Wednesday, june 12, 1007. BASEBALL GOS - , s ; f Xatloaal League.V'Jv "".'! 'i.v'H . .. ,v l . y 'V.4-.-- S i. At Pittsburg: Pittstjurg, 7; Brook ryn, . -- -Vv .-f - At Chicago: Chicago,-8; . Phlladet phit, t. ' --.Vl.v:-"v"-: At Cincinnati: . Cincinnati, I:, Bos ton, t, r, V!; .y ;, V' 1 At St. -Louis: 8t. Louis, i,7; New Tork, t. .... . ' ii--'Y j-''-' -it n TO KNOVASU HAVE ON TH E" . PRO PER C ; 55 IF WE GOToTHE PROPER. PLACE WiT CAN Criye Ctxciilit for .w tvl A large Io of Tirgiiiia Hams, : . -M:- New Roe ajid Cut'Herrings. ;:; ; Mt U frCEL'StC- W ARE ALL RIGHT WE OWE JTOU.ISELVES TO DRE5S WELL! . ' . juargest assortment oi oesc Draiuis pi tjan- 71 ncd Mei . .in the St .Ol and jet ... American League, . , r f .. " Another a i',;U:Call and see usV J papjuje of happiaeis. At St. LouU: St. Loula, ; phlladeV- pbla, e. , ' . , i -.. ..t At Boston: Boston, I: Cleveland, 0. At New York: New lort J; . t- 'IPO n.LJGErmmi'Ci 9 trOit, ifty ; . y,. ... 1 . Easter Carolina League. . 4 - the kaLeigii evening ti: --v''-r r rku. r r 3 or v fcCBFOLK & WESTERN UNDElE CHEAP BATES Major Win. A. Quthrle and llr. C, fe. Watson,., of Winston-Salem, ap peared befor the Corporation' Com mission yfesffera&y .afternoon .for he purpose of (A&fnssins' ' the passenger fate law;1 "Th. attorneys made the point that - the '" Norfolk ' 4 Western should he exempt aa it has no Una tni the state aa long-, an sixty miles. One branch of the Norfolk Western runs Into Durham and la known aa the Lynchburg- branch, and the other to Winston-Salem and la known as the , Roantko branch, each 1 being about : forty-four, miles In the state. The point was raised, that the Norfolk Western, was not Included under the law, the part of, the section in question reading as follows: "Provided, that the C rtrporatlo.-i Commission of North Carolina Is here by authorized and empowered to per mit all independently owned and op erated railroad companies , In North Carolina, whose mileage of road in said state Is sixty miles or under, to Charge a rate for transporting passen gers not In excess of the present rate The Corporation Commission refused to grant the petition, holding that the two lines are a- part of the same sys ' tern and therefore cannot be considered aa two independent lines. NORFOLK'S POPULAR-PRICED y ,,- HOTEL THE DIXIE. 'r:$!l'f'ii1''. y? -''"""V - Mr. W. S. Thomason, an enter prising business man and . a loyal citizen to his home-town, Norfolk, .wishing to bo of service to his city and to the Jamestown Exposition, has , built an unpretentious but yet substantial building at 200 Monti cello Avenue, to be used during tlbj only roomers. The' hotel has been called the "Dixie," a name which implies hos pitality, and the place has been rightly named. The walls ot the Dixie are nicely papered and the rooms are neatly equipped with fur niture made especially for Mr. Thomason by a High Point furniture establishment. ; ' Mr. Thomason, while a very busy man, owning a targe manufacturing - management of the Dixie his per sonal attention.. There are a num- . ber of capable and polite clerks and maids oi 'fluty day and night, and every att"?n'tt6h is given gueBts. ' Mr. Thomason guarantees, open his honor, "that at no time and on no occasion daring the exposition will rates exoeM tor a single person in a rootri and SI for each person when roos1 is occupied by two guests. t A Fortunate Texan. Mr. T. VT. Goodloe, of 107 St. Louis St., Dallas, Tex., says: "In the past year I- have become acquainted with laxative l jrver oerore tnea so effectual ly dispose of malaria and bilious - neMs." T)iey .don't grind nor gripe, , 2Sa. at all druggists. . HIGHWAY COMMISSION - i - CONCLUDES ITS WORK. The Wake county highway com mission v adjourned yesterday - af ter non aftef , being in session for two duys, the greater part of the first day having been consumed in the hearing abont the building of the neiw road leading to Wake Forest v Only rou tine matters wertf'consldered jester day. - The steel bridge over : the Neuse' river, known as- the. Lawrence bridge, having been ; completed, a check .'fof 13,000 was 'Issued to the ltoanoke Bridge-Company. . - : - .' .