: i ' ; i I i s iuETKG:::;iJi OPEN UP STOCKS IrredsrllyFrkstlieCcefl- COTTON DISAPPOINTING; The Cables .. FromHUverpoof . f ere ' Strong, But theMAst Was Influ , -etvced Partly bjr Active'. Pressure 1 Against July Broker Bar This "i Month- Supposedly . for V Bull Leader., ,"., PJ(By , leaned Wire: VJieSTbnts ) ""Union-Stock Yarda.'lllsV April . Hog8--Recelpt8 13,000; strong to a shade higher; light,, 6.406.6& mixed, rj.46 6.fi5j Hearyr 6.3" .65rroigh, 6.306?46Vpigs, t.to 6.65; Yorkers, 6.60 6.65; good to choico, 6.55 6.65, Cattle EeceljJts, 4,000; steady; ' (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New . . York, - April 9.-rThe tock market . .opened irregular hut with the more important -stocks; at ad vances. CanadianPacias was up 251. Smelting and Baltimjor$; tt Qhld. up X, Texas ft-Pacific Missouri Kan- uam ' Si j T (Jroat Northfirn- nreferred. 'and' Lead i. and. Union Pacific audi Chesapeake; & Ohlo.vH Brooklyn Transit opened lower. " Atchison .and Car Foundry oft" and Penn sylvania, Mexican Central and Steel common down 14 ,, Erie and Read ing unchanged. ; , ' S-New York Closing Stock List. . ' ' (By Leased Wire td The, Times.) n . Atchison , v Atchison prof. , i.r.....l.i.J Baltimore Ohio ,............ . .10tf , Canadian "Pacinci .. 1T614 Chicago. & Alton ij Chicago ft Alton pref. r "Chicago Northwester ...... ...lfittti 1J Chicago ft Northwestern pref. M..w i Colorado Southern Is ' Denver A Bio Grande .'lie 81H. Denver ft Rio Orande pref. -s. I Brie 14 Illinois Central v . . . . A ... i . .149V4 1 Louisville ft Nashville- .... v.118Vl" ' Manhattan l . . . . .138 , Metropolitan Street Railway F ,.,.-22 76 ...119 ...126 ..,110 . . : bi" ...136 "... 21 ..'.,140 v Mexican , Central , , Missouri -aciflc Now .York Central Pennsylvania ..... Reading .1.. Rock Island ' .. , ,. . RocA Island pref.r. St. Paul A....... Southern Pacific1 . Southern . RallWa . Union pacific . : Union Pacific Dref. Wabash f.. 14 ., Wisconsin Central .-. - Interboro-Matropolltan, V , ' Interboro-Metrbpdtnan prtt. . . A. 60 ' Great Noctherrt-....... ............ 137 !: MtoeelUuieoiia. - ' ...,'X AntalRamtedi Copper ...... ...i S6 American Car ft Foundry 37 v American Locdmotlve 65 Amerlcalf Tobacco .............. 82 America Cotton Oil 80 the most eleanstng, fragrant, bcaHbful, pleuant after-tarto flefiitifrioe to 1 era tV!6ade & Dak . at yopr drureirt-a, 5o.; B8o, H.00 rilLITARY INSPECTION beeves, 4.156.65; cows, 1.80 4.00Lv'helfers,f Iv75 0; calvesJnCaptaln G. F. Hlnshaw; Company D, .25 7.25; good prime steers, 6.35 6.65; poor to jmedlum, 4.15 5.20; stockers and feederB,.'.'aO5rO0. Bheep-Roceipts, , 14,000; strong; native, .4.596,60i western 4.50. fo.oo; yearlings, b.tiu(Qv.iu; jamns, 6.&0l40; western.. 6.50 8. 50. s. - New York Money MarkiV ' (By Leased Wire to The TJmes.) ' v ,New York, April( 9,--Money on call 2 2 time leons rm, 5 5 V4, for all dates. PosMd "rates: Sterling exchange, 4.83 486, with actual business In bankers' bills at 485.35 485 40 for demand and 481.90482 for sixty-day bills.' Commercial bills, 2f2.; time loans firm, 55-, ynr unchanged; 1j6 Mexican dol lars. 50. 