On In Affnrnnnn Pannp Bniivtnn Rirthmnnri rtntl Atlnrtln Vlfifh I emctrrl RJSig nnrf Full trrr;rt nifsnnlnHnft' LAST EDITION. 1 1' HE BALEIGH' EVENING TIMES, ' VOLUME 30. RALEIGH, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1907. PRICE to. THE GOVERNMENT'S DUEL BUILDING GOES DOWN IN A ROAR OF RUIN AND DEATH WITH THE TOBACCO TRUST T Raisuli, a Famous Bandit of Morocco Suit Begun . in New York District Court for Its Dissolution THE COURT ASKED TO APPOINT A RECEIVER The Petition lti'lili-s Inl'air Trade Methods, Oppression, Ferocious ( onipt titio:i, Deception, Fraud mid Conspiracies; Put si Its Assets at, fS27.-,()0:,M(, .ami Says That. It Wli! Soon Al:.' -ohilcly Monopolize sine's dl 1'ie orld tin Tobacco I'lSll'NS It4'Iil' i' o:i.liit; Aiiioi Named In (lie O'l-'i'iiliti" i ';,!(. ; Speedily Foilli-,- the . Drfeiulanls Ait Several :iss i.i This Sulc. l'.y Leased Win j'l. !'-,'' 10 'I'll Times.) New gun in coithe - was !:- t eutli.t for I lie w Voi'l; today lie American .v.i as l lie to- :l r; !ir.triel. for tilt' i i.:: TftVucto (' ; hat t o l ":;:;l. .:.! itm ::.rt, i l.-;0 ir-l;e.; i t o:n:ern.: to appo at :j .'I: 111.' ' "'he ; llRill it'll Its ell;-., lie. iaro : the eat t hl'Ollg:! llitore.' soluleiv . niiss ii;. inve.i- ia.hri or it : in all r !l 1)111' ii toa I. !'.-! .-at: Cm 1 1 ol' for.i'i.Kii. d eo ,-';, in v. i-J. i;:l io:: i in- t :i :!.v.:: i il will- a'l Macco busi relief is al d vonct ,:".t :i i The recllal of unfair trade meth ods, oppression, ferocious competi tion, deception, fraud and conspira cies, hy -which it is churned that, I lie IrttRt has grown since ls'Ki t'roni a capitalization of $l!.r.U Oti.nOO to a corporation whose total assets now exceed $27ri,'(Miu,(i!iO, turns a now leaf In the history of American cotn mei'eiali.siiM The l)e lemlaiils in (lie Action. The action is against the American Tobacco Company, Imperial Tobacco Company, I iritir-h-American Tobacco Company, American Snuff Company. American Cigar Company, Tailed Cigar Stores Company and til'ty-iilne other corporal tons and twenty-nine Individuals connectetl with them, ami is brought under Hie Sherman anti trust law, The petition shows the original nianipnlution of scores of created, acquired and controlled corporations utilized as agendo.! lo accomplish the general design; the progressive ab sorption and elimination of com pell torn and dost ruction of formidable opposition, and the entry hy defend ants into various departments of manufacture and trade, domestic and foreign, In tobacco products, with in tent to monopolize, and the actual monopolies aotjuired. It lHVf'lured thirt 7a per cent of the total Annual production of 800, 000,000 pounds of tobacco is pur chased by. the American Tobacco Company and its associates and til lles, at prices unlawfully influenced by the combination against them: also that the trust manufactures, sells and distributes more than SO per cent of the. smoking and plug tobaccos, 95 'per 'cent of the snuff. Hi) per cent of the Cigarettes, 7" per cent of tho small cigars, 95 per cenl of the licorice product, SO per cent of lie tin-foil products, and from 10 trVEb per cent of the cigars and sto JJk, and that it Is rapidly acquiring (flfntrol of the ordinary agencies, wholesalers and retailers. l'laii of MniioMly. The general plan of monopolizing the' different branches of the Indus try, it is stated in the petition, has been to acquire through one of the confederated companies the business of successful opponents; take from owners and managers an agreement not thereafter to engage in the busi ness;, to drive out other opponents by destructive competition; to deter any who might wish to engage in the trade, and" finally to gain control of tho agencies through which tobacco