THE RALETGH EVENIN G TIMES: WEDNESDAY. JULY 3, 1907. RAIN CHASKS PEOPLE 10 TOWN All Anxious to Take in the Big Carnival MORE FEATURES ADDED AH Shows Running Several Free Acts .Today and Tonight Third Regiment Hand to (Jive a Concert. The Country Store Makes a Hit Fireworks Tomorrow. The rain last night kept many peo ple away from the carnival, but be fore the shower there was a liberal patronage at all the attractions. Many of the visitors took reluge in the waterproof tent of Prof. Phil Ham burg, who conducts the excellent Moulin Rouge 'Theatre. A good vaude ville attraction this is, with several pretty girls, who sing well,. and a fun ny Dutchman, who has joks to burn. Mr. Walter C.eorge, the Dutchman from Philadelphia, puts on a laughable farce entitled "Wating at the Church." which is always well received. Prof. Hamburg's egg stunt continues to keep folks wondering. Those who polve the mystery refuse to divulge anything about It. so it's hard to print the details of his trick. The lovers' tub at the merry-go-round . is a new feature that takes well 'with young folks. The occupant 4 go through eplcyclic evolutions at a dizzy rate participating In a very thrilling sensation. The hobby horses are kept In constant service from the first toot of the whistle until the poor little nags get sleepy about midnight. The animal show will be In full op eration tonight with a long ami Inter esting program.'' All the other attrac tions will also be going. The country store opened up for bus hies? Inst night with the-most varied stock of general merchandise that has ever been heard of. A ladv last night t drew a gas range to her Intense de-j light; another goi a cake of shaving j soap, which seemed to disappoint her somewhat. P.unny Higgs drew a pair of curling Irons and a mirror and came over to The Times otllce today asking I folks how to use them. Hill Allen se cured fix paek-.tgis of breakfast food, which he took to the park today for the edilleation of the monkey family there. A new stock is being placed inside the store today and will be ready for distribution - tonight. .Everybody., is t trying for the beautiful .set uf parlor j furniture. The shows will hereafter be opened I at 3 p. in. each dav, so that Indies and children may conveniently witness the 'attractions. The high dive takes place at .5 p. m., and the high bicycle act at S o'clock and again at ..10:30. The fireworks tomorrow, will br loosened on the carnival grounds and will be free to everybody. The Third Regiment Hand, under the direction of Mr. (lustiiv llagedorn will give a free1 concert at the ground)', to night at X o'clock. HIS WHISKERS WON'T LET HIM DIE (By Leased Wire to Tho Times.) Ithaca. X. Y., July I!. Thomas Decker, ;i farmer near Enfield, threw a rope over a cross-beam, made it fast at one end and arranged a noose at the other. The noose ho put around his neck as he stood on a feed-1 bucket. Then he laboriously tied knots in a rope that fastened his, hands behind hi:; back. That accom-1 plished, he bade farewell to the world and stepped oft (he bucket. Twenty minute.--, later Mrs. Decker, becoming anxious, went to the barn in search of her husband. There she found him hanging, more or less com fortably and looking sheepish, "Aro you alive, Thomas?" she In quired, in trembling tones. "I am," answered Mr. Decker.. "Ho you suppose any one could choke himself with a mattress of whisker.; bet wee"' Mu rope and his throat?": .-Tual 'was the fact. Tho would-be suicide, in his nervousness, had fail-'d to take his beard Into the cal culation, and It formed an effective cushion. A MAD STRUGGLE HIGH IN THE AIR (By Leased Wire to Tho Times.) Cincinnati. O.. July 3.