DHE RALEIGn EVENING TIMES : THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1907.!. - EQLS FC?i ESSAYiSIS Prizes 13 13 fcrdcdSchcd wUauulu f I Closing Exercises of Raleigh High School to Occur at 10:30 Tomor- t row Messrs. Busbee and Clark to " Award Medals Other Events of Interest, i- The closing exercises 'of the Ral eigh High School will take place to morrow morning at 10;30 o'clock In the auditorium of ..the Centennial . Bchool building. k ' - r , The exerplses 'will consist of . an address by Dr. Hubert Royster," of this city; tlfe presentation of medals by Mr. F. H. Busbee, and Mr, Walter Clark, Jr. and the reading of distinc tions by the" principal Prof.-Hugh Morson. -j i ' J . The public Is cordially Invited to be present. ' , v. -" ' Of the medals to be presented, one . ' la offered for the best essay on some . phase of ' North ' Carolina history , : written by a male student of the Ra leigh High School. This medal ,1s ' a gift from Individual members' of the Bona of. the, Resolution residing : in Ralelga, and. not from the state society,, as the, competition has Jipt Teen open to the state, but limited to Raleigh, stndents. This . medal will be. presented by Mr. F: H". Bus- of r.:: old adacs- havh , - ; "A light purse k heavy cure' V Sickness makes a light purse. The LIVER U the seat of nine tenths of all disease. 1 .A go to the root of the whole tnat ,ter, thoroughly, quickly aafely and restore the action of the LIVER to normal condition. - '-j Give tone to the system and solid flesh to the body. Take No Substitute. V ..." B rnn mi ou uu EIGHT IN -JIIE JOILS Cbase After Fifteen Escaped - : Jail Birds V Two Wounded In a Pitched " Rattle Between Themselves and a Posse Which Bronsht Them to Buy - Pursuing the Remainder, i ' ,(By Leased Wire to The Times. Toledo, O., May Z3. "Fox and hounds,'1! in , which - human- . quarry was the game, was played about To ledo last night, resulting in a man hunt for fifteen desperate escaped prisoner from thvj work-house. " Heavy, rains impeded the authori ties who ; pursued In automobiles, auto-cycles and on horseback," Posses in business ability essential to the Success of everv BntftrtVrlao Sjtnrlonta . r . i u u . j v. i. iulu "ii uuiocuntn. rufloca othls school ; have- proven them-! Outlying- villages guarded waeon selves the equals t representatives J roads andysearched rpasslng trains, from, the best high schools In .North This morning eight have been appre Carolina and this, notwithstanding) bended and the search goes on. Two th,e fact that Ihe school was estab-j were wounded in a pitched battle be llshed only : two years ago, . and kas.tween themselves and a uosse: some never had a graduation 'of .class Iwnra raneht in dap.n nmi vnn miles from town, huddled about a STATUS w THE STRIKE .t ; IN SAN FRANCISCO. By Leased Wire to The Times.) tSan Francisco Cel., ' May Z3. With the several, strikes now, on In this , city there is ' a' noticeable ab sence of violence compared to the nuinber of men on strike.? The Uni ted Railroads continue to run cars during the. daylight hours on most of its. main lines, but the number of brick , throwers anad disturbers has been reduced to ia minimum. The striking ar men are concuntrating their efforts In a campaign to induco the people, not to ride on the cars, Claiming that the corporation is los ing money every day. Both sides remain Arm In their stand. " The executive' committee of the various civic organizations has ap pointed special policemen to aid the ; police In arresting strike sympathiz r bee Vice president of 'the Sons the Revolution.- . ." ' " y m Another r medal is. given by the ' Daughters of the Revolution, of Ra 1 leigh, for the best essay of 4he char acter mentioned, above, written bv a ; girl student of the .High School. It will also be presented by Mr. Busbee. . Two general scholarship medals, ;one for the High School and one for the Centennial Graded School, aro offered by the Junior Order of United American. Mechanics of Raleigh. The . presentation of these medals will be 1 by Mr. Walter. Clark, Jr,. v . Five medals for': excellence In , drawing will be awarded; one to the most proficient' artist among the , boys; pne. to the best artist In Mrs. J. M. Barbee's room: one to the most t i v ;, accomplished feminine , manipulator erg ,who appear, before s'.th rJudges. i-ATyc, mM. , of the crayon and brush, given by the ' In a statement to the committee Jt i UI in Woman's Clubr. vand '' two- special has benied thatvthere'' was