'Government bonds un changed r railradbOhdBteady. New Paper for Randlcman. (Special to The Evening Times.) -f High Point, N. C., April 9. Ran dleman will,- at an' early day enjoy anpther newspaper,1 to be known as the- '4ntraTt; North Carolinian," with CU rV. ii' BctOne as proprietor -and; edier, assisted by his son, Mr. Stuiu Uoonev-'Thew gentlemen win remove t Bandleman from their old home at Shopherdstown, W. V., and will at an early day begin publica tion. The new paper will be eight pages, industrial and independent. In politics, and wlI issue weekly. ' ' Am. Smelting AFte fining- ..... ' Am. Smelting- ft Refining pref. Brooklyn, Rap(d Transit ' , ... . .. , Colorado Fuel 4 Iron Internatlpnaf Paper National Buscuit .. .... i National Lead . ... , . . v . : . , Northern Securities ...... ; Paclno."Mall , . . . . . . , v.,.y, , ( People.'a Gas Pressed ySteel Car A Pullman Palace Car ' Sloss 8heeld Steel;.. ......... - standard Oil k. Sugar Tennessee Coal ft Iron ....... - United States Steel United States Steel pref, . '; Western Union .................. :. Mackay's. ...... ............... i Mackay's pref. .. . . .. .... i, .Va.-Crolina Chemical Vi .. .'. Va-'-Carollna Chenv pret. .136 .109 ' . 61 :. s 77 . 61 . s iS . 37 64 ...126 ,..145 ...3? ...100 83 ... 70 . New York Cotton. , . By Leased Wire (it The Times ) " New York! April . The cotton inar- ket this morning- was : somewhat dls- . appointing In view of the fact' that the cables from Liverpool- were strongor. " 'The list was Influenced partly. by active ;V pressure against July. 2 't "'- After the call several, brokers' Were good buyers of July supposed to be for -. -.thB bull leader. ; i- Open. High. JUow. Close.-J April. . , ' -.May . . . nJly . . ',' August' -v Bept. .. . . ' - Oct. vf De . .. Jan.;.,, j , 9.68 ".69 9.60 i.to 9.68 .'. 9.60 -'9.60 -9.719.79.66 ;9.61 , 9.72 " .73 9.3 ; 9.61 " 9.93 (9.94- 9 83 ' 9.82 10.00 10.02 ,V.3 10.f5 10.17 10.09 10.08 " - Ealelgli CottonlirtIarket. . (Reported by Charles E., Johnson , ; . Compaay.j; ,,, , . j Best grade, 11 to jtc k -Xs i ' Off grade, 7ft to 10.t.U- j, . Receipts, today, 60 bales. Chicago Grain Market. f .Market opened steadynd utt s changed from jresterdajt'a close. Crop damage reports from Germany, Hun gary, Roumanla and Russia are fast , becoming a big factor 4ithe AmerV '. can market. The cold weather in the northwest and southwest forced ' wheat tip an Hc. ,im the 'Tlrsti ten minutes of trading., ' fv..' i":f :; Wheat was tame at (4he close, the fact being",. demonstrated ; that "new buying is .needed for . the deferred futures. Armour, took the May right ." up to the' close. V Whea closed 9 ,otf for the day. Corn, was Jc lower, .and oats were c down. " Provisions "were 7 15c. . higher. ', -l r , ' 7 Cash sale here 225,000 bushels rf wheat, 80,000 bushels of com, and 3":.("-9 bin liels ot oaU.. ALABAMA 'WILL HAVE ; , i ' ' TO .SWALLOW. HUNDLEY. (By Leased Wire to The Times.)1 WshlngtottAprfl;8.rTThe politicat referees of Alabama. Messrs. Scott and .Thompson, have- won out In their fight to make Oscar B. BUnmey, reqerai Judge for the new office created by fthe iasf congress:; After xtte camnet meet' Inar today It was announced that. Mr. Hundley would be appointed, Jtotwlthr i standing the opposition to Hundley from all-partly bi( Alabama.; including S-jn ator Petus who came to Washington last' week to make a personal appeal to 'the president not to appoint Hund A. & M. Cadets Inspected by ' CapLM. JftlDBlian; .1 v:fA'-.4?'.i.'--t;'l,:s-v ' Battalion and -Band Found td be In' ; Beserws Congratulatloas. . The annual inspection of the cadet corps of; the.. Agricultural and Me chanical! College took, place this morning pa the athletic field, in WeBt Raleigh. I The Inspection" was -conducted by Capt. Michael J. Lenlhan of the general staff at Washington, who watt detailed under instructions from thei War 0erfrinenf' 'J. There (were five companies and the band on Jhe field; - dompany , Capj tain, P. W. Bardie; Company B, Cap tain G. R. Hardesty; Company C, Captain C. L. Garner; Company E. Captain L. , R.1 Gilbert. Captain W N. Holt is In command of the band, Sergt. G. F. Bason