'"-V-'.'X-A -V '. ' 2 . 'TlZS3Pi5;W5prsi TEE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES: THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1901 t 111 4 1 1 ' 8 4 ; 1 in SHOT BY NEGRO ROBBER THE SYSTEM MAKES DaiMnri far Unnov Pnllnmrf UNCLE SAM SHAKE UU U1UUU 1U1 HlUUbJ 1UIIUMUU the Bullet Charles .Sender at the Point of Death. If (lie Negro in ( mitilit He 11 Prob ably Im l'lcsentcd AVith u Hempen Cravat. (By housed Wire to The Times ) I ( hlcago, July 4. Despite the much vaunted - system" that has been I hi t in use at the Chicago sub I treasury to guard aainst a second : hi; (Kv Leased Wire to The Times.) Rockville. iId.. Julv 4.- -diaries fcouder. aged twcm v-one. of lunvs ville. a.. was held up. robbed and fatally shot late vesterdav afternoon by an unidentified ni-gro on the public highway- near Ridraud. about live miles northeast ot HOi kville. I'oss. s are in pursuit ot the negro, and Ivneli :. lng is threatened in ease of his cap ture. frnuder had been visitmi; his aunt. Mrs. William H. Urake.. near Wash ington (iiovt. He. Ills grandmother. Airs, katherine Sender, agi'd srvi'til v and his Utile; cousin. . Kloaimr Hrakei. were mi Iheii way limn,-... The party passed a younir n.-uro on . the road ami spoke I tullon belli); returned.. The negro turned and -followed the vehicle, in which the Soink-r party were riding and imputed which ivav the road led, He was told il led to .the pike, and he immediately drew his revolver ami tiled. 1 lie bullet enter ed Mr. Soulier's back and passed into his abdomen. The assailant then de manded money, and .Mr. Sunder hand ed over his pocket lioog, cnhta'iniii The negro held the revolver at the. head -of the : a!4ed grandmother.' -mid demanded her money also, but was told thai '-she - had none. He then dis appeared Into a nearby woods. , The bullet was extracted from young .Soulier's body last- eveiiinj.'.. but his condition is so .".ciions that lie is not likely in recover. A good description of the negro, has. been Obtained and it is: not believed he can escape. BETS ON SQUIRES AND BURNS FIGHT edition ut the robberv of '$17:! out) winch never has been solved, the treasury otlicials at Washington still are finding the liislittiiion to be a terror by miilir and an object of fear by day. According to information that leaked out lro.n earerullv guarded soiuct-B, a recent occurrence at Inele ham s branch bank h: is eiven irriod '! grounds tor t.ie belief that another , loss ot niouev inmlit occur just as mysteriously as did the loss or the : ?17::.ipio. . i Assistant I nited Mates Treasurer I (.ideon (. Hants!, who spent a con siderable time in trying to solve the j big theft, showed up in Chicago tin- ! expecledly Inst week, il is said, and j ' dropped , in at the sub-treasury. - The p.ew system was working perfectly, ! . Mi. Hani;: thought. Ih pointed wilh : , satisfaction to ,t he . new . system of I j checking tip and Jo the safeguards I .that have been 'thrown around the! cages and vaults in which the money . is handled. When.. .Mr. llantz , and Assistant I Chief .Schettier who was inspecting , Hie cages wmi Mr. Haniz reached ,i lie cage of one of the employes, oil j Mile bofioin of nie cage were some1 papers. .. - !; -'..Their attention was attracted to , the cage, and. upon inspecting it lie discovered a package containing live or six ihoiisaiid .tuif-,. ir, ' i i,t iii I money lying on the Moor. It had . hern left there when the suh-freas-j an was nosed and evldentlv was the I 'result of somebody's carelessness. Mi. Uaniz, according to a man in tlie secret, . was .mightily .. excited over the occurrence, and the clerk in whose cage the money is alleged ti: have been found was called in PERRY - LOWERY TODAY New Light Citizens Held for Blockading llotli Men Hound Over to Court