products are distributed. A favor ite trade method was to cause a cor poration secretly controlled to adver tise Itself as wholly Independent and free from association with trusts and combinations, to offer its goods below cost, to Imitate competing brands and in theso ways to use the same for I the destruction of real independents. I Acquiring the Foreign Kit-Id. Lfforts of the Americans to enter the foreign field in 1901 resulted in the or ganization in Great Britain of the Im perial Tobaeeo Company and a tierce trade warfare. This was ended a year Hater by the organization of the Brit ish-American Company, one-third of the stock being held by the Imperial, and two-thirds by the American com pany. The Imperial agents refrain from doing business, except to pur chase leaf in the cniteil .States and thr American trust to pontine its op erations to the United Stales, their dependencies and Cuba. The Itritish- American Company was given abso-j lute control of the trade and commerce j I In other countries. , "Tills division has been strictly ob served," say:: the petition, "and tilt: Willi their allies and associates have all been operated in concert and liar- ' mony." I.--. In lWlt the trust spread out in the j 1 i-elail field l,y secretly act'iulriiiff con tnl -of the I'nited t'ljcar Sl ircs Coin paiiy. I The Siimiiiiii-i t"i. The petition sums tip the accomplish lnents of the trust as follows: "They (Ibe - ilei'eittiitnts) have already driven i.ut . liuisl uf I 11- ir oppoin-ntK, ami have uliliiiin-il !-ue! linwev. in i-om-binalioii Mint the fi-w estabii: lied com petitors must t'oniiiii I their . business in Ibe well grou i ii.-:l I :i r o!' swift tlo- sti iieton, wh, nev i: decide; to elilni'l:i t ' n'M'e 'wltliliiiltliivg. i th, ir niiinei'iiiis bi-ii baceo tieait r- .inbber pmbubly- reiider. his lielVnilai'.ts may . t in-ill : mill : the ir witlidrawiii;? of ;,ils f loin any . to ur retailer would s-iiei'ess impossible. Th 1 .impni'tiiuiiii'S- fur my "new coinpet- itors in:-.- constantly be i!el-nii:ms: ti:e: aiv-it-ie tioa- are Map'uily eomin undisputed 'control.'' I:i lis p raver fur reli inseii by iln t i ilui- f.'l- i 1 i I - their T 111- j. nv ern- iiu i't asks tin- court i; lb" Ii.iliiin or :;,v-U -l.y r,.-i l I i 1 1 i I eoi.;iii'..:ili nis in et 'i po. :it ion itr.il ..'i: ' the rlioui'. in the petition; Milllllil? illegal a.iv nl' l!i tle- :: v.' ii.-i i inlant riieil-'StMliei'S In ';:! the exeri i.-iin any holding company from right or control over any such share 1 of stock; also that th.- Impel lal and the - lliitisii-American tobaeeo coin pa nics be ' enjoined from engaging in In-, terslate or foreign- coinnieiee within the Jin isilletion of Hie I'nited Slates. List of ilie Ocfeinlanls. The (Ii letiilalits tlam. d la the bill, in adilit Ion tu those already iiienl ioneii, ineliide: Thomas 1-". It'an, the Dukes, l.olillarils and I. A. it. Widener, and the following corporations, many ot which are eli-irged w ilb ndvei I ising ns independents: American S.ntilT Coni puny: American Cl;;.u Coinpiny; Ainei-lean Stogie Company, Havana Tobaeeo Company, Havana-American Company, R l-oiillard Cumpany, Ii. J. Heynolils Tobacco Company, Spaillil ing Merrick, II.