f i r r A. h,lti.Ldl...J CLtuC Loylan Pcarcc Bbylan Pcarce Co. :'" ,'.:.? .'- ' J ''" ' ' " . " :" . V f'iV?..'' sicrM823 nam..- , f - si I ' 'J Wonderful New Machine at : Work, " Manned by Seventeen Employes onir v wr uiw jins aro? zuiinu vd Something About ' the 'Hi ' The. ': Excelsior Steam' Laundry. with its new equipment" of the veryJ latest machinery. Is doing wfcrk that - launanes m uug state would do well to imitate. A reporter of The Even ing Times called at the Excelsior's establishment yesterday' afternoon and was shown all through It. . : Every machine was running at Its fullest capacity.1' The1 fcrea "'steam heated bosom press, the neat cuff press and the steam tronor for neck and yoke bands the vary latest pro ducts of the aBrnei &' Erb Co, "of Philadelphia were turning out work with a neatness and dispatch.' that was astonishing to the -visitor. To? most remarkable feature about these machines Is that they do away with . all ' the jyeat "and tear of the. old - Ironers. 'V Here, ' when r a ehtrt- was placed under , the ' steam-' press, the machine Aescende'd down" upon-' the shirt,, reminding one of the manner in . which cotton ' fa pressed. ! There was not '.the . slightest friction, and the shirt in -consequence suffffered no injury whatever. . ; ; It was the same way with the cuff and collar machines. 'v It nilghtr be Interesting to; note that a"' collar Is handled, by sixteen different men bw fore ,tt leaves this laundryr?; 4 Bhlrl is put through-eleven, different ma chines before it is considered done.. .The Mangle machine for Ironing Hatwork- that In. sheers" handker chiefs, : napkins, etp. was turning out-products at the 'rate' of eighty feet a minute.. . he; articles were' simply allowed 1 to pitde 1 through i? great systetd oif 'rqllers and the'y came 1 out on the fcther'slde neatly ironed.' This machine, too, is quite new. .Its capacity for doing work with speed and neatness is wonderful. : The extractor Is not the least won derful 'to fthe new' machinery, Toe extractor is 'a centrifugal machine', ! sits revolutions tending to force the articles to W(! dried to its sides and thus wringing all tho water from them..' ' .'''". .t ; ..These are not near all the Import ant machines of the Excelsior Laundry.-. There are various others, such as the great revolving tubsv and starching apparatus., and : the new Mhp'roveor shfrf ,wasert.,owqaTl1,K88mf,lafr r"t Jtveumq this work, besides the- machines, Sit- perintendopt J, E. Kennedy has soy enteen hands on thd Instdo. There are, -counting all who contribute to the success, of the laundry; twenty, five employes;- Each has his partieu lar work ti and to see the costly machines In "Operation- and the large number of employes at work, it makes, one worider how the Excel sior Is. able, to 'turn out such excel- leatWbrk 'at theories it ctiarewt-. - 'Howtne'l(iundry aaflaged to keep" Btraight tho thousands of garments that it handles every day puszlcs the reporter. 'i,. - , - -'EvBrything Is so thoroughly sys tewatld;" the 'manager ahsworeff, "that not ran article. 'however mi nute,. Is lost. : We can: put 'our hands OB oor"rec6rd "hooks" and tell you tod - exact number of fcieoos that. any maa you tart hame had done up at this establishment, at any time you might name. ( know it looks like we T Vl WATCH COFfEE:'' And Watch It Carefully. -Any hrcbi worker . who . depends on - thoueht for 'hlsniocess in life, uses ud nergyy .