'mw,-wv, u . ,TW R.MJJOH ErENING TIMES; FRIDAY, JUNE 71907. V-:.-'- V. ..... j.' -. - V V i r . " .' . j I- 5 - j f i -At t i r, E01W WmGET THAT - :r v, 41 . nr.1 MJ -i it - IS GOING ON AT J- 1 ' " Mr ' uTT7 - li LTiiilLi 1 I TT TNnTlTTTTTTTX TfT THN Eiillnirc Stock Must Be .S6M" WSffiii 151) ays We; still have some more of those fine $16.00; $18.00 and $20.00 suits which we have reduced to less than manufacturers cost, Sale Price - - - - - 1 Special for Saturday, 300 Fancy Vests that were $2.50 and $3.00, Sale Price $1.30 mm m COMPANY, 215 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C A. B. Stronach's Old Dry Goods Stand. A. B. Stronach's Old Dry Goods Stand THE PUHS OF SECRETARYTAFT TENSION RELAXES -BDT . TIOiLEIS M giES fiy Leased Wtre io The Times.) City of Mexico, June 7. Wnile tho tension ; betwoen ' Mexico and Guatemala ' Is somewhwat relaxed and vh.t does not Beem bo imminent as it did some dayyao, tbe situation Is still very serious and It may at any time develop so that a clash can not be well avoided. Tbe conditions in Guatemala as describoa by those who have recently " Wltkm-to name Mount plays here. The local fans are confident of having a pennant winning club. ' Mr. Geo. Gorham, of this city, lately With the Diamond Match Company, has accepted a position with, the con tractors o( the Norfolk. & Southern Railroad and has moved to New Bern. Mr. J. D. Bardin, a mediber of the Wilson bar, has decided Co locate In California and will this week leave for that state preparatory to taking Mi family there. Our people regret to have those Wilson folks leave and all trust they will ba pleased with their new home when they go west. , Mr. D, S. Boykln, who recently pur chased the Whitehead building ofTl Tarboro street, has given contract for We learn that , rr " r r y f -n. ; SOUTHERN Y.tf.C. A. AT ASHEVHLE been In that unhappy country are in- J descrlbahly bad, a 'veritable reign of terror existing. They declare that men are assassinated in their own homes and their bodies flung to the an art gallery will bo located In the new addition. TELEPHONE COMPANY GRANTED CHARTER ' (By Leased Wlro to The Times.) : Washington, June 7. Secretary of War Taft has completed his plans ofr the remainder of this year, He will leave Washington Saturday for Madison, Wis., where he will address the students of the state university on June 10, and will also -attend a meeting of the merchants and manu-' ' facturers' association in Milwaukee tho same evening. June 11 he will sjiend In Davenport, Iowa, Where ho will visit the United States arsenal . and dine with 1 the Tri-Clty Press : buzzards on the outskirts of the . Club. On June 12 he will address I city. Men, women and even children the students of the Iowa University, are not only flogged, but they are at Iowa City,, and on the following , floged in a manner which causes ex day will speak to the students of the ' eructating pain and produces fatal University of Minnesota and at Mm- illness. . Then, to add to their tor neapolia. He will inspect Fort Snell-1 ment a liquid caustic is applied to Ing on the 1 4th and that evening ' their wounds, purporting' to be an .will $tart' for Fort Moad, stopping effort to heal them. . Women who ar for a tew hours at Sioux Falls, and rive, at the port of San Jose are, it rcacaing, Fort ity?$t abput noon on Is said, stripped by the commandef; tho 17th. He will spend the eyenlng of the port, who is also implicated of the 18th at Omaha, and-on theiwltji Lhha Jo the assassination of following day will visit Fort Ieaven- General 'Barillas- on the pretense of , long-distance telephone line. worth, i On Jane-20th he will speak searching or letters of an incrlmi-l s Marler "'Hub . Device ' Company, at. Odawa. : Kansas. - and wlll. thon natlns: nature.- i -! .". -. . it v-' Greensboro: authorized canltal atonk. atari for Washington which ho' evt : . !L L'" $150,000, with' prlvildge of begin- ports to reacn on the 23rd or'2itn."THE WOMEN S CLUB " n,n8; B,ness with 300; Vlneorpo- Charters were granted today to the following corporations: Mt. Airy Telephone Company, Mt. Airy; authorized capital stock, 150, 000, with privilege of beginning busi ness with $15,000. Incorporators are: E. C. Hlnes. 