in Sum of $:( Blockading Was Done, It Is Alleged, Last Herein-ber. -1 Allen Perry and J. S. Lowery, two j citizens ot New Light township, were jsivi-n a preliminary hearing today be foie 1 nited states Commissioner Nich ols for blockading and retailing or aid ling In blockading, and were bound I over to the next term of federal court I m the sum of ?oo.. They gave bond. I lhl' crimes were alleged to have been I committed last December. I The warrant charged Perry with caiiyniK raw. material, to the distillery ;in .New Light township, about eigh teen limes north of lialeigh, and other wise assisting a,i offender to violate the laws ot the t'nited Sttmea ti.i distillery in ouestion was run 'by the not.rt-lou'f Charles Pea rce. escaped con Mit. who is now In tall nwniiin.r fu.i- eial court, and while the evidence was not so conclusive. Col. Nichols held that it was conclusive enough to bind Per iy over and thus give him an oppor tunity oi explaining the whole busi ness satisfactorily to a ury or his peeis! J. .s. . Lowery was charged w ith re tailing and conducting an illicit dis- lilleij. ,s,Aeial witnesses were exam ined, but all any of them would admit was that Lowry s team had hauled wood near the. still, and that he had been seen there "laughing, joking, and dunking. Lowery was bound over in the sum of $200. Mi. . H. hnow appeared for Low ery. . the greatest ball player in the world, after drinking it (or years, says that Lajoie ready to back throw from catcher to second is the ideal beverage for athletes. A HAPPY TEAM THE FOURTH AND CARRY ca ww I n?; the ereat Laioie says about Coca-Cola: "be. I am taking care of myseif So that I m.y be in the game for several years yet ..,. You know, and we all know, that noo 1 is) can attora to put aiiyiiiuiu lino ins i.uiua.ii ! .., - ,ki,.t body, and keep his brain clear and active. Neither can you whether or no you are an athlete. iVi . j r.,kito ,-rtJ;nio ,v nnnA for von then drink Coca-ioia. V HAL 19 VJUIU V v- . J " t - ' . ' . .:' t i Delicious, Cooling, Refreshing, Tnirst-uencnuiS j r..ranteed under the Pure Food and Drugs Act, June 30, 1906. Serial No. 3324, 5c.-Sold Everywhere-5c (Ity ('. K. VAX LO W.) San Francisco, .('hi.. . Inly .1, betting on the Sciuires-liurns The li'u'lit. has taken a turii..:;iii(f tin liieu who favor the Canadian bet enous:!; niotii'y to. raise the prices from In to .7, where It. had stood for a d'aj . n; 1 .t to S. Much ot tin,-' Liurns mouev we-t . washed by, l.us ..Viiseles visitoi s, who ' beyan ''. arrive yesterday, und as ' then. wen a liunil er. of. "syndicate"'! b ts. the weight oi their coin had el-. : . feet on Ihe odds.. ; Several, heis pt 1,IMiM,tt. Smmi were recorded, . I -Tilt sales of seats w ere sieudy and indicati. a Kood house, although ir is ' not likely that the attendance will, bo as large as would have been the case if conditions wore more settled" Tim Mcl.i'uiii will ehiei second of Squires. Ld dk. Hanlon will- also be in the comer, and Russell, Squires' friend and Iralner. irom Ausifali-t will assist. Burns will have Professor Lewis George .M "in sic. fieorge Hrown .nid L. Kealnih in lus corner. The title at stake is the Iwavv weiglit (lianiiionship ol the world Jim Jeffries having retired and n he n doned the title. The referee is James J. Jeffries, and the length - of com est, lorty-hve rounds. I lie rules arc straight Marquis of Queenshern . and the time of contest j ahout d p. m.. eastern time and given a wigging that is said to have come close to termimiiing in hir dismissal. ; , M ima: o tin: (;i:ok(;h I I.OKID.X AMI AI.AIIAM The !v 4. Times.) . -All shop leoi-giii. Fliirida .& Aln have. g,.ne i. n strike e injury of a '.machinist yesterday''; sis claim that a nioip.'