1 , i- t r Si . Hi Hi fi ,v, nM XilJIiISIOC;,! 1 1 rtrrrttvflfSlcng Col ,1 Hies Wjq '. SEVERAL1 EIEN , BUSSING :VFtve Men of the Jto& Are Believed to , Have Been Drowned -Fotir Others - " M ere Rescued ijy Farmer- on a ;;'. . Barge Who Bravely Came to Their in 1 "if . - '. " '7 (By .Leased 'Wire to The Times. J ' V Nowriork,.Aprll t. In a blinding t Mow storm and a heavy 'fog early tjtoday v the i Lackawanna. ' Railway 5 ferry .boat Muscatong crashed Into '. tb,e tugboat John D. Dally 'Just out" aide of the Lackawanna slip In Ho boken. , ' " . v. i. Member, of thft-crew, of.' the tug i boat are missing, the number proba V; bly drowned varying - in conflicting , report from -one to Dve. , ,-" VViTb remaining four were rescued ;, ' through tbe bravery of a farmer who -. waa' .on a bage being towed by an- v etber tugboat ; ; r " . ' ' The police Report names .the fol ' ' lowing' as among the misRlng: , , ; , ' Heaiy, William, captain of th.e tug boat-, v t ' ,, 1 " ' Cronin, John, the' Daily's ongl- fteer. i ' , ' , - . "JOhampry, Johm ' ' 4' " , - Luston, James. ' . , 1 Burns,, Joe, all of the Daily j QUEEN DOWAGEB " : AT POINT OF PEATH iT' -m. Leased Wire io The Times.) , Madr.id. April The Illness bf the Powngor, Queen Cristlna Is caus ing much anxiety, ; The last sacra- it monts ' of the - church hate been, ; adV '? ministered to her. and her condltlbn ,1s "xtrernoJ-y ,-rjt';&k1tpd8'"yvThe- nunrn na neon finireninir from annuo. !vt vH nor physicians rofuso to make 'any'Siredictlon. as to her recovery. ' The dowager quoon had planned to - moot King Edward at Cartagena when ' ' the English monarch visits King Al- fonso, but her Illness will ; prevent COL. CALVIN COWLES ; DIED TODAY . '. (Special to The Evening Times.)" ,y Charlotto, N. C, April 1. Coi. Cal l vln Cowles of Statosvllle, 'for twenty " years assayer at tbo United , 'States -' mint In Charlotte, died this morning, ' "at the age of 8 years. , ' The deceased loaves a wife ' iud Or several children, Including Col. Cal ' Vln Cowles of the United States army. I , The ourlal will be at Charlotte to- '-' morrow.' , ,f "' h. f .. f A' DISAPPOINTMENT FOB .! f 1 ' . HORACE'S FATHER. V .New Tork. April 1.H. N. Marvin, father of the little boy who was kld rapred March 4 near Dover, Del.j In company , with several, defectives, has u been- watching- a woman and a, little . ; boy believed to be the lost lad. though the child was almost a coun torpart of the - missing. 'Horace, ope' V-.'that lt was not his baby: uw: ':. -. -.in ,A , detective discovered .... the boy l's oa University Placet with, the woman : and followed them to the .hotel Just r before taking the train for Dover last night Dr. Marvin said that he had al most given i'p hope of ever seeing hi) boy again. . He- said that he ' was re ceiving many - ransom.' letters dally, imnt .of thorn from NeMj. Tork. ' ' v-; .... .' Jil..j.. - J - Fl.ia 1IIC HUN.1ll.Mi ....'.'.. -J , 1NU1.1UJK,' VU., Ailllf . 1.--YV. .'J Rawles. Whose Dokar rooms and al ..'iL leged gambling jofnt 'Was raided horoVlve.wiHa i studying the good book? V'jtitnAM" Wna-'lodn'-i' 'nd ' 'ti.lDO ' il:. J learned that there "given six months 'In- -jail-; He pealeJ.- " - '''' .'.' 1 i, "j ; ; v . :j . j s i,. I IVnECH. FiHE AKO V-..' -DEATH m RAIL jt . '" - - . .":.'. ; . '".'. -!1 ' - v t ' (By-Leased Wire to" The Times.) t ) - .Fort- Worth, Tex.,-April 1, In a colHsion between two freight trains on the Missouri, Kansas A Texas Rall- - road, at Bothel Switch, six miles '.soath of here, six men are reported -; killed. Thirty freight cars were burned. - Aid has been Bent from thn '"' City. ' : .' ..''..;. . .- ... . ' : , m WB HIS VJFE IS A VIDOV , : AnlAootlier Vto Loses Her vv,i'HarrI:J Lover - SHOT TimOUGD WINDOW ,-: f?f . -iJft - - A Saturday night Tragedy Near Win . Chester in Which One Man Paired Out Sends Death Through a. Win dow to the Man Who ia Admitted, Murderer in Jail,' , (By Leased Wire to The TlmeB.) Winchester, Vri April L Isaac ' B. Rltter. a young farmer of Frederic county was killed late Saturday ntehi three miles from Winchester by Othn Nathaniel Hlllyard, who Is in the Win Chester jauV charged with murder. Th scene of the shooting was at the hoitu of ' Mrs. Alex Carlisle. . a widow, . t whom. It la statodLvhoUi .Iilttfir ami