$m. . raleigh 'irvEimird ! ti jies : saturdaJj xrkk'il1 Mt: : :::eh ofthe rLAa R!2icrScit!iVbC2veUstIie Stirs ecd Cirs Ho goes from His Homo in llcndcr ' son ho the Reunion in Richmond". " ' Plans a Reunion of Smiths at the Exposition. ' fr' v , v,- f" . (Special to The Evening Times.) Klcnmona, va., June, i- xso jess ",v ' V a personage than the designer of the ,1 Confederate flag Is attendlrfjr the United Confederate ' Veteran Re . ' ' ' union here, in the person of Major ' . O. R. Smith of Henderson, N. C, . , ' . Major Smith was at the time of V ' the making of the design which was 1 x . - afterward adopted by the confederate , gftvernment a resident of. Louisburg, ' ary, 1861, he completed the ensign 4.'" and raised itupon, his flagstaff, "This '-- . occurred some months before lorth Carolina receded from the union. . ' " ' AH -these years, ' since' the 'end 'of ' i "V me siruKgie Major omuu uas moat estly spent about his business." He , Is now about the seventieth year,' but ' i'- t - A Convention' of Smiths. , The latestTplan ; ihe major has ' put on foot is a convention of all the iW Smiths In this and' other .lands to 'J -meet at the exposition at Jamestown ;,; 1 - on a date in October, this year, to i . . be named In the press as soon as the, "-, "' arrangements are complete. : ' v i -'The purposepf tthe meeting will , 5 '-.the drawing together of all of the ' ' . .-name for aloser relation, and other - .things of that order, but. the princi- ,? . pal work to como before the body of ' ' - Smiths' assembled will be the naming - i v . .of a . ; r, - " . i. Southm Man for President. , . Aside 'from any 'Joking (its all sober truth), the malor is fuHv ."J, aware that, the democratia party is , ' ' at sea as to a'; candidate who has anjr , show at 'winning, and he feels sure ' ' tjtfidt, tMs coming convention, will ;Ae i' r able to u.'iuiu'a mad whose name will ' . ,v bo Bmith;'f afc tho head -of the Ucket, vxr and' from tho eouth.-who willfbe a i . OMJEST WOMAN IN ROWAV '- D1ES HUMAN TKNPIXS. (Special to The Evening Times.) .y Ballsbury.W. C. June 1. Tho oldest . woman In nawun county, Mrs. Nancy WU.l , ..v, UHJ JUVI Ulig U V . I ' ' - V . 1- borne In the country twelve miles from .. Salisbury. She was stricken 'i Sunday , . vWith naralVKlii.'. iHtitll v,uitMntiiv cfhi hnrl h fV-4, r.'c' life-of fmarked actlvltx and did ' . work about the house until she wus at 1 ' tacked by disease. . Mr. Klutta wus ' nlnpty-flve ycura old and lived In Ved 'y, t lock more than fifty years. Her bus- band, Qeorgo Klutts, died about twelve ' r ': etgHty. ' 8he leaves a family of four , . " children Jerry and Calvin Klutts, Mrs. . Karah M. Jones and Mrs. Rosanm Jiinnn CLlF nt thn unl nnfirhhiirhnnfl. Shn . dlod ut the home of her son-in-law, Mr. '. . , 8. O. Jones., 'The funeral was held this '- morning from St. : Luke's Lutheran ,f ' ; church, .Key, Mr. Barker officiating-. The last meeting of the retail Jncr : ; ;i ' chant's assocuttion elected delegates to j, uie bihi conveniion, wnicn meeis in Greensboro June 18-20. Changes In the - - , Insurance companies- plans called for ,, -. ' discussion and new members were elect- - ine anermatn oi me Dig inimcin oi N ' V May celebration . shows tkat - through- " i. out thve-was the best of 'behavior and J the police records reveal unusual con- , dltions ior such a da. The worsrthing y '' Ellas Saleeby, a boy employed in the candy and Ice cream, saloon of A. B Balecby. - The. negro slashed him with ., . - . xnlfe and. the proprietor ran . out, '' ' - , catching the carver under the chin with : r .one Wow that knocked him through a . r. --L mnlrit