any in-! PACIFIC SQUADRON. lire which they had built to dry their watet-sdaked clothing; several were pulled off the trucks of .a freight train; a couple were captured In the country road at the point of Win chesters in the hands of officials. "Chic" Caldwell,' . horse thief and ringleader, was captured. ine wounaea men are Hugn r-bT011sbt back wlth 1UU 4UUU VVCIUU. bo Mr, Bonaparte ent tlui ttrfegram. to Aaplsiaat Secretary. .Edwards of that department. Mr. Edwards telegraph ed to the superintendent of construc tion at , Macon directing- him to pro vide afbnrial for the dead man at pub lic expense, and yesterday received the following reply i "I send herewith bill for Interment of the man who was murdered in the building In my charge, under author ity of. your, telegram of the 12th in stant." ' . REJECT PLACES ON THE .'. fr POTON EXCHANGE TICKET. 'fBy leased "Wire to The Times.) New Tork, May 23. Henry Schaffer and Andrew,. N... Seller, who were among those nominated for managers on the official ticket of the Cotton Ex change last. Monday, have declined the nomination for personal and busi ness reasons. Both said their refusal had nothing to do with the policy of the ' exchange ; which has their earty approval.- ' ' It was remembered today tat an op position ticket-would be placed In the fleld by those who. were opposed to the present policy Of the exohanse, but no one could be found to confirm this report.'-; -'if'i FAIR BANK'S SON AS A SUCCKSSFIX PROSPECTOR. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Reno, Nev., May 23. R. w. Fair banks,, son; of the vice president, is now In Rend after an extended pros pecting trip through Nevada. He has been in company with Bren Smith, a mining engineer, who has large holdings In almost every district in the state. The vice president's son him some speci mens of gold, and silver ore, the best HP.nlv0 OF, i.nWAnn! or which, camo from Wonder Camp, HEARING OF EDWARDS wlitre' kel and-Smith located several ' MAY MS POSTPONED. I clalma.???The: best of these has been Get Into a New Summer S; k It It And cnioy the comforts that on! Iijht-weight ap parel can give this summer wca' her, Thzrcgohg to bj a longer siege of hot weather and yoti had ' just as A HUGE COLLECTiON CF HIGH-CLASS GARMENTS 1 fiat CIMka HtUn m.utmkn Mf Nc Tr Comprise cur new light-weight stock; and this sea son we made the $fort of our lives to ob'tain for(;:0ur pa trons thi very best tailored apparel it is possible for . Amarica's most skilled labor to devise. Unusually rea so nble prices ar; a fciture of cur new stock.'. ' 1s " . CROSS (SI LINEHAN COMPANY (By Leaccd Wire to The Times.) Washington, May 23. Owing to tho fact thai Senor Garland, of the Peruvian legation, is still confined to' his bed, it is probable that the hear ing In the case against Col. Charles Edwards, accused by tho police of stabbing tho diplomat, will be post poned disturbed; the congregation The person "who disturbed the con gregation, last Sunday by continually coughing is requested to buy a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar. O. Q. King. Although no official notlflcatlon of era who- interfere with the running such actlo1n had beon recelved the or the cars and insult passengers, I po,,ce """i"gnt. it is tnougnt that and has sent lawyers to the police ;he, tr,a' w,u be delayed until the courts to watch the cases of disturb- ai.plomat, ,s ab,e t0 aPpear- ,t 'prizes for girls,- given by. Miss Bio. ; comb and Miss Womblo. Drawing medals for the graded 'schools will also be awarded, '.', ,t To the members of the various or gnnliatlons that have so Itlndly, gen ' erously. and patriotically ' encour- vaged the work In the High Bchool this session and last, by stimulating , emulation In the students, Is extond . ed. a special Invitation to further en courage the school by attending these closing exercises. 7 , - ; The 'best drawings made by the :. Btudenta of the High School during tho -past Besslon will" be on exhlbl tion ,' in the school ' building. r Miss r Slocomb, the highly efficient and en- ' thuslastlc teacher 'of drawing in tho ' Raleigh public schools, will be glad to show tnese drawings to any ono ..who may. be interested. " i ' The work In the High School dur- Ing the r past session- has been -omlr nently satisfactory. On the athletic - field, in debates, in Journalism, and tentlon to Interfere in the situation, merely statipg that their , action is to enforce law and order. ', " : The members of the builders ex (By Leased Wire to The Times.) San Diego, Cal., May 23. Shipo of necossar WAR ON 'THE SHODDY '' BAMXG OP COTTON. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, May 23. At the meet ing of the; National Protection Abso clatioa'ijn' the engineering society's building, 2 i West Thirty-ninth street, ono report submitted says: "Our cotton bale is a disgrace to American commerce, and it Is Im possible to estimate the millions of dollars annually thrown away by un- flro losses, insurance, mo rucinc squaaron, in target ana-frolehfr ehju-cos lnh,. fn mo. me nouuKun qock nr oi .9)v ana tho Statcn ;" Island cotton store fires of .tire navy fqr tho highest general av- Juno 1906 W.clted ag examples change In a meeting yesterday af ter-1 torPedo practice, have won tho high-, ufncturlng and inferior cloth as noon appointed a committee to con- ".u"ur" " " unitea states navy , 8Uita of poor manipulation of raw fer with the- varionsv unions connect-' ""'" i w'cn t contains a material before it "reaches the mill, ed with the various buildmg: trades r"MB,': V cruiser uoston nas won the obieet of restorinir naen in th,4 1 vu . ' UTB1 B"1' " en building industry. 1 i 1M .The city Is threatened with" a beer famine as the brewery workers nre on strike and both brewers and strik ers refuse to make any concessions " Unless some action - Is taken! no more Pacific coast beer will be sold after tho few days supply on hand is exhausted and the drinking public WATER PLANT SEIZED BY MAYOR OF SALEM er mado in target practice for this year. 1 ' ' ' j BOIIY OP MITRKERED MAN"' ' IN FEDERAL BlILDIXG. (By Leased Wire te The Times.) of disastrous .ftraa caused by' care lessly made eotton'bates. " More News from 'he New England ' Stateig. .' If any one has any doubt as to the virtue of rvilev's tfl.lnpv iw Wllahington, May 23, Several days need only to refer to Mr. Alvlri H. fl vn 1 ttninnv . flAnAiinl ' T?rmn win t4-n - C. t m nniii . . . . will bo forced to use eaBtera bottled celved a telegram from the United after almost losing hope of recovery beer. 1 , V. : I States altorsev at Mnnnn. uvlnr n . . n ' '? ThRro Is littlo Change Jn the tele-j that tne-Body, of a dead man was ly- remedies, finally tried Foley's Kidney phon.e situation, " tho - Striking girl ,n the uncompleted -federal build-' Cure, which he say was "Just the operators stlir remaining out. " ing at that P'ace, and that the state, i thing" for him, as four bottles cured tThat company- is running a ro- co,un,f ttnd municipal authorities.de-, him completely. He is now entirely duced service and clnimq in hw add- '''"V"1 .t0 remove Jt- ' - ' - i well and free from all the suftertng ln- ?7n i?c " " 4 Tho trcaBUI-y J"Prtment has charge 1 cldent to acute kidney (trouble.-0. O. Ing to Its force dally!. .' . of the construction of public buildings, 1 King. 1 . ' " (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Salem, O., May 23. Personally lead ing the - police and Are departments yesterday afternoon, Mayor Carlisle took forcible possession of the Salem waterworks, after the water had been shut off for twenty hours and started the plant in operation. Without warn- ! ing the company had drawn Its fires : and shut down the plant. I The water company's franchise ex-1 pired In March and the failure to ae-' euro at highly increased rates caused the company to try coercion. ) The water was shut off an hour be- ' fore the council meeting, at which Su perintendent A. R. Dow submitted a ' franchise Incorporating a big advance In rates. City Solicitor Smith yester , day morning secured from Judge ' Roberts at Lisbon a mandatory l'.'.junc- j Hon, ordering the company to resume . service until such time as the counclt can deliberate and act on the franc chise. A ten-mile cross-country run in an automobile brought the deputy j sheriff here to serve the court's order i and within . an ,- hour tho mayor had taken possession of the plant. The company acceaea to tne court a order. P W - ' ' r - v ; A , , .... - ' ""Oh.r: a'xV ":- , K ; I . Whcn you . step up to a fountain 6r into, a -',' ;l , :. , place where bottled dnnks are soia leu xnc man X f ; - . ;f ' nLT you want Coca-Cola.;, Close your ears to the "just j DECISIONS PILED BY SUPREME COURT 1 place where bottled drinks are sold tell the man you want Coca-Cola. , Close your ears to the just V n crnnH' ariinimpnt hecnuse ther6 is nothing just as t-" t - . t - 1 t good as Coca-Cola. INSIST. You. nave asscu iur Coca-Cola because you are convinced mat r fv bt iv ; y , v 1 i ' - 7 i3what you wantdon't'letVsmooth-tongued salesman rule ( Vour judgement , If the man insists go to a place where they . cive their customers iwhat they ask" for.; Imitationsare , made to deceive you, not iu jjica&c -,-, .THE REASON Coca-Cola not1 onlyuenches ' r . , thirst and pleases the palate our n reueve ; - fatigue, and is the only beverage that has vim and go to it.' "5c.