Hlllyard had for some time been atten tive. . Hlllyard was the more success, fill, and jealousy on the part of Rlttei is believed to be at tho bottom of th tragedy,. ' Hlllyard waa arrested early Sunda morning. He; asserts ho killed Klttei In self-dofense.' He said that for three years Jtltter and himself had been at odds . that . -Hitter had t repealedlj threatened to kill him and that ' on numerous occasions Hitter had shot ai him. , Ritter went to Mrs.' Carlisle's home Saturday night and demanded .admit tance, declaring he had to "Bx''j HIU-, yard who was in the kitchen. , 'Thi' door was bolted in his face and anger; ed, '. he became abusive, and curaei. Hlllyard, daring the latter to come out-, side. , i ' vs Two Reports and fhea Silence. 1 Finally Hlllyard seized a doubl-bar-reUfid sliotgdn- and fired both barrel through the window at Ritter, who wai plainly visible In the moonlight Tht first .shot took effect in the If ft aldt.'. lust - over the- heart, while thev othei ' barrel tore through the man's groin a 4tH wr . wiin nvwv. liiu uipu muaUinstnntly. His .body waCalUuVA CO M lay on me (rouwi in a poo ui blood until yesterday afternoon, whet it wan s brought to an undertaking establishment In Winchester. ; Prosecuting Attornoy John M. Stock stated yesterday that Hlllyard would be given a preliminary hearing todny. Tht man who did the shooting is thirty years old and unmarried." Ritter who was about 26 years old, leaves a widow and one child. Attter served in Company K, Forty- ninth United States Volunteers, during the Spanish-American war and was In the. Tfillipplnes. . , ; ' A coroner's Jury yesterday afternoon held Hlllyard for tbe shooting. OS MAKES A SIEVE r s . ' ' ?a OF DARK ASSAULTER . (By Leased Wire to .The Times.) Durant, I. T., April l.-Jlm Williams, a negro charged with an, attack on Lillle Mizner, a white, girl near Col bert, I. T., Saturday, was lynched here last, night by a, mob of ne thousand men, r Williams .was hanged to an oil Jvi-iderrtck.and his body riddled with bul - leis. . ' xiepmy untieu. oiuiea inareiim and. local officers pleaded with the mob and threatened, thorn, with tbelr revol vera, but to no avail The girl Identi fied Williams, YOUNG J. D. TEACHES AS SLEUTH WATCHES t :. CBy Leased Wire to The Times,) ,' New , Tork, Aprl't'j 1. Many of the Rockefeller Bible class members are klng. each other who piayed doiec- hnrl .liA4nL a f1ftrvilv nt thn elans sa- dons, , i in xari n, is suiu Kince.i.ue uity iwm Ian McLaren preached in the church the son of the- head of .the Standard Oil Cpmpany had, been kept carefully In sight by an employe sof one of the largest private detective - agencies. -' At the great meeting in tne cnurcn when the Scotch, clergyman .preached, .the crowd Was very great and there jwas much, curiosity to see young Mr, Rockefeller. It was suggested to him ithen, that it would be better IfShere wore at all times some one .pear him who could be of. use in an hour:-of danger. It Is said the young man at first resented this idea, but was made to see that some crank might take Into his head to do him harm, and he final ly yielded to the wishes of those near- est to him and since then a detective I has been by his side. " ' . ACCENT LETTERS ; TQ f . JliSriEV-liEH DEED (Cy-Leased Wire to Tho Times.) ' ' New York,- Aprtl 1,-The love letters of United States Senator .Arthur Brows of Utah, to tha beautiful Abide Bradley,. Who avcugod his dutcrtlon of htfby kill ing liim in Washington, X). C., will bo Introdueed In evidence- at her trlai In prove JustifleationMieoduiis to an an nouncemcnt madejtoday. ' ) These lultera wilt prove the liiost sifin Batlonal and" most lnteiRtln ' matter at the trial whltb. rtukes .place. Monday.-. The'.. letters', nij rtident "la chuiaetcf and refer 'i fi wrong done to Mrs; . Uradlcy-' aiid their phildrcn by Brown. ., " .