- . : illy "-Leased Wii : liainhridge. (iloyt's of I'.una Lnilio id because. ..f ihe named Pavis ; The niaehini lien llae alwavs nI;o,l m t.. u hu hCiirs are being repaired: was dis regarded with the result that the in juries of. tin- loan under the ear will prove fatal. . They demand : that sw ip lies in w hich cars are being rp. paired ;lie --locked ami the. .keys .placed in the hands i,f the, master ineehaie or shop foreman. Month ol John .. livniim (lly Lease,! Wire p.. The Times.): : Augusta, (in.; July ). Mr. John I L.Miuin. tor many years ordinary of ('oluinliia. county and ex-member of the deoiKia legislature, died at his home m Har.em at midnight. Mr. Uynum . was sixty-four years of age.. and has been id for mine Weeks past John L. Hvmini was one of Hi., nuu proiulneiit: men in Colunibia County. In (he llays of populism he was an ardent supporter of Thomas K Wat-:-on. Ihe body was inierred at Har lem this afternoon. (Special to The Kvenlng Times.) Salisbury, X. .. July 4. The great day is being observed today as it has not been in many years. Tlie fact that urs. carry .ati,,n has been a dis tinguished visitor all the week helped .the celebraters to get together a crowd and for her appearance she received a pretty penny.-, twenty-five dollars. She i"de In the parade and was entirely at home when advertising herself which she doesn't mind doing- in the least. The greatest things that "happen to day are in prospective.'. The sham bat tle comes off lute this afternoon and the baseball same Is m nr.ur. ., .i... "-- - 'f, , V .1.-, Lllf .ifteiiio.m papers go to press. There is an encampment of two days here and (o'lieral Joe Armfield. of States- ville. is in charge. The firewords to night nre to be superb and the elo quence of Y. A. Self is one of the most attractive features of the day. FELLED BY BLOW FROM A NEGRO (.special to The Kvenlng Times.) (.leenshoro, N. C, July 4 Ad. All ied, white, and a negro, whose name I -unknown to the police, engaged in I an altercation at the 'Southern Hnii. way passenger station last night, Mr. Allied receiving painful Injuries on his face and head. The negro escaped. Ihe trouble is said to have resulted tiom insolence on the part of the negro, who ran against Mr. Allied. Mr. Alb- led resented the remarks an,! in.. gio struck him a stunning blow in the face, knocking him down Mr. Allied s InUir ICS are of mif-h a nauiie as to lead the police to believe unit -me negro used a deadly weapon (Continued from First Pago.) V'l i ,i I OMOEii ALCOIWn ? dc '.. - Acgcrab(e Prt paralion ferAs simiaiingthcFootfaniRefjuia cuigUieSiomaiandJJovreknf ProraoiffsDigeslionCiVerfuri ncss and RestfontaUisoiihr OpiuntMorphine norMuieraL UtapmfOUDcSSMJimimJL JtbaUtfSdf HimStrf. - ..... k ,.n.u . V VUIIMU LI C f I L Tl I. Wnrm J nnvnkinrn rnrndt- ness and Loss or MUR Tac Simile Sijunre of For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of PROHIBITTONTSTR RALLY FOR FIGHT Opechil to The Kvenlng Times.) Aslieville, .. ., July 4.-The prolil hitlon forces in Aslieville have organ ized and another camnaiirn neninst the. taile of lirpior in this city is on. I Ihe date for the - prohibition election will probably be set for some time in 'October, this year. liev. ('. P. Moore, pastor of the chestnut Street Metho idist ( hureh, was chosen president or icliairniun of the organization. W -X 111- m a w W In Use For Over Jhirty Years I -call NEW YORK. I m il t HI HTWrT? 1 ! ""at 6iui 4c.ni'i lnlifl Vk II .,( ha , jmm u yjiiiiiiiLi WOMEN TENDER I CITY A LIBRARY ) ; , (Npeclal to The Kvenlng Times.) I (oldsboro. N. ('., July 4.-The Golds. I born Woman s club has formally ten Ideied to the city the club's splendid I library of I.411O volumes and It has ; been acce)ted by the city through the ote of the aldermen, and JD00 appro ' pi laled as an annual fund, to be col lected monthly, for the employment of in iinrarian to keep the library 'open joauy lor tne free use of the public. I-'AKKS TO Milt H(HXI).S WIMj- UK KIVK CKXTS. 