CTIIE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES: TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1907. r WashlnRton, D. C, July 16. Fore cast for North Carolina for toniRht and Wednesday: Partly cloudy, occasional showers to night or Wednesday; liRht to fresh winds, mostly southwesterly. WEATHER FORECAST. CARTER'S CllTTLE 1 1 IVER mmwi -r if! , jij CIGARETTES (SJ If their quality was not so plainly WtvKrei superior to all other cigarettes they wouldn't j&XAlfys f have become the largest-selling Turkish J f Cigarettes in the world. ifwfs - Only their immense popularity permits fct3W?Ji the low price. KlA 10c for 10 jfim WHy Pay More? mMlS ' fc . S. ANARGYROS, Manufacturer J&S&mM I 1 New York MMM I 111 FIFTH AXXlAli IWIJMKKS' CONVENTION NEXT MONTH. Announcement, lias been nuiilc by Dr. Tait Hut lor. set-retarj- of the fifth annual Siato Farmers' Coii'veivlion. which will 1)0 hold at tlu A. & M. College, Ralelsli. August 2S. 2!. :10. 1607. Hon. Ashley Horno is presi dent. Preparations are bcint; made (or a siilendid three davs' meeting for the study ol nunciiltiire and the discussion ol all questions o! direct and specific interest to farmers. Programs are beini; arranged Cnr the study of the tollowini; suhjects: Cotton ( till lire. Tobacco Culture and Small drains. 'Horticulture. I'd-aci' Crop's, General Live: StocU 1-luslni.priry. Dairying, etc. I h:n will he sn.erial. meetings for wotiicn from !c fitrr.v homes, and loci 11 res and addresses of. general interest to all. ism-auerx ;::ve been s'-'cured Irom tne i nil-ed ..Stales Department, of Asrlci-ilture md from neighboring .states, yiio vi!V 1" as sisted i:;.' t'l.e' l!;j'lini: . ; i !7 j I c .j-il.t .'Mai. V-'orkers o.'O'tr nwii si:'. !,:. ''. T.lic In remedy fur Inn rlc I'll" fcijee'ys, iiillaiii!!!alin:i if ih '' bliiclile"' lslcVlll s Kiiliicv ami l!la, !.!." I'ilN. Their .action is ii:n pt ami .s,"in A week's It'cMtriu-ul I'm- ,-.!! 1,;. King C'l'nwcU IH'Uj.; Ci.iiiiiia.iiy.' .' tSaractt ( iiiinit'.i'c. The following i-o!!ii!:i; Ir,v been iippointed bv the o:!f..-:-.( o. ih Edenton SU n.;t Hariiea ( 'less. ; ., serve for the ensuing term of sk months", . Membership Comum i.v: ('. V ai bright, chnirimtn: -.1; !l. . turner. Gil bert Crabtree, Archie horion. .1. .'. Carothers. Social Committee C. H. chairman: 51. A. Urown. .1. A W. T. Dixon. I.erov 1 lnem. Huslltis- I' 1. MiCnlli i R. N. Hall. C. O. Aherfietli'v Collier, J. H. My rum. l.ai;: . Par! 1 chief: , ,1. II. A cleanslnff. clean, conllni;. noothinir. healinR household romedv Is IxN Itt s Carbollzcd Witch . Hazel .Salve. Soli) by King-Crowe. 1 Drug Company. ALCOHOL 3 PER CFNT AVcgelableRTcpanaionBrAs simllalmdtlieFooilaiKlRiiis ting (lie Siomatfis aMBowetsof iTornows Digesliorifliferful ness and Restoritalnsncitbtr Opumi.MorphuK nor Mineral. ISOTWARCOTIC. jtfOKOcsahmrnartL JlxJnm IMtHtUh- Jrppfnnnt . JSCvtmikUi himSrrl- CJmfintSL;pr- VUBftmflmr. Aperfect Remedy forConsflpi-i non.nuraiiiiikiLii.uimoiu" WorrasfortvulswiisJevEnslr nessandLOSSOFMXEP- FacSiraik Sujnjturf of NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. j jjjlt t ' ''""""- ''"'A:' iiia I J i I I HK.1VY KAII,S I5EING liAll) OX KIIXSUOHO ST. . Workni 'ii are today busy laying rr.ilf. iilong Hlllshoro -street,- replacing the 'small, "n-poutul