-'.' : , ; In these letters Brown" acknowledges the' paternity 'of the children'1 " Mrs. Rrodlcy is. now in thb county J&U in Washington, awaiting trial The letters Include one of 'Christmas greet ings from her to the man shs Ulled. HIE PlI'SiSTAIN Seduced Urom Duly" by Wcman's Witchery AN UNFAITHFUL DIVINE ftcv, Solon : H.,' Bryan, . Alleged . to Have Succumbed to tho Charms of a Clrl He Was Preparing for . Missionary Work - Sukioim1iu and Reported to Confeifueo for Trial. (By leased Wire to The Times.) MUlen,; Qa., April !. Because It la alleg'ed he succumbed to the charms "f Miss Ellen Nearby, a pretty(yioung mil liner whom he says "he Is preparing for foreign missionary Av-ork. Rev. Solon H. Drj-an, .pastor of 'the Methodist church here, and, one ef ,the most prominent ministers in Georgia, haajjeeh. suspends ed and reported to conference for trial on a charge of Immorality. f Mrs,-- Bryan Suspected that a warm er bond than foreign missions bound Miss Ncwby and her husband and she reproved he latter Mr. Bryan Storm ed at his wife so loudly' that msighbors overheard., . Presiding - Jllder jLovett came here Saturdaytnnd held a preli minary trial and Bryan was suspended Angered by tbe outcome of a trial, Mr. Bryan went home nd whipped ilia wife, so neighbors say. These neighbors had Bryan arrested for wife beating and ht was placed In JalU - ;;' j. About ten o'clock Saturday night, Mrs. Bryan went to the Jail,, gave bond for tier husband and took htm home. She says she did not want the father of her baby in Jail. Mrs. Bryan has a small fortune and l very prominent. I 1 V' --'-i,V-. ' i:P---:-j 1 7 H 1 ;vw'fyCl ' I J 't i : V MR. AND MRS UPON HIS ROBES Tr1 -tt 'U '"in , it Ms . I. 114 1 The recent death at Tokio, of James H. Smitli, better known as "Silent Smitli," created a profound sciinatioii in New York social and financial circles, in botti of which Mr. Smith was a prominent figure. At the left of the picture is a snapshot Mr. Smith taken a Jew months be fore1 his marriagi". At the right Is u photograph of "Mrs. James Henry Smith, formerly Mrs. William Khin -luiider Stewart, and at Hie liottom is n iiirturn of Antlionv J. Drewl's vacht Margnrita, which can-led the James Hem-j- Smith' psrty from Kng OF OLD WINTER His Frosty Teeth Set for Budding i Fruit- BAIN, SNOW ifl SLEET Res Spring, Shivering in Her Gos samer Kobe, ; Files : Krtm This Hoary Old C'liurl Who RukIics Into Her IHimahi, Scattering from H;f Idps Snow and Oeadly Winds. (By Leased Wire to The Timos.J: Richmond,"- Va."S, April 1. Arter . c week of balmy t summer . Wenthar. during which jthe - thermometer' r : . - reached a maximum of 94 degrees, j Easter descended . -Upott- Richmond heralded byvrain, know and alect. The tknwmAmtAi h.J foll.n a.Mftl ihn If THE ICY GRIN freezing point has been renched. At nazvad a courtlet occurred, li i .Kit t . iJ'' which elevan. peasants were 'killed. It is feard that the Jrnlt crop In e saneulnary aaIr ttt Ballel,u ms this sectioo wllibe seriously dam oxweised' a deterrent influence in the aged. Thflitrain preceded the snow, , n extern district. '' . N so that It. is not.s sticking' to thet. The communes of ?nzzlnl and Tcgenl ernund. but thef : fall of snow ba are' In full 'revolt, : and 1 troops have been - continuous j'slnce . before , nqon The annual Easter paarde -f ; hats uu sun. ...u ,ry .The fruit trees had budded dpflng ... ..... . . the, warm days, and there is but ; lit tle doubt that the embryo fruit "wil." freeze, in the but during tonight .- Fear Fraitl Total Ruin, '. . fCy tased Wire to The Times.) 'Hagsretown, Md.. April i. Many thousand of Jeach, plum and prlcot . (Continued totiage Tiva,). t - JAMES H. SMITH. land io tin- Far Kast. FIRES OF REVOLT BLAZE BROADER Correspondents Contradict the Official Advices NUMBER OF CONFLICTS Trooiis Ruslicd to Puzxini and Pc Kcni The' Kntire Province of Krajova Rt'porttHl to bo In the Hands of tlm ' Insurants Fights at Tansa alid Patuleli", tr.y Leased Wire. o The Times.) Bucharest, April 1. Official advices state that there nas, boeu no rresn re- volt In the, last twonty-fmir hours and j Hint the situation h.-is imoroved i throughout the country. 'Troops are pursuing some isolated bonds of insur-jthe gents. A largo number of leaders have heptl arrested bin 'dispatched tMthcft plsturbances tare - reported from In Moldavia and many cases of ipmndorlng. Jhccndiarism . .conaicts in Wailachla.- , and armed - A number of peasants have .been killed or wounded by. troops at Langa and Patulele. . ; "'"'' ' fet. ' retefslmrg; . AprO ' Klshineff corrosporidents telegraph that contrary to the official adVicta the disturbances In Roumftnla are extenfilnjf. ThelWholi jrf,vince of Krajova ts fcald to lie 1n Oie - minds of the Insurgents st THAW PLANS HIS SUNDAY DINNEO Free, lie Will Eat it His IWife THAT IS NOW HIS HOPE The Lnnaty Commission Has Ad journed I'ntil Tomorrow -Evejya and Thaw's Coiinstd Share the $P timistic Spirit of the Prisoner, Who I'Vels His Case is Won. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, April 1. "Harry expects to be f i co within a week. He even talked to me about being free next Sunday, and planned how we could dine together." This statement made made by Mrs. Evelyn Nesbit Thaw, ufter a meeting with her husband in the Tombs 'to show that Harry Thaw is confident that ho already has shown the com mission that he Is sane and that the eonimisslon will so decide his case fie- fore sending It back to tho court, where he will be permanently acquitted. Then; wan no session of the lundcy eommisslon today, the commission having adjourned until tomorrow. The trial Jury had been ordered to re port today, so there was a brief ses sion of court long enough again 'to excuse the jury. The process of seed ing the Jury home from time to tljne will continue until the lunacy commis sion reports Its finding. Thaw's lawyers are as confident fas himself that the showing he made be' fore the commission was such as . to convince any three unprejudiced men that he Is sane and fully competent to confer with his counsel, and thatfh commission will so decide. As a re sult of this the defence will call mo alienists to testify, despite the f4ot that District Attorney ! Jerome wil call three of his alienists to testify I "The defense will offer( no wltnese O'Reilly. "No alienists "will be called to testify to the present mental conrll tlon of tbe defendant, . although the htstrtet -attorney .ims "TlTSv-proTnlse ,-ff ins commission to near nis wttnesse: on three points, Drs. Gregory, pil grim and White, who Were witnesses for the defense, will not be called, i "It Is probable that Dr. Hamilton may be excluded entirely, not becausehe declines to waive his professional priv ilege, but because what he would tell, would be too remote to determine tfhe present condition of this defendant. The last time Dr. Hamilton had fen opportunity to make an observation' of scientific value was in July, 190. Xll the Indications are that the trial will be determined before the end of the week." -f Statement by Mrs. Thaw. "Mr. Thaw is In the best of spirit,1 said Mrs. Thaw, "find he could not Sbe otherwise, because of the way he pais, ed the examination before- the commis sion. He has every confidence that the Commission will declare him sane,. which, of course, he is. "As to the story that' he has been engaged In Wall street . speculation, there Is absolutely nothing in it what ever. He has not been in the market for ever so long." When the commission resumes its hearing tomorrow It Is known Mr. Je rome will Insist on the legal rights to call tot only Dr. Hamilton, but ;as many other experts in insanity as 'he deems necessary to sustain his con tention that Thaw Is an Incurable paranoiac, and that he will cite an opinion, expressed only a few months ago by Dr. Hamilton on his return from Kurope that Thaw was "crazier than Czolgosz." the assassinator 'of President McKinley. If Dr. Hamilton Is permitted to fell all he knows about the mental history of the Thaw family and ' is followed by other experts to testify as to their opinion of the defendant's present con dition gained from observation, the de fence .will be compelled to rebut this evidence, and If they are forced tnto that position the Inquiry will drag along for. woeks. Tho three points to I which the defence expects Jerome's alienists will be limited are the writ- ines of Thaw. and esneeinllv th 3 jDennlston Lyon letters, the evidence In trial, and the observations of the alienists in cotfrt.: It rs expected Dr. Hamilton will refuse to testify to Iso. lated facts in regard to Thaw's condi tion. He will want to take into consid eration only the observation he made in his visits to Thaw last summer, and all that he has1 been told of bis fam ily history,, the facts brought out In the trial and all the letters ' and 'all other exhibits. On Saturday ; he ' .re fused to separate part of the facts he knew from Die other 'and' declared that in Justice - to himself he ' must found his opinion on- every aspect of the case 1 ' 1 " J Trial Adjonrwd to Thursday, v1--- ''pending the report" or the lunacy commission! the Harry K. ThawVial was adjourned todaj urUil. Thursday at 10:30 a. m. . - .j, , , A - . Justice Fitzgerald was informed by members of tbe rora mission that they . tContfnued oq Paga Seven.) iiEiiiis;::iu jif-IOE iii;l. fled Furnished a 1 ' '-" '.