- by brain ' Work,' a varying amount of th,e 'dellcate.' partlclesx of phospncle of poiaeh and albumen of which the brain and nerve centres, arv comfwit'' ''" '.'T" ' , ' Ibr fine mlscoscopiC ' particles' of r.hoHntinte of potash are found In quantities! In.' the pores of' the skin af ter the-bra in; has been used active', This, must j be- replaced from food, ' or brnln fag i end' nervous -prostration act in ''.'o,'rl " , , , ; Tht breaklnfe do,irf triq little celli each da' from brain work: afo'hei.irfo nntunl liroccsB. and the cells can rean-i flj,' be, rtbliilt tfam the right sort at food, if the system la not lnterferred with, by drug. Ht If an. increase- airodnt' ot cells' ire broken down, h the pse"cf coffee, tfpuble' thdn begins. '- Frequently' U'nrst shows in 'dyspepi sla. Jack of power of the bowels topp erate - properry,.'' palpitation at v. the heart; or some lack of vitality 'and healthy-vigor. . There Is but on thing for a sensible man or woman , to do quK coftee absolutely. ''Hard to do," you say. Take, up Postum Food ' Cof fee,, use It regularly, have It well made, so.lt tastes good. , Tou will find a welt defined, tinml8takatle ' change In your health, and there's a reason tor it.'"'. , ' ff on haVe .become - free' frof r'the breaking down- force of coffee, and; on the other hand, you are taking a pow erful, nourishing liquid food ' which quickly Rebuilds the new ' cells. These are facts profound facts, read - for any one to prove to their own satisfac tion: by actual Use. v. Postum l.i( Used by- brnlm Workers nit- over" the world. JWf atl it a ViMtltute" fr f f i : ilaV out the coffee,: pmimsuion B!: : 'thery Postum Is-a liquid' food and a true food drink.. . "There s , a Reasoq." - w , , RIIEUUATISII Cannot Be Cored with- Medicine f ; ' . . t New Treatment ' Just Discovered .The main Ingredient' rheumatism medicine is kalieyllo .pd; XX, 311 oo( eenerally known, hoivever, but' IV la ft fact that this "acid eats out the vitals and ruins the stomach. Thousands of chronic rheumatism - medicine . takers are suffering more from the- effects of this drug than from the pains of rheu irmTtftm? ''.9-- t- V. ?-&- I tp to 'fclthlVea pefloj tnd'i wi r Bcitot nvs, Been, oameq, ana in real cause1" of rheumatisfU unkaowa until a celebrated Boston . physllcan, Dr. S, N. Merrick, discovered tb trui .... . . A , . L. I ,.-tvl. ... . T Merrick, realising the great benefit ti fturnanify the discovery of how ti cure rheumatism without medicln would be, has written a lengthy treat lse in .book form. , The treatment Simple' and 'does not interfere wltl your aaiiy routine of living. AU rheumatism is caused by the di posit of hard or bone-making raateri; it), the Joints or muscles or some othei locality in the body. . ur. - Merrick' book tells you, ehronio sufferer,- am a,ll, others, young- and Old, , who are commenting ' to have pains in - you joints and bones' (which denotes the inclpiency er beginning of rheuma tlam), how to treat yourself In you J owa uoine wiihoul meuicina. a pruiii. lnent banker and broker of Columbui who was cured of rheumatism ana. goul bythlstreatlse.says: This book shoul be In the Hands of every rheumatli sufferer and all' others,, to read toi theJr . own protectjon."'- 'For further particulars,; cut out this, article, sign you? name and . address on a separate piece:' of 1 paper and send to the H; HUGHE3 RlCwSLEMAN. COMPANT, COLUMBUS, OHIO, nc 1 1 would occasionally get things mixed! up,', butotir system is so perfected that we never become tangled.' Our work speaks for itself." SOUTHERN'S NEW 1 ' OFFICE BUniDINQ . ; (Special to Tke Evening Times.) Salisbury,? N. C.