nf uvdn hcwmi ami lavln4hAm 't .v . V all low. "This scattered the crowd, but t , , . the rascal managed to get away. ' ' Thft flnnunl Wfmrlmfkn Bprmnn will he ' ttraAhod rrnnnrrru ,;-mrtrnln Mvt lth Lutheran church by' . Rev. ' Or. MU M. , ,L Kinard, pastor of the Lutheran-church oi oaiisDury. , . . ... SERVICES AT M I - CHURCHES SljfiBAY fion lcce V'cst KaTelgb Baptist Church 8 p. m. . Preaching by the pastor. Rev, R. '8. Etovenson. Sunday school :30 p, m.,VWA, Taylor, supt. : ;t : ..' s - Sunday school ' John 8. Johnson memoriaf chabel 3:30 p. m.,' Carey 1. Hunter, supt. - - Kev. R. H. Stevenson will preach at Hpslbar. .Baptist . church, near .Eagle Rock.-' Sunday , morning at 11 a. m. . ' CHRJST CHURCH-Rer. M. M. Mar bull. , D. : J. Rector. Rev. Milton A Barber, assistant. 'First Sunday'after Trinity. , Sunday school 10 a. m. Divine service and Holy Communion 11 a. m. Evening prayer S o'clock. Services dur ing the week,, Wednesday 5 p. m. and Friday ID a., m. Free seats. . Strangers and visitors cordially Invited. . ' ' BT. -SAVIOUR CHAPEL Sunday school 10 a. m. - Night service I o'clock. Seats all free,-: Every one Invited.'"? ..EDENTON' STREET METHODIST CHURCH-RevR, R Bumpas, paston Services tomorrow nt 11 a. m. and 8:39 n. m. Sermon it 11 - m. by the Das ton after which the Sacrament ;pf .the Lord's Supper will be administered. ' At 8:3d d. m. a mass meeting will be held for the famine sufferers, to which alt congregations and Christian people of the city are Invited.' Sunday school at 01T30 a. m:-t Epworth - League meets Tuesday ; night and - prayer 'meeting Wednesday evonintr at 8:30 o clock. ' FAYETTEVItLE STREET BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J.. F. Farmer, will preach at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 8:30 a..m.' ' FIRST BAPTIST. CHURCH---Rev. J W. a . Tyree, D.. D., Pastor. Usual Kervico at 11 by ? Dr., R. T. Vann. There will be o serVlcja at, night. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.i T- H. Brlggs; superintendent. Prayer meet ing Wednesday -night at 8 o'clock. All services are held in Metropolitan Hall. TABERNACLE BAPTIST CHURCH J-Freachjng 11 av tn. and 8 p. : m. by Rev. C, W." Blanchard. " Sunday chool 8:15 a. m., Jo " H. Weathers, acting supt. . V' ' f " CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEP HERD Rev. I. McK. Plttenger, D. D., rector. First Sunday after Trin ity. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Litany, sermon and Holy Communion at 11 a., m. Evening, prayer, at 6, Service on Wednesday at 10 a. m.i and on Friday at 6 p. m. The seats are all free, and strangers and vis itors are cordially Invited. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday school. ut 8:30 d. m., S. M- Smith, supt, A full attendance desired. Na preach Ingi either, morning - or ' evening on aC count of absence of the pastor. -, ( NOTICE On Monday, .June 8, 12,m., at' Court House will be sold a fine building lot ' on Boylan Avenue.; Terms- lone-fourth f cash,! residue at six months. S. A. Ashe will give all particulars, k , ;', MEN CAPABLE EARNING ' $1,000 TO $3,000 A YEAB Traveling -.Salesmen. : Clerk, - Mer chant; no matter what your business. A complete reorganization of the pro ducing department of The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New Tork In this . section affords a chance for a few good men; a few vacancies on . the agqncy force remain open for men of character and ability; you can And out by writing whether It will be-worth while for you to make a change; no previous experience Is necessary. - A course of professional Instruction given free.s - Tho