v O O v O O Q o o O O Q c I a KalHe Williams was here to day, returning from Baltimore to her home at Lexington. . , Kiss Laura Doub. after attending the music festival here, returned to her home at Jonesboro today., Mis Myrtle Teague, M student at the Baptist University, went to Han dersoa'last evening to visit her hiother, - - ' - l ' , '" , - : , .4, OIU Podrld Club. 1 The Olla Podrlda Club will meet with Mrs. C, M. Williamson Tuesday afternoon at 4.30, - ;.;, Miss Connie Cheek, ot Ore BUI, arrived in the city today and is the guest of her sister. Miss Oma Cheek, at the Baptist University. , Pearson-Barker. -.' Marriage license was granted y ester- day afternoon to Mr. Warren Phlpps . Pearson and Miss Essie Barker, both ot Apex. ."' .,; ; V. , HoneycnU-Pleaaant. . . ' Marriage 11 cense was granted today to Mr. Albert David Honeycutt. of Auburn, and Mrs., A, SY Pleasants, of Wake Forest.' ,, ' Mrs. . W. R. . Bond and Miss Lizzie ,, Hyman,' who have been visiting In , Raleigh, left' this morning for their home at Scotland Neck. Col. and Mrs, W. T. Hlldrup, after spending several days in the city with friends, left today for their summer home in the mountains of Pennsyl vania. 7 : f Mrs. T. W. Watson, who has been v visiting Mrs. Ernest Martin and at tending the festival, returned to her home at Louisburg today. 1 r ..' 1 - -Mrs. W. M. Poteat returned to ' Wake-Forest today after attending the music festival. v Mte Ldla Powell , after visiting : vllknla lit f hA fitv ioiuian&f in Vi v home at Garner today. r Mrs H. O J Bannister, wife of the manager of the Western Union Tele graph office, who has been very 111 at the hospital here for the past two ' weeks, is improving very rapidly. vMr. and Mrs. G. W. Hundley, Miss 'Alice Hundley and Miss - Glass of '..Durham were guests at the Yarbo rough last night . j ' Mrs. Haywood Clark, of Wllinlng ion, is here on a visit to her daugh ter,: Mrs. Ed S. BatUe, on Halifax ' street. -;- ! k The; Dance Tonight, The athletic hop at the A. A- M. Col- ' lege tonight promises to be the best dance of the season. It .is expected that seventy-live or more couples will " be o the floor. The dancing will be- ' gin at S:S0 o'clock and continue until 11: i5 o'clock. Street cars will wait un- til the affair Is over. v. 5 ' Reception by the Anticantt. . - - The Antlcants gave a very enjoy- ' able reception last night at the resi- , dence of their teacher, Mr. J. D. Rig- gan. Mrs. Habel presided over the . games. Miss Winna "Pete" Uxzell winning the prize. A light refresh- ment was served in the beautifully ,": decorated dining rooirj. The color . scheme was red and blue, thccolors pf the class. . , f , . Knows a Good Thine. ' r'. The McKanna 3-ay Liquor Cure people, who have established a mod- era. sanitarium at- teidsville, N., C, i evidently know a good thing. Dr. McKanna writes,' "I fully appreciate the wide circulation of your paper, v and it is my Intention to use your ;.; columns frequently to advertise the ' only , eafejsuce, quick and lasting cure for the liquor and drug habits." ' TWO 'MARRIAGES THE ; -, " A RESULT OF A BANTER, Martins Ferry. O., , May 4. A society ; sensation has been created by the mar ' vtage Ot twe . prominent young men with girls whom they met In Wheeling '! anif fcflAW kilt ahnrt tlma. A. O YlnK. tnson. Jr eighteen years old, son of ; President Robinson of the city coun-;- ell, ' was , wedded , to Bertha Steele. Clarence . E. - McDonald, a young draughtsman, took Elsfe Forrester as bride,. jt The youngtfolks made up a convivial' . party and. the marriages Were the re-' . suit of a banter. ' ' - - 'f- ! i. r . i -i ANJfUAt RECEPTION r - - V J - BX THE KAPPA THETA. - Mebane, N. C, May 4.