is director, and Sergt. W. G. Ferguson drugimajor. Major W. B. Truitt commands the entire battalion. A very rigid inspection was made by; Captain Lenlhan, of the arms, uniforms and, equipment of the ca detsl. Although his report has not been made pvfblic, it is understood that' the battalion made an excellent showing. t After the Inspection a review took place, followed by company and bat talion drill at the direction ot the inspector. , Lleutenaut . Young, the .efficient commandant at the A. and M. Col lege, deserves exceptionally high credit for the fine showing and skill ful drilling of the cadets under his training. Regular drill has been suspended for a week at the college, so that the different firing squads may complete the target ; practice in which they have been .engaged for some time. The target range is situated a mile weBt of the college. Captain Leniban left this morning for Fprk Union, Va., where he will Inspect the military academy of that place. TO MOTHERS. MRS. WINSLOW'S S0OTHINB SYRUP i hMTann iiud hr Mllllomof Mothers for their I children white teethini tor over Fife? Yean. I It wotliot the child, wfteu the (rums, alluys i an palp, rarea wina 0011c, aua i w km , remeay for dlarrhcBa. ; t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, ', - ELECTION IN ; . ELIZABETH CITY ;, (Rneclal to The Evening Times.) i-; .Elisabeth Cltv. N. .C. - AorU 9. The election of city' officials was nald here, today-Absolutely without inoi dent'AboulMwenty per cent Df the 4te .vpte.will be polled. C: The dem- oeratic nominations were the oniy ones to ; be voted .forV.the jepubflcans making no nominations; not .. wore tuera any inaepenaenr; canuiaaies. The questla of bonding the city for $20,000 to-discharge the floating in debtedness ' is also being voted on. The fulli Wunt has not yet gome in but the measure is undoubtedly lost. THe city ocials elected were: .. E. Everett Thompson, .mayor, succeeding J. B. Leighfi who was Incorporated as police Justice in a bill passed by the last- session of the legislature providing a police court for this city." Clerk It. U Whitehurst, treasurer; W. T. Will liaros, chief of ppllce; Alfonso Hell, al dorman'flrst' ward; ,J B- Fercboc, Se cond ward;.L. W. Anderson, tlilr ward; T. Py Nash, fourth ward; J. H. Leory, fifth ward! C Wi GViee, sixth ward; T It. Parkeiv seventh nd T,B. Hayinan, all these officers succeed themselves With the exception of J. B. Fcfebei who cubceeds M. N Sawyer, . " GOSSIP OF THB STACK. r a ' Drina De Wolfe la to be the lead ing woman .in thei ptock- company, that, Is tpy be established at the Le lasco Theater, In-kWashlngton, undex the management of Edwin Arde'n 'ff the spring season, x si ' -, , '.,i'-ilfH .5. ..f'rl d'J h' 4l ttlv at f ... Admirers tot Miss, Tmlly, Wakemao. one of !thp most popplar members of the George' PaWcett Company, at bough 'a Theatre, may see by the April issue of one of the- popular magazines that Miss Wakeman's versatile talents extend even beyond the: many and di versified characterizations she has given on the stage -this season and In previous ones. V The magazine contains un' unr usually ( clever story written by Miss Wakeman entitled ..fAe Told by Mrs; WllUams.'" It is in monologue form and with delightful naturalness and humor. I. .,, i i, . ,,,.. .....'