- i. 'A . J'?" - WHV.4S SUGAR SWEET? K ! If sngar did not dissolve in .' the mouth you could not taste the sweet. GKOVK'S TASTKLES3 CHILL ' TONIC is a strong a the strongest bitter tonic, but you do not taste the bitter because the ingradlents do not Uissolve in the. roodth, -but do dis solve readily in . the '- acids of " the stomach. Is Just as good for Grown People as for Children. The First and Original Tasteless Chill Tonic. The Standard "for 30 years, Price BO cents. , (. and nticina. - I MI 3 NATIQNAJ. , biscuit CpMPAtfY BOARD STARTS OUT ?0TH ON INSPECTION The State Board of Education, con sisting of the governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, treasurer, auditor, ' superintendent of public In struction and attorney - general, will leave here on. the .twentieth for the purpose of Inspecting the various sites Offered for the training school.: The board will be at Rocky Mount and Tar boro on the Mtb, at Greensboro on the 21st, Washington on the 22nd, Edenton and Elisabeth City on the 24th. New Bern on the 2Stjh, and Kinston on the 2th. I The act passed -by the last legisla ture providing for the establishment of the school requires that the mem bers of the State Board of Education Inspect the sites offered, but not a word Is said In regard to expenses, so the members will have to pay the money out of, their own pockets. It Is expected that the decision will be announced soon after the ' board re turns. Good Church Work. The rally held at the colored Con gregational Church in Raleigh on Sunday Was a great success. The total sum Contributed by Rev. Mal lard's congregation, with the gener ous donations of the other colored churches, amounted to 1 SSL Rev. Mallard h; wishes td thank heartily all those who so magnani mously gave) him their support. ' To continue to assist in present need, the further sum oC $150 Is re quired, and to this end Rev.' Mallard is seeking aid of the, many white friends Of the city who are interested In missionary work among the colored people. SHANTY CAR BURNED LAST NIGHT AT SEABOARD YARD, Last night about ten O'clock a shanty car on the Seaboard's yards was burned, the same having been used as a store house tor Provisions for some of the. railroad employes. The cloudy night caused the reflec tion to he far brighter than It other wise would have been, and some thought it was a display , of tile northern lights which are occasion ally seen. Remarkable- Rescue. That truth is stranger than fiction. has once more been demonstrated In the little tewn of Fedora, Tenn.. the residence of C.. V. Pepper. He writes: I was in bed entirely dlsabted with hemorrhages of the lungs and throat. Doctors failed to help me, and all hope had fled when I began i taking Dr. King's New Discovery. . Then Instant relief came.: The coughing soon ceased; the bleeding diminished rapidly, and In three weeks I was able to go to work." Guarantee cure for coughs and colds. 60c. and 11.00, at ail druggists. Trial bottle free. " " ' , t . t , Fuieral of the Suicide. ' (Special to The. Kvemng Times.) Wilmington, ") ti. C; June 12. The funeral of J. P. Dahmer, the young man connected with the moving; pic ture show who committed suicide In the presence of hi mother, was' held yesterday afternoon at half-part four o'clock from the residence of ,. Mr. S. A. Anderson, conducted by the Rev, R. W. Hogue of - St. JamesV Episcopal Church. - y Ari'f:Vv-w:" North Carolina Wako County, , -la Superior Court Before the Clerk. Handy -Robertson, Adfat of Emily .- :.. Watson, Deceased, . 5 t ', ' '-: ', "vs. ? t. . Charles Green and Lilly Green, To Charles Green and Lilly . Green, ; Defendants: .