-A. J'nl terson Tobac co Conipany. Itlackwell niirbam To bacco Company, laihrman & VVilbiirn Tobacco Company, John liollman Coni pany, V. V. Adams Tobacco Conipany, .1 oil ii W. Carroll Tobacco Company, Nail & Williamson Tobacco Company, Nashville Tobacco Works, Day - & Night Tobacco Company, l'iiikertoii Tobacco Company. Ii. IV 1 Jicliardson, Jr.. & I'oiupanv, F. I!, l'enn Tobaeeo Company, Wells-Whiteliead Tobacco Company W. S. Mathews & Sons, T. C. Williams & Company, David Dun lop. V. IO. Carrot t & Sons. DeVoe Snuff Conipany, Standard Snuff Com pany, 11. Hollander, Weiman & Hrotlt ers, Tile I'orto Hlean-Amei'ieail Toliac co Company, the Cniteil -Cigar Stores Tobacco Company, Kentucky Tobacco I'loduct Conipany, Amsterdam Supply Company; MacAndivws & Forbes Company. J. S. Young Company. The Conley l-'oll Company. Johnson Tinfoil Ht Metal Company, (iolden Belt Man ufacturing Conipany, Mengel Box Company, Manhattan Briar Pipe Com pany, International Cigar Machinery Company, Ciarson Vending- Machine Company, Crescent cigar & Tobacco Company, Floradoru Tag Company, Thomas Cusaek Company, M. Ii'.nck over Company, II, B. Burnett Coin puny, Clifweil Cigar Company, J. & 11. Moose, J. &. H. Moore Company, Ousel, (loodloe Compuny, J. J. tiooil 'liin Tobacco Company, Jordan, !ib. son & Batini. Louisiana Tobaeeo Com pany, Smokers I'nradlse Companyi Cuban Land & Leaf Company, Porto llicaii Leaf Tobacco Company, Fed eral Clgur Company, and Federal ci gar Heal Kstate Company. The grand jury today is "taking evidence in the Rowland case. Tho solicitor early this morning gave the Jury the bill of indictment. The bills against Rosa Johnson, whiteand Elvira Powell, an old colored woman, charged with tho murder of Rosa's babe In May, were also given to the grandjury thla morning to Investigate. INVESTIGATING ROWLAND CASE A STRUGGLE THAT S IN KISSES Cuniminos and Lovuly Laura Mysteriously Elope END vi SECOND HONEYMOON Saccharine Setmcl of One of the Most SeiiNall:!ial - Ciikck That l-iier S.-t ICven Chicago to iap!ug 1'irst AVI ft' of Cuinnii'.ins Helped in i'.ec onciliation Uilh Wife No. .2. (I!v Leased Wire to Th Times.) Chicago," 111., ,1 uiy 1 o.- ii'.v. um-i I i:t 1 10:1 is the lnte.it ileveiOiiiiie. it. iii. Iho t !ii".:iiered lnarrieti lil-.i of Norman 1'. Ciiniiiiin.'iS, one of Oliiea.'Vi's riehi-.sL ri::il-o:'.late ' l.ii'ii, and i . 'l;,anr;i. c. Cliianiinfs;. I lie soniiier.i beauty -':nd well kii'.nvn in 'eastern' rin'i.-ly. es terday they bewail their :-'e oikI honey-' ntoo'.i. having mysteriously elope.!. Tin- mull iplieily .of eoiirt jjiocje.l inirs v.'i'iich have nrisea on tile con jugal pathway irotl iiV lr.isliaiid a'.'.t! wife since their maii'i:r;e were sum marily cleared away when attorneys for both appeared before ;lntlg'.v Sir l'.'wen trad asked thai ell bills lor divorce, septnate maiiiteiianee, i.'. jiiiiction and writs of various lilies and meanings bo dismissed. Tile aiii.ine -feature- of I he recon eili.il ioa is I luil Anna Cummin.-;.:, wife iVo. I, is said to have acted as laci or lie.i iveen iiei' foriiicr Iris- hiiml ami l lie. woman h-- is cliai'.ivetl v.'ith bavin:;' boii;;hl, lnan'i.-ii at I lie point of a ,"i:n. nutllreaii'd. theti v.ooetl Willi roses and aii'.oaiobile:;. i . Tile ('umiliings divorce .sail: vvas one of the greaiea st'!ts:illoii::.'ever brou:;hl ill Chicago coai'ls. Mr. 'i:i i inings .was chai'.;i-d wilh liavi:'.i., boughl his wife fronc anot lit'r niaa. lie was accused 'of.V.btUiins ber :i t'.' -t lie had gainetl poi-se. sion of lie!'. :i-id alter she hail left him he speel liion sainis of dollars in t a'tu'ls to win her bad;, 'i'tie t'Diiple were .'married al .Miciiij'an City,' Dt'cembei' 1 ii, 1 liti.'i. Since tital tune, it is alleged. Mrs. ( iiiniuir.KS liad starled Ion ilitTer. nl baits for divorce ia itildiiion to tin: i.clioii now disniissetl. .Mrs. t'umiuings Kit. I gave bonds of $ I -.1,011(1 for Iter loiniei- husbaiitl in oiiti of the seconil wife's ' legal lights. HOUSES MELT IN SHEETS OF FLAME (liy Leased Wire lo The Times.) PIltsbtiiK. Pa.. July in.