THE RALEIGH FVENING TIMES: WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1907. TODAY'S COURT PROCEEDINGS Few Cases are Being Dis posed Of A HORSE CASE ON Hannibal Taliun tor Insposiiig ol Mortgaged property l-aciny; il Jury TIic Property Has ji I4:t Iht Ancient Horse ( uses Heard to day Mole l ans in Coin! Koom. When court resumed tins the ease of Jerry Dunn tor moriiui!.' I ho Iar cenv of a couple ot hum was taken "up and submitted to the jury. A ver dict was rendered of '; guilty,. . Inlt Judge Long reserved sentence. t or a time the conn was real li:is disposing ot cases. Robert Dav.'kins. colored, pleaueu guiltv 10 larcenv and receiving. -line was given eight months on tne coun ty roads. Joseph Trice,, colored, for larceny and housebrealiinkv was .'.sentenced i four ' years, on the roads .in one .ease and judgment was suspended on con dition ol good behavior in the other Charles Robertson. Sr.. and I'harle. Robertson. Jr.. colored, pleaded guiltv to forcible trespass. Judgment- war a:' j ml :l suspended upon payment o! cost promise ot good behavior. Love Goodson. .colored, plead'.1 ' gritty to carrying a. conceab'd'weiipo and was fined $la and costs. John Thornton, colored, lor di ead-.h'd- posing ot mortgaged property, pi td guiltv and judgment was ed upon pavment ot costs. Hannibal and His Horse. The next case up was tile Siatr against Haunibal Tabun, co'.or.-.i. to: disposing of mortgaged property. Messrs. -Argo & charter and W. .1 Peel represent Hannibal, while So licitor Jones appears lor the state. Hannibal, it seems, bought a liorsi from M. N. Perrv last. October, givlne a mortgage on the horse and a hniH" as security; Last Marcl! the .negro sold the horse and Mi:. !'evrv had ' warrant1 issued for Hannibal for dis posing of - mortgaged . property: Ip the meantime Mi. I'crrv had disuosr.: of the mortgage to Mr. H. 1'. Monta gue..." and much time .was -consumed thjs morning over the. .question whether the state had a right to pros ecute the old negro on beiiall" of V; Perrv. who no longer owned the movi gage. Tin case was not. thrown ou -i of court, but this point. . t he .fudge' said, would be explained . when the From Cherry-Blossom Land. IYai bas proverb of cherrv lilossoin iiind that a bealtby;,-,toiiiacli is tin is iit all sirciigi.b. -nature Is also recounied as of great. iiuMirl- 81ICC- 1 lie .hipillic-c a.- ;t people ale 11" nuirkable fur their health, endurance, pnneiicc and skill. I bev have a vsiein of physical training w -li. h is univi ially used. It is called the Jiu Jitzu. and by this tbev regulate diet, bathing, clotliiii;;. breatbing. luuwiilar ile velopiueiit and boxing. :; They have a philosopliv kJflJk-,. tha t good ..-humor, is fol- -h: lowed by guild health. ' : V l bev trv t.i banish wor uisli wor- jrr-"". . . lion for liii, ifjtP'VidiA ries. and liehev cbeerlul view of Hood foil lid a 1 1 strength. Such plnl lisnpliv could well be adopted bv our American peonle. We are apt to be loo sel lout 1 bev Iiiivm nianv sav ings in Japan similar to our own. )ne is t lial " a woman is as old as she looks, but a Japanese woman s face is usually us lliiwiiiikleil as a baav s. Altbougli tin' Japanese women do mil usuallv liavii the well developed llgures of our American women, yet tbev do not. gather wrinkles from worrv nor suiter us do our American women. W bat, Is il that makes our American women often pule, sallow faced, with dark citvlis under the eves, and verv often old at forty-live when thev should be in their prime .' In more southern climates like Japan the women live closer to nuturfl thev live simple, homely lives and do not worry because they cannot dress as ex travagantly as their neighbors. They eat wholesome food and do not practice high living. To keep voung a woman must keen healthy and