THE KALEIGHEVENUsO Till .IIUKSDAY, MAY lG,.i:,, TEACJi:3' MEETING , WILL NOT BE HELD BASEOALL GHS -7aJC4ll -The following notice has been Is sued by Secretary R. D, W,; Connor of the Teachers' Assembly, In regard to calling off the meeting which was to have been held at Durham: "The burning of Hotel Carrolina at Durham on: the night of May -2nd makes it impossible for Durham to . ' National League. At ' Philadelphia: , Philadelphia, i; Chicago, 4. - . ; ; . At Boston: Boston, 2; Pittsburg, 1. . At? Brooklyn: Brooklyn,. J; St. Louis, . ; ' i 't vt : At-New Tork: "liew Tork,'4: Cin Beautiful White Opening cinnati, J. t , , i accommodate the" Teachers' Assembly, as we had planned,;. The members of the executive committee have gone over, the situation yery arefuly, and after considering all the points In American .League, ' At St. Louis phla, , , t St Louis, E; Phlladol- volved, the difficult? at this late dav Soutty Atlantic League. " ' ' Z3 1 iv ' fK 2 ,ur5 f WEATHER FORECAST. Washington, May .16. Forecast for North Carolina for 36 hours to 8 p. m. Friday: Fair tonight, cooler In eastern, portion; Friday, (air warmer in western portion. ' The western high pressure area has moved to the southeast and now ,overlles the lower Mississippi valley : and Texas, -where It is now clear and cool. An area of low pressure lies , central over'Canada north of Minne sota, and a secondary low Is central over - southern Pennsylvania and Maryland. 'During thejmst 24 hours rains have fallen along the Lakoe and in the Atlantic coast states, but In, the cotton statjas these rains were very light,'".. i ' 'ha cohditions Indicate fair an J cooler weather tonight for this vi cinity; Friday will be fair and some- , What warmer. A. H. THIB88EN, . ' Section Director. Free Samples or "Preventlcs" and ' ' ft booklet on Colds wrll bo gladly - : ;, . mailed jou, on request, by Dr. Shoo;, .. ' Racine. Wis..' simnlv to nrove merit. I PrevenUcs are little Sandy Cold 'Cure tablets. No "Quinine," no Laxa ' i ' : tlve, nothing harmful whatever. Pro , ' .ventlcs prevent colds -as the name ' y trufrlics whop taken early, or at the y!ncoo Stage." For a seated cold or IaUrippe, break it up safely and quickly with, PrevenUcs. Sold bj Heury T. Hicks. . t ills A . :0:- THE NEW DRY GOODS STORE. v , ; . ECRITNET WAlSTS." ' Anoilicr' fresh assoi-toi&it, Silk-lined, Appliqucd and Laf:i'(lt scvcnil sizes; priccr $3.50. '" " ' T0EIO glLKS-PlajaShades, Self Figured, Eight ; Bhvci 3iI :Ereneh 3re7, Jasper and Black, Washable, 27 uv"Hf4tfei?';1 ' s '.-n .? ';. BUESINE ILKSPink, Lighfc uJilue.rand;:.Cfian pcicBbft!Friab''Kistrcf Washable, 27; inehds 1 ' Wide, M-if mh -Vk K i PETTicoATs and drop skirts. - ' - HpeeialTaffptaSilk, Blacknly, $;'i.i f'ialHeatherblo0nt:Ijiack only.$255."J'- .ir . - EMBROIDERIESr-The Tavoptes for Shirt Waist I' la-k CararidBcar Skin Hosiery - for "Miies and Boys, 25; and 15c,' , - Complete lines Ladies Summer t. Weight Hosiery, G.ums and Muslin Underwear. 3 -V,t Thomas A. Partih Copipany ' . LADIES' FURNISHINGS and NOVI&TIES.., ; 131 Fayetteville Street, RALEIGH SAVINGS: EANK JOHN T. I'l'IXKN, President. Reserved Interest $15,000; PreHta Capital and Surplus $59,000 . IppoU ' 4 PER CEVj? INTEREST CaU in the Eaak, or write TO GUARD "SHIPS against the unseen dangers; at ie the United States Government maintains lighthouses. To guard your home against the un seen dangers of food products, the Govern ment has enacted a pure food law. ' The law compels the manufacturers of baking powder to print the ingredients on the label of each can. , 'j The Government has made the label your protection- so that you can avoid alum read It carefully, if it does not say pure cream of tartar hand h back and oaypia mm 0 my mm ROYAL is a pure, cream of tartar baking powder a pure product of grapes aids the digestion adds to the health vftilnes3viof'food. . 