i-r vxxzrrmteXTTn. THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES: TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1907. WON'T -YIELD TO BEARISH NEWS Firm at the Opening, totlon Moves Up JULY LEADS MONTHS And All the Others Move Upward After This Option Opening Prices of Storks Wherever Changes Oc curred Showed Recessions Read ing is Seen in Three Phases Ana conda Recedes. (By Ieasca Wire to The Times.) New York, July 16. The opening prices for, stocks, where there were changes,- were.'' gene. roily lower. Read ing opened unchanged, advanced Vi, and reacted . Great Northern pre ferred and St. Paul were unaltered. : Influenced by the further cut in Cop per Metal in London, Anaconda lost in all , and Amalgamated Copper i ' :.:;:''' The course of the market this morn ing served to contirm the impression that the lower prices of yesterday wore merely areuction in a substan tial rising movement. Criticism had been freely uttered yesterday because, slocks se.'med to be pushed ahead too fast to invite outside support. If the plan of those responsible' for the ad vance was to heed these criticisms and let the market move more gradually, the course of procedure would have been about as tin y. were last niKht and IhH morning. I'i Ices came in gen erally lower from. .London, the foreign markets ; being a good deal upset by a further sharp break In the copper metal anil accompanying rather pro nounced weakness in the Copper se curities. Under, this lead . our list opened down, and efforts were made by the professional traders to continue the decline. . Hut as soon as it was seen that there was no real selling and that the supply of stocks which could be obtained to cover the shorts contracts -'was. extremely small there was a general raising of speculators' bids, .'ionic heavy buying then set in In Union l'acillc ami the Hill share, and under the strength of these stocks the ; whole market started upward again. ew York (losini; Sloe , ( ISy Leased Wire to 'i'lie Atchison , . ....... Hallitnore & Ohio .-', Canadian Pacific , . . .Ij. , Chicago & Northwester:) Colorado oSuthern . . Denver & Kio (iratide. Krie . . Illinois Cenlral , . .'. . .;. . Louisville & Nashville '.'.. . Missouri Paeilic . . . . New York Cent ral .... .' Pennsylvania . ., . ..... Reading . , . . ... . . . . . . Rock Island '..-. . .... ... Rock Island pfd. . . . . . . . St. Paul , . .... .". ...... Southern Pacific ....... Southern Railway Union Pacific ........ . Great Northern . , k I 1st. Ti: lies.) . . SIS : : .177 . . iro 25 . . .2H-. 25 . .144 ,.U .. 21 Vi ..112 . . 121! . .10:5 ... 47; ..13;j . . .81 V . . 20 Ms ..14:; . .nr. .. 901,4 .', 44 ... .nsvs . . S7 . . 31 . .119 , Miscellaneous. Amalgamated Copper ... , . . ; American Car & '.Foundry. ... ; American Locomotlvo '. .... , American Tobacco . ..... . , . American' Cotton Oil . . , '. '. '; . Am. Smelling Ai itelii:;,iK. . . . Am. Smelling & Relinitig pl'tl. Brooklyn Rapid Transit . , . . National Lead . . , . . . Paeilic Mail ..... . . . . , . .. . . Sloss-Sheflleld Steel . ....... Sugar . . ..... . ...... , . I'nlted States Steel ......... United States Steel pfd. . . . . , Mack ay's ...... . . . . . . . , Va. -Carolina Chemical .... , ; 10(1 r.s . i2'. . 27 , : 57 Vi .12214 . 3S .10') . (19 ..25 Xcw Vork Colt in Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, July 1 (i. -In t lie face of favorable weather map and pros pects for a bearish weekly report at noon, tho cotton market at. the, open ing displayed firmness. July showed the greatest upturn. Subsequently tho whole list, gained In strength, : ''Opening prices; July, fl.70; Au gust, 11.40; September, 11.45 Cji 11.40; October, 11.7011.71; De cember, 11.75 11.70; January, 11.8 Iff 11.85; February, 11.80; March, 1 1.94 ? 