-Forty uirls had narrow escapes from death, one yotiUK woman was Injured and the damage to the extent of Jlnn.Oliil was done by Haines which broke out in th ' live story brick structure of the 1 Cream City Woven Wire Company this iiioru iiih'. Forty Kills and ten men were at work at the lime the lire starled, and iiwlnff to the rapltl spread of tin' flames to the Arbuekles Hats, llirce story structures on the opposite sitl ' of Ucbecca street. S:-vi'ial of these buildings were totally destroyed. A row of houses In Snowtleii street, a square away, are in Humes also, but il is thought Hie tires aiiioiu; these builililiMS will be controlled. L TO GfiEENVILLE Cireenvllle has secured the Train ing School for Eastern Carolina, de cision having been rendered at four o'clock this afternoon. VXPUKCKOHNTKI) KHOyii HY HOWKRY SAYIN(S H.WU. New York, uJly 10. At tint close of business yesterday the deposits In the Bowery Savings Hank reached a total of $100,000,000, a showing, it is said, unprecedented In the his tory of savings banks. H00 GOES I mm 5v ipx x mat m i!i .fi;iteip I ' Muiiit .mm t "msmmmi ie usis fin ii.e w.y isr !'j v(- ! i"ii' liit .i:.-c i.t tile top is a snapshot of the l'aiiu;:s t'nmlit Kaisnli, I "l"J '-'U j (v,. irvita- of .'loi-oeco, and sonic of tiie lieutenants. .( die bottom is ' . j i 't"i: iHlnct ie:i cf :j I ae-simiiC of a iio-.e :a tin- ( Arabic) ImiulM' riling- of j iiiiiiii (ivatia ; of a ran-oui, a::d a pmirait of one of (lie robber's lieu- THREATS BY OHCIIAIIO; rt .. - D.'siateic.. lie .V. Itcatli, I ions t;' : '(r::t fill- Pel: lily, .Leased Wire to 'I lie Tim, l'.oise, Idaho. .Inly Id. 'J'ii febse in Ilie r. -at itajwooil". trial siiian:; a setisai iua today when it aniioiineetl l liat it lie next iwluess for the aitiiseil wtiilld ...be: Charles 11. Mover. Ihii:-. hriu;;iii!.; out clearly thai the president of Hie YYeslerti Federalii ii. of Miners had tun e anil for. all refused to i nra slate's evi dence and so pur -hast; his own free dom. . It lieiai.it' known today thai the strotifii-st. of all pressure had been brought to he ir upon Moyer, Iml in spite of this temptation to secure his own - immunity from trial as a co consplralor v. ii ii Haywood and 1'etti bone for the murder of former (Jnv- ernor Sieutie.ilier!;, he sleadfasl ly ! held to his lie.aily. j Pret-editic; the .'.'expected testimony j of Mover, (lie 'defense brought for ward tlisiiiieiested witnesses who swore thai Orchard made threats in kill Sli'iincnlii i'' and that, he offt'fed j his interesl ill the Hercules mine for j sale in 1S!ii and later. The defense has t-ontendeil all ''along thai On !i- tirtl iassassinaletl Slt'iiiienber;; tint of j perstuiai haired and reveiige,;- and this tt'slinionv is in support -of 'that t-iiiit tii ii in. An alleinpl was made by the tle I'eiise to .. prove I hat ; Deleclive Mt Parlland soittiiil to niatiiifacl tire tes timony with which to connect liny- wood' with Orchard nlfer the blow ing ui) of . the .Independence depot, but Judge Wood ruled against this proof at this time. Informing the de fense that the proper foundation had to bis laid. The defense .re served this wilness to lie called afier Mc Part la ml has testified, if he does. The Menial by Moyer. Mover is now testifying, denying that he conspired wilh Haywood and Orchard to assassinate Stettnenberg. Mrs. Mover and her sister are in courl. ..Fragmentary evidence was cleaned up by the defense at the opening of courl this .morning and then Moyor was brought in. His examination ami crosK-eNantinalimi will take till day. :i iee,l lcu;:e:i;)-,i!'e: ill) 'oi'i-.iboratiiin Hie Coalen (!ie !!ci'; iiv-t' 'i'hal Orchard the P!-v.' of an Assassin iiiiai Kea.-cns. ESELY BABBLE OF fHE I'OOLib I Admiral tomti t Says Wii'il;Loap From Carriages and Fly Have iia ttar A 1501 OF bYMPATHY ii. Says That This lias livisli-ti l!t s .