-; June 27. Pre' liminary wotk - upon' a new office building tor: the Southern Railway was 'begun yesterday .on the South-1 emit yards at Speneert and It Is to be? a large brick structure, SO by - 100 feet. ' The lower floor will be used as a storehouse and the second Is for the employes n the clerical depart- metjt and the-local 'omciais pf the' road. This building' Is to have; a platform of 600 feet, and when fln-j I LiJ lir:.a .t. . m I .31, . 1 iBnoa ! me wnoie inmg swons me Southern's expenses about $100,000 $W1I1 mall yooTrree, to prove merit,' samples of my Dr. Shoop's Restorative, I and my Bood on either Dyspepsia, Tho, Heart or the Kidneys. Troubles of thd 1 8tomach, Heart or Kidneys, are merely symptoms of a deeper ailruent, Don t symptoms only,; Symptom treatment W treating the Tesult -oif your aliment, and not too cause, weaK etomaon wervei -the Inside nerves mean Stomacl weakness, always. And the Heart, and Kidneys . and' well, have their con- trollng or Inside riervcs. j "Weaken thes nerves, and you inevitably have weak vital organs. Here 1 Where Dr. Shop's1 Restorative has made its fame. Sold by Henry T. Hicks. CHANGE OF INDVSTRIAL NEWS DIRECTOBATE. (Spclal to The Evening Tunes.) -! Greensboro N. ' C, June 27. At d meetings of : the. board of directors of the" Industrial Publishing Companj'j held In this" city ' yesterday, t: " H.' Hoover, resigned . as business manager of. the Dally' Industrial News,- and Charles B, Kendall - was. unanimously, elected 'to fill the place. ': J t-Vir several years 'Mr., Kendall has been business manager of the TropH cal Hiuv of Pilltri Btach, Fla., but Vi native of Greenfeboro, and lived Iri khls City until- h9 removed to Florida in . , K II 'f,- jit ,. ii,lT..;H THE WOMAW "SCREAMED! ' -'',h '.-THB NEGRO BRUTE FLED, 1 '(Spclal tP The Evening Times.) Wilson; - Nk p.,- June 27. Yesterday morn In e.- near Black -Creek, an Un ¬ known negro attempted to aariuli MrS.' Scott,' a respectable lady.' The arrival Of a par(y who heard her ecreams pre vented the accomplishment of the fiend's purpose, though he had Mrs. Srott'by the throat at the time. ' The negro ran, hut oarttea are hunting the surrounding country. The negro is oenevea to dq one or, xne nanas woric- SnM on .the-, new railroad, , Ms. Scott was not hurt. , .. u - IIPE OROA, FACTORY v ' H ' ' FOB? McLEAJiSVILLE. " " (flclat to, Tbe Evening Tlmes.)t'-' Greensboro, N. Ci, June 'J7. A pipe; organ factory is to be located at Me Leensvllle, lght miles east or tirensi bora. :'At., site about ( une-fuurth vt k mile from the depot, has been chosen, and a building will be erected at once; Homes for operatives will be built.- and one or two warehouses' may, be added soon. -j . ' -When it is said that this la the only pipe organ factory. south of the Poto mac river; ona can fo'rmBWh Idea of the distinction that McLeanaviUe will soon enjoy...-- : ' t ". THE ROBBERY OF ' ' ' J - , f AK EXPRESS OFFICE. - (Spclaf to The: Evening Times.) , , AsheVIIle,' K. C.;" June 27. The ex press 1 office at Hendersonvllle , was broken Into and the robbers escaped with their bootjr. -While, It 'Is, knowUI ..tit ),- " .. m.v .,.........n, jimt what haul the thieves mads could not be ascertained, a the-officials; are kLf ping the affair under: cover, :ln the hope of running the men down, i" , C!i CmKEO WITH. :: EffflRTS TQ POISON (Specjal' to The Evening Times,) " , Salisbury , :C Jupo 87. rfyprd SetaerA a" negress, is in jail .'herd charged, with aa attempt to take the life 'of hep fatuer and mother, Jack BeUef an4 his. wifij and in fact the Whole faraily." The girl Mt slj teen years old and suspicion rested, upon hen because i the family had beeiS ' mysterlonsiy sick :' several tfmes,''th0 last time the Worst -Upon the advice of a physician an investi gatJan was tnstltated yith the result that the girl' was arrested. " She lmi plicated" Henry! "Wlnford, who was arrested' and tried without - convic tion. Then' the girl was taken.' Deputy Mike Kimball was the officer and coining home late decided to give the girt dinner and take it himself. While waiting for the trial, Mr. Kim ball decided' to change 'clothes and stepped ' into a room in his house. The girl ljt out ahd although the offl cer had pothing but a thin gauze shirt on. he put out for the girl and chased her more than a mile wheo his son aided in the arreet.- She ad mitted that she had used rough on ratsf'and 'bbsening 'hbw' H made 'the todehta"fwe11 up, she had an inter est to see how It would turn out on her relatives. ' She will be held for trial ' W August.-her bOhd of $200 being' entirely beyond her grasp. The parents of the girl believe she was ' driven to her act 'of meanness because they had corrected her on aocount of some of her associations. Mrs.: W. M. Harris, the wife of one of Salisbury's progressive gro cers, died yesterday afternoon'. She bad ."been seriously ill several "days, catkrrh of 'theistoiriach having de veloped recently. Mrs. Harris wan 36 years old and leaves a husband,' four children and two brothers. She was reared several miles' In tho coun try and was one of its best women, 'i'be- Fourth hext week Is to have more, than usual attractions. Goneral Joseph F. Aarmfield ' is to have charge of several companies which Will 'spend July 3rd and 4th in en campment here. They will be under Capt. Max L. Barker of the Rowan: Rifles Guard, and he will be assisted by Dr. C. E. Smith and W. R. Cox. The strictest ' military regulations Will te Observed.' These several or ganizations will engage in sham bat tle on the oFurth, this being ono of the greatest attractions of the-event. The Salisbury and Rowan lodges Knlghtg of Frtblas play a game of ball tomorrow under the auspices of the Daughters of the Confederacy and Miss Bessie Henderson Is finan tcer of the gaime. It is hopeto hye Ortoygh, floople, i swel, f$i roonu-t ment fund considerably. DESTRUCTIVE FIBE AT FAYETTEVILLE (Special to The Evening Times.) j Fayettevlile, N.-C-, June 27.--Tn piaht of the 'Georgia' Plug Turpentine Company here was destroyed by fire list ntght. Tbe loss Is estimated at $75,000. ' 'The alarm' br Ore waa given at 10:15, and, despite the efforts of the fire department, almost ' the entire plant was destroyed," the flames being so fierce' as to render It impossible for therfiremen to go near enough to do effective - Work.! The origin of tho firo' is unknown. This-plan.t; established here several years ago, was for , the distilling of turpentine-trom lightwood; 'awd was mostly owned by northern capitalists. Cuml Ilemonrhaires of the filings. I -'Several 'veat-s alrirA 'mv lunes' Were so bndly affected ethat I had "maiiy I hemorrhaces,' writes A. M. Akd, ' ok! Wood Ihrf. " r took treatment ' With severs,! physicians without any benefrt. f . then started to take Foley's Honey and Tar, and my liings are now as sound as a. bullet.': I recommended It in - advance : stages Of lung . -trouble.'' Foley's Honey arjd Tar stops the cough and - heals the - lungs,' and r prevents serious .". results from- a cold. Refuse suhHltutea. - O. G. King. - - -:v . ., BEV. HAROU TtRJIE . v ,t S Wllit NOT ACCEPT IT. . . (Spclal 'tj: T,he Evening .Times,) : High Point,' K. C, Jttr WiWtev. Harold Turner, iof Charlotte,: who ha- been elected ta " the