strong. When she Is run down with the pains and ills which come periodically among our women-kind, she adds yours ti her looks, wrinkles develop, and the wom an really suffers untold agony, There Is no real need for this if she will practice right living, recognize her bodily needs. practice hygiene all of which knowledge he can obtain fron some reliable med ical book like Dr. Pierce's Common he ii!e Medical Adviser, which can be hud by ending him thirty-one rent for the cloth bound volume, or twenty-one cents for the paper bound. Dr. R. V. Pierce, who Is the founder and medical director of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical -Institute, at Buffalo, New York, says, "there Is no reason why women should suffer if they will take tlie proper means to cure those Irregularities which lead them to a mis erable existence." Women suffer In girlhood from back ache, spine-ache and headaches, fol lowed by irregularities, painful or disa greeable, and as a result diseases of the womanly organs are more common than any one but a physician in active pine tlce could suppose. It Is often the result of days of girlhood passed In ovcr Crowdod public schools, or worse, In a ! U needa Biscuit A food to work on A food to smile on A food to sing on Energy and good -nature in every package. The most nutritious wheat food. In moisture and dust proof packages. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY i c as te (he :; . .'; -. ) :' ? :Mr. i'ei'ry v;S the'lii'sf.Avittiess in; this ea.-e. Colonel .-Aran asked him ;: 11 a lion i .1 he horse; if it, hud any eyes: it' il could .'walk.:- if its rib: .' didn't "siiek oi.f r. if. when it-'-walked., -its.' hind . legs didn't .dance :. the Vir- : ginia ' reel; Colonel Argo Uskeil .i r. : Perry, it lot niore about: t he . horse. 1 The. aniniLtl. by the way , . has. '.-hanged l.litKi , quite bfv liatinibai j r; it ot i: foi IO coid for : llaiiuii) v.-ho dis posed of the hors bought it again i li 1 i few dollars l oioiiei Argo said S. iU - and resold ii for; The man that owns the old plug.: as Colonel Argo designated t he ani nia 1.. would n't take $7 T, for it now. The horse's age got at. ;:but ir was sugi was over 1 1 vein's old. could e'st'ect pot be that "it !..- Hannibal was let off upon paymeiu of $ 1 ." 'urtd pitvinent of tho-ciii t . . The heat in the bar ' (l;iv. .for three large fa ihis itternoo:i '.Mr. Perry in tin? case. i.--: nor load to ns and a. smail loving rapidly, i and iiurynien fan u Uep; ollic oil is l w of ;;tl have iiUhei iff thei Ini I room l:1 .'pleasaiii..: Ci'ses I'hi lti i noon. . hen Knu I', o'clock t hi V. I'ofd. convened : a fK-riioon S110V the if I. case W. a'n ol i:. v.p. in fiir 'assault on Smi; h a1 There arc this case, isheel befi . Kverett . jail ; since tri,d this Il Auburn, was til .a ii'imber: of -witn :i ii (1 ii w'il. hardly-, lie uii ire I :::e. Speiice. w ho '' Jin's, beep in 1 last Sepienil'C:'. w ill , be afi'-rnoon I'm' the murder i I 'jail -belie- ke Imardtiig school for vounij 1 be br.iiii is crowcli (I. - millgesl ils disturb. llio stomach, 'the body t .act -.healthful urowth. and tlnv loped woman . leiives school , tie into social dissipations, followed M cloM'ly by the taking up (if duties mid : responiluliti('s to il lmshuiid who has only noticed aiitiful face.. The woman suffer- ible foi dues 11, illldevi pllUlge iiiilv i w ifi-ly wards her be ing fn mi coiitiniied nervousness. ' wean- wakeful lies.