-. ': 'r ' You are hereby noticed to bo and appean before the undersigned, at his office in the City of Raleigh, ' North Carolina, on the 8th day of July, 1907. and answer or demur to the complaint filed in the above- entitled cause In which the. plaintiff bi that Ihs ms! Mttata of Emltv Watson, deceased,- be made assets to pay the debts : of her estate. This SOU day of May. 1307, , ,, - r , ' ' W. M. RUSS,' v" Clerk Superior Court' ,.' ot Wak County. At Wilson; Wilson. 0; Rocky Mt., I At Tarborq: Tarboro, 0; Washing ton. t At New Bern: New Bern, I; Kin- BOuth Atlantic League. At Charleston: ' Charleston, I; Au gusta, 1. At Macon: Macon, 6; Jackson ville, 2. At Columbia: Columbia. 0: Savan nah, 2. National League Club Standln lip. P.C. .778 .689 .614 .561 .400 .31 .833 .266 Clubs: Won. Lost. 40 14 17 18 27 28 30 36 Chicago SB New Tork Jl Philadelphia 27 Pittsburg 23 Boston 18 Cincinnati 18 Brooklyn IB St. Louis 13 American League Club Standing. Clubs: Won. . 30 . SO . 26 . 24 . 20 Lost 16 17 14 21 22 28 27 SO P.C. .687 .638 .110 .538 .476 .404 .341 .333 Chicago Cleveland ... Detroit Philadelphia New York .. St. Louis 19 Washington 14 Boston 16 Eastern Carolina League Standing. Clubs: Won. Lost. 0 0 0 1 1 2 P.C. 1.000 LOGO 1.000 .000 .000 .000 New Bern 2 Washington 1 Rocky. Mount 1 Tarboro 0 Wilson 0 Kinston 0 WEATHER FOEECAST. Washington, D. C, June 12. Forecast for North Carolina for 36 hours to 8 p. m. Thursday: Cloudy tonight and Thursday; warmer Thursday. ' the atmospheric' pressure Is still high in the northeast, and it is low Over the remainder of . the country With centers ot depression central over the cenral Mississippi valley and over Utah, The weather Is gen erally cloudy except in the extreme west. Rains have fallen in most states east of the Mississippi, .River and in the northwest; they were, however, light except at Vlcksburg where Z.20 inches were reported. In the cotton states the temperatures hav fallen somewhat east of the Mis sissippi River where light rain has fallen; west of this river the tem peratures have remained unchanged and dry weather prevails. . -.' The conditions indicate that the gather in this vicinity will be cloudy tonight and Thursday with warmer Thursday. A. H. THIKSSEN, . Section Director. OFFICEBS UNIV. - " CLASS OF 1902 (Special to The Evening Times.) Chapel Hill, N. C, June ll.-Tht class of 190 J held its five-year re union, twenty members of the class being present, as. follows: . M. H. Stacy, president; G. P. Stevens, sec retary and treasurer; R. S. Hutchi son, Louis Graves, Ivey Lewis, F.' A. L. Reld, R. A. Merritt, C. J. Maddry, T. R. Brem, J. 8. Henderson, Jr., J. A. Ferrell, J. H. Mclver, G. V. Roberts, B. 8.' Drane, C. O. Aber nethy, J. C. Kerley, J. B. Cheshire, Jr., H. M. Robins and E. D. Sal linger. These held a banquet at Pickard & Strowd's Cafe, feasting until welt Into the night and enjoying reminiscences of the days of "Auld Lang Syne." Before adjourning,: they, elected offl cers to serve until the ten-year re union in 1912. These officers are: Messrs. R. 8. Hutchison, ot Charlotte, president, and R. A. Merritt,. of Greensboro, secretary and treasurer. j : : . The Magle No, S. V. , , . Number three is a wonderful mascot tor Geo. H. Pants, of Cedar Grove, Me. according to a letter which r reads "After suffering much with liver amf kidney troubles, and becoming greatly discouraged by the failure to And re. UetL I tried Electric Bitters, and as result I an a well man today. The flst bottle relieved and three bottles completed, the cure.? .Guaranteed best n earth for stomach, liver and kidney troubles, by all druggists. 60c STRETCHING A POINT TO ; . MEET MONKEY-HOt'SE CASE. -s(Br Leased Wire to The Times.) - Washington, June 11. t was . an nounced at the department of com merce and labor today that while no action had been taken looking' to ward tho exclusion of Enrico Caruso on account of the monkey-house epi sode,; such action was being consid ered. A few more Rooms 'ssjgsssjdS"SSSS9BSSB9BVB BBm39E0QDQBBBB :0i Tho New Dry SHEER COTTON FABRICS ALL NEW' AND ALL , WHITE. WHITE FINE COTTON MULLS, WHITE. MERCERIZED CHIFFONS, W WIHTE CHECKED TISSUES, WHITE BARRED BATTISTE. , - : WinTE SHEER PERSIAN LAWNS, WHITE WASH CHIFFONS, -WHITE EGYPTIAN LAWNS, ; ; 4 - WHITE FRENCH AND INDIA LAWNS. - TBIMMINGS FOR WHITE O0OPS. , . Sheer Embroidered Edges, Insertions and Beadings; FrencUvVal, Round and Square Mesh Laces. Throughout ihe store eyery article new and price fair and reasonable. - : ""' s ' ' iV- .V.J Thomas A. Partin Company . IsADIES,ETJBNISHINGS and NOVELTIES. 