- The Kappa mvm tolS5fc TXY "ANLT PKOrJPY:ENGInED f j ' ' - - CZD rc SAMPLES AND PRICES , s K" J ' J P, STrZIx'S ENGRAVUfG CO.; ENGRAVERS, -47 v7fnraiALL statlantVga; 0i7S .ft. For about eight or ten years Z was subject to severe attacks of Ecsema. which would last for several weeks. , I would try local treatments and doctors' medicines, which would .relieve for a while, but it would always return, and everything faUed In permanent effect I then deter mined to try Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy, two years ago. I took it' regularly ; for ; six , months, using a dosea and .4 hair bot tles, and It made a perfect cure of me. It has been over a year since I stopped taking the Rem edy and I have never had a touch of the trouble since, and my general health Is excellent. MRS. J. A, WILKINS. i ' Bessemer City, N. C, 'i " Jmy;'VX90.,:.V'-" """ 'r- TheU fraternity of Bingham School Mebane, N. C., gave its annual re ception Thursday evening. The hall was beautifully decorated with the fraternity colors of red and blue and emblems ot the fraternity. A variety of delicious refreshments were served. Splendid music was rendered by the Bingham School or chestra. Those present were: Mr. C. T. Hopper with Miss Magada Malone; Mr. J. T. Johnson with Miss Margie Scott; Mr. E. G. Watklns with Miss Louise Holt: Mr. E. R. Cocke with Miss Addle Scott; Mr. F. T. Tucker with Miss Susie Chandler; Mr. Ar thur Davenport with Miss Maude Holt; Mr. B. B. Tatum with Miss Eunice Fairchild; Mr. J. S. Holland with Miss Jennie Lasley; Mr, O. M. Lee with Miss Emma Craig; Mr. G. L. Shirley with Miss Margaret Chand ler; Mr. J. G. Brown with Miss Bes sie Craig; Mr. D, A. White with Miss Claudia McCullers of Raleigh, N. C. Chaperones: Mrs. W. W. Corbett and Mrs. Frank Holt. AT BAPTIST UNIVERSITV NEXT MONDAY NIGHT. Quoting further from Snider, Twelfth Night," in the second thread of the action, "furnishes the most emphatic contrast and at the same time similarity to the preceding thread. Love is still the theme, but it is reduced to a means and is not the supreme end to which the indi vidual sacrifices himself; It is subor dinate to an ulterior motive. Thus It is degraded and trampled into the dust, but It avenges itself by turning its abusers into ridicule and destroy ing their purpose. We leave the world of disguise, In which the dif ficulty sprung from the clothing of the' Individual, and pass to the inner realm," In whlch-the difficulty springs from a mask in the brain. "Of this group is Sir Andrew Ague cheek, a suitor for the hand of Olivia. His wooing is a delusion.. He is, how ever, a fool a veritable simDleton. "The second person of this group, with an unrequited love for Olivia, is Malvollo. He is her servant, hence his station in life is lower than that of Sir Andrew; he has, however, a very solid basis of character; in fine, an excellent steward. "The other persons of this thread are mainly Instruments for nursing the delusions of these two men and for bringing their infatuation to its necessary conclusion. Here we first come upon Sir Toby, without doubt the most comic' portrait in the play. Not only Is he comic himself, but he tries to make , those who are brought into relation with him comic; he bo longs to the highest type of comedy of character the voluntary. "Maria, too, likes fun, but her main object is to win Sir Toby. She accomplishes her purpose in the most skillful manner, "Sebastian is Viola's brother. whom she exactly resembles In her disguise. Thus a new comic sltua tion is Introduced, and Into the for mer complications is brought a deep er intricacy." But then "Twelfth Night" will be played at the Baptist University Mon day night, and one can learn all about It. Don't Pay Alimony to be . divorced from your appendix. There will be no occasion for it if you keen the bowels reaular with Dr. King's Hew Ufa Pills. Their action la so gentle that the appendix never has cause to make the least complaint. Guaranteed by ail druggists. -360. Try them. -;-v':(."v'J-.!'' ';vs,V'':;v'T.