- I lid back- acli the '. needs Hie ildvii'i largiKt cxperieiici physician of 1 Ureases of Women, such as Dr. R. V. Tierce, of Hullalo, X. Y. The young wife desiring the advice of a physician is deterred therefrom hy biishfiilncss, and mi are many younger women, sitigla women, ana we should advise these to write ut once to Dr. Pierce, who will 1 treiiT. tueir corrrsnonaence as strictly coiitideiitial, and give them an inttln gont medical opinion without coat. After long experience in the treatment of womanly diseases, Dr. Pierce evolved a vegetable tonic and corrective which he called Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion. This is a purely vegetable prep aration, without a particle of alcohol contained in it. Backed up by over a third of a cen tury of remarkable and uniform-cures, a record such as no other remedy for the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained, the proprietors and makers of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre. Keriptiou now feel fully warranted In offering to pay f.710 in legal money of the United States for any case of reucor rhea. Female Weakness, or Falling of Womb, which they cannot cure. All they ask Is a fair and reasonable trial of their meuna of cure. i.-ai ac c of a i ill tl a 'in will be i ,'ro. 11! east .'" up Uit elJlJIC jiiiimied to- i.UK'row . ICoudnn Black Case Monday, The r.ial ot Kowdon liiack. charged with tin- murder of Marshal! Rowland' at--Willow-Springs early in i the year, .was begun late yesterda.' afi.ernoon. His case is set for Mon day -at H: -:!0. ...A special venire of T; llieii was ordered summoiled. i PLANS TO CHOOSE MAYOR FOR FRISCO I t liy Leased Wil'it to Tho. Tieres.) San Francisco. Cab. July Pi, District1. Attorney William H. Liuigdnh late last night r iiiade public the plans --ot the graft; iiroseeutien to ,scciire;: a perma nent mayor' to til! 'the -unexpired term of Kuu-ene V.. Scbmll-. Following the .'appointment-, -''yesterday' of Supervisor '.Charles listen as : inayor tii succeed , Sell in it z I be district alt oriley last night issu, -il; a ! tier to l'l'iuvscntativi' eom ' mci(:ial and: labor oiganizaiioii of the city., pi -wbicb be;aslieil their co-iip-:eiat ionv" explaining ;that l!,..xten was ipi i in tl fly.-1. iii tlv i : avoid 'temporary : interim before, a eiilliplicall pcrniaueal ina.iii . He then elect i ii f mayor could b- declared that the graft pros t'iiiiziug that a selection .of ill the "unexpired term -'should, us representative a body , of as tiossible, invites the or te 1" 'lie :a't in lies is addressed.- to: send thirty to a convention to be held i k-twcei.i .iuly K! and July IS to choose a I nayor. "Fifteen of the delegates are! o ei line from the two labor bodies an 1 ithe'r fifteen from the, five commercial irgani;:ations. . . ,. , I Consul H. A. f'oniiiit writes" that rwiiulsoiv Onfario, has been granted ' liie privilege, through : act. to. offer I bonuses as iin inducement, for maun- I facturing concerns to loccie in I city. 1 he bonuses consist of tlPit fi-ee water and light and exemption Irom taxation lor a period ot ten years. run-: iiim-s ;aixst TIIK A. T. V S. I'. KAII.KOAI) flly Leased Wire to The Times.) : ( hicago. .1 nl v 10.- True hills were voted vesterdav afternoon bv tin; tcderal grand Jurv in the Atchison, lopekil tc hanta I-e lcallroad rebat ing case. lhe identity of -those in dicted will he dsclosed this atier noon In the report to be made bv the inquisitors regarding their labors under the guidance of . District At torney Sims and his assistants. lhe Santa re rebate case is based upon the railroad s relations with the I niied States Sugar and Land ( oinpnnv. ot (iiirden Citv. Kan. In building its plant, the sugar refining concern is said to havo iniide: a con tract under which the railway ror porauon agreed to rebate $uu.000 n $100,000 freigat bill. Of this .-..000. SI 2.000 was paid before I nele Sam heard of the agreement, Long Live the King! Is the popular cry throughout Euro pean countries: while in America, lhe ery of the present day Is "Long live Dr. Kings New Discovery. King of Throat and Lung Remedies!