prln.cipalihlp of tho Trinity High School at Old Trin ity;, near this . placo, has reconndore.l his. acceptance of the position and will remain In Charlotte., v ' A mair-who Is In perfect health, so her can do an honest . day's work when necessary, has much for -" which -'he should be thankful. MM C, Rodgers, of Branchton, Pa., whites that he was not only uunabla to Work; but he ceuld- nt Stoob' over to tie his own shoes, Six bottles bf Foley' Kidney Cure made a 'new -man of him. He says; "Success to Foley's Kidney Cure.". X Q. King. -' :;'-" V ; : , - Ponnltorlee for Orphanage, . (Spelai to The Evening Times.) Charlotte, r CJ Jiine W.At tHe.lat meeting of the regents of the Barium Springs Orphanage of the Presbyterian Synod, It was stated by Rev. Oeo.,At klnson, of Monroe, that Mecklenburg Prsbytery is prepared to . build an- other one or two buildings at the or-. "ptfhnfige : to ; cost-- altogether in.oofc Tayettevine rresnytery, ir is mutea, is ready to do the same thing -Th new building Will be Used as dormi tories, of: a capacity et sixty children eacn, - , - , -'. a: ac . f 1 "And the Day Goes by Like a Song.M Beautiful specimens of .Millinery Art. Ladies' Sum mer .Hats, representing Paris and New Yorkstyles. Tailor-Made Hats and oii'r 9W;vt):room products. Hats priced last week at $6.00, $8.00, $10.00 and $12.00 are now , New Lingerie "Waists, New Silk Waists and -New; -Net Waists; values up to $8;Q0; $498 Voile Skirts, Panamas aijd Mixtuyes"; Values up ' to $10.00.'. ...... ,...,$4.98 WHITE WASH BELTS A superb collection of AVTiite Wash B.elts, band somely embrpidered, wjith Pearl aud Metal Buckles, at 50c. Other qualities at 25, 75c, $1 AUSTBtS5S7 a , '. ;,: ' JAPANESE FANS Wliite Silk, Gauze and Hand-painted rans, -: , , 50c, $1.00 and $10 Japanese Fans, 5, 10 and 25c. SILK UHBBELLAS - AND LINEN PARASOLS S-.. - ..-r-r-1 .-- 24 to 26 inch Sun Umbrel las, in black and plain colors $2.50 and $3,00 White Parasols," . hem stitched and embroidery .bor-t tiers, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 " . . '"-fe jjjirnffiiffia'jT'i ''WirBirtVft'tf'sywfc ST. DENIS BKOAOWAK AND iiTH St, , r. : -: NBW YOHK CITY,- ..A Within Easy. Aocess at Every ttm bf interest. Halt BloO from Wanamaker sv B mlnutaa' walk Of Shopping District ' : ;!,: NOTED FOR: BicelleBca of CtilRlna. Oetnforuble ' Apprdu; menta. Courteous erW mud HoiUk -KurrounltiKai -' :-:-v - satooHM v&toai wid I7r Vt;-fKKtREJAR-WiAN. WU. TaiXiOK -MOSi, Imo. , h,1(iiv f - r BIG MEEK COAL CO, QelebratedJ S DG .CHEEK COAL direct from our mines " . will protect you during - this damp cold weather '' CAPITAL CITY FUEL C& i ' ' ' - 'r 'i- X'' N, v. tl . Mk 'r "4. J 4!3 SR SH. . CHINA MATTING3 AND BUGS Best 116 Warp China Mat tings, the best-wearing goods on this market.--. ..... 40c. Other Mattings, as good as can be obtained at : 25, ?C! and 35c. A few Matting liugs and Hall Runners at-same spe cial prices as, advertised last week. M0(2UETTE PBffG- ... . GETS AND BUGS New showing of Druggets in latest pattern styles, with ,11 Kugs A FREE PATTERN. e ' New Summer Quar terly Style Book of The La dics ' Home Journal Paper Patterns contains 152 large pages with ever. 1,500 illus trations of ,the best fitting, most stylish, simplest and most economical patterns known to the fashion world. The price, including any 10c, pattern, tor WHISKf Best for Medicinal ajaiFmilv Use 4 WhM , Shipped in Plain Sealed Package, Express Prepa"" SATISFACTION GUAHAfrrpEB OR your mon: FUNDED. -ii. - OwDM(tet': "Not How Cheap, but Ww Good." THE COUSINS SUPRLY CO., THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK, RALEIGH O. For the pnrpose of thoroughly sys tematizing our bank, and of confirm ing the usual examinations, ' expert bank examiners of New York City have been employed, and after several days' work have given us tho following certificate, to which we think the pub lic is entitled. JOB. a. BROWN, President. John I. Cole. Herbert H. 