3 LIST OF DEEDS PLACED ON RECORD THIS MORNING. The following deeds have been placed on record in the office of the register of deeds: Harriett Blanchard et al. to the Durham & Southern Railway Com pany, for $200, a tract of land con taining four acres, same being in Mid- die Creek townphip and adjoining the lands of D. H. Fuquay and others. ' Frances C. Fort to E. O. Penny, for $207, tract of land containing 2 7-100 acres; tho'same being a part of tho original Crenshaw tract. Sly Best Friend. Alexander Benton, who lives on Ku ral lioute 1, Fort Edward, N. T., says: "Dr. King's New Discovery Is my'beat earthly friend. It cured me of asthma Fix years ago. It has also performed a wonderful cure of Incipient consump tion for my son's wife. The first bot tle ended the terrible cough, and this accomplished, the other symptoms left one by one, until she was perfect ly well. Dr. King's New Discovery's power over coughs and colds Is simply marvelous." No other remedy has ever equaled it. Fully guaranteed by all druggists. 60c and $1.00. Trial bot- I tle tTee- North Carolina Sixes. By buying North Carolina 6 per cenjt Bonds you save 1 2 years' taxes. You get $720 In interest on each $1,000 bond, 24 coupons of $30 each, April 1st and October 1st. . C, C7McDONACD. PAil 1 CHARLES ROOTACMlUnr. $700,000. , PAID ON DETOSITS. . , ' ,' for farther information. S : DA(t::a POYDZR DECISIOirHAS NOT YET, BEEN REACHED r T r '- The conference between Governor Glenn and "MoeBrs. McNeJll and Bed dingflold of the corporation commis sion was Jield yesterday afternoon, and tho matter of what attorneys should be employed to represent the state' in the rate bill case was dis cussed, but nothing definite was de cided upon. Another conference will probably bo held next week, when the attorneys will be named. Under a provision of the new law increasing the powers of the corpo ration commission, tho. governor is no longer, reqfiired to employ attorneys to represent the state In cases of this kind, but It is a matter,, for the com mission. But the commission did not desire to act on so Important a mat ter without conferring with the gov ernor in regard to it. There has been no intimation as to who would prob ably be chosen to represent the state. WAS BALD SIX YEARS. Three Months of the New Scientific TreatmentRcstored His Hair. , Baldness Is 'caused by dandruff, which is caused by a germ. Kill the germ and it is almost certain -that hair will grow again, If the follicle has not been totally destroyed.- ,els Peterson of Limb Spur, Mont., says: "I had been bald six years, and, had tried all kin.ds of 'cures.V hat with out any, benefit whatever," until I tried Herpiclde. November 16, 1899, I began using Herpicide, .and In three months a. .fine growth of hair covered 'jy head completely." . Ask your druggist for Herplcide. .Every body can have luxuriant.' glossy hair, if Herplcide Is used thoroughly Take no substitute, hold by leading drug gists. Send 10c. in stamps Xor ; sam ple to The Herplcide Co.; Detroit, Mich. ,.: Two'Slzes, Jl and Sue. c Henry T. Hicks & Co., Special Agents. . s REMAINS OE CAPTAIN BLAKE LAID fo RES? IN OAKWOOD. The funeral of tho late'cap'tf W. R. Blake was held yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock from tho residpnee. S30 East Hargett street,' and the. services were conducted by Rov.' R. F. Bum pas,; pastor of the , Edenton Btreet Methodist Church.' t Interment was in Oakwood Cemetery,", j :' . The following acted as pallbearers: Messrs. Vlrtruvius- Royster, Joh Pul- len.-Heper Crocker, Logan D. Terrell, C. F. Koonce and J. H.-Grlffln! , i . - Let pa matt yon rree, to prove merit, samples -of ' my Dr. .Shoop's Restorative and 'my Book on either Dyspepsia, The Heart, or The Kid neys.. 