-v TION J , w The jublic schools ef- Raleigh will be closed for the day on Mon day, the 20th instant, on account of the , unveiling ofthe statue f the late Ensign worm wagiey. i aey will close Friday, the 24 th instaut. until next fall. rThe mc.. oour of the Western Union .Telegrapn Company in ai elgh on Sundays are: 7 to H a. m.; 12.45 to 146 p. m.; 4 to p. m i and J q' p. . " i:'..: I Haywood ' Hall, colored,.' got stuck for 15.35 In police court this morplng for being drunk and dis orderly on the street. Haywood told Attorney Snow and Justice Badger air about it at the trial.'. It wasn't his fault , Somebody ran a ve-hlckle at him, and he had drunk some, and might have done It. Judge Badger took the view that Haywood did, and Haywood had to pay. Postmaster Thomas E. Wallace, of Wilmington, is spending the"daT1S the city. Mr. E. H. Coapman, general su perintendent of this division of the Southern Railway, Is spending the day in the city on business connect ed with the road. THE ILLUMINATION SPECIAL ON MAY 13 A special train to be operated by the Seaboard Air Line to Norfolk on Monday, May 13th, will leave Ral eigh at 11:45 instead of 6 a. m., as was previously announced. This will place the train in Norfolk about 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and it will be met by a boat which will carry the passengers between the fleets so as they can get a complete view of the illumination of the fleets of the world that are now assembled in Hampton Roads. Passengers who go to the exposition on this special will not be required to return on that train, but can come back any time within ten days. The illumination of the fleets was the feature of the opening, and it is the last time it will be given. It was described as being grand indeed. PIEDMONT RY. CO. r GRANTED CHARTER The town of Salisbury is to have a new street car line, a company hav ing got a charter today for the pur pose of manufacturing and producing light, power, heat, etc. . The, com pany is known as the Piedmont Caro lina Railway Company, with head quarters at Salisbury. Authorized capital stock is $100,000, with privi lege of beginning business with (3,- 000. Incorporators are: T. H.Van derford, 10 shares; W. F. Snider, 10, and J. H. Horah, 10. ' MR. C. P. GRAY, PULtEN ; ' SOCIETV, WON THE MEDAL. The bad weather last night did not prevent those who attended the de clamatory contest in Pullen auditor ium of the A. & M. College from-n- Joylng a treat. vThe young men who faced the audience acquitted ' them. selves well. Mr. C. P., Gray, of. the Pullen Society, however, was Voted the best deolalraer, and be was "awarded the gold medal that has been given by Prof. D. H. Hill, bead pf the English department.,- The speakers and their subjects were: Mr. S. F. Stephens, Pullen So ciety, "fieorge Washington:" Mr. 8. H. McNary, Leazar Society,' "Ruben- stein's Piano Playing;" Mr. L. P. Mc London, Tenerlan Society, "American Mission;" Mr. C. P. Gray, Pullen So ciety, "The Revolt n.nd Revenge-of Spartacus;" Mr. J. 8. Stroud, Leazar 8oclety, "Our ex-Presldent,'- Grover Cleveland;" Mr. B. F. Ferguson, Te nerian Society, "North1 Carolina." . v The judges for the occasion were Mr. F. H. Bus bee, County Superintendent Z. V. Judd, andMr. S. I Rotter, edi tor Evening Times. ; . WARNED AGAINST . DEFACING PROPERTY Since depredations of the public school property have been quite fre quent of late, the school committee has deemed it necessary to adopt the following resolutions, which will be strictly enforced: .a -.