'Swasoy. Cole & Swissey, bunk cxaTnlnrs, New York. Tel. 666V Courtlandt, 170 Broadway; ' Condensed statpment of the rnnonrces and llnbilitloH of the Citizen N'lonal Bank Of Raleigh, N. C-, as- found in an examination rpade by Meacrs. Cole & Swasey, expert hank examiners of New YOrk City, on the morning of Juno 6th, - Resources: Toans and discounts, $87,63.M; U. S. bonds. 2C.D00.0O; In vestments, $90,008,00; banking house 137,000.00; furniture and fixtures, $9, 000.00; due from banks, $2S7,&97.68; cash on hand, $94,612.27; redemption fund, $5,148.10. Total, $U1S,822.25. ' Liabilities: Capital, $100,000.00; sur plus. $100,000.00; undivided profits; $47, 731.71) circulation, $100,000.00; due to banks, $124,610.; deposits, $943,479.(0. Total. $1,416,822.15. We hereby certify that after a -thorough examination of your bank and tn vestlgatiori of your methods, the above statement is correct, and the . system with a few corrections recommended by us. Is safe as it' Is possible to make It - ' Cole & Swasey, New York. --By H. H. Swasey, examiner, 'u . :r H. P. S. KELLER, a rc ii itect; .-, PAT.TiTan; k. a to match. ' Whether you are killed or only soared to death, or, vfhat Is more probable, meet with. only, a tempo rary disability, an. accident policy: Is a. vety valuable asset" HJvea it you should never have oceaslon to realise on your policy,-there is a sense of protection in carrying one- which is worth many times the small cost. We write you in a sale company on the most liberal terms. huntIb&qeewry, State Agents, RALEIGH N. C. BOCTHKHN RAILWAY. N. B. Following schedule- flgures published only as information, and are not guaranteed: K - -Tinlfm l.:v Relrlh No. 1124:65 a. mDally r for . Oold. boi o and Iwal f tHticnn ', y ' No. 107-8?S7 a. m.-OaiTy for areena boro and local ftt6n--- -f "-wi No: 10M6.JM " a. BTt Deify (or. GvMm boro aad ail 16caiMt ',"!' '' No. 144 IMS p. rn. Daily for Ooldsbon rud local -points!" i No,'H6 3: p. ra Daliy for.'Ola boro and 'Intermediate silo. ' ' Na 139 :J0 p. m.-maily for Urwsn- boro and local points.) No. 136 :S0 p. m. Daily fee QUO boro and local points. ' - i No. Ul U:5 ik m.-Daily for Gree-ns-boro and local points; oarHes toll man sleeper Raleigh: to' Greeiifi pen for occupancy, at $.00 p. m' , Trains arrlvo Raleigh: :; 1 'i i From Greensboro 4;55 a. m., 10.20 a, to., : 11:45 p. m., 6:30 p. m. -r - -- From Ooldsboro t:37 a, Dl, $j:60 p. m., 1:30 p. U:S"f. tn.-v r : - . C. H. ACKKRT, : -. 7' ' : V. P. and O.' M. B. H. HABDWICa. Passenger Train Manage. W. H. TArtOHJ, s:,1:t' , , , Qenetml Pasaengec Agent,' ' T. a ORHEri.'.3':.--:--'M' x. -!, T. A., -Raleigh, K, ia W.P. SOBAu 4 v, W, 4 WESTON, AN OLD tICLLCV ; hobth ciioun sHifscHoeQqarinf sflot yow m niiADTn ruuN, MEwrnicsMSEs -express cn.es v.', PR DPAID V Ttacc:sKSt:rLTC3i -i r a, SALE OF CIXV-PROPERTY FOR TAXES. ::' Jr.,'af,:--.if ' ii. ':: ' , ' ; ' The pprapn whose names are set fqrt$ belpw hav'P.K 'f"a,l(r to PJr the taxes duo by them to the clt of Ral eigh, and the same not being readily OUectedhy 4 lew apd, 'sale' ot th personal property 0 such persons, and the fact of such failure having been reported to the Board ot Alder men of the Citr of Raleigh, together with a particular: description