-mil Japan Treaty Was Commodore lueen Hie Cniteil Statt I'iver Since I lie l-'ii-s! Si"tieil I'ollou inn- Perry's isil In Japan, ILV Leased Wire to Tile Timi s.) New Yoik. .Inly 10. ---"There is no 'chance of Avar between my country and the 1'niteil States not tile slight est cle'Vlee,". '' ; -"llefore he '-hail set foot on -American suit today from the steamship Cai in. inin. Admiral iiaron . Yiimahoto, niiuister nl' luariili' of Japan, impres sively' uttered this .peaceful sentiment to1 a ivii.it let- oT the . Hearst News Service. I was Intended as a tleeiara I inn of the feeiiu:; v.hieli animates the Vast I 'majority of the eh l-.ens of Japan as I we I the as lli-v i-Tnv i-iuii'. elas toward l'llilCil SI. lies. . . l'.aron .Yaniaiiiji'io Is on the I of' a trip a round the'wnrld in lasJ laii ideit:il'ii i ....,:, . , . partly nir ri i;.i.iiion aner nis stren uous otlieial activities during tile ltus-sinii-Jnpuncse war. In his partv were Captains '1'- Flljll. IM. Kondon, T. Tnkarobe, and 11. Kate. of Hie Japanese navy, tillielal courte sies wire cvteuded to tile bar-ill on behalf of Ad mini I- Ciiiod rich,, commandant- of the llroolilyn navy yanl. by Lieillenant (ieoi'Ke Henderson,""-, who boanieil the t'ariiiaiila down the- hay' from the tug Powhatan, Attired In a ceremonious garb, t in sisting of a top. hut and a liing black frock coiit, tile haroil received the re poi'ters on the .deck of the Cnrnialils. He saluletl each 111 KnsHsh mid reatl ily answered iiuestlons. What he said regartling.tlie piosiiecls of ii war be tween .Input! and (be I'nited Stirti-swas evidently ullei'ci! after studied pn -pa-rat Inn." "We Want Xo War." "There Is n liniiil nf svnmatbv In tween tin- two countries," he'i said, xisted ever since the first id alter Commodore That bund is still firm, be dissolved today. We y net look for war. We want no iv 1 ln.-li.evi' 1 am speaking as much m' your 'Standpoint as ours. "All this talk, of war is mere non-k:i:.-i. Ii is He- trivial little storm v.i i it-ti. : In n lil In-', toss-it into the Pa eilie and .allowed to lose i 1 self. There is no bid feeling to wit rd the United Stales in Japan any iiiuie than the is inn- in your l uiuilry, toward us. Of that 1 am piisiiive. "War lull; is the" babiile of . a few fonllsli i-eupic. Men in high places dis regard', it .'its" a gre it. dog would the barking -of a little dog nt ttD heels.. (;;ioli' Ale Accurately. "1 ' ;i :-.) anxious thai I should be tiuott-d aiem-aiely in this. I. tin admit that then.- ale eoiniit inns whieli seem (Continued on Page Seven.) WOMEN MEET IN FURIOUS FIGHT at Each Oilier THE HUSBANDS LOOK ON Willi l ist. Nail men .'.t.enipt Other, KolliiiL l!espt'!-ale Sir: ami Teeth I lie Wo to Hemolisli liach Over mill Over in iinles Attempts to Part Tin-ill I'lltile Ivvhaiislion. lily Leased Win- to Tin? Times.) Wine lio:-;or. Va., July Id.--News has rent-lied Winchester t nut. it feud v. hit ii iiad been in .existence, between Mrs. Laura Linelierg, wife of Benja min Lineberi;, and Mrs. I-'iuma Stot ler, wile of James Stoiler, prosper ous Frederick county fanners, for a number of years, was settled, nt. j least in part, several miles north west of 1 his city. The women, driv ing willi their husbands, mel on a country road and. ii is said, leaped from l heir c.i "I'iau'es and engaged in a lei-i ilie lisl ii'ihi. liolh wo. rich, it is stated, clinched in pnt;ilis' It- iashiou and used lists, fimrer nails, .and teeih with much effect. Mrs. Lineberg, .who is a delicate looking woman, is said to have blackened one of Mrs. Stotler's eyes, who fs haxom ami attractive. Both rolled over and over in the road, the story goes, and fought desperately, while Ihelr husbands stood off and held I ile Morses. Walter' Cooper, and Jacob Strelt, happening along, started to separate tiie combatants, hut were, unsuccess ful, ant! the woiiu It only slopped when exhausted. Family .'mutters' are alleged to have caused the list it: encounter, ami when in town recently each wo man Is said to have threatened to "liix" Hie ti'iier. The authorities I have not taken a hand In the mutter, Fifteen Taken From Debris BETWEEN THIRTY AND FORTY REPQBTED Ktt All the Ambulances and Patrols from the Hospitals and Police Stations Hushed to the Scene, Of the Catastrophe The Collapwii Building Was the : Itrldaeiiian Brotliei-s' Pipe. Factory of Phila delphia. ' (Hy Leased Wire to The Times.') Philadelphia, Pa., July t0.