stnvt-car rails that have been in use for several vetifs. Tien the work now under construction becomes completed, the Haleinh Elect rie Company will have the; heavy tiii-poiind rails in use over t no entire system. The largo rails mid' 'considerably to the comfort and safety, of city riiiinu'. : .' '. The Cbaiiiiing Woman is not, necessarily one of perfect form and feat ii res. - Many, a plain woman who could never serve as an artist's model, possesses, those rare qualities that all the world admires: neatness, clear eves, clean smooth skin and that spritfhtliness of step and action tnat accompnnv good health. A physically weak woman is never at tractive, not even to herself. Elec trii: : liitter3 restore ' weal; women, give strong nerves, . bright'.' eyes, smooth, velvety skin, beautiful eom l leMon. C.iiarantced at all druggists. Till cents. ; . . : .COt'NTV I'.OAKO TOlUIXCi i TO LOCATE' !I1(;H SCHOOLS. j Tin- Wake County Hoard of Edu ; -:i : :Jii i.- on .a'lcur tliH- week in the ;."i;ii hen; and -is;.'r:i iiortions of the 'oiint;.'. :n:i!iing careful ; i'lspections .or -tm-.-lor.'iiiion of two additional , !tijr!l ; . mi'.-Uy i . The ! week ; murine si hooi.s ia i:u:M' townships !;i 'need' of t hem. places to lie visited during the are Kiiqiiay, Sprinsg. Holly s. Zebulon. Itolesville, Wendell and Wakefield. A Memorable Day. One nf tho davs we remember with pleasure, as well as with profit j to our health, is the ono on which we uccame acquainted witn ur. jKinps New Life Pills, the painless i purifiers that cure headache and I biliousness, and keep the bowels right. ...25c. at all drug stores. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years mm tol Mmwr nmul, mtw M wty. AW Of The atmospheric pressure is hig'u in the Northwest and tne Southeast", and an extensive area of low pres sure lies between these two hli;hs, reaching from the Lakes lo the Southwest with its center over Kan sas. During the past 24 hotirr, rain has fallen along the Lakes and in the Missouri valley but was In most cases very light. In the "cotton belt the weather is cloudy In the eastern half and clear in the western h:ilf. The temperatures are seasonable, and yesterday the maximum temper atures averaged about 90 degrees , The conditions indicate partly cloudy weather, with occasional showers tonight or Wednesday. A. H. THIESSKN, Section Director. . CAPKASWKKT for babies and cbil rlren makes the stomach right and al lays inflammation and prevents irri tation. CASK A SWEET makes the baby happy and well. Sold by King Crowcll Drug Company. SA.AI PLKS OF M I I.K AX1) WHAT THEY HAVK SHOWN. Samples of milk collected on July 12th show the mill;, after analysis, to be as follows: Samples from Ral eigh Creamery, C. E. Horton and Frank Brooks show an excess of bac teria. Samples from S. R. Seymore, M. E. ' Starling, W. T. Oaks, John B'radshaw and G. F. Kennedy show (ho milk to be In good condition nnd to have come up to tho standard re quired by the milk board. .MANY L1YES S.VYEI). And Scores of Them Keside Right :' i Raleigh. Kidney ills develop quickly. Only a little backache at first. Neglect the ache, other, troubles follow - - Urinary. disorders, dialietes, Uright's disease. . D.ian's Kidney Pills save many lives. Cure kidney ills before too late. Raleigh people endorse