70 shares; J. A. Hadley, 20; W. E. Merritt, 10; N. H. Wright, 10; W: G. Sydnor.10;. G. G. Galloway, 10; J. W. Barber, 10 i, G. D. Fawcett, 15, and W. F. Carter 5. ,The object is to operate a local and The- 'secretary nopea to leave rvri bt nrtr tttj n a vxtrt-at Washington for Murray, Bay, Quoboc, J .f V "fJV " about July 4 th to remain until early in August, when he will return to . Washington to close .. up . his affairs (By Leased Wire' to The Times.) Norfolk; Va:,, "June 7. Speaker Can noii of the national house of t-enre- jjroparatpry to his departure for the 'sentativea, is in danger of beinr blown Philippines, for which Bo will BaU up unless he ceases to block leglsla from Heattlo about September 10th. tlon In which the Federation of Wo As5Ir.Taff expects to comploto his mens Clubs is interested. He should annual 'report before going to the dynamited, thinks Mrs. Mary Mor Far East It ia likelv that ho will notify ,7;.tTma2 of fJVTI" return to the capltol until Christmas npw ln Silvering her TeporT to the or new. Years, . , - - - t federation cftnventlon yesterday t ' i I "it peema that the committee hav V Remarkable Rmrno. . j Ing laws in hand experienced consid- ratord arei CH Bnrtbn.'l share; C. K. Durham, 1,- and HL. Hopkins, 1. Object Is to dispose of a certain device known as the Marler hub at taching device. - . "-' .That truth Is stranger than fiction, has once-too re been demonstrated' in the little town of Fedora, 'Tenrf the resldencs of C. V. Pcpperi He writes' Inched entirely (llanbled with , hemorrhages of the lungs and throat; Divitors foiled 10 help me. and all hnpt : had fled when I , began taking Dr. : King's New Discovery. v- Then Instant relief came, Th coughing soon ceaaerf: the bleeding tllmlnlshed rapidTv, anil In three weeks I was able to go to work." Guarantee cure for roughs and colds.' ftOn. and, J1.00, at all druggists. Trial bottle free. -, , v . crable difficulty In having them acted on at the last session of congress. Tt was Speaker. Cannon's fault, as tie re tarded definite action persistently.., : "He. ought to be; dynamited. Some body ought to get behind him with a good big charge and set It off. Then, perhaps something would - happen. Nothing short of dynamite would do to wake him up." , . , Tliero has been a marked falling off In the Sunday school attendance In Now York city in the last Bva MINOR NEWS FROM TOWN OF WILSON Special to The Evening Tlmc.) Wllf-on. N. O., June 7Wilson's base--bciV. pin vers have nearly all arrived and are limbering up every afternoon preparatory to the league games whlrh bogin next week when Hocky TWO MURDERERS ? 1 FOR STATE PRISON '' Sheriff , J. W.vBryant. of Mitchell county arrived in tho city yesterday evening 4With v two prisoners, . both white men, who weri convicted at a recent , term,, of. Mltcholl court and sentenced to (n years each In' the state penitentiary for, murder, 'The men are C. D. Jones and Jamos Mo Kinney. - They are the first prisoners IMPORTANT MEETING OP (Special to Tho Evening Times.) Ashovllle, N. C, June 7. Nearly four hundred young women dele gates to the Young Woman's Chris tian Association arc at Kenllworth Inn for ho annual summer confer ence. "A platform has been erected in t:ie"grove near the hotel whore the meetings will be held. The delegates are mostly from southern colleges. 1 Tho officers are: Miss Helen F. Barnes, Now York, goneral manager; Miss Jessie Ogg, Brooklyn, business manager; Mrs. B. r S. Broadwell, president. TO BE OPERATED TO MOREHEAD CITY An Important change in the South ern's Pullman and palace car service will become effective June 9. On this date tho present Greensboro and Raleigh sleeper, handled on 111 and 118, will bo extended to Morehead City. , The parlor rar now operated on 144 and 139 will be changod to and operated on 108 and 135. Plenty of Time. What you want Is to save money. Kow can you do it? Buy a $1,000 N. C. 4 per cent. Bond. It runs three years from July 1st. You get $20 Cash Coupon. You get $120 from July 1st to July 1st, 1910. You save taxes, $60, for 1908, 1909 and 1910'. Making Income of $200 by purchase. Supopse you get 4 per cent on your $1,000 from July 1st, 1907, to July 1st, 1910 same time as bond runs you get on this $120. You HAVE TO PAY TAXES 1908, 1909, 1910 $(). You