11.9K;' April, 11.97; May, 1 2.02 ffi 12.08. Open. High. Low. Close. 11.70 11.81 uJly '...' Aug. . Sept. . Oct. . Nov. . Dec. . ' Jan. . Feb. . March 11.70 11.47 11.45 11.70 11.70 11.85 11.87 11.07 11.58 11.85 11.90 11.91 11. 4G 11. 40 1 1.70 11.75 11.84 11.50 11.45 11.75 11.71 11.81 11.88 11.90 12.99 12.02 12.07 11.99 Closed steady 325 polntes lower. New York Soot Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, July. 10.: Spot cottoa 12.85. '-..'. "WHKN VOU WANT THK 15KST HAMS TO llOITi BUY 5HAFERS AT ALL GROCERS." Liverpool Cotton Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Liverpool, July 16. Spot cotton quiet with prices Fteady. Middling, 7.09; sales, T.OtO; American, 6,300; specula tion and export, 500; receipts 2,000, American 1,600. Opening. Closing. July.. .. July-Aug.... .. .. Aug-Sept.... .. .. Sept-Oct.. .. .. .. 6.72 OS.73 6.71 6.7214 6.596.60 6.516.51 6.44 (fi 6.4", 6.42 fiC.44 6.40H 6.49 6.40 6.40fi)6.4H4 steady and 6.75 6.75 6.63 6.54 6.47V6 6.4414 6.43 6.43 6.44 closed Oct-Nov ... Nov-Dec Dec-Jan.. .. .. ., Jan-Feb.. .. .. .. Feb-Mar .. .. Futures opened steady. Raleigh Cotton Market. (Reported by Charles E. Johnson Company.) Best grade, 13 to 13 c Off grades, 10 j to 12c. Receipts today, none. Chlcasjo Grain Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times). Chicago, 111., July 16. Lower cables, further rains in the northwest, with clear weather southwest together with a lower curb at Minneapolis caused a lower opening this morning, Septem ber wheat starting 1-4 to 5-8 lower. Some good buying developed on th decline and at the end of the flrsl lit'leeii minutes trailing, all the decline had been recovered, and prices showed a slight advance ' over yesterday's II rial figures. Opening prices; Wheat September 93 1-4 to 92 7-8; corn Sep tember, 53, 3-4 to C3 5-S; oati Sept., 39 to - 39 1-8; pork September 16.42 to 1C.45: lard September; 9.02; ilsr no,thing doing. Closing prices showed vheat Iff lVJc. lower; corn V (if . otY, and oats oft iff c. . Provisions were unsettled. The markets were all rather choppy, and there was more or less stubbornness shown on both the decline and tho advances. The wheat to change hands seemed to go to strong holders, while the selling was quite scattered. Sentiment, was still bearish, yet. there were many bears who were feeling their way in t lie belief that a reaction and advance was due, following' the,, decline .suf fered by that cereal. Bad reports. 'on crops were quite numerous from North ".Dakota, despite the further rains in the northeast. The Northwestern Miller's special crop report says that extensive rains, while beneficial, only a fair wheat crop will he raised. The movement of the new crop showed a marked falling off. A local speculator sold considera ble corn, while the buying was scat tered. ' Chicago I,i(. Slock Market. (I'.y Leased Wire to The Times.) Union Stock Yards, Ills., July 10. Hogs Receipts 17,000; strong, 5c higher. Light. 5.80 fi 6.1 0; miyed, 5.05 (ti (1.07 : heavy, 5.25 ft S.iiO; rough, 5.1:5 it 5.50 ; lugs, 5.3-) (it 0.00 ; Yorkers, O.UOft'Mi.15; good to choice heavy', 5.S0 5 5.00. CattleReceipUi 4,000; steady. Beeves, 4.05 (?f 7.30; cows, 1.75''' 5.30: heifers, 2.05 5.75; ialvvs, 6.0(16)- 8.00; good prime steers, 5,75 (d 7.30; poor to medium, 4.7((i' 5.70; Blockers and ' feedt rs. 2.90$f Slieep Receipts 1 4,(00 : Rtrong. Native, 3.75()0.00; western, 4.00(a' 0.00; yearlings, 0.00(ft 0.75; lambs, 5.75 dC 7.60; western, 5.75 fii 7.65. Chicago (iraiii and Provisions. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Open. High. Low. Close. Wheat July Sept ".. . Dec .. .. Corn--Oct ... : S.pt '.;";; Dee ; . . .. Oats -July .. . Sept Dee .. .. Pork. July .. . Seflt .. . Laid July .. . Sept .. . Itibs. July-.. . Sept. .. ,. .... .... .... 16.15 ..'..' 91 95- 927 93Vj ... .. SSVij 98 96 97 'A . 8.97 9.(10 8. 97 9.00 . 8.9T . 9.00 S.92 9.97 .. 52 52,4 516i HU-i 4IH u m-n 40 44 V. 39 .. WW 40T4 40. 407 . .... .... .... 16.10 16.20 16.35 16.20 16.35 8.71 8 c.r 8.62 8.65 8.60 8.50 8.65 8.60 8.65 8.60 The Sii'ar Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, July 10. Local re- Ilned and raw sugar markets steady and tinclianged. London beets firm; July and August 9s. (!d. Coltofi Seeil Oil. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, July 16. Cotton seed oil prices ranged ns follows: Opening. 55 fit 50 55 50 51 fij, 52 43 fit 44 411441 40 41 Closing. 54 5H4fi?51 4;iH3 41 141 40 41 July . Sept. Oct. . Nov. Dec. . Jan. . Market closed steady. HIS GOURD-'SAWING WAS INTOLERABLE (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Logansport, lnd., July 16. Carson Kn'.ery was arraigned in court here, charged with snoring go loudly that he kept neighbors from sleeping. "Ho lives two blocks from mo," bald Louis E. Garuer, the prosecuting witness, "but last night he kept me awake by his snoring." Police Judge Smith put Emery un der a 50 bond to keep the peace. On an aggregate capital of nearlv Jfi.000.ooO the fttx bunks In Guayaquil declared dividends for 1906 averaging a little Whs than 14 per cent. . w JUL S good 'Mw'rt ' '-' X (Continued from First Page.) jurcd th--! admiral ordered forwarded to the hospital an immense number. -of boxes of American l!eau(y rnses, ear nations, roses, orchii Is anil lili"S-of-the-valley. In a message to the .'hospital th almij'al ' I'xpi'essi d hi profound sor sow over the Million's loss in brave nen. - STILL AWAITING ORDER TO STRIKE '(By Leased Wire lo The Times.) New York, July 10. Han Fran cisco slill remains (lie crucial point in the struggle between the tele graph operators and their employers. The local union was still holding itself ready today to go out at a moment's notice, and the leaders were only waiting tho word from the western city to call out. all their men from the New York offices of the western Union and possibly t.'ie Postal Company. The strike will be delayed until it is absolutely sure that affairs in California cannot he settled without trouble, 1iul. it wtis said today that just as soon as the operators feel that there is no .hope of peace they will call the men here out. The strike order Is.. exported' In come from Chicago" in cipher over one of t:io wires which the operators are able to use, and the nioinent, it comes a signal will he given to each chapel of the organization here and the men will immediately walk out. lOven down to (he smallest detail has been arranged and the local --organization only needs word from the west to si art. the strike wheels in motion. II is said that. Commis sioner Neill today will make a final effort to get the operators to accept a proposition which has been hereto fore refused by (hem, and if he Is unsuccessful a general strike will, lie declared nt once. " . .iZ"."' T, THE LAMANA CASE . 155 PROCEEDING (Dy Leased Wlro fo The Times.) St. Charles Court House, La., July 1C The actual trial of the first four defendants In the Walter Laniana kidnapping and murder case is on hero today, with the small court room packed to suffocation.'-'-When the prisoners were brought in. very quietly, hardly any of those within the railing noticed their entrance. Judge Eddlngton, mindful of the dig nity of his court, ruled that no one would ho admitted unless wearing a coat. He said that all those who had no coats with them would be de clined without ceremony. liUuBARDBROS.