat. Kinstoh, New Bern and Goldsboro. ; (The foJlowing are the rules adopt ed by the state board of education and are to govern. the selection o the sitet '., j7v . i ) . AU bids will be received and alt representatives - bearQ - in- open meeting Wednesday, Junp 6, 1907, in Raleigh, ; , -t v ' 'l3. Under-section ,13 the law, bids for less than 125,0)00 for the construction equipment o)t buildings cannot be considered. - yhe site , is not included in this amount.: .3. No bid will be considered that does not off or, in addition to the minimum of $25,000 fopt. building and equipment, a site cofctalnlng at least twenty-five acres. , St is desira ble to secure as ample grounds as poslble, " ' i '. As soon as possible; after June 6, 1907, he stats board -im. education will visit and inspect, all stes offered in the bida -" t '":'; I ' 5 , 5. - The election on boids by any town or county may be jeld before or after the' consideration of the bids and the selection of the site, i x 4 HAIR TELLS CHARACTER. ' Color of Har Said to Indicate a Per , son's Temperament. . any pedple believe tbat blondo, or light hair denotes affection and dark hair constancy. ' A pnrson 'with out hair is not devoid x6 character; far from it' The disposition of the average tmldheaded tnai Is to. sMoiy such sol id tude , for . the r Welf are of others, that he neglects Jjrmself, .A germ . causes baldness. ' Prof. Sa bouraud, of Paris, Frasoe, innbeu lated a rabbit with Dandruff germs, causing it to become 'totally bald In five weeks' time. To rid the scalp of these dangerous 'germs It is neces sary to apply Newbro's fleplcido, . ."Destroy the cause jrou remove the effect," , ' 'r " ' - Sold by leading diusglsts.. Send 10c. in Stamps for sample ;o-The Herplcide Co., Detroit, Mich. ' Two sizes, f 1.00 and SOc. ''. (Henry X 1 Hicks & Co., Special Agents.' ,,' - , , "'1 n The 1 . i I 'T .' prtt 1 has b . i pre"iuie kota. 1 suited , nearly i, a const. , flrop In 1 in the tt, hikes. 11. dtgrets ht was con s and Loui; ing heavy i been repon tine, l.'M; t ton the wlr maximum v hour lias li past twelve will cause f night with uissura area central in the !ppl valley yesterday has :y to the northeast, Snd ,uwed by an area uf l.,h v central over North Ia- barometric changes ru neral rijo in pte-i no in .'lions of the country and fall in temperature. ' The rature has been greateat t valleys and along the lowest - temperature is .8 .asmarclc, N. D. There ble rain in eastern Texas i yesterday. The follow dpltation, in Inches, has ; Galveston, 1.22; Pales- l Taylor, 1.50, At Galves is now 'quite high and a id of fifty-two miles per n recorded during the hours. Rising : pressure r and cooler Weather to-. ;r Sunday In this vicinity. Al H. THIEHSEN, V ' Section Pirector. Bpon 1 Contral :ar puny of t. ed the co new piibii. i,,, ern Itf'iwiiy 1 he coot of ') iu l.oro is - l attui J i f 3 r the eu-i Jun cf a r i 'ion for th. f-'outh-Co ;)any at i' ,bury. the new 'depot is not i . i sj C j i ')L . L known, but It will be one - of the largest on the . system and wlll.be modern in all respocts; Frank P. Mllburn, of Columbia, is the super vising architect. ' , ENGAGE WELL- KNOWN TENOR 1 JFOR THE MUSIC 'FESTIVAL. Mr. George Hamlin, th well known American tenor, who has been engaged for the music festival May 1st, 2nd and Srd, 'made two concert ajipe&ranccs in New York city this wk,' Monday afternoon he gave a song recitalv. In Mendelssohn Hall and ttr. li. E. Krehbiei, the foremost critic or New Tork, in an extended review of the con- "Mr.. Hamlin's recital".? j'eserdi1 might well have bees jtaken as a lessou by Boms' of the many professional sing ers scattered through his appreciative audience, for in respect of.' program making and of - interpretation, the American . , tenor's 1 was ot signal merit and Interest. There waB;n8much intelligence la Mr. Hamlin's interpreta tion of what fas sang as In the pro gram's design. The mood of the text as the composer had seized it,' vps pub lished with intuition and eloquence by the singer, in