gain for three years only $60. Bond gain $200. Do you see? C. C. McDONALD. NOTICE BY EXECUTORS. Having qualified as executor of the last will and testament of Ben jamin Rhodes, deceased, late of Ra leigh, N. C, this is to notify all per sons having claims against said Ben jamin Rhodes to present the same to me on or before the 18th day of May, 1908, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Benjamin Rhodes are hereby notified to make immedi-J ate payment to me. This May 16th, 1907. J AUSTIN W. GROVES, i l-t MM' n-' n Executor BenJ. Rhodes, Dec'd, o a w 6w Raleigh, N. C. Wltli INVITE GRANIV LOW5E v; TO MEET IN RALEIGH, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Officers were elected. last night by Centre Lod so, No-; 8, "v Knights of Pythias, and they are: V.. C; C. I Woodall; V. C, C. R. Styrn: prelate, Winston Davis; M.-6f W., Mlles'Oood- wlaf inner guard, J. W." Hunter; outer guard, Walter Woollcott.. A resolution was adopted instruct ing the special committee, composed of C. H. Boine atid W;' W. TVlllson. to extend an invitation to tho Grand Lodge, K. of P., which meets in Elis abeth City this month in regular an- nnnt session, to hold Us next meeting In Raleigh. , , , . - placed la the penitentiary , in some time past. f - ' ' - The Magic Now 3. .Number three Is a wonderful mascot for .Geo. H. Parris, of Cedar Drove, Me according to a letter which reads: "After suffering much with liver and kidney troubles, and becoming greatly discouraged by the failure to find re lief. I tried Electric Bitters, and as a result I m a well man today. The Bret bottle relieved and three bottles completed the cure." Guaranteed best on earth fob stomach, liver and kidney troubles, by all druggists.. 50c , THE MERCHANTS TONIGHT. . . . .'.. .' ' . . . '.",." .. ' The Mrchnnt.3' Association ' will hold its meeting tonight at eight O'clock in the Holleman bnildlng. This will be the moat- Important meeting of the year. The election of officers for the next term, and re ports from alt the commit toes will bo read It ia very Important that every, member be present. c - The amonnt of money paid annu ally to the world's rulers amounts to $80,000,000. ' ' Having qualified as executor of the estate of Sarah A., Adams, late of Wake county, sthis is to notify all persons having claims against said estato to present the same to either one of the executors on or before the 7th da yof June, 1908, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recov ery. L. H. ADAMS, S. J. ADAMS, Executors. Raleigh, N. C, June 7, 1907. ; i o a w tiw i Raleigh V Best Barber OTEY and Son Yarboroutfh ' Houe If we were to line up our customers we would show you the best dressed people in Iialeigh. We wish we could impress it upon you Avith the force which the subject deserves the real difference be tween the beautifully Ma le-to-Order Suits we make you and the ordinary "hand-me-down." The latter stands in no closer relation than second cousin to our aristocratic garments. The main difference lies in the garments themselves, and my prices are very little more than the ready-made fellows charge. A. C. H I N T O N, North Carolina's "foremost Tailor , K'M.uis 200, Zii and iCIH. Carolina Trunt liuihlintf. szsaa m Dr. Ernest H. Brougiiton ' ...dentist::.; 116 ayltwill Strat Best Liquors dt Lowest Prices t n offering tha beat values in Honors and cordials at the very lowest price. I buy direct from distiller who do not sell th retail trade: and generous concea siaxis en their part bar anablad ma to maka soma u. optional offers, 's1-,-?'. ,t'.v- j Tha following prtcaa teelnda axpraas chargea, . . IUUUM ; Lasana dub, Craaa at Whlildcm, J4.00 Appb Brandy - $20 and &50 RyaVblikey, $2X0, t20, iZ.00, 2JSO Mooatsia Vhttby, . $20 . . Com Vhhkey, , - SZ00 and 12.50 , Ysaidn River Corn, 4 full qtsarta, S2jf '' - Albctmaria Rye, 4 full quarla $3.00 Mail orders are filled on the day re- , celved, and forwarded on first trains Writ for Prco List of Leading Brands , LarMt Mail Otitt Koust ia tb. South L. Lazarus, Lyn chburg, Vat CONSTIPATION CURED ' RESULTS GUARANTEED 1 VICKS LITTLE LIVER PILLS ? i Do not unset digestion nor trlne--CURATIVE. 25c. . ,v . , M Druggist or by maU. L. RICHARDSON, Mfg. Chemist, , Greensboro, N. C. 4; X: M '