-t - " j 1 v . jtfr iii' , j i'. 1n i ' " v-.: V A Special Writer Sam Fp tho Indi cations Which Thaw baa Clvert That Show Hira to b Normal f Intellect Oien Poor, pt Mattea- , wan Swinging Bitdt. '..'. A. -..v. (JJj PnTARTES SCMMErtVIIiLK.) jNew.Xork, April l1 Harry "K, Thaw has shown the public the unex pected repeatedly after the startling affair of tha Madison Square foof garden wherein Stanford White met ,' death. v t ' ' IJnmnn.n.l thi.rn.arTi fifu. - VAIltt ilu responsible through hU , early man hood the public expected whea ha committed the mad. act of killing, Stanford White that: ho would .su pinely throw , himself, back on tb brains and strength and influence of the counsel that hls family's great wealth brought around him and de pend upon t bom, if possible to t-ave his life and Jf possible to save Mm , fiom a madhoure, too. . It w .it, ex pected that tbls young millionaire when the full sense of the danger of dying ia the .death? !tatr Wa waved before bis eye? would crlngmgly ac cept a' madhouse aa -a rofuie. i ' .v. The first big surprise that the pub lic was given was -when this young millionaire discharged the-first firm , of lawyers that bad bees brought to his side a firm of famous lawyers. They advised him that no . matter .. WUI. Ull IUUUTCB KU UWU IU1 HI tt J ' ing White; he bad little hope of find- , Ino- .litrv. wtiA vnnlil srfvA hint .hlfl beedom and. exonerate him , "ti Xi Invertebrt He, Thaw, the public saw, was at least no cringing wreck of a man, who would,, like 4' child,' do. something wrong and then beg for leniency and - mercy in the matter of punishment. ' He asserted then that the wrongs be ' had suffered at the hands Of Stanford -! White were such that when the Jury heard them, it wuld. believe that he was jiot responsible for bis actions when, coming upon White on - the.''. Madison (square roof, be killed him.' He would listen to no lawyer who , would not promise to make the fight' for life and exoneration on the lines any man, to a certain extent raced : by Wrongs might lave done and might be pardoned i for. NAnd the1 fight for his life las been conducted on these lines.' , " '.' o . Thus It will be seen that the IrreT sponsible millionaire of wilful past . oieiiwu iu uevuiue vue capium vi is- - ship when it struck troubled waters. And so far It must be admitted that be has steered U well..1 V.; , .J To be sure; the first day of his . defense found Gleason,' the man of his first choice,' unable apparently f o' . cope with Jerome In criminal prac-. Mm. i.A 1. lnMl.MJ IA . -. a bad director in general Df his af fair, : But he was quick a anybody . to see the advantage to be derived , by the appointment of Delnas as thei leader of his fight. He promptly did this. s ,' , It was an Indication that whatever - hia mental condition had been he had a, no illogical obstinacy In regard: to v the conduct of hia case. - . . ' Mentally Alert Throughout. ' He has,: moreover, been - mentally ! - alert to everybft of the'tes'tlmohy In . so far as I, who have observed him daily could determine;;' It Wan plain' that he knew what Jerome was scor-.' lag against him, - It was plain that, : he well knew the pobltioh Into which ne was tnrown when the voutnrut son of his j-lcttrn as testifying 'before the jury and It. was platu from, bis emotions when his twlfe was being t Bercely, cross-examined .,by. , Jerome and whoa hia agefl raothj; pn willed . In and told her . story: that ho, was alive to all the, emotions that a hor- In theaearry clays bl the 'Jury ' choosing! thaw .''almost Invariably spoke the final .word on whether the : talesmen should be accepted to servo -and dow when the crucial time Jias arrived, Thaw has not winced or' wilted before what It Was plain be should do If, the 'plan that he orlgl- . nally made Which looks for the com-' plete. escape,- from punishment , for (Continued ; on Page Sovon.) t X t