--A crowd of two hundred persons witnessed a thillllng buttle late yesterday after- .G Best Liquors at Lowest Prices I mb offerlni tt th toty Ioweit who da not Mil the na an their part ptlonal offer. MOOD i following (ft A noon on tlic roof of the city hospital I between William Phillips, u member, of Haley's Band, of Washington, D. i IC, and three nurses, two women and one man. The quartette Ftruggled on I the edge of the roof high In the air, and every minute the crowd on the street below expected one or all of them to topple to the ground to Instant death. Phillips Is suffering from some dis ease the physicians have been unablu 'to diagnose, and Insanity has followed. .Yesterday he tried to escape after he had been placed in the strong yard, and during the absence of his attend ants managed to reach the roof of the Institution before he was missed. Phillips was finally overpowered and dragged back to the ward, but not un til after his feet' and hands had been shackled. His condition this morning is critical, and It is believed that he will die within a few days. CONSUMPTIVES MUST KEEP OUT I By Leased Wire to The Times.) Fort Worth, Tex., July 3. Follow ing Ihe action of health officers in several Texas cities in debarring the tuberculosis patients from the city hospitals comes the announcement that the state health officers will in a few days issue a proclamation effect ually quarantining the entire state of Texas against consumptives in the advanced stages of the disease. The ejection ot consumptives from city hospitals in San Antonio and other Texas cities has caused much indignation. At. Ran Antonio, it is said, patient were ejected who were almost, in a dying condition. 1JF.ATH AT ALllFMAKLK OF Mil. It. W. HATCH FK. (Special to The Kvening Times.) Albemarle, N. C, Jnlv I!. Monday afternoon, at his home on South First street, Mr. H. W. Hatcher, Masonic grand lecturer for North Carolina, passed away to his eternal rest. Mr. Hatcher had been in bad health for several months. Tho only persons present when the end came were Mrs. Hatcher and a sister ol tho deceased, his only son, Marion F. Hatcher, Esq., being in Statesville on business. Mr. Hatcher was horn in Johnston coitntv. August 15, 1S41. On Janu ary 1. 1N7:!, he was happily married lo Miss Mary Harper, also of John ston county. Mr. Hatcher was at one lime superintendent, of public instruc tion oi' Johnston county. For the past thirty-eight years he hud been Masonic grand lecturer and had devoted his time exclusively to the upbuilding ol Free Masonry. He was a member of the llaptist Church and lived a clean Christian life, and in his-, death, the stair, church and the Masonic fraternity lose a great man. AUGUSTA EXCHANGE CONDEMNS REPORTS (Itv Leased Wire to The Times.) Augusta, da., July I!.- The An gusta Cotton Exchange today passed u resolution condemning the cotton reports issued by the government The Augusta Exchange,,. thinks that the information obtained hy the gov ernment should not he withheld from the public, but all the facts should he given out as soon as they are received so as to prevent a panic. The Augusta Exchange leaJ.i all I the others in the country in the adop tion of t:ie resolutions. Copies Aill be forwarded to the department at Washington and also to the different exchanges 'throughout the south. A PEONAGE CASE AT FAYETTE VILLE (Special to The Evening Times.) Fayetteville, N. C, .July 3. Rob ert Dullard, u prominent and well-to- do farmer, whose trial has been going on since yesterday before I'nited Slates Commissioner Thomas Sutton, charged with peonage In the case of a negro named Williams, and being piosccuted by A. J. Hoyl, assistant attorney-general or the United Slates, was bound over to federal court un der u just Hied bond of $.'d0, and the prosecuting witness, Williams, was put under the same amount. Dullard immediately gave bond; Williams was sent to jail. Senil-Olllclal Denial. fHy Leased Wire to The Times.) Derlln, July 3. Semi-ofliciul de nlul Is given to the report that Ger many has pointed out. to the Ameri can government the folly of keeping all Its battleships on the Atlantic side and the wisdom of maintaining a strong fleet in the Pacific. the bt TtluM In llquort and eordlaU price. I buy direct from dttlUer retail trade: and generoua eoneee- hava anabiea ma to rnaxa aoma aa price maluda axpraaa cnarges. raa mimb Lawn OA, Oam at UikW $4.00 Aval Briody 12.50 and &50 v KT.hUkT, $m $"0, $3.00, 13.50 Can Tbhkcr. $2JaadJW0 YtdUa Rtref Cars, 4 futJ quirt S2.50 Atbarmarla Rye, 4 lull quart $3.00 Mll rdm art filled on tht day w colred, and forwarded on first train Wrlto for Prlco List of Loading Brandt Leffeet Hit. Onto Hon ta the Sou L. Lazarus, Lynchburg, Vat A SCANDAL WRIT N RED AND BLACK Member of Smart Set Said to be Negro Cook's Son FALSE! I AM AN INDIAN So KeMlies Antonio to the Accusa tion 'Sett in; Forth That Russell Sage's Negro Cook is His Father. He Suvs He is a Grandson Cochise, the Anuche. of (Hy Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, July 3. The American this morning says: Those without the pale of New York society will no doubt be sur prised to learn that one of the mem bers of the smart set who has been extensively entertained by Mrs. John It. Drexel, Mrs. John Jacob Astor and others and whom President Roosevelt has consulted frequently in regard to Indian unairs, is no other than the son of Mrs. Russell Sage's negro cook. Though known in circles of elite as Antonio Apache, grandson of the famous chief Cochise, the dusky Beau Urummel. began life as a Louisiana pickaninny under the ob scure name of Tony Simpson. That such is the true identity of a man whom they denounce as "the most fantastic fakir that ever fooled New York," was declared today by Wil liam M. Cary and Edwin W. Denting, both of whom are well known New York painters of Indian life. "It is about time the true charac ter of this imposter is made publicly known," said Mr. Cary. "He is not only a fakir, but scamp. He is the same negro who stole a painting from me about nineteen years ugo and in consequence served two years in Sing Sing prison." AXTOXIO AI'ACHK MAKKS A SWKKPIXtJ DKMAL OF STORY (Hy Leased Wire to The Times.) Los Angeles, Cal., July 3. Apa che, when seen at the Indian crafts exhibition grounds early this morn ing by a reporter, flatly denied the whole story, which he declared was a malicious fabrication. "This story is all new to me, and I cannot understand the motive he hind it. It is false from beginning to end and must have been inspired by malice. There is a mistake some where and 1 shall try and find out what it all means. There is not u drop of negro blood in my veins. have proof of my Apache descent and It will be produced whenever necessary. "I will not take up this ridicu lous storv U.OOO miles away, but when it. comes to me at first hands, I will meet it us it should be. I um very friendly with Indian Commis sioner Leupp and there are a num ber of persons in Los Angeles to whom I can refer. Tho whole story is so ridiculous that I don't wish to discuss it further, except to repeat my most emphatic denial." PROPOSITION THAT WFLCIl Sl'CCF.KH (.OILMAN (liy Leased Wire to The Times.) Raltlnionv Md.,' July 3. William H. Welch. M. I).. LL. L, professor of pathology ul the Johns Hopkins I'nl versity, and a man of many uccom plishments, for United Stales senator to succeed his old triend, ArlliurPu (Ionium, is the latest, proposition in political circles, and several phy clans in Daltimore