r . VANT TOE AIDTO:. la uuia ' tl luuiululllC . -. .. ' r . Fever of C:;d Issue 0 T fk-vrt-al Important-Matters Discussed fey tlin CJiainlKiv Will Appoint a j Cominlttra: ta Vo', Acceptance of , Street , Car . Extension ' Proposition. The chamber of commerce bald a iery Important" meeting last night, at which wai discussed several matters - of considerable Importance to the city of Raleigh the most Important per haps being that In regard to the bond ' In the days gone by Raleigh was ' the convention town of the state, but In recent years there has been no r auditorium of sufficient size for a convention -of any consequence, and , until such an auditorium Is built this city has no hopes of getting conven f tlpfas. yThe chamber expressed its ap " proval of the proposed issue of 1100,- 000 in bonds for a municipal build ing and' auditorium. Mr. F. H. Bus bee Introduced the following resolu- uonwwoicn.was auopiea: , commWe-has. learned with pleasure that the toar4.,of aldermen is con " slderlng the question .jotne submis sion; to the yoters of the city of a '.bond &?lie, for the erection of an aud-. itorlum and municipal building, The "directors of the chamber of commerce are .'empowered to represent . the nhamhA tt at snv Hmn ttiAV Ann' aid A in the sueniessof the measure.". ; ; The offer .of the Raleigh Electric ' Company to extend its lines for a dfe ' to nee of about three and a half miles, v provided thai city would agree 'to i grade certain streets, was discussed, ' lyK in favor of accepting tho proposi tion,'! A resolution was passed re questing that the president: of the chamber of commerce,, prosldont of the merchants' association, and presl- , dent of tho Industrial dub appoint a commltteo of lOOclfltons to go be- ; fore the board, of nldermon and urge tbo acceptance of the proposition The proposed grading would ost the 'city between f 3,000 and 3,60O. It was decided to give a big .bar becue on the first day of Ju$? bycthc present citizens of Rarorgbrto those who are now on the outslde'but who will become citizens on the first of next month. " ) . , ,' ' pare an article showing- the points of tp nave tne-aame pupnsnea m pam phlet form for the benefit of excur sionists. Raleigh, It was pointed out, should be a great excursion center, . and. an effort la going to be made this ''excursions here. than ever boforo. : MURDERER JAILED t AT SALISBURY .(Special to The Evening TlmeB.) Salisbury:!. C, June lJ!.-Deputy ' A. M. IUCe yesterday afternoon went out - to Lane Brothers' u, camp, ; , six miles from Salisbury," and brought back a negro who the night before killed another.', negro neither.' of ' whoso names was learned. The fel lows disputed" In the camp about some' dope that the. dead man was attempting to sell to the women who 'did not desire, to buy.- He wanted a dollar for the drlfak and worried the Women so long that, the prisoner iUlil ' U1UI ' iv ivi liruu; UUUU. 1UU dead man then drew a pistol "and i nnnn tr onnn It ithfln tlia AatanAant :, THE DOCTOR LAUGHED , But the Woman Was Frightened. A ; physician of Columbus,' Ga rather poked, fun at a lady patient who Insisted she had heart disease, -- Tue trouble really was caused by coffee drinking, and the nerves were so affected that it gave her every indication of heart disease. ; This is true ol thousands of people'who are badly hurt by the caffeine of coffee, and, it is undersood that If contin ued long enough, real organic heart disease will set in.