terms pt cleii'r eminela tlon, good phrasing and Well-chosen Vocal color. Mr. Hamlin is an artist al ways, worth while.", , ., ; . Mr. Hamlin -was also chosen as the nAv tenor by -the New Yruk Oratorio I Society Jor the first performance In America of Sir Edward Elgar's new ; oratorio, ?The Kingdom," which as -gives last Tuesday nicht under the itl ' rection of the compojer. Mr. Hamlin 1 Iji one of tne area test concert" tenors in America and his . mcnt for in v tenor part in the Su . t S'atcr, the -i cond evening of the fest ival In Rale! 1. Was a wis move on the pa ret of i:i i executive committee. LS hns never .' been in the south before but is aiso engaged for the festival in Richmond in May. , r TAHD! c v. 1 D i iia: .gett and 7il:.;ii,'gton ctkzlts. . Our.-store should have been seen by every citi-V". , 2en of Ealcigliu It's an up-to-date . 0 roccry Store. ' ' Everything in it isnp to standard, '..We sell the bes of JEVEBYTIIING in our line. all the new customers we pan get. 'Plenty of room to .wait them ' . . . .' V.'-' Sr.. 0IALS---Wesson 's , Oils' for cookinj? and' salads. Somethinp; new in Coffee ' for invalids , Culled Coffee De Invalide. Try it.4 , - - Have you ever heard, of VENEER,? -It's rrreat. ; The finest furniture. Polish made.1- Prices, 25c. and 50c.' bottle. ' . y P. S. ;We have a number' of nice' Rooms for Rent for offices and bedrooms. - ' -15 m i 1 RccirmsAL & ccz:p.irjv. r- n t 'j NEW ARRIVALS, , : . BLACK CAT IIOSIEKY , Fine to Medium, Ribbed, for Hisses and lioys, sizes- 6. BEARSKIN IIOSIEKY - - Medium Ribbed, sizes 5V to 10 . : ; 15c. ' . LADIHI3' SUMMER-WEIGHT HOSIERY. ; .' . . Pi-ice, 10c. to 50c.' Pair. Plain xie-work entire, Laee AnUle, Plain Top;' Spi der-web, Wfcave; Idsle Gauze. . , ' ' We are showinj? a wonderfully attractive line of -Em- broideries, widths ftom 1 inch to 24 inches Vide. Prices,, from 7C to yard. Better ace our Embroideries. , , TRADING STAMPS ''..' 7 Our individual Lidit-blue 5 Per Cent Cash Discount Trading Stamps. Ask for these with cvery cash pur chase, i r - ,'t "'' ' rw i vT 1 v' ' ' Everywhere ithioughout tlie store every aiiifle new. Thbm: : A. Partin 'Compr.ny dry.gool;:, ladies' turnisiiings and nov- ' ; ' ELTIE3 ! 1C1 Faycttovilla Street, ALL 2 . ...J ; ' r: j C'y C -n That is L :' f! i vo. i : T. 1 i- t It a : it i i r With the II CSS 1 Cream , cents a r- l noucs: j F. V. I C. Kan ::ts i: i ic Ii.i ra''aa r. ,n'E" rich- lee I Jy 25 c 'i r 1 rotLc". cur :c zasy ir you ccc to vs,Iaui you ji.lly; are i;ot coins vollt' '.EATEPv. ?A33 'WITHOUT tLool.Hlfi OUT A'.-. YOU? TAKE THE ELoJ-5oM.5rR.oM A VIHE AIir IT WILL LOOK RARE, j FAIL To DRE.5.5 WELL Ai;; -YOU YOUR5ELF WILL Jlot LOOK Jo ATTRACTIVE.; DREJJ.WILL'HELPYOU. . DREJJ WILL MAKE YoU FEEL GOOD AND PRoJPER. THE JE THINdJ VILL ADD TO YOUR VKZSS. ' ' - PROPER THING S IN "SHIRT WAliV FOR $2.50.. GOOD FEELING UNDERWEAR FoR;25, 50 AND '$ 1 . TASTY HoJEFOR,25 TO $2,50.' ! BEAUTIFUL READY: f itlMMED HAT5, NEW LINE, . ; V . $3.75 TO $6.50. CHILDREN' CAP4 25 To 50 CENTJ, t MEN'J JWELL FOUR-IN-HAND rTHE DOLLAR KIND" FOR. 50 CENT. EXR A LADIES GAUZE LIL5E Ho5ehERM5DoRF DYE, DOUBLE FOOT," GARTER TOP, 25 CENT5. . . BROVvii and 7iiith riiinpRcop ccc::i::cr 10a. to 25c. each. 10c. .... ,.y 10c. 15c. to -Tic . . . : 15c. to 40c. Egg Friers Custards ..... . . , Oval Bakers ,...... k Round Noppics .and Oval .Shirred Eggs Patties Casserales . i ......... . Milk Boilers '. , Card Jugs RanlUins . ........ Tea Pots i ..;, .f ......;.. w . ., 8c. to I5c. ........... i .;, . . 4(lc. to no, ............ , 40c. and Ec. ,.. f . 25c. to 50c. ,,.....(' 10c. s, '49c. to ti(H'. the j. d. niGCA.j co:;hvjjy. :';(';:;:-;... . '. 'i ' ' ' . , ' rK::i :i-iiAiD hex eggs. ' , . - ; Until further notice, -we will sell Ekes as follows: 1 do,, 18c.; 2 dos., 85c: 3 doz., liOe.; S doz.. or more J.5c. per dos. , ' This plm e3 Fresh Errs within, the reach of, all. ' Will you 'phone us your orders? Cull No. 8. ; D. T. JxO II US Oil Q. O O II 'U Am .4 M -1 " r-.-1 1 .nil ,v i . v. .,! A . u i i i l