Mutual Life Insurance Company , of New York, or Harris R, VllU cox, Mgr., Charlotte, N. C. ' MMMElii ycung Wcmn Cresses Ccean to tot Eelecilcfl , Now Appears, Looks at Her, Then at r fhe Photograph Sent Rim,' Dodges an Embraceand Forthwith Shows His Heels. I : ,- (By Leased. Wire to The. Times.) ...New Tork, June 1. Because she' did not. come up to specifications, Marie Berkelfeld, a Trieste maiden, was left waiting on the ship' yesterday instead of becoming the bride pf phlllp Rleth felder, whom , aha had., crossed the ocean to wed. Philip, after seeing the maiden;'' and comparing the'jUywtr be lng, with a photograph which had been furnished him several months ago, de olared he had been, Imposed upon and left the girl abruptly She will prob ably return to Trieste, i v ,! Phllln was.. among the first .Id ;dah onto the Pretoria -when the steamer docked. He confided his secret to the officers .and was sent to the second cabin, . where Marie was waiting. Love told the woman this was th man, and she. Slurried toward him with a happy blush on her face. , .).. He had Just time to dodge to avoid a hoarty embrace. Then, he pulled ,: out a photograph which had been sent as the picture of the wife he had arranged, through a matrimonial agency to wed. "There must be some mistake," he de clared. "This Is not jC photograph of yOU." ; "Oh, Philip," walled the would-be bride, "you would not be so cruel, am the girl you promised to marry. ; "Nothing doing," answered the un- loverlike man, after he dodged another embrace. "You have Imposed on me. Tou are not the girl. I am going away from here," . n And ho did, leaving Marie weeping on the ship..- POSTMASTER CHANGES . ' . IN NORTH CAROLINA, i (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Washington, June 1. The follow ing changes In fonrth-class postmas ters have been announced: North Carolina: - Coleraln, Bertie county, William H. Harrell, vice DS. Saunders, 'removed; Tollver, Ashe county, William T. A. Jones, vlco A, J. Tollver, resigned. .. . JUST RECEIVED One car load Chattanooga Wagons. One car load Cattle -and Hog Wire. One car load Muellef's Molasses Feed. This Molasses Feed is regarded the best feed for cows and horses. , Far superior to bran and shipstuff. Phono your orders to t - . THE BIGr NEW .STORE. , W A. MY ATT Corner Martin and Blount Sts. BODV OF YOUNG LLOYD" ' ANDREWS IS RECOVERED (Special to The Evenlrfg Times.) , : Wilmington, N. C, June Tjiebody of young Lloyd1 -Andrews, twenty-two years -of age,, an industrial Insurance somcior oi mis cuy, wno wiin- a com pardon,. W. C... Linley, was swept out to sea in a boat In .which they Were gunning at Mlddlo Sound more 'than six weeks ago, both men being drown ed, was washed ashore near Mason's store at Middle Sound yesterday after noon between-A and 5 o'clock After being swept out to sea. It appears that e body of the drowned young man the high tides of the .'past .week, was swept back through the Jnlefc and was cast up on the shore near where the two young men, pushed off their boat on the fateful Friday morning weeks ago. The body will be sent to the home of Mr. Andrews' mother at Soven Springs. . : . :.::-: - . f . r J. J, WELLS PAYS. : CLAIMS MISTAKE (Special to The Evening Times.) : Ashevllle, N.' C..' , June, I. -I, J. Wells, who was arrested at Morris tewn, Tenn., v for passing bogus checks, was brought to Ashevllle and nas squared an accounts, .tie says there Is' a mistake, but 'won't make any explanations of tho' peculiar cir cumstances. f - i . : '', Death of an Infant.