- . t ' ; 'The lady referred to above says: "I had been running down In health tor a number of years and suspected ,that coffee was hurting me but .could llrif- jrofr nn mnnitta tiv IrHlt'lt Tn beaft troubled me so that I was tery .short of breath, and could do little or nothing that required exertlom I had '"fearful nervous -headaches noarly every day, and war exceeding ly nervous, with ".indigestion" -and' badly constipated. , -.v,. heart trouble, but knew that I was In a Berious condition generally. Finally I was Induced to quit coftffee and, take tip Postum Food Cbtfee. The .change has been wonderful. I feel . like another person. ... ' ' -.. "My heart does not trouble me at . all, and the stomach and nerves are decidedly Improved. My head does not give tn the old trouble it did, . while the bowels are regular with out any purgatives or medicine of any kind. ' ''v'' ' i'l can hkrdly" express my gratifica tion for the relief from suffering i brought oh by the usa of coffee, and I rannot thnfik PoBtum enWJKh." SULPHUR BATHS ' , AT HOME. ' j V They Heal the Skin and Take Away Its Impurities. ,! 2 !.? . A- .Sulphur baths heal Skin" Diseases and give the body a wholesome glow. Now you don't have to go off to a high-priced resort to get them, : Put a . few . spoonfuls of " HANCOCK'S LIQUID SULPHUR in .the .hot water, and you got a perfect" Sulphur bath riglit In your own home. V ! ' . Apply HANCOCK73 LIQUID SUL PHUR to the affected parts, and Ec sema and other stubborn skin trou bles aro quickly cured. ' Dr. R. II. Thomas, of Valdosta, GaM was cured of ,a painful skin "trouble,-and he praises it In the highest terms ' iour druggist sells It ' - . ' 5 s 4 Hancock's Liquid sulphur 01N.TMENT.lS the best cUro for Bores, Pimples, Blackheads and all Inflam mation.. Gives a softi velvety skin. Bred into his neck and killed him. The prisoner did not try to escape, and will plead self-defonBe. " - The Stanly authorities have not yet been able to gain any clue as to the midnight robbers of the St. Clair Mercantile Company of i that . place Monday night. Persons in the store were1 aroused by a noise that ap peared to have come from thunder and did not think seriously of It. Yesterday morning n going to the front door, it was found that it bad been: broken upen with a crow bar and the safe door, torn off by an ex plosion which seems to have been caused by nitro-glycerine. There was a considerable sunt 6t money taken and .some,, large - checks carried off. There is not even a suspicion rest ing upon anyone. . NEWS NOTES FROM lifi TOWN OF WILSON (Special to The Evening Times.) Wilson, N. C, Juno 124-Mr. J. F. Bason has purchased the building formerly used as a tobacco prlzery, situated oa the cornor of Barnes and Mill streets, and will remove there his machine shops. .: Preparatory to the removal ho will remodel the building, tearing; away the . wooden portion and build a brick addition. . ..This morning Messrs. J. D. Bardin and 3: Fr Farmer left for a trip out west They wlll visit i the Pacific coast states before returning home. . Mrs. James Savage died ' at her home here yesterday afternoon and was burled today.' This morning her riaiiErht.Ar. il Mra ; AnftfA : HUnm. AiaA 4Joth adieeta lil onjy'af1 short time f One hundred more laborers arrived in Wilson this week to assist In the track-laying Of the Norfolk ft South ern Railroad between here and Rat elgh and between' here and Washing ton. Tho track-laying machine will lay, about. one and a half miles a day '.,m. '!" : . .... . Lexington Industries. ' (Special to The Evening Times.) ;. , Lexington, N. C, June , 12. Two new Industries 'here will have an im portant bearing upon the further de velopment of Lexington, more espe cially because they both deal In build ing materials.' . Messrs. John Harke John Pugh and Henry Hege have or ganized and are now operating a big brick industry, and. have already placed hundreds of . thousands of bricks on the market. In view of the usual summer scarcity of bricks, this new concern is a very welcome one."- , ' - - s' .Jhe other firm mentioned haa been formed to develop one of tho biggest granite quarries-In this section.' It la composed of Messrs, W. Lee Harbin D.' K. Cecil, Charles Young, William Harkey'and J. W. Noell. The quarry Is ."almost within, the town( and the prospects s are 1 for an " unlimited amount of fine granite. . It Is quite probable that this company will fur nish the crushed rock, for the streets, which are to be macadamized at once. Machinery,, including engines, boilers and rock-crushers, has been ordered and some place4.!:Ti";:.f:fi, t. A WooUjr Story.