them. W. R. Hood, formerly of 311 S. Illoodworth St., Raleigh, N. C, em ployed in the Wipple & Company's rocery store, says: "When I got my lirst box of Doan's Kidney Pills at the Hobbttt-Wynno Drug Company's store, my kidneys had been giving me considerable troubble for a long time. 1 had a continual dull aching pain in the small of niv back nrf niross tne hips, and my urine was very irregular. Sometimes I had to get out of bed a half dozen times during the night. Then again it would be very scant. Then is when I had the most and the worst pain in my back. The secretions were very dark and carried a heavy sedi ment, Since using Doan's Kidney Pills I have not had the pains at all, and the secretions have been cleared up to their normal state." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffn'-). New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. REMAINS OK KXC.IXKKll T. C. -IKSSEY SENT TO 15LUEFIELJ). The remains of Mr. T. C. Jcssey, who died at his home, corner Hali fax and Johnson streets, of conges tion of the lungs Sunday morning, were shipped to Bluefield. W. Va., yesterday for burial. Mr. Jossey was an engineer on the Seaboard, second division, was a member of the Meth odist churcn in Bluefield, and was a good man wit:ial. He is survived by a wife. The burial will take place this afternoon in Bluefield. Long Live the King! is tho popular cry throughout Euror pean countries; while In America, the cry of the present day is "Long live Dr. King's New Discovery, KiBg of Throat and Lung Remedies!" of which Mrs. Julia Ryder Paine, Tru ro, Mass., says: "It never falls to give immediate relief and to quickly cure a cough or cold." Mrs. Paino's opinion Is shared by a majority of tho inhabitants ot this country. Now Discovery cures weak lungs and sore throats after all other remdies have failed; and for coughs and colds it's the only sure cure. Guaranteed by all druglsts. 60c. and fl.OO. Trial bottle free. Floyd Andrew Kucccmful. The Yarborough news stand cou pon contest closed yesterday after noon with tho result that Floyd An drews won the first prize a $5 gold pleco and a trip to the exposition. The number of his ticket was 2705. The second number drawn waB 243!, and the third 2153, the second enti tling the holder to a free trip to the exposition, nnd the third to a box of cigars. Holders of these numbers aave not presented them. A Wonderful Happening. Port Byron, N. Y., has witnessed one ot the most remarkable cases of healing ever recorded. Amos F. King, of that place says: "Dncklen's Arnira Hnlvo cured a sore on my leg with which I had Buffored over 80 years. I am now eighty-five." Guar anteed to cure all aores, by all drug gist!. 25 cents. CURE Blck Headache ud relieve I the troubles Inci dent to i bilious eta to of the vnU'iu, auch u Dixzinem, Ktugoa, UnweiuMN Dietrees after eatinc. Pain in tho Side. &c. While their moat nmnrknhle aucceaa baa bees ahown in curing SBCCI Be&aaehe, yet Carter's Llttlo IJvcr Dtta are equai'.v valuable in Constipation, curing and pre venting this annoyingcomplaint whllutheyalM correct all disordcri" of theelomarh. atimdla'ethe liver and regulate the bowels. Kverttf Uicy only HEAD Achethey would be aln...9t priceless to ihoncwho Buffer from thisdistressingcomrlaint; butfortu natcly thei r goodneaa