-EVERYWHERE-5c. GnaraBteei ander tht Pure Food and Drnr Act, Jose 30,1906. Serial Ho. MM. The following opinions wero hand ed down by the supreme court late yesterday afternoon: Windorr, vs. Hill, from Duplin; no error. Worih vs. Wronn, from Surry: new trial. Cathcart vs. Insurance Co., from Mecklenhiirfir: firrnr Sikes vs. Insuranco Co., froni Mecklenburg; reversed. Furniture Co. vs. Express Co., from Caldwell; reversed. Thornton vs. McNeoly, from Mc Dowell; affirmed. State vs. Addington, from Bun combe; modified. Laney. vs. Mackey, from Bun combe: no error. Fisher vs. Owen, from Transylva nia; affirmed. Udell vs. House, from Madison; new trial. Brown vb. Railroad, from Bun combe; no error. Duckworth vs. Duckworth, from Transylvania; reversed. Smathers vs. Sprouse, from Bun combe; affirmed. Stato vs. Rucker. appeal with drawn. , Wilson'B will case dismissed for failure to file brief and bond. In re Propst, from Burke; affirmed. Overcash vs. Power Co., from Mecklenburg; no error. ; ? Graod Opening v Magnificent .... ' ,. i We have arranged for a wonderfully interest ing and decidedly attractive display of ;,- oriental table covers " ' oriental pillow tops ' oriental tapestries oriental silk shawls oriental swiss embroidered shirt waist Vpatterns 3 ; ' This' unusual exliibit should be. seen by cvcry , lady in reach of our store. . V., THE EXHIBIT IS FOR ONLY A FEW DAYS. WEATHERS PERRY, ART GOODS, FINE CHINA WARE, ETC. 1 North Carolina Roe Herrings. ; Put up in half barrels especially for family use, $4.00 " per half barrel; SOe. per dozen. ' ' r JUST RECEIVED A nice lot of small Sugar-Cured Hams, 6 to 8-pountTseach; price, 18ic. per pound. ; ' -' , Phone us. No. 28. - - v D. T. JOHNSON SON PICTURES At about ONE-HALF the price paid elsewhere Etchings and Colors. New line just in. '. THE J. D. RIGGAN CO. MR. RI S. ABELL OX CANDIDACY OF MR, HORNK. Mr. Ed S. Abell, of Smlthfleld, was in the city this morning on his re turn home from Llllington. Mr. Abell says the candidacy of Mr. Ash ey , Home for governor is being well received throughout the state. The friends of this gentleman aro with him and expect to land the nomina tion. "Mr. Horne," said Mr. Abell today, "Is a progressive business man, is square, has no hobby, and rides no particular horse. ' He is not going to make his own platform, but will r t iiiaiiorm oc ne nemo- ings. It may mean soiled linen, but It cratic partyi ". The '..friends i' Of ' tills also means progress and 'prosperity, man arc' not going to remain Idle, We couldnt" get along without the lat- hut lire going to move . things for ter' but the linen can be. thoroughly hW."Mr. Horne is one of the P"1"11 returned , to Us, original imiinM't i bnMr wnAH .-Immaculate' condition "t 'or laundry, strongest nnd best known men In A thorouehIj, moJorn concorn oporJ. the state, nnd will bo nominated by ed by Bclllea workmen, tho democratic convention.' - ' j UAK CUT I LAM lAUNIJKV imo i i ay alimony . . - j to 'be , divorced from your appendix. There will be no occasion for it if you keep ., the . bowels . regular-; with Ir, King's . New : Life Pills. . Their action It so gentle that the append I r never has cause to make the least complaint. Guaranteed by all druggigta .Kit, Try THE BEST LAVXDRV. . Every cloud has its silver lining. Of course there Is a good deal of dirt in Raleigh. That's the kind of town we want one where the emoke and sool streams forth from the factory build- H. P. S. KEL1ER." ARCHITECT RALEIGH, N. C " 1 w I Bll.l Mil: Look well tp the' saving habit oC your boys and elrU. This Is the sea son for graduation. No better plan could be devised tnan .for -parents and friends to pre sent the graduate wlth 'n savings ac count, . thereby InistalHng ;n tliolr minds habits of thrift and eoonorav and vlaylng the founflatloua of thoir prosperitj and succesa. Mechanics Saving Bznli WRIGHT'S CAFE AND LUNCH.' COUNTED. ACADEMY .MUSIC RCILDIXa. f . OPEN' ALL NIGHT. unches All .Hours. Inviting. i- l . UfJSN ALU MeVls ohit Luncht v v Clean and 1 them. . , , f , .UtJttiJSiUU3 ATTENTION!. v.

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