-' of which Mrs. Julia Ryder Paine. Tru ro. Mans., says: "It never fails to give immediate relief and to quickly cure a cough or cold." Mrs. Palne's opinion Is shared by a majority of the Inhabitants of this country. New Discovery cures weak lungs and sore throats after all other rem dies have failed; and for coughs and colds It's the only sure cure. Guaranteed by all druglsts. 60c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free. COMMISSION BUSY WITH ASSESSMENTS The State Corporation Commission today began its work of assessment for taxes on the various railroads, telephone, telegraph and steamship companies, power plants, canal com panies and other corporations throughout North Carolina. The placing of assessments will consume several weeks, as there is a vast num ber of companies to be considered, . of Walt oi- Chavis. iiiiloigli. The case, until late : and- will EXAMINATION THURSDAY ForTiata's Certificate and Entering A. & M. College To lie Conducted lv Superintendent J mid at Centennial School Begin ning 1'roiiipliv at O t lock hx aiiiinalion lor High School (ert id ea I es July liolli. The superintendent of education in each conntv ol the state will con duct examinations tomorrow of ap plicants lor positions as teachers in the public scaools. I he issuance of five-year teachers' certificates is in the hands ol the state board ol ex aminers, who will announce the suc cessful candidates after tomorrows examinations. All applicants for five-year state certificates are required bv law to hie with their applications a state ment from the superintendent of the county In whica the applicant last taught, that: the applicant holds a first, grade cenilicate and has taught successfully for at least one year, lhe examination lor these certifi cates will cover all subiecis named in section JUST or the public law. I :ie ai;o conntv applicants w be ; examined-', liy.-'. Superintendent Z. V. .ludd at the Centennial School building, in, the foot "of Kayef teyillo street, tomorrow morning at !' o'clock. All ..applicants are expect ed to report promptly at the hour named, and 11 possible, should he present be s:;;m. rue examinations will be closed at p. m. . Kxaiiiinations for entrance 1o the freshman class of t he A. and M. Col lege will be given at the same time and -place' as the teachers' examina tions. lhe examinations tor high-school certificates wili be held on July ::ath. NATIONALTARGET SHOOT North Carolina National Will be Represented I lo I alio I'litce iit ( amp Perrv. Ohio, i . Aliens: iIKt ti (iovernor lias An tbocizeil Adiiitant (iciieial lo Have I a ! earn Selected. j (iovernor It. 1j. Glenn has author 1 ized . Adjutant-fii ner.'il T. R. lobert. j, son in have -selee'twl a :t('nm to reji ! ri'.-eiit the North' Carolina national I guard at the National. Target Snoot, 1 which will fake place at Camp Perry, :Ohio. during i he- week beginning Au gust 2S. l he ten in w ill be comopsed of 12 s.iooters and three supernumeraries, with three officers and two range ofli cers attachod. Kai-h oi"the Hire: Noiih Carolina .regiments will be equally represented on lac team, in both en- Misted men and olln ers. j Selections will he made during the encampment ot the V irst Kegi ment ar Morehead. August 9th lo l.un. lhe most expert target shoot ers enlisted in the national guard will Tie present, . and the handsome medals ottered will afford special inducements tor tno display ot skill in handling the deadly Kraag-.lor-geiison. (ioueral Kobertson will conter wit :i ' captains of (he various mili tary companies iu the state, and the best men availuble will lor the shouting team. be detailed ';. ..-'- I SMAI, A WAIT I XfS MeXKIMS AltlllVAL, San 1' liiiif Iseo. Cal.. July Id.