-'": CASVOniA Tor Iflf-vcts and C 'Mien. 1 XVX; I'::: .".:.;:r:r;M Having -qualified as administrator of M, C. Riggan, deceased, . late of Wake county, N. C, this Is to' notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit themato the undersigned on or be fore the 12th day of March, 1908, or this' notice will be pleaded id bar of their recovery. All persons in-, debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. ' ,.. " - E. C. HORTON, J Administrator, r This 12th day of March, 1907. . law-6 . , , ; . , it 'r, ,5',, , ANTHRACITE ' , and . BITUMINOUS COAL, WOOD Cut Ready for Use. Powell: f,Powell Phones 4i. v BIG GREEK COAL CO. if. W : Wj, .Celebrated, ,, BIG CHECK COAL l. direct from our mines : i.'. will protect you during -tt-' - . this damp old weather, - CAPITAL CITY FUEL CO. . i DrcErn est H. Brc uhto n its Associated, with Dr. Jt. H. Crawford ;:-i...DCNTi5T;.,; tl5-rarttvill Straat , C 'hen yott buy ready-lo-wear clothing at seasoa-end sales you are elthar getting-)i sn It that Is just going out of style or. one that has . Deenf carried Over from last vear and is a year behind; date. L ,, r--"v:'i'",-'. .J, Whenyou have your clotlie3 made expressly for ypuT'you have iassujfance -of UBtMnc-iu i u u t o style, made to fit you and good to look at . always. ' ' ' l?o not be, deceived. Clothes made for you cost little or no more than" the ready-to'-weur Kind, and they will be looking and wearing welljlong after-the "nobody-evorybody" kind havo been discarded in aishapeless heap. -" J v Let us have your ( lolhrs niudo for you. Be well and e6'onomi- L oally di-GBSed, Prices Itcini; nljout eqiial, you should not hesitate. A. C. HINTO Norltv Carolina's Foremost Tailor. . ?, " .''9 ' ' ' " Rooms SOW, 2l ; ml 21:!, Carolina Trust Bulling. HART-WARD HARDW ARE CO., Agents for Keen ?Y v'' Cutter 'Tools. SO Broadway,' Kcw York. 1 BBOKEKS, 821 Gravicr St., New Orleans. Branch Ofllre, 1108 East Main Street, Biclunond, Va. . E. L. RODEN, Manager: PHONES 4522 and 001. . ' MEM BERS New York Stock Exchange, New York Cotton Exchange,. New York Coffee Excbiingc, ; v, Chicago Board of Trade, New Orleans Cotton Ex.cb.ange, Philadelphia Stock Exchange. Associate Members Liver pool Cotton Association. PRIVATE WIRES TO. NEW YORK, CHICAGO AND NEW ORLEANS, THE COMMERCIAL ANDvFARNERS BANK, RALEIGH. N. C. CAPITAL . . . k .: $100,000.00 SURPLUS . . . , , . . . ., : 100,000.00 ta'jds lirst ixi. .point of deposits among the 271 State Banks,' Private Banks and Trust Compa ' nics in Nortli Carolina which do not pay inter est on deposits-. .. NEW. BUSINESS WANTED. t i " 1 '.: - - . i . !. I 1 I' .. . HORSES AND MULES FOR EVERY PURPOSE ALWAYS ON HAND. J. 11 PACE MULE CO. Billy Taylor, Manager. Real 'Estate Utiles j rMIDA ? 'WATER .hi t.- , A DISEASE (if.,'" v PREVENTIVE. . fTp prevent disease and io relieve 'that tired, nb-arcbirat'oeflttg that comes aldng in the ahrintf bt the year. - '- - ' . ' . - "DRINK FREEtT " DURING THE.DAV , ida Her It cleanses the system, builds one up to the strengthening point re quired to battle with' the1 weaken ing spring month, at whjch time so many diseases take hold. . v V Sold exeluaively In Raleigh s " by THE TUCKER ErtLOINQ ' PHARMACY and ' ' mCKS' DRUG COMPAXY. 'Tho Dollars of - . - V the Daddies;" Yon know how hard they wi earned, how carefully they were hus banded, ljow Judiciously hey were invested, Ww confidently they were entrusted td the care of the best bMiks. , jv The -dollars grew into hundreds, the hundreds, into houses, into farms. into wise And profitable business in vestments.