'Address me, Dr. Shoop, Ra cine,. Wis. . Troubles of tho Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, -are m,erely symp toms of a deeper ailment, Don't make; the common -error of treating symptoms only. Symptom treatment Is treating , the result of your ali ment, 'and ' not the- cause.. Weak Stomach nerves 4he Inside nerves means Stomach ' weakness, t always. And the Heart and Kidneys as well, have . their controlling or - inside nerves. .'Weaken - these nervfes, and you. in variably, have weak vital or gans. ,; Hera ia where : Dr. Shoop'a Restorative has made its fame. No other remedy even claims . to " treat the "Inside nerves.? Also for. bloat ing, 'biliousness, bad breath or com plexion, use Dr. Shoop'a Restorative. Write for my free Book now. Dr. Shoop's Restorative - sold by Henry T.,lllcl s, . T the meeting, the loss Of the financial aid guaranteed bv the cltv of Durham, tne great "expense of holding sucn a session ns we had planned, the cer tainty, of the assembly's losing sev eral hundred dollars without the aid of Durham, the Impossibility of carry ing out the program which had been arranged,- and the - Impossibility of arranging, anotber in -time .ior inet meeting all, these things forced us reluctantly to the conclusion that It I will be tho part of wisdom not to hold a session of the assembly at all this year. , Wo reached this conclusion with great hesitancy and only as a matter of necessity. Wo will begin preparations-at once to hold Jieit year the greatest meeting of ;. teachers ever held In North Carolina' I will be tho twenty fifth anniversary of our organization, and will, In moro ways than one, mark an epoch In the educational his tory of , North Carolina. Wo have every right to be proud of the splen did record that our organization has made, and when the history is told at next session we feel suro that this prido will be shared Ty every patri otic cltiien. pf .North Carolina. Let us all begin now to lay our plans to make 4bl8 . twentyfif th anniversary- the beginning of an educational epoch not only ln the history of our associa tion, bat also In the history of the state. You cannot begin too early to lay yonr plans to attend, ror an otneri tcachera of the state are going to be,gave(, and made Dy u,y gt on each "Trusting that you will appreciate; the reasons that forced us to cancel i tho meeting tor this year, and will! aprov of our action, and that you will prepare now to attend the great meeting noxt summer." i , ' . More New from Site New England " , 1 States. :: If any on has any doubt as to the vlrtuet Ftley'nldney Cure, they need only to refer to Mr! Alvin H. Stimpeon, of "WllUamantlc, Connjwho, after almost; losing hope of recovery, en account of the failure of so- many remedies, finally 'tried .Foley's Kidney Cure, which ; hiiJaayJ wa "Just ; the thing" .for him, astour. bottles eured him "completolyj faa is now entirely well and free froitf hit the Buffering in cident to acuta kidney trouble. O. Q. King. -.:'4', if',S? XV "-.' . ;-"-'.. '.'?''" ; . . .'"-i .V'.- ,i : i m We have just jpceivecl a fresh supply of Shelled WalnutsPecansTarid Ahnon-ls; also another lot of tliat delicious Breakfast Roe. , , i The finest' lino of Coffee in the city. ' . osps at 6:30 p.m. till September 15th. fi2.i7D5rJWffa -fir CO, Harnett and Wilmington Stsi ' Large lot of 'Virginia Hams coming. THE C0EP0RATI0NS I - GRAOTED CHAETEES Chartersxhave 1been granted to the followlnff corporations: . - i , - The Whitted Washing. Fluid Com pany, Durham it authorized capital Btock, $5,000, with -privilege pf. be ginning business with 1 22 0( same to be divided into shares of $10 each. Incorporators are: L. A. Whitted, 0; C. A. Whitted, 4; R. M. Whitted, 4; A .D. Jones, 4, and O. S. Meadows, 4. Object is .to manufacture and sell per fumery, washing and cleaning prod nots, etcve K.; ";'-"' '.--'i.y ?.J : Snrncemont" 'Lumber, i Company, Waynesvllle; authorized capital stock, 130.000. with Drlvllece of beginning business With $10,000. Incorporators ' are: S. Montgomery Smith, 98 shares; j J.. .W.' Ferguson,7 I, and George W. Beck, 1. Object is to conduct a iura-j ber business. ' . y. " : A certiQcato has been issued te the Klnston Cotton Mills authorising the Isauo of a aefcond serlc3 of preferred stock, same BQtto exceed $5(,000. CAST : i a Tor Infants Iki Kfcl Yea K: Bears the f Signature of Ct Savannah, Au- i Busta,. . At. Maeoiw i, Macon, 8; Charleston,'" 4. i At v Jacksonville: Jacksonville, J; Columbia, 0. w. v v ,, -1 ' ; ws iS:-. v .. Standing. National League Club Clubs.;. Won. Lost. P.C. .876 .836 '.679 '.646 .476 .848 .250 jNew Tork S 4 40 13 15 . 18 20 enrage-' . .-, . Pittsburg , . Philadelphia r . ... , -. 