--j u':-j.-'; . .r' "Whereas, the public school proper ty of Raleigh township has Trom time to time been seriously damaged, and the officers and teachers in charge of the same have been greahy annoyed by evil-disposed persons, who mali ciously and wantonly Injure the same by .cutting,-, marking, defacing, and otherwise mutilating the furniture and ..buildings;' and whereas, ttt fur ther .toleration of such offences- will seriously hinder; frustrate and anrjuJ our effort to teachjhe youth of our community; and, whereas. It has been suggested that shch depredations. areJ committed ,r by, pupils ef onrf own schools before and after School hours and npon Saturdays and Sundays, and publis holidays;, now, therefore;- in order to shield our pupils from such malicious In frictions and to put tem beyond the pale of suspicion, be t r Resolved, .That it shall be unlaw PEESONALS. ful for any person, and particularly to be U;.- i : ' . . . ojjcrty except "vw.ca . teaehfcj- is present or by their written permission. . A t ,' f . That no pupil of said schools shall maliciously or wantonly injure,' mark, deface or destroy ahy property rot said schools, or any one of them.' "i- That any Infraction of these, rules, or any one of them, will subject the offender to expulsion, and, he or she shall hot be reinstated except upon the order of the school committee of Raleigh township. v'. That , a copy M , these resolutions, together -with copy of the -Public Laws rof North Carolina Concerning Injury, to school property: be .kept posted - in n' conspicuous place upon all the public school grounds as well as in every public school room In said township, . , , .That the'superintendent and teach ers of said schools be requested and directed to lecture their classes fre quently -upon the Bubject of property rights, and particularly upon the sub ject of ?defaclrig: "or Injuring public school property. ,t " 'X That a copy pf these resolutions be forwarded to every patron of the pub He schools, and that the dally news papers in the city be requested to publish , the , same, and that they be posted at .the court house door in the. city of Raleigh. The Board also desires to call at tention to the following laws: If any person shall" wilfully set Are to ny school house, or procure the same to' be done, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon . convic tion shall be punished by Imprison ment In the, state's prison or the. oounty jail, and may also be fined. In the discretion of the court. Re- visaL sec,' ft 3 4 5. - It any '.person shall wilfully Injure any j school . building, or deface ,nny school furniture, apparatus or other school property, he shall be gulltjr of a, inisdemeanor and fined not ex. ceeding fifty dollars or imprisoned not more than thirty days. Revisal, sec. 3838. . Imitortant v Change In Seaboard's Schedule, Effective May 5, 1007 '.Subject to change without notice, , The following are changes In Sea board passenger trains passing Union Depot,, Raleigh, Durham and Ham. let: , ,r- : No. 82,forjNorfolk-Portsmouth ar rive. Raleigh 8:15 a. in., leave 2:20 a. m.',; This, i train is flag stop at Youngsvllle, .Franklinton and Klt trell and stops at Henderson, Nor Una, Littleton, ' Boykins, Franklin and -Snffrtlk ' r. No. 84 for Washington arrive Ral eigh 1:BS a.vrta., leave 1:40 a. m. This train flag' stop at Wake Forest and Frankllnjton. Stops at Hender son. ' No. 38 for,' Portsmouth-Norfolk arrive Ralelrft 1:15 p. m., leave 1:20 pi in. This train will do local work between Hawfct and Raleigh. ; : No. 6 6 f for Washington 'artiv Raleigh 12:55 p.