1131 Fayettevlllo Street, RALEIOH, N.C, HE? You are not in it '. it suit. This i$: the most . seasonable of all men V fabrics, because it has lightness, Teoolness, and is more 4ressy than any other kind of warm-weather clothing'- It looks vveu as a soua suit, or. cq.n oe enecuveiy vanen witn a white vest px a light pair pf trousers. .Our display of blue sergea .this reason, is the largest and handsomest we have .ever shown. Prices $10 up. . ; , LEE GuiBROUGHTON. ELEGANT " Mev Skating Rink Within tho next tit rtaS t O lon- wood tAi-i will be openl a skuiing rlna. - The floor U ot tUe hevl riuile and the biiOdttix 'complete In every detail, it 'liitv'iug been built for the purpose.. TUe luanaBfrs will look lo ta comfort ot their- guests, and due lag, the; summer this will be a most attractive lac4 to sen4 an evoni&g. -- '.' .X , I Ml', t EVERYTHING, v .... 1 Ton can find everything you need la the way of Groceries at our store. Phono ns your order No trouble for as to answer phone, and we deliver promptly. All phones. hudy a c'jff;loe. i'f; Yy: '. ', V- . Y f fV for Storage. - Goods Store .maw i. BLUE. SERGE SUITS. ; - do not own a nice blue serge to suit you, anywhere from . , - I: I .. . . - ' " ' 1 ' - i ' ; Of-- ColHoE YOU- WIJH TO GO TOTHEROPE, PLACE TO BUY THE YOU WIJH To WEAR,. WE W14H YOU WOULD INQUIRE WHETHER. OR NOT OUR -STORE 1.5 TJHE PROPER PLACE TO DEAL, ir YOU KNOW, Of ANY ONE WHO DEALS AT. OUR STORE, ASK THEM HOW WE TREAT, THEM,1' ok BETTER 'STILL, CoME IN AND LET MS SHOW YOU THE COODS WE CARRY, THE .PRICES WE iELL THEM AT, AND JUD6E FOR YoURSELT. . . WE BE LIEVE -WE TREAT OUR ,CUSToMERS;R-IiHT BE CAUSE WE SEE THE SAME T-ACES SEASON AFTER SEAS0NYltf S.T NtW WE ARE ESPECIALLY S HOWn INd: r ?P r 'iS ' ' V.f'7 ""M?"-.:: -1 . LADIES' AUTOMOBILE COATS IN'SILK, i5.00. LADIES' AUTOMOBILE sCoATS IN CTAVENETTE, , r ' ' $15.50 To $20.00. LADIES COAT SUITS, IN ETON, P6NY AND TIGHT FITTING COATS, $12.50 TO $5.00..' .ALURE DUCEP, oNEFpVltTH OFF, , LADIES' VEILING FOR AUToMoBlLtNG AND TRAV ELIMG;ALL' COLORS 35 To 7SCs' r, AUTOMOBILE GAUNTLET GLOVES FOR: AUTOMO BILE DRIVING $3,00, ; ' j SPECIAL ONE 'CASE -OF .GIRDLES WORTH 50C. SPECIAL; 29C. V ' V - V' f THE COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS BANK, KALEIGH. N. C. il k as T"'",;' ;- !.," HiniPLUS..c;:.i .lu ;; . . . :; . ; : Stauds nrst in point of deposits among the 271 ( : - State Banks, Privnto Banks and Trust Compaq . nies in NorthS Carolina which do pot pay. inter' rf est on deposits. - ' ' . "V- . " :.' NEW BUSINESS WANTED. PRESBYTERIAN, COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, '. . CHARLOTTE, IT. C. . , r. - Healthy Climate; Altitude of 736 feet; every modern convenience; new building;; experienced teachers) borne atmosphere, and thorough work. t Bend, for Cataloene. - : '- - . ' - , ; . REV. J. R. BRIDGBS, D. D., President. , -h THE PLACE TO BUY mm ' ' .y: - - ' y;K' "' , If it is the; genuine article in Apparel jpu want ' at a reasonable price, you may come here expecting o get Satisfaction. Ve do not handle the class of garments that can be palmed off on somp fellow at a so-called bargain. , Only the very best goods,- posi tively reliable Clotliing, tailored in the best manner, are sold by lis; and you always pay the same rea sonable pricen here, which are only a living fraction ; above the co&t of the making.' .v j -' Our new stock is superbly chosen and represents -; all the "correct styles and, new and popular colors and weight for summer service. ""' , rr :il orders have ' m jsw .. l ( L "'.., ' - 'favArt AAA IUI- c or? T i -i 1 wr : prompt att I

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