-; These "dollars of the daddies" are the basis of auepresent prosperity . They were not lured into speculation, or into risky Investments. The "daddies" demanded' security and. accepted the returns absolute safety gave, V- , What about your dollars? "Are they aHsolutely saleT ' The standard of returns from high-class invest ments is 4 per cent and that Is" the return front your deposits in the sav ings department of this Institution. with the added security that principal and nteresta re at your instant com- VALUABLE jlTY PROPERTY FOU ; SALE. I.' Under and pursuant td the author. ty Qf an order made in the special proceeding entitled J. D. BoWen et J, vs. E. JP. Stone et el,. sw, pending in .'the Superior Court of Wake County, the undersigned commissioner will on Monday, the lDth day of April, 1907, at if o'clock M., at the -Court House doorin the Cty of Raleigh, ,p(Ter foi sale' jtohe, highest bidder;,' for, cash, the following described land, lying and being In the City of. Raleigh, Wakf County, North" Carolina,? to-wit: 'FIRST LOT: A certain lot of land lying.-on the south side of Johnson street and ' bounded on the west by the property belonging to J. B. Mar tin (formerly Rufus Horton), and on the South and east by a lot of land formerly belonging to William B Johnson, ar.d an the north by Johnson street, and' being the lot which was conveyed to John L. Stone by W. W. Vass by deed dated the 18th day of March, A. D. 1862, and recorded In the office 'Tf the Register of Deeds for Wake county in Book 208, Page 642, which said deed Is hereby referred to and made a part thereof for the pur pose of a better description. SECOND LOT: A certain lot of land adjoining the lot above describ ed and lying on the south side of said lot and bounded by a line described as follows: Beginning at the south west corner of MIsb Julia Frost's lot and running back ninety-seven feet to J. B. Martin's (formerly Rufvs Hof ton's) southeast corner; thence south fifty feet; thence east ninety-seven feet to Jullps Lewis' (formerly Hughe's line; thence back to the be ginning, and being the same parcel of land which was conveyed unto John L. Stone by J. R. Harrison and Ru fus Horton by deed dated the 7th day of December, A. D. 1865, and recorded In the office ot the Register of Deeds of Wake County, in Book 208, Page 524, which said deed is hereby re ferred to and made a part hereof for the purpose of a better description. Said two lots of land will be sold together. There is a good residence located thereon. This llth day of March, 1907. R. N. SIMMS, Commi-lsoner, 208-209 Tucker Building. AUCTION SALE' OP BOUSE AND , LOT AT 'PTj'QUAY -SPRINGS, If. O. ' By yirtue ei ' power .'conferred upon me by the several toerigages- executed by A. F.,Harmon and; wife, Annie H. Harmon, which .said mortgages are duly recorded hi the office of (be Keg- i SALE OP REAL ESTATE. On Monday, the 22 day of April, 1907, at the court house door In the city of Raleigh, at 12 o'clock M., I will offer for sale 'ir cash, or on time If desired, the house and lot on North Wilmington street, and lately occupied by Mr. Wil liam C. Upchurch, and adjoining the property of T. B. Parker on the south, Wilmington street on the west, the Colored Baptist church on the north, and the lot of Crowder & Rand on the east, being the property of the late Mrs. Adallne S. Upchurch, and containing about a quarter of an acre. Title per fect. Sale will be under an order of Wake Superior Court to make real estate as sets. This 21st day of March, 1907. F. O. MOttlNG, Commissioner. J. C. L. Harris, Attorney of Commissioner. NOTICE! Sale of the Old Urick Arsenal. By virtue of a joint resolution of the General Assembly of North Carolina, ratified the 5th day of Marcti, 1907, em powering and directing the Board of Internal Improvements to sell the bric'k building located at the south west corner of the Capitol Square, to the highest bidder for cash, under a contract with the purchaser that he shall remove the samo and all -rub bish that may accumulate