- a-(Special to The Evening Times. Lexington, N. -iCA June ' liii-m. B. F, Evorhart, of the Arnold neigh borhood, this county, brings a curi osity ,to-town in the shape of a calf whose- hair Is wool, paradoxical ; as that may seem not all wool and not a yard wide, but .wool, all right, and genuine sheep's wool at that. - Many people saw the Strange anlmaL ' The calf is of. Jersey , extraction and ;is twelvA weeks old and, a very likely- looking "critter': jr the male- persua sion. It is hlte ana .brown spotted,: and where the. brown Is, .there, the wool is.. Tho white is hair, ,but even then the hair is Uner and, silkier than: uuutu uaviason county caives wear.' The carnival people offered Mr. Ever hart $15 tor the calf, but he holds it for $100. He does hot explain the wool, and nobody else does, " JChe Fight Ended .It. ' (Special to The Evening Times.) '; Lexington, N.'.C, June 12.- There havo been no further developments n the Orubb-Connor .fight" episode, aid nothing has : been heard . Of any pro ceedings being instituted against Orubb for disturbing the meeting. The advocates of the school,' in view ot' the fisht and the natural liitlml- dat!ivn of voters Incident, and, fur- IN POLICE COURT TODAY tag Warren and His Hoes - for Driinkeness -. These Fines Are Many and Are Oft " Imposed -Other Matters of Hie .Morning," including , the Appear once of Will Pool, Who Had Lost Watch, ; . ''" So far as actual, business was con cerned, police court this morning was rather dull, only one case being dis posed of. - But there - were a number of incidents they cannot be called In terludesconnected with the court that were Interesting. This one care, though, was against Young Warren, who Is constantly on trial for drunk enness or scrapping, or other kindred offenses. This time VParren, besides being fined $7.35 for drunkenness, had to pay $12.36 for resisting ait officer. Warren . hadn't paid up an bid fine of $7.35 imposed sometime ago, and the county roads and red dirt loomed up gloomily, before him. . The total of his fines amounted to $27.86. With the prospect of thirty, sixty or ninety days on the roads before him, Warren's face was a study. He wanted no hot sun in his and no wheelbarrow either. He appealed to Justice Badger to allow, him to gp out and see a friend. An officer accompanied him and in ten minutes they returned with Mr. Jones, for whom .Warren had been working, and he promised his check for $27. $5. Then Warren smiled and went out happily. - ' ' "Poor devil." said Justice Badger af terwards; "he will be back again in a few days." - ' While the officers were disposing of this case, a well-dressed, middle-aged gentlemen entered with his small son and had a warrant issued for a party for assault on the boy. " - ' . This man had v no sooner left than Will Paul, a young white, fellow, came In and wanted another fellow arrested tor the larceny of a watch. The chap told Will yesterday morning that he would sell it, and: Will gave it to him, and it was an instance of -"twenty-three." Will Is at a loss, not only of his watch, but Of what to do, for there is no evidence of larceny on the part of his pal. Will was told to wait until this afternoon, and If his property had not been returned then stepB would be taken for Us recovery. The more WJ1. talked the more It looked to' an out sider that he bad bettor -let the . mat ter drop, but that's Will's business. '-. A" Fraternity Hall. (Special to The Evenine Times. Salisbury, N. C, June 13. There1 Is talk among (he frs'ernallsta ot erecting' for -themselves a .' building which la to be usjd solely for the lodges of the city. A site is to be selected and on it a large building containing