and elsewhere an t nthuslastlc over It. GROVER IS TO GO A-FISHING NOW (Uy Leased Wire to The Times.) I'licu, N. Y July ;!. Ex-President Cleveland Is expected to be at It Held Ihe lutter part ot (his week, and for the following ten days or two weeks will whip the streams in th; locality for brook trout. Mi. Cleve land will be the guest ol John D. I): vldson. a lawyer of New York, who makes his slimmer home In Itedlield SCIIMITZ CANDIDATE FOIt HK-F.LKCTIOX (lty Leased Wire to The Tunes.) San Francisco. Cal.. July 3. Mayor Eugene Schinitz, who awaiting sentence under conviction of extortion, yesterday announced that he will be a candidate for re election to a fourth term and llm ho has already begun the prelimi nary work of ills campaign. ONE KILLED AND ANOTHER WOUNDED (Hy Leased Wire to The Tltiies.) Lexmston. Ky July 3,-In a pistol duel on Sllnklnjf Creek. Knox county, Oreen Oiunbilll wus killed und (lar rurd (binibrlll badly wounded. Th ' men were cousins. They hud had trouble before. Oarrard shot Oreen j through the head and the latter before expiring wounded tila cousin. The Original Pure Food Brink! Guaranteed by U. S. Gov. Serial No. 31.13 PEPSI-Cola is an absolutely pure combina tion of acid phosphate, pepsin and the j uices oi fresh fruits. PEPSI-Cola invigorates, creates a hearty appetite, aids digestion and prevent.: sleep lessness these hot nights. DEATH AND FUNERAL OF THOMAS C. LANIER II r. Thomas . Lanier, a well known arpeiiter of Kaleitfh, died this miirn- iiiK at 3:30 o'clock at his home on tne orner of Lenoir and Person streets, lie had been in bad health for more than a year, and was routined to his bed for thi' past two. months. Consump tion was the cause of his death. Mr. Lanier held the position of list lieutenant in the Raleigh Light Infan try at the time of his death. He sei v- (1 as a corporal In Cuba during I lie Spanish-American war miner apiuni Beavers. The Raleigh Light Inlaniry will attend the funeral today and will tire a salute over his grave, accord ing him full military honors. Deshles two brothers and three sis ters. Mr. Lanier is survived ny ins wife, formerly Miss Mury Lee Crab tree, and inie child. The funeral services will be con ducted from the ultptlst Tabernacle hureh at "::(( this afternoon and the Interment will be in ( ink wood ceme tery.. The Knights of Massabees, of which eider Mr. Lanier was a member, will have charge of the burial services. The pall-bearers wlllv lie: Col. Z. r. Smith and Mr. W. M. Hrown, of Ihe Maccabees: Messrs. W. L. Collins anil 1). 'Newton, or the Carpenters' Union; and Mcxki's. II. i. ltutb and Junius Council, of the H. B. H. Class. Attention, Knights of the Maccabees, Sir Knights: You are urgently re vested to assemble in I'ythiun hall at 4:31) this afternoon to attend the funeral ol our deceased brother, Thomas C. Lanier. Funeral will take place from the Tabernacle Haptist, Church. W. M. HROWN, Commander. W. C. MORTON. R. K. Till' II. II. II. TKAM ri-AVS WAKK KOUKST TOMtWHOW. A big hase-bull game will take place at the .fair grounds tomorrow j at 4:30 between the "Three bee team of Raleigh and the crack Wake Forest team. The famous Tumi, will pitch ror the visitors und either Cordon Harris or Alf Duckett will be in the box for Ihe home team. The game will commence after the lire companies' events, und a big crowd is expected. . L - - ... 'WHKM VOC WANT THI-' KKH1 HAMS TO BOIIi BUT SHAFERS AT ALL 6BOOEB&" Forget It Say PEPSI-Cola to the 5c. and Beware of Tell your grocer to home a dozen bottle:: 5c, each. Insurance Change, The Ureensboro Telegram has this to say in regard to a well known in surance man ot itaieign: "Mr. K. Y. Mcl'herson, a widely known and successful life insurance man, has resigned his position as agency director for the New York Life in eastern North Carolina, with heuduuurters in Raleigh, to become agency manager of the (ireetisboro Life Insurance .Company, assuming the dudes of his new position wit. 