- m., leave 1 p. m This train tfl do. local work be tween R lelgn and Norlina.. No. 89 Shoo-Fly for";Weldon leave Raleigh j pr-WF No. 3 S; forJ;Chardtte,,; Atlanta and Birmingnara arrive uaieign z:3t a. m., leave JJjpp a4S. STnl traln 18 flag stop for Cary, Apex, New Hill, Merry Oaks and Moncure, 'Btops at Sanford. flae 'for Cameron. Vass stops at Soutterhtihes and Aber deen, nag at Hoffman. , . No. 81 for Columbia and Jackson vllle, arrive Raleigh ' 8-' fti? tn. leave 3:05 a. m; . .Stops at southern Fines, Sanford andiAberdMn.jK;s No. 41 for Atlanta' Charlotte, Bir mingham, arrives " Raleigh 4 : 3 5 p m., leaves 4 : 4 6 p.; ..int. Does local work to aHmiet;:&3t: 2. ? No. 43 fof . Columbia, and Jackson ville, arrive Raleigh ; 5;60 r, p: nv leaves 5: 55 p.inii. Flag ; stop for Apex. Stopi atgajajtordISouthern Pines and AberdBenu;itjiii..'- ' No. 2 fr6m, Weldon arrives Ral elgh 10:25 a. m. , No. 28 leaves Henderson 6 a. arrives Portsmouth " 0 : 5 a. m. No. 27 leaves Portsmouth -A p. arrives Henderson-10:45 p.' m. m., m. SOLDIER DIED AT I HOME YESTERDAY Mr. James F. Willis; aged 71years, died at the Soldiers', Home yesterday afternoon. at 43 o'elock?v Though suffering from curvature Of the spine, the Immediate . cuse. of. , death, was produced by. rysipelasaj 'Mr, Willis had been an inmate pf the home since 1902, when he cam a here from Bla den county. ' For -the past three years fre-had been unable to .leave his bed. Mr. Willis was a member of Com pany C, First Florida Battalion, and served with credit in the civil war. He is survived, by several children, and a brother, who waal a member of the legislature four' years ago. . The funeral services will be held this afternoon at S : 3 0 and the inter ment will b in the Confederate cem etery. Revt L. Bv Jones,- pastor; of Central Methodist Church, . will con duct the services. ' ' b 4,wo jM opngsiers ,m uu iJlm Holmes and' Chester Glenn, two; eolore boytf," were- sent to jail "if Justice- Separk today for (tres pass. The .N boys are ratner smau, GIeftnfn, particular being , very ml nuteriTbey were in Jilted for tres passing, in he yard of-some, woman. They couldn't pay, and will) proba bly do time on the roads. , Li li Much Interest, la. being shown in the approaching debata. between the three literary societies of N the A. A M: Col lege, which will occur next Thursday night.,-. :? r: : ; . v The, question to be discussed ,1s on of timely interest being the one which Is .ak present engaging - more serious attention- than ans other one, this be ing the railway problem, of which we hear and read .no much. . . v o -: In this debata there will be three so. luttofts proposad and prgued: , ;-- I strictly private control. - . 'J. "Governmental supervision. ' . 8." Government' ownership. These will be discusesd in the order namd by two senior ' representatives each; from the. Leaser; Pullen and Te nerlon Societies. , - Th judges at the debate will be As sociate Justice t Montgomery, Insur ance commissioner Toung, and Mr. R. H Battle, ' ; . Ths, people of Raleigh should avail themselves ot the opportunity to hear this ubjac1dlscussed Intelligently, BANKER INVITED ,it TO VISIT RALEIGH Efforts are .being made to get . the Nprth Carolina Bankers' Association to meet In r this city on M&rtlZufl o 24th. If the, bankers .should (jdecd0 to ylelt Raleigh they, would be given a royal welcome, and there is no city in the state hotter known tor its hos pitality, i , , , - The following telegram , was sent to the secretary of the