-' .: r . MaUlalnei'the,foirr-mOnths-old son of Mr. and Mrs; James. Hicks.: died at the home last .night -on. north. West street- of typhoid, f ever, , Tho body wag carried to Graham -this morning for burial. . ' . A CESFERATE FIGIiT ' : Vilil FUSiODS BULL ' (Special to The Evening Times.) J Rocky Mount,-N. C, June L T.-fl. McDearman Is In a precarious' condition,- ' and bis - sixteen-year-old' son, Robert, is suffering from Internal in juries as fhe-ireeulU of a combat with an infuriated bull at Mr. McDearman' farm JuBt outside of the city. The -bull broke out of the McDear man field and his owner was trying to catch htm, when he turned upon the man,-goring one of ills legs and tear ing the muscles from the bones, barely missing the main artery. Just here Robert rushed to his father's aid and pierced vthe bull with a pitchfork, whereupon .the bull shifted his fight from father to son, and perhaps would have killed-him but for the father's herolo courage, t Though In agony from the Injuries be had Just received,' he laid bodily told of the bull and divert ed 'the infuriated animal's attention from- the! young man, but he again turned upon' "McDearman and the youpg man i again administered) the pitchfork .-remedy when the bull, ap parently firing Of the fight, left. Drs.'W.R Brae well, w. H. White head' and Jr B.1 Whitehead were called in to treat the Injured men and dress ed the terrible-wounds of Mr. Mc pearman. .H' i 1 ' , ,1 .Vf & ' 1 OSTEOPATHIC BOARD -- LICENSES TWENTY The North Carolina State Board of Osteopathic. Examination and . Regis tration, -created by an act of the last general assembly and the members appointed ;.by .Governor Glenn, was In session yesterday afternoon in the of fice Of PlC. H.;.W. Glascock. Members of the. board are: Dr. W. B. Meacham, of Ashevllle;- Dr. A. R. Tucker, of. Dur ham; Dr.l,-F. Ray, of Charlotte; Dr. H. Wi" Glaseock, of Raleigh; and Dr. A. IL Zealy, -of Goldsboro. Twenty of the twenty-seven appli cants were granted license to prac tice osteopathy In North Carolina, the list being i as follows: Drs. H. W. Glascock. Jtalelgh, W. K. Hale. .Hen. dersonville; R. E. Markham. Wilmlng- tbn; L. C. Markham, Wilmington; cA Basye, Statesville- Delia Kevil Stev ens, Smlthfleld; S. W. Tucker, Greens boro; E Hi Tucker, GreenBboro; E. C, Armstrong, Mew Bern; E. L.Carson, Wll8oto;M J; Carson, Rocky Mount;: R. M. Armstrong. Salisbury; W.: B. Meacham,- Ashevllle; A. H. Ztaly, Goldsboro H. F. Ray, Charlotte; R. S. Collier, Saluda; A. R. Tuisker; Dut ham; E. B. Hale, Hendersonvtlle. ; INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM VALID Omaha, 'Nei., June 1. The initiative and refgrwduib law,, passed In Ohaha by friends of w. J. Bryan at- the latter request and on his' ' advice, has been declared legal and valid In a dog muz sling ordlnuncr enscj ; "fills is thefirst ttimf'tbn Initiative end referendum. : has been ottneked i.i this stntc, and the fact -that it wi:s upheld by the, courts pleases the llryan followers.- V--.- FORSHIOK LEAVES ( SEABOARD V" FOR ATLANTIC COAST LINE. ,,, j( Special to The Evening i'lmea.) Wilmington. N. C. June 1. Mr. V. Ci Tompkins, of Raleigh, travelling freight agent of the Seaboard Air Line, has an nounced that the office of soliciting freight agent of his line In this city had been abolished.