i stores and v rooms in which to hold the meetings of the different. orders. It Is believed that tho rents from-the institution. would be considerable and tho matter will very likely be taken up at the' meet ings of the lodges. ; Mr. and Mrs. W. F.". Snider are celebrating their sliver wedding In a novel way, taking the. same .bridal trip that they took after the? were married June 8. issa. - Tbejr ' are now at Niagara and will be gone two weeks. v .'Wayne MacVeigh; -former Ameri can ambassador- to Itafy; Rear" Ad miral George B. Ide, - U. 8. N.; Isa- dore Straue and Dr. W, Seward Webb were passengers on the Bteamer Cel tlo, which arrived In New York from Southampton and Cherbourg. . Dan R..Hanna, Bon of the late Sen ator, is about to. erect a costly monu ment of gray granite at his Cottage Hill farm, Ravenna,-to the memory of Bapton Diamond, an imported bull that was the pride of . his famous Short Horn stables and was a prize winner at leading stock, shows In the country. - s , Excursions to Oxford St. John's Day .'' yii: nn 82nd. ",' .The SEABOARD will operate spe cial train from Raleigh, Durham and intermediate i points to Oxford, Sat urday, June 22nd. Rate from Ral elgh $1.00. Durham $1.00. Louis burg $1.00, train; to leave Raleigh art. 8.15 a. m.;:Durham;8; a." m., and Loulsburg 8.95 . a. Vm. Returning tram to leave Oxford at B p. I'm. ? This la an annual excursion Ope rated over, the SEABOARD to Oxford account 8t.;Johna Da7 nd Masonic Celebration. ll 4v. :JTt Btrvntrth. or ITpftrt Woakntw, Nm-fV ftUt or Nurro Weakness tiothmi; ut a. Po$ ',Tir. not nne weak heart in a buna red Is, In it '4, Actually diseased. It U Almost lwayt Mm tint little Drrf that raaUr aU at Mult. .lift obwure nerva tii Cardiac, or Ijnrt Narva' .aimuiy oeeot, aao nsu-it tav,mora iHwr, mora . buitr, mora controlling, mora fovMninf -AMfth. Without that tii Hmrt murt ooatinua) 1m it, and tlia ttomach and kidaera also hat " ianifl controlling- nnrvea. Iiiii cifrif exDihmt whr. at a d stna, Pl op i iiewornnve rm tne pan om wo oniH-a weak and ailmf iit-Hn, Dr. Bhonp trt soni a Cum of ad thi paintul, tM1p"" MntK-ia t hijirt o irwMi. Lr. honor a J..m. vo tint - inr prwHcnptlou if aione dii'vcwU to t "! WKtuif rtrva witr, H buiHi It ii.iH.ri r 'u. tniHiia beu i hip. i y u hav b .utig i'"rU, $itof (tV u, hm tltuwa erUarvatr-.ja-ttWfcUii u at eauud, wlin : -r ., r x i.ll) "To do the right tl)ing, at the right time, in th right way; to do some things bet ter than ,they were ever don before; tq eliminate serrors; to know both sides of the question; to be courteous; to'be an 'ekarnple to work for" 'the loVe-of Vorkito antici-. pate requirements; to develop resources; to act from reason rather than rule; to. be satisfied with nothing.short of perfection.'1 ; j . v t ; J Something New Every Day Style is the first thought, quality the next consideration and price the trade clincherJ We invite your attention to the style, quality and' price of quite a lot of White Wash Skirts, worth $1.50, on which a lively run is being made at 98c. A Batch of Woolen Skirts. i 5om the moment these very Skirts touched the bargain counter an instanta nobuEinterest betook the by-standers, and sales commenced immediately. Regular $5,b0ni $6.00 Skirts, marked down to. ?!possiBjy not more than a dozen of these $15.00, $18.50 and $20.00 Jumper and Shirt;Waist Suits left, but this is an extraordinary offer, done for a quick beginning anc) a shpjrt, ending. They are marked down to. '. $Wm f t1 Kid and White Linen Belts '" Stylish Belts of rare beauty the Vesta Victoria, La Roche, Mayflower, La Belle and Tuxedo. Dressed Kid in all colors, Chamois Skin in White and Tan. Gilt, Gold Plated and Gun Metal Buckles $1:00, $1.50 and $2,00 White Canvas Belts, embroidered, fancy scroll work; pearl and metal buckles, t .v. New Kuehing, Crepe Lisse, Meline and Wash Bobinets, Tourists' Ruching, six yards to box, for '. Embroidered Turu-Over Linen Collars, worth 25c, for !fine, sheer, crispy White French Lawns, 45 inches wide nd really worth 25c, for this week ". 