from tear ing down said building within sixty days from day of sale, not later than the first day of July, 1!)07, I will sell to the highest bidder, for cash, the said brick building, known as the Arsenal," at public auction, at the Court House Door In Raleigh, N. C, at 12 o'clock, ui., on Thursday, the 2nd da yof May, 1907; said sale to be sub ject to confirmation or rejection by the Board of Internal Improvements. II. C. BECKWITH, Commissioner. later -of Deeds of Wake County, N, C.. A In Book No. 204, i "Page,! Book No. " ' 1H. at Page 878; Book No. ?, Page, 22,. I jvUl offer for safest t Court, ' House, Door in the City of Raleigh to I the hlgTiest'brdder.'for wurty 0ri afoot" day. April 8, 1907. at 12 o'clock. M, th-J- ' following described- lots of land neap, . the" depot at Puquay , isprings, N, ?. f ' j and known as the .residence of the late ' . A f.-Harmon.- 7'JC7 a LOT NO. l; Adjoining the lands of? 'uf Barry Holleman, B. H. ffuquay, , ,and.,s ' C others, and bounded as follows; "Be-y, t, glnSJ., at a stake Bar? . . Holleman " , . " northeast corner; thence west (6 feet . . to a stake; t'hense south S2tt feet to aj stake; thence east 66 feet te i stake- , t thence north 82V4 feet to the beginning, , , ' f' and said to contain- one-eighth of an acre. Book 207, Page 678. ' -i, i LOT NO. 2. Adjoining the lands At 3. A. Powell, Oscar WoodV aid ethers, , , and bounded as' follows V Begins at a ( " stake J. A. PoweU's nortfaweal corner; thense east with his line 69 feet to a stake said Powell's northeast, corner; thence north 60 feet to a stake OsCar Wood's corner ;thence Weet 6 -feet to a stake said Wood's, corners .thence south 60 feet to the beginning, and contains 490 square feet, more or less.- ;?..: Book No. 207, at Page 679. , r, S LOT NO. 3. Adjoining the land ot . Ad Powell, B. H. Fu quay,-and others,'1.. . and bounded as follows: Begins at a- , v stake J. A. Powell's northeast oornerj' thence northward with, J.- AJ. Smlth'a , line 156 feet to a stake in the south ; ', side of Railroad Street; " thenc- west with same street 66 feet to a stake; , . thence northwest 156 feet to A. Powell's northwest corner? thence tst , , 66 feet to the beginning, containing ' or.e-fourth of an acre.'. Book No. 102, ..a at Page 168. LOT NO. 4. Adjoining the lands Oft Bennett Rowland, Marry Holldman.' ' Raleigh nd Southport Railroad right j of way. Begirls at a" stake on said Rowland's northwest oorner; thence., ,', east 102 feet to a stake on the west side of said railroad- right ef - fvay; I thence northward with J. A. Mill's tine ' 68 feet to a stake on the northeast cor- , ' ner of the 3. A, Mill's lot; theuce east 24 feet to a stake in the west boun- : dary of the said, rlghj of way; thence i with said right ' ot way S6 feet to h stake A. F. Harmon's . southeast oor-, .' ner; thence west with said Harmon's , . line 93 feet to a stake, being the south west corner of said Harmon's lots ; thence north with said Harmon's line ' 82H feet to a stak In said -Harmon'. northwesh-corner; thence west 21 Jfect to a stake; thence ISO feet to the be-. . ginning, and .said to oontaio . 1,584 square feet. 'Book No. 195. page 390. LOT NO.' 8. Adjoining the lands" of ' ' B. H. Fuquay and others and bounded ' " as follows: - Begins at a stake in the Raleigh and Southport Railroad right of way, "running thence westwardly 83 . feet to a stake; . thence northwardly 82 feet to a stake; thence castward ly 128 feet to a stake in the Raleigh and Southport Railroad right of way; thence with said right of way to 'the ; beginning, and containing one-fifth of t an acre, be the same, more or less. ' 1 Book 297, Page 578. . ' , ' B. F. MONTAGUE, Mortagor. Raleigh. N. C, March 7. 