Bankers' As sociation . today: f . , , "Mr. W, A. Hunt, Secretary N. C. '. . Bankers' Ass'n, Henderson, N. C.: ."We tender, a cordial Invitation to the North. Carolina Bankers' Associa. tion to hold , their .annual meeting in Raleigh; May 22-24. , . '..."It they do us the honor to accept we assure them a hearty welcome and a pleasant visit, to our city. " "RALEfGH CLEARING" " - HQUSE ASSOCIATION." Miss Alvenla Guthrie, of Burlington, arrived In the city this afternoon and Is visiting her cousins, Misses Bessie and Pearl Guthrie. Mrs, N. E. Edirerton and little sorl, after visiting her -parents, - Mr. and Mrs., W. W. Wynne, returned to their home at Sclma this afternoon. .. : Miss Reld Pope went to Garner this afternoon to visit friends. :. . Mrs. E. H. Broughton went to Clay ton this afternoon to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ellis. ... Miss Ethel Clayton, a student at the Baptist University, went to Clayton to day to spend tomorrow at home. Mrs. Graham Woodard and little daUKhter, after spending a few days lij the city, left, this afternoon for their homo at Wlfeon. ' ' .: 'v'-.. ":'..-.','.', ' ,! ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woodard returned to Wilson this morning. ; Mrs. H. R. Blalock Was In the city today, returning from 'a visit to Willow Springs to her home at Clayton. .,' .'-' Misses Bertha and Mabel Griffin went to' Clayton this afternoon to spend Sunday. ' Miss Mary Pemberton Glenn, of Hope Mills, is in the city visiting at the governor's mansion. , . Mrs. R. D. .Stephens and baby have arrived in the city from .Cuba and will spend the summer.- with Mrs. E. G. Horton, sister ot Mrs., Stephens. '. Mrs. A. B. Andrews and Mrs. John Andrews returned this afternoon from Wilmington. I - '-v.; Misses Sadie Parham, Lucile Johns, Ada Daniel and Ella Munday A. Cary, were in the city today. :.. - ' " Miss Celesta Smith returned this af ternoon, from a visit to Fayettevllle. Mrs. Alexander Webb left this after noon for Lincolnton to spend some time at the Lincoln Llthta Spring, v :iz.yjt$ Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Stewart, of Washington, N. C. are registered at the Yarborough. , , Mrs. F. M. Simmons arrived in the city yesterday and is a guest at' the Yarborough., ? 't Mr. B. H. ..Marsh, of Winston- Salem, was. in the .city, last night Mr. M. . J3. Mcuiamrock . was $cro from Greensbpro .yesterday. , -- Mr,- W. R. Rankin, of Greensboro, was registered at the . Yarborough, yesterdaf. l'' ,'- Mr. W- P. Davla.. of Batesboro, spent lat night in the clty.t j v . . ' Mr. J. O. CamDbell was a Smith- field visitor to Raleigh last night . Mr. D. L. Ward, of New Bern, was registered at 4 the Yarborough' last night . ' ' '.Col. P." M. Pearsall, of New Bern,. spent last night in the city. ' '. v i- Mr, W. -J. Parrow, .of Louisburg, was in the city last night 1 Mayor Frank Ferrell, of Wendell, was in the city today. - v - Mr. A. J. Hilloway, of Lexington, Is in the city.", . V" Mr: A.'-F. Nichols, ; who has been attending - the University Medical School, left this afternoon for his home at Roxboro to Spend vacation. ' Mr. E. M. ?McIver went' to .fonos boro this afternoon to spend Sunday. Mr. Fred 'I. Coxe, of Goldsboro, Is here.--r ' , '. -',J There's No Need of Your Wrecking Your .'. - " . . " ' . ' . . Family's Happiness, . : . r v GOVERriOR GLENN SAYS;,.. ' "I, MYSELF, HAVE SENT-YOU, PATIENTS WHO WERE TERRI BLY ADDICTED , TO STRONG DRINK WHO HAVE 4BEEN CURED OF' THE HABIT AFTER TAKING " YOUR-. TREATMENT.; c? ' V-Twenty Years (without Losing a'Sipgle Patient is our Record. .We never ,use the dangerous hypodermic injetiionVv . : ,J - . ; Full information and thous4nds of testimonials sent on, request ' i. x x", r, 'I . ; THE : McKAflilA , :3-DAY;llQU0R CURE.