&CO. HUBBARD BROS. & CO. 1IANOVEK KQCAKl'V NEW YOHK. MEMBERS of New York Cotton Ex change, New Orleans Cotton Ex change, Associate Members Liver pool Cotton Association. ORDERS SOLICITED For tho pur- 1c ha sh and sale of cotton for future delivery. Correspondence invited. - - ins: When you step up place where bottled you want Coca-Cola. Close your ears to the as good" argument because there is nothing as Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola because you are convinced that is what you want don't let a your judgement. If the man give their customers s what made to deceive you, not THE REASON Coca-Cola not only quenches thirst and pleases the palate but it relieves fatigue, and is has vim 5c.-EVERYWHERE-5c. Guaranteed under Juae 30, RRORIST by a Bomb CRUEL ANA HATED MAN '. -. Ani.:,ii(,; t!:i Tiiliip: fti'v Which lie Was .1 Illumed Was (lie Sending of a Itody Dunn (lie Khrii Kiver Valley and Laying it Waste Willi l ire and Sword. '. (T.y Leased Wire to The Time:; ) SI. l'eter.sliurg, July I C (ieneral AliMiauoif. (he pacilier ol tho Kutais, and Ihe cruelesl, and most hated man in Itusi ia. was assassinated tit Alex aiulieropol (oday. A bomb was hurled lit him and he was blown to pieces. His death carrier, out the death sentence; of- the terror! t's' passed u I it in hiiu more, (ban n year a no; Several alteiupls had been made lo 1:1 II. him .in veven;;e for li in -unspeak-. abUv alrpcitii in Hie province of K ii; tiiit: ImkI ;i ill liiiui. On llio !Ml! of lasl , May , .'.elglil bombs w'l'(':liui'led a.l ii i 111 its ho-was about in hoard a railroad train at Hormone. Trans-Caucasia, for Tillis. lie was terribly wounded. Five of his Cossack guards were Killed. Sev eral oilier Cossacks and officer:! of his siaff were wounded. Immediately after the explosion Hie Cossacks lifid 'indiscriminately, into illio crowd, killing and woundup: j scores. ISiuiie (if the crowd took ivf I i:ge in hinis.'s near the station. The 'osnacks ' : ci lire they were .'burned Alllil.ianolT .had from lib: wounds' to the houses and : ... .-. , E . I .' 1 lit. 1 Kt UNO. (ill irely recovered however, and I he I ierroiisl' were wailing for a chance to kill him. It cauii today at Aloxan deiii'iol. Oulv one liomb was thrown. i It i-Nploded Willi lerrillc I'orco, and u,0 vengeance of lite lerrorisls was accomplished. Uikhanon s met:ioii:i oi paciitcation were terrible. He sent, a soltimn of Cossacks down the 'beautiful and fer tile valley of the liiiui river and laid it wusle with lire and sword. Men were slaughtered by the hundred. Fifty villages and towns were com pletely obliterated. "I will make the grandchildren of these people remember my mime," was the dire threat of Alikhanoff. Hundreds o7 men, Georgians and Imeretians, Were given over to the brutal Cossacks. Little children, their fathers murdered, their moth ers carried away, were slain. jSo fear ful were tho atrocities that even Rus sia shuddered. . ,''; Since ' his horrible exploits as "a liacillei ," Alikhtuioff's doom had been sealed. The terrorists had pro nounced sentence of death upon him. It was their vengeance that was car ried out today. Mr. E. G. Currln was in tho city (oday from Greensboro. Mr. Sol N. Cono, tho cotton manti facturer ot Greensboro, wub in the city today. VENGEANCE THE TE to a fountain or into a drinks are sold tell the man INSIST. You have asked for smooth-tongued salesman insists go to a place where they ask for. Imitations to please you. the only beverage that and go to it. the Pure Food and Drues Act 1906. Ccrial No. 3324. Fine t ' H rPP JL JLO - Wc . ., Fir,e JSf Anders arc Invited to ".'