of the real estate described below on June 13th, i907, and said Board'of Alder, mer having on said date directed' the same to he sold-at tho court hotfoe door, according to law," duo 'nottce having 'been . given to each Ot aid . tax-payers, I will expose to. pubjlo sale at the court-house doorin tho city of Raleigh, on Wednesday, July 10th, 1907, the following real estate, listed as the property ot tho persons named below, or so much thereof ks may' be ' necessary; to' eovor- the amount of taxes due the city 'for the year 190G, as set opposite thetf re spective names,. Terms, caeh-v. The law provides that any" person whose property has been sold for taxes may redeem the same, .within twelve months by the payment of the taxes and 25 per cent, additional. if not redeemed In twelve months"' a deed will be given to the purchaser. Any person may prevent the sale - of his property by paying the) taxes and costs before tho day of sale. ' v, jno. a oma;. , City Tax Collector. Raleigh", N. C, June 18th, 19Q7. , ' REGULAR VHITE LIST. . Brown, if. H., Et., Wilmington and Lenoir, S. Bloodworth. tX Llnoir 18.60 Parish. S. U.vS27NewberiM Ave 644 K. Jones, 65Q B. Jones .... ZI.M) Waltt Miss Addle, Haytt Alley, Carroll Property 7.75 West Mrs. O. M.," S, Wilmington, : Fleming' Alley ... v. -6.00 ADDITIONAL WHITIB LIST. Harward, C. A., S. McDowell ..$ 9.00 UNLISTED WnlTK LIST. ' Boone, W. M., N.1 Salisbury; .... 16.00 Booke, J S., S. Dawson....' '.00 Coward, E. S., a Harrington .... 19-60 Cuthrell. J, Wf Lane 12.0 Hicks, W. J., Adm., E. Cabar- . i : ' Jobnson, Bradley 8 North, Boy- . ' r " Ian Ave., W. Lane .......... 26.29 Joyner, Mrs. Lula It., Newberne -V : Ave. ............ '.....,.. 6.00 Monger, J. M., Lane 4.00 Oidstead, Ida, Bledsoe Ave., .... .60 Parer, T. H-, Boy lan Ave. ...... 4.2S ' Upchurch. A. H., 8. McDowell .. 9.00 Vincent, J. R-. South..'. $.00 Ward, S. H., lioylan and North, W: Korth :. 17-00 Whitaker, Mrs. W. T Boylan Ave. 7.00 Whitaksr, W: J., E. Hargott 4.00 - REGULAR COLOREn LIST. Matthews, Ben a, S. Blount,... 10.00 . Pope, Lula, Fowle Vineyard .... .40 Price; P. B.. East ana Lenoir .... k.OO Raines, A. B., Battle ............ - 6.00 Rancom, 8. C, Cannon ........... 4.00 Simms, John, R. Cabarrus Ext., .. $.65 Walker, John and Henry, S. Daw- son-'.V.-.-;-.''.;."'.1.-'.;?;s,..'....-.'-.i -Jf 1.00 - UNLISTED. COLORED LIST. , Baker, Julia, ' $ Martin 2-00 Byingtori, Alice,' Cannon ........ 4.60 Drake, Eliza and Daisy, Cannon Freeman, Mary, Est, South' Freeman, Louisa, W. Edcnton .. 150 1.50 Green, . Mary, E. Martin t.l Hackney, L. H., Smlthficld 4.60 $.00 1.60 Hill, Green, East St Jones, - Lizzie, South ............ Matthews, W. H, Est., Smith field,, three, Stronach Alley, Fayettevllle; S. Blount, Dodd, MattheWs Lane '..'.... McLean, Lucy, Shatter Land .. Pulley, Wash, Smithfield , Held, Charlotte E., E, Lenoir .... dmlth, Julia, Cannon ............ Tucker, Matilda, Est., B. Cabar- " 4fu .v.'u..:i.....t.M., Thompson. Willis, W. Lenoir .... titter,- Frank, 8- West Williams, Pettijf re w,. E.. Cabar- . rus, ' Wllllarns Thos. A., lex Hospital tinmen Josh T' Cannon ...,.. Warrick, fm Est, & East Wilson, T. . Jamea, Cannon, .,... 40 TS 1.60 1.00 1 .60 .50 S.00 too 4.00 2.00 - (.00 1.50 8.00 1.60 tl1Pse't'V7estoaf' 4vVEC2HITECT3. r . tUhhPMdGresborOy H. Cc Staei Ralafowsed Concretes -Fireproof ;tv:: ponstrvctioa a Bpac laity .'Mil "r ii PHONEY TO LEIID V On either real or pergonal secarlty V ';cJ, sQt). to Wah 43onnty. 1 ' B. F. MOXTAGUBJ, -mii It Fallen Building. Sr'-rt,! ,vih 1

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