15c. Century and Cannon Cloth ,: Sbffi'MtSi Cannon of Concord first conceived the idea of this now ijmportant fab ncj, that' has a market the world over. : Just right for Waists, uits, Skirts, drawn v-k and embroidery. Regular price, Viyc. Just for a few days 9c. ;:'T:V Japanese Fibre Rugs. For dcrsj porches and bare floors; 18x36 inches, 35c.; 36x72 inches $1.00 Huabnnd (arriving jvlth.Jits- wife at (he F(;i!ion Junt na thf raln steams oui( ibci"! ii ;-'ou OMni taiten such a - 'tcnrfuV llmo" Urescins; -nentdn:t Stave lost that -traltt. AVifi An d if you hidn't hurried me 80 all the way we shouldn't nave snch a long tlmo to .wait or tha next one. Meavcndorfcr Blacttcr -i ; . WANTKU FOR CJ. 8. ARslT J Able oodteit unmarried men Between age of 11 and 85; tltlaena of United States ,of food character and tent' perate habits, who ean apeak, read md write Bngltah..; For information vpplT to RacrnlUnf OJBcer, 111), fayettevllle street. MILK AND CREAM. WO are prepared to supply to Pal elgh customers- the very -best milk and' cream: In either large or small quantities. .You can reach us by mail ing orders, or by the Bell phone, No, RALEIGH CREAMERY, N Raleigh, N. C. ; ' W. P. ROSE. . ." f, A. WESTON Rose & Weston, , , ARCHITECTS. : v Raleigh and Greensboro, C 8teel Reinforced Concrete. Fireproof Construction a Specialty 10c Lottie ... ... 3 Doses. 25c. Bottle ...... ..8 Doses. ARK TOTJN URAI.FT WYH IT. Under New. Proaresslve Maaagememt Raleigh's Best Berbers r"H -Trr rr r- v 1 1 , AQWZ nip Silk and Summer Wool Newest in Neck Fixings. French Lawn -MORE BUSINESS IS WHAT EVERY MERCHANT SEEKS With this object in view, we are offerjng $2.50 liadies' Goodyear Welt Tan Shoes at...' $2.00 All our 15c. Colored Jjawns, Organdies and Batiste at the ' low price of . . . . .' 10c. Extra heavy and large Ready-njade.ee,ts that are worth fl.00,are 85c. Extraordinary values in White Lawns are shown at 15, 20 and 25c. a yard. All over the store you will find "good things." ' New Tan Belts just received. 12 EAST MARTIN STREET. ' iBnuaav ) tmmm mm asiMSM waM iinKMiifiTi to :z:i (PR yyii $2.98 Suits. gdandguc. yard 15, 20 and 25c. 25, 35.and 40c. 18c. Free Sample Can Given to Ladies calling at our' Paint Depart-meat XOTICH OF 10LECT1OX. By order of the board of Commis sioners of Wake County, N. C, adopt ed t a meeting of said board on tho Sth day of May, 1907, notice is hereby given that there will be an election held In Raleigh Township. Wake Coun ty, N. C, on Tuesday, the ISth day of June, MOT, at which election there will be submitted to the voters of said Ral eigh Township a proposition of Chas. O. Haines, president of the Raleigh and : famllcx Sound Railroad Cora pany, to purchase tho $35,000 of second mortgage-bonds Of the said Raleigh and Pamlico Bound Railroad Company Wat were exenangea xor - )o,wv m hnnria RatolirH Tnwnphtn Under an election held on tha (2nd day of Sep tember, U03, and to pay therefor, tn cash, seventy-five cents on the dollar Of tho principal of aaid bonds In full tor the said bonds, principal and In. tercet (all Unpaid interest coupons at tached or belonging to said bonds be ing included). This election is ordered to bo held under and by virtue of an act of the general assembly ot North Carolina, passed at its session, of 1907, entitled "An . not to permit certain townBhlfiS JH Waka. , county. North Carolina, to : sell ; second r mortgage bonds af theJJagh and ramlloo Sound Railroad Company." , Notice l;fwr0y further "given that by order of 4M-Board of County Com missioners gf Wake county, adopted on the tb dajbffj Mr. 1907. the regis trars for said election In Raleigh town shfjp are reiufWtp keep the registra tion W)k topihrtot registration from ( a. m. until abhset ch day from tha morning of therdlth 'day of May, 1907, until-the said ,boekS are closed at sun set on Batuxdfty, the 8th dajr of June; 1907, and en each Saturday during this period' of 'registration the registrars ball attend With their registration book at. thooUirig places in their precincts Mr tfte teglatratlon of voters. ' Tho following named persona have been appointed registrars and poll, holders in the -various - precinct of Raleigh township: First Ward, First ; Division of the city of Raleigh la said township: Reg istrar. J. J. - Lewie? Poll-holders, Ev erett Baker and C, D. Arthur. .