does not end here,and throe who once try them will rind these little pills valu able In so many wava that they will notbewll ling todo withenttbenj. But after allaick head ACHE Id the bruio of so many lives that here Is when we make our great boast. Uurpillecumitw bUo Others do not. Carter's Little liver Tills nro very small and cryeamy to ttike. Oncor twonillamnku adose. They aro V.rlctly Tegetnhle ana do not JTripo or purge, but by tucir gcutle actica please all who Bee tucra. CASII3 UZIICffii Ot, HIV TOSS. SaalPil k&M WPrfci BASEBALL GAMES National League. !!y 1'iisi'd wire, .'to The Times). At New York: New York. 2; Cin cinnati 5. At I'.rooklyn: lirookl.vn 1: l'itts burg 4. ' At riiiladelphla: Philadelphia 0; Chicago 1. At Boston-rFirst game : tit. Louis 1; Boston .0, ' At -Boston Second' game: St. Louis 2; Boston '1. .-. Ainet'icaii licajiue. (By Leased "Wire to Tb Time:'.) At .t'liicago: ' Chicago. .".;. Now York it. : At Si. Louis: St. Louis L'; Biiston (10 innings).) : , South Atlantic League. (By Leased Wire to Tho Times.) At Savannah: Savannah G; Colum bia 0. '''.'.: At. Aiipustii: Aufjusia 1; Macoii 3. . At Jacksonville: Jacksonville 3; Charleston 1. . Kastcfti CuroliiKi League. ti- iMnij nt to Tli" .'I'l'iio-V -.At Tai'boro; Tai 1 . ;:; "..'?.v:-.-,:Ii:i:,t-' ton At Wilson: WiVoii :-; 7! cl'.y Mount 1. At Now B"rn: .N :: Bc;n ' J; Kin ston 3. Xtitional Lcii-.1,!:!' f'ls.b i andiuv,. (Bv Leased AVil O to 'I'lie. 'J'inies); Clubs. W. 1,. I'.C. CbicaRo,. .. .. .. .. .".7 -n ."40 New Yolk.. .. ....; .Ol Pittsburg .. .. .. .. I! :!H . ".R!i5 Phlladelpbki. .. .. .. !1 ; S3 , .r.f.l Boston.. .. ... .. "3 (i AT2 Brooklyn.. .. .. .. .. ,t: ir. .416 Cincinnati... ... 31 4 .403 St. Louis V, 62 .'.'3j American League Sla:iriiit. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Clubs. ; W. h. I'.C. Chicago., ... ., "so :. 26;: .,6jS Cleveland . .. .. .. .. 47 30 .610 Detroit.. . .;: 41 30 .577 Philartelrliia. . ... .. 4.V Si .MS New York.. .. '.. .. ... 34 ; 38 .47J St. Louis.. .. .. ;. .. 30 47 .300 Boston.. .. .. .. .. .. L'fl 46 .3S7 Wafhinston., .. .. .. 23 47 .320 Kastcrn Carolina League Standing. (By Leased Wire to The TlmetO Clubs. W. I. P.O. Rocky Mount...''.'. .. 19 4 .826 Wilson 16 9 .640 New Bern.. . ., .. .. 10 14 .417 WasliliiKton ..10 ' 14 .417 Klnston,. : ; .. 10 17 .370 Tarboro.. .. 0 16 .360 IH. V.S 'il ZK (iOEi TO V!t!;HTSVILM: CF..,CH. J!.'. K. W. Van Dttzen, v. ho for the past few W'-liK bai boon rslviiic; '.mo lion' picturo pxhililtlons ln tho Acad emy of Masic, left today for Wrl&hts vllle Ibaeh whore ho will romaln unlif Sctil ember. Mr. Van Duzcn has been Hivlns excellent exhibitions here, his pictured being of the latest and best. Ho .will return in Sop tember. So Tired It may be from overwork, but the chances are its from an In active LIVER. - With a well conducted LIVER one can do mountain of labor without fatigue. It addt a hundred per cent to ones earning capacity. It can be kept In healthful action by, and only by ' Tuifsils TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. HAVE YOU GOT YOUR STRAW YET Sonic people are a little slow in diseauUn the wool hat, but our stock of Panamas, Sailors and other lorms of cool headgear for t lie male, human spe cies still permits of happy selection. Ye have everything