.! nt nt:- rtert and Ret bnoV:; nnit articul.irs cu pri.ti offer. Books enable you to catch the art Mid- tell all about our lino of . iaiuous Shakespeare Baits and Tackle. 1IAHT-WAKI H.VHDWAHR J , - - COMl'A.VV. jgmtmtmtHiittNmiNHHtiMiiNtti I Case Lots at For table, medicinal or cooking porposea, w mt 5 offering the very best values in pure liqnon and its 3 sorted cardials, at remarkably low uriceal The demand for case lots of high-grad whiaki, has forced me to put up a Dumber of 4-quart eaa notably among these, ax Yadkin ttlwr, 6 yar old cor. $7JSO Jtlbmrmarlm Rym, agmd in wood, $3.O0 Another exceptional offer is in (-quart nm nt Monongahelia XXXX. This is the finest rya whiskay ever produced at the price. Six full quarts, (i-ieV Thtf PrlCM tnclud Ezprut CharM Hail orders are filled the day neeiTed, and forwarded oa first trains. Write for price list J J Lartfes Mail Order Bone lm lk SmmtM lT Lazanu, Lynchburg Va. RALEIGH BANKING AND TRUST COMPANY. "ROUND STEPS BANK." Three Generation of Uiiiikiiig. Kaleigli National Hank, 18(W JWKS Nilionul Hank of Italeif li, 1SK.Vl!Mr;Haleigli llun-iug ami Trust Company, 1 1)0.". , The long and successful career of tho "Round Steps Bunk" Is sufficient guarantee of Us high character. In addillon to paying lib eral semi-annual ilivideuds, it has paid out to Its stockholdera nearly ; half u million dollars in profits. ' Steel Safety Boxes In n strong, thoroughly up-to-date Btirglar proof Vault, offer an uiisiirpassHd opportunity to Its patrons for the custody of valuable pupes. CHAM. E. JOHNSON, W.N.JONES, President. Vlce-l'res. F. H. BRIGG8, Cashier. InJorsed by PRACTICAL BUSINESS ' Known as the Up-to-Date Business Schools POSITIONS SECURED or MONEY irkP!" BY A COCB8E I!f Tlootc r lCL MAIL i?fP5.' Banking, Shorthand, l'on mTK 14 W Succtss ft mnnshlp, ArltUmntlc, Telegraphy, Letter OLIP and send tills notice (mentioning tuts Writing, Law, Mechunlcal Drawing, Itusl-'paper) to IiraugUon's practical Ilus. College: HALE1UH, Cor. Martin and Wilmington; or Columbia, Knoxvllle, or Atla nta. " ' .' BINGHAM SCHOOL 1793 1903 just just as rule they are FisMiig TaeMc v x 1 iifiwr to laTcn uasa t- P.O K ' The Ai tcfliuitCaatine' 'J - OOiu 'Fine Fishlnj; rackie" 05icr $1 "Outfit FSslaisig Tackle Lowest Prices to Business Men. Incorporated. $300,000.00 Capital ' 29 Colleges in 1 6 States. Jno. F. Draughon. Fres, Reliable ItLUITMTM CITllOOUE FREE REFUNDED Biuont nes Fnaltsh. or Illustrating FKKK by MAIL to KIVK peraons In each county, desiring to - nttpnd a huslnpaii college, wtio will at once JF m S y ':".'- Hill A mi r mi C,(. )) KUk 116 Vt.AKS (kiv hnve been pir,arr,l llt O 1 .1 .1-( , t. nd lor LI I'll., and have been trained lo be M KN at THE BINGHAM SCHOOL, Ideally located on Anheville I'laieau. (Iriianialion Mil. 1 1 AKY lor HiwiiIiim. conlrol and carriage. HoyHSipelled from oilier hoots not received. ViClOUt boya expelled ai toon a diKOovrred. Hallna excluded l,v pledge ul honor. Liniiled to 138. Kalet reason. l.le Ail.lrrs. t .,i . R HI N( It A M . Snpl. K K I) No. 4. ASHK.VII.I.K. N t.'. SALE OF VAXIIABIjB, "BOFEBTT. By virtue of the powen contained in a Judgment of the Superior Court of Wake County entered on the 16th day of June, 1907,1n a Bpeclal pro- jceeding therein pending, entitled j Lucy Ann Blake et ala. tb. Mary - Cooke et als., being No. 1354, Spe-' j cial rroceeding Docket of said court, I we will otter for sale at public put cry to the highest bidder for cash at the' Court House door in the City of italelgh, N. C, on Monday, the 22d i day of July( 1907, at 12 o'clock m., , the following described tract of land; Lying in Wake County on the waters of Crabtree Creek, beginning at a stake, W. Young's corner, W. 180 poles to a pine, N. 65 poles to a stake, thence E. 74 poles to a stake, thence N. 21 poles to a stake, thence t'.. 