- SPLENDID EALEIGH BACKING' AND TRUST COMPANY.' . .: 4 'BOUND STEPS . BANK." ; V . , ; THREE GENERATIONS OP BANKING." ' - , . , !. :.- i Raleigh NaUonal Bank, 1866-1885.'- , ' a $ ' NaUonal Bank of Raleigh, 1885-105. J ' - l " v. 1 1 Raleigh Banking and Trust Company, 1906. - 'U . The long and successful career of the "Round Stops Bank" is suffi cient guarantee of its high character. In addition to paying liberal soiai- annual dividends, It has paid out to its stockholders nearly half a million. dollars in profits. - . , . . t Steel Safety Boxes in a strong, thoroughly up-to-date Burglar-proof Vault, , oer an unsurpassed, opportunity 4o its pa'trons for the custody of valuable papers. . "' .-.' ,. "' v . v , ".,k',i ? r r r.HAH. v.. jnirvanw ' " . President, . F. H, Cashier. ABB TO ERECT A .t $l,50p BUILDING The Cane Snrincs School, iwiileh tiuea a - most - successrul year yes terday, gave' a -picnic yesterday and held exercises last night County Su perintendent "Jfudd was a speaker at the picnic. An entertainment tonight will end the closing exercises, v .Mr. K. H.-' Mclntyre, principal of the Wendell School, stated this morn ing that the people in the district ef Cage Springs' are soon to have ft new $1,500 school building. - Of - this amount the patriotic citizens of the district, will give half. ,' i MANGt'M nuiLDING TO . , TBE USED AS A HOTEL. (Special to The B!vening Times.) . uurnam, n.-c, May 4. A new hotel will bo opened In a short time by .Mr. Alphonaus Cobb, manager of tho Hi-fated Hotel Carrolina. which was destroyed by Are Thursday night. He has made arrangements for the Mangum building ' on' Chapel Hill stroot, and expects' to have Jt In op eration within the next thirty days. This Is a new brick- structuro which has not quite been completed, and is adapted to. hotel purposes. A largo addition will be added to the present 8tructdrev and it will "equal In -every way its predecessor tbo'.CarroHna.' It will be opened in thirty dayB. s ; .;,,, ' ';.r..l.fes;M. 'i,; . Thank Me For It , "' If I can b the (means of saving yon $20.00 beforo June 1st en each tl.OOO In cash. No matter whose,- or when,-1f on hand IT IS WORTH CONSIDER ING.-Wellby buying. North Carolina 4 per cent Bonds, North Carolina per cent Bonds on. Erin . I'rcferrea stock hpfore June 1st you are SAVING 12000 on each f 1,000 invested in same., Yon can buy cheaper now than later. Yon get interest from January 1st, so way delay when "yon can save money by buying "no w.v -, -ii ,-v.v'' - , Can furnish 4 ot per cent; also. Er- wln 6 per cent preferred. 1 . , - c. c. Mcdonald, it i. 1 We sell and recommend Lapin's Magic Straw Hat make your old hat Price 10 Cents. - i KIWG-Cnbll'ZLL, Driin Co. . Foycttcvlllo Street v i 0 SANITARIUM, . . REIDSVILLE, -fl.: C t I, .t- f-.-;'-. v - . . 4 j-' ; W. K. JONES, VIce-lYes., . ' BRlOGS, ; A Narrow Escape, ' "O. 'w. Cleyd, a morchantf Plunk, . Mo.,', had .a narrow escape, four years ago, when he jran a Jlmson. bur into :. his thumb. ,' He says: "The - doctor wanted to amputate it. but I Would not consent.) I bought a box of Bucklen's Arnica, Salve and that cured the dan-, gerpus wound,' 7Ko at all druggists.-- . ; : ;;' Mr Ashley Home, ot Clayton; is ' in thd City today.- , I i - ., . JJ, FERRALL : n a 011.,-- ; LEADIXG GROCERS. ' "i 'J-iSELl-, "-r r 'i 1 .it ii r' ss nrr ri. r hhn v FLOUR WALL PAPERS. 4. T '' . Stock.-, Prices1; ' ' JUUrgCiiC moderate -. Best workman ship. Prompt service. V ELtlNfiTON'S jlRTSTOp, V, EALEIGH N?C.:; - AH', Cleaner. It will look good as new. i r-fctiiLtaa r 7 -sfl .vtHs1H',-:-;.,i