20 .K ll i Boston Cincinnati ( 8t. Louis a . ...... . ( Brooklyn J .130 American League Club Standing. Clubft. ' Chicago . , . , Detroit. -. i -. ., Cleveland . . New Tork ; Philadelphia . Boston..,,. . . , Washington t St. Louis. . . float ! . 17 .'a . 13 : -:r T Lost. ': .; ' . 11 10 10 1! . ' 13 .17r .680 .591 .560 . JH6 .516 .409 .350 . .292 Piles get quick and certain relief from Dr. Shoop'a Magic, Ointment. Please nota It Is made alona for Piles, and its action Is positive and certain1. . Itching,, painful,"- protrud ing or' blind pile - disappear like magic by Its use.'; Largo nlekol-cap-ped glass Jam 60 cents. SoW-by Henry T. Hicks. r , - Fortv Dollars- f 1VVV 1U VttflUi ' A UU IX t rfl W. UUJ 9 fl.OOO North Carolina Bond now to J0' this; c c. Mcdonald. J . vi)uiviMT4Tnit'H Krvrn-w I ADMINt8TBATOK 8 i j '-''' ''-'"''! ; -SV-v--,. ! Having qualified as administrator ' o' J- L Anderson, deceased, late ot wake cpunty, in, u., inis is 10 nociry all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased , to exhibit them to the undersigned on or bpforo the 9th day tf May, 1908, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. . All persons Indebted to said estate will Blese make lmmo diate payment. y i .,, . J. H. ANDERSON. , Administrator. This 9th day of May, 1907. o a w t Thu. 4 - r i Get .Into 0- -O 9 1 iUtrrifki. 1991 ' KSISSS 0S. 1 f iM ClttlMt Maktn llimrt nt Htw TtA I . At Savannah: J - U W J U Ll - S U M .IV1 E AVK HAVE AKRANQED FOB HEAt'TH'TL WHITE PATTERN HATS I3f THK FRENC ROOM Ofe- OUr. MtLLlNERV DEPARTMENT. . THE. DISPLAY IS READY SO CCXU TODAY AVP SEW THIS GOGEOp OPENING pF MILLINERY ' FOR SUMMER TIME. , ' " s ; y S - - 1 . . I. . ..'.. f , . v . ' Cannon Cloth and Llnenetto Skirts , Wo are' showing four styles of-Cannon Cloth Mai LiuencUo Skirts, ' - ; eomo-ptalD; some tacked th btti bargain iu whlto skirts. - The prices ..'.. . $1.00, SZ, and i.50 ' v None wnt to ace.' , r White Linen Skirts; ' For thoso who prt'fer linen vi-o tavc a big line and all sizes a , beautiful skirt (and extra heavy linen 94,00 and $3.00 ' White Shirt Waist Dresses ' i . - - . ,. . - t ,. . . -, . - . Another shipment of those popular white, dresses- daintily trim- " xned in lacoa and embroideries 11 specially made fM' utt, " i rricca . , . I. i. .. -i . . .'. . . . . .$0.80, $7410, $10.00 and $12.80 ' White Parasols: ' - White Parasols are In great demand this 4 season, ea '' yonr hat and costume for the so miner. ' The Ladles' $1.00 kind for.............. Tho Ladies' $1.80 kind for. The Ladles' $2.00 kbid for. . . . , Tho Ladles' $SL80 kind for, .'. , Tho Ladies' $3.80 kind for ThoCildrcn'a .Tho Standard Patterns for . Fashion Shecte Free,' . Fresh Canned Fish Roo. Selected and Canned cspccailly (or family use, -. lrlcei SOc per Can; two Cans forSSc v ., . ... : Phone 28. , .. " ; d. joitnso'n oi son WEIGHT'S CAFE AND LUNCH COUNTER. ... ACADEMY MUSIC BUILDING. . OPEN ALL NIUHT. Meals ,ind Lunches All Honrs. 1 : . Clean ' and Inviting. ' ', COURTEOUS ATTENTION. Dr. Ernes! H. Broogtt:3 Moalt4 wfth.. DrJ.'. II. ycVwar ,; : 116 ttwlU trtt d Mew StimmQr -? -iAnd enfoy the cornlorfs that only light- weight ap parel, can give this summer wca'iher.' There's gohig to . be a longer, siege of hot weu proviaff ior ktiow. A HUGE COLLECTION . ' Cort.prhe our new l'ht -weight stock; ; ahdt (hi3 sea son we made the effort of our lives to obtain for our pa trons the very best tailored' apparel it is possible for America's most skil:ca labor to devise. Unusually rca soaalle prices are a feature of ur new stock. ; for R T I U YOUR PLEASURE A DISPLAY' OP1 iv'.' they 'nyitch.' 75c. $1.00 j i '. , 2.50 t,'.,. 1.00 Juno now ready.-.". ',," . i--.-r . - - , ' , , ,v Groceries. f ' - h ,We Bell Groceries of quality. When you .buy from us, and our goods are not what, what represented orhat you think they , ought to "be, return thorn to us and got your monoy .back. " Squar dealing is our motto. Phone us a trial orden Alt phones, 1 . RUDY & BUf FALOE, " ' . . 108 E. Hargott St. Mti weather ano yo.u hidjust as i j. I

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