1 lie Raleigh Electric Company an nounced last night that fares tn th state fair grounds hereafter will be only five cents, Instead of ten as lornierly. It also announced that the preliminary arrangements for me extension of the street car linn are almost completed, and that the matter win be submitted to the board of aldermen tomorrow nleht. The first work to be done la the completion of double tracking on Hlllsboro street. The state fair next fall will he the first held under the new man agement of the Raleigh Electric Company, and the public will learn with pleasure of the of live-cent fares. Heretofore there has been a good deal of kicking nvflr the charge of ten cents. nature an? 1101 known, that are keep ing I'niled Stares .Marshal Chandler busy, it is rumored that certain sen sational, moves. in the war of the cov- eniiiient against the Siandard Oil Company may be made soon. Arrests are hinted at. though for what cause is not learned. , The excitement of the government's chase after Hockefeller had a bad effect upon his wife. Mrs. Rockefel ler arrived from New York a week ago. While . her physical condition was not alarming, it. caused her rela tives and friends some worry. A nurse was necessary for her care con-' stantly, and she was so feeble tlmt she scarcely could walk unaided. Ihe -presence of denutv marshals in the Forest. Hill trromuis mot i.; husband's, flight so affected her Tues day that Dr. H. F. Biggar. Jr . w8 summoned In the afternoon It necessary, to administer sedatives fo calm Mrs. Rockefeller. , if i iivni .1 v. i runri- U1U CUTS,SORES,BURNS Kodol will nourhh and strengthen your digestive organs and furnish tlie natural digestive Juices for your stom ach. It will make vou well. Kodol di gests, what you eat. Sold by King Crowell Drug Company. : ' WHO LET THE CAT OUT OF THE BAG? (Uy Leased AVire to The Times.) Washington, Julv 4. Attmnov. General Bonaparte and his assistants art investigatin:; the possibility of there having been a "leak" in the .u.. partment of justice regarding its in (iuiry into the methods of the smelter trust. This is duo to tho dlKeovetv t' the fact that the "insiders" nf'ii,.. alleged trust gained knowledge some unio ago Hint the federal officials were preparing, ir iicssihle . :. insti tute proceedings 10 break the merger. J no statement nulilished vbuioi-,1.,.- that tln:goveniment investigation was proceeding and had been in prog- 1 ress for lour months was tho first in- lorinallon ilial reached thu public. VMisninglon Is asklnf th, .in,.uii-i. wiiat relationship does the new sena tor from Colorado, Simon (liiggun- neini, maintain toward tho smeller trust?.- Hi,;: whole forlune lias been built up through tho operations of he constituent companies the American Smelting and Refining Company, the American Smellers So ctirities Company, tho American Smelter Steamship Company, the United States Zinc Company, the Fed eral Mining and Smelting Company the aggregate capitalization of which approximates J300,000,000. is a soothing, healinpf balm containing no drugs having a narcoti V effect. It RELIEVES quickly and soothes the congested membranes and thoroughly heals and cleanses. Valuable not only for CATARRH but relieves colds, throat troubles, hay fever "stopped-up" nose, etc. ';:' We Guarantee Satisfaction. Buy a 5 cent tube of N'osuna from Tucker Building l'liarinacv. and pet your money back if not satisfied. Sample tube and Booklet by mail 10c BROWN MF'G CO.. St. Louis, Me. Greeneville.Tvna. A"Bilious Attack.', Symptoms Sour stomach, nasty taste in mouth, sick headache, sallow complex ion, the world your enemy. CaUSC. Constipation, inact ive liver, overflow of bile into the system. Relief. Treatment for two nights before retiring with . ' , and TONIC PELLETS One a night, don't worry, sleep well and Nature'll do the rest. 4 Cnttre Treatment 25 Cta. i ucker lluildinjt Htannacjv u m m er SPECIA L! PHOTOGRAP H S MADE AT RKIMJCEO PRIGE For 'the next 15 days Cabinets. $2 doz.. B1. SO foi- s: v i :; . vOl'i-M- sM l.'S. a; cur prices ulso. ide:.s,. ,,n n.'alcr in Edison. Victor and Colui-,!,!;, TalMn- M.'