---Karlv toih'V Presidtuil S. .1. Small of the .telegraphers' union decided not to ko to ( liioairo at once as antici pated, l.ale last night, President, small received an urgent request from (ieneral Secretory and 1 reus- ,,.,.,. Uusscll. at Chicago, that he re- main in Oakland until Labor Com missioner Neill arrives Frldav morn ing. Although Mr. Small had al ready secured transportation over the Southern Pacific and Chicago & Milwaukee to Chicago, and had called a special meeting In Chicago Sunday, lie decided to await the ar rival of Mr, Xeill and give Mr. Nelll and Mr. Clowry a chance to demon strate to the public that the agree ment entered Into between them on behalf of the telegraphers that all disputed differences should be sub mitted to arbitration was sincere. Mr. Small said: ''I fear the effect of countermand ing my request for a special meet ing next Sunday In Chicago, but 'all honorable means' Is the limit, and I am sure my friends In Chicago will leave It to me to say when all hon orable means have been exhausted. With Miss Durham. Miss Ellen Durham entertained a few friends last night at the home of ber mother on Hillsboro road. Those present were: Misses Ellen Durham, Fannie Hlnea Johnson, Helen Moring, Annie Peyton, of Washington, D. C. ; Madalena White, of Graham; Alice Buck, of Washington; Messra. Charles E. Johnson, Jr., Baxter Dur ham, Wright Dixon, C. A. Abernethy, Waltei Pufhaw, mi Jaal Allison, ifeilf I 'M I .'- (iW KjUs i ;vi ''-'' 1 JrO f e titiie rout racls oration ol churches mgs. eit her I rescoim or aiiv ol 1 ho never for iaterii i ml public . Iresco-iin il moderii r lle"-build-leriug luine for beiiutifying walls and ceilings. We keep pace witli the latesi innova tions in tins line, and are abb.- to tell you what, will prove most, iiraciual for the particular iiurpo.c von have in view. It is alwavs a plea.::; re to go over plans with tho'i- having nnv proposed improve!'.', to submit estimate: ats in charge ui.d R L GREEN, W. Hargett, St. ix Tin: spkixu and summer a dish of ncii mid de licious ice cream such as we make is refreshing, and nourishing, , and can be eaten when the appetite craves for nothing else. Our Ice creara Is p i.c u.nd flavored .from pure'.-fruit "Juices, and you will always find it delicious and palate tickling. '. KI KM.W r.KTTS Phones: Knieigli 71: Hell wri VJT f !.- represent a line (if the greatpst 'willing compiinies in existence. with millions ol surplus back of their obligations. 1 nose concerns which were the - lore-runners in the Tire In surance business and have deveioned it throughout the past half century or . more place all their "risks hi this locality through our agency,. 1 1' you are a customer ol ours vou have the gilt-edged, time-honored insurance companies hacking vou in vour busi ness. We make vonr interests our intere.;(;: . HUNTER & DREWRY, State Agents, RALEIGH, N. C. Had laundry, work bnn;;s pre nianiituire old ago to your garments. The use or strong chemicals soon takes the life out of the weave, and careless liaiidlins? through poor '..'ma chinery, completes the wreck. ' This sort of thing does not go at our laun dry) The water we use is naturally pure and contains no Injurious sub stance of any kind. Our appliances are of the most modern type and are handled by skilled work people. The added life we give'to your linen will go a long ways toward paying'-your laundry bills. OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY MONEY TO LEND On either Real or Personal Security In Wake County. II. P. MONTAfJl'K, - 18 and 19 Pullen Building, iiu mi?gam &smm?m 11 .