'i the beginning of the present month. Mr. Mcl'herson was with the New York Lite for fourteen years, and is i well oualitieo. both by training and I experience, for the important work of his new position with the Greens boro Lile. Koiii'tli of .luly Attractions at Points Along Kuleigh & Soutliport Ituilwuy. At Favetteville, N. ('., a grand mili tary i"splay, coniiiienioratiiig March, lsiiri, when C.eneral Wade Hampton, standing under the arch of the old market house, killed with his pistol a cavalryman advancing up llillespie street. The third battalion of the second regiment, composed of the Sampson Light Infantry, the MmxIoii Cuurds, the Lumber ltrnlge Light In fantry, and the Fayetteville Independ ent Light Infantry, will attack ami de fend the old market house. This build ing stands at the Intersection of two streets, and ample room Is thereby af forded for the action of the companies and for spectators. The afternoon train, due to leave Fayetteville ut 2:13. will be held until 4:40, thereby giving every one ample time to view this great event, and get back fo their homes in time for sup per. And those wishing lo do so will have ample time to reach Halelgh In time for the fireworks.' ATFCQCAY. THKANNCAL PICNIC The grounds and springs have been very much improved ami ueauiineu -a : grand place to spend a pleasant day. I AT HALKIC.H. The white companies composing the , Halelgh tire department will give a grand exhibition of modern tire-light- ! Ing. Hose wagon races, hand reel i races, hook and ladder races, quick I steaming and long distance throwing! of wuter by. the new steamer. All of i these events against the record tlme of previous Slate Firemen's Toiirna- j ments. A grand and elegant display of fireworks ut night. On uccouut of the ubove special oc casions the Raleigh & Soutliport Kall wuy will sell tickets, return limit July 5th, for one first class tare for the round trip from any point on Its line. Tickets on sale July 4th, 1U07. J; A. Mills, president and general manager. o ! DrinK Cola soda fountain Imitations send you t; i IF YOl"" -MilJ TI1INKINC AllOI'T Screen Doors tnd indow Cream Freezers. Lawn Mower 1'aiiil, .lap-u-l. Will give you the benelit of manv years' KXTKIMKNCI-:. Fhos. H. Bm & Son? Raleigh, N. G. WRITIi FOR TRICKS AW, Best for Medicinal and F.i ir.ily Use 4 Quarts, U3 Shipped in Plain Sea ltd Package, Express Prepaid. SATISFACTION OUAF A":'!'.l I) OK YOUR MONK Y KICFUN L)l-.l). Our Motto i "Not How Cheap, but How Good " Remit by Exprfkf oi P. O. Mtjerv 'irOcr THE COUSINS SUPPLY CO., D... RICHMOND, VA. Reference: Plai'itcts Notional liank. I ... M (Jim i!fK'u''-' mtfirrT ""' axsmatmsmm YISITOKS TO TIIF K.M'OSIT .JAMKSTOWV ox : Can obtain "Kirs' rlasa Hlei-ping Ac commodations at ; Mrs. Elizabeth MacNiciiol's Residence. Xo. 1 1! VilloiiL.bby Avenue, Olil-OI.K, .. (Juiet Home. Ile.-oionalile Kales. Con venient to. all car lines In Ihe city. "-Correspondence . Solicited. . S. S. IMioue K.U-U. : I -CT ..HCMIC 1 Ol. lJ HOTEL ltli()AIWAX ANU IITH HT. NEW YOHK CITY. Within lOaBy cces of Kverj Point of Intir"pt Hulf Block from Wi'.namal'..'r'it. 5 ii.lnuU' wulk of SlioppiiiK Db'trlitt. NOTFU FOR Excoiioor ot Cuisine. Com fori able Appoint ments, Courteous HervP-o auti Hotiinllko Siirrounillng IttHiniH $1.ntl Per Hay and Vf. KUKOPKAN PLAN. Tii d lloie ftrenkrvt M Li K H siS, no MONEY TO LEND n lt"r real or personal ar.irfty In Wane C.otitity. I p. K. MOM'AtlHH; ' 18 aud I Hullen Uulldlo. J Halelgh. M. C j " ' ''' i 7n"' J""ii" i &fs,';