100 poles to a gum on the branch, thence down said branch to the mill-pond, thence wit?) j the mill-pond to the beginning, con I taining 70 acres. I H. K. NORK1S, W. B. JONKfl. I Cnmuilsslouerc. NOTICE OP SALIC. Cnder and by virtue of the jiower of sale, contained in the deed of mortgage made April 24, 1903, from lir;.itun '.-,'. Willliuns and Julia Wil li:nii!i, registered in the otllce of the ReKlster of Deeds of Wake County in Book Uli at page 253, I will on WEDNESDAY,", AUGUST , 3, 1907, at twelve o'clock m. at the Court House door of Raleigh, N. C, oiter for sale and sell for ca stho the highest - bidder - a certain house and lot, the same being situated In Walto j county, X. C, and described as fol lows: "beginning on Flagg Street In tho village of Oberlin, in Wake County, at the southwest corner of John Flagg's (deceased) "Lot," thence north 101 feet along John Flagg's line to a stake, thence south 101 feet to Flagg street, thence East GO feet along Flagg Street to begin ning, containing 1-5 of an acre, more or less. On said lot one four-room frame house. This July 2, 1907. . '';-' CHARLES L. WOODALL. ' CHARLES U. HARRIS, Att'y. MOHT(AOK SALE OF VAM'AHLE MACHIXEUY. By virtue of the powers contained in a certain Chattel Mortgage exe cuted on the 2Vath day of September, lilUC, by J. D. Boushall to W. C. Dou glass, and recorded In "the Office of the Register of Deeds for Wake Coun ty, in Book 21.r. page 131, I will off -r for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the Saw Mill of the said Boushall. on the road leading from the City of Raleigh to Milbnrnie, at the point where the road crosses the Norfolk & Southern Railroad, about 3 miles from Italelgh, the following property con veyed in said Chattel Mortgage: One 70-horse power Nagle Boiler, and one 6u-horae power -'--Nagle Engine. Both 1 the holier and engine are complete With all attachments, and have been used but a short while, being -practical--. . ly new. The said sale to take plan .' on Thursday, the 1st flay of August, 11107, at 12 o'clock, noon. This 11th day of July. 1907. W. C. DOUGLASS, ; 20d Mortgagee. WHISKEY Best (or Medicinal and Family Use 4 Quarts, $3 Shipped in Plain Sealed Package, Express Prepaid. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED. Our Motto t "Not How Cheap, but How Good." Remit by'Eipreat oi P. 0. Money Order. T.HE COUSINS SUPPLY CO., DaT 1 RICHMOND, VA. Reference: Planters National Bank. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. N. B. Following schedula trurM published only as information, and are Dot guaranteed: Trains leave Raleigh: No. 112-4:55 a, m. Dally for Golds- boro aud local station. No. 1078:37 a. m. Dally for Greens boro and local stations No. lot 10.20 a. m. Dally foe Cralds- boro and all local points. No. 144-1246 p. m. Dally far Gkildibor and local points. No. 1251:60 p. m. Dally for Greena- boro and Intermediate statleoa. No. 182 :S0 p. m. Dally for Greacu- boro and local points. No. 136-6:80 p. m. Dally far GoldS- boro and local points. No. 11111:52 p. m. Dally for Greens boro and local points; carries Pull man sleeper Raleigh to Greensboro pen for occupancy at 1.00 p. m Tralns arrlTe Raleigh: From Greensboro 4:55 a. m., 10.20 a, m., 12:45 p. m 6:30 p. m. From Goldsboro 8:27 a. m., 2:50 p. m,, 6:80 p. 11:E p. m. 0. H. ACKKRT, V. P. and O. U. B. H. HARD WICK, . , passenger Trafflo Hanagaa, i W. H. TATLOXl Qeneral Passenger Ageat, T. E. GREEN, C. T. A., Raleigh, N. O. W. F. BOtUBf r. A. W1CHTU5, -5 i . I 'I ! - I ' . : ? '.- 1 ; 1 .-' H. V , '. K -yy-fy ' 'K'..'- i'ji if .'":if-; - ' - 5 J f IT ::l.' ' .''" ,! t "I '' 1 "::