- First Ward, Second Pi vision of the oity of Raleigh, in aaid township:: Registrar, T. B. Terrell; ' Poll-holders, T. A. Arnold and 15. M. Martin. ' Second Ward,' First Division of the city of Raleigh, n ' said townshln: Registrar, M. B. Haynes; prji-bold-ers, Sherwood Haywood a pd George Kelly. ;' r;v-1:';,v-'V;i'--;r-; 'S 'd', Second Ward, Second Division of the city of Raleigh, In said township: Registrar, E. M. Btedsoe; poll-hold-era, M. T. Ray an J. A. J. Robinson. Tlrd Ward, First Division of the city of Raleigh, in . said township: Registrar, v Homer . Cpchurch; Poll holders, B, p. Batch elor - and Bart Durham. 'Third Wand, Second Dl vision of the city of Raleigh,' in aaid ' township: Regiatrar,- O. R. Harris- Poll-holders, W. D. lnlar and Wi D. Smith. Fourth Ward. First Division of the city : of Raleigh, In said tewnshlp: Registrar, P. W. McQewan; Poll-hold-era, Sherwood Crockwell and N. 'A. Blake. " ' ITnnrHI WkWI. , Steonnd TMvlntnn of the dty of Raleigh, in aaid township: Registrar, W. R. Warren; Poll-hold-sra, X. J. Worrell and I A. Baker. . Outside Weet, North Division ef Ral eigh township: Racistrar, C. & Par. ker; PoU-holdara, P. B. Parka and R. .EL I Tatee. ' v:-- '' ' . .rr..r Outside West' Bents Dl virion of Raleigh township: - Registrar, C. A. Pegram; Poll-holdera, MUea Goodwin and A. A. Howell. Outside East, North' Division ef Ral eigh township Registrar, Henry Lit tle; Poll-holdera, JO. la. Pace and C. Q. 8tone. . v ' OuUlde East, South Division of Ral- Via- w.umiy. uwm v, . rx ble; Poll-holders, George Johnson and William Brooks. . -- ) The following are the polling piacea In Baielgh township for said eleotlen: Cltf of Raleigh. First Ward, Flrat Division-Capital Fire House. 'Vi-..'-;-- ' First Ward, feeond Division Harris Warehouse. ... , ' Second Ward,' First DivWon Vloter Fire House, ft- Second Ward,f,-eond - DlTision Barnes Grocery (Se'a Store. Third Ward, : First Division Janes Warehouse. ,- y: 4, " Third Ward, Beepnd DivWon Ful- ehera Old 8tore. " . ' .- Lot.: ft Fourth Ward, Seeond Division Bak- -arts Wood Tardus ') -.' - - ' "', ?iUMgiuitrwiiahfa. Outride Westtutterth division Par ker'e Store. . --hr, . Outside West., South Division D. T. lfoore'e Old BtorTf' ' " " Outside East, North Division E, R. Pace's Store. Outside Bast, South Division Berne's Store.' '"--j;''"-:.;;:':l''--;;' ' uy oraer ot tne Board of county CosnmlBurtoners. of Wake county this the tth day of May, l07. - -s .. .J, J. BERNARD, Clerk te Bd. County .Cprnmlssinara. - ' JTOTICB OF SALE. By virtue' of an order of the Supe rior Court made' In' the case of L. N. White et als. vs. Raleigh Cafe, Inc., pending in the Buperlcrr Court -of Wake county, I will offer for sale at public auction for -cash, at the Bai elgh, Cafe, In the Capital Club, In the city of Raleigh, N. ,C on the 11 day of June, 1907, nil ,0( .the property of every Tclnd whatsoever that belonged to the Raleigh Cafe, embracing fangea, cooking utensils, dining-room furniture and fixturea, crockery, glnasware, etc etc., etc. The sale will begin prompUy at 18 o'clock M. on the said lth day ot June, 107. . W. B. JONES, Receiver of Raleigh Cafe, Inc. tda . : .-; . On either real or yew-M lecurlty ana L I:. ", "The K.-rul to Wellvlllft." in -, tii l;r p dnnn nimf trouble, de 1 r t t ) 1: :,1 t'sG !: Mon, and It !.::! i t i hy ( -lit. I i rail It 3 a K "a r r. r. r is l 11 I i TC - ::. C. . n. c. .