-' . . . i , 5 Jcrf We undo-, D I X I E I IS IN THE NEW DIXIE-INN NORFOLK, VA. xkvkk ovi:itniAH(;ix(; its ci ksts. cuowds ou xo crowds. lhe Dixie Is lirand New: all conveniences, and located In the "heart of town, id -0U Monticoilo Avenue, back of Monticello Hotel, am directly on kxposit ion car line. ..i lf.U LIGHT. WIOLL-VENTILATED AND NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS - at -v"" " " ;. ONLY $i AND $2 PER DAY POSITIVELY NO MORE. liulH especially to iirotect Kxposiuon visitors ngainst high hotel rates. W. S. TH0MAS0N, Manager. TEL TARRYMOORE 'I lie fnvoi'ilo vcsol't (it lhe Soulii. I ncxccllcd l'.'irc and Service. The only hotel at this r::.:r: that has second and third story verandas. CC0L, INVIGORATiNC SEA BREEZE Rates : Adults $12 50 and $15 per week. ( lnltii'cn undiT 1cn years nl a:.!''1 and liu-ir al lendantv $3.00 per week . a-ii. For : i ! t n-ulai'S address IV. J. MOORE, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACii, N C LODGING FOR VISITORS PRIVATE. RESIDENCE 244 Bute Street, Cor. Bute and Duke Streets WM. B. CHEEK, OWNER. Large rooms, best locality in the city. Good meals can be had iear by. $1.00 Per Niht Per Person, or $6 Per Week. NORFOLK, VA CONNELLY SPRINGS HOTEL, com:i.i.y sn;i(;s. . c. (On Sonlhern liailw.iv. ltelwcen Nillslmrv iiinl Astiovillo.) InMuht (if tlu! Most l'ieMire;;mi .'.loiiiilains in AiiUina. co(;i,. i:i:i'i:i:suii moi t.i I!i;ki:k. m p(siti r.i.v tiim vi:kv I'incst .MiMiK.Mi v.ti:i: in kxisti:xci:. , 1 horonnltlv.. 'Modern 1 lotcl. wit n Hurn 'Standard- of Service. C.ooDi rliest.i'ii, ; Hail Kooai, n r; (.'Ouru;, liowlins ,' Alley, l.)ell;;litfnl lloi'seiiiicl; lluli'.ii! n n il llrlvini?. -Hales very ren-soiiiii le. I-urilier -r.uorai:!tton.-ehcorfullv furnished. - HENRY VAN STORY. RALEIGH BANKING AND TRUST COMPANY. "ROUND STEPS BANK." I luce (.eiit'i ;il ions ,if llanUiiij;. liiileili Niilional Idiiik, IHll.V 18K.-,: N illoiuil Hank of Halcih, lK,s,-,-It)0.",: Kal. inli IZankiiiK "d Trust ( (iinpuny, J!)!).",. Tho long and siiccessful career of iho "hound bteps Hank'" In Bulhcient i;iiiii'aiiteo cf its MkIi cliarai for. In addition to paving lih eral senii-anntial dividends, it has paid out to its stockholders nearly half a million dollars In profits. Steel Safety Boxes In a stroiiK. thoroughly up-to-date lluritlur proof a u 1 1 . offer an unsurpassed opportunity to iH patrons for lhe custody of valtiahlo papes. ('HAS. K. JOHNSON, V. N. JONEH, 1-residi ut. lee-PreN. F. II. nRKJGS. (;iiIiIit. THE SOUTH'S LARGEST AND OLDEST. Tliii Life Insurance Company of Virginia, HOME OFFICE, RICHMOND 'i3f3.t!5IZi:i IS7I. This company is over tnirlv-slx years old and during its loin; ca reer has won too hearty approval and support of thu people hy its promptness aud fair dealing. A FEW FIGURES. Total payments to policyholder over SKV10X AND A HALF M-IIr l.tOX DOLLARS. Assets over TIIRKi; MILLION' il()I,L.M!S. lhe Life Insurance ( ompanv of Virginia makes Life Insurutiee available where It was once beyond the reach of many. By Its plans each member of thu home circle can bo a partner In muklng up A Safety Fund for the Family The company Issues all the m st approved forms of Llfo Insurance Contracts from $500.00 to J25.O0U. 00. ; it .-.hV. WITH l'lUOIir.M.S I'AYAHLK Ql'AKTKULY, SKSM-ANNl'AM.Yv AND ANNUALLY. The ronipany Issues Industrlil Policies from $8.00 to fXOO.OO, with premiums payable weekly ou persons' from two to seventy years of age. ALL CLAIMS PAH) WITHIV TWIONTY-KOi n 1IO'lt AKTIUl ItKCKII'T OK I'ltOOKS OF DKATII.. ,; . This Company's Great Growth is Due to Cause One: Its Conservative Management. Cause Two: Its Absoluto Fidelity to Its Contracts. Cause Three: Its wide range of policies,, affording Insurance to 'each member of the family, and to ull classes. ., Cause Fourf Its progressive spirit and quickness In discerning the Insurance needs of the masses, and its readiness in giving Insurance adapted to their requirements. o R F O K V A T. I JONES, Supt.. 239 Faycttcviilc Street.

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