1907. , " r li.) v : H 9 NOTIC'E- -COMMISSlONEllS' OK LAM). SALE By virtue of nn order and decree of the Superior 'ourt of Wake county, made in a civil action therein pending, entitled Ida J. Pool :-.:ul Malcolm B. Pool vs. A lie Etta- Mn:c and Jainef, I. Moore, and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by Wm. H. Moore to Arle Etta Moore and by Arte Etta Moore and James I. Moore, duly as signed to Ida J. Pool, the undersigned commissioner appointed by the court for the purpose will on Thursday, the 4 day of April, 1907, at 12 o'clock m., at the court-house door In Wake county, N. C offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing described real estate situate in the city of Raleigh, N. C. being a part of lot No. 6 In the plat of said fcityv lying on the south stdk; of New Bern avenue, adjoining William T. Taylor on the. west. Mrs. Arle Etta Moore on the south, William Parrish on the east and New Bern avenue on the north, being twenty feet from east to west and one hundred and twelve feet form north to south. This sale has been continued until Tuesday, April 9th. 1907, at 12 o'clock, noon. ' This 6th day of March, 1907. ; JOHN W. HINSDALE, Jr., Commissioner. IN BANKRUPTCY. 4 Under authority and power con, fcrred .upon me by in order ot the , referee In bankruptcy for the court of y said referee, sitting at -Raleigh, N. C . and by virtue of tho power of sale corj- , ferred by a certain deed' of mortgage. executed on the 10th day of Novenr- v ber. 18S8. by Robert Chambleo- and . ' wife, Annie E. Chamblee, to Mary C. D. Kieth and recordod in Book 104, Page 391 of the records of the Regis- y ter of Deeds of Wake Cpunty, I will on Monday, the 6th djUtOt,May, 1907, ' .' at 12 o'clock, noon, expose t public . sale to the highest bidder for cash at, the court house door of Wake County, all that tract or parcel of land situated in Litttle River- township. Wake County, N. C. Adjoining the lands of Bonn Bunn, Ed Moseley and wife, ' Wm. Bunn and A. R. McRae. being ; lots numbers 6, 6 and 7 In the division of the lands of John Chamblee, held by Delia Chamblee as her dower, as appears from the report of the com- (', missioners, recorded In Book No. 36, at Page 136 of the records Ih the effloe of tho Clerk of the Superior Court of , - Wake County, excepting four acres , . heretofore sold to Mingo Richardson, colored. The persons to " whom said ( lots Nos. 5, 6 and 7 were allotted hav- . , ing conveyed the same to said Robert , '' Chamblee. Said fraot Containing two hundred and one acres-(201) more-or lees. M. ASHBY (LAMBERT, s ' y. w -''-'-Trustee. J. W. HINSDALE, JR-, , . . . Attorney. k This 29th day of HariSh, 190T. '. t. a. w. sr. . ....'-" T1 ' 1 '-? Bflbbard Bros. 4 Co. HANOVER ftQUARE. NEW YORK 1QEMBERS OF New York Cotton Ex--' ohanga, New Orleans Cotton Ex- a,M UmmUI. - .. . . - "VUatSaS MHWawaVwW tVSMaiirvaB" vsaa v M l 1 ' pool Cotton Association. i M ORDERS SOLtCJTEDwFot th pn . chase and sal. ot eotton for future lUZTbfl. EotmaotiAwi talUai, :j : . i ,; Tuesday, Aprff Wi," '' Mr. John Coct Presents the Foremost Comedian of the American Stage - MR. MAX FIGM AN In Harold McOratfa's Comedy m Three Acts, Dramatied by . , Grace Livingston Pnrnias. ' - f "THB MAX ; OX , THB . BOX." The Most Conspicuous Comedy Sue icess of Many Years in the ' A Metropolis s, - , -H 800, NIGHTS IN NEW YORK! "PRICES, Sffe, ?5c- 91.00, f 1.80. vt 'B o lf -h"l ' HONEY TO LEND ' On Real Estate In Wake County, . PEELK MAYNARB Attorneys, t'.-BaTiEiGn, n. a: X w

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