--Thirty to forty persons are reported killed in the collapse of Brldgeman lirothers' pipe factory, Tifteenth ahJ Washington avenue, thia afternoon. All the ambulances, and patrols from the lionpiiiilK and police stations and four - trucks lrom c.igine houses in tne ilov.'ii-io'vn section have been rushed to me scene. The work ol recoverlnx the. dead'-, was. begun l muse imiii'.'tliately and at 2 o'clock fifteen iu.;:t were lying on the.pdve inent on the Kifteenth street ld ftf I the bitiluitig awaiting' conveyances. All sorts of conveyances were im pressed ii.fj servke to convey the injured men to fie hospitals. TJie receivint; wards of tup. ' Howard, ; Polyclinic, Methodist and other hbs ; pltal.t in the- lower section of , the ! t hy resmbi-ltl a lot of 8hambies..Men bleetliii-A' and bruised - Jay ort the iinor, after, tot. and stretchor . sup i.lies hail become exhausted and tad ambulance under patrol ; Wiroas inaoo trip '-a tier .- trip at breakneok speed, each Journey bringing in Elf- : J It ion a 1 victims. i-'ifteen bodies had been recovered at l':4.-). Many I'mler Masses of Debris. . Tiie section of the factory Which collapsed was a four-story concrete addition in course of erection. Near ly one hundred workmen, employe by the contracting firm having the work of erecting in charge were caught by the mass of falling bricks and mortar and all received Injuries that in many cases proved mbrtal before they could be taken from the ruins. The number of dead cannot he estimated at this hour, as a con dition of chaos prevails and there are two score workmen unaccounted for whose bodies are believed to He under the masonry and twisted Iron. None of the injured victims could give a coherent account of the tragedy. They only knew that they were working on the several fioors of the factory when suddenly the roof collapsed. Without warning the front wall and side supports sag ged and crumbled in. Not one of the workmen had-a chance for escape. They, went down witu the horrible mass of creeklng joists and crumbling brlckB and mortar. LATIilt KKPOKT MAKES THK DKATH LIST LOWER. (Hy Leased Wire to The Times,) Philadelphia, Pa., July 10. Ac cording to reports received at the I'Jlecti'it a 1 Bureau at 3 o'clock this afternoon twenty persons . weire killed in the collapse of the building 1 at loth and Washington avenue. The estimate of those Instantly killed is based upon the reports of the police officials at the scene of the accident. Their information is gotten from tliiosH who escaped Injury in the crash, it Is probable that their ac counts of the accident are over drawn. So fur as the police actually know the death list does not exceed live. The police believe, however, that many bodies are still buried be neath the debris. , BULLETIN OF CROP CONDITIONS (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Washington, July 10. Govern ment report: - . Corn, i 98.099,000 acres; Increase of 1.4 percent. Condition, 80.2. Winter wheat condition, 78.3. i Spring wheat condition, 87.2. . Condition of winter and spring wheat combined, 81.6. Wheat, lust year's crop, held by farmers, 54,853,000 bUBhels, - At Two O'Clock Corpses Had

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