.cl,i,.s, hecor.ls and '': Supplies'.-'-- STRAini-IT I CUAHAjrrao unccr tiif sr,-r.rnu. mu THE PH1L. C. KELLY CO, Stamps -ii it you'll find it on ill our eoodi. meam Unci R.mi guarantee! that joedj are pure and straight. Vou buyi iai5fflSafe'ii. " when you buy hom u. Ve are wholeule diklrihu. tort tu the consumer. C AH roods named btaw .r. i n:B-"K(ar-,.it;...k! a , .. . " 1 .il'ucu in neat, plain DaCKarea. am IL Enrr. rhapir. I BrtBaid to anv Mint at nrir. r,mA ... f..ti (,ee""Mney Cheer,ull' re,unded if goodi are not entirely) rg, aaunaciory. aj, special pncea on large ordera. C Write lot) . doob . comq etc sr rh hi .nri r n .,--.... n.u It .. . . '" ' : ffir tiwv taut r v .-, 11,1 t 1 WW ' i 'I' ' B -gpaaw Weatorar (beat the world ow) V $J 10 " ts oi " . a a on . 5"V-. ". El Mala. (Old Corn WhiaH.Tl . a AO ' 1 ! !? I W -JiSm0 Donald Kenny Mall Whl.K.y . lis' W . HI,,. RIH.. I V. . . I '.'i ; " u ., .7i.:.." " . T7su m nurwii niTur CVJV IDUHIVQ ID OOnOI Or. La Darron'a Buchu Cln 3 40 . .1 7 M ' 6 Si jn it 10 00 Put up In Stone Jug and aafely pachad In plain caae. 'I Gallon I Gallon 1 Gallon I Gallon I Gallon S-rear .Id Ken,uehT.y. in ft ' 4-yvarold Appl Drandy -J2.50"" . . -. 4.yerold Peach Brandy I n , The Pbil. G. Kelly Co. Inc. '"zzT?: Fine Liquors, .MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY Fir.r m ' - , . t.iA.4L.oe0i.!-.,. Ph.... ma. Mchmond, Vlrilnln De Wltt i Little Karlv Ttlner. cmii mire, safe plHa. Sold by Klng-Croweli Iruy Company, LITTLE PILLS epeelal Preaeriptioai CONSTIPATION TORPID LIVERINDIOESTION Eaay, CuraUTa. By mall or at deaJere 5 cta. t, RICHARDSON, litg. Chemlat. GREENSBORO. M. C 7 i . ' 1 I - A CONNELLY SPRINGS HOTEL, ' eox.i:i,?,v si-isixfjs. x. r. :; (On Southern Hailway, lli-iween Salisburv and Aslieville) lu Siirlit of tlie V tooi;. JtKi ii:siiixj moi .M'aix iii:i:i;zi:, ami I'o.sitivici.v ri.i .linKlWI, W.lTKIt IX KXIHTKNCK ' ' TlioroiiKhly Modern Hotel, with IIiKh Standard of .Service Good ()rclielru, Hall Kooin, Tennis Courts,-- Howling Alley, lleliehtful Horseback liidin tind DrlvlnK. Hales very reasonable. Fun!,,.,- Information cheerfully fiirnlslied. thu HENRY VANST0RY. Some Exceptional " (Df feisTJ From tht low-priced article for family uie, to that I ,Vo have loud designB In wall cov erings, unwell as the neat, modest ones. Tho bIzo and shape of a room, Its intended tiso, nnd tho character of the furnishings all have un Impor tant bearing on what uenemi Btvio nt paper should he used. Hero Is where our expert Judgment will bo found of service to you. We not only want to sell you a rich-looking, urtlstlc paper, but we want it to be In imr. mony with Its surroundings when it is put on. . R. L. GREEN, al 57, Hargett St. which gratiflM the most refined taste. I am offeriiur that virif d. tk. 1 . : In order to supply an Increased demand, 1 am putting HPi eop11"" fou' 'ull quarts of Yadkin River. North Carolina, 6-year old Corn Whiskey, for $2.6o! Thla whiskey is absolutely pure, aged in wood and the beat tt offered at the price. Othtr Exceptional Offers are: Albermarle Rye, 4 full quarts, $3.00 Meantaln Rye, . per gallon, $2.5(1 Lazaru Club, ' - per gallon, $,00 !hVPSlcJ tntod ExpriMM Chart,, , Writ lor Prlcm LUt of Othor Brandt Largest Mall Order House In th South L. LAZARUS, LYNCHBURG, VA.

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