to make you 'com fortable in (lauze Underwear, Ncgliee Wliiits. Open-work Hose, Low Collars and Filmy Silk 'Neckwear..;'; it costs so little to he stylish and cool at the same time that there is no reason whv every man should not keep himeslf in I that condition. CROSS r2t "1 have been using Gasoline Iron, t'fmld not do without it. It is jier fcclly Bate, far more ho than kero sc.no lamp. Got ono quick. Mrs. 0. V. Norris." ' i MUS. I. ('. liLAIIl, .Agent, Sa tinders St., IULKKUL, X. C. C. O. BALL HAS TWO Ill'NDIUCD A XI) S 10 V H'NTY-Kl V K AC IIMS OF LAND THAT 11B IS GOING TO SIOLL ON EASY TKUA18 and In small tracts to suit. "purchaser. Now, if you want a poultry or truck farm, or a summer rciiidemx', call at J. 13. OKKtfV (X)N RUDY & BUf fALOE Has every! hi!i:? In the way of cat allies, a::d !ho quality wo-guarantee. PLENTY OF CAN HER RING ROE NOW. ... I'lionp us your order. All phones. RUDY & BUFFALOE, 104 K. HarK?U St. lie YOU AHK THINKING AllOUT Screen Doors and Windows, Ice Cream Freezers, j.awn Mowers, I'alnt, Jap a-Lac. toe 113. Will give you tho benefit, of luciiy years' KXI'KKIUNCK. . rhos. H. Brig & Sons RaleijKk, N. 0. WRITE FOR ntlCES. MONEY TO LEND On either Real or Personal Security In Wako County. It. I'. .MO.N'TAfJl'M, IH and 10 Pullen ItuMcIltiK, Itiileluh, N. C. MONEY TO LEND On Real Estate In Wakt Couot;. PEELU A MAV.ViUlp. AttnMr Rose 4t Weston, AECniTECTH. . Raleigh and Ore nut. ro, N. n. 8twl Reinforced CoucrvU, fireproof Coutntetloa Spcclalt,. ' LINRHAN The New Dry THOU1 ASA Special sale of Printed Silk Tissues. Only, a few un sold. To clear these, the 50c lot go for 25c per vard. - - CORSETS - - Prices, $2.50 to 50c. C. P,., A La Sprite and P. X. (Pauiiue Mewinan). - - HOSIERY - - Spider Weh (!au.e :prices, 1 55 and 25c AVide range I ;:ulies Misses', Poys' and Children's siz'.',:. Prices, 5()c, to 10c GAUZE UNDERWEAR Shon-ing the favorites. Prices, 25c to lOe.-; ' New Tan and Brown Kelts and liihbons. ; TRUCKS AND SUIT OASES, UMBHELLAS.; Thomas A; Partin Gomjaany Jx.UXiu5' t UKNISHINGS and NOVELTIES. 131 FayeUevillcj Street, H A U K I QH, IN. C A Great cmilvL' o o o On accounr of the backward iseason and the continued cool weath er, and to avoid carrying over any light weight apparel, we are offering our entire stock, except Blacks and Blues of Men's Youth's at 20 per cent Discount The big cut Includes all the new and desirable summer styles, goods that were made-up specially for our summer trade J. MoseMgarfleiir 214 Fayetleville SI. Littleton Female College. '" ' .-.'. - ''"'.' .,'' . ,' ; ' " Splendid location. Health resort. Hot water heat. Eloctiio light nnd other modern Improvements. 240 boarding pupils last yoar. High 1 standard ot scholarship, culture tages in Music. Advanced courses in Art and Elocution. Business Col logo, Bible, and Normal courses. ' Health record not surpassed Close personal attention to tho health and social devolopnient of each pupil. Uniform worri on nil public occa r.lon. CHARGES VEKY LOW. , . ; 28th Annual Session will bepln on SoptembW IRth, 1907. For cata logue, address HF.V, j. M. RHODES President, . ", .4. m S COMPANY Goods Store Discount i aiid Children's Oell Phone 397 J and social life. Conservatory advan PARTIM CO . ... i . i

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