-. This work here after will devolve upon Mr.'F. A. Fet ter, the local agent, and upon Mr. Tompkins, who will make regular visits to Wilmington spending several days at a time. The office heretofore has been filled with great credit by Mr. Eugene Forshee who has removed to Jacksonville , Fla and taken the posi tion of chief clerk to the agent of the Atlantic Coast Line in that city. WRIGH'S CAfE - UNDER ACADEMY MUSIC, ,y Clean, Good Cooking; Meals at All Honrs. - OPEN ALL NIGHT. Try Our Club Sandwich. Boylan-Pcarcc Co. Dpylan-Pcdrc2 Cu. AGENTS FOB THB LADIES' HOME JOURNAL PAPER PATTERNS. TWO CENTS EXTRA ON MAIL ORDERS TO COVER POSTAGE. TEE GLIfM CAPPER IN VMiUE-GIVIM. vr The calendar points to the time and the rraihy -days fiave tnnthe'opportunity for getting out the goods" for the inauguration if special June sales TMerein we are recog nized as the practical leaders. Its a business axiom that first loss is the wisest and ft Ms instance we hive Med the Damascus blade. Punctual to custom, we have bunched special lots at bargain "prices in vhich you pleasure' profit Ind "satisfaction. S fa'- WOMEN'S SILK AND WOOL DRESSES. Newest ; and &most durable' modelsj bumpier and Eton effects, fashioned from excellent qualities of All-Silk Foulards, Taffetas and Summer Woolens. Special lot on which one round price is placed $10.00 ', . 7, Every other Tailor-Hade ipuit , and Dress Costume, Silk Coat, Cloth Jacket and Silk-Lined Net Wraps are marked down one-fourth off the' price. SILK PETTICOATS. . Plain colors, fancies and black; extra full; deep flounces with' ruffles jshirriiig' an4pleatn; extra dust- ruffle. Values up ''-jto $7.S0. f Clearance price $5.00 ; LADIES'; WASH SKIRTS, Another lot' of "Wi.,LMwtteKjfc; newest style; cluster tucks across panels; very effective; worth $1.50 Special nrice . . . . . . , . . . ..... .... . . . . . .... . . .. 8c. BRUSSELS NET WAISTS. Trimmed with Cluny Lace arid Medallion Applica tions over China Silk Linings ; Ecrue arid White, 1 - j ' $3.50 to $8.50 5 JAP SILK WAISTS. In Tailored and Lace-trnumed5 ecis.... $2.50 to $7.50. NEW YORK MILLS SHEETS. jull-bleached Sheets, torn and hemmed ; quantity lim ited. They' shbuty' !be 'sbjdf out' in a 'day.' " , - i63?9b. iBOc. ' ' 72xp0 ......,68c. SlxOO. . ........ V M 75c. 90x90. . 83c. 90x90 :.., 92c. ..'' CABO CORSETS AND GIRDLES. Every woman enjoys wearing Kabo Corsets. ' Draft- ed on proper lines, curved to fit the form, they are easy arid comfortable. All summer weights. Batiste, Tape and 'Tet ... .. . . . ........ ..50c, $1.00 and $1.50 -A mSk-DOWN SALEOP LADIES' HATS. ."; "'' iA.'iBparuBgrnival of "bargains awaits your com ing ;Ety';Q-rcdfHa1;''in 'st'ock. Price, reduced to a mere fraction of former values. Don't fail to see them. - PEARCE COMPANY. ft . -; 'S. J " ; : SL:..".'' N CO R PO R ATC O) -A ; ' : cHirr i. tri - - i:s. nw'.'rM',.'..ir?--u S X '-aj? mi -mi. atvr.W'W ' Tt', " :, , J 1' f ! ( til. enter in June- , ' ' 'V " 1 ..-. v P -. . Mr" -.. . . p ....... l ?. -j l t' . 1 . t ' iv: . ... Vil i' f i ft'. ? ' 'i. ' - 1 e i ,i ill i ; $oo pays ioran umimiieu scnoiarsnip in xne vomuuivu cuiirsc; --r,vv e pay raiiroaa iare unucr lue combined offer and guarantee" a ' good, position. v ' If you enroll in "King's Business College, you will be. ix student in the largest and best equipped . e- business eollege in North Carolina and; m one or the largest m the South. ! We have, a ( daily atjtcnd- ance of over 5?00 students. " ""'f r . - - t ... , , ' " I " ' ' ' i - - Bcllicr than a Vacation; Take a Summer Course in Business Trainiiinr. Our Sneciai Rates Saves Moncv tor Yon: ':V .i x t ine coiieuc uuuumrj X . - - -r ) .... INCORPORATED L ijrC4CyliA4M' kM vvljT; -4. a 7 ilkllliljila ltt Vother modert conveniences. , -' . s ' w OP 1 -dJ . jii . '7; ' ....... a . t. IMi-draout